#i barely even know him but i dont want him here 😐
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lannisterdaddyissues · 8 months ago
and ofc my roommates boyfriend is sleeping here til thursday bc he has an exam
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kurtmustdie · 1 year ago
hate the ultimate guide. heres a few reasons why.
reused art: I understand how hard it is to make art, especially at that calliber of detail. I'm an artist, I get it. but the charm of the original ultimate guide was that we had these hand painted, unique pieces of art of these characters, it showed a little personality too.
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How stale and lifeless the art is: This is a complaint that I've had with the current western artist for years, the art is just... boring. the colors are pretty, yeah, like wow hyperrealistic cats. cool. but what else? can we see their personalities? what's the book gonna be like? the old covers had that charm, but not these ones. at all. (also is that even... i could not tell that was runningnose and littlecloud. i mean. runningnose has water in his snout, thats not what cat snot looks like but go off. he just looks a little soggy ig, not in a perpetual state of sick.)
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Lack of Personality: this is a different complaint I promise. I dont like how the art seems to take away the personality of every character so theyre staring stoicly at the camera. some of these characters arent all that stoic. I never liked the firestar art in the last hope because I deadass thought it was mapleshade until someone told me it was firestar. firestar isnt this scary, stalky cat in the shadows. not to normal people at least. if i can mistake your main character as one of the villains in your cover art that isnt fucking good. I don't want to see these cats staring bug eyed at the camera, I want to be able to tell what they're like JUST from a glance at the art. Who is that- harestar?? why doesnt he look nervous?? he looks almost noble here, which is the opposite of who he's supposed to be, he's a wuss and a loser and i love him for it. like girl that is NOT mudclaw thats some random cat i saw at the shelter once, WHERES HIS ANGER? WHERES HIS FUCKING RAGE??? RISE RISE RISE RISE RISE RI
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the Characters are hard to recognize, even with the title cards: Who are these cats. who. who the fuck are they. I can recognize a few cats, sure, but thats if I can pick out a defining trait. Squirrelflights tail, Scourges Collar, Ravenpaw's white chest, those are things that are explicitly told to us that these characters have, but everyone else??? WHO??? Like that was supposed to be leafstar?? HUH?? Wait that's supposed to be Oakheart? I cant even tell if hes red, its so YELLOW OUT I CANT FUCKING TEL WHO HE IS. Sagewhisker is described with yellow eyes, yet she has blue ones in the ultimate guide (i dont usually get pissy about eye color but not only are these cats supposed to be distinct from each other but i really like sagewhisker and i would die for her, yes i will gatekeep her from the artist fucking fight me), Bluestar is barely recognizable, i didnt know who half of these cats were before i read their nameplate. thats not a good thing.
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Red mapleshade. Why she red. WHY SHE RED.
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Leafpool. I didn't even know that was you at first but man they did you dirty.
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sol. dude that is not sol no matter how much you stretch it- why is he a tabby?? hes supposed to be a tortie, why does he look like lionblaze?? and even then he doesnt look that lionlike, even though hollyleaf literally thought he was when she first saw him like what?? HUH???
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mothwing. why she anger. also why she not fluffy
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squirrelflight. i always hated her SE art but seeing the whole thing makes me angrier. like she isnt not accurate to canon or anything i just... hate it. i hate it withe very fibre of my being. ALSO WHERE IS HER PERSONALITY I WANT TO SEE HER BEING ENERGETIC NOT STARING 😐 AT THE CAMERA FUCKING HELL-
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yeah, so im not gonna buy this book. i dont even want to know how they wrorte any of the female characters to make them somehow evil or how they somehow make a completely irridemable male character a sweet uwu baby. and everyone has talked about the ableism to death so im not going to beat this clearly still living horse, im just gonna let you find it yourself.
