#i came here to chew gum and to boop my friends and chewing gum is bad for my dental health so ive decided not to do it
dufrau · 6 months
i started off the day being so conservative with my boops. just a boop here and a boop there. but now here i am just merrily booping everybody on this website one hundred times each.
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Chapter 2: Daughters of Apples & Pears
Applejack as she leaves Twilight’s castle immediately goes back home to the farm, beginning her invitees with her immediately family. When she gets there, she first sees her little sister Apple Bloom doing some apple bucking of her own. She’s still a little pony, but her years of practice is starting to increase her leg strength that will one day match her big sister’s. It used to take a few kicks for Apple Bloom to get just one apple down, but now just one kick at least gets one apple down and sometimes Apple Bloom even manages to get two down on a good day. Three apples is the average per kick Applejack gets. As Applejack walks, Apple Bloom catches sight of her sister and beams a grin and runs to AJ.
Apple Bloom: Howdy, big sis! Check how ah’m doing, Ah’ve filled three big buckets o’ Apples all on mah own today, aren’t ya’ll proud o’ me?
Applejack: Of course, Apple Bloom! Feel free t’ take ah break though, because ah actually have some important, but fun business outside t’ farm t’ do. And ah’m inviting the family t’ it first.
Apple Bloom: Oh really? What is it?
Applejack: Twi’s friends in Saddle Arabia are getting married. And there’s also going t’ be ah royal ball hosted by t’ royal family that wants lots o’ guests from Equestria. Twilight tasked all o’ us t’ find friends and family t’ bring
Apple Bloom: Ooooo that sounds fun! Ah’ve never been t’ Saddle Arabia, ah’ll certainly go!
Applejack: Great! Now do y’all know if Big Mac is near?
Apple Bloom: Big Mac’s in t’ house wit’ Sugar Belle and Granny. Ah believe Granny is teaching Sugar Belle how t’ do Apple Family recipes.
Applejack: Awww, that sounds adorable. That also helps wit’ getting another off mah invitee list assuming Sugar Belle wants t’ go with Big Mac t’ Saddle Arabia.
Applejack and Apple Bloom walk together to the house where indeed Sugar Belle is learning how to bake the famous Apple Family pies by Granny Smith. Big Mac is sitting at the kitchen table.
Granny Smith: Y’all doing ah wonderful job, Sugar Belle. Y’all might just be t’ quickest t’ getting these recipes done t’ right way in mah entire life teaching t’ family recipe.
Sugar Belle: Well, I was my village’s local baker back when I still lived there. Plus I got some lessons from Mrs. Cake here in Ponyville. I sure hope that I got these recipes right.
Applejack and Apple Bloom take seats at the table as they come in, Sugar Belle notices and turns towards them
Sugar Belle: Hello Applejack and Apple Bloom, are you here for my very first Apple Pie as an official Apple family member?
Applejack: It’s not t’ sole reason we’re here, but ah suppose while y’all are offering it wouldn’t hurt t’ have ah bite.
Sugar Belle: Good! Because it just got finished.
Sugar Belle opens the oven and levitates the Pie out onto the table. Big Mac drools at the sight of the pie, and Sugar Belle then cuts parts of the pie into spices. One for Applejack, one for Apple Bloom, and one for her husband, Big Mac. Each of them gives their slice a bite, and all are satisfied.
Applejack: Granny sure wasn’t kidding! Y’all got this pie done just about perfect. It took maybe months fo’ me t’ learn from Granny how t’ bake ah pie this good.
Apple Bloom: Sooooooo delicious! Isn’t this so good, Big Mac?
Big Mac: Eyyyyyyuuuuuuuuuuup!
Sugar Belle: Thanks, all of you!
Applejack finishes eating her slice and pats her tummy.
Applejack: Ahhhh, that hit t’ spot. Thanks fo’ t’ Pie, Sugar Belle.
Sugar Belle: You’re very welcome, AJ!
Applejack: Now, ah actually need t’ ask some of ya’ll something. Ah’m inviting family and friends t’ Saddle Arabia. There will be ah Royal Ball that’s requesting t’ have many Equestrian guests along wit’ ah wedding fo’ two o’ Twi’s friends who are native there. Ah know Apple Bloom’s already goin’, but how about t’ rest o’ you?
Big Mac: Ah’ll g- Wait, AJ… did ya’ll say Saddle Arabia?
Applejack: Ah did, yes
Big Mac: Didn’t ya and t’ others almost get killed last time y’all went there?!
Applejack: Well… yea. Ah expressed big concern myself t’ Twilight about it, but she told me that t’ Royal Family and Twi herself are taking every single precaution necessary t’ make what happened last time an impossibility. Heck, as long as Twilight’s not in a bottle in Saddle Arabia, she alone would provide enough security cause we’ve got t’ all-powerful genie friend on our side. And Twilight’s not leaving her bottle there when it’s time to stay the night there this time, she promised she’d sleep over in her castle, no one there will be able t’ reach her. And that’s assuming there’s even another evil there other then that Zathir guy that got his flank kicked and imprisoned.
Big Mac: Well, ah guess in that case sure. Ah’ll go,
Sugar Belle: If Big Mac’s going, I will too. A Royal Ball plus a wedding sounds like a wonderful time.
Applejack: How about you, Granny?
Granny Smith: Aaaaaaaaaah’m going t’ decline, but ah appreciate t’ offer. Ya’ll have fun whenever ya’ll leave.
Applejack: Ah understand, just didn’t want t’ leave y’all out in case y’all were interested. Now ah can get going and get ah few friends from outside ponyville. Namely, Rara in Manehattan and Autumn Blaze in the Kirin village.
Apple Bloom: Wait, ah’m confused. Ain’t Manehattan and t’ home of t’ Kirin’s places that will take days t’ get t’ and from each?
Applejack: Normally, yes. But Twilight provided each o’ us with ah bit of ah cheat. She gave each of us magic gum that when blown into ah huge bubble, it creates ah portal t’ whatever place y’all thinking o’ going t’ next
Apple Bloom: That sounds sweet! Ah could probably use that t’ more quickly and safely get t’ ah certain Zebra ah’d like t’ invite.
Applejack: Thinking o’ inviting Zecora, huh? Ah guess teleporting there would at least let me worry less about y’all walking straight into t’ Everfree forest. So sure, here’s ya gum Apple Bloom.
Apple Bloom: Alright!
