#i call alhaitham haitham so like I’m not saying nicknames
venstm · 1 day
racism is never a joke.
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chastiefoul · 2 years
stood up.
characters: ayato & alhaitham
Your boyfriend promised a long overdue date on the winter season—albeit how busy he was.
But as you waited and waited for him on the agreed spot, why does it look like he’s not coming?
tags: a lil angsty, comfort would be on part 2
You were giddy as you woke up, immediately getting ready for the long awaited date you both have today. Amidst the research he’s been busy working with at the time, he finally managed to take a brief break and told you he missed you wanted to spend time with you which you couldn’t possibly refuse since you missed him just as much.
It was heavily snowing outside—you took a mental note as you pick a warm outfit for today. You were very excited about the date that you had arrived fifteen minutes early, silently hoping maybe your boyfriend would come a little early too since it’s been a while that you both spend a quality time.
“I need coffee,” Alhaitham groaned as he went out from his room, completely exhausted and sleep-deprived. Kaveh who coincidentally was in the dining room just stared at him as if saying ‘then pour it yourself tf?’. Alhaitham made a cup for himself and took a sip. “It’s noon, and you’re just waking up?” the blond said disapprovingly while the grey-haired man only sighed. “It can’t be helped that I needed to sleep late every day for the past week. Also mind your own business, don’t you have that presentation you’ve deemed all week as important today?” He asked, annoyed. “Huh? That was yesterday.” Kaveh said, confused. Alhaitham widened his eyes. “What?” Panic rises inside Alhaitham’s chest as he asked.
“What date is it today?” His stomach dropped, refusing to believe that he had mixed up such an important date only because he was dwelled to deep on his research, even though he promised to meet you. He looked at the clock, 12 p.m, you both agreed to meet at 9 a.m.
 “Seventeenth.” Kaveh confirmed, quickly snapping Alhaitham’s useless idle thought.
The scribe cursed out loud then went to grab the first coat he saw and swiftly go out.
Please still be there, please still be there.
He ran full speed at the agreed spot. He so wanted you to still be there but perhaps it would be too cruel at your side since you’d be standing still at the same spot waiting in the cold for three whole hours.
Then he saw you there, standing as you had your hands deep on your pocket, your nose red from the cold.
“(y/n)!” Alhaitham called out, but you didn’t budge at the noise. He approached you, overwhelmed with guilt. “I’m sor-“
“I told you before that we didn’t have to meet if you’re busy, I told you I could wait.” You said, uncharacteristically slow that it was unnerving. “But I didn’t mean it like this,” you whispered, finally losing it. Alhaitham’s heart broke at the tone, but he knew he didn’t have the right. “Waiting here for three whole hours that people from shop nearby talked to me and said I should warm myself up for a moment and I stupidly refuse, scared that you’d come while I was gone and you’d think I forgot about today..” you paused.
“I looked like a fool—no, I was an utter fool.”
“Please. I can explain-“
“Gosh what an interesting way to apologize,” your eyes hot with tears that were threatening to spill. “Seeing you now, clearly just waking up with no effort whatsoever to get yourself ready.. just how pathetic do you want me to feel, Alhaitham?” you sniffled, feeling uncomfortable and heartbroken. The fact that you were looking forward to today for days and he did not even bother to remember. That fact cuts deep.
The man’s heart ached more by the sudden call of his full name, not the usual endearing nickname of ‘haitham’.
You walked away, wiping your tears. Alhaitham who witness your back getting smaller as you take a step after another could only stand still, quietly searching for the words he could find to first and foremost apologize, then to find a way to make it all up to you.
It was definitely not easy, being by Ayato’s side, but you made it work—you always do. And Ayato couldn’t hope for more of an understanding partner—and he didn’t let you forget that, but this made you reluctant to voice your worries, scared that he would picture you as this selfish person. But if you were given a wish, perhaps you’d want to be able to spend a little more time with your boyfriend. Just a little.
When there’s patience, there’s too, a limit.
You’re currently waiting for Ayato at the meeting spot you both agreed on the day before. You wouldn’t mind a ten or fifteen minutes tardiness, anyone could’ve make such mistake, but feeling how stiff your fingers were and seeing the sun position, it’s safe to say you’ve been waiting for more than four hours. There are strangers who passed by earlier, and when the same people witnessed you still glued in the same spot they saw you, you couldn’t help but look down.
A quiet but incisive sense of shame overwhelmed you, that you had such faith in this man that you were willing to wait even hours on such weather, not even knowing that if Ayato had felt the same anticipation—clearly not, since him or even his retainer that usually gave you news about his well-being was nowhere in sight. You couldn’t help but laugh self-deprecatingly at your foolishness as you finally decided to give up and go home, not even thinking about the reason why he had forgotten about the date. The bottom line was that he stood you up, whether it was unintentional at the end of the day, you were hurt. And it was finally time to tell him that he would not get away with it.
