#i be getting worse headache though... wearing new glasses today was not cleaver of me lol
saintedbythestorm ยท 3 years
New glasses aquired! Man is it creepy in the beginning before your eyes get used to them though...
Also upped the difficulty this time by getting a light frame instead of just another black one... it feels so wrong. Gonna have go give it a few days to get use to it. Do like having a much bigger field of vision that is actually clear though.
Glad I decided to not wear them out of the store this time, have made that mistake before and jesus if that doesn't make me hella dizzy.
Also I didn't think I saw poorly before but when you switch to the new ones you can really tell a difference. It's in like the details and I notice now how everything was sort of a little fuzzy in the edges before. Oddly enough I think my eyes are also doing better now at switching between different distances when I look up from my phone and things like that.
All in all... so far so good with the new glasses!
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