Apple Bloom chews her gum, blows a bubble, and once popped. Zecora’s house in the middle of the Everfree comes into view. And Apple Bloom leaps through the portal.
Zecora is mixing another of her many potion brews as Apple Bloom enters. After the door is opened, Zecora stops mixing and looks who’s visiting and sees it’s perhaps her most recurring visitor.
Zecora: Well if it isn’t lil’ Apple Bloom, what brings you to my room?
Apple Bloom: Howdy Zecora, just thought ah’d pop and offer an invite t’ something ah’m and many others are going t’!
Zecora: Where are you going? I could perhaps end up showing.
Apple Bloom: Saddle Arabia! Specifically the royal palace where a ball is being held as well as a wedding between two of Princess Twilight’s friends who live there.
Zecora: A Royal ball? That must have a beautiful dance hall. I can certainly be there, for the daughter of an apple and a pear.
Apple Bloom: Great! Ah’m gonna head back home now, seeya there!
Apple Bloom waves goodbye, though Zecora mentioning a pear suddenly gives her an idea for another invitee to her sister. Apple Bloom leaps back into the portal and just like that is back in the kitchen. And the portal closes.
Applejack: Did Zecora say yes?
Apple Bloom: Yep! Though ah just got another idea, do you know where Grand Pear is at t’ moment?
Applejack: Ah don’t think so, But can ya’ll wait t’ let me get Rara and Autumn in ah moment before we go and find him?
Apple Bloom: Sure thing.
((Story continues after the break))
Suddenly the door bell rings
Applejack: Huh, ah wonder who this is.
Applejack opens the door to find Sandbar and Yona
Sandbar & Yona: Hi Professor Applejack!
Applejack: Sandbar! Yona! Nice t’ see ya’ll, what brings ya t’ the farm?
Sandbar: Yona was craving some apple-flavored treats.
Yona: Yes, Yona hungry!
Applejack: Well y’all in luck, Sugar Belle still has some apple pie left.
Yona: Oh yes! Yona loves fresh Apple pony family pie!
Sandbar: I might grab a slice as well
Sandbar and Yona head to the table, Sugar Belle slices one for each of the students. Sandbar takes a bite, and Yona just about messily eating the entire slice in one bite.
Yona: DELICIOUS! Thank you, Sugar Belle!
Sugar Belle: You’re welcome, Yona!
Applejack: Say, while ya’ll both here would you be interested in going to Saddle Arabia with us? A Royal ball and wedding will be happening there. You’re also free t’ invite your other student friends if you’d like.
Sandbar: I’ll certainly go. Though I must tell you Gallus, Ocellus, Smoulder, and Silverstream are currently all at their native homes. So I don’t think we could really reach them all that quickly
Applejack: Oh that’s right, Ah forgot that t’ rest o’ my friends will probably be able t’ pick up t’ rest anyway with their own pack o’ portal gum. Ah think Rainbow Dash will be getting Gallus & Silverstream. And Spike will get Ocellus & Smoulder. So we’re good.
Sandbar: Cool!
Yona: Yona wants to go, yes!
Applejack: Alright, ah’ll tell ya when it’s time. For now though, Ah’ve gotta get two more friends o’ mine that are far away from me. Ah’m going t’ see Rara first.
Applejack takes out a piece of gum and blows a new portal, this time in the view is just outside Coloratura’s residence. Applejack walks into the portal. Meanwhile, Yona looks at Sugar Belle with a slight grin.
Yona: May Yona have seconds?
Sugar Belle: Sure thing Yona, I guess if I had known I’d be feeding a Yak stomach I should of baked a 2nd or even a 3rd pie *giggles*
Applejack is at the front door of Coloratura’s house and she presses a button to ring the doorbell. From upstairs, Rara looks who rang and sees her old childhood friend, she immediately heads downstairs to greet her.
Rara: AJ! I can’t believe you came all this way just to see me! Hoofsies!
Rara boops Applejack’s snoot with her hoofsie stamp, leaving a heart stamp mark on Applejack’s snoot. Both mares giggle.
Applejack: Nice t’ see ya’ll too, Rara.
Rara: Come on in!
Applejack and Rara head on over to a couch to talk.
Applejack: Though ya’ll were so happy t’ think I traveled far just to see you, Ah wouldn’t be t’ element of Honesty if ah didn’t admit Ah kind o’ did a bit o’ a cheat t’ get here. My friend Twilight gave me portal gum that allows me t’ instantly go anywhere in the world nearly instantly through ah portal created from blowing ah bubble with them.
Rara: Oh, well even if you didn’t actually travel far to get here, I’m glad you came to see me. Though if Princess Twilight gave you that, it sounds like she’s got you on a mission of some sort.
Applejack: Ah suppose, yeah. Though this is fo’ something fun, ya see ah Royal Ball is taking place in Saddle Arabia and Twilight sent me and my other friends in Ponyville t’ fetch as many friends and family they can possibly get. The Royal Family also wants Equestrian entertainment on stage. And you’re exactly who ah thought o’ that fit both o’ those.
Rara: That sounds awesome, I’d love to go. Though I don’t know if I can fit the long travel to Saddle Arabia into my busy schedule.
Applejack: *She leans over and whispers* Pssst, Rara. Ah have plenty of the Portal gum that ya’ll can take advantage o’ t’ get there quickly. Ya’ll could even just simply come in when it’s time fo’ ya performance and head out after if ya’ll schedule is packed.
Rara: Oooooh, I guess that’s true. Though I might be able to change things around so I can at least attend the entire ball.
Applejack: There’s also ah wedding that comes days later, but it’s not absolutely necessary t’ go t’.
Rara: Who’s getting hitched?
Applejack: Just two o’ Twilight’s friends that live in Saddle Arabia.
Rara: Ahhh, I don’t think I can be there for the wedding. But I’ll certainly try to be there for most of the royal ball, it’ll be great to have like, an insta-vacation.
Applejack: Sweet, thank you Rara. Can’t wait t’ see ya’ll there.
Rara: Same to you!
Applejack: Ah need t’ go now, Ah’m getting a Kirin friend ah met and then probably heading back home t’ wait until Twilight gives the go ahead that the Ball is underway.
Rara: Alright, AJ. Seeya later!
Applejack: Oh! And here’s ah few pieces of the portal gum ah mentioned. Ya’ll only need two t’ get t’ Saddle Arabia and then come back home after the ball’s over but just in case ya’ll have ah use of’ some o’ the extras or ya’ll have someone ya’ll want t’ bring as well.