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tojiscrack · 2 months ago
'yeah ykw, tumblr needs to come up with a feature that basically alerts us of when our asks are answered 😐 like why is that not a thing already?'
lowk it alr is but like it gets buried by my notifs 😭😭😭
'i wanna go to canada so bad ☹️ i heard that the british-accent privilege over there is a million times better than the british-accent privilege in america 🤧 i’d be favoured so nicely over there 🥴'
but ur so right ab the britsh accent privilege thing tho. i was at a coffee shop and this one guy had a british accent and the entire staff was talkin ab it
'such a cutie patootie and does no wrong. i’ll defend my son till i die he’s older than me but idgaf.'
ACTUALLY???????? bro i started watching jjk when yuji was older than me and now im older than him... it makes me so emo
'i have a deep, deep hatred for that four-armed tarantula ‘cause of his random vendetta against my yuji 🌝'
BYE R U TALKING AB SUKUNA??? i was thinking ab this a second ago but yk how like sukuna is canonically yuji's uncle? YOU SHOULD IMPLIMENT THAT LMAOOOO... LIKE YUJI GETTING POSESSED BY HIS DEAD UNCLE OR SOMETHING HAHAHAHA
'omg trade dealllll! i do those with my friend so often but she does me dirty every time. i put her on an awesome sitcom, but she said she refuses to watch it until i watch saltburn.'
oh thats hell. that's so hell. i tried to watch saltburn and had to stop during the vampire scene....
'so i think m*les in the usa and m*les in the uk are different breeds, ‘cause when i tell them to leave me alone or give clipped, straight to the point, honest and dry responses, they go away 🌝'
no yeah here they love that kinda shit... it's how i got 2/3 of my exes i fear...
'whatever girlypop, i just know that from the way you speak, you’re gorgeous'
'if you ever did go with him, it’d be those couples i see on the street and my first thought is ‘he makes me laugh’ ahh relationship.'
i'm ngl my justification for liking him whenever my friends asked was like 'no i dont find him physically attractive but he's rlly funny... and nice... and we talk a lot...' so...
'honestly, i’m being dramatic 😭 like the angst is bad and the ending MIGHT be bittersweet, but it won’t evoke tears.'
'just think of malakai (i don’t think you participated on the kai hate train so i’m saying this with a grain of salt lmao)'
LMAOOOO i find malakai so fucking funny. he makes me giggle
'i’ve got the most plainest life ever. the most you’ll get that i can even strain to think of ‘cause that’s how little lore there is to me is that bad grades will put me in a coma 😔'
thats so real actually... except i'm a senior so my grades have been SHIT this semester... my 95 gpa is now barely a 91.... if i'm lucky...
'i was gonna jump a middle-aged man for being rude to my mum at home bargains?'
anyways life update! my friends r coming over for secret santa today and i requested literally nothing but instant noodles so i'm rlly hoping i get 25 bucks worth of instant noodles bc i rlly want them.
i got my person a little snoopy figurine THAT WAS 25 DOLLARS??? but it's so cute so i cant even be mad
HELLO AGAIN 😋❤️ (i love how we’re gossiping about ur love life and talking about random nonsense in between through my inbox and not dms LMAOOO)
THAT’S A FEATURE? omg that means everyone i’ve sent asks to is just ignoring me wtf 🤨
☝🏽😲 … 😐
never sending asks to entitled mfs ever again 🫨
‘YOU’RE BRITISH????’ — born and raised… unfortunately 😬 and i’ve literally never stepped off english soil 😟 bUT I’M NOT UNCULTURED I SWEAR 😭
‘i was at a coffee shop and this one guy had a british accent and the entire staff was talking about it’ — i’m literally gonna hijack a plane going to canada, i swear 😕
‘ACTUALLY????’ — omg not now, no it’s the same as you. like when i first started watching it, i was younger, and now i’m older, but i mean irl. like yuji’s birth year (alongside his friends) is around 2002-2003.
