#i can’t believe matpat is leaving i love his energy :(
box-likes-minecraft · 8 months
i hope one of matpat’s last theories on game theory is abt minecraft, legend of zelda, or welcome home bc those are my favorites fnaf is also rly fun too
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lildevyl · 5 years
Swap!AU Sneak Peak
Okay, so I’m having a little Writer’s Block on how to start this piece!  But I want to write something that goes with this AU for @weirdmixofweirdness Live Stream and yes, I know I’m putting pressure on myself with me only having two weeks to write it!  But I want to do it!  So, please don’t @ me with that!  Instead, feel free to @ me with any kinds of advice on dialog!  I completely suck at that and can use all the help I can get!
Okay, enough of my rambling that’s not what you came to here to read!  On with the show
Enjoy the Story!
@10th-no-name-person and @thebluehearted  Sorry, for the teaser, but here the Boss Villain is revealed!
@huffletrax, Hey Lou! If this is something that your not interested in, please let me know and I’ll tag ya for another series!
I can’t breathe!  It hurts so much!  Even now as I lie here and I’m going to die, my thoughts go to you, but why?  Why am I thinking of you?  I was never your favorite, was I?  Oh, now I see these   .   .   .   are my memories of when we first met.  I’ll admit, I was so arrogant, I actually thought there must’ve been some kind of a mistake!  How could you be my Creator?  You weren’t strong, you didn’t know what you were doing, didn’t know how to use your Creator Power.  But boy, was I wrong!  You were strong, just in a different way.  Your strength came from your spirit, your heart, your compassion, your empathy, your kindness towards others.
When I first came to Septic City, I thought I was invincible, that I was the one that could do no wrong.  I got sick of the Corruption, having to play by the rules, having to be the “Good Guy” All the time.  So, when one of the gangs wanted to start a war, I decided to take action.  I rounded them all up, all arrogant, cocky, reckless, not even caring what happens.  Then I was face to face with the gang’s Boss.  He was outright to kill me too.  But that’s not what happened, instead, I wound up killing him.  I was so confused.  I felt bad for killing him, glad that stopped him, relieved that he would no longer be around.  But this was not what a Superhero did.  I didn’t know what to think!  I came to you, late at night, bloodshot eyes, tear-stained face, you let me cry in private.  Telling you what had happened, wore a hole in your floor from my constant pacing.
You listened, you didn’t judge me, not once, didn’t kick me out or had me fade.  Instead, you took me in, held me, and told about some heroes who did kill.  They do it if they have too.  If it was a,  you or them, situation.  Where you will have to kill because there’s no other choice.  Deadpool, the Punisher, the heroes who did kill, the Antiheroes, the fans called them.  Anti-Hero.  I really liked that!
Then you made me brothers.  Jackie, who became my sidekick in fighting crime.  The one that I finally realized that I had to change my outlook, what I thought a Hero should be.  Jameson Jackson, the Magician.  The one that came about because you wanted to branch out, try something new, instead of just video games.  And the fans loved him!  Chase, again because you wanted to do something different, but at the same time, all those “Doctor Games” were the inspiration for him.  You wanted to make sure that I was well taken care of and Chase was the perfect fit.  Henrik, the eccentric Ego, but I soon started to like his outlook on life.  Always trying to find a theory and whether or not it was true.  Experimenting became his thing with his friend MatPat.  And then came Marvin.  You wanted to do something special for Halloween, and you loved the old-time movies.  But neither you nor I knew that Dark would show up.  Putting doubt in me and the Community,  maybe even you.
I failed them.  I failed them all!
I failed Jackie.  I couldn’t stop Dark from taking him.  Corrupting him.  Making him think that the Community had forgotten him, replace him.  I failed Henrik.  I should have been there.  I could’ve stopped him, could’ve stopped Dark from kidnapping Henrik.   I could’ve stopped MatPat from becoming Matmare and I could’ve stopped Henrik from ever paying the ultimate price in escaping Dark’s clutches.  I could’ve saved Marvin.   I could’ve stopped Dark from ever trying to puppet him.  From making the Community think that he was ever a puppet!  I could’ve saved them all!  But I was reckless, impatient, needing to prove that I am the Hero that you made me, to be.  That I am Septic City’s Anti-Hero.
