#i can go on bc it's a huge and old soapbox but there's not much that hasn't been said before and better
wreckedhoney · 3 months
it might be the hormones talking but i am like in some throes of discouragement
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baliins · 2 years
ok I'll bite, this is your invitation to talk about ingwe if you want!
omg so ingwe is my man my buddy my ride or die u know....im just a huge fan of him and i wish tolkien wrote more on him bc u can't just pepper in the fact that he is the high king of the eldar like THE high king and never expand on that. so allow me to climb onto my little soapbox and talk about some general headcanons for ingwe 📢
first of all - in my pov - he's like massively tall. like he's not thingol tall bc his old buddy in the forest is like a tree. but he's definitely taller than maedhros. not by heaps because nelyo isn't called maedhros the tall for nothing. but ingwe is abt just 7'8 (bc i think thingol is 8 foot and maedhros is 7'6). ingwe never tells finwe but he's worried that his eldest grandson might grow taller than him but luckily that never happens. thank god.
then even if its up to interpretation for everyone, i like to think of him as having a light skin tone and very blue eyes but veering towards dark blue. he's def a blondie, he has that pretty vanyar colour that seems to be almost golden but paler strands are caught in the light. it's wavy and thick too!!
ALTHOUGH even tho most elves treasure long hair and like to keep it long (and especially, the vanyar - they are so picky abt appearances), ingwe's hair stops just after his shoulders. and courtiers are always like 'why doesnt he grow his hair out 🤨' and ingwe is like sorry i cant hear u.
he always kept his hair shorter since the days when he was in middle earth, and living a far more treacherous life before coming to valinor. it was practical for him and he felt more comfortable with it being out of his face. or he goes around with a half up/half down hairstyle and no one has the audacity to tell their high king that he should have long hair. like its ingwe, what can ya do?
my main hc for his personality is that even though he presides over arguably the most gilded/golden eldar, he's not a fan of being ostentatious and showy. he's not the flamboyant sort.
i kinda hc all the three high kings of valinor to be like that. ingwe, finwe and olwe both came to valinor from middle earth in the early days of the eldar. they made that treacherous journey and i feel like they were a bit more 'savage' in those days. so even though, they are far more comfortable now - they never really forget what it was like being hunted by foul creatures and seeing their people being captured by melkor.
ingwe used to be a hunter. when the elves first awoke, they had their own 'tribes' of a sort with a chieftan (the vanyar were lead by ingwe's grandfather - imin). they banded together, hunted for furs and used spears. they had such close tight-knit loyalty and they really did live off the lands of arda.
he was furious when melkor was released. like don't get me wrong he respects the valar a lot. and he's pretty devout towards them too. but ingwe couldn't understand why the valar let melkor walk among the eldar and the blessed lands after the horrors that he had seen, as had some of the older elves. he still has a scar from a gruesome beast in middle earth but the scar is tucked underneath fine fabrics and robes on his collar.
he prob gets nightmares a lot too :( i mean it would definitely have a lasting effect of the horrors he has seen. he doesn't sleep very often, he prefers to stay awake and he often sits on his balcony and just gazes towards taniquetil.
but hes v friendly!! he has this easy going charm and he seems pretty cheerful. elves are shocked at how loosely relaxed the high king is, they expect a stuffy king who loves proper manner and decorum. but ingwe is chill yknow.
like he dotes on his niece, indis, as well as her sons like finarfin. he likes fingolfin a good amount, he often remarks that fingolfin reminds him of finwe and he loves telling stories abt finwe's youth to fingolfin - much to finwe's chagrin.
he doesn't know what to think abt feanor. he doesn't want to dislike him but he finds feanor just strange. ingwe knew miriel since they were both very young and he sees that fierce glint that she had in feanor's eyes. but feanor's eyes burn differently and ingwe doesn't tell finwe that he worries abt his friend's eldest son. later, when feanor is clutching finwe's broken scalp on the floor after the darkening, and when the teleri are massacred in their home, ingwe feels sick to his stomach and wanders if it was his fault.
finarfin loves him. finrod by extent.
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he sometimes feels like a fraud. (little self promo i wrote abt him hehe) he sits in halls of towering columns and gold on the floor. he eats at tables laden with confection and fine meats. he dresses in fine ermine and has a golden crown on his head. he just feels like he's playing a part of a king - and at heart, he's a warrior who belongs in the dark forests of middle earth.