i was born a few years after that 🌝
‘it makes me so emo’ — i’m literally gonna go out into society as an emo one day just for the feels 😭
‘i was thinking ab this a second ago but yk how like sukuna is canonically yuji's uncle? YOU SHOULD IMPLIMENT THAT LMAOOOO... LIKE YUJI GETTING POSESSED BY HIS DEAD UNCLE OR SOMETHING HAHAHAHA’ — oh i’ve got smth all right 😭 the second it came out in the manga that they were related, the cogs in my brain started moving so fast 🌝
‘i tried to watch saltburn and had to stop during the vampire scene’ — EW DON’T EVEN REMIND ME AGAIN 🤢 and ykw, you ended it at the perfect time bc it didn’t get any better the more the movie went 😭 i still can’t get this one scene out of my head and i’m not even gonna tell you what it is ‘cause you probably wouldn’t know it (seeing as you were wise enough to drop the movie before it came up).
‘i’m a senior so my grades have been SHIT this semester’ — senior in high school? girlypop, we’re in the same academic year group 😋 (seniors in high school are second year college students in the uk)
wait i’m not aware of how the us gpa system works. isn’t 91 still good???
‘HELLO?? HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN??’ — literally my exact reaction 💀 he kept saying my mum was touching him at the till, like this woman is married, why would she touch a homeless-looking-m*le like you? the standard he had of himself is way too high 😀
felt bad for his kid tho. he was silently watching me yell at his dad :/
‘anyways life update!’ — 😋
‘anyways life update! my friends r coming over for secret santa today and i requested literally nothing but instant noodles so i'm rlly hoping i get 25 bucks worth of instant noodles bc i rily want them’ — STOP I LOVE INSTANT NOODLES 😟 I LITERALLY BOUGHT TWO LARGE PACKS OF THE BULDAK HABANERO LIME RAMEN ONES RIGHT AFTER THE M*N INCIDENT 😭 lmk what you get for ur secret santa tho 😋
‘i got my person a little snoopy figurine THAT WAS 25 DOLLARS??? but it's so cute so i cant even be mad’ — no bc figurines shouldn’t be that expensive 😕 my catoru gojo plushie was like £15, and it’s not even that big so?? 😭
like i get it, it’s gojo, it should be worth a shit ton more, but i’m broke so spare me 🥴
they need to bring all these prices down bc rich ppl don’t even enjoy the same shit broke ppl do 🤨
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arillusionist · 1 year ago
s&b season2ep4 reaction!! book update: i finished seige and storm. it was lwk boring and im literally so mad bc alina deserves SO much better than mal hes such a hoe. anyways
help whats going on i kinda forgot what happened in the last episode
time to go read my own reaction
HELL NAH ITS BEEN A WHOLE WEEK SINCE I WATCHED THIS SHOW?? anyways i kinda remember the last ep now but my reaction is mostly crows stuff so it wasnt That helpful
even though mal is muchhhhhh better in the show i like the direction theyre taking with alina actually marrying nikolai
then again i havent read the kos duology (yet) so i dont know anything abt his real romance story so thats probably why i dont mind
stop mal telling alina shes his nation is so cute unlike in the books
and the way they actually do have some chemistry?? im sorry for ever hating you show malina 😔😔
is that the brother i cant tell
why does baghra lwk piss me off ...i cant tell if its because she wont stfu or because shes js boring
GENYA ☹️☹️
"it'll give me some comfort to know you're with me" ohhhdhfmyygodddd and then her smile ahhhh
i cant tell if inej is mistaking kaz telling her to leave the city as him wanting her gone, when in reality hes js tryna protect her
or if shes just not promising it because she cant
theyre so complicated they make me sick (i love them 😭😭😭)
AWW THE I LIKE YOUR STUPID FACE LINE its different but whatever
no cuz i actually thought kaz was gnna punch him or something but thats nice
no mourners no funerals 🙏🙏
Dont take this as me disliking kaz btw hes my 2nd favorite character i js need to see him being put in his place
i have the most out of pocket thing to say but im not gnna say it
there are two heartrenders right there why dont they just check his pulse to see if hes lying
oh now they do it
i feel like maybe this is how they incorporate the crows into alina's plot - they'll ask them to find the sword since theyre criminals and know more than just the "wider black market"