Maybe, it’s a good thing that I failed, because now.  Now, Sean, you can make the right hero.  Now, Sean, you can make a better Ego.  A better Anti-Hero.  A better Superhero.  One that you and the others need and the one that the City depressedly needs.  I’m so sorry Sean.  I failed you.  I failed to be the Hero, you wanted me to be.  The Ego, you created me to be.  Maybe now, you finally have a chance to make a new one, and start again.  Make a new Hero Ego, a better hero, then me.  Save them, save my brothers and the City.
Sean   .   .   .   I’m - so   .   .   .  Sorry   .   .   .  That I  .   .   .  Failed   .   .    .   You.
(Sean’s Apartment)
“Aaahhhh!”  Sean screamed holding his chest.  Pain.  Sheer white-hot pain just coursed through him.  That only happens if one of the Egos is in trouble!  Sean closes his eyes, he can sense everyone.  Everyone but Anti.  Oh, God what did Anti get himself into this time?
“Sean?”  Evelyn called bursting through the door. “Are you alright?”
“No. Anti’s in trouble.”
Evelyn didn’t know what to do.  She was so new to the whole Ego thing, but Anti needed Sean’s help.  It was very rare that he ever called out especially to Sean, but Anti was one of her favorite Egos next to Jameson.  Anti might not know it but he is one of Sean’s favorites as well.  
Evelyn sat down across from Sean, and put her hands on his and concentrated on Septic City and focused all of her energy on finding Anti.
‘Anti, if you're out there.  Hang in there!  You’re still one of Sean’s favorites!  Please don’t leave us!  Don’t leave your brothers!  Don’t leave Sean!  We still love you!’
Sean sat Indian style constraining on Anti.  He needed his help, Sean just hoped and prayed that he wasn’t too late!
‘Connect with me!  Please, Anti.  Please connect with me.  I don't want to lose you. ANTONIO!’
(Dark’s Mansion)
Jackie woke not remembering a thing.  Head pounding, lights blinding, and the room began to spin.  It took Jackie a moment or two to get his bearings.  When he did though, that was when he noticed this wasn’t his room.  The walls were painted maroon, the silk sheets were a soft grey, the currents blocking out the sun were a heavy charcoal grey.  Oh, yeah he was not at the Septic House anymore!  But where was he?  The last thing Jackie remembered was the interview that he, Anti, and Game Girl were doing live.  He doesn’t remember anything after that.
The door clicked and swung open, grabbing Jackie’s attention, and instantly froze upon seeing who it was.  “Ah, I see that ̧͡you'̵r͘͟͢e awake.”
Jackie’s breath caught in his throat.  No, no, no, no!  This can’t be happening!  Jackie was in the house, staring at the Dark Ego, which caused all of this!  The one that kept going after Sean!  Trying to get rid of him!  Get rid of Anti!  Of him! All of them!  Not even thinking twice of actions, Jackie lunged forward.  Grabbing a feather and using what Anti taught him, morphed into a feather shape dagger. And went to stab this son of a bitch!
DarkSepticeye just sidestepped Jackie and grabbed his wrist with ease.  Twisting it and his entire arm, forcing Jackie to drop the dagger.  Jackie tried to punch, slap, anything with his free hand.  Only for Dark to easily grab that one too.  Jackie struggled with all his might to get DarkSepticeye to let go.  But to no avail.  He just gripped him tighter, waiting until Jackie tire himself out.
“Is that a͟ny̵̴͠wa̸y̴ to thank the E͜͝go̵͏̕ that s̸͝҉av̕͡ed ͞ y̸̷o̸͞u̕r l̛í̵f̸e?̛͘͜”  DarkSepticeye asked.
Jackie stopped struggling.  Save his life?  “What?”
“So, you d͟҉o̕͜͞n͡'t know?  Typical that ḩé͞ would keep̶͡ ş͘͡om͞e͘͟͝t͟h̷̶͞ing͠ like this from y̶͡͡o͞u͟,”  DarkSepticeye said
“What do you mean?  Who kept what from me?”  Jackie asked despite himself.  He knew not to trust DarkSepticeye.  Not to trust what this - this Ego has to say!  But Jackie couldn’t help himself.  What was being kept from him?  What did Dark mean that he saved Jackie’s life?
“Oh, Jackie,” Dark said in an almost sympathetic way and let go of his hands.  “You were fading, my friend.”
