#i bet they're protective of each other on some level
frenchies-guitar · 11 months
okay but jim and frenchie being besties after all that kraken era
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oozedninjas · 3 months
Hey, Tim! If it's cool, could I please request what it would be like dating the 2012 boys? If you don't do 2012, then Bayverse please?
By the way, keep up the amazing work 💜
Got some free time today! Hope to post the others soon too. Ily thanks for staying in tune!
2012 / sfw / kissing/ninja guys are late 20's
Prepare to be protected. At all costs? You can bet so. Against your will? Probably sometimes.
He'd value your safety above anything else.
He would probably plan all your dates, which would always be incredibly thoughtful and romantic. Like rooftop picnics overlooking the city.
Leo always keeps his promises.
He might introduce you to martial arts, meditation, or his favorite shows. It's exciting to share his hobbies with you!
10/10 Leo is respectful and courteous. You will always be treated with kindness, care, and consideration.
The type of boyfriend who carries you bridal style.
His kisses might start hesitant, like testing if you're willing, but quickly overflow with passion if he's reciprocated.
He's very intense in the way he communicates his feelings. Deeply committed and fiercely loyal.
While he's always there to protect you, he loves that you can fend for yourself and adores seeing you kick ass.
Dates with Raph would be thrilling, often entangling action-coded activities.
His brutal honesty always keeps you leveled on where you stand with him.
Raph loves banter and teasing, so be prepared to keep up with him.
He probably shared with you the story of Spike, and honestly, wtf.
He's the type of boyfriend who carries you like a potato bag. You can't change my mind.
His kisses are always deep and passionate right from the start, biting and sucking at your lips, a bit of growling against your mouth if it gets too steamy.
Your personal problem solver: He’d build or fix things for you, always using his skills to make your life easier!
He'd equip you with several tech tools designed only for you, and they're always incredibly mindful: Oh, your charger isn't working? Here! A whole-ass sun-fed battery resistant to water, dust, and hackers.
Donnie would be super supportive of your interests, always eager to learn more about them.
Dates always have a hint of science: aquariums, planetariums, museums, and the best part is the thrill of breaking in the middle of the night. Good thing he has a device to fool security cameras.
He carries you on his back, piggybacking or bridal style when he feels a bit more romantic.
His kisses are sweet and shy at first, eager and needy right after.
He cups your face softly and sighs when you pull apart.
Mikey holds your heart in his hands with such heart-warming love and adoration it's almost too sweet.
He would always make his best effort to make you feel loved in the exact way you'd appreciate the most.
He learns your love language by heart and tries to complement the others. He's best at words of affirmation and acts of service.
Always there for you when you need him.
Also incredibly protective!!
Dates with Mikey are always fun and creative! You follow each other into your current hyperfixations or hobbies like painting, skateboarding, and graffiti… we don't talk about this one in front of Leo, tho.
You subscribed him to a cooking master class and everyone in the lair thanked you for it.
He carries you like a potato bag sometimes, and other times he lifts you up so that you embrace him with your legs by the front.
He loves to brush his nose with yours.
His kisses are playful and steamy, with lots of smooches in between. He nibbles at your lips, tasting every corner of them.
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ram018 · 2 months
Analysis on the closet scene | Ep. 101 - Nevermore.
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I find this scene to be very meaningful. Not just on a superficial level, but also on a deep and symbolic one.
In this analysis ramble, I'll try to give my perspective on some of the elements and symbols I find interesting regarding how this scene is written. Particularly, when narrating the conflict Annabel Lee is facing in this situation.
Sorry for any mistakes! English is not my first language. Now, let's start!
1 | About Annabel Lee.
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Annabel Lee is one of the most, if not the most, multifaceted character in this comic.
She hides herself constantly, to the point where we barely see her true self showing unless when she's with Lenore... or when she's alone. But around everybody else, she shows herself masked only – the mask of someone who pretends to be strong and tenacious, while actually trying to hide the fragile and sensitive human being behind it.
In order to hold this mask and keep the truth for herself –to prevent people from interfering with her plan and to protect both herself and Lenore– she's capable of doing absolutely anything. From putting Duke behind a wall to whatever it takes to achieve her goal.
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Remember these panels? They're from Ep. 97! In these, Annabel Lee is being called mad and referred to as a monster by the person she loves the most, Lenore.
She bet her morality and her bonds with people on the price of protecting Lenore and escaping from Nevermore together, even if it meant getting her hands dirty... But she went so far with it that even Lenore, who knows her best, thinks she's a monster.
Her worst fear now comes true. It hits her in the deepest part of herself, reliving her most vulnerable and sensitive side, and reminding her that she's alone. Her mask, suddenly, breaks apart.
2 | About the closet.
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Annabel hides herself in a corner of closet.
She hides herself away, with no one noticing at first, and cries alone, concealing her vulnerability and keeping it from everybody else's sight.
Given this, we could take the closet as a metaphor of Annabel Lee's inner world – her true self, everything she keeps hidden, alongside her secret with Lenore that is now burdening her.
She cries alone, among all the clothing that is inside. We could think this as if she was surrounded by all her costumes, her masks. However, she's not wearing a mask now – It's her true self, being vulnerable behind closed doors.
The closet inside is dirty, untidy, dusty, filthy. Even Prospero, in Ep. 102, said it himself: "I shudder to think how long it's been since someone last swept out this closet". Maybe, this could be a metaphor of how unkept and disorganized Annabel's inner world is, due to having to pretend all the time to be someone she's not... As if her true self had been trapped behind those doors for ages and was finally found out purely by accident.
3 | About Prospero.
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In this chapter, we see a Prospero that, aside from the teamwork aspect, actually cares about Annabel Lee. Maybe not in such a deeper level -since they don't know each other that well in this part of the comic- but he does. This makes a contrast with Annabel's loneliness, since there's someone who worries about her at some level. She's not completely alone.
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Prospero approaches the door cautiously, thoughtfully, probably wondering what could be making that noise inside – it could be a rat as well as it could be some kind of monster.
However, it's neither a rat nor a monster he finds, but...
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...just Annabel Lee, in her most authentic self, finally allowing herself to be human.
Thank you for reading!
And sorry for the long post lol, I've been keeping this for months now and I just couldn't hold myself anymore haha.
I thought I had to comment on this since more than just being a scene of Prospero finding Annabel in a closet, it's about meeting and understanding for the first time the other's inner world – and the comic has both an interesting and beautiful take on this.
This is my first Tumblr post too, so I hope it was good! Now I'll come back to my cave to overanalyze any other scene of the comic back again lol.
See you around!
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nitrowyverine · 4 months
Finally played the TOUCHSTARVED Demo! Still thinking about it over a week later.
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(Above: Steam banner image for TOUCHSTARVED from Red Spring Studios)
I love it SO MUCH. and i have QUESTIONS. my extended thoughts below the cut [Demo spoilers included]
General thoughts:
this game is SO up my alley that it's insane. local goth gaming nerd is kicking their feet and giggling
the music? and sound design? It's honestly incredible, even beyond the infamous Every Time We Touch cover (Which is how I found this game). We all have to be giving more props to the music/sound work, it absolutely punches the experience up so many notches. When a soundtrack is released I'm immediately keeping it on hand for all my tabletop needs
absolutely enamored with the backstory mechanic. It adds so much individual depth to the character. you can feel attached to your MC without them being a complete blank slate. I absolutely love that different MC backstories have you pick up different details about the characters. (My favorite is The Hound immediately picking out who the leaders are amongst the group, in contrast to the other MC backgrounds)
I wanna eat the backgrounds. I wanna eat them whole. They're so detailed and colorful and have a great sense of depth. 100000/10
Specific character thoughts/theories:
(Images courtesy of the Touchstarved character Lore posts from the Red Spring Studio socials. I'll be linking them in each of the character's names)
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Thank you, Red Spring studios, for blessing the players with the ability to bite him if you're an ass to him the entire demo. You truly know what we want
Lore seems to indicate that Ais came over from the demon realm for some unknown reason, and was possibly some kind of demon king or leader? Fascinated to learn what happens there
Ngl the Seaspring looks like it would taste good. My favorite raspberry/rhubarb tea looks just like the Seaspring water. Gimme the group juice.
