#i can’t flirt or talk to men to save my life 😭
sugarcoated-lame · 1 month
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me nearly having a panic attack when a guy i’ve thought is cute for the last like year messages me on insta at 3 am
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riverstardis · 2 years
shock to the system:
oh that’s weird it does like the build up to the intro but then it cuts out?
oh sebastian grayling i forgot it was time for him
oh there we go there’s the intro
aww elle and dervla
lmaoo elle suggests putting the new f1 on dog sitting duty when he finally arrives and dylan’s like “do you think i’d trust an f1 to look after her?” sjskkf
alicia snuck out before cal woke up😬
elle asks ethan to mentor sebastian because she needs a “good reliable doctor” but says he’s too busy with a ctr review. dylan volunteers to mentor him… you may regret that bestie
elle’s like “but you’re a senior clinician?” since when did the seniors not have mentees?? maybe it depends on whether there are any (named) registrars actually there at the time? maybe it’s a registrar if possible like lily was rash’s mentor but like when paige joined there weren’t any registrars (technically there was matthew but he was paeds) so maybe that’s why she then got a consultant as a mentor? oh and archie was still off after being stabbed when mason started. and iirc alicia was initially meant to be bea’s mentor but ethan ended up taking over? idk how it actually works in real life though
cal bought alicia a toothbrush to keep at his to save her rushing off in the mornings and says he’s free tonight and she says she can’t because she’s washing her hair💀 jeez cal take a hint man
cal walks away looking so thoroughly traumatised that ethan asks him if he’s okay😭😭 he’s like “i’ve just been turned down…” and ethan goes “by a member of the opposite sex? no… WAIT do i hear the walls of jericho falliiing!!” DJSKFKKF
“so this is what it feels like? no wonder you prefer books to girls” 💀💀
ethan’s face falls so fast when he realises cal’s talking about alicia😭 though surely he was also there in the flat while alicia was there with cal?? i suppose he was probably already asleep when they got back, and i’m sure he’s used to cal bringing girls home at all hours
“she stayed over last night but she’s not playing ball today” “it’s not a game is it cal?” “see that’s where you’re wrong, little brother, it is all a game. and it’s a game i really like to win.” urgh🙄
sebastian’s so annoying
oh this actress played yaz’s mum in doctor who!
lmaoo robyn feels lightheaded and jacob catches her and sebastian’s like “hospitals change, nurses don’t” and makes like a drinking motion and jacob turns on him like “are you forgetting that i’m a nurse?”💀💀💀
cal keeps checking out his patient’s girlfriend and louise says to alicia that he’s like a dog on heat but that he doesn’t get that kind of reputation for nothing
cal implies that alicia’s jealous and she’s like “i’m the one who turned you down remember” he’s like “so you were turning me down” and she says it’s just not gonna happen is it “because you’re cal, the guy who sleeps with everyone, who flirts with patients’ girlfriends. men like you are the reason women don’t do relationships.” SJDKKFKG YESSS DRAG HIM
he’s like “wow. well maybe i’m like superman in reverse, take away the disguise and you’ll find clark kent” orrr she could go be with ethan and get clark kent without having to work through an arrogant disguise? she just goes “you wish mate” sjdkfkkf
cal’s clearly starting to actually like alicia at this point but like, if he just hadn’t slept with her in the first place when he knew full well she liked ethan not him he wouldn’t be in this situation would he?
oop cal saying alicia can keep believing that he’s the reason they wouldn’t work but really she would run a mile whoever he was. and asks her when was the last time she was serious about anybody😬
aww alicia’s mum rings her in tears about her dad and alicia’s crying by the end :( and ofc cal has to talk to her “turns out he’s just like every man in my life. but you know what, you’re right. maybe i am a bit messed up. but so would you be if you had two parents going at each others throats and a dad going through a mid life crisis.” “i’m sorry i wasn’t thinking” “yeah. so just do what you’re here to do and stop playing with my head, okay?” :(((
hmm was it sebastian saying “my dad’s gonna kill me” that made dylan consider giving him a second chance?
and then he immediately goes and resuscitates a patient with a dnr😭
ethan says he heard there was nearly a bit of an incident and alicia tells him that cal’s patient thought he was flirting with his girlfriend and ethan says it wouldn’t be the first time and alicia says to cut him some slack because he feels bad about it and ethan makes a jab at her sleeping with cal and says he has enough notches on his bedpost?! jesus christ that came out of fucking nowhere guess he’s hit his limit huh😭
yknow i’m not sure that’s even specifically because of his own feelings for alicia because he did a similar thing with lily when she slept with cal but he only saw lily as a friend, and it wouldn’t exactly fit with the fact that he willingly conceded his awards night ticket to cal because he “knew his place”. i think it’s more to do with him having a friend who he feels is on “his side” who can see through cal’s charm so he maybe feels betrayed when he feels like they’ve “fallen for it”. clearly that’s not healthy😭 get this man some therapy asap
aww seb finds dervla hurt :( he treats her in the staff room🥺
oop the patient’s girlfriend thinks cal and alicia are together and she say’s they’re not but it’s complicated and the gf is like “it’s only as complicated as you make it” and alicia immediately goes to speak to cal nooo bestie don’t listen to her she doesn’t know the full story! you don’t seriously think starting a relationship with someone while knowing full well you have feelings for his brother is going to be anything but complicated, do you?
cal suggests they just be messed up together😭
elle telling dylan how great sebastian was with dervla… maybe he should go be a vet instead of a human doctor?
ohh yeah it’s deffo the ‘arsehole dad’ card that’s winning dylan over
seb tries to hug dylan and dylan goes “there is no physical contact. ever. do you understand?” and seb says yes… dear reader, he did not, in fact, understand
i keep saying that cal must’ve known alicia liked ethan and i do think he did subconsciously at least but i think maybe he didn’t quite want to believe it or something which is why he doesn’t realise what he’s getting himself into? like i would not be surprised if he just couldn’t fathom the idea that any woman would pick ethan over him. the problem is that ethan couldn’t fathom that either😭
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