The next day, your body had to pay up the price of waiting on such a snowy weather that you caught a fever. It wasn’t worth it in the slightest but at least this way you don’t have to face him for a while, since you don’t really have anything nice to say if forced to see his face.
That thought was short-lived however, seeing that Ayato had decided to come, on a day where you both didn’t agree to meet up on. You were laying down, even with the thick layers of clothing you still felt somewhat cold.
“You didn’t come this morning as you usually do, so I got worried,” he explained the sudden visit. Your head hurt, but truly it was incomparable to the ache you’re experiencing on your chest. Ayato seemed to had completely forgotten the fact that he was supposed to meet you yesterday. “What were you doing that you’ve become this ill, love?” There was nothing but pure concern in his voice but this made you more spiteful, more infuriated.
“I was waiting for someone for hours out in the cold yesterday.” You said, still burying yourself in the blanket, not bothering to make eye contact with the man. At this he was thinking back that perhaps you had tell him about this engagement, but his expression quickly drop, as he remembered. You wanted to laugh at it since you’ve never seen such face on him, but that was a luxury you had to postpone until a later date where you had felt a little better.
“Sweethe-“ He quickly said but you cut him off. “Don’t call me that. And don’t even think about touching me.” You said sternly, as he swiftly retracted the hand that was about to touch your head.
“(y/n), I apologize but I-“
And you’ve had about enough of his exuses—no matter how important, you don’t even care anymore, you just wanted Ayato out of your sight.
“It’s always something with you, isn’t it? I’m tired, Ayato.” You said meekly, truly exhausted by the way he always had something to say, a ­­way to get out of being berated, reasons that you had to understand even though it was the same as saying that he had put you second—or maybe below that yet again. “I don’t want to understand it anymore, I give up.” You finally said, and only at this point Ayato had realized just how much he had hurt you over the course of you dating him.
“I’m done being your loyal dog that you can treat however you please, Ayato. Leave.”
“I said, leave.” You repeated.
Ayato could only stand up and got out as guilt was eating him away slowly. It wouldn’t be an understatement to say that he had taken advantage of your kindness and took you for granted. The regrets tasted bitter on his tongue. As he went out from your haven there was only one thing running through his mind. How could he possibly fix this?
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desafinado · 2 years
★彡 *•.♡ calling them a term of endearment
can i call you mine, and can i call you my lover?
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°。⋆ self-indulgent, fluffy fluff, swearing, a bit suggestive
°。⋆ alhaitham, diluc, kaveh, xiao x reader (wc:)
note: diluc’s is kinda diff bc idk i just melt every time i write him sdjfkdsjfsdf hes such a gentleman but soft i wanna spoil bb boy… also if you think pet names or cheesy or some shit or whatever this is obviously not for u, talk to the wall this is my blog
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alhaitham ♡
“yes, baby?”
you settled into his lap getting a bit more comfortable, but it seemed like alhaitham had frozen into place. you had been dating for a month or so, and yes he’d often call you “dear”, but a term of endearment coming from you? and that term being “baby”? he wasn’t expecting that at all.
“i–uh. book.”
that was all he could mutter, completely forgetting what he was saying, thinking even. you giggled at the sight before you, a taken aback, nervous, and speechless alhaitham; lucky for you, you’d be the only one who got to see it. you snuggled into his chest before teasing him a bit further.
“yes, baby, what about the book?”
there it was again, “baby”. it was going to be the death of him for sure.
“baby? what… what’s the meaning of this?” you weren’t going to let him off so easily, you were gonna savor this while it lasted. “babies are humans at infancy, you know, the first stage of–”
“stop teasing for my sake, please.” he let out an exasperated sigh while you just giggled at his agony. you could get used to this, if this was gonna be the reaction every time. “okay, okay, fine. there’s no reason actually. i just wanted to call you baby, and i think i’m gonna start calling you that more often.”
“i’ll allow it.” he says a little too quickly, and you know he for sure approves as well.
“hmm… but no reason you say?” you hum in approval as he shifts so that his head rests on your shoulder. you close your eyes melting into the warmth he provided; that moment of peace was short lived, however, as he started leaving kisses on the sensitive spots of your neck.
“haitham..! y-you know i’m sensitive there!”
“i know, baby, but i just felt like it. you’re acquainted with the feeling aren’t you?”
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diluc ♡
“what’s wrong, sweetheart?”
you were sitting by the window, gazing out into the vineyards of the dawn winery. it was obvious that something was running through your mind by the tense look on your face. you shook your head for a moment, before returning his gaze.