Rara: Right, thank you!
Applejack blows another piece of gum, this time the portal showing the Kirin Village where she and Fluttershy were sent by the Map to help the Kirins get their voice back from the stream of Silence.
Upon setting foot in the village she sees Cinder Glow and goes up to ask if she knows where Autumn Blaze is.
Applejack: Hey there Cinder, do ya’ll know where Autumn is? Ah want t’ talk t’ her fo’ just ah brief moment.
Cinder just points in the direction to Autumn’s house
Applejack: Why aren’t ya’ll speaking? Don’t tell me ya’ll entered t’ Stream of Silence again...
Cinder: No, I just was never that talkative even before the whole village entered the stream. *shrugs*
Applejack: Ah, gotcha. Thanks for the direction!
Applejack goes to the house Cinder pointed to and opens the door and sees Autumn… doing hoof puppet theater by herself…
Autumn: “OooooOOOOOOooooOOOooooo, my daughter. I am your dead mother’s spirit! I have come here to haunt you by telling you to wash behind the ears every night!” “NOOOOOOO! Anything but that!”
Applejack: (Oh Celestia, did she somehow get even more nuts wit’ t’ village back t’ normal…)
Autumn raises her head above the hoof puppet stage and sees Applejack has come to visit her.
Autumn: Ayyyyyy! Applejack, did you come to see my new stage play? I call it, “I See Dead People, and they’re surprisingly not that different from when they were Living”.
Applejack: Nooooooot… exactly… but ah did come t’ talk and invite ya’ll t’ an event ah’m going t’.
Autumn: Oh alright, where did you want to take me, and what for?
Applejack: Saddle Arabia, ah Royal Ball is being hosted there as well as ah wedding, days afterward. Ya’ll don’t have t’ stay fo’ both, but Twilight and the royal family o’ Saddle Arabia wants as many Equestrian guests and entertainers as much as possible.
Autumn: Entertainers you say? Finally, my puppet show gets to hit the national stage!
Applejack: *cringes* Um, ah’m not sure that’s necess-
Autumn: But I wonder which play I should choose. That’ll be hard…
Applejack: *sigh* (Ah don’t want t’ upset her, Ah might awake her Nirik anger, Ah might as well let her at least try t’ put up her show. Just hope she doesn’t go full nirik if say… the Sultan won’t let ah potential cringefest hit his stage…) Um, Autumn who have ya’ll shown ya puppet shows?
Autumn: No one, really. You’re the only one to even see a little bit of what I’ve done. Whenever I ask anyone in the village if they want to see a show they say they’re busy…
Applejack: (Oh Celestia…) Well uh, ah must be honest and say ah’m not sure if the Sultan will even let ya show on stage. Ah just hope ya’ll don’t turn into ah Nirik in anger and scare people away if he says no.
Autumn: Nah, don’t you worry about that, if they say no about putting it up on the stage. I’ll understand and at least do a show on the table I sit at!
That makes Applejack feel much better.
Applejack: *phew* Well then, ah’ll see ya’ll when it’s time. ok?
Autumn: Yes! Thanks for the invite!
Applejack: No problem, ya’ll have ah good day now!
Applejack leaves Autumn’s house. Her last portal was from Manhattan to here, so she has to pull another piece of gum to head back home.
Once back home, she turns to Apple Bloom
Applejack: Alright, Apple Bloom ah’m done wit’ all mah invitees now. Let’s see if we can find Grand Pear.
Applejack and Apple Bloom head together in the direction of the Pear farm. They look around the farm and inside Grand Pear’s home but don’t see him anywhere.
Apple Bloom: Applejack, ah looked everywhere in the pear house and ah see no sign o’ Grand Pear.
Applejack: He’s not anywhere in the pear tree orchard either.
Applejack ponders for a moment, but then realizes the next most likely location Grand Pear went to if he’s not home. She takes off her hat to place it on her chest and looks down solemnly. Apple Bloom suddenly sitting down for a brief moment with a sad look at her sister as even she recognizes what’s on Applejack’s mind whenever she does that.
Applejack: Ah think ah know where Grand Pear is…
Apple Bloom: H- hhh- he’s…. v-visiting… t-them… a-ain’t he…
Applejack just solemnly nods and puts her hat back on. Applejack and Apple Bloom walk slowly but surely to Grand Pear’s likely location: The Ponyville Cemetery, where Pear Butter and Bright Mac are laid to rest.
Grand Pear is carrying a bouquet of flowers, laying it on the grave of his beloved daughter. He’s done this numerous times ever since she died sometime shortly after the birth of Apple Bloom.
Grand Pear: Pear Butter, I left more flowers for ya. Wherever you are, I hope you love these just like the rest I’ve given you. I’ve said this every time I visited since your eternal rest began, but I am just so sorry for treating you like I did before I moved to Vanhoover.
Tears stream down heavily from Grand Pear’s eyes
Grand Pear: I should have given you and Bright Mac a chance, I was such a stupid stallion to put farm ventures over my own daughter’s happiness. I wish… I s-so-so wish… I could of apologized to you while you were still alive… I think I keep coming back here in hopes that just m-maybe there will be some sign you have h-heard me… but perhaps my real a-apology might not happen until I j-join you up there… I’m at a real old age, maybe that will be next year, or even the next m-month.
Applejack and Apple Bloom have been somewhat hearing what Grand Pear was saying as they got closer. Grand Pear looks behind him and sees two of his Grandchildren from the Apple family.
Grand Pear: Oh hey… Applejack and Apple Bloom. Come to visit my daughter and your father too?
Applejack: We actually came t’ mostly look fo’ ya’ll, but ah guess while we’re here. There’s no harm o’ sharing the pain o’ loss one more time.
Grand Pear: Gotcha
Apple Bloom has tears streaming down her face
Apple Bloom: Ah wish ah got t’ know them… Ah was only ah foal when they… when they…
Apple Bloom can’t even finish her sentence as she just ends up burying her face in her big sister’s chest and sobbing uncontrollably…Applejack putting a hoof behind Apple Bloom. Applejack herself with tears, but she tries to be strong for her little sister. She eventually puts her face off Applejack but still very visible tears from her eyes dripping down. Grand Pear turns to the crying filly and tries his own way of trying to comfort her.
