#i can put this on ao3 too if anybody requests it but i wont do it on my own alkdfj
buoyantsaturn · 3 years
for writing prompts!! the line “i wish you told me your mom was coming” or “stay here with me. for the rest of our lives.” which give very different vibes lol <3 but if you hate them no pressure!!
thank u for the prompt!! this came out so much longer than expected!!! 1.1k under the cut!!
Nico had been buzzing all day with the knowledge that he and Will had a movie date that evening. Will’s mom was going to pick them up from school and drop them off at the theater, since Will wouldn’t be able to get his license for another few months, and since there weren’t any busses that would get them where they needed to go.
They were going to see some space movie that Will loved, because the nearby theater was doing a special screening for some of the classics, so naturally Nico jumped at the chance to get them tickets. Personally, he didn’t care much to see the movie, but he was happy to see how excited Will had been, and he was looking forward to spending time with his boyfriend.
Most of all, now that he’d finally thought up the perfect way to do it, Nico was bursting at the seams to kiss Will for the first time. He knew it was a little cliche - the hand holding on the armrest, the yawn-and-stretch move, and most of all kissing in the back row of the theater - but these things were cliche for a reason, okay? It was all going to work out perfectly, because Nico refused to chicken out.
Until he realized that Naomi wasn’t dropping them off in the firelane outside the theater, but instead pulling into a parking spot. Then, she was walking them inside, flashing her own ticket to gain access to the concessions stand, and… Nico kind of wanted to cry.
He squeezed Will’s hand and tugged him closer, whispering in his ear, “I wish you told me your mom was coming.”
Will looked at him with confusion clear on his face in the furrow between his brows. “Why wouldn’t she? She loves Star Wars, almost as much as I do!”
Nico tried not to pout. “But… We’re on a date.”
“It’s fine,” Will assured him, “it’s not like she’s gonna sit with us. Maybe she’ll even buy us popcorn!”
Nico started to feel a little better once they got into the theater and Naomi picked a seat near the middle of the room, while Nico and Will kept climbing higher. Will propped the bag of popcorn on the armrest between them - bought by Naomi, which, okay, that helped Nico feel a little better, too - though Nico suddenly couldn’t think of anything other than his master plan. How was he supposed to hold Will’s hand on the armrest if there was a bag of popcorn there? How would he smoothly slide an arm around Will’s shoulders if Will wasn’t leaning in that direction? How was Nico going to draw Will’s attention away from the popcorn and the soda and his favorite movie long enough for Nico to kiss him?
Maybe he hadn’t thought this through as well as he’d thought.
As soon as the movie started, Nico turned into a nervous wreck. He couldn’t focus on a single thing - he had no idea what was happening in the movie, though he’d caught Will whispering some of the lines to himself at the same time as the actors spoke them on screen, which was just proof that Will had seen the movie too many times already. At some point, Nico was pretty sure Will had moved the bag of popcorn to the floor, because his hand wound up on the armrest. Nico’s eyes kept flickering down to it, though his nerves got the best of him, so he never reached out to take it. He did lean closer to Will, though, as if psyching himself up for the yawn-and-stretch move.
Then, Will’s arm slipped around his shoulders, and Nico almost jumped out of his seat. Did this mean that Will was on the same page? Was Will going to try to kiss him? Oh, now Nico’s nerves were through the roof. Why did he ever think he would be able to pull this off?
Nico tried to relax against Will’s shoulder, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to untense. He lifted his head a few times, trying to catch Will’s eyes so that he could pull the other into a kiss, but Will was always too enthralled by the movie. When the end credits started to roll, Nico felt himself sink into his seat in shame, having officially chickened out despite having the perfect opportunity. Or maybe it hadn’t been as perfect as it seemed.
As other moviegoers started to pack up to leave, Will sat up straighter and turned to Nico with a bright grin. “So? What did you think? Wasn’t it amazing? It’s so much better on such a big screen, it’s almost like you’re there, don’t you think?”
“Yeah,” Nico said nervously, “it was...great.”
“What was your favorite part?”
When you put your arm around me, Nico thought, but he knew he couldn’t say that, because that would be embarrassing, and would probably also cue Will into the fact that he hadn’t been paying any attention to what was happening on screen. He flushed with embarrassed horror as he watched Will’s eyes widen, and he realized that he had, in fact, said those words out loud.
“Oh,” Will said, a blush rising up on his own cheekbones. “Yeah, I...thought that was nice.”
“Me, too,” Nico replied, and ducked his head. He reached out for Will’s hand and held it on the armrest between them. “I also kind of wanted to hold your hand the whole time, and, um…” Would he have the courage to say it?
