#i analyse this series like im writing for my college thesis lol
thecasualfkfan · 11 months
Let us talk about the 'guitar' scene shall we?
Boeing comes in to 'see' Sand and comments on how Sand is still using the 'same' guitar implying that this was not a new conversation.
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He also asks When will he get a new guitar? also implying that he has indeed asked him this before and Sand's expression is clearly showing that he had indeed offered some explanation for this before this and does not want to do the same again. This is showing familiary and that Boeing was the one who was the 'old' one in Sand's life(also that inspite of knowing sand is using an old guitar,he never gave or never even tried or thought about giving a new one to Sand).
Cut to Ray giving Sand a 'New' guitar. This is a great symbolism of him being the 'New' one in Sand's life(also the one who actually gave sand a new guitar when he noticed that sand wanted one) and the one who remembered which was the guitar sand wanted.
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Sand saying he feels a liitle bad for taking it but want it and asking can he have it while smiling
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that big showing he's indeed not feeling bad and very happy that Ray noticed and cared enough to buy a new one for him.
He's at that stage of relationship with Ray(comfortable and boyfriend-y) where he can accepts gifts from Ray without feeling like he's giving up his self worth and for someone like Sand that's a huge thing.
Therefore I hereby conclude that Sand and Ray are in fact very much in Love and understand each other and Boeing can take his homewreking and cheating assTM and go fuck himself.
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