Grand Pear: Pear Butter would of loved you Apple Bloom, I hope you know that.
Apple Bloom: A-ah know… b-but it’s j-just still s-so h-hard… i-it ain’t f-fair!
Grand Pear: You have no idea what I’d give it for to me six feet deep right here, and both Pear Butter and your father next to you paying their respects for me instead. I’ve lived and seen a lot of what life’s thrown at me. They were taken from us, way too soon… so I feel very much the same as you Apple Bloom.
Applejack: Ah’m glad t’ have had them fo’ most o’ mah childhood, Ah got t’ know them as some of t’ sweetest parents ah could ever ask fo’. But the day they died, ah felt like my own childhood was over even though ah was still ah few years away from being ah teenager. Granny and Big Mac did a decent job whenever they could. But there’s ah huge hole in mah heart that’s always been missing since that day. Ah’d much rather have it that ah attended their funeral when ah myself was quite old, not ah little filly that has t’ be told her parents are going t’ be eternally resting underground, and ah’ll never see them again… Ah would o’ loved t’ had them as ah was truly growing up into the pony ah am today, as well as getting ah chance to meet some o’ mah best friends. Rara and mah Mom would o’ absolutely been capable o’ ah beautiful duet…
Grand Pear: Definitely…
All three just solemnly look and think about Pear Butter and Bright Mac for a few minutes more before they eventually start a slow walk back to Grand Pear’s house. Sometimes stopping to look back one more time at the graves. Tears being left making a trail along with the hoof prints on the ground.
Sometime later, all three are in Grand Pear’s house
Grand Pear: Ok now, what did you two come to ask me about?
Apple Bloom: We were gonna ask if ya’ll were interested in going wit’ us on ah trip t’ Saddle Arabia. There will be ah royal ball and ah wedding fo’ two o’ Twilight’s friends there.
Grand Pear: Ah, I’m afraid I can’t. But I hope you and your sister have fun, thanks for joining with me to grieve though. It always helps to have some pony there to share the heartbreak with.
Applejack: Ya’ll welcome, Grand Pear. We still miss them as much as ya’ll do.
Applejack and Apple Bloom approach and give Grand Pear a warm hug before walking out the door
Applejack: Let’s get back home, Apple Bloom.
Apple Bloom: Alright, sis. Ah can’t wait fo’ the ball, Ah hope ya do too.
Applejack: Ah am, indeed. ((It’ll certainly be something t’ cheer up both myself and her after that visit…))
NEXT UP: Chapter 3: The Waterbolts
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serendipitykpop · 5 years
interviewing lucas
Pairing: nct dream x reader
Summary: “Do you think you have what it takes to be in NCT Dream?”
doing stuff with the dreamies masterpost
When I open my front door, I expected to see the seven boys who are always inviting themselves over. Also, the ones who texted me this morning that they’re coming over to seize control of my house. They didn’t tell me there was going to be one more joining us in their shenanigans today.
“Y/N!” He yells, and wiggles through the boys to get to me. He throws his arms around me, and pulls me into a bear hug before I can react to him. He squeezes so tight that I’m pretty sure I stopped breathing for a second. The boys cause an uproar as they yell for him to let me go. I pat his shoulder, signaling to be released a little to at least get my breath back.
“Lucas.” I rasp, and he gasps. He loosens his hold on me, but still has his arms wrapped around me. I look up at him, and he gives me a big smile. I scoff. “Great. I have another one to babysit today.”
“Come on. I know you don’t mean that.” Lucas giggles, and hugs me tight again when I say nothing to disagree. He’s right after all. I did love when my boys came over to hang out with me, even when they are loud as hell. I slide my arms around him, and finally respond to his hug, which makes his eyes sparkle with glee.
“What is this?” Haechan gasps with a hand over his mouth. He looks back and forth between his members, pointing at the display between Lucas, and I. I roll my eyes, and attempt to pull away from Lucas before things get more dramatic, and out of hand. Except, Lucas tugs me back into his strong embrace, resting his cheek against me.
“This is unfair treatment, Y/N!” Renjun puts his foot down.
“You don’t hug us like that!” Chenle pouts.
“Chenle. Y/N doesn’t even hug us to begin with!” Jaemin huffs, a glare being shot in my direction.
“I knew you always had favorites, but I didn’t say anything because I believed in you.” Jeno shakes his head in disapproval, and crosses his arms.
“Honestly disappointed, but not surprised anymore at this point,” Jisung looks to Chenle, who nods in agreement.
“Unbelievable. I didn’t think you could be this mean, Y/N.” Mark sighs.
“You’re all just jealous Y/N loves me the most. That makes me better than all of you!” Lucas sticks his tongue out.
Without hesitation, they sass him in unison. “That’s a lie.”
“Can I be released now?” I interrupt their argument. As much as I would love to be held by Lucas’ crushing hug, I need to breathe. Lucas, finally realizing I’m still in his clutches, lets me go. “So what are you doing here, Lucas? You’ve never come with them before.”
He smiles, and drapes his arm around my shoulders.
“Well, I’m glad you asked.” He boops my nose, and cheekily smiles. I raise an eyebrow when he doesn’t say anything after that. His smile falls into a pout. “I was trying to build up the excitement, Y/N! Why didn’t you go along with me?”
“I didn’t realize.”
“Y/N! I thought we had a connection!’
“Fine. Go on.” I wave my hand. He instantly cheers up again, and clears his throat.
“Why don’t I let them explain?” He gestures to his members.
“Seriously? After all that suspense, you’re not even the one to tell me?”
“We’re still trying to have the hype” He whines, stomping his feet. I sigh, and turn to the boys like he wanted. I cross my arms, and wait for their explanation of what it is they’re up to today. The thing that catches my eye is the fact that they all have innocent yet mischievous smiles on their lips. They’re up to something, and it doesn’t look good.
Mark steps forward, taking the initiative to speak.
“Last night, Lucas made the declaration that he belongs in NCT Dream.”
I stare blankly at him before holding my hand up to stop him. Then, I turn to Haechan, and point my finger at him.
“Is this why you texted me this morning to be prepared for the best day of my life?” The text really was foreshadowing the shenanigans to come, and I just waved it off. What a fool I am.
“Uh, duh.” He scoffs as if it’s an obvious thing.
“This is important to me, Y/N! Please take this seriously. This can determine whether, or not I make it in,” Lucas pouts, swinging my arm back and forth. I only gawk at him in disbelief.