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skimblyshanks · 3 years
Negativity and me rambling about discoursey topics below the cut. feel free to keep scrolling. Actually, I encourage it ilaushdfhasd Have a great day!
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I want to talk bluntly here.
I know I probably come off like a jackass nowadays, and I don’t want to, but at the end of the day there’s a group of ppl who are going to continue spreading lies about people based on what they ship, how they read characters, or literally anything that they disagree on, and they don’t listen when you try and explain anything.
so I’m kinda tired and grumpy and I genuinely try not to address it because I know no one who i want to get through to will listen, but also I feel like if I don’t just make a big old post whining about it there will probably be more of those small, whinier posts that I delete after an hour or so. But anyway. People are going to call me and my friemds horrible things, and they’re not going to listen if we try and defend ourselves. Which. Old news. Already found that out last July-August.
Guess what? I was here last year. I missed most of the first drama of the year, that being Kittencourse 1.0, but I was dragged along for the ride every other time. And it was anti-shippers starting those dramas, every time. I probably wouldn’t have lebelled myself as anything if not for the fact that for half a year bullies were throwing around their weight and justifying it by being antis, even when their opponents were doing nothing wrong.
I was here when someone was harassed for months over a fanfiction. this person wasn’t some huge presence in the fandom; the fanfic wasn’t some bastion of the fandom. I don’t think most of us knew either person or fic until antis decided it would be fun to fuck with the account for months on end.
I began identifying as pro ship because at least the pro shippers didn’t seem to be going out of their way to be nasty.
You know the funny thing? For a long while the most problematic thing I shipped was Tugger  shanks. Even now, the most problematic thing I ship is Munku  pounce, which I will not hesitate to tell you is a comfort ship, as pounce is one of my comfort characters. Any other ship is between kittens and those in the nebulous young adult range, which doesn’t seem to match the Anti Council’s definition of problematic, given many of them had no issue following a blog openly labelling itself as pro ship when the spiciest ship was Pounce/Plato.
And that’s the other thing. I’ve been very open on this blog about being pro ship.
Every time I got a wave of followers who seemed v likely to be anti-shippers, I reblogged posts explaining my stance and hopefully making it clear that I was pro ship. Regardless, I ended up having these followers for months; I didn’t block them bc many of them didn’t make it clear either way what they felt, so I dared to assume they were alright following a pro shipper. Then of course a few months later: a pro ship DNI, maybe some soapboxing, and more than once this has been while they are still following me.
And the fact is, it doesn’t matter what I try to explain.
It doesn’t matter how many posts I reblog trying to explain what it means when I use the term pro ship.
It doesn’t matter if I say that incest ships aren’t really it for me.
It doesn’t matter if I say the kittens are not young children to me.
It wouldn’t matter if I compiled every instance of kitten characters being provocative or taking part in sexually charged numbers.
It doesn’t matter that what we’re talking about here are fictional anthro cats played by adults.
It doesn’t matter because antis have already made up their mind and don’t want to hear otherwise.
It wouldn’t help if I changed labels because the label isn’t the issue, it’s the opposition to antis and their mentality. If I changed labels, they’d simply transfer the baggage they’ve given pro ship onto whatever I had chosen instead.
And I don’t think there’s going to be a middle ground reached because both sides are coming at media differently.
Yes, Pro shippers are alright with people having ships between characters who are related, ships with large age gaps, and, yes, even ships between adult characters and child characters. Because this is fiction we’re talking about. No one real is being harmed by this ship existing. The threat of grooming with these ships exists for all ships, all fandoms, all pieces of media, and all things that can be used to gain a victim’s trust.
Also, you don’t know why anyone ships what they do. You don’t know why anyone has the headcanons they do. I think it’s well-documented by now that there are survivors on all sides of this discourse, so that much should be clear. Telling those who do use these more controversial ships or headcanons to cope that they ought to be doing it in private is not only callous but disingenuine, as antis have, multiple times, gone into private spaces and leaked all content thereof so they could call out those within the group.
As it applies to this fandom, I don’t believe I’ve seen any potentially triggering ship in the main tags. Most of us who do ship controversial ships are aware people don’t like them. We provide tags to block, and of course users can be blocked as well.
Speaking of which.