Question: If Ais gets infected with MC's madness....does that mean. the WHOLE groupmind gets infected? Humans and soulless alike? That's a city-destroying disaster waiting to happen
CONCLUSION: Most likely to adopt 6 dogs instead of picking up the groceries. Least likely to let you have the car aux cable.
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I do believe Kuras is the actual best shot at a cure/treatment of all candidates. Assuming the curse is some level of demonic, an angel's touch is probably the best bet.
Let me be clear here though, I do think he might just go "Well you can just like. not have arms" and take them. That is a possibility
Most of the other characters I can get a rough idea of what they want and why. Kuras? I have NO idea what his goal is, which is very frightening.
Twitter bio image does say "Repentant Angel", and that his fatal flaw is "his sins can only be repaid through suffering". Possible linkage to Lovent's fall? Or another major disaster?
its okay sweaty we all get The Guilt (tm)
If Kuras somehow gets MC's maddness (I have a feeling it may not effect him? but if it did) that would just. end the world right there.
CONCLUSION: Most likely to be the one guy you might be able to bring home to your parents. Least likely to put on oven mitts to take a frozen pizza out of the oven.
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I love Vere for being the character I thought I could trust the least, turning into a character I actually trust allot. I trust him to be extremely dangerous. He probably wasn't lying when he said his heart is on his sleeve.
Also, big props for having him just kill you in one of the demo endings. What a guy, I love him, no notes
Wait what he's over 100 according to his birthday post. thats, allot? older? than I thought?. okay yeah the lore posts mention he's a possible deity figure. not comforting
Vere is very fae-logic coded. Like, the words he says can be true and false at the same time. Don't tell him your name, he will cannibalize you for fun, etc etc ya know fae stuff.
i will protect him always
CONCLUSION: Most likely to fuck your dad. Least likely to be your new stepdad.
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Mihn is much dodgier than the rest, but I think that makes them more trustworthy. They're not as interested as playing games.
I nominate Mihn as a secondary protagonist, since Leander, Ais, and Kuras seem to be interested in them quite a bit. Even Vere has a rivalmance kinda thing going for Mihn. If MC didn't show up, that would be the dating sim right there
I'm excited by the lore post and the implications that Mihn is from Lovent (or has traveled there? and survived?) and potentially getting greater lore expansion about the world surrounding Eridia
I think it's interesting that their strength stat is relatively low compared to the others, yet they're one of the characters that actually uses their strength in the demo.
Also, I think we see the least of their "monstrous form" of everyone in the demo (minus their ability to dodge in and out of shadows). I'm thrilled to see what their monstrous form actually entails.
Mihn would survive bloodborne. That's it thats the entire thought
CONCLUSION: Most likely to do all the work in a group project. Least likely to be chill during Mario Party.
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OKAY ALL OF MY QUESTIONS ARE HERE. I AM DEEPLY AFRAID. Something is absolutely wrong but we have no current ability to pinpoint what it is.
I've seen theories Leander is dead. However, in Vere's route, he mentions that Leander smells like aftershave. While this could be part of an extra-elaborate ruse, hair doesn't grow after death (Minus the appearance of it happening due to natural decay processes) so he wouldn't need to shave. However, I am betting on him being involved in some sort of un-death cycle.
actually I can guarantee his story is all about cycles. Has anyone else mentioned how his belt is the triple goddess symbol.
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you know. the symbol of maiden/mother/crone. birth/life/death. beginning/middle/end. like
Moving on, the vast majority of his smiles are forced (Mouth is smiling, but there's no eye movement/crinkle that would indicate it's genuine). That is enough of a red flag but honey I am so much more worried about my next point:
WHERE DOES HE GET HIS MONEY. He's constantly buying rounds of drinks for a packed bar. It's briefly mentioned his clothes are nice. He pays for anything MC needs. However, says Bloodhound rates are "Free". Where does he GET HIS MONEY for all of this. Twitter posts from Red Spring point out he doesn't accept bribes (at least overtly).
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Looking again at Leander's stat post. The Ouroboros in the background is. Not comforting. Also, "Forbidden Magic"? yeah I have a feeling we know why he's not in the Senobium
Theory, potentially Leander is currently being paid by the Senobium to maintain lowtown/Silent Crypts order? I think there's still a connection between them. Like the Senobuim can remain detached while having ties to whatever horrible things Leander is doing.
Okay, in the twitter relationship charts it says that Kuras has looked out for Leander "Since he was young". Kuras probably knows. SO much we don't.
When Mihn scolds Leander for not telling MC to be off the streets past dark. I think Leander intentionally "Forgot" to mention that. I think he wanted the MC to see how dangerous Eridia was so MC would stay closer to Leander for safety. I think it was a very intentional manipulation tactic.
(Furthermore, did he actually cast a spell of luck on MC when he gave them the lilies from his introduction magic trick? Then bet on the MC living through the day?)
I do think Leander's surprise at MC going out to the Seaspring was genuine, since his spit-take clashes so starkly with his cool-guy demeanor.
I also have a feeling that Leander has been past the veil/shroud. he's doing something fucky and the veil is prime fuckery territory.
(Are we...going to get a timeloop story????)
CONCLUSION: Most likely to dramatically use himself as a human bridge over a small puddle (as an excuse to get walked on). Least likely to remember to go to bed after playing Stardew Valley for 13 hours straight.
Touchstarved game things I'm concerned about:
(I feel like I wouldn't be doing my game designer duties if I didn't point out my concerns as well. To be fair, there aren't many.)
I hope the bad endings get fucked up, story-wise. Since it's a horror game, I know it might turn some people off to have things go super wrong, but I really hope they do. I want to see some endless pain vortexes, some real Juniji Ito-style suffering. But I would also understand if the devs want to softball some of the worst outcomes for the sake of widespread appeal.
We all have countless examples of kickstarter games looking strong out the gate, but then falling flat upon release. While I have high hopes for Touchstarved, I do know the reality and intense difficulty of kickstarter games. I'm really hoping the demo isn't the best the studio will have to offer.
OVERALL: I am rooting for the Touchstarved team/Red Spring Studio all the way! I'm thrilled to see where this game goes. I am poised on this purchase button and ready to buy when it releases.
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imagine--if · 2 years
A/N: Okay, these headcanons were a must-do and I'm in love with this boy so enjoyyyy 😍Just a reminder that my inbox is open for Alice In Borderland characters until the 15th, so send yours in now 💜
Warnings: Spoilers for the end of season 2!! Fluff, possessive loving behaviour, mentions of violence
 ♡ Dating Banda Sunato Includes: ♡
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💜• Dude, you better know what you're getting into with this crazy boy, because once your eyes meet and he likes what he sees, it's pretty much impossible to get him away from you 😵 which isn't always such a bad thing, to be fair. After all, you're no victim or weak player he feels like toying with and testing out. You're... different.
💜• The most likely way you both met was in the Jack of Hearts game, where he allies himself with the Jack, and then assesses the rest of the group silently... before his greyish eyes land on you.
💜• He's pretty backwards with the way he approaches people, like he did with Jack, pointing out everything ugly before praising it and hanging around them. So he'll approach you alone saying something like "I bet that under that unusually pretty face is a mind that knows how to play better games than any you'll find in the borderlands. Let's be friends."
💜• He's basically your shadow for the entire game, sat casually behind you, watching listening while you talk to someone, or hovering in the doorways of rooms you go into. Once Banda's decided that you're interesting and you're his match (which is pretty quickly 😅) it's almost impossible to get rid of him. On the one side, that's a good thing, because he is unspokenly protective, and knows all the right, disturbing ways to make someone back off if they're getting in your face or making you uncomfortable. All you've got to do is give him a thankful look and he'll return it with that dark smirk of his, and that's that.
