#i better not be seeing as guda avenger stuff when they had a whole character moment about despite having the reason and ability to become
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tsuzukerukoto · 1 year ago
You guys have no idea how annoying I am going to become about Id once I finish it and put down all of my thoughts of which I have Many
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cielospeaks · 3 years ago
event review bc. idk. i guess i forgot to do them but i have some stuff to follow up from this
Story- 3/10. like. its not the absolute worst i guess. i feel like senseis character is actually ok, the ceo look fits him (i would assume he has better looking ascensions if he ever becomes playable) compared to ryomas naval look and izous suit/tattered clothing. the absolute shock and “why didnt we get that version” i felt when seeing the last day cutscene of takasugi is unparalleled. like that guy actually looked like the person hes based on. i really didnt get the draw of his most used design tbh. the new assassin was kinda eh, i think it was mostly his pose. again id assume maybe hed get a better ascension sorta thing? the actual event story, not accounting for fandomwide drama, was really meh. the “saber wars” allusions were really sickening (which was prolly due to my illiteracy, but it still detracted from my enjoyment) and the fake ryoma was absolutely hateable. but in the good side the interactions with izou and ryoma especially were really great, and seeing him get to tell off the people who abandoned him was also good. the scene w oryo in the second to last day was very good (and very sad). the ending is so much no but whatever, i was expecting it. im prolly just gonna pretend the ending didnt happen.
Free servant- 7-8/10. im gonna put ranmaru here even tho im still not 100 percent. i think theyre pretty much not saber wars verse so thats an instant win for me. free avenger that is actually cool, you have my appreciation. i like their expressions being a throwback to mori (i know theyre both mori but shhh) and i think they had a nice dynamic in the event, again illiteracy aside.
Gacha servant- 5/10. completely split down the middle. izumo no okuni has been on my list since college of “historical figures id love to see as a servant” and i was disappointed when kabukimono valentine girl wasnt her or goemon (still am, but i like okuni’s design better so. i win) i love her english lines, she is very kabukimono. the “wakeup!” literally woke me up this morning lol. however, i do not like the second gacha at all. i wish that instead the historical dress for ryoma and oryo was just a costume, bc that would have been so ideal. but then again, shrugs at camera its tradition. screw over the free guda servant by giving them a bad op 5 star variant because fuck you in particular.
Event gameplay- 6/10. not much on the “power level” events of the event clear, and honestly idk why it was 5.5 clear besides making the fights harder, but with okuni and himichii the fights were a breeze. honestly w her the whole main classes of the game are covered w gudaguda servants so you can just use whoever and its great fun. the last few boss fights were utter bullshit but thats to be expected
Other- 4/10. myroom is eh. the sakamotos lines at the event shop at the start of the event were so pure, but im not looking forward if (spoilers) appears. i really hate how this event could have elaborated on previous npcs/incorporated them in the story, yet chose to just introduce a bunch of characters in their most generic designs and basically went nowhere. i guess my standards were high after 5, which incorporated himichii with the rest of the squad and made katsu playable, and the npcs were strongly tied to okita and hijikata. i also hate that it didnt have a low rarity character, thats basically how less popular/npc characters have been being added and that sucks. the fandom reaction is also just disgusting and pathetic. yall dont deserve okuni.
Overall- 5/10.
in terms of guda events theyre either really good or really eh. this one is an eh one, but thats to be expected as i loved 5 and wasnt much into 4, 3 had good characters but setting was eh, the first two were fine. this one was like... the setting of 3 + the flyball characterization of 4, so on all accounts i should dislike it more. but okuni and ranmaru are cool, and there were some good moments for my favorite characters, so it was ok. a pass, but just barely. literally those izou and ryoma moments and the half of the oryo ryoma moments that werent abuse or lazy designs are carrying this entire event on their back.
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cielospeaks · 4 years ago
v happy to put out this guda5 event review!