“Can I kiss you?” Will asked, and Nico’s head snapped up as Will beat him to the punch. “I, um-- I mean, is that too cheesy? Having a first kiss in a movie theater? If you’re not ready, we don’t have to, but. Um. I would...like to, if… If you wanna.”
Nico was nodding his head so fast he started to get dizzy.
“Okay,” Will whispered, and took a deep breath. Nico realized in that moment that Will was just as nervous as he was, which actually helped to calm him down.
Nico leaned in, squishing their noses together as their lips met, and he pulled away just as quick. He squeezed Will’s hand, though he had to look away, as if to hide the growing red coating his face.
When he finally chanced a look back at Will, he saw the other boy beaming back at him.
They held hands in the back seat of Naomi’s SUV for the entire drive to Nico’s parent’s house, both as red as tomatoes with matching smiles. When Naomi pulled into the driveway, Will insisted on walking Nico to the door, where he kissed Nico just as quickly as before, though there was a distinct lack of nose squishing, so it was so much better than before.
Nico couldn’t wait for the next kiss.
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morosoro · 3 years
Ones Among Us
A General Once Upon a Time fanfic
The Swan/Mills/Gold family has a game night.
Ao3 link here: Ones Among Us
Ones Among Us
All was quiet in the kitchen as she stacked onions and lettuce on top of a burger. With a bated breath she double checked the request. It matched! She sighed happily. One task down, many more to go.
Satisfied with her work here, she turned away from the counter, taking a moment to check her map. She needed to go to the vault. She would head north through the armoury. But when she put her map away she found herself trapped. He was just standing there in the middle of the corridor, ominously.
She tried to run east, hoping that maybe she’d find Emma still watching the cameras and find sanctuary in her presence, but she wasn’t fast enough. He caught her, and with his dagger in hand he killed her brutally.
A body had been discovered and a meeting called.
“Oh no! Poor Belle!” Snow chirped in first. “What happened?”
Emma was second, much more practical. “Where was the body?”
Regina, who had found the deceased woman responded “Ah ah ah, I want to know what everyone was doing first.”
Henry was first. “I was in the vault dressing up one of the statues. Grandma was with me, downloading something, I think.”
Snow hummed her affirmation. “Mhm! I was!”
Zelena stepped up next . “I was in the Cockpit.”
Then David after. “I was in Electric, flipping the switches.”
Emma. “I watched Cams for a bit, but then I moved over to Cargo. I can confirm that David was in Electric when I passed through.”
Neal followed her up. “Yeah, and I saw Emma enter Cargo. I was getting gas. What about you, Pops?”
“Hmm?” Rumplestiltskin replied. “I was in the Main Hall.”
“No you weren’t!” Interjected Robin. “I was in the main hall and I didn’t see you there!”
“Well, the main hall has many rooms. Perhaps we had tasks on separate ends of it?” Rumplestiltskin responded casually, a hint of annoyance in his tone.
“Perhaps…” Robin conceded for now, though he didn’t sound convinced.
“So nobody was near the kitchen?” Regina asked. Nobody responded. “That means somebody here is lying, because that’s where I found Belle’s body.”
“It’s Gold.” Emma said immediately, voting quickly to show she was confident.
“Oh, is it now? Do you have any evidence to back up your claim, Miss Swan?” Rumple queried.
“No, but my superpower, it tells me you’re not telling the truth.” She replied.
The accused chuckled. “Ah yes, your ‘superpower’, that’s right. Now, tell me Miss Swan, did it really tell you anything or are you just throwing blame on the first suspicious person you see in hopes that people don’t recall that security is right next to the kitchen?”
“You're forgetting that I didn’t go to the kitchen. I sat on cams half the round and then went east. I have two alibis.” Emma responded.
The Dark one hummed. “Why would you spend so long watching the cameras when you should be completing your tasks? Were you perhaps scoping things out? Seeing who was traveling alone and who was paired up? I say you saw that Belle was in the kitchen alone, popped over, killed her, and then headed towards Cargo just to get yourself away from the crime scene. Maybe Neal was your next victim?” He entered his own vote.
There was a long moment of silence.
“Nah, it’s definitely Pops.” Neal said as he cast his vote. “Emma wouldn’t double back to security. She’s more of a ‘keep moving forward’ type of gal. She’d have went to like, the armoury or something that way”
“Yeah, I think it’s Grandpa too.” Henry agreed, voting as well. “He sounds … suspicious.”