they cant just show kaz and nina for two seconds and then cut to another scene hello
OH NVM its an inej scene 🙏🙏
its so dark i can barely tell whats happening
oh they did the pox thing too they really taking half of crooked kingdom's plot huh
yeah now they decide to explain the plan
kaz is actually being so much like book kaz in this scene
"the trick is not to love anything" YEAH YOU KEEP TELLING YOURSELF THAT... and with nina in the background too?? i wish inej was here tho like in the books
i think shes busy saving those randos
"something you'd sacrifice everything for and it makes you weak" stop projecting
see inej really needs to be here now nina and jesper kinda know his backstory but she doesnt
then again its more meaningful if he tells her on his own time
"im begging you" "are you?" hes not begging but i can
HIM ASKING FOR THE QUITCLAIM DEED FOR INEJ 🥺🥺 him liquifying everything he owns in the books is still better tho
THE LOOK IS HIS EYES - this is not freddy carter acting as kaz this is LITERALLY kaz
lmfaoo the offended look on toyla's face
WHYD THAT ACTUALLY SCARE ME (the guy sneaking up behind mal)
ok so i have a class so i'll watch the rest later
im backkk
seeing that vasily guys face after a few hours is such a jumpscare like why is he so ugly
bruh i jus realized theyre not gonna do the thing where inej cuts a line above pekkas heart 😐another kanej moment wasted
hjdkfk wylan hiding under the table when jesper asks him out
this conversation is so awkward i keep pausing it 😭
its cute tho
omg just kiss already the tension is getting to me
finally!!! 🙏🙏
im not really liking how they did wesper anyways.... with the whole one night stand thing... 😐
ok. yeah. wow. go from super cute fluffy wesper to kanej angst. yeah. remind me of what i dont have.
kaz saying that theres a weak link in the crew and inej thinks it means her but hes actually talking ab HIMSELF because shes his weakness and shes the person he would sacrifice everything for and AUGHHH
the difference between the show and the books when kaz gives her the paper is crazy
wish they had kept the book's scene fr
waittt is nikolai adopted??
oh he is
tamar and nadia definitely have something going on its already canon that nadia is into girls so!!
did the vasily guy die i hope he did 🙏🙏
why didn't baghra just. do that before. yk BEFORE she got her damn finger cut off
"your obsession with the fold is naive" is bro talking about alina or himself
and thats it watch me wait another week again before watching the next episode 💀
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waywardwriting · 3 years ago
Hehe haii!! Once again I loved !! What you wrote for bimbo!reader x castiel ! I'd love to see more of them together ! Like her coming to see him and pouting about him to his angel brothers that she never gets to see him but he's literally right next to him! Or when his brothers think she's a bit too dumb to protect herself but he shows them her little pink car covered in butterflies and pops open her trunk to see all her customized guns handmade riffles along with her own bullets that have little hearts on the side!🥺🌸💕😩🤍 and she comes out the bunker running to kiss him but stumbles and falls 🥺🌸 and he's just like... 😐"cute💞💖💞💖😘💕🤍🥺💕💕"
Badass Bimbo || Castiel x Bimbo! Reader
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Thanks so much angel!! You’re so wonderful and I hope you enjoy this one just as much <3
Y/N was sitting at home in her beautiful pink apartment, it was early morning and she was drinking tea in her favourite baby pink mug that Cas had bought her as a gift , he had saw it in a store while they were on a hunt together before they were dating and knew he had to get it for her. She had her day planned out, Castiel’s “stupid brothers” as she called them were taking up too much of his time lately and she wasn’t fond of it at all! They used to cuddle up every night and watch romantic movies and chat into the late hours of the morning and now she barely saw him! She knew it wasn’t his fault of course, duty calls but by god would she make his brothers pay today, one rule, don’t get between Y/N and Castiel. After her tea , she did all her makeup beautifully, from her eyelashes to her perfectly applied lipgloss, she got dressed into a soft pink dress and high heels , curled her hair and off she went in her Car , which was also , surprisingly pink, well, not so surprisingly.