Story- 9/10. only putting as 9/10 bc technically i dont like that they use only avenger and not archer nobu (like. she exists. tho tbh its mostly my gripes w avenger nobu as a whole character on a lot of levels) however it doesnt detract that much from the story. the story was really fantastic! it was bizarre, but also knew when to take things seriously, and i think it fleshed everyone out a lot which was nice (i do like katsu in funnier roles as well, but for a story abt familial ties and katsu kinda... growing to stand up for himself without his big sister a more serious tone was much better). the antagonists got nice arcs and are def in the same category as other guda npcs that “gosh i wish you were playable”. the memes abt serizawa’s strategy to attack on a weekday and stuff were funny also. anyways pretty top tier! def my favorite story of gudaguda events so far. i loved the relationship between katsu and himichans brother (and the ending between them made me even more hyped abt katsu servant, tho i wish he and himichan had lines together), and izous role especially in the event! he really shone and he deserved it so much, im so proud of him!
Free servant- n/a (counting katsu as gacha). no free servant, but unlike something like saber wars 2 it wasnt fucking bullshit. see gacha area
Gacha servant- 11/10. it gets this high a rating bc the whole gacha was excellent. the ces were nice, the characters were amazing! and it used the fp gacha awesomely also, by means of katsu! limited 1 star is rough, but w farming friend points in the event and 1 stars being easy enough to summon id say its easier than mori or izou, who are limited 3 stars. and as far as the quartz gacha i was so happy to see himiko added! at first i was scared bc i was watching the announcement w no sound but had a bad feeling the 5 star would be himi (and that id be sad not to roll her) but then she came home like... after 60 quartz! bless her heart. and hajime mightve eaten more but he came home easily enough too! thank you both so much ;w;
Event gameplay- 7/10. like summer the gameplay was fine enough, i like the easier clear events (tho it is satisfying to clear a “tough” boss with a good strategy, like rulerteam, for hard level events). himiko absolutely slays at everything! the bosses weren’t too hard but were satisfying. raids arent my favorite thing but i prefer them to like... the cf event last year. the farming was sweet, i kept thinking of the “its a farm” line and the first summer event, it was a nice nostalgic throwback. also katsu and himichans lines for picking up the farming stuff are nice.
Other- 8/10. ok first thing first, the okita costume was like. A+++++ tier. i know its only a small appearance change but she looks so good! not that her usual outfits arent good, its just like! idk maybe just the novelty but its a good look for her! and the animation up + hiji strengthening was a nice gift too! (i know that was before but still). again, npcs were wonderful and i was happy to see them, and bless them implementing katsu as playable, it gives me hope ;w; kinda sad that besides shibata in flashbacks the other npcs were absent (and heck, mori barely got any screentime either ;n; ) my theory is that odd number gudagudas are focused on okita/bakumatsu/shinsengumi and even numbers are focused on nobu/sengoku. we’ll see next year if thats correct, and if so it could mean our old buddies akechi/shibata/maxwell might get another crack at being servants (maybe even our two new friends from this one as well, but idk). it would be funny if we got a weird jttw crossover w wukong and guest appearance from xuanzang, but that might just be too out there lol.
oh and i forgot to mention abt myroom! it was nice! honestly the event (and maybe partly the sheer novelty that i barely know anything abt yamatai era) revived that feeling i had initially abt “im so excited to set off on a history adventure!” w go and other such games/series. i think this song sums it up. the music was also very nice!
Overall- 9/10.
as far as gudaguda events this one is by far the best imo. katsu becoming playable, and both the story and characters being solid. no free 4 star is a bit sad, but im much more glad katsu is a 1 star (he gets sweet outfits!). sure his np would prolly be different if he was a 4 star but it fits his character as it is (tho im never using it unless i can give him guts ;w; ). himiko, one of my most desired servants, also is added and thats awesome! hajime chan is very cute also and im super happy to see him in the game. ofc being a gudaguda event it introduces new characters and promptly confines them to npc heck, but.... katsu exists so... there’s hope? i esp feel for shibata and serizawa, they deserve to be playable so bad.
for reference, id say the shishou event was a solid 6/10. decent gameplay, not quite as fun to see the lineups as the previous years (i liked how in the loud king events they were introduced like... wrestling teams or something) but the gameplay was largely the same and i loved the misty scotland castle setting (if it wasnt obvious by my happy abundant macbeth references). shishous bunny suit is cute but i dont have her, nor any plans (i like summer shishou just fine), and as a character i like her better than the loud kings, but it just felt... more fitting? i guess? with the event structure. but either way, not a bad event by a long way. the loud king fest events arent my favorite as a whole, so thats mostly why its not higher.
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