“I agree. There’s simply no way he was with me in the main hall!” Robin threw in his vote.
“Do you really think I would kill Belle, my wife, first? She’s my true love! I could never harm her! Not this early in the game.” Rumple tried, sounding indignant.
“That’s exactly why you would do it, though.” David said, sending in his own vote. “Nobody would expect me to kill Snow, which would make it really easy for me to get away with it if I ever did.”
“You’d kill me first?!” Snow asked, sounding distressed. “David!”
“I love you!” David replied.
“Yuck!” Zelena voted too. “I’m willing to vote for anybody just to get those two to shut up!”
Regina sighed. “I can’t believe I’m actually agreeing with you on something…” she voted as well. “Beside we’re nine, we can afford to vote Rumplestiltskin out, whether he’s impostor or not.”
Snow hummed thoughtfully. “Well, if everybody else is voting for Rumplestiltskin...” She voted last.
“I can’t believe this. You’re really all voting me off because Emma had a gut feeling? This is foolish!” Rumplestiltskin protested but there was nothing to be done. The votes were in.
Eight votes for Rumplestiltskin and one for Emma.
Rumple was An Impostor.
One Impostor remains.
Belle’s ghost floated up next to his. “Did you really think you could outsmart them?” She asked in the Ghost Chat.
“No,” he replied. “But it was worth a shot. I’m sorry I killed you first.”
“Don’t be! Turns out it’s much easier to navigate the map when you can phase through walls!” She told him. “So, who’s the other impostor?”
“Oh, it really is Miss Swan. She threw me under the bus to make herself seem trustworthy. I’ll admit it’s a smart tactic if you know your partner wont call you out on it and end the game.”
”Do you think she’ll win it for you guys? All on her own?” Belle asked him.
“Maybe. Especially if she keeps up this ‘superpower’ play.” He replied quickly. “But she won’t be doing this alone. I can still pull some strings behind the scenes as I am.” And as if to prove a point he sabotaged the lights.
A moment later Neal’s ghost joined them. He sighed, long, weary and irritated. “I hate to say it but, you were right, Papa. I was next...’
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oh-theatre · 5 years
Sycamore High: A Final Round (Chapter 40: Part 1)
A/N: I AM SO SORRY!! ITS BEEN FOREVER!! Also I have decided to split the final chapter into two parts! I promise I wont take three months to write the next one lol... Anyway!! I hope you all enjoy and once again! I am so so sorry
summary: As the year ends the gang has some unfinished things to wrap up
words: 4662
warnings: Swearing, kissing, homophobia
Ao3 Link
“Hey uh, bye fucker” Ted waves from the couch, stuffing his mouth full of newly opened cheeseballs.
“Bye asshole” Paul responds, lugging his bags towards the door. Chad and Henry watch from the opening in their kitchen.
“Are they friends? I can't tell” Chad asks softly, Henry laughs. “Alright, boys! Let's have a proper goodbye shall we?” Chad requests, glaring only slightly at his son. Ted moans standing quickly, he walks over to Paul giving him a quick hug. “Oh come on, you're best friends”
“We are like Stan and Kyle dad” Ted mumbles, Chad and Henry glance at one another, Teds references were a hit and miss with the pair. “Ugh nevermind, I don't need to give Paul a big giant hug, that's all I'm saying”
“Aren't those the two that dated?” Paul asks trying to remember.
“No that's Tweek and Craig” Ted corrects, Paul nods an ‘ah’ sound escapes “You gotta watch more ‘South Park’” Ted chides, Paul laughs.  
“Wait does that mean you're going to write me a song because you miss me” Paul mocks, recalling the events of the previous few episodes. Teds not sure whether he's impressed or offended.
“Of course I will” He teases back, Henrys given up. “Alright say goodbye to Clyde” Ted requests, Paul awes kneeling as the sad pup comes up to him, licking his face goodbye. He stands after a moment of cuddling and faces the professors.
“Thank you so much for letting me stay here” He goes up and hugs Henry and Chad, they return the gesture happily. “It was really nice” He smiles, they ruffle his hair allowing him to face Ted now. The professors share a glance before promptly exiting the room, leaving the friends alone. Clyde jumps into Ted’s arms receiving soft pets. “Well it’s been fun” Paul commented jokingly, Ted laughs giving his friend a hug.
“Look, just come back whenever you need to ok?” He asks softly. Paul nods pulling away.