She parked outside the bunker and made her way inside, after the Winchesters got to know her , they really liked her! Her and Cas were such a good match and for Christmas last year, they had given her , her own pink key for the bunker! So she could come and go as she pleased to see cas when he couldn’t be with her ! Or if she needed anything at all, she was family to the two brothers now , and she could always call this place home too if needs be , the decor though? Not her style, she would have to give the place her personal pink power if they wanted her to stick around . Y/N made herself known with the clicking of her heels and walking down the winding stairs of the bunker , three of his brothers were there at the minute , Micheal , Gabriel and Lucifer , the Winchesters being away on a hunt “oh hell what are you doing here?” Lucifer grumbled and Y/N huffed and with a pout stomped her way over “you know why I’m here, I have a bone to pick!” She pointed at them all with her glamorous nails , the woman had no fear even face to face with Lucifer himself . “I haven’t seen my boyfriend in weeks!! And it’s all your fault! You’re taking up all his time , with no breaks to deal with the shit you caused leaving your demons run around Kansas!” Y/N yelled and Lucifer rolled his eyes “yeah yeah whatever pinkie, go back to doing your lipstick or something and leave the big boys deal with the monsters okay? You’re clearly not strong enough-“ he was cut off with Y/N giving him a good hard slap across the cheek , Micheal and Gabriel’s eyes were widened in shock “dont you DARE! undermine me and my experience! Devil or not I will not take your fucking shit!” Lucifer knew he couldn’t hurt her , he was powerless and like it or not she was important. Gabriel tried to stifle a laugh but couldn’t hold it back “you got your ass handed to you!” He taunted and Lucifer stormed off in a tantrum , with all the chaos Y/N didn’t even notice Castiel come in! He had witnessed it all and had a grin plastering his features , that’s his girl. “BABE! I’ve missed you!” She ran over and gave him a big hug “hello love I’m so sorry , things have just been so hectic” Cas held her tight and kissed her forehead “I’m so proud of you…” he whispered to her and rubbed her back, Lucifer came back and sat at the table “can you PLEASE control that woman!?” He sneered and Castiel rolled his eyes “you asked for it.” Micheal stated simply “about time someone gave you a slap we’ve all wanted to do it for centuries” They all broke out into laughter Y/N smiled at Cas “I’m just headed to the bathroom babe I’ll be right back!” She ran down the hall humming.
Castiel walked over to the table where his brothers were , Gabriel spoke up “Cas, Brother , I know she just gave Lucifer a slap … but are you sure she can properly defend herself …? She’s kind of …away with the fairies …I’m not trying to offend but” he tried to explain, Cas sighed “come on…” he lead them outside to Y/N’s beautiful pink car popping open the trunk of the car , there was a massive devils trap on the inner roof of the trunk, and a massive crate of her customised weapons , guns , knives, hex bags even pink salt , you heard me .. pink salt , everything was pink somehow . Cas opened a box of bullets and held one up , lovehearts engraved on the sides of them. “I… take it back … shes got it handled” Gabriel spoke and the other two brothers looked in shock she didn’t seem the type for all this , but she was badass. “See..? She can handle herself , just because she’s girly and pretty doesn’t mean she can’t .. kick ass as Dean would say” Cas explained and Y/N stepped outside “admiring my car I see!?” She exclaimed running over tripping in the process, her boyfriend catching her just in time “cute” he smiled down at her, he was so grateful for her this was just what he needed after a long and hard few weeks , his angel here in his arms .
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bishiglomper · 2 years ago
I am having. A day.
I hate that I am so flippin' easily emotional. And I'm the baby bunny, so my family rushes to comfort me and then I feel manipulative. 😐 so here's how I had a meltdown. 8D
I woke up 2 hours before PT. Which apparently was enough to meander into getting dressed and chill on the couch, but not enough time to eat or watch a whole show and so I just sat there and waited until we could leave.
