#i bet one of you mofos could diagnose me faster than any of my doctors
luidilovins · 2 years
Since its Disability Month and I'm currently undiagnosed I'm gonna share some fun things that are a little fucked up about me :)
No sense of balance for the first hour or two of being awake
Every joint hurts constantly no matter how much i do or don't exercise
Started having seizures out of the blue about a year ago.
Nauseous until like 6 pm
Tummy hurt when eat pretty much anything
Gets dizzy going up and down stairs
Always tired no matter how much or how little sleep i get
Confusion and fainting spells when exercising
Salavates too much or not enough at times
Started having seizures a while back and now theres constant inner ear pressure and tinnitus
Can't even smell red meat without getting stomach pain
Sometimes heart skips a beat when resting and it feels like getting punched in the chest
Tastes blood under my tongue on the occasion
Can only eat one meal a day or else i get too nauseous
Gets dizzy if the temperature changes too drastically
Shooting pains in my fingertips and toes
Been cracking my joints since i was three
Vision gets wonky and start seeing swirling motions like im looking at a washing machine.
Hives if i get touched by anything too hard or too frequently
Inside of my cheek starts shredding sometimes for no reason
One of my pupils is larger than the other all the time and is misshapen
Perminant unexplained head tilt
Constant migranes all thru high school to the point where i would vomit
Heavy painful periods that lasts months on end (before i got the merana)
Constant swollen lymph nodes
Sometimes just one armpit will start producing so much sweat that it'll drip down my fingertips or my scalp will get really hot and start producing so much oil that i need to wash it immediately
MRI caught a "fleck" on my pituitary gland and the doctor told me not to worry about it
Gets extremely tired when doing basic tasks like the dishes like i need to take several breaks
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