💜• His protectiveness kind of links back to his madly possessive nature, though. Banda's certain that there's more to you than meets the eye, and wants to know every little detail until he knows you better than you know yourself. I wouldn't say he'd manipulate you and blackmail you with your secrets in the future, but it's more that level of being connected through knowing each other's thoughts and feelings. He's not against manipulating those around you to leave you alone, however, so a lot of situations leave you mildly confused when it's suddenly just you and him alone together in the building, until you catch on.
💜• He'll keep you safe in games as long as you stick by him and don't try to leave him. I mean, Banda's a pretty psychopathic guy, a killer and all, but he does have a side to him that is a little softer and completely reserved for the right person (you 😉). I wouldn't say he's massively into boastful, affectionate PDA, but he's pretty shameless at the same time. He has no problems with whispering in your ear while trapping his arms around your middle from behind when some other people are glancing uneasily at him, or hugging you when you're scared.
💜• Sometimes it's to show someone else that he's better than him, or him being possessive with you. If he thinks it'll get to someone that shows an interest in you, he'll give you a hug or a smooch or something and look them dead in the eye right after with that dark stare of his. Somehow, though, it always softens when he turns his attention back to you.
💜• He's also pretty good at detecting if you're sad or worried or scared. Banda can read your expressions scarily easily, so with just one hard look, he'll be pulling you to the side and pressing himself close to you so he can breathe "why are you so scared, baby? I've got you, haven't I?" That's kind of the best he gets at comfort 😂 asides from doing anything you ask him for, like giving you a hug and some kisses until you're back to your blushing self and he's smiling in satisfaction from doing his job right.
💜• And he loves making you flustered, because he kind of gets off on the power he has over you and how you're all his (possessive aaaaghhfksk-) so don't be too caught off guard if he randomly makes out with you just to see you turn red and chuckle at it 🙃
💜• Behind closed doors, and after games, it's safe to say that he's an amazing cuddler, the type that lets their mind wander and traces faint patterns on your skin, or plays with loose strands of your hair while he stares into space thinking about... well, not very nice things, let's be real 💀
💜• Bit by bit, he'll tell you things about himself, but he's a bit apprehensive about your reaction to the bad stuff he's done (and carries on doing). So if you're reluctantly acceptant to who he is and just kind of let him do his thing, it puts his mind at rest, and Banda lets himself open up more. He just needs some time to do it, since I'm making a safe bet that he's never really been in a proper, romantic relationship before.
💜• But with time, you'll get to the point of trust where he'll do anything you ask him to, no matter how odd it sounds, right on the spot. He's pretty good at knowing when he's being set up anyway, and you'd never try that, he's certain.
💜• He's not the sanest and most stable person you could let yourself love, but at the end of the day, when he falls, he falls hard, and there's no escape from him 😂 you're his 'little princess' or 'fallen angel' for the rest of your days... especially when he accepts permanent residence in the Borderlands and aspires to make the both of you gamemasters and rulers of the place. A true princess then, right? 😍
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liobi · 5 months
I've been seeing a weirdly high level of Dungeon Meshi discourse that just. Completely misses the point lately and I'm honestly kinda frustrated about it. So.
First point of address. Laios isn't canonically autistic. He is written in a way that lends itself to the reading of him being neuro divergent, and I think if he was a real person he would be on the spectrum, but the world of Dunmeshi itself does not have the concept of autism (yet). If it did you can bet the human enthusiast Kabru would have immediately pegged Laios as such. As for Falin, she'd also likely be ND but closer to ADHD judging by the relatively small amount we get to actually see her existing as a character.
NOW THAT THAT'S OUT OF THE WAY. Toshiro isn't being ableist with his expectations of Laios picking up on social queues and being angry that he doesn't get it! Laios is legitimately rude to him! In terms of micro-aggressions, he does it constantly and unintentionally. He straight up calls Toshiro strange looking and fucks up his name! But the thing is, Toshiro's biggest flaw is that he applies his cultural norms to his interactions with everyone, regardless of culture. Chilchuck and Mick have a small talk about how Toshiro, with zero indication of feelings beforehand or any romantic involvement, just asks Falin to marry him and expects it to go well, all because she looked at a bug and he thought she was the most unique and different woman he had ever met (small aside, almost all the women he had met at this point are either family, his dad's mistress that is more of a mom to him than his own mom, his retainers, and his uhhh indentured servants/Literal Slaves)(Itsuzumi is a whole ass other conversation that I'm not even remotely qualified to talk about). He's a man of high social status that's never had to think about that fact before, never had to examine the power and privilege he has at his disposal. As a result, his expectations of people to learn his cultural norms, something he's been used to in his homeland, go unmet and are a source of friction.
Here's a real life example. In the US Midwest, if a person slaps their knees and/or stands up, sometimes saying some combination of "Welp/it's getting late..." They're politely telling their guests "get the fuck out of my house." It's impolite to ask people to leave, even politely. This is absolutely arcane and insane, why would anyone do this? Society!
Toshiro has grown up in a place where he's had to be hyper-aware of these things, where he can't verbally state what he literally wants or means. And he's conformed! He's decided to do what's expected of him. Laios, on the other hand, instead chafed against the expectations put on him as the child of the village elder and against the way people treated Falin for being different. He gave up his privilege (assured house, home, fiancee, position and responsibility within their town) in order to pursue a freedom beyond the society he saw as wrong. Laios is fundamentally uninterested in people (as opposed to monsters and demi-humans which is why he's uniquely suited to dealing with the multicultural aftermath of The Whole Thing), but he values his loved ones and personal code of honor enough to do what he needs to protect those things, even if it means going against society.
Anyways this is a long winded way of saying Toshiro and Laios are complex characters and narrative foils of each other in the early narrative and shouldn't be turned into one dimensional parodies of themselves for the purpose of Hot Takes. Thanks.
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wovenstarlight · 7 months
How would you define how Yoohyun feels about Yerim? Since obviously his opinion of her has improved since they first met, but I don't know if he actually likes her
HMMM i don't know that Yoohyun is actually like physically capable of liking anyone besides Yoojin! i'm kidding but also only slightly. like if you remember what Irin says in chapter 287, it goes "AN INSANE PROPORTION OF YOOHYUN'S THOUGHTS ARE ABOUT YOU [YOOJIN] COMPARED TO THOUGHTS ABOUT ANYONE ELSE I PROMISE", so if you're including his feelings towards Yoojin as a comparison point, it's going to skew the chart to unreasonable levels, and it'd look like the answer is No, Yoohyun doesn't care about Yerim at all
HOWEVER. if you EXCLUDE Yoojin from the chart then Yerim actually ends up being one of the two people Yoohyun likes most! with the other being Peace. from 287, in Irin's words, 80% of Yoohyun's thoughts that aren't about Yoojin are instead about Yerim and Peace. of course, that's exclusively based on the fact that Yerim and Peace both also like Yoojin the most. Yoohyun cares about other people in proportion to how much they care about his hyung, single-minded little idiot that he is /affectionate.
BUT THAT ASIDE! i think he does care about Yerim in a couple different respects. one is that he trusts her in a way that's different from people like Seok Simyeong or Kim Sunghan—you'll notice that in chapter 239, he explicitly designates her (and Peace) as the first two people he actually recognizes as part of "his world", which is a position not even his closest guild members have enjoyed, despite him clearly trusting them to do their jobs well and look after Yoohyun himself to some degree. he trusts her to look after Yoojin, which is probably the deepest level of belief he can hold in someone other than his hyung. and for the same reason—that she cares above all for Yoojin and his happiness and his safety, and can back up that care with the ability to protect him—i do think he likes her!