“Is this really what my life has come to? Babysitting, and entertaining the eight of you?”
“Oh, come on, Y/N. Don’t be like that.” Chenle slings an arm around my shoulders, and pokes me in the cheek. “You know you love it when we come over to bother - I mean, have with you.”
I sigh, and roll my eyes. I push his hand away to sit down on my couch, and cross my arms.
“All right, fine. Continue.” I say. They looked at each other, and smiled before getting into the positions. Lucas stands alone up front while the seven other boys sit down on the ground, and couches. I take a look at Lucas, and can’t help but shake my head. “Lucas. You look even more nervous than when you were debuting.”
“Of course I am.” His words trails off as he holds the bottom of his shirt. “This is an important milestone in my life.”
“Uh huh.”
Jeno pokes me in the side, and I turn to him. “You know, Y/N. After what Lucas said last night, we knew we couldn’t hold this audition without you.”
“That’s - That’s actually kind of sweet.”
“Now, onto the audition!” Haechan’s voice interrupts, and I’m brought back to the main point of today. The sweet comment said by Jeno is long forgotten when I watch this shenanigan unfold before me.
The boys look between each other, signaling with their eyes for someone else to talk. Chenle takes a deep breath, and raises his hand to go first. Before anyone could register what happens, he’s already screaming and pointing at the tall boy with a threatening look.
“WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU’RE QUALIFIED ENOUGH TO JOIN OUR GROUP, SON?” To further get into his act, he slams his hands down on the table.
“Oh, dear God. Someone please save me,” I grumble, shaking my head into my hands. This foolery starts now.
“S-Son?” Jisung stammers, just as about taken aback as everyone else.
“Didn’t realize we were going there already, but I guess we are now,” Mark laughs, running his hand through his hair.
“Me either,” Jaemin sighs.
“Just let me him continue for now.” Renjun waves his hand.
A grin broke out on Lucas’ lips. “Son? But aren’t I older than you, Chenle? Can you really call me that?”
“Don’t give me attitude! I’m the one who makes all the rules around here!”
“I think he forgot the rest of us are here too,” Jeno chuckles.
“Jeno! He’s playing the role right! We must follow in his lead!” Haechan pipes up, which ensues chaos about whether or not they should continue with his harsh act of Chenle’s. I roll my eyes, waiting for them to stop fighting.
“So do you think you have what it takes to be in NCT Dream, Lucas?” Chenle folds his hands together, and places his chin on top.
“I think so.”
“You may proceed.” With a flick of Mark’s wrist, Lucas begins his audition.
Lucas must’ve been preparing for this moment for a long time, because in a matter of minutes, he’s belting out every NCT Dream song there was. He makes a mashup of all of them. Surprisingly, it flows well together to the point where it can be its own song.
At the end, he holds the last note of Chewing Gum for a few seconds longer. He then closes his mouth to catch his breath. He looks at the boys to see their reactions, hoping for positive responses. They stroke their pretend beards, and hum as if they’re actually making a decision.
“Is there anything else you can do?” Jisung asks.
Lucas stands up straighter. “I CAN DO THE DANCES TO ALL OF YOUR SONGS, SIR!”
“Go on.”
Lucas takes a deep breath before doing a relay of all their dances. I shake my head the longer I watch. Meanwhile, the boys are hyped up, and dancing along with him. This causes for chaos as the volume in the house gets louder, and louder.
“GIVE HIM A MEDAL BECAUSE THAT WAS ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL.” Jaemin cries, and slows claps. Everyone follows suit as they all stand up for a standing ovation.
“One moment as we discuss.” The boys huddle together to ‘whisper,’ but I’m pretty sure it’s just a bunch of ‘s’ noises to mimic whispering. Seriously, how do I get dragged into these situations all the time?
“So have you made your decision?” I ask, and they pull away to get to their seats.
Haechan clears his throat, and tells us of the results. “Lucas.”
“You can’t join us.”
Lucas lets out a breath, his mouth opening in disbelief. He clutches his heart as he just couldn’t believe this is happening. He thought he had a chance, even a small chance to make it. He is wrong. The NCT Dream industry truly is a place of hard work.
“F-Fine. Forget about it then!”
“Lucas, are you crying?” Jeno snickers.
“Aw, Lucas.” Mark goes over to him to give him a hug, and comfort the big baby. Lucas pushes him away, betrayed that even his 99 liner friend betrayed him as well.
“Oh. OH, WELL THEN. I’LL JUST MAKE MY OWN TEAM AND CALL IT NCT COOL BOYS. NONE OF YOU ARE ALLOWED TO JOIN!” With that, he stomps off, and out the door. Mark runs after him, wanting to be forgiven for his cruel act.
“Wow. He really said that with his whole chest, didn’t he?” Renjun shakes his head.
“What would NCT Cool Boys even consist of? What would their concept be?” Jisung looks to Chenle, who only shrugs.
“No idea, to be honest.”
“All you had to do was let him be in NCT Dream. You had one job, boys.”
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kumkaniudaku · 6 years
Old Friends
A/N: Been gone for a minute. Hopefully this is a peace offering. 
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“Mommy, AJ is putting his mouth on the shoppy cart again.”
Tasha’s eyes snapped away from the zucchini noodles on aisle six to examine the fourth interruption in her shopping experience in less than ten minutes. Sure enough, Noah’s mouth was attached to the cart’s handle, shining the germ-infested metal with his constant drooling.
“Aaron, no! Take your mouth off of that.” Her walking came to an abrupt halt to frantically pull her son’s face away from the cart and wipe the spit from his cheeks. The teeth breaking through his itching gums made any surface attractive for biting except the teething ring she had handed him before they ventured into the store.
Snatching a baby wipe from her purse, she worked to clean the handle while searching through his travel bag for another ring for him to chew.
“Mommy, how come Daddy is Aaron and AJ is Aaron too?”
“Your brother has your daddy’s middle name, Boop.”
“Well, how come me and you don’t have the same middle name?”
“Because we liked Noelle better for you.”
“But why?”
Tasha took a deep breath to compose her bubbling emotions and offered a closed mouth smile to her daughter. “Because that’s what you do when you’re a mommy and daddy. You give kids names.”
“Can I name my kid Bunny? I love bunnies!”
“Sure. Have all the animal named kids you want when you’re older.”