“Sorry, I’m a bit late” Emma joins in, opening the door as she makes her way into the apartment. Ted gives her a nod, Paul greets her with a quick kiss on the cheek. “Ready?” She hopes, he nods giving Ted one last look of gratefulness before stepping out of the apartment and joining Emma on her descent downstairs. “You ok?” She checks before hopping into the car, Paul joins her after stuffing his belongings into the back.
“Yeah, I just got so used to living with Ted it'll be weird… ya know?” Emma nods starting the car “But I'm really excited to go home and sleep in my bed and be with my mom” He lists excited, Emma giggles at his antics heading onto the road. The drive isn't too long and Paul had offered to just walk but Emma wanted to be there.
“Are you hungry at all?” Emma inquires carefully, inputting Paul's house into her GPS. Paul ponders for a moment, the professors had sent him off with plenty of food in his stomach.
“No I’m ok, how are you?” He responds, fiddling with the ends of his jacket. He realized how long it had been since the pair had been alone together, just the two of them. He loves their friends but… it was nice.
“I’m ok, Charlotte is having a fashion crisis about her outfit for the wedding. She wasn’t expecting to be asked to sing so...but now she has Jackie for that.” Emma turns “Who mind you, is much better at that than I am” She admits, Paul laughs. “Speaking of the wedding…” She twirls her fingers over his hand, playing with it.
“Yes?” He turns, smiling.
“Well, what colors are you wearing? I want to match” She chimes, Paul laughs. “What?” She grins towards him, adorable confusion.
“Nothing, I'm wearing a standard suit, with a hint of blue” He explains, she raises an eyebrow. “I’ve been with Henry too long…”
“Blue” She repeats thinking it over, she pulls into Pauls driveway “I can do blue”
“Thanks for driving me,” he says, staring fearfully at the house in front of him. Emma takes his hand, kissing it softly.
“Did you really think I was going to let you waltz in there alone?” Emma wonders, Paul laughs stepping out of the car. Emma joins him, helping him with some bags. They trudge up the driveway, the sweltering heat hitting them quite hard. “Ready?” She asks, he nods pushing open the door, silently praying no one is home. He makes his way softly into the house hoping nobody can hear him, if anybody is home that is. Emma takes his free hand, grasping it protectively.
“Paul!” Alice exclaims running up to her brother, her hug causing him to drop all his things as he returns the gesture. “I missed you so much!” She tightens her grip, Paul struggles for air, silently pleading to Emma. She coughs loudly gaining the attention of a certain Matthews sister, who pulls away apologizing.
“I missed you too” He responds, he scans the room looking at the empty kitchen/living room. It feels lonely, sad, dreary, what are other adjectives for lonely? “Where is mom?” He inquires, walking further into the house.
“She took Joe out while you came home”
“I'm so tempted to make a ‘Joe mama’ joke” Paul mumbles, Emma seizes trying to contain her laughter. “So it's just us?” He continues, Alice nods. “I'm gonna go put my stuff away, Em?” Emma smiles a greeting to Alice before following Paul upstairs. She had forgotten what his room looked like having spent so much time at the professors.
“Excited to be home?” She asks as Paul flops onto his bed, clutching his pillows close.
“So excited” He gleams, he throws a pillow her way, a mischievous grin spread across his face.
“You are starting something you can't finish Matthews” Emma throws it back a little rougher, Paul raises his brows sitting up. He throws two more at her, hitting her square in the face, she laughs ready. “Is that a challenge Matthews?” He nods coyly receiving a pillow in his face as a response. They continue for a little while circling around the room and bouncing on the bed, pillows flying everywhere. Finally, Paul catches Emma, wrapping his arms around the squealing teen smothering her with quick pecks.
“Gotchu,” He says, turning her to face him. She shrugs pulling him in for a kiss.
“Suppose you do” She comments back, he pulls her in kissing her prolongedly, holding on to this moment for a while. They pull apart needing a moment, desperate for air. “Well damn Paul… but uh… I don't think that's how you play pillow fight”
“Uh Emma, you don't play pillow fight, you live it” he corrects, Emma laughs pushing him off. He smiles, melting back into his cozy bed, Emma sits next to him. “Mmm home” He hums softly, Emma fiddles with his hair.
“I love you” Emma whispers sweetly into his hair, kissing his forehead. A soft umph escapes her as Paul hits her with a pillow once more, rolling off the bed laughing. “I take it back” She grumbles, coughing some feathers out of her mouth. Paul leans forward, taking Emma's face in his hands.
“No, take-backs,” He says, kissing her again. He could do this forever.
“Are you seriously telling me you can’t tie a tie?” Tommy chides, looking up from his magazine as he lounges on Ted's bed. Ted stands in front of the mirror, growing exceedingly frustrated at the knot around his neck he claims to be a tie.
