#i am. resisting the temptation. to tag every character on here lol
etonzolo · 9 months
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Tumblr gets it early because i forgot to post on insta lol, but my art summery for this year!!! I'm glad for the people who have enjoyed the silly drawings i share, and i'm excited for another year of this chaotic hobby <2
(btw March is @tikasplat's persona + April is based off it's Etho design as well!! Go check out it's work, it is a very talented artist)
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lumosdracarys-blog · 5 years
my first ever writeblr tag!
Thanks to @amerritts-wip​ for tagging me in this! Let’s get on to the questions: 
1. What is your biggest writing goal?
To write something that I’m truly, 100% proud of. I’m my worst critic and I’m really hard on myself, so it would be nice to be in love with something I created. 
2. Do you have more than one wip? If yes, which is your favorite?
Technically, yes. My current WIP, which I’m tentatively calling Project Dark, is part of a series. That series’ general story arc is in the works. 
3. Are you a planner when it comes to your wip? Or do you just go with an idea?
I am very much a planner. I outline everything down to individual scenes, but I’m flexible about it. If something inspiring comes along or if my characters decide to take the scene elsewhere, I go with it and plan around that.
4. Do you have a ritual when writing?
I always use the pomodoro method, which means I set a timer (using the app Focus Timer) for 25 minute writing sessions. In between those sessions, I take 5 minute breaks to browse reddit.com/r/writing. I also try to watch a writing vlog before my first session of the day, for added inspiration. 
5. Do you like writing heroes or villains more? Why?
Most of the time, I really enjoy writing heroes. I love watching them struggle with their responsibilities and morality. They have a lot more at stake than villains in my opinion. However, currently I am LOVING writing the villain for Project Dark. The badassery is strong with this one. 
6. Who is your favorite character to write or that you’ve ever written? Why?
I love writing my main character in Project Dark, Lady Alisoun Bertrand. I’m only 20k words in, but I’ve already come to love her so much. I’m most excited about writing the character of her bodyguard, Symon, though. His sarcasm bled through immensely on his character sheets, so I can’t wait to see how that’ll transfer to the actual novel. 
7. Do you prefer to start