#i asked the boyo if they had any in stock w headphones jax still and the answer was no :((((
wellnesscard · 2 years
almost got lost in the forest skiing two nights ago I was like ummmmmmm Devon is it ok if I go in front bc I'm so afraid of the dark and it had become nightfall bc we got a lil lost while we were out there we ended up taking a snow bike trail all the way to the neighboring town by accident, but while heading up the back I'm like frantically trying to keep no more than five feet distance between us in case a [w****g0] tries to get me and I'm seeing and hearing the fairies but pretending I'm not just eyes forward head down bc that's how they getcha I'm like Stoooooppppp pine trees have been so goblinlike to me lately fr.......... whaddahell that's a person like. Ok demon.. ICU. but I went in front and we skied back to our town and I'm like thank God I brought the headlamps cos we were only supposed to be out there an hour or so but we were prepared to be out there til morning once it hit 6pm and we were still lost thankfully it was a warm night and we stayed hot because of moving around I'm like yeah I could realistically be out here all night without it being a big deal. but essentially what I came here to say was my phone fell outta my pocket while going down this very long steep and narrow downhill trail section where I stacked it about twelve times so I actually missed this whole job opportunity thing bc I couldn't fill out the forms without my phone bc I couldn't get on my email or set up my new secondhand laptop without it either so that sucked and I got really depressed about it and being an epic fail but it's minor and Devon bought my mopey ass some sushi and an orchid and instead of languishing for the next three or four days like I am prone I woke up at 7:30 and went to the Verizon store waited my two hours picking split ends and staring at their fireplace and got the replacement phone so I can be a functioning and wage-earning person and not have to kill myself for being so disappointing and I did this all in record time I replaced the phone two days after I lost it last time I had to replace my phone I waited like six months using an essentially nonoperational thing even tho I'm still on my parents plan and was due for an upgrade anyways and they kept telling me to replace it bc I already lost a job bc they could never contact me and I'm like hey guys. Soon. Anyways I have adhd I'm learning so much every day. the skiing was really fun though I just got really scared when I realized we were lost in the woods after dark but even that fear reaction is so much less panicked than a few years ago it's like I don't need to scream and throw things anymore (usually lol) I just get overwhelmed and need to sit down for a minute. Plus my blood sugar was crashing really hard and the reality that we still had to ski at least three miles was a heavy truth at the time.
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