I know who blocks me back. It shows a specific icon when a block is mutual. I assure you very few antis block me, even when they say they do.
The truth is, at the end of the day, this is a blog for a musical about cats. I’ve shifted away from interacting with most users, partly so i don’t end up with more followers who end up antis, and partly so other, neutral users don’t end up catching flack for interacting with me.
And yeah, it is true that the current fandom climate is hilariously hostile to several ships that were popular for decades beforehand. It is true that antis have double standards. That their hypocrisy is easy to point out. That’s true of antis and fandoms in general.
But also. No one outside this fandom gives a shit what any of us are shipping, really. We’re all weirdos to them. The block button is right there; the filtering option is right there, Xkit and its blacklisting tool are right there. Yet there are still these dumb as shit outbursts and fearmongering and soapboxing.
And I’m Tired.
I’m tired moreso by general antidom.
There are multiple compilations of anti shippers being horrible people over ships and fiction, and sometimes even just because they think someone is a pro shipper, even if they aren’t. I’ve had many urges to link them, to share them, but often I think about the trigger warnings it would require and I lose steam; I don’t want to share that stuff with my followers.
And I’m Tired.
I’m tired that the same stupid points of drama are probably going to get resurrected again. At least this time I have most of them blocked.
But, yeah.
I’m Tired.
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spnfanficpond · 4 years
June 2020 Angel Fish Awards
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(New Angel Fish design by @slytherkins!!)
Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words.
The monthly Angel Fish Awards are peer-nominated, meaning ANYONE IN THE POND CAN NOMINATE ANY POND MEMBER’S FIC. While the Pond was founded to support the Guppies, everyone in this community deserves to be showered with love and feedback, and we hope that by opening this up as a Pond wide system, we’ll be able to share the love as far as it can go.
NOTE: WE’VE BEEN HAVING OCCASIONAL PROBLEMS WITH ASKS GOING MISSING. Please use the Submit button when submitting your nominations and make sure you’re signed into Tumblr or your URL won’t show. (If the form asks for your name and email address, then you’re not signed in.) If you like, you can also send a message to Michelle @mrswhozeewhatsis or Mana @manawhaat to check and make sure we got your submission.
Be sure to read through this whole post as people who were nominated more than once only had one tag activated for tumblr tagging purposes!
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Nonimated by @thegirlwhorunswithwinchesters
I Thought You Were Going To Die (oneshot) by @fun-and-fandoms
My nominations for the month wouldn’t be complete without a little bit of angst. Though this one isn’t just that. If you’re easily triggered by mentions of depression and its symptoms, this one’s not for you. But it’s an important topic and I will always encourage any creator who uses their art to remind people it’s okay to talk about it. (Note from Kale, this was actually submitted in May but I missed it.) 
More to Me (oneshot) by @becs-bunker
No spoilers, but I’m so glad this ended the way it did. So sweet <3
Help  (oneshot) by @blushingjared
I came across this fic and was immediately intrigued. Then I started reading and I was captivated from the first sentence until the very last. The author did such a good job with setting the scene and painting the right picture.
Talking Bodies (oneshot) by @ne-gans
This AU-Sam is such a huge weakness of mine. That, in combination with this dangerously filthy masterpiece, is nothing short of perfection.
Nominated by @focusonspn
Into The Woods (series) by @amanda-teaches
So well written, interesting plot and great development. The chemistry between Y/N and Dean is also amazing, and I loved how this mini-series could be so easily part of the show. Totally worth reading.
Nominated by @thoughtslikeamindfield 
Stranger Than FanFiction (series) by @cherry3point14
The premise is similar to the film Stranger Than Fiction – a story about a story being written about you – and it’s just as hilarious. Also, Cherry Pie is still one of the funniest writers in this corner of SPN fandom.
“You’re not supposed to move your head if there’s someone trying to murder you, probably…”
No, I wouldn’t think so, but lollllll
“You’re being insane, out loud.”
“It tried, oh, how the door tried to divert her attention from the unknown men who could be terrible, rule-breaking influences on her. However the door was only wood and she was a stubborn woman made of free will and limbs—a woman who refused to be deceived.”
“Your hand is on the doorknob before the mention of your limbs has finished rattling around your head.  Realistically you don’t want to encourage the voice by doing what it says. After all, the voice’s ultimate goal seems to be killing you.”