My sister is so wonderful. She said if 10 more minutes was okay and i guess I sounded not thrilled with the idea so she let us leave early because with her own autistic son she understands if we're anxious to transition already it's better to just do it. So we killed time by stopping for gas.
On the way I asked if she had explained to her daughter the whole "it's not dad im emotional about, but the proximity of the musical" situation to the niece. Which was my downfall. She had not.
So I got teary because I do not like people being upset with me over a misunderstanding. Even if they seem over it. I was under the assumption she was going to explain. So now I'm like "shit, I gotta mentally prepare for a conversation"
I stopped being emotional over it by the time I got to PT but then I went into a spiral of "great, now I'm weepy and I'm already quiet on a good day and now I'm barely gonna be able to verbalize anything and.."
So of course meltdown kicks in and tears are running and soaking tf out of my mask.
Cue PT coming out and signing up his patient for their next appt. He looks over at me and cautiously waves. God, he's so precious. It's the first appointment PT, the one who was absolutely wonderful. The cute one. 👀
Me: *awkwardly waves* '...wow, I cannot do this.'
I know I'm not making it through this appointment without crying the whole time. Which is awkward and painful for all involved.
I tried to wait until he and his patient left but i was seriously afraid he was about to call me back so I really had to walk in front of him and get the receptionists attention and tell her I had to go. I was proud that my voice barely shook. But then she wanted to know why. like. You're seriously gonna make me speak again. 😐
"I need a reason why to tell your PT."
Dont have the energy to deal with a normal sounding explanation. "......because. I'm. having. a meltdown." Voice was so shakey. ffs OTL
And I guess that was good enough and I walked away. Which was painful because it is deeply ingrained in me to say thank you.
I have no idea what nice PT man looked like this entire exchange 8D
I made it to the car before I drowned and promptly hyperventilated to my sister. 8D Which was difficult because she wanted to know who hurt me. (T ω T) like no one, fam I'm just ✨ b r o k e n ✨
So she went and got me an iced coffee. The part that made me feel guilty because we were overdrawn and have no monies for another 9 days. (╥﹏╥) she convinced me.
I'm still weepy an hour later! It is taking everything not to constantly let tears stream down my face. Goddamn it, it is so fucking annoying. It's the one thing I havent been able to mask half as much as I need to. The experience with the receptionist is pretty much all I'm capable of. I hate it. I hate it so fucking much.
I am either apathetic or a big cry baby, there is no in between. (ノ°益°)ノ
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staysuki · 3 years ago
aaaaaa i finally read EHALOJ aaaaaa puchaaaaaaa
seungmin had those pogi typings going on lmao i love it v much huhu he was really an ass at the start but i still could bring myself to hate him 👁💧👄💧👁 idk if its automatic bc hes my bias or wut xd
moving on i honestly dont know who to ship y/n with :”> im debating on hyunjin and lee know. and yeji my queen uGh 🤨☹️😠😐 but whatever, INTEOTW yeji has my full heart. hyunjin is oblivious af but i still cant say much since i wouldnt really also believe if someone dearly close to me is a bitch irl even if the signs are 13628 inch by 28251 inch big, colored red with christmas lights.
aaaaa lee know and y/n has those history going on tHat makes me kilig ehe ehe but the typical and cliche ‘main character changed bad boy’ is 🥵 BTCH IDK WHO TO 🚢 ANYMORE 😠 sorry felix but ur bromance with jisung is more than fine already.