Fading?!  Fading?  FADING?!  No!  NO!  NO!!!  That - that can’t be true!  He’s still here!  The Community still believed in him?  Didn’t they?  Sean still cared about him!  Right?  Anti, wouldn’t keep that from him!  He wouldn’t!  NO!  Not Anti!  He - he  .  .  .
“I’m afraid, what your ę̶͠x̧͏p̴̧ȩ̸͟riȩ̕n̸ç̷̵e is, what we all E̛͡g҉͝o͞s̡̀͞ go through.  It’s called D̕͢e̢͜͡n͝ia҉̡l̵, Jackie.  But yes, you were f̧͞a̵̛d̛in̸̨͡g͘͞.̶”
Jackie furiously shook his head.  “No!  No, no, no!  No, that’s impossible!  Anti - he  .   .  . would have told me!  The - the Community still believes in me!  And Sean!  Sean - he - he s-still  .   .   .”
“If you don’t bę͡l̶̀͞i̵̶e̵̸̷ve̶̡҉  me, Jackie.  Feel f̷̡ŗ̀͝ee to look for y̶o҉͘u̢҉̡ŗ̀͜s̵eĺ̕f.̧͘͝”
Against his better judgment, Jackie did just that.  Grabbing the laptop that appeared out of nowhere and heading to the desk.  Jackie opened up the laptop and scoured the internet.  On several social media, the Community posted several, fanfictions, stories, fan art, theories, and fan comics all of Anti-Hero and Game Girl.  He checked Septic City in Egopocalpse and just like the Community. 
News stories, articles, videos, vines, and even YouTube Videos were popping up everywhere.  But only with Anti-Hero and Game Girl and some of the Egos, that Jackie once called brothers.  How could this have happened?  Anti told Jackie when he first started training him that he was one of the Community’s favorite but now?
“H-how did this h-happened?”  Jackie managed to choke out.
“It appeared that Àn̸͘t͝i-̷͡He̵̢͞ro was the C͏̧̨o҉͢mmu̕͝ni̶ţ͘͠y’̀ś͠͝ favorite aĺ͝l ͏̨̨t̶̛͠his͞ tim̷e̸̷. He just d̢id̸n̡͢’t want to share the s̡͢pot̕͏lí̸gḩ̷̡t nor did he want the g̢ui̶l̵͢t͏̸ a҉ņ͟͡d ̵sha̸̡m̷͢e of you f̧͟͜adi̵̸ng being on his c͏̡͘ơn̷̷͝sc̸̀͠iou̧͘s.̷”
Jackie just sat there staring at nothing.  His brain refused to comprehend what was going on.  He felt so numb.  Was Dark right?  Was Jackie really not their favorite anymore?  Was he ever their favorite?
“Oh, don’t waste your tears, J҉a͝ck̀͜҉i͝e̷̡͘.  I can heĺ̷p ̛͝y̵͠ou̢͟ get back at them.  Get back at Sean.  Get back at Anti.  Get back at t̸he ͘̕̕Ć̵o͠m̷͞͠m̛̀̕u̷͜n̴̕i҉ty,̢͝”  DarkSepticeye extended his hand.  “Fo̶҉ŗ҉ ̵̨́a ̵͡pr̴͠҉ice̷̸͜.̡”
Tagging:  @weirdmixofweirdness, @a-humble-narcissus, @juju-on-that-yeet, @m4delin, @marshmallowmischief, @dolphintreasureart, @reverseblackholeofwords, @dezzydynamite, @nightfuryobsessed
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con-ka · 8 years
Gaster Theory Response
These are questions that popped into my head as i sat contimplating the things i heard in those three videos. and i will humbly attempt to discuss them..
1. How is flowey connected? He didn't explain the Hyper Goner and how flowey got it. After all, flowey is the product of alphys experiment, not Gaster. The shape of the hyper goner is Gaster's signature, NOT a result from too much determination.
2. How is monster kid goner connected? Monster kid Goner is not one of the G-Followers, he doesn't mention gaster, and his existence literally makes no sense since monster souls CAN'T persist after death. Not to mention, his behaviour and knowledge is too mature and knowledgeable unlike our alive monster kid. How does he know these things? Gaster is related, but how?
3. How can "you two" refer to Sans and Alphys if Sans was the result of his shattering, which means he didn't exist prior to the experiment?
4. How can something "Shatter" in equal amounts of left and right? Shattering is random and unequal. Cutting into two is SLICING not shattering.