BAHAHAHAH omfg you guys
I need to stop quoting from this bc I probably seem insane to those of you who haven’t read this, so stop being judgy buttheads and go read!
Nominated by @flamencodiva
The Choice (series) by @superfanficnatural
A couple of things. 1) this is an amazing fic that highlights Dean unwillingness to let himself go until it’s almost too late. and 2) the smut in this is hot hot hot hot! not for anyone under 18 years of age.
Mert has a way with words and can literally pluck you into one and make you see it as it comes to life in your head.
Mine (series) by @holylulusworld
Lulu has an abundance of different stories she tells and this one is my favorite of her ABO’s at the moment. (although I love all of them) I think this one deserved a mention. I am glad she joined to Pond so I could help nominate and spread her amazing work!
One Night at a Time (series) by @crashdevlin
Another great fic by Cassie! This one shot full of Angst, Smut, and if you squint just the right amount of Dean fluff. She has a way of capturing your attention and putting you in the world as you read.
What He Lost (oneshot) by @jensengirl83
This short story by Brandy is sure to rip your heart out. she leaves just a bit of hope where you think there is a chance only to crush it completely with the ending. This one is sure to bring you to tears if you are looking for the most delicious angsty story to read.
Nominated by @risingpheonix761
Down The Rabbit Hole (oneshot) by @dontshootmespence
So, this was hysterical. XD I love crack fics, and bad smut in particular, and this one hits the spot. (I’ve also learned several new horrible euphemisms lol). The ending, though? Golden!
Nominated by @myinconnelly1
The Affair (oneshot) by @holylulusworld
I love how well all the characters are portrayed I truly hate everyone except the reader! Well done!!  
Red Riding Hood - or how you ran into a wolf... (oneshot) by @holylulusworld
I have nothing to say about this. I will simply allow the puddle I have become to speak for me. 
Last Omega On Earth (oneshot) by @holylulusworld 
This was a great entry in the ABO world. and we need more of this and more like !!!!! Great work!
My Beta (oneshot) by @holylulusworld
I am a greedy little bitch with this fic.  I think I've read it 3-4 since i first read it this month!!!!!! READ THIS FIC!  
Third Period (oneshot) by @fictionalabyss
Some truly inspiring smut.  Inspiring to change my panties. 
Gods of Twilight (series) by @thecleverdame​
I think i posted this fic in my rec before, but it is so amazing and intricate that i can't stop gushing about it.  Fucking awesome. 
Apple Pie (oneshot) by @bad268​ 
The amazingness of this is great, check this guppy out!
Deal (oneshot) by @bad268 
Comedy at some of its's finest!!! 
Confession (oneshot) by @idreamofplaid
THE FLUFFFFFFF!!!! I don't read straight fluff.  So get the tissues ready.
Fallen (series) by idreamofplaid
My therapist has told me i'm not longer allowed to talk about this fic during our sessions.  So instead i shall now talk about it here... *pulls out soapbox* ahem... *gets pulled away with hook*
Memory (oneshot) by @idreamofplaid
This fic is older, but i love it so much.  I recently went back and reread it, and the angst and reconciliation in this fic are heartwrenching.
Home (oneshot) by @emilyshurley
My dentist bill the month was higher than normal, due to the new cavities caused by this fic.
Imperfectly Yours (oneshot) by @emilyshurley
Cuteness overload as you get Dean's perspective of Home ^^
Second Hand News (oneshot) by @emilyshurley
Alright listen. I am a glutton for punishment.  And this fic, I asked for.  Also i had it set within one of the universes we now own.  That all being said, reading this was like a dose of my own medicine and it fucking hurt.
Honesty And Lies (oneshot) by @crashdevlin
This was super dirty, and great.  Totally recommend. 
Nominated by @deanwinchesterswitch
The Classifieds (oneshot) by @talesmaniac89
This is rip your heart out and stomp on it angst right here. So well written, but so, so heartbreaking.
So Much More Than Perfect (oneshot) by @imagineteamfreewill
This fic is one of the sweetest things I’ve ever read. It made me tear up a bit, but who doesn’t love Dean being the most protective, most adorable dad ever?!
Nominated by @mariekoukie6661
Dear Dean (series) by @smol-and-grumpy
It’s one of those series that makes you wants more after every chapter. It’s a brilliant story.