Yoohyun also cares about Yerim's wellbeing (again, in relation to Yoojin! in that he knows Yoojin will be sad if Yerim isn't okay. this is something a lot of people who care about Yoojin are aware of and account for: that they can take care of him indirectly by looking after the other people he loves. you see it with Sung Hyunjae lending Yerim his flame-resistant coat in chapter 126, and Yoo Myeongwoo making sure Yoohyun has the best equipment in chapter 240, both for Yoojin's sake). she's not only important to Yoojin himself, from which Yoohyun derives some level of actual care, but also one of Yoohyun's guild members and technically part of his family, which adds a sense of duty and responsibility for her into the mix. remember when he blew Gakuto through a pillar because he called Yerim a bitch in chapter 215 with the whole That's My Guild Member You Motherfucker attitude... i thought that was pretty funny of him. and like. when Yoojin was straight up dead for a while there in 240, the only thing stopping Yoohyun from following him into death on the spot was the thought that he had to make sure Yerim (and Peace and the others) knew. so that they could actually grieve him instead of just never knowing what had happened to him. he cares about them!!! he does!!! it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack compared to his love for Yoojin but he does!!!!!
of course i do also think that Yoohyun finds her incredibly annoying. they're constantly squabbling, this isn't a far-fetched guess, they fight to the point that chopsticks somehow end up embedded in the dining room wall and yoojin has to scold them to quit it in chapter 171. yerim's constantly on the verge of calling him ugly. that one time early on in chapter 48 when she was like WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN TO ME and he trotted out a whole bullet point numbered list without missing a beat. i bet he still has a list now, just with different reasons on it. but like. that's just normal siblings innit. you care about each other a whole fucking lot but you would also sell them to satan for one corn chip or however that goes.
TL;DR: yoohyun likes her but he'd probably die before he said that in as many words. not out of unwillingness or anything, just because it wouldn't occur to him to. yerim knows without him needing to say it, after all.
(where's my evidence for that, you ask. well! spoiler excerpt from chapter 331 from Yerim's POV about how Yoohyun has acknowledged and accepted her below the cut)
However, she couldn’t help the presence of anxiety in her relationship with Han Yoojin. It was love that all but dropped out of the sky one day. The claim that it was because she was an S-rank Awakened person wasn’t enough. What was more, Han Yoojin was crowded with exceptional people at his side. Han Yoojin clearly cared for Bak Yerim, but it was difficult for Bak Yerim to think she was special to him. Couldn’t it be that what she’d suddenly gained might suddenly disappear? The one who quelled that anxiety she tried to ignore was none other than Han Yoohyun. Han Yoohyun had hated Bak Yerim. Because his hyung liked her. Han Yoohyun had accepted Bak Yerim. Because she liked his hyung. Han Yoohyun had acknowledged Bak Yerim. Because she had the ability to protect his hyung. It was a relationship entirely based on Han Yoojin, but if anything, Bak Yerim was relieved and happy because of that. This was Han Yoohyun, who Han Yoojin was everything to, who was beyond difficult when it came to things relating to him. That harsh guy had accepted Bak Yerim standing by his hyung’s side.
points at them. Yerim feels accepted and cared for by Yoohyun
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audre-falrose · 11 months
Hcs for Signalis? Oh, and thoughts too, maybe if you don't particularly have any hcs.
I see thoughts are being had about Falke but honestly y.yeah.
Oh, please do take this as an opportunity to gush about whatever, scenarios, anything
I got you boo~
-Call any of them short and they *will* gang up on you
-huge sweet tooth
-gremlin energy (pranksters)
-occasionally "accidentally" broadcast their thoughts to any replika around them, has gotten many of them in trouble with ADLR and FLKR
-dislike most STCR units for their height advantage and the bullying
-if a FLKR body pillow existed in universe, he would own at least one
-the only straight one (ew-)
-wet cat energy
-always tired
-gets FLKR way too much coffee even if he thinks it's overkill
-cannot physically tell FLKR no (simp)
-love to eavesdrop, especially in the STAR/STCR dorms
-chatty and love to gossip
-one ARAR overheard ADLR swear and now the entire facility knows except for him
-loves poping down from the ceiling to scare other replika units
-ARAR dorm is more like a greenhouse than a dorm due to their love for plants
-BALLET DANCERS?! YES PLZ!! (Also musicians)
-theater kids
-sweet yet occasionally catty if angered
-also kinda ditzy? Depends on the day and specific unit
-love to hit on other units, especially STAR units while they're on duty
-holds facility wide dance parties (with permission, ADLR was pissed with their first attempt)
-literally perfect hair, always smooth and silky
-stoic and sometimes irritable but not STCR levels of pissy
-strategy nerds, love reading pre war military strategy books
-STARs always protect each other, no matter the situation
-protective of the weaker units, especially EULR and KLBR units (big sister vibes)
-lowkey hate/don't get along with STCR units
-dislike ADLR but are forced to follow his orders
-not good with jokes/pranks
-gun nuts
-also military strategy nerds, but they prefer post war
-smell oddly nice?? Mostly lavender or other flowery scents from their body wash
-like to bully KLBR units
-fairly quiet, calm personality, moon
-great listener, even better with keeping secrets
-smooth voice, one could listen to an LSTR read the dictionary and they'd fall asleep rather quickly
-good with tools and small mechanical projects
-loner type, longing for friends
-socially awkward
-will warm up after at least a few weeks of interaction
-golden retriever Gundam
-gentle giants
-8ft tall children with plasma rifles (they don't like hurting things)
-love *anything* soft; stuffed animals, pillows, blankets, you can bet your sweet ass they'll love it
-can't actually read (some have at least a 2nd grade level, but it's not the norm)
-also can't write well due to their hands being so large
-sometimes forget their own strength
-love giving KLBR units rides on their shoulders
-would dive into a bottomless pit to save a puppy
-armor has so many scratches and typically covered in dirt/dust
-they're all sisters, change my mind
-coffee queen, overachiever, overthinker
-Insecure but hides it *extremely* well
-can "link up" with and KLBR unit through bioresonance from anywhere in the facility
-usually the one to call a KLBR out when they broadcast their less desirable thoughts
-can also see directly in their minds, it's not always pretty...
-has caught ADLR doing "odd" things with her items on several occasions
-has seen things only demons could conjure (corrupt units are hell to look into the mind of)
-prolonged use of bioresonance causes stress to the mind of a FLKR unit, but all FLKR units are trained to conceal such pain from all other units and officers to "maintain order"
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talesofsonicasura · 8 months
Persona 5: Phantom Cat Pt2
Here we go with Part 2 of the Phantom Cat AU. I'll be covering the Confidants, plot changes, but also the potential of Poppy Playtime being more involved. Let's get started.
If I can sum up the Phantom Thieves' relationship with Joker in one word, it'll be protective. Even the Personas especially Arsène are no different. Ren does admit to once being human but everyone doesn't learn about his tragic backstory until after Okumura's Palace.
You can bet their ass they were disgusted upon finding out Playtime Co's inhumane experiments. It isn't uncommon for Ren to find one or more of his companions lay against him when he loafs around like a giant cat. Something the Thieves' Den makes easier as Leblanc's attic is not that spacious.
Morgana sympathizes with Ren the most. Both of them aren't human and won't be accepted by the outside world for it. Ren was lucky to find someone who raised him with kindness than just free the young man from a terrible fate. They're feline brothers, your honor.
Ryuji, Yusuke and Haru are three flavors of food friends. The former track star sneaking out for a daily run with Ren alongside the occasional ramen or snack food chow downs. His zoomies become manageable thanks to Ryuji. (Sojiro is still reeling from a hyper Ren pouncing on him.)
Yusuke enthusiastically introduces the living toy to the art world since he cannot visit a museum like a normal patron. Ren sometimes find himself being a muse for some of his paintings and usually portrayed as a peculiar enigma. The two always chow down on curry afterwards.
Gardening with Haru anyone? Ren always feel bad about how much money his new family have to spend just to keep him fed. (Futaba had a limit put on credit theft by Sojiro as he doesn't want both his kids to rely on illegal crime to survive.) Something Haru can understand since she has similar issues. The two bond over coffee together.
Emotional support Ann is a definite. The two constantly talk about facing their issues and ways to strengthen their heart. Ren is always happy to lend a ear whenever Ann has problems in her model career or updates about her friend Shiho's recovery. She gives good advice when the giant toy needs help getting Futaba used to the outside world.