“it's nothing really. just thinking of a term of endearment for you.” you got up from your seat to approach, cup his cheeks oh so tenderly. “sweetheart, darling, honey? you have so much for me, yet i haven’t the slightest clue what to call you.” 
to think that diluc had so much affection and adoration for you, but you couldn’t even think of some cute nickname to call him. everything either felt too cheesy or too formal, but whatever he called you seemed to be just right.
“you know, whatever you might call me, i know i’ll love. you could call me a grape for all i care, and i’d still be head over heels for you.” he snaked his arms around your waist, pulling you all the more closer. he couldn’t be serious, could he?
“i’m serious, diluc! i wanna call you something that does you justice. something i could address you in letters, call you in public; something that’ll let everyone know you’re mine.”
he looks up in thought for a second, trying his best to help you out. “sugar?” “too cheesy.” “dear?” “too basic.” “... that’s all i’ve got, darling, i’m sorry.”
an idea finally pops into your head, though, something you should’ve seen earlier.
“what about beloved? because you know… i love you dearly, a-and you’re my…'' after all this time, you still find your heart racing when referring to diluc as your lover, but that only lends the nickname more points. his smile becomes a happy one, giving you a gentle peck on your heated cheeks.
“it’s perfect, beloved, and just so you know, i love you too, and you are my one and only lover.”
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kaveh ♡
“kaveh, my love, could you pass me the salt?”
kaveh does as he’s told, but not without a shocked look on his face. you look up from the dough you’re mixing to see the look on his face, raising an eyebrow in response. was he not aware that you could put salt in cookies?
“love? you called me your love!!?” he was practically singing praises. you didn’t realize it meant that much to him, but you were pleased by his reaction nonetheless, a faint chuckle escaping your lips.
“is it that groundbreaking?” you genuinely doubted if he perceived you as unromantic, but you were also aware he had the tendency to be dramatic. his lips calmed down to a sheepish smile.
“it’s nothing like that, i didn’t mean to offend you. it’s just that i’ve been waiting for you to call me one, since we’ve been together.” he hugs you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“i see, i apologize if you had to wait long.” you felt a pang of guilt hit you, knowing he felt that way, but you felt him lightly shaking his head. “no, no, no. i wanted it to happen naturally, and the way you said it just earlier just felt… right.”
once it was time to put them in the oven, he still clung onto you as if you’d evaporate the moment he let go. you could never turn down his physical affection, but this was shaping up to be a bit difficult.
“kaveh… it’s a bit hard to put them in the oven without burning myself if you don’t let go.”
“really now? i’ll let go if you say the magic word.”
“hah. you’re really running with it, aren’t you?”
“magic words, love.” he earned a sigh from you before you finally gave into his desires.
“let go for a second, would you, my love?”
“of course, my love, but once those cookies are in the oven, you’re mine for the next fifteen minutes.”
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xiao ♡
xiao was already in disbelief from the fact he had somehow won your affection, and was living a pleasantly romantic relationship with you. this, however, was a whole new level of domesticity.
“i’m sorry, can you repeat that?”
“if i call out dearest, while referring to you of course, will you be able to hear me and come to my aid?” maybe it was silly of you to ask, but you were genuinely curious. 
“i… why would you refer to me as dearest?” he was still trying to wrap his head around this whole thing.
“because you’re my dearest? it’s a term of endearment.” you’re sure he’s heard of pet names throughout his years on liyue, so you weren’t quite sure why he was being so naive about it.
“i know that, i just– you really want to call me that?” you nod simply, taking his hand into yours, rubbing circles into his palm.
“if it makes you uncomfortable, i won’t bring it up again. i just thought it would be a cute way of addressing you, calling for you.” there’s some disappointment in your voice, but you genuinely did not want to overstep any boundaries he wasn’t ready to cross.
“no, i love it.”
he squeezes your hand, starting up into your eyes. that look he gave you, full of affection and love, made you weak.
“are you sure? you really don’t–”
“no, i’m sure. i love it, and i’ll be there the moment you call.” there’s a pure and bright smile painted across his face, and you’ve never been more in awe. 
“g-great, that’s great!” you stutter out, not really expecting him to accept it so wholeheartedly so quickly. the space between you falls into a comfortable quiet, though you feel a wave of shyness wash over you.
“you can call me other names too, whatever you like. i’ll always be there, okay?” you nod timidly, afraid to make a fool out of yourself any further; xiao’s smile grows wider.
“hmm, then it's settled. you shall call me your dearest as you are mine, isn’t that right, my darling dearest?”
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please do not repost on other sites.
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