Left Behind (series) by @kittenofdoomage
It’s the only John Fic I can read over and over and over again. Its hot, the plot is awesome! And it makes me wants more each and every time I read it.
Not Much Left (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer
I think Beka tries to kill her readers every time she writes smut… or she just tap into our mind what we want or what we fantasize about. Every single time I’m speechless by her talents!
Yes Professor (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer
It’s a Misha fic, there’s no one who write Misha the way Beka does!!!
Owe You One (series) by @supernatural-jackles
It’s such a great series! The friends with Benefit and Mechanic!Dean… I just love this so much and I don’t have words to describe how good this one is!!
Flirty In French (oneshot) by @fictionalabyss
This is brilliant, and I know its an old one, but from someone who finally decided to read more and from someone who is from Quebec, this is absolutely brilliant! The flirty french pick up line are so hilarious!
Nominated by @moosekateer13
Watching for Comets (series) by @holylulusworld
This fic beautifully captures the song that it was inspired by.
It also showcases things that when things are meant to be.
I’ll will all fall into place.
Please Trust Me (oneshot) by @holylulusworld
This fic beautifully emotionally captures what it’s like to have trust issues.
Nominated by @fictionalabyss
Last Call (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer 
It was everything we needed and wanted.
Culinary Exploits (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer  
Too utterly ridiculous not to get a mention.
His Omega (oneshot) by @iflostreturntosteverogers 
A sweet little comfort fic of Dean being utterly perfect caring for his Omega. Carrie also pulled off keeping this gender neutral, which isn’t something I see a lot of, and probably something I’d struggle with, so hats off to you, babe.
Poison (oneshot) by @supernatural-jackles 
YES omg i feel this on such a level. I’ve gone through that shit myself. A friend who lets you down so profoundly but then acts as if you’re the most toxic person in the world.  Nothing feels as good as letting go of that shit and moving on to better things. This was beautiful, and perfect, and TRUTH.
Amara (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer  
This one hurt. It really hurt, but it hurt so good that I’m left wanting more.
Take Me Now (oneshot) by @sorenmarie87  
If Dawn doesn’t continue this, I’ll riot.
Stuck On You (oneshot) by @kittenofdoomage  
I rarely read a fic this long (I just don’t usually have the time) but it looked too interesting for me to scroll past, and it had me completely captivated. I needed to know what would happen as if I needed air, even though I could guess how it ended, I needed to read the words. Phenomenal.
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Thank you all for the awesome work and great feedback!
These are not actual awards! This system is set up so everyone in the pond has a chance to share the love and promote a fic/author that has grabbed your attention. The more people that participate, and the more everyone remembers to submit their own fics after posting, the better this will be :D
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superbonbon · 4 years
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…”
Several anons’ boldly ignorant questioning of the motivation--or lack thereof--for creators to create during A PANDEMIC has me bristling and ready to hop on my soapbox. Instead, I’m running defense for these fantastic folks whose work, however frequently published, has kept me grounded during COVID’s oppressive reign.
I have no idea what I’m doing here. I’ve never published a fic, and haven’t read one since Vampire Diaries was first a thing. But what to do when ur a mom stuck at home with a preschooler, navigating pandemic life and some of the not-so-ideal realities that come along with it?
Coming off of D+ releasing The Mandalorian and the most recent trilogy, I rediscovered a love for these stories, the expanded universe and the fandom--WOW!! What’s been so surprising and invigorating for me about this latent discovery is the myriad ways this franchise has given people the capacity to dream, and to create; to obsess. I mean, I just came here to browse the blogs for Daddy!Mando content and ended up sticking around for the stunning range of Star Wars smut fan works and discussion.
For better or for worse, my soul is forever altered --or, at least my thirst is. And here before you is my fumbling attempt to pay fealty to those who have truly captured my heart. This will either be great and earn me some frenz or make me a pariah, but I can’t sit idly by while some dum-dums say dum-dum things anonymously about folks who choose to share their writing online. 
In no particular order, here is a list of writers I’ve been stalking on the Tmblrs. This list is by no means exhaustive, and I’m still learning how to use/navigate the app. Also..there are SO MANY more amazing writers here and on other platforms (shoutout AO3). I’m just old and tired and I have trouble keeping  things organized these days.
Without further ado, I present my dissertation.
