#i can and will go nuts over Ceroba and Axis too
frozenhi-chews · 3 days
HI HI MOOTSIE PATOOTSIE plz take this ask as a chance to gush about starlo if you want to :33
AAAAUGHH. STARLO. THE 'LO. OUGHH you are opening a very dangerous can of worms my dear friend! Nonetheless, THEY SHALL CRAWL! (Also this contains spoilers for UTY cuz I. Went nuts. About his character)
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I love him so much. And he seems like a silly guy, especially at first. Goofy cowboy, beloved by all. Seems he got it in the bag huh?
BUT NO HE'S ACTUALLY PRETTY TRAGIC. He actually hates himself (heck when he takes off his hat, he says that Clover could laugh at him. Like GOSH dude.) He has buried himself in the North Star persona that people don't realize he's a "nobody farmer" as he calls himself. He wants to distract others from their plight of being underground. He wants to help Ceroba. He wants to be seen as more. He wants to impress people. He paces around every night muttering to himself about...something. Whether it's Kanako or the town or himself or his family or something else or a mix of all of that.
Like gaahhhh. He really does hate himself. So much so he'll fake his smile so that others can still be happy. So much he'd rather be known as North Star rather than Starlo. Cuz Starlo is a nerd. He's a loser. He's a nobody farmer from a nowhere farm that sells corn. He is NOT OKAY.
And I don't think that Ceroba marrying Chujin helped either. OH RIGHT. HE HAD A CRUSH ON CEROBA!! His childhood best friend. He crushed on her for YEARS, until Ceroba got engaged to someone else. I don't think that helped either. Chujin and Starlo DID NOT like each other for a plethora of reasons, and I do believe one of them is jealousy on his end and the fact that he wasn't good enough for his best friend. (There's other reasons but ough.) Even though he had to get over his crush, I don't think it helped.
AND HE WAS STILL A GOOD FRIEND TO CEROBA. When her husband died, he didn't make any moves on her. (Platonic soulmates babeeyyyy!!)
O yeah and there's a thing going on where he locked his family out of the Wild East but it's like, a five minute walk away. He feels he can't be good enough for his family either. He left the farm to play cowboys (even tho his dad feels he wanted to help the farm, and I believe that), locking them out, not talking to them for a long time, possibly years. (I have a headcanon that his brother resents him a bit for leaving the farm and is jealous of the popularity that starlo has, while he's stuck at the farm.)
He couldn't be that far away from them, despite not talking to them and keeping them away. He can't be that far from his friends and family. He is trying so hard GOSH-
And to run a town like that for years, putting on a smile and act, being seen as how he wants to be seen rather than who he is, that's gotta be TIRING. Idk if he's just exhausted after all that. He's gotta be. No real safe place except himself
Gooooooshhhhh he makes me insane. I love him. I love him so much. Hhhhhaaaahhahahahahagaaaaaaaaa
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