Makoto is the socially awkward training partner. Both Ren and her don't have much experience with people outside their friend group so neither know what can be considered normal. The two hammer out each other's issues whenever possible or just vibe together.
All of the Persona in the group do their best to make Ren feel normal every time the group is together thus shenanigans are guaranteed. Carmen and Milady are the wine aunts who endorse the chaos. Necronomicon is his 2nd fellow prankster partner(Futaba is 1st).
Zorro, Johanna and Goemon being the only responsible adults most of the time. Captain Kidd is a sheer chaotic neutral as no one knows whether he'll start something or remain level headed. Finally we get to Arsène.
The poor pigeon hasn't been in this particular element before. Nonhuman Persona Users are a thing so it ain't that. Ren's heart can be considered a massive mess. Whatever was done to make him a living toy, it left something vile behind. Yet Ren continues to defy fate even with the leech latched onto his soul.
Thus Arsène can be a bit more aggressive when it comes to Ren's health. Always near the surface of his partner's subconscious whether to offer soothing words or protect him if needed. In the Thieves' Den, Arsène is usually found snuggled next to Ren with a cover around his knife heels.
Now most of Joker's Confidants are people he has to sought out. A more complicated affair due to not being human. There is actually one more Confidant he has mostly maxxed out and knows about his status: Tae Takami of the Death Arcana. (Yes I absolutely complete the whole thing early just to unlock Alice.)
Sojiro was concerned about Ren's health as they had no clue if or when health complications will occur. Thus it led to Tae becoming his secret doctor as she not only the closest but is trusted amongst the community for her skills. It was a very interesting conversation to say the least.
Now Ren is quite crafty when it comes to establishing his other bonds. Until he could shift into a more human size, Futaba prepared a special plushie with a built in-camera that he can talk through. The excuse being Ren is an hospital patient undergoing recovery after serious health complications and this toy helps him interact with the outside world.
Now onto plot changes, the deadlines alongside their consequences for failure remain the same. It's just not for the first two Palaces. Ren is still captured and put in the Interrogation section. Although it took the traitor attacking from the shadows to injure him enough for police to subdue the Bigger Body.
He's far more beat up, chained and has a specialized muzzle since Ren is a giant chloroform breathing cat toy monster. Can't forget the possibile dissection if he can't escape his fate. The plot for the Third Semester dances around the chance to be human again in his face. Ren doesn't take it of course.
For Scramble, he casually chills in everyone's bags and pull the special patient card to converse with others. Ren can still cook as it's a calming hobby for him alongside gardening. Plus the sight of a giant CatNap in an apron cooking was too hard to resist.
Also yes, I am in the 'Adopt Sophia' group cause she's precious. Especially when Ryuji got to say fuck just to defend her. Sophia definitely calls Ren 'kitty' but he really doesn't mind unlike Morgana. Yes, they do snuggle in the Thieves Den as no one shall avoid the cuddle pile.
Awkward dad Zenkichi anyone? Man absolutely flipped upon seeing Ren as he thought the whole report about 'Phantom Cat Joker' being a giant purple monster was a joke. Nope and you shall get your tired ass dragged into cuddles cause Ren smells stress.
The Persona also get more involved in the shenanigans too. Only Ren's confidants or those who delve into the Metaverse long enough can see much less interact with them. Best to keep Captain Kidd away from fireworks though. (There are special cases but that's for later.)
Before you ask, yes, Joker's main Showtime special is different. Instead of just blasting Shadows with Eiha, Ren breathes out chloroform smokescreen and bursts forth alongside Arséne to come down on their targets like a predator. The attack retains the Curse element but does Physical damage too. A Two in One type combo.
Tactica's plot remains the same however every target views Ren with disgust. All saying there is an 'chimeric abomination' latched onto his heart. The enemies also target him more than Erina and the other thieves.
Speaking of her, she does think Ren is a cat who again doesn't really mind much. Toshiro absolutely freaks out and takes awhile to get used to him. Gameplay wise, Ren is mostly the same except he has more movement options to fit his feline Bigger Body.
Pouncing on further away enemies, inflict Sleep status in large groups, and his Phantom Judge special turns into Phantom Roar. An attack where Ren breathes out a massive cloud of chloroform for Arséne to convert into a Eiha powered explosion. Not only does it do massive damage but also has a high chance of inflicting Sleep status on targets.
Finally we move onto Poppy Playtime. If you guys were paying close attention, then the signs should be obvious. Something is connected to Ren and his past holds the answers. Thus the Phantom Thieves of Hearts visit the Playtime Co Factory to see if they can help their friend. He had been experiencing vivid nightmares which all link to this place.
Now the factory isn't the same like in the game. For unknown reasons, the place has become a pseudo-Mementos linked to the collective consciousness of the various souls who linger inside. Thus the factory has potential to shift anyone in the affected areas in or out the Metaverse side without warning.
A chance of Shadow attacks are not only high but there is a possibility that something even deadlier lurks inside. There are occasions where it is required to travel through this dangerous 'Labyrinth' to progress deeper. (Can't have them blazing through the place.)
Everyone split into two groups so they can cover more ground. Group 1: Ren, Yusuke, Ann, Makoto; and Group 2: Morgana, Haru, Ryuji, Futaba. They'll be encountering characters who not only appear in Poppy Playtime but also Project Playtime. Player character is there too so the Phantom Thieves will meet them.
Guaranteed canon divergence as some of the Poppy Playtime cast might not even encounter the game protagonist. The Phantom Thieves won't ignore someone in need *looks at one particular character* and don't kill their targets. For them, living with guilt for one own sins is a fate worse than death.
New players have entered the game that neither groups could ever foreseen. Can the Phantom Thieves of Hearts solve the mystery and shut down this the factory's immense distortion? Only the phantom cat will determine victory or defeat.
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fredheads · 10 months
I just think about Fred fp and gladys always hanging out together and being known as like the three musketeers at school and I think about all the gossip because of course fp and gladys can easily kiss and touch in public but everyone’s always had this watchful eye on Fred and fp because no one knew a friendship closer than theirs and sometimes it would get a little suspicious especially if Fred was doing his whole goofball “I can do gay things but comedically so no one will take it serious” thing
And I think about Gladys getting the brunt of a lot of shit too especially by the rich stuffy north siders who already looked down on her for being south side and looking so different from everyone else (leaning heavily into her punk era doing wild shit with her hair, gender fuckery, you know how it goes) but then she’s constantly seen with two boys, one of which at least is public she’s hooking up with, so of course everyone assumes she’s fucking Fred too which like… she is lmao but they make it so gross and seedy like “ooo bet she gets double teamed” and calling her all sorts of names and spreading nasty rumors and for as thick as Gladys’ skin is you can only hear so much negative shit about yourself before it starts getting to you on some level, fortunately for her she could get over it pretty quickly tho cuz she has zero interest in pleasing these people
And then of course there’s Fred who everyone’s confused by how he ended up in a southside sandwich (surely that must be a riverdale sex name…like the sticky maple or whatever it was lmfao) but he gets shit mainly from Artie about how he needs to be more picky about who he’s friends with but if the rumors ever got back to his parents…oh boy
But like even tho they were facing a lot they still had so much fun the three of them together and they were all so fiercely protective of each other it really was if you go after one you go after all three situation. And they’d have so many date nights just the three of them cruising around town hanging out at pops or the movies or the arcade or fps trailer or Fred’s basement in a cuddle pile Fred and Gladys trying to throw popcorn and candy into each others mouths while fps in the middle getting whacked in the cheek with debris or Fred and Gladys trying to get fp to dance to the jukebox at pops or them cramming into a photo booth to take pictures or them having a day by the lake and Fred carefully drawing fp and gladys while they sunbathe (well Gladys is working on her tan fps just passed out from exhaustion)
It was just a very nice time overall 🥰 despite the horrors lmao
SOUTHSIDE SANDWICH!!!!! GET OUT!!! but yeah 😂 everyone was so judgy about fp and gladys just existing but here comes freds happy little ass hanging around with them all the time and he's so popular and clean cut and wholesome and no one knows what that means!! So I'm sure the boys on the baseball team and whatnot were making snide remarks about fred for that but fred is not the kind of person to let anyone trash talk his friends so he would stand up for them 😤 but it was an uphill battle for sure. It meant a lot to fp to have fred in his corner tho cuz unfortunately he did sometimes care what kids at school thought of him or at least would believe and internalize the shit they said.... Gladys did not give a fuck but you're right just cuz they're calling her a dyke and a slut all the time and are technically right does NOT mean she wants to hear it from Ricky from second period 😡🔪 she could fight her own battles but one of the things she thought was so sweet about fred was how relentlessly he stood up for people 🥺
What was hardest for fred was standing up to his dad cuz u are right artie was not happy about what he was hearing about fred spending all his time w southsiders and being down in that part of town a lot... Cuz news travels fast in that town and rumours were flying among the adults too and artie was just opposed to the Southside in general but fred would try to argue that these are his friends and they can't help where they were born!! Artie thought fred was just in a rebellious phase and flaunting it but fred meant that shit with his heart, he can't be any other way....
