#i can do this i can DO THIS
rowanisawriter · 5 months
i’m going to write a book this year
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orange-bloomz · 2 months
Guys I'm gonna do it I'm gonna send that one moot a message...
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upwardsonwards · 1 year
in a bad place rn...not mentally just halfway through a skyrim dungeon crawl
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tortured-swiftie · 8 months
i am really hyped for her outfit so im gonna try and stay up another half hour
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lotus-pear · 9 months
So, from my experience, I gotta agree with wheatbus that third pov would get more ppl to read, bcs it's as she said, a lot of ppl don't even give fp a chance, they just see it's written somewhere (in like tags or description) and are like 'nope' immediately. The tense advice is good as well, pick one and stick with it, changing it anywhere in the story can get very confusing if not done correctly. (I read a shit ton of fics till now, and I saw only a handful of ppl who changed time tense in a fic in a way that it actually worked, and there was no confusion when reading).
I would say that fp HEAVILY depends on the wording. I was never one to read a lot of fp but I did read enough to see the difference. There were some fp fics that I couldn't read even a few paragraphs of bcs it was so bad, and then there were some that had thousands of words and I didn't even notice that they were ending bcs they were worded so well.
Since you don't have experience with writing, like at all, I would say go for third rn. What I'm about to say may sound stupid to a lot of ppl, especially the ones who don't write (I saw some ppl say that fp is the easiest to write, those exact ppl had no experience with writing when saying that), but it's actually hard to write fp well, especially if it's a whole story/anything long. I use it only in dialogue, like many others.
I would say that second/narrator and third are much easier, and a better option for someone with no experience. Paragraphs can sound way better, it's much easier to avoid repetition as well, since you're more free with wording that you can use, making it easier to write without it sounding horrible
bro who does second unless like it's a y/n type of thing ANYWAY third it is then let's go ig😭
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happy first day of grad school to those who celebrate
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kakejiszkas · 5 months
about to give myself my first ajovy injection i’m scared
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totaldramafan-lauri · 2 months
Hi!!! I just wanted to tell you that I LOOOOOOVE your Golden Cheese x Reader fic :’) I recently started playing crk and I fell in love with her immediately. I was a little bummed since there’s not a lot of x reader content of her but then I checked ao3 and I found your fic. It is LITERALLY god-sent. What are the chances that I’d find a fic that is multi-chaptered, slow burn, ongoing and recent, with super long chapters, great characterization, a good plot, and awesome writing? I’ve never been so lucky!!! It took me 3 days to finish reading all of it and I am loving it. Thank you SO much for writing it.
Super excited for the last few chapters! Also sad because that means this fic is coming to an end 😔 I am praying that Reader is able to figure out their relationship with Her Radiance…
O-oh my god.....oh my god, th-thank you....! Thank you so much for reading, and I'm so, so happy you enjoyed it....! I-I'm working as hard as I can to finish this, and comments like this are part of what keeps me motivated....! I-it's been a long road, but I'm sure I'm gonna do it....! I-I'm hanging in there.....! So....t-try to be patient with me....!
"Awesome writing"? Aaaaaaaa, I wouldn't go that far......I-I'm a wordy writer, and a perfectionist, but....would I call my work objectively awesome....? D-dunno.....but th-thanks for the compliment! Especially with characterization....I-I try really hard on that part....! >///////< A few characters are fun to write, but a couple others give me trouble, heh...
I-if this ends up becoming, like....THE Golden Cheese X Reader fic purely because of lack of competition....g-geez.....I dunno how I'd deal.....E-even if I did it first, does that mean I did it best....? No, no no no.....Th-this fic is SOOOOO self-indulgent....It's become SO much steamier recently, without me even planning it that way, just....As Reader becomes increasingly Head Empty Heart Too Full, so do I.....X//////////X I-I was actually worried about going overboard....I-I haven't lost the story completely, but STILL, pfffff....X/////D
I-I have heard from someone before that there aren't a lotta X Readers about her (I haven't checked the tag yet so I wouldn't know), and....i-it kinda saddens me, cuz she deserves more....! B-but at the same time, I did kinda call it, cuz....one reason why I actually went through with writing this thing after outlining it last October and realizing how long it was gonna be was....just....I-I didn't see a lot of.....th-this kind of affection for her at the time (in the CRK circles I'm part of, it looked like Burnt was getting all the simps, actually)....and I wanted to give her content, and do her justice...a big, BIG ol' underdog story, to show that anyone can be hers, as long as they pledge their loyalty.....t-to maybe feel like I wasn't alone in f-falling so dang hard for her...>///////> I-I'm SURPRISED at how much attention this has gotten....b-but it's a pleasant surprise....! I-I'm glad she's more popular than I thought at first....!
S-so....I'm really happy I can provide some food for my fellow simps...! S-sorry for rambling, but....this made me smile!
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alexenglish · 8 months
no sleep token presale but general sale is still on the horizon
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thekenobee · 1 year
Tumblr media
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matoitech · 7 months
patience is important to acknowledge and try to practice w transition that’s been true thru my years of all this but my 2027 consult date w chen makes me feel like i’m melting into goo
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pulchrasilva · 8 months
Girls will be like "yeah I'm happy to put together a presentation for next Wednesday ^-^" and then be immediately bodyslammed with a truckload of work
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jcsontodd · 1 year
my insurance changed my doctor :’) so now i have to call and make an intake appt so there’s that
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dilfsuzanneyk · 1 year
i could be in a band right now as their stupid bassist and make the shittiest music known to man but at least have fun but nooo
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illdothehotvoice · 1 year
Ooof I am so close it's finals week babeeey
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another 100 words, 1 test, and 1 meeting away from a break ☀️
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