“Don't be mean, help me” He begs, tugging annoyed at the patterned garment. Tommy groans rolling off the bed. He stands joining his boyfriend in the mirror. Ted pouts as Tommy swats his hands away, intricately working on the tie, patting it flat once he's finished. “Perfect, thank you,” He says, kissing Tommy on the forehead before turning back to the mirror.
“You know I’ve showed you a million times right?” Tommy comments flopping back onto the bed. Ted bites down a knowing smile. It's not that he likes when Tommy helps him, its that he loves leaning forward, planting a surprise kiss directly onto Tommy, leaving him flustered a moment after.
“Yeah but I forgot” Ted admits, Tommy groans once more, laughing annoyed into a pillow he had used for propping his magazine on. Teds not going to lie, that sound had been sorely missed. And so had the flutter in his chest, the one he got everytime Tommy even batted an eye his way. “Shouldn't you be getting ready?” Ted remembers, checking the time. Tommy hums softly, flipping through the pages.
“Yes! But I don't want to” Tommy exclaims, Ted finishes his hair, deciding there is nothing more he can do for it before turning to Tommy. He gives the smaller boy a look, Tommy bites his lips before giving in. “My parents want me to wear this suit, and I hate how it feels” He complains, Ted moves towards the bed, squatting in front of Tommy who lays forward, his head resting in his hands.
“You don't have to wear the suit” Ted begins, Tommy tilts his sad head. “Ok, I wasn't sure when or how but...I asked Jackie for a favor…” Almost instantly Tommys face lights up. Ted giggles, taking Tommy's hand in his own. He stands, allowing Tommy to follow him towards the closet. Tommy clutches to Ted scared if he even missteps he will be gone, lost because Tommy failed to keep him. It's silly, he knows, but it's his silliness.
“Mmm not my favorite place” Tommy jokes, Ted stifles a laugh, nudging Tommy softly. He opens the door revealing a dress. Tommy's jaw dropped, just the reaction Ted had hoped for. The dress matched Teds burgundy theme, white lace to decorate it. It was of appropriate length, but perfectly flowy. Tommy continues gaping, Ted wraps his arms around the smaller boy from the back, his head leaning on Tommy's shoulder slightly. “Do you-
“Don't even finish, I love it” Tommy admires. Ted smiles triumphant, planting a sweet kiss on his cheek. Tommy continues smiling as Ted releases his grip, Tommy moves forward taking the dress and excusing himself into the bathroom. Ted goes back to his own outfit, sitting at the tip of the bed as he ties his shoes. He hums softly allowing the silence to envelop him in his thoughts, the reality of his life, his situation everything that had happened hitting him. He didn't mean to cry and it wasn't ...bad per se but it did feel weird. He shakes his head, wiping away any remnants, everything was fine.
“Everything is fine” He repeats out loud, staring grimly at his reflection. His outfit is fine but everything just seems one-off. Not that he could think about it much as something catches his eyes in the mirror, the bathroom door sliding open, a very nervous Tommy stands in it. How many times must a person's jaw drop today? Tommy looked perfect in the dress, everything fit him and he was just…”Perfect” Ted marvels, his eyes might as well be pounding hearts.
“What?” Tommy laughs, spinning only slightly as his dress follows him.
“You look...perfect” Ted grins nodding, he's smooth, he's got this. Tommy squeals, Oh no...he does not got this. He expects more happy squeals and delighted smiles but Tommy’s face drops, he plops on the bed. “Tommy? What’s up?”  Ted asks, sitting next to him.
“I just don't know how my parents are going to react to...this” he gestures to himself, Ted bites his lip. “I should just go in the suit” He decides, his voice emulating quite the opposite sentiment. He stands but Ted stops him in his tracks.
“Gumdrop you can wear whatever you want but please… I want you to be comfortable, not itchy and...saggy” He tries, Tommy raises a brow. “I don't remember what you said” He admits, Tommy laughs, he stands on his tiptoes planting a soft kiss on Ted’s lips.
“Hey, you two” They pull apart quickly, being interrupted by Chad. He hides a coy smile, no matter how much he loves Tommy, he is still a father and he has rules. “Almost ready to go?” He asks, Tommy nods collecting his things. He folds his clothes putting them neatly on Ted's chair, knowing he’ll be back later to collect them. Ted finishes his last arrangements before stepping out of the room following his dad to the living room. With one more unsure glance in the mirror, Tommy follows them.