@plexflexico​ - for thrilling action infused with exciting sci-fi elements and grade A+++ smut, but alongside such achingly tender, human moments. I thank you kindly for such robust content across the board. These stories are a balm for my soul and give me tummy butterflies. ***Saving the latest installment of Bad Batch so I can actually get some sleep tonight.
@no-droids - for capturing and exploring the idea of desire so exquisitely while also carrying out a compelling narrative that moves the story forward and keeps us pining for more. Ugh I just want to cry with this. Rough Day, gahhh!!! But also, every other work in your published canon, let’s be honest. This is Next Level. ***Not touching this Poe fic yet bc see above.
Fucking @concussed-to-pieces . I scream! I cry! I turn into a puddle and slide onto the floor. Also, kudos for accomplishing the kind of crossover so seamless (Of Gorgons and Gardens, I’m lookin at you) I’m left to wonder how these characters ever made it without each other. I’m shook. So appreciative for the P3dro content, but almost convinced I need to get into wrestling so I can indulge in the rest.
@stubbychaos​ - I am fully invested in Saviin’ika and the health and well-being of these characters. I will follow them until they find true happiness together (and let’s be honest, even if they don’t bc I’m here 100% for this torturous angst). Dear God, make it stop. But don’t stop, seriously. And even if you think it’s too long. It’s not. The meandering pace really serves what is often the true nature of human interaction. 
@leo-moon​ - I will always revisit your Masterlist; so much so that my kid accidentally hearted it bc it’s probably always open in my phone. But I won’t consider it an accident because the Migraine series is a real treat. Yes, like a headache, I am longing for a release from the tension we’ve been left suspended in, but the readers will be here if/when you continue it. And even if you don’t, it’s fiction, and it’s beautiful, and I’m grateful for what we’ve gotten so far.
@jangofctts​ - With the small snippets of Boba we actually get on screen, I am also very grateful for the variety of Boba we get in fics, but most especially for this characterization you’ve presented in Last Favor. It’s so damn perfect how you ride that oft-attempted line of dubious consent that so few writers can achieve successfully. I’m dyin for someone to call me “rabbit”. Also, I always come back to your Poe fics. Short and sweet. Like Poe.
@bobafvtt​​ - See above re Boba content. And to expound on this, Fuck--I’m so broken up for reader and Boba in Warmest Color that they’re just so damaged with this relationship. But man, the fleeting moments where they figure it out - that dynamic is so tender and lovely. I live for those moments.
@magichandthing​ - Thank you for inspiring a dream AU in clan leader!Mando. This is an idea I can most definitely get behind. And in. And on. And not to blow up your spot or anything, but the Mando sando is a pretty nifty idea as well.
And on the subject of sandwiches, I can’t thank @beskars​ enough for the maul x reader x savage fic that really made me feel some type of way.
@primarybufferpanel​​ - fuuuuuck. When you write that capital “S” Soft, I melt. My stomach churns. Didn’t know I needed a soft Maul in my life quite like this, but damn, run me over with that shit. Huge props, too for OFCs that are believable and badass.
@huliabitch​ - I think your one-shots were some of the first “good good” Mando content I came across. Now you’ve got me sweating and pining for CL!Mando with Unheavenly Creatures. So much so, I think I need to find myself a thigh chain. Feelin’ this developing romance in a beautifully-imagined setting, feelin’ Shayr’la, and feelin’ myself. I thank you.
@aunty-ren - one more for the clan leader - The Offer is going places that I’m very excited about. This is worldbuilding, folks!
Again - this is my opinion, which is probably worth fuckall, so this is slightly less of a fic rec list and more a huge THANK YOU. Still so much out there for me to process. I haven’t even embarked on the Javi train, but I’m so very open to recommendations there and elsewhere. 
I’m mostly just stoked to be here!!
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akari-hope · 4 years
i think a lot of liberal or left leaning adults who were extremely online as children view efforts to curb the amount of noxious shit kids are exposed to online as “puritan pearl clutching” because “they turned out okay” after being mostly unsupervised as kids, but then a lot of them are miserably depressed and suffering long term emotional and psychological damage from the fucking avalanche of bigotry they were exposed to on 4chan or reddit or kiwifarms or encyclopediadramatica or whatever.