Also only slightly related but recently I was thinking about gladys and mary being thrown together for seven minutes in heaven at a high school party and while they're making out in the closet Mary's asking gladys if she thinks fred is interested in her cuz she hates herself for it but she thinks he's kinda cute 💀 lmaoooo and gladys is like no i think you'd be cute together this does not pass the bechdel test fnfnngkdnfnf idk why this came to me but there you are
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tadbitfooled · 8 months
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so, since my brain says all my Tavs and my Durge exist together, I guess I'll give a break down of what that means if anyone wants to get involved in that chaos. And how they get along with each other.
Talilah is the designated leader because she's just like "Fuck this let's get this done." She's decently smart and clever, able to come up with plans, but has some mild impulse issues and very much a "I wonder what that does." Very fearless and willing to step up when need be.
The others
Briza - there are tensions at first due to Talilah's sun elf genes being very strong and sun elves tend not to ask questions first when meeting drow. But they eventually get along, especially because Talilah catches onto her dry humor quickly and they play off of each other with that.
Durante - absolute chaos enabler duo. They enjoy being a bit jesty with each other and maybe pick on the other members of the party together as a team. They have running bet pools on the most random of things and you'll see them toss a coin between each other, depending on who won the bet. At the most random moments.
Frits - She likes to play pranks on him. Not anything mean, just a few things here or there because he's got a good nature about it. What she doesn't realize at first is he's very intent on returning the favor, and does take her by surprise when he does. Sometimes she finds his habit of going on about something tiring but she'll humor him and he appreciates it.
Gwenifar - Gwenifar plays a bit of a right hand for Talilah, as she's probably the most qualified for being leader, but Talilah jumped at it first. She helps to control Talilah's impulses and keep her on track when she needs to be reminded of what needs to be done.
Tavinkas - Talilah rescued Tavinkas from a pod on the ship. This has caused her to have his undying loyalty because, well, first person to be helpful to him in a while, all things considered. He's definitely protective of her and Talilah's intent on pushing him out of his comfort zones and helping him find himself.
Takes on the roll of leader if Talilah is unable to. She's basically second-in-command and able to keep everyone on track with what needs to be done besides Durante. She tries to keep peace in the party but isn't afraid of putting her foot down and showing a rather terrifying sternness.
Briza - The two get along decently, with Briza maybe even having found Gwenifar attractive in some instances, but nothing more. They both enjoy animals and spend time discussing the best care for Scratch and the Owlbear.
Durante - Durante's favorite hobby is getting under Gwenifar's skin. He has no issues taking cheap shots at her and ruffling her feathers, to which she finds him irksome and childish. The pair often clash due to Durante's attitude and he's lucky she's a cleric of Ilmater some days.
Frits - The pair are both academically minded and with Frits's family having been florist, also have a shared interest in herbology. The two will spend time talking about plants and different theories, and are good friends.
Tavinkas - There is something about Tavinkas that makes her uneasy and Tavinkas realizes this. When it comes to light, it makes sense, and Gwenifar does what she can to help him and he appreciates it. It takes a bit but they do eventually become friends.
I would list him as third in pecking order of my muses of who's the leader (I would rank Wyll or Gale above him in the overall pecking order though). He has the skills and the capability, it's just he has so much on his plate with his amnesia and urges, he prefers someone with a constant level head to handle things while he works himself out.
Briza - they bond over being the ones less involved in the group and observing, as well as a similar morbid humor. They're often seen standing by each other and making dry remarks about the others in the party.
Durante - Tavinkas is probably one of the few that can actually get Durante to listen and behave. A stern word and a dark look from him is enough for the tiefling warlock to rethink what he's doing. It could due to a slight attraction on Durante's part, though.
Frits - Tavinkas finds Frits to be utterly fascinating. He doesn't quite understand how someone can be so bright and optimistic about...Almost everything. In turn, Frits is quite interested in Tavinkas's ailments and often has some idea to try to work out what it is, often coming up to Tavinkas and suggesting options.
A reliable intellect, who's gracious and willing to discuss what may need to be done and help plan out things which may require a higher level of learning. While not the strongest, he does try his best to be of as much assistance to the party as he can.
Briza - He finds Briza to be a bit intimidating, to be honest. But he doesn't let that stop him from attempting to befriend her. He can't tell if it's worked or not, due to her attitude. (It's worked. If anything happened to Frits, Briza would kill everyone in this room and then herself).
Durante - Despite Frits's attempts, Durante seems to lack any interest in having more than a working relationship with him. He says he finds most of Frits's topics of discussion to be a bit dull for him. Save for when Frits mentions a past flame of his, which Durante finds hard to believe to be true.
Briza prefers to act as a scout for the party, taking orders as needed and finding out information for the path forward. She's not one for pointless socialization and prefers to consider what needs to be done next.
Durante - She finds him insufferable and takes any chance she can to remind him of that. In turn, Durante tries to push her buttons when he sees a chance but does avoid her otherwise. It takes some time for any chance of warm feelings to even start to glimmer between them.
This man has no desire to have any responsibility and just wants the tadpole out of his head. He pulls his weight as need be, but prefers to be in the backseat and let the others deal with decisions and other issues. It may come from past trauma and how he feels about his contract, though.
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gregoftom · 1 year
omg the norwegian wood exactly!!!!! like it was a moment where it seemed greg was being his hetero playboy persona like "some hotties...the arctic foxes...bit of norwegian wood" but like norwegian WOOD??? that's suddenly so explicitly Not Straight??? HE ALSO LITERALLY TURNED TO TOM AS HE DECIDED TO MENTION NORWEGIAN WOOD???? and with a dopey fucking smile too
he's also then so tender when he's with tom asking "but you're not worried, right? you're good" with a gentle touch. it's!!!
I totally also buy that they've been intimate. and it's changed their dynamic but there's also this boundary to it because it hasn't had them be Together as an actual couple so they're just like orbiting this thing. and I bet greg's like soooooo in his own head rationalising it. like they're just Buddies. buddies that sometimes give each other release when they haven't scored a woman but are still pent up. and I just Know that tom's so tender in it and also so horny but then Also just puts these walls up like it's Nothing like there's not emotion involved like it's not a Thing, greg, it's not weird. (don't overthink it.) and greg's like...along for the ride, but probably also got fucking whiplash lol. and probably his whole comphet, gay dad issues got him thinking in denial like you can still be straight while fucking around with a man
like I feel like they Do have the vibes of having been intimate and it's like unlocked this level of affection and touch and cheeky playfulness they sometimes have. and like there's now always the option that they Could do a little something, so there's a thrill there that it's like...maybe available, at any opportunity. but it's also Not Properly Spoken About or acknowledged so it's like dancing on the edge of something. like I'm sometimes aloud to have you but I know I don't actually have you...but you are mine...we're each other's we're linked we have little secret private in-jokes, and I'm your cheerleader your champion I care about you I want to protect you and you protect me...but there's no Relationship, there's no talk of it being a relationship.