anyways the focus is BARELY on seungmin but i keep thinking about him ugh ✨ biaz tingz ✨ thankfully your seungmin smau already started xd
omg you re so good at antagonising people wtf 🤩 like literally all your works have the most detestable characters bc of how hurtful and toxic their dialogue sounds 😎 ur so very super duper amazing x9999 at writing, believe me 😭 you always incorporate the right amount of crack and dark thrilling shit in your stories uWu
BTW I THINK the dates. chapter link is broken on the masterlist and the next button on ch 19. i accidentally skipped ch 20 but thankfully i noticed it bc i got confused since lee know stated on ch 21 that y/n didnt answer him when he asked her on a date wHEN i didnt read anything abt him making a move. i got to the dates. chapter, ch 20, by clicking previous on chapter 21 though. hOPEFULLY U GOT WHAT I EXPLAINED 😭
im soooo excited for the next chapters huhu you did so well like di ako mapakali aYAN GANDANG GANDA AKO NAPA TAGALOG 💀 rly good job 👏
so i checked the playlist you shared and all the songs there are exactly my vibes 😭 they are the singers i listen to and i agree 100% that it hits home. OMG ZACKS VOICE IN BINIBINI SOUNDS SOOO SIMILAR TO HYUNJIN SHXHWHXHWHDHWHS IDK WHY BUT I THOUGHT ABT IT AND I CANT GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD HUHUHU 😭😭😭😭
huhuhu neways its 11 pm here, i might read a few more fics before heading to bed. hows ur day btw?
- bs
uy omg ok 👁
POGI TYPINGS PLS 💀. true, we can never hate seungmin 😤.
and yes hehe, the ships are ALL OVER THE PLACE one’s going to antartica while one’s going to florida or smth idk. but my goal is to just pull on everyone’s strings with that one since i don’t really plan to focus on the romance that much, it’s really more of a slice of life story with shitty people in the mix or smth. but there wILL be an endgoal boy. the key is that even i don’t know who it is 🥴❓ makes it more unpredictable, no? but it probably won’t be until long. i plan on focusing on every character and give them beautiful developments so that’s how many arcs(?) 😀, probs overambitious here but i’m excited to try and make a longer smau after rushing my previous ones + i have a lot of notes for EHALOJ from when i started planning it a long time ago so i already have a basis for season 2 once i start it in the VERY DISTANT FUTURE.
i made INTEOTW yeji the way she is to make up for the fact that she’s one of the antagonists in this story :,). that’s kind of like my own pattern, i want balance. also hyunjin being gaslit by his own sister 😔💔💔💔.
minho ship looking promising for you huh 🥴. felix kinda came out of left field but isn’t he such a cutie. literally everyone’s rooting for yongbokie but i don’t blame em, he’s not like INTEOTW felix huhu.
SECRETARY KIM is a busy man 😤 let him do his job. kim seungmin smau is indeed out and it’s a new character trope!! no more tsundere, confident, and/or snarky seungmin 😌 i’m moving out of the stereotypes here.
and also thank you!!! that means a lot. ngl, i feel like i overdo it(??) like, i want villains to be “real people” and not outright “people made to be villains” ifykwim, i don’t want them to be hated because “hey i’m obviously a shitty person!!!” but because they’re complex and not some 2d bond villain. but idk, maybe i didn’t really have a choice with EHALOJ yeji because SHE IS just like that 🤔. hyunjin is in mental turmoil even. probably my favorite “antagonist” moment would have to be dark seungmin in the earliest chapters. but thank you for the compliments, i love writing dialogue, even my editor irl (for my non-tumblr works) always compliments my dialogue dynamic writing so that’s why i stuck to smaus, it’s just dialogue all the time 🤪. i was a bit afraid the EHALOJ might be a bit too dark to garner any attention (bc nobody wants to see their faves antagonized, valid) but i’m glad i took the risk, it was hard to get through but it’s honestly one of my hate-favorite works and i’m glad others seem to enjoy the twists and turns too despite the obvious lack of focus in the romance.
and tHANK YOU huhu, i swear it’s finished na, just all queued up hehe, not gonna dump it no no no 👆👇👆, i will follow a fixed schedule of uploading every three days. i think there’s five chapters left in the good ol basement. one of my irks too is that i don’t want smau chapters to be released in succession bc i don’t want people to just see smaus when they scroll through my feed so like, if i already have a lot of buffer posts in between like asks or self updates then i might update early. if not, then imma post other randoms in between.