“Well look at you two” Henry claps, Chad smirks giving his husband a kiss on the cheek before retreating into the kitchen for a cup of tea. “You ready to sing?” he teases, Ted moans nervous, the churning in his stomach growing. Tommy takes his hands squeezing it supportively.
“You're going to do great!” Tommy encourages, kissing his cheek just the same. Henry excuses himself to the car, packing up some things for the ceremony. Chad joins him a moment after, helping with his own load. Tommy and Ted are left in the apartment. “Ready dearest?” Tommy inquires, leading Ted to the door.
“I hope so…” Ted mutters, following Tommy. He would follow him anywhere.
“Char, you need to take a breath” Jackie suggests, Charlotte shakes her head continuing her frantic pacing. “Here have some tea” Jackie offers holding up a fresh cup, Charlotte turns to her eyes wide completely baffled.
“No! No, I can't drink anything right now unless its water! It'll create stuff in my throat!”
“Bubbles!” Jackie shouts, she doesn't mean to but she can't deal with the stress. “You need to take a breather Char, please sit down and just breathe” Jackie begs, Charlotte pouts but heeds her advice nonetheless.  
“I'm sorry I just do not want to sing, I can’t sing, why did they ask me to sing today?” Charlotte rambles. Jackie sits next to her girlfriend taking her hand softly, she kisses her cheek lightly hoping her makeup doesn't smudge. The girls were waiting now at the wedding, they were early since they were not just guests but performers. “Where is Ted? And Tommy?” Charlotte rushes “They should be here by now” She notes, Jackie nods sighing. She stands taking Charlotte with her.
“You need to dance” She decides, Charlotte laughs nervously, her breath shaky.
“Really? Right now?” Charlotte whines, Jackie nods swaying slowly around the room following the steps of the band warming up. Though a little clunky they make it through, dancing around the room and soon Charlotte forgets her past worries and allows the music to guide her. After a while they flop back onto the couch, sighing content. “Better?”
“Much better” Charlotte yawns cuddling up closer to Jackie, they have awhile before they have to do anything so they spend the rest of the time just relaxing. It's definitely just what both girls needed before the wedding.
“No no! That's supposed to be over there!” Ted corrects. The man, presumingly the one in charge of flowers, scatters fixing his mistake quickly. “Ugh imbeciles,” He says, Tommy laughs playing with Ted’s freehand while the other clutches to a clipboard. “It's not funny Tommy” Though he is still frustrated his voice softens, he's not mad at Tommy, no reason to take it out on him.
“Mmhm” Tommy hums, Ted rolls his eyes walking towards the arch. Tommy follows him admiring the garden, it was perfect. “It’s…” Tommy marvels
“Wrong! All wrong!” Ted grumbles, Tommy takes his chin facing him towards himself. “What?” Ted pouts, Tommy kisses him.
“You need to calm down, it looks beautiful dearest” Tommy complements, Ted sighs. It does look wonderful, Ted has worked hard he was just...stressed. “Now come, we have other things to check on” Tommy interlaces his fingers with a very reluctant Ted and leads him towards the two tents. They peek in waving as they approach Jackie, Charlotte, Emma and Paul.
“Looks great Ted” Paul comments, Tommy rubs his boyfriend’s shoulder reassuringly.
“Thanks I guess…” Ted grumbles looking over his list, his soft mumbling of different things he needs to do. “Ok can I enlist your help?” Ted hopes, Paul and Jackie shoot up, Tommy purses his lips happily at the trio. “Jackie can you take Emma to food? Make sure it’s all accounted for?” The girls nod sharing a quick handshake before leaving. “Awesome” He says flatly. “Gumdrop will you check in on music with Paul?” Tommy nods, Paul gives awkward finger guns before following Tommy out of the room. “Guess you're with me” He tells Charlotte, she smiles taking his hand to stand.
“S’cuse me?” Tommy asks politely tapping on one of the musicians. They turn a flashing grin on their face, Paul stands idle looking over the list Ted gave him.
“Can I help you kid?” The gruff man sounds exactly as expected, low and smooth. He takes notice of Paul, a greeting of clicking his tongue. Tommy gleams taking the list from Paul, freely of course, Paul wasn't much of a talker.  
“I just need to make sure everything is in working order!” Tommy says, the man shrugs giving him permission. “A harp player?” The man nods pointing to a woman practicing, he checks it off. Tommy continues until he's finished turning satisfactorily towards Paul, his dress spinning with him.
