#i bought like every single flea product at petsmart bc i was so desperate to solve that problem
xythlia · 11 months
okay so ik I posted a while ago about how my cats had fleas & it was driving me fucking bonkers well after I took them to the vet they told me about some medicine that works really well & if u aren't in a place where u can spring for the expensive preventative meds it's way cheaper.
there's a few different types of topical flea treatment but the most popular is frontline right? except frontline is made with a chemical called fipronil that isn't 100% effective despite what their advertising implies. in my cats case frontline didn't do anything, not even with two months of dosage, it didn't even kill the live adult fleas that were on them let alone any eggs despite being applied correctly.
my vet recommended using advantage II bc it's made with a different chemical, imidacloprid. that chemical, in lab testing, was more effective than fipronil on fleas. after 8 hours imidacloprid had an 82.8% efficacy compared to fipronil at 62.6%. products made with imidacloprid also tend to be cheaper than ones made with fipronil. I didn't buy advantage though I bought a discounted version thru amazon that had more doses in the pack but had the same concentration % as advantage.
with one hour after applying it to their skin adult fleas were falling off of them. Within two days my cats weren't scratching anymore & weren't shedding flea dirt or larvae. I still clean my house top to bottom every other day just to make sure I stay ahead of it but the imidacloprid medicine has been way more effective for my cats than frontline ever was. I just wanted to post about it bc I didn't even know this shit existed & definitely didn't know it works better than like The flea medicine + if ur cats are like mine and u feel like nothing has worked to stop the flea nightmare a medicine with imidacloprid might actually be the thing to help
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