HWANG HYUNJIN AS FRAT BOY NA TAGA BGC SUPERIORITY. medyo napa 🤨🤨🤨 ako sa exbattallion, that group is such a meme (i remember when socmed was tRASHING pauwi nako for being cringe) but i just respect the vibes and listened to everything 😤. AND SEEEEEEEE. THEIR VOICES ARE SIMILAR OMFG I CANNOT.
my day went great! celebrated my mom’s birthday. out to get tattoos once again. hope you have a good sleep, i’ll always be making fics for you to read 😌♥️ how’s ur day.
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arillusionist · 1 year ago
s&b s2ep5 reaction! book update im 150 pages into ruin and rising, its so much better than book 2
HELP IM DYING AT THE TITLE CARD... inej with the knife and matthias in jail 😭😭
no you know whats funny they say fuck in the show but they bleep out all the actors saying it in the blooper videos
love how they always say the perfect thing before transitioning to the crows so i know when to be excited
why the fuck are his eyes so big.....
wait nvm thats js the lighting
why did he say "no" like that 💀💀
yippee zoya
how are they gonna incorporate inej into these last few eps cuz isnt she gonna leave now that shes free
oh shes still here
"because he'd rather push you away then admit he feels anything for you" omg nina
what did the thing jesper said about a band of broken dolls even mean
nina removing inej's tattoo but the faint mark still being there ☹️
eww baghra i dont even know why i dont like her okay. i just dont.
genya and alina reunion i have been waiting for this!!!!!
i knew she would but ya still happy
stop not kaz snatching the paper from wylan why is he so mad 💀💀💀
"im not here for you" the look on his face but like why is he even surprised
their banter aughhh
but im still salty that they ruined the kaz paying off inej's indenture thing and turned it into a sad scene😐😐
oh theyre finally talking about the genya and the king thing
i feel so bad for her and the fact that only now people are paying attention to her when they never did earlier 💔
i like seeing how they adapt the different countries
kaz staring at inej when shes praying... (hes secretly praying to her cuz shes his saint)(Obviously)
jesper having to duck his head bc of tolya's sword 💀
somethings off with jesper and wylan i cant tell what like not their relationship just themselves
genyas a heartrender?? im confused
oh nevermind its not wylan and jesper separately it is their relationship
"how do you think it tastes" "like tea"
"warm. and wet." HELPJDKFKF 😭😭
please not kaz having to pretend to be nina's husband
omg not the lady calling him waffles too
INEJ PULLING KAZ OUT OF HIS PANIC ATTACK 😭😭 shes literally his saint im telling you
"i couldnt leave you not like this"
him hugging his cane and gloves oh my god☹️☹️
hes gonna know alina is lying i'm calling it
"the problem with wanting is that it makes us weak" watch them cut to another kanej scene
oh nvm but malina angst oohh
yess i needed their angst and it was written in such a good way like hes not mad at her for no reason he just knows theyre on such different wavelengths
inej js casually playing with a knife thats my wife 😍😍
"you dont seriously expect me to break into this woman's house" girl you hired a bunch of thieves what do you expect
nina is so planning to punch kaz in the face again
the helink crumbs... (barely)
is pekka rollins at hellgate?? is there finally gonna be more matthias screentime omg
ohh whyd i just realize the man he beat up was matthias's cellmate... ☹️
oh hell nah is he gonna fight pekka
baghra redepmtion arc in my head tbh
stoppp that scene was so sweet alina and nikolai's friendship is actually the best 😭😭😭
wow no way are they finally doing something more with jesper than giving him funny lines... and it only took them 13 episodes
oh its the hallucination scene i've heard so much about...
okok i know this scene is supposed to be serious but why was inej's fall so goofy
why did jordie kinda scare me help
noo its over i thought the hallucinations were this episode
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