Accepting the explanation, Micah returned to the book in her hands much to Tasha’s delight. Grocery shopping alone was already Hell on Earth, but the addition of both of her children was turning the trip into a madhouse. She’d managed to strategically avoid the candy aisle and Micah’s desperate plea for “just a taste,” but knew a storm was brewing after she swiped the zucchini pasta into her cart and began the trek toward the breakfast cereal aisle. Chadwick hated the sugar-filled treats and discouraged her from bringing them into the house, but he also wasn’t the one to shuffle a grumpy child out of the house and to school every morning. Tasha would make the decision and ask for forgiveness later.
As she browsed the tidy shelves for a compromise between sweet delights and bland whole wheat options, she heard the loud shriek of a child and prayed it wasn’t one of hers. Another round of spitting giggles shared between two children finally made her turn her head. Instead of being met with mischief, she found Noah engaged in a starry-eyed exchange with a curly-haired little girl in a cart across the walkway.
“You think she’s pretty, huh,” She smiled before turning her attention to the other child. “What’s your name, pretty girl?”
“Oh, this is Olivia,” a male voice that Tasha didn’t acknowledge answered for the little girl.
All of the emotions of having a baby in her presence sent CoCo’s voice into the high pitch that adults use with children, and she had to scold herself mentally for reaching out to touch the unfamiliar child.
“Oh my God. I’m so sorry,” Tasha apologized as she stood to her full height. “I get so excited when I see babies. Especially one as cute as Miss Olivia.”
“Yeah, well she’s a handful.”
“Aren’t they all?”
Adjusting her baseball cap on her head gave the other participant in the conversation a full view of Tasha’s face and her the same, piecing together the voices with an old, yet familiar presence.
Both adults stood frozen, receiving short flashes of their time together while people struggled to maneuver around them. The low curse from another disgruntled patron pulled both of them out of their thoughts and back to the present moment.
“Mommy, that man is not Daddy,” Micah informed, apparently done with reading her book and ready to supervise the situation.
“No, he’s not. This is one of Mommy’s old friends. Say hello to Elijah.”
Elijah waved back at Micah who narrowed her eyes and refused to return the gesture.
“Tough crowd,” he laughed as he rocked back and forth on his heels. He hadn’t changed much since Tasha last saw him years ago. He carried a bit more bulk across his arms and chest and sported more stubble than he used to, but he still had the same kind twinkle in his eye and warm smile.
“It’s been a minute huh, Tasha?”
“It has,” CoCo trailed off, staring in space before gathering her bearing and making eye contact. “How are you? Everything goin’ okay?”
Elijah smiled as another family passed between them to take a look at other items and nodded, “Yeah. Things are great. I’m back out here getting the business off the ground. For good this time.”
“This time?”
“Well, you know, after…” The situation quickly became uncomfortable at the mention of their sudden and painful breakup, forcing both of them to focus their attention elsewhere until they were ready to continue. “I moved back to Atlanta for a little while, got my stuff together, and then relocated to Houston. Now I’m here.”
“That’s uh...that’s good to hear. I’m sure Houston was beautiful.”
“It was. I learned a lot, met a few people, and started that real estate consulting firm I used to obsess about.”
Tasha nodded at the information without speaking. Guilt was starting to spread into every corner of her mind, and no matter how she tried to hide it, her eyes went sad. She couldn’t help but feel responsible for deferring his dreams.
“I see everything worked out with you,” Elijah continued, gesturing toward Micah and Noah. Micah’s stood in the cart with her eyes still narrowed as she observed the interaction while Noah’s mouth had found its way to the handle of the shopping cart again. If ever there was a time for her children to pretend to be perfect angels, it was now.
“I saw the wedding photos. And the birth announcements, the promotions, all that. I should’ve kept that to myself. I promise I wasn’t stalking you. The ShadeRoom is just usually on my explore page.”
“No, it’s cool. Things are great with me. You’ve met Micah, and this is Noah.”
“That one looks exactly like you,” he laughed as he motioned to Micah. “The expression and stance are all you.”
“Think so? Everyone says she looks like her dad.”
“Eh, kinda. But I see your spirit in there. She doesn’t take anybody’s shit.”
“You said a bad word, Mister ‘Lijah! One dollar in the swear jar for you.”
“Micah, be nice,” CoCo warned the tiny version of her. Though she heard her mother loud and clear, Micah calmly sat back inside the cart and continued to eye Elijah. She was taking notes for a later retelling to her favorite person.
Turning back to Elijah, Tasha attempted to salvage the conversation.
“I see you’re doing well too. Olivia has your eyes.”
“That’s what my mom says,” He laughed.
“Oh my God, I hope Mama Cheryl doesn’t hate me.”
“Hate is a strong word. But I’d watch out if I were you. Mama’s quick in that new power scooter.”
“Yikes. Okay, noted,” CoCo winced after an uneasy laugh. His mother had never been fond of her, and she was sure news about the breakup didn’t help. “So, Olivia’s mom. Is she…”
“She’s back in Houston for a little while. We’ve been doing the long-distance thing, but by the end of the month, she’ll be here so we can finish planning for the wedding.”
“A wedding! That’s great!”
“We gotta get it done before she starts showing again. She’s hell bent on fitting into the dress she chose before she got pregnant.”
“As she should be! Every woman should feel beautiful on their big day!”
“You know, you sound like her. You sure you don’t know Alyssa Tyler?”
“I don’t, but I’m sure if we share similar thoughts, she’s a great woman.”
The pair shared a laugh that felt more like friends reuniting than ex-lovers fumbling their way through their first in-person exchange since the breakup. Suddenly, though, the energy shifted when the weight of Elijah’s words set in.
He was getting married. They’d probably never see each other again after a chance meeting in the supermarket and, if that was the case, CoCo needed to clear the air before she lost the moment forever.
‘Hey, E, I need to apologize.”
Elijah’s smile dropped into a distant frown as he shrugged, “It’s cool, Tash. I-”
“No, it’s not cool. I did a terrible thing to you, and I’m sorry. I’m sorry for not coming to you in person. I’m especially sorry for all of the pain that I’ve caused. It’s completely up to you if you choose to forgive me or not.”
“Look,” he started as he lifted a restless Olivia from her place in the grocery cart. “I was unbelievably hurt after what happened. I thought about trying to get you back, but I realized one thing.”
“That you didn’t want to go to jail for murder?”