5. How can the shattering be "across time and space" if it only created Sans and Papyrus?
6. If "you two" referred to Sans and Alphys, and Papyrus is also a part of Gaster who knows of his existence, why didn't Gaster refer to Papyrus too by saying "you three"?
7. (nobody mentioned this but I noticed it) wHaT ABOUT CHARA? is he related? because let’s be real his story makes no sense. Why did he get sick, what's with his irrational love for evil and hate for humanity? human souls can persist after death, but how can his soul FESTER in other people who let him? How can he be aware of resets and erasing and stuff when he's just a child and he died before he knew these things?
8. what about the determination? if it was in excessive amounts, where did it all go? assuming it’s a drug or a force, and not a "feeling", it’s a substance that was created. if too much went to sans and papyrus, they'd melt like the other monsters. what about the rest? did it all JUST go to sans and papyrus? how can any of this be equal if sans is obviously WAY stronger than papyrus
 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8 can all be answered via the following hypothesis:
 First of all, answering 4, 5 and 8. According to the G-Followers, Gaster shattered across time and space. Therefore, like Mat said, different pieces of him now exist in time and space, and that should include the excessive amount of determination that caused the shattering. However, the shattering did not merely produce Papyrus and Sans, but also fell in places in different timelines, and affected others besides them as well. Meaning, Sans and Papyrus together are NOT the whole of Gaster, but other pieces of him also exist elsewhere.
 I think Lab entry 17 wasn’t made as Matpat suggests as Gaster was breaking apart, how would he even manage that? It also speaks in the future tense.
(credited to the wonderful peeps at reddit, so’re all the lab entries referenced in this shit.)
See there, the experiment hadn’t happened at that point. What does he mean then? Well, A Photon is a particle representing a quantum of light or other electromagnetic radiation. So, when the Photon readings are “negative,” and that it’s getting “darker” and cutting “deeper,” he literally means recreating the power of determination requires A LOT of radiation, ones that are anti-light, in the undertale universe. They don’t seem to exist in our reality, but apparently they were measured by Gaster, who in turn let it get darker and more negative until he reached a value that destroyed him with the amount of whatever this energy is. He used this form of radiation to create the determination extractor.
This is a pretty large claim in term of the other question so I’ll explain myself:
I think it’s quite logical to assume that not all “shards” or parts of Gaster that were broken are in Sans and Papyrus, but where did they go? To answer questions 1, 2 and 8 we must consider what we know about Flowey, Monster Kid Goner and Chara. I’ll do so for each separately.
 Flowey: Flowey possesses the Hyper Goner, which is an attack that has Gaster’s signature design on it. That could be explained by how a piece of Gaster had fallen into the flower Alphys had experimented on. While the chances of that happening are slim, as Sherlock Holmes would say, if you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbably, must be the truth. This is all very dodgy I realize that, but if it were true, it would make sense how flowey after getting injected with determination has the Hyper Goner, not to mention it means the amount of determination in the ‘shard’ remaining from Gaster’s experiment enabled flowey to be stronger than usual. Because if you think about it, flowey didn’t break into pieces which means Alphys didn’t put a lot of Determination in the flower. And while Sans is aware and can sense time shifts, unlike flowey, he cannot actually manipulate time. So on top of the determination remaining from Gaster that Flowey already got (and let’s not forget whatever remained from Asriel’s soul after he died), Alphys made it so much worse by injecting it with more, thus creating a creature lacking of empathy. But hey, what about Asriel you ask? Fair question. Flowey IS supposedly Asriel without a soul. Well, the answer is in Entry no. 8
*I’ve chosen a candidate.
*I haven’t told ASGORE yet, because I want to surprise him with it…
*In the center of his garden, there’s something special.
*The first golden flower, that grew before all the other ones.
*The flower from the outside world.
*It appeared just before the queen left.
*I wonder…
*What happens when something without a SOUL gains the will to live?
 As you can probably guess from that, this flower she chose was not a random flower. It was seemingly a special flower, from the outside world nonetheless. Who died in a bed of golden flowers outside of the underground? That’s right, Asriel. His soul then is a little stronger than other monsters, it survived briefly in the form of a flower. How did it survive? Well, wouldn’t it make sense that this is Gaster’s shard’s fault? Some of his soul power or Determination (whatever you call it, it’s the same thing) went into the remaining soul lasting it longer. So because the soul was deteriorating, when Alphys injected Flowey, Asriel did not return. Flowey became alive, but didn’t have the soul to feel. Just a fuck load of determination, the will to survive, and a fragment of Asriel that remained in the shadows ever since. Like I said up there, improbable, but quite an interesting idea.
