#i can picture joanna at her wits end giving jaime off to kevan and being like YOU teach him how to be a westerosi man tm
tweedfrog · 2 months
I think an interesting point to note regarding Joanna and Tywin's relationship with their childten is their ability to distance themselves from their children's failures and how different it is for Joanna and Tywin because of their genders.
Like if you look at HOTD show canon you see Lyonel Strong blaming sorcery for Larys' club foot and Tywin specifically blames a Tyrion's dwarfism for killing his mother. Tywin never addresses the twincest but it's not outside of the realm of possibility to think he'd blame cersei and shove the entirety of the blame onto her in an attempt to save at least Jaime and have a perfect heir for the Lannisters. Theoretically (altho we know he won't do this because he thinks Lannisters are simply above everyone else) he could marry again and sire an entirely new set of children if his first bunch didn't turn out well enough.
However if Joanna had lived I think its crucial to realize she absolutely wouldn't have been able to do this. As a woman she would have been blamed for any troublesome behaviour in Cersei and Jaime and would DEFINITLEY have been blamed for Tyrion's dwarfism. She cant externalise her childrens failures and just blame witchcraft. Joanna and the children's fates and their status would be much more closely tied together than Tywin's and his children.
So i don't think we'd simply see the same forms of parental abuse Tywin metted out to his children. It would be a whole other kind of thing and I think would really change the dynamics and personalities of Cersei Jaime and Tyrion
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