2/2  like putting aside that the online ecoystem is TOTALLY different now and it is a lot easier for kids to just suddenly end up on nazi youtube than it was for you as a kid to navigate the labyrinth of late 90s/early 2000s internet, a lot of you VERY CLEARLY did not turn out okay, and that’s not even getting into the fact that other adults like you who were extremely online like you are the ones who are radicalizing teenagers now! where do you think they absorbed all of that propaganda, actually?
hey, i agree with you! the ecosystem IS completely different now. it’s much easier for kids to find things! bc most everything is very clearly labeled! meaning if you are old enough to be on the internet, you are old enough to curate your own internet experience. it is up to you to use features like blacklist/mute, and determine what content you ARE or AREN’T ready to see.
now, points to you anon. everyone else bringing this up was always talking about nsfw content. so props to you for instead accusing me of exposing the children to RADICAL RIGHT-WINGED BIGOTRY. i needed a laugh, thank you! now, i had a lot of negative experiences online as a kid, but uhhhhhhh bigotry was not one of them actually! i never went on any of the sites you mentioned! dunno whose experience you’re talking about! but you don’t know me! so kindly, think for 5 seconds before making wild assumptions about people with zero evidence. i know that requires using the braincell, but i PROMISE it’s so worth it so you don’t embarrass yourself like this.
since you clearly don’t know anything about me, allow me to share! i am a nonbinary lesbian. i am a leftist. i was raised in a mormon household. if you are not american, or otherwise blissfully unaware, the mormon church is a cult. my exposure to right-winged bigotry was DIRECT, not via the internet. which, shocker, is much worse! i didn’t have any choice in that matter. and i’m very lucky that i had the internet and lived experience of being in a fairly liberal area in order to radicalize me and keep me from getting entirely brainwashed by the church. needless to say, if i am accusing someone of “puritan pearl clutching”, i’ve actually got a basis for what that is! and tbh, any time someone uses “think of the children” as an argument, odds are whatever their argument is is actually just evangelical christianity in drag.
now, let’s make something clear - i am in favor of de-platforming fascists, nazis, white supremacists, or any other name they go by. i don’t know where you thought otherwise! but this blog firmly supports punching nazis! HOWEVER. i am NOT in favor of eliminating all trace that something exists. now, i know, critical thinking is hard, so this might seem like it’s contradictory. but let’s use examples to help us!
trump is a fascist. that’s a fact. a powerful and loud one! twitter banning his account, though late and purely performatory, IS good. his individual influence was huge, and it’s beneficial to not have him actively spouting harmful ideology. the active push to get white supremacist and nazi groups off of social media platforms is good, as it does help limit their influence. but, even doing that, these ideologies do not cease to exist! the concept in history does not cease to exist, and neither does the fact that these nazis will disguise themselves and their arguments in order to seem less dangerous, and to avoid filters. that is why it is important for EVERYONE to have access to educative material about fascist ideology. you must UNDERSTAND what it is in order to protect yourself from it!
now, sure, you might say it wouldn’t be a problem if it was completely gone from the internet. but...it still would be. the real world exists, a fact you seem to have forgotten, anon! bigotry, fascism, nazism, it exists in the real world. and you will NEVER be able to shelter children from everything irl. they’ll go to school with baby fascists. they might have teachers, mentors, parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents who are fascists. sure, it’s unfair! it’s unfair to kids that they can be exposed to horrible shit like that, especially unwittingly! especially bc fascists PREY ON UNINFORMED YOUNG PEOPLE. it is EXACTLY for this reason that you need to give them the knowledge, support, and resources to protect themselves. THAT is the job of adults online. THAT is how we create safe spaces for minors. “safety” does not mean “coddling”. safety means an environment where we can discuss and educate on serious, even upsetting, even dangerous topics. it means telling kids a) what things are and b) how to avoid them if they wish to.
so, pray tell, anon - what in any of that is evidence of me “radicalizing” the children to bigotry? can you tell me, in honesty, that it’s better for kids to live in a bubble, to be uninformed and vulnerable? bc i sure can’t! i didn’t have all these resources as a kid, and i sure think it’d be a shame to deprive kids nowadays from them bc things are “bad”. but i know, i know, it’s too hard to think beyond “thing bad” :( the world only exists online, there’s no real-world consequences for any of this stuff. wish that was the world i lived in! you seem very content to condemn total strangers for absolutely nothing from your virtual soapbox.
are we square now? :)
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