“I like your dress” Paul comments, Tommy smiles thankfully “Jackie I'm assuming” Tommy nods, they walk slowly now indulging a nice conversation checking in on other things just for it. It was getting heated in the most friendly way debating over silly things for the fun of it. “Oh!” Tommy exclaims delighted “You can't mean that” he laughs, Paul laughs back. “See I th-”
“Tommy?” Tommy stops turning, he might have gasped but why should he be surprised. Teagan and Eric looked so disappointed Tommy wanted to laugh, that might be the only look he’d ever seen cross their face. “What on god’s green earth are you wearing?” Teagen seethed. Tommy didn't trust himself to answer, Paul on the other hand…
“It's called a dress, miss Sweet” He informs dryly. Paul exams her outfit, thank god for Jackie “But I see how you could miss that…” He says clearly alluding towards her own outfit, she looked like an off-brand royal member. Teagans eyes widen, a vicious scoff escapes.
“Do you know who I am?” She threatens, Eric puffs out his chest.
“No, frankly I don't” Paul admits, Tommy’s shoulders fall a small pout. He appreciates what Pauls trying to do but he would like to leave. Teagan scoffs once more, Tommy averts his gaze.
“You really are quite a charmer aren't you Tommy?” She smirks, Paul ushers the pair back a little as she moves forward. “Everyone just loves you, don’t they? What are you, his other boyfriend?” And as if something connected them they both felt the same emotion. It wasn't the assumption that he was with Tommy, but the way that she talked about her son that set Paul off. Tommy felt offended on behalf of Ted and Paul, how dare she?
“Mom just stop, ok? For once don't make everything about you, it's a wedding!” Tommy exclaims, Paul smirks to the ground “I need to go help Ted so that's exactly what I'm going to do” Tommy decides, Teagan goes for more but Paul shrugs walking away following Tommy.
“That was impressive” Paul quipped, Tommy gives him a weak smile feeling more uncomfortable in his dress than ever before.
“Please don't mention it to Ted, he has enough on his plate” Tommy requests, Paul nods despite knowing he wouldn't be keeping this secret. Ted would want to know, out of all the people, he would want to know.
Paul wonders how they ended up here, the year started out so light. Racing through the halls trying to get away from a less than happy principal, playing smash bros with Ted, coffee runs with his sister. He hates to admit it but he wishes he could start the year over. He would give Ted his mom back, he wouldn't even look at Billy, he’d make it all better. It sounds stupid, he knows, but he would trade anything, anything for a year of betterment than...whatever their year was.
“Nervous?” Ted wonders, checking in on his father one last time. Henry scoffs adjusting his cufflinks in the mirror, Ted smirks. “I’ll take that as a ‘yes’ ” Ted teases, Henry laughs finishing his adjustments. The tent is empty now as everyone takes their position, eager to push on.
“No no, I would be nervous if I wasn't sure” Henry hums. Ted, who itches for anything of his parents past or feelings, listens. “But I have been in love with that man for over twenty-four years, I’d be more nervous at the fact that I wasn't sure” Henry jokes
“S’cute” Ted mumbles, rubbing his eyes for a smidgen of adrenaline “Well I'm going to go get started, you good in here?” Ted checks one more time. Henry nods returning to the mirror. Ted smiles as he advances to the garden, bustling people clamoring over their chairs. He spots Charlotte by the band warming up and testing her vocals with the sound. She waves brightly at him before continuing, Jackie sits watching her with pride.
“Ok fine I wouldn't kill Eugene but like-” Paul joins Ted
“It’s not even a debate Paul, there is no ‘but’” Ted replies without missing a beat. “You don't kill Eugene” Paul sighs rolling his eyes. “Don't be sad, because sad spelled backwards is das and das not gut” Ted quotes, Paul snickers nudging his friend.
“Hey, look at how far you've come” Paul reminds “You used to be a jerk, and now you're a wedding planner and a jerk” Paul jokes “But honestly, look at you! You're out, you've got an awesome boyfriend, killer friends-” He gestures to himself, Ted sucks in a sharp doubtful breath “Great parents” Paul compliments, Ted snorts
“You've been hanging out with Jackie too much” Ted decides “You forgot the alien” Ted notes, Paul cocks his head. “The one I rescued from Area 51? Yeah, his name is Gordon and he's a chef” Ted announces, Paul nods diligently “Not to sound sad on main but you ever miss…” He trails off
“The beginning of the year? Yeah kinda” Paul admits finishing Ted’s thought. “Ted your mom would be really proud of you, seriously. She would love Tommy, she’s always loved your voice and acting, and you planned a wedding!” Paul rejoices, Ted gives him a grateful smile in return. “Also I have reserved one dance for us, because no matter what you and Tommy are, we are the OG's” He says wistfully, Ted throws his head back laughing.