I feel like if greg even reminded tom that they'd held each other's dicks tom would shut him down instantly. ...but then later inexplicably touch him so tenderly or sexually...and not even acknowledge the disconnect there
YEAH LIKE. like i said, there’s sequoias there so it seemed to be greg having a little inside thing with tom like i GET it!!! being real i think they Did Something even before norway like hand on heart i think somewhere in the 3-4 gap was the first time. the way they act in 4.02, way tom finally opens up to greg in 4.03 and says he’s not okay, the way greg is like. blatantly eyeing tom at the wake [and they arrive together?! oh they fucked the night previous] it like. all hints to me they’ve stepped over a barrier into intimate territory of i guess fwb [but they absolutely both feel more than that, hence in 4.08 greg’s finally like, so where are we at in terms of us? and bringing up matsson and the way he treats him but enjoying the trust as though referring to him and tom and where they started and are now at, bc he doesn’t want that anymore, he wants to be tom’s lover.]
LORD don’t even say that to meeeee it’s true like. greg wants to look out for tom esp after what happened last time he was on a flight like that :( he’s worried about him! and lmfao hugo being like UR ON A DIFF FLIGHT TO TOMand greg being like ok and? see if i give a fuck i need to check on my man 🔪
and yeah like that is tom’s way, i think. i think he desperately tries to be this like detached guy with greg, and this kinky guy with shiv and he just can’t keep it up bc his nature is being romantic as hell so he’d slip up a lot with greg just like he always has like I AM MEAN AND NASTY GRRR but then forehead kisses and i’ll look after you. and as you say he’d be so tender and gentle in bed like i stand firm by my belief that tom was greg’s first real fuck And it was amazing simply bc tom was so tender and giving during bc he can’t really be anything else, that’s just how he is and why sex with him is so good. but if greg tried to bring it up or mention he’d absolutely dismiss it lol. probably again what led him to being bitchslapped in the bathroom LMFAOOO tom step it up!!!!
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kowaindar0u · 6 months
One thing about having had yasu as an oc previously to making him a touken danshi is that it's sooooo much more natural to me to just call him Yasu but I do think it makes more sense to address him as Taikyuu since like... Just generally speaking, saying "Yasusada" means yamatonokami obv LOL
So what I'm saying is a) use whichever u like and b) if you see me switching back and forth... Shhh...
(editing cause this post is lonnng lol. Yasu headcanons under the cut)
Also one big part of me just... Thinking about him in general is always always ... Him vs. Hasebe lol
Like ... I say "they'll totally butt heads" but I would not be surprised if they wound up at least almost straight-up fighting, if not actually doing so lol. They're both hotheaded enough, and one of them is bound to say something to set the other one off. And then they get sent on a mission, maybe wind up cornered or separated together and AGH... Them fighting so hard to protect each other and like. Gaining some mutual respect...
Like it wouldn't stop them from fighting at all but I also like to imagine that Yasu might often be seen lurking around wherever toudans are summoned, hoping it might be another of harada's swords/spear... Of course yasu wouldn't want to admit that he's waiting for that, or that in some ways he feels a bit lonely, and maybe... Maybe Hasebe would check in on him... Like I think they're only friends on the battlefield or behind closed doors lol
Or maybe when there's alcohol involved LOL
Completely unrelated but I also have always headcanoned that yasu likes to dance, whether it be pretty elegant dances or hard intense choreo LOL he's very flexible and agile and it's a harmless way to get energy out
i bet midare would think he's cool and ask him to join their little idol group jdjdjdksjdjs but yasu would be like "no that's childish" but midare is like "pleeeeeease? 🥺🥺🥺 maybe not full-time if you don't want... But...maybe you could feature or something?" and he is actually a bit surprised and definitely swayed by the actual interest and begrudgingly accepts to feature only to have an absolute blast and teach them maybe some harder moves idk
(also in this same vein sometimes I try to imagine yasu in myu but I haven't the slightest idea of anyone to play him or anything... I (still) have Ignition from Hanakage stuck in my head so naturally I'm envisioning him maybe dueting with hasebe or something HAHA)
Also this might be a little odd LOL but
I've always said also that yasu hates to be restricted/restrained/contained etc, it makes him anxious MAD and thus he fights harder..? (in d&d he would absolutely have a level in barbarian. he's got the rage). So that's my explanation to why he wears a harness under his (battle) getup. keeps him mad but also a bit grounded/alert. When he gets injured and the harness breaks he is Unleashed(TM)
I'm still not sure how exactly he and Yamatonokami see each other. I think Yasu sees him similar to just like. A brother who grew up in a different household y'know. They're both shinsengumi swords but were under different masters and eventually split off so they're... A little estranged.
I had a other thought but ... It's gone now... Byebye... *watches it float out the window* 🎈
lmao I hope you enjoyed this random yasu rambling LOL it got long but I love him so much
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Lewis Fic Recs: From the Outside
Stories told from an outsider point of view. As usual, please feel free to add fics to the list!
Initiation Rite by divingforstones
1,454 Words, James/Robbie, Rated G, No Archive Warnings Apply Gurdip pov. Gurdip warns off a new recruit from an ill-advised prank, and considers the loyalty and protectiveness between DI and bagman. This fic gives Gurdip such a strong voice of his own, and his thoughtful observations add so much poignancy to each small moment between the other two.
Band Practice by Hekate1308
1,521 Words, James/Robbie, Rated G, No Archive Warnings Apply Outsider POV. James' band members observe their guitar player over the years, and notice a thing or two when his DI starts to show up at concerts. The quiet, observant affection that they show for James is quite heartwarming, as is the affectionate banter amongst themselves.
Friendship by Barcardivodka
1,194 Words, Gen, Rated G, No Archive Warnings Apply Laura pov. While she and Robbie help James through quitting smoking, Laura muses on their friendship. There's just so much understated care in this fic, and it's interesting to see the ways in which Laura's impressions of the other two have changed over time.
Chaperone by wendymr
100 Words, James/Robbie, Rated G, No Archive Warnings Apply Laura pov. It's obvious to her, even if they still haven't figured it out yet. In which Laura is all of us.
His Other Half by greenapricot
3,119 Words, James/Robbie, background Laura/Jean, Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply Laura pov. Five times Laura suspected there was something going on between Robbie and James. A mix of lighthearted and more serious moments, all of which are more revealing than either detective realizes. Laura has a sharp eye for the nuances of their body language, and a delightful talent for throwing them off balance. Plus her relationship with Jean is an extra treat.
Innocent Fun by wendymr
1,506 Words, James/Robbie, Rated G, No Archive Warnings Apply Laura & Jean pov. Part 2 of a series, but can be read as a standalone. Laura and Jean go out for drinks and Jean collects on a bet. The banter and friendship between them is just delicious—and dangerous once they start plotting. Robbie and James have no idea what they're in for.
Complicity by divingforstones
4,127 Words, James/Robbie, Rated G, No Archive Warnings Apply Laura & Jean pov. Angst with a happy ending. When noble intentions and self-doubt get in the way of Robbie and James' mutual feelings for each other, Laura and Jean conspire to force some sense into them. The repressed pain and emotional divide between the two detectives is heartbreaking, but all too believable.
Filling In the Blanks by wendymr
3,439 Words, Gen, Rated G, No Archive Warnings Apply Lyn pov. Lyn asks to meet with James, alone, to talk about Monkford, and begins to understand what exactly went into making his arrest. Lyn is as sharply observant as her father, and this fic does a great job adding depth to her character and exploring how she deals with her own grief at her mother's death.
Never Dull For Long by loves_books
2,288 Words, unrequited James/Robbie, Laura/Robbie, Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply Lizzie pov. During a stakeout, Lizzie contemplates the life of a detective, and worries about her DI. Lizzie's protectiveness, and the growing friendship between her and James, are a balm against the heartbreak of watching a pining James agree to act as Robbie's best man when he marries Laura.