“No, I was prepared to go to jail.” The seriousness in his admission lasted for a brief moment before he laughed to ease the tension. “What I was going to say is that I realized that you made the decision that was best for you. I would’ve loved for things to be different, but then we both would have never been placed in the situations we’re in now. You have a dope ass family, and I found the woman that I wanna spend the rest of my life with. We’re good. I promise.”
In his way of signaling a truce, Elijah extended his arm to present his closed fist to Tasha which she bumped her knuckles.  
“I should tell you, though,” he started. “I was gonna propose later that night.”
“Wait, what? The night of the charity event.”
He nodded while situating his daughter on his hip, “The plan was the gift you the house, and once everyone was gone, I had a little setup in the bedroom upstairs. Honestly, I almost pulled the engagement ring out of my pocket instead of the keys, because I was nervous.”
One thousand what if scenarios rolled through Tasha's mind following Elijah's revelation. What if he would’ve gone through with the proposal? Would she have said yes? With her rational mind, she was sure the answer to her final question was no. Not only was she not ready to be married at that point, but she’d been toying with the notion that she needed to explore what possibilities lay within Chadwick.
“Wow. I-I...I didn’t know that.”
“It’s best that you didn’t. What was meant for us came true. Just answer one question for me.”
“Sure! Anything.”
His eyes darted to Tasha’s left, finding Micah continuing to eye him over her Dr. Seuss book before lowering his voice for privacy.
“Were you ever cheating on me?”
“God no,” Tasha exclaimed. “We didn’t start dating until after you and I broke up. I swear.”
The rush of relief on his face and the breath he let out confirmed that Tasha need not divulge certain parts of her and her husband's union. As far as Elijah was concerned, it was months rather than literal hours that separated the relationship.
Just as Elijah opened his mouth to continue the conversation, Olivia released a shriek so loud that it scared Noah into tears. Being unable to communicate her discomfort with words only exasperated the situation. Two crying babies, a shady daughter, and all eyes in the immediate area on them forced Tasha and Elijah to say their goodbyes.
“It was nice seeing you, Elijah. Please, send us a wedding invitation or a link to your registry so that we can get you two a gift.”
“Will do, Tash. Tell Yvonne I said hi. See you later, Little Mama.” Elijah’s free hand extended to shake Micah’s that resulted in a harsh stare. “She really is you. It’s like the first time we met all over again.”
“Trust me; I was much nicer.”
“Mmmmm, I beg to differ.”
After a final set of laughs and goodbyes that carried empty promises to see each other again, CoCo completed her shopping trip with relative ease. Having closure on the situation that had privately plagued her for years lifted a figurative weight from her shoulders. Now, she could finally close that chapter of her life and mentally forgive herself.
As she set off toward an impromptu stop at her favorite shoe boutique to try on a pair of shoes she would request for her approaching birthday, CoCo dialed Chadwick on the car phone. Micah’s ears perked at the sound of her father’s voice, and she sat up from the nap that was beginning to claim her eyelids for a closer listen.
“Babe, I got the pasta noodles you wanted, but you have to cook them. I always get the recipe wrong.”
“That’s fine. It’s my night to cook anyway.”
“The last six Thursday’s have been your night, but I’m happy to see you adhering to the schedule.”
“This isn’t the way to get me to continue if you were wondering,” he laughed on the other end. “The car is quiet. Are the kids asleep?”
“Noah is, I don’t know ab-”
Tasha stared in horror at her center console as the line became eerily silent. Of course, she had no intentions of hiding the information from Chadwick, but she sure as hell didn’t want her conversation with her ex to be blurted by her daughter who only had some of the facts straight. She was sure her husband had hung up the phone if not for the sound of the television in his background.
“I’m gonna assume 'suppose' means propose. You out here gettin’ married on me, girl? I thought for sure having both the kids with you would keep you safe. I guess you just that fine.”
“Oh my-Micah, sit down and hush!”
“Nuh uh, tell Daddy all about it, Princess!”
“No! Micah, you be quiet and, Aaron, I will talk you when we get home. Goodbye!”
Neither Chadwick or Micah could get another word in as CoCo ended the call with lightning speed. When she looked in her rear-view mirror, she found her only daughter in her booster seat with her arms crossed and a searing glare directed toward her.
“I see it’s time to teach you about girl code, Boop. Rule number one: let Mommy tell Daddy first!”
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diamondsnowflakes · 6 years
Fly Me To The Moon
A self-indulgent Duck twins fic about Donald, Della, and space.
AO3 Link
The starry sky stretched endlessly above as the 9-year-old Duck twins, Donald and Della, lay sleepily in the grass outside the farmhouse on their grandma’s farm.
“That’s Ursa Major,” Della explained, pointing at a section of the silver-speckled darkness. “And that’s Ursa Minor. I think Mars should be around here somewhere too.”
Della quickly scanned the abyss for the red planet, shaking her head as she found nothing, before settling back into simply observing.
“I guess not,” She smiled, glancing at her twin. “Maybe it’s hiding.”
She giggled for minute, but then stopped suddenly, realising Donald wasn’t laughing with her. She frowned slightly and sat up fully, shifting herself so she was facing her brother.
“Are you okay Don?”
She got no response, but saw her brother staring vaguely past the sky they were observing. Della waved her hand in front of his face, frowning deeper.
“Helloooo? Earth to Donald Fauntleroy Duck? Do you copy?”
At that, Donald flew to his feet and looked around, eyes wide, only stopping when he saw Della looking at him, frowning.
“Don, I asked if you’re okay, you seemed completely out of it.”
Don shook his head wildly, before blinking. “Yeah, I’m fine, nothing to worry about.”
Della crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at her twin. “Are you sure?”
Donald paused for a second, analysing the grass below them, before turning back to his sister wearily and sighing. “Honestly, Della, I was just thinking about when we’re older. We’re close now, but what if we drift apart-”
“Stop,” Della said, booping the end of his beak gently. “We will always be friends and we will always be together. We’re twins, Donnie! We’re never gonna drift apart!”
Donald chuckled gently and booped Della in return. “Sure, Dumbella. We will always be best friends.”
“Pfffffft, Dumbella.”
“You called me Donald Fauntleroy, this is payback!”
“Payback, schmayback, fight me Donald!”
“Maybe I will.”
The two paused for a second, before bursting into laughter and simultaneously collapsing back into the grass and sighing in unison at the star-speckled abyss above them. They lay for a bit in silence, but Della returned to pointing out the constellations and planets to a quiet, but listening, Donald. The future seemed daunting, but why focus on that when there’s a whole sky to explore.