 Monster Kid Goner (Or I’ll call him Goner Kid): Unlike Flowey, Goner Kid is straight out a normal monster that we know called Monster Kid. And even though the Gaster Followers are pre-existing characters as well, unlike Goner Kid they speak of Gaster very directly. I’m not sure whether they’re influenced by Gaster’s scattered shards or determination, allowing them to exist in this timeline after being wiped clean, so I’ll leave them at that. On the other hand, Goner Kid is a completely different story.
 If you don’t save Monster Kid and Undyne saves him, he says “Undyne . . . You saved me . . .? Yo, I thought I was a goner, haha . . .”
If you think about the FUN value and Multiple timelines theory (the one where Matpat explained. U know, if you chose something in a certain timeline another timeline is created for the other option) you’ll realize just as there is a reality where Monster Kid survived, there must be another where his life ended. And that, I believe, is who Goner Kid is. He is Monster Kid from another timeline, from the one he died in. But if he died, how did his soul survive, let alone travel to a different timeline? Since Gaster’s shards traveled across space, and TIME, it’s quite possible one of the shards connected with Goner Kid before/after/during his death. Whichever way it happened, it explains how his soul lasted, how he can travel from timeline to timeline (if he got some determination from the scattered bits as well) so that us players can perceive him in multiple ones (timelines 90 and higher on the FUN value) and it also explains what he says.
Because let’s be real, Monster Kid is just a kid, he’s stupid. Or rather he’s not knowledgeable. Even if his soul survives JUST by the determination, that doesn’t explain how cognitively functional he seems to be when he’s in the form of Goner Kid. In fact, he talks about different universes as Matpat mentioned, but he doesn’t just talk about them, he UNDERSTANDS the weight of them and can conclude that the thought terrifies him. How would monster kid know that, if he hadn’t got that knowledge from having a part of Gaster in him? The fear of being erased, dead, non-existent somewhere else is scary to him. We don’t see that in sans despite sans knowing that. Actually, San’s okay with it, he tells you to say hello to other Sanses out there, albeit tensely in battle. And Papyrus may know about timelines, but he doesn’t seem bothered by it. It’s quite possible he didn’t consider what those things mean. Goner Kid embodies Gaster’s fears, worries and doubt about his experiment. He has the part that, after the shattering, is uneasy for the most part, and that translated into Goner Kids’ mind. So, my conclusion is that one of Gaters’ parts also fused with Goner Kid.
Chara: Doesn’t it strike you as strange that Chara, the first human CHILD (keyword being CHILD), hated humanity to the point of wanting to murder them? Like, not in an edgy way, but in a psychopathic way?
Psychopaths, by the way, are shown to have evidence of being unable to physically empathize/feels certain emotions since birth. Such as guilt and remorse. They end up being very problematic children, you can look it up. Chara wasn’t normal to begin with, he was both a human with determination, and probably a psychopath. Psychopaths are also categorized as cunningly manipulative and charming, could explain why the Dreamurr family took him as their own and loved him, he probably just acted. So when how did he get sick, die and survive enough to even inhibit Frisk? With this question we must refer to this, to answer the question as to how Chara was able to possess Frisk, we must remember
*We’ll need a vessel to wield the monster SOULs when the time comes.
*After all, a monster cannot absorb the SOULs of other monsters.
*Just as a human cannot absorb a human SOUL…
*So then…
*What about something that’s neither human nor monster?
Why would toby go out of his way to mention that in Alphy’s entry? (yes, it’s alphy’s, see proper grammar) It’s seemingly unrelated since she’s talking about the monsters and the bodies, this simile was uncalled for. Unless he’s telling us something about Chara.
 What Chara did was not possible for a human.
 How did he do it then, if it was not possible just by determination? This also answers the question of how Chara KNOWS what to do with the power of determination, and how to erase the world. Another Shard fell into him as well at some point, which gave him powers and knowledge quite abnormal. Allowing him to seep into Frisk the same way the shard seeped into him and Goner Kid.
Finally, answering questions 3 and 6:
The issues in the questions themselves indicate that 
1)  “You two” cannot have been referring to Sans.
2)  If it was, why didn’t it also refer to Papyrus? 