Unexpected Evidence by grenapricot
941 Words, James/Robbie, Rated G, No Archive Warnings Apply Lizzie pov. Lizzie overhears a quiet moment between her bosses and suddenly a great many things makes sense. Lizzie is so perceptive and observant in this, and it's heartwarming to see the level of quiet understanding and communication that has developed between her and James.
I Really Don't Understand People Sometimes by Somniare
3,338 Words, James/Robbie, Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply Monty pov. A worried Monty has had enough. Robbie is increasingly out of sorts and working late, and James hasn’t spent an evening there in ages. But what can a cat do to fix things? Monty's voice is a perfectly catlike combination of affection and selfishness.
Cat's-Eye by Hyarrowen
1,714 Words, James/Robbie, Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply Monty pov. Monty could never understand why James went home in the evening, when even a dog could figure out that both men wanted him to stay. Eventually, he decides to give them some encouragement. Unsurprisingly, Monty shows more emotional intelligence than his pair of oblivious humans in this fic.
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Heather and friends
Yeah I do feel kinda guilty how me writing down literally all of my platonic F/O talk is shorter than the Sylvain post. I just did some general info tho didn't go in too deep
Heather is affectionate with friends: for Claude she likes to poke him the most.
Yeah they are just >:)
Teasing is their friendship language and dear GOD they don't pass any opportunity.
They always make up stories of what made them friends. It still is a mystery when and how they became so close.
Claude likes to joke that they became close because they started making bets and she ended up being his temporary poison tester- for example (and that's what he'd be introducing her with to Byleth saying how she's much more durable than she seems)
But I'd be lying if I said she never tried his poisons... The devil in her head won, is what happened.
They also trust each other on an ultimate level. Heather doesn't keep any secrets from Claude but she doesn't expect him to do the same. She's just unable to hide a single thing from him. The millisecond she figures out her feels for Sylvain Claude knows etc.
In time skip when Heather is in AM route she's worrying about her bestie 24/7. Ik I mentioned it in the Sylvain post but it's important to bring it up again. Literally when he sent that letter she was READY to go there all on her own solo the fucking army.
Didn't do CF so can't say what's happening in there. But she'd be devastated to fight Claude ❤️
Heather is affectionate with friends: Hilda has the most hugs reserved. They also hold hands when shopping together!
Although they don't really have a lot of common interests they just get each other yk?
They're both lazy, don't like training or fighting and they certainly love cute things.
Heather is one of the few people Hilda doesn't have to worry about in battle... But instead she's concerned with Heather's private life and how she doesn't seem to fight for things she cares about.
Even though she was at first really not convinced with Heather's feelings for Sylvain it didn't take much for her to change her mind. The three often hang out, but only after Heather told Hilda about her crush was when she started to really look at how the two interact.
Heather actually doesn't mind doing Hilda's work every once in a while. When there is a assignment she likes (like stable duty for example) she'd be willing to replace her.
Hilda ofc dolls Heather up whenever they have the chance. Having self-care day is just their favorite thing ever.
You KnOW that she'd be Heather's maid of honor for her wedding with Sylvain. But I'm adding this because it's important to me yk...
If they happen to be apart due to only one of them being recruited to another class, the two continued to send each other letters to make sure they're alright... But after some time they stopped.
Heather is affectionate with friends: for Cyril it's mostly patting his shoulder/back. At first he found it odd but when he asked her why she did so she told him that this is how she shows that she appreciates him!
So he started doing the same! How cute.
She doesn't get in his way, but Heather and Cyril's relationship can be compared to Ashe and Cyril's. The difference being that she's somewhat of a sister figure to him.
He often points out Heather's ridiculous standards towards herself compared to others. And each time if hits her like a truck.
Being called out by a 14 y/o is just a shocker lol
Although he doesn't need any protecting, Heather can and WILL scream at anyone making mean comments about him. Especially if him being from Almyra is brought up.
He doesn't really know what to think of her for the most part, but he trusts her and he's not afraid to talk about his troubles with her.
And she'd turn the world upside down to help him! They can always count on each other. But Heather doesn't bother him with her personal problems (stuff like suitor situation), but that's just because she knows how brutally honest he'd be about it. Even if he didn't understand it, he'd still be right.
Buut she wouldn't know about his reading problem, only because it never had to be brought up to be honest.
Hey, I'm a Cy//sithea trash btw. So you know she'd be curious about their bond developing. It's not as in she'd immediately think they're in love. But she was definitely thrilled that he was making more friends! Of course time skip changed some things around so she'd be teasing him just for it to be ineffective he'd be like "Yes, I like her??? Why are you surprised??"
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the-elder-beato · 2 years
out of curiosity, what did you think of the piano entry? i wasn't really sure what to make of it, though i remember kris plays the piano much better when they're not under the player's control
(also yeah it's super weird to me when people focus on shipping of all things in ut/dr lol)
To me it was basically a showcase of just how much kris and noelle have shut themselves off from the world. In kris’s case they seem staunchly adamant about not letting anybody in, even someone who has known them intimately since childhood. For what reason, we don’t exactly know yet, but i’m willing to bet it has something to do with either past traumatic events (specifically what happened to dess, as kris is undeniably connected to that event) or because of the otherworldly thing or things possessing them at any given time.
I also find it a very important detail that something as personal as music is the thing that kris does not want anyone else to see, my friend made a really good observation that toby is very acutely aware of the idea of music being the window to the soul, and it really shows just how afraid/against kris is about letting anybody into their internal world that they can’t even allow noelle to watch them play the piano. My gut feeling is that it’s out of protection, because there are lots of little hints throughout chapter 2 that Kris does still care very much for noelle, as they don’t react negatively to most dialogue options that express their care for her (the exception being choosing to go with her to the festival at the end of the chapter). They might feel as if noelle has already been through the wringer with dess’s disappearance and considering what is currently happening to them and not being in full control of themselves, they don’t want to risk drawing noelle in closer and potentially further hurt or traumatize her. That’s assuming that kris was getting controlled/possessed by some entity other than the player at the time the blog post was written, which i don’t think is all that unlikely
In Noelle’s case, her way of shutting the world out is through denial. Notice how after all this time, she still questions whether or not kris even considers her to be a friend despite how long they’ve known each other and what they’ve been through together. When she says that final line “It felt like a concert just for me”, it’s only after she’s resigned herself to not trying to catch kris in the act or interrupting them, and instead closes her eyes several rooms away, aka she shuts out reality. I think noelle is desperate to find that connection with kris, as thoughout chapter 2 she’s still searching for ways to bond with them on a deeper level (not in a shippy way), and I strongly believe that is in part because of her desire to hold onto people who had a former connection with dess. Dess herself is gone, azzy is gone, kris is the one major person left in noelle’s life that she probably feels she can relay these feelings to and who might understand. This is why she’s so immediately susceptible to following the player’s orders guised as kris’s voice in the snowgrave route; she is hoping for that connection so badly that, even though she knows this behavior is unlike kris, she is willing to brush it aside and convince herself there’s some other explanation for it in the hopes that it means she and kris have come to a deeper understanding
But it’s clear from this blogpost and certain events in chapter 2 that kris isn’t willing to let noelle in, for whatever reason. They seem more open to showing their true feelings to susie, at least when given the opportunity from the player, but noelle is completely off-limits. And I do believe in some way, this does come from a place of compassion from kris; nothing about their behavior has shown that they dislike or distrust noelle. In fact, it’s probably because of how long they’ve known one another that kris is especially uncomfortable at the idea of inviting her in. Either way, it’s definitely not a comfy, bonding, shippy, etc scene the way a lot of people are interpreting it. To me it’s honestly pretty tragic, knowing that these two lifelong friends share a lot of memories, both good and bad, but even after all this time, there’s still something there preventing them from really being open with one another
anyway that’s just my interpretation, and i’m sure someone smarter than me could explain all of this with much more clarity and shed light on things that i didn’t catch. but regardless, that’s my thoughts on that blog post, and i have a feeling it’s pretty damn close to what toby was going for
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