#i can probably stave off worrying about file space for one scene or maybe three
Logistics of Moving Off Tumblr
With Status Update 13 now complete, I'm following through on what I said before. Scene 14 and onwards will no longer be concurrently updated on Tumblr. All future live updates will instead go on the official IWSY website, and you can find the current scene under the Table of Contents.
I haven't set comments up yet, but I will get on that within the next week; I do have some code on how to implement one, but I have a lot of backend work to sort out before I'm confident about this being any sort of long term solution. If by the end of the week I haven't implemented the comment box on the current scene, you can continue to send in actions through this blog, which will stay up, or you can join the official IWSY Discord server to send your actions there. Functionally, very little should change except the fact that things aren't being live updated over here anymore. The AO3 version will receive no changes.
Additionally, this blog will likely become more of an ask blog tied to IWSY. Plot relevant asks will be marked as such, but since this is no longer being used as the gameplay interface, there's less of a need to keep things delineated. All prior rules stated still apply, don't be unpleasant etc, but honestly the shit yall did on their birthday was hilarious, so why not lmao. Would still appreciate actions being headed by a > sign so it's easier to tell who's playing and who's just sending in asks.
If you've already looked at the site, you might have noticed that the character files tab has a lot of information and also some art (drawn by Viridian!) that hasn't ever been mentioned on Tumblr. Plans to expand that have been made, I just need to find time to write stuff. Expect other additional info like that to pop up on the site, because it gives me far more control over what I display and how I display it, so if you needed extra prompting to go check that out, this is it, wink wink.
A lot of things are in flux right now, but I sincerely hope you enjoy the story enough to stick with me. If not, thank you for sticking around for as long as you did. I'm deeply grateful I've had the chance to write this story at all through all the changes its made. I'm definitely going to keep writing it, it just will look a little different from what I initially imagined, but it's for the better. All of this means so much to me.
Anyway. If no one sends asks in, this will be the last post on this blog for a long while most likely. Been nice talking to you all.
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