In my opinion, it actually doesn’t make sense that Gaster would do that. If sans is trying so hard to get Gaster back, and Gaster knows Sans exists, wouldn’t that stop him from performing the experiment in the first place? Wouldn’t that be a time paradox? More importantly, wouldn’t Sans himself stop him?
 No, I think it’s unlikely they existed. And if they didn’t, how would Gaster know they exist? Because there’s no proof he was aware of other timelines. And if he knew his body would shatter across time and space he wouldn’t do it, seeing as Sans is so PASSIONATE about wanting to go back that life elsewhere seems pointless to him.
 I think Gaster didn’t know he’d shatter, it was a bizarre experiment and he took his chances. Since the persons he was talking to in entry 17 weren’t Sans and Alphys, that leaves me with two options (they may be more I hadn’t considered but this’ll do for now):
 1. Alphys and Asgore. Why you ask? Well, the obvious answer is that he’s the royal scientist, isn’t he? His job requires him to report to the king new findings regarding to research that has to do with freeing people from the underground. Obviously, he documented it in an entry for purpose of reporting the progress.
2. Alphys and HIMSELF. No, not Sans or Papyrus or anyone, his future self. It is possible it was just a sarcastic joke for his future self to reflect on when he goes through the experiment. Since he’s not aware of the shattering business, if he survives he’ll be able to perceive the results either as a good or a bad thing. During the time he wrote the entry, the experiment was interesting to him, that may yet change depending on the result. So just like someone who writes a message to their older self, asking what they do and how they’re doing, it’s quite possible Gaster was sending a message to himself as well in the future in case he survives.
 Important note:
 Back to the skele bros, the shattered business is not possible with a right-left brain hypothesis. Because human physiology is sorta useless when it comes to monsters. What proof do we have that their brains are anything like ours, or are devided like ours? Seemingly every part of the skele bros has no muscle and is very dodgy looking. A human brain does A LOT of things besides thinking, it also administers reflexes, breathing, visceral contractions, muscle contractions, hormones and a shit load of sensory stuff. All of which do not apply to the skele bros, except the fact that they bleed. In fact, weirdly enough, we don’t know if Sans resembles Papyrus in the abdomen area. Is he fully skeleton? In the genocide route he’s cut across and the blood is shown through the entire length of his torso and stomach. That’s a weird wound for someone who’s a skeleton completely. So you see, biology isn’t really relevant here, so it’s stupid to say sans happened to have the left brain and papyrus happened to have the right brain, we don’t even know if Gaster had a brain like ours.
 Other problems are that despite sans being the left brain, he demonstrates lower frequencies of using higher language (and ends up using casual language constantly) whereas papyrus constantly uses over-the-top fancy words when he speaks. He sounds VERY posh. That doesn’t AT ALL fit with the brain theory. Not to mention, Matpat got it wrong. The game Sans finds difficult isn’t word search, it’s CROSSWORDS. Which is both language AND culture based. Something that needs actual knowledge of random crap, which is why everyone finds it hard. Papyrus ALSO has trouble with it, since he just fills them with Z and never solves them. So that part is kind of false.
 HOWEVER, and I will conclude with this, there is truth in this theory. Granted they didn’t purely take one side over the other, but the shattering did favour certain aspects of Gaster’s personality in Sans than Papyrus. Sans got most of the determination, the strength, knowledge, but he lacks thinks Papyrus has which are emotional motivation, caring for others, a sense of justice (lemme remind you Gaster did the experiment to free the people from the underground, no? that sounds pretty self-righteous to anybody. Sans isn’t as thoughtful; he only really gives a shit if it was Papyrus or to an extent Toriel.) and a tendency to use fancy ass words (entry 17 sounds Posh at any rate). Sans knows the scientific terms, but when he talks, he’s awfully casual.
But, they also share many things. They both have the ability to TALK and walk and eat (somewhat, idk how that works but hey I ain’t shaming) they both ADORE puns, though papyrus is less appreciative of it, and they get irrationally obsessed with one thing like Spaghetti, freedom or friends or in san’s case humans.
one question that i couldn’t answer is the following: If the entries 1-16 were written after gaster died by alphys and sans using his blue prints... when did gaster write entry 17, and why is it number 17, and why did sans (the author of all entries after 17) skip the number 17 unless he knew about it...
Disclaimer, i wrote this 1am it’s probably bs and i’ll hate myself later so heh
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