“Still not interested Paul” Ted teases thinking back on his many years of putting up with his best friend.
“Still don’t care” He quips in return, Ted rolls his eyes. “Hey look its-
“My bitch” Ted instantly shakes his head “Nope, not me, did not work, regret it, 0/10 would not recommend,” He says as Tommy approaches a confused look befalls his face. Tommy smiles wary, Paul tries hard not to laugh but nods. “Hi” He says simply
“Hi dear...you good?” Tommy checks, Ted gives him to thumbs up, blushing red as he does so.
“Yes I think everything is ready and gucci to go” He decides going through his list one more time. Emma approaches sliding her hand into Pauls, he greets her with a kiss before turning to Ted.
“Flowers are good to go! And so is everything else!” She muses, Ted shoots her a grateful glances. “All there’s left is to-”
“Get married” The group turns, Chad stands proudly, Ted smirks nodding his head.
“Looking good pops!” He shakes his head instantly, Tommy and Paul stifle more laughs. Ted turns to Tommy sighing “I need sleep” He nods leading his boyfriend towards the seats. Chad smiles allowing the rest of the children to take their seats. “I’ll be right back” Ted whispers going up to his father.
“Sup” Chad jokes, Ted laughs rolling his eyes. Chad nudges his son, giving him a tight hug. “Thank you Ted”  The boy cocks his head “For everything, out of all of this, you are the best thing to happen all year”
“Hey, that's not fair to me” The pair turn, small gasps from Chad as his eyes fall on Henry. Ted gleams nodding.
“I am pretty amazing” Ted teases, Henry shoves him receiving one back. They continue before Henry ultimately wins, wrapping his arms around Ted. “Ew affection”
“I’m marrying a child” Chad mumbles rolling his eyes as he separates the pair. “If we ever get married” He groans, Henry pouts but nods defeated.
“Alright, I’m going dear” He says, a quick squeeze to Chad's arm before he rushes to the altar. Chad turns to Ted nodding, a brief hug before Ted returns to Tommy. He looks to Charlotte who might be too busy watching Jackie, a clearing of the throat and she begins.
“Wise men say…” She starts slow, her voice carrying as the crowd silences. Chad shakes his head playfully, remembering the first time he did this. A lot less people were there, and hell was he nervous. “Only fools rush in” She sings, smiling at her professor. Chad takes a breath before taking his first step. It's silly isn't it, they didn't have to go through all of this. They were dramatic though, what did you expect?
Soon enough he finds himself at the end of the aisle and shaking. Ted stands leading him the final way up, kissing both his parents on the cheek as the song finishes he sits once more.
“Falling in love….with..you” She bows accordingly before taking an excited chair next to Jackie. A sweet kiss as congratulations. The ceremony went pretty fast on its own.
“Chad, my love” Henry begins, soon enough wailing and sobs can be heard. Henry sighs as Chad laughs through his tears. “We have been together for twenty four years, you have been my-
“Dad! You’re boring me!” Ted interjects. Henry turns, scoffing. Ted smiles as Tommy buries his head.  “Kidding!” Henry faces Chad once more.
“Could I borrow that” He gestures to Chads bouquet, his partner laughs handing it over. He chucks it delicately at Ted who catches it, the crowd laughs. “Ok, anyway” He eyes Ted “Chad, I don't have much more to say that I haven't told you every morning and every night. I love you, more than words or weddings or anything can describe. I would give you the world, but you are my world” Chad stifles his own sobs, squeezing maybe a little harder than he needed to on Henry's hands.
“Fuck, that’s a really good line” Ted whispers to Tommy, his boyfriend takes his hand and places it over Ted’s mouth. “Mmmmmmmm” He tries to speak.
“I love you but shush” Tommy begs, Ted rolls his eyes but agrees.
“My turn!” Chad hopes, practically buzzing with affection and adoration.“Henry, from the moment I saw you across the highschool theatre, to the moment you kissed me under the barren lights of the stage” Henry smirks, feeling a blush occur. “I love you, I don't know how else to put it. How do you put the truth into words? I love you so much Henry” He admits, not...no not admits. Reaffirms, as he would do until the day he took a dying breath. Soon enough the ‘I do’s’ are through and their lips are locked. Cheers erupt as they embrace excited, a much too impatient Ted jumps up wrapping them up in his arms. And for this moment, just this frozen sophisticated moment of pure delight.
It was perfect
...for now
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