Living solely in the present felt irrelevant when the Duck twins found themselves lying in that same patch of grass 9 years later under the same sky they were observing as ducklings. While exam stress was finally being lifted off their shoulders, another much bigger weight was replacing it: college, which loomed like a monster the twins finally couldn’t fight coming to finish them off.
So, Donald and Della lay there, staring at the endless abyss they would grimly compare to their futures blankly, dozing in a post-exam haze. Every now and again one of them would drift too deeply and start snoring, only to be rudely elbowed by the other, or Della would point out something and Donald would nod in vague recognition, however they most sat in a heavy-but-comfortable silence. The cool breeze ruffled their feathers, providing much needed relief from the suffocating heat that dominated the daytime and making them shiver slightly, it also rustled the grass and the trees that bordered the fields on the farm gently.
After the long stretch of silence, Della finally spoke, whispering so she didn’t disturb Grandma or either of their cousins in the farmhouse. “Don, what do you think college will be like?”
The worry tainting his sister’s voice caught Donald off guard. “Just like this hopefully.”
“What do you mean?” Della glanced at her brother, frowning slightly.
“Us, together, going through life, one step at a time,” He stared into the sky, eyebrows furrowed gently. “And even if we go different paths, we’ll still be us.”
“That’s fucking sappy,” Della chuckled, propping herself up on her elbows.
“Fuck off,” Donald grumbled, flipping himself so he was face-down on the grass. “I came here to have a good time and I’m currently feeling so attacked right now.”
Della let herself collapse back into the grass gently. “Don’t be so dramatic, you’re gonna start to sound like Gladdie if you aren’t careful.”
“I have never been offended in my life,” Donald’s muffled voice replied.
“See what I mean?” Della smirked, and then smiled gently and let her voice soften with it. “Besides, I never said being sappy was a bad thing. You’re right, we’re always gonna be us, the trademarked Duck Sluts.”
“You’re never gonna let that dumb highschool nickname go, are you?” Donald turned his head from the grass to his sister, scowling slightly.
Della sat up and turned to her twin, giggling slightly. “Nope! It’s sticking.”
“Why? It’s dumb and rude and probably classes as bullying.”
“Because it’s dumb and rude and I find it extremely funny, Mr Outlasted-The-Drake-Mallard.”
Donald smirked and rolled his eyes before flipping himself back onto his back, so he was staring at the sky once more, pausing and sighing.
“Still, what do you think the future’s gonna be like?” He sighed, a little later on.
Della huffed a laugh and pointed to the sky. “Reading the stars, I see you and I exploring space.” She said, whispering the last word.
“Be realistic,” Donald sniggered. “Space? Really?”
“I mean, yeah, go about the galaxies, land on the moon, the whole shebang.”
This time it was Donald’s turn to huff a laugh. “Welp, when you go up there, don’t forget to take me with you.”
“I said you and I, Donnie,” Della sighed, smiling slightly. “I’d never leave you.”
Della groaned as she woke up, blearily looking around at the dusty, grey desert that surrounded her. She dimly registered something extremely heavy on her leg, and the same leg feeling like it’d been dipped in sulfuric acid, before she noticed the overwhelming heavy feeling in her lungs and she was suddenly wide awake and gasping like a fish in a fisherman’s net. The crack in her helmet told her everything she needed to know as she desperately searched her wrecked surroundings, delightfully spotting the pack of Oxy-chew Gyro had stored in the ship’s hold (“just in case something goes so wrong you end up lost in space like the impulsive wreck you are, Della Duck”) and leaning to reach for it slowly, trying to shift her trapped leg through the aching pain so that she could make up for any lost distance, grabbing the gum, pulling her helmet off and popping a stick in her mouth. She chewed for a second before gagging slightly at the taste, sticking her tongue out as she made a face and checking the packet of the gum.
“BLACK LIQUORICE!” She cried in dismay. “I’m gonna murder Gyro when I get back.”
At that, Della frowned and looking around the landscape, scratching her head.
“Where am I anyways?”
She directed her gaze up, catching a glimpse of the looming remains of the Spear of Selene, the Earth lit up like one of the marbles Uncle Scrooge had given her and Donald when they were young reflected in the dented, but untarnished, titanium alloy. Her eyes widened as she craned her head around to stare, choosing to focus on the blue planet rather than the immediate peril.
“Wow,” She whispered, before frowning and looking down at the dust below her. “Maybe I’m on a planet? No, we’re way too close. Artificial satellite? Don’t be silly, Della, you’d have fallen off by now and the ground would be metallic not dusty. That means... I’m on the moon... or an asteroid.”
Della placed her hands behind her on the floor and tried to wrench herself up to investigate further, but the shifting of metal and a sharp stab of pain pulled her back to reality and she collapsed, gasping.
“Aw phooey, how am I even going to get off this space rock if I can’t even get my leg out from under the engine by myself?” She stared at her leg, narrowing her eyes and frowning slightly, before the metal shifted again and the jets above her caved, hurtling towards her before stopping just short of crushing her. “Whatever, staying here is probably more of a death wish than I can afford, so I’m gonna have to find some way to get out.”
Della kicked the wreckage again, this time causing the precariously-balanced metal to just groan and a picture fluttered down to lie next to her.
“I bet the cockpit is still somewhat intact up there,” She muttered, before picking the picture up and sighing at its contents and looking back up to the Earth, frowning guiltily as tears built up in her eyes. “I’m sorry, boys. I should’ve listened to your Uncle Donald, he had every reason to hate me going up, now look where I am.”
Della sighed and hung her head, looking at the picture again. It was her, Donald, and Uncle Scrooge standing around a wicker basket containing three eggs. Della laughed tearfully, her voice coming out hoarse, before looking back up to home, remembering a promise made long ago.
“I’m sorry, Don. Really really sorry. I should’ve waited, I should’ve had you with me like I promised. I shouldn’t have left you,” At that Della started sobbing, tears running in streams off her feathers, putting water on the surface of the moon for the first time. “I’m so so sorry, I fucked up so badly.”
When the tears started to slow, Della felt like an hour or so had passed, although she couldn’t know for sure. She gasped slightly, before looking back up at the Earth and rubbing her red-rimmed eyes.
“I guess I’d better figure out how to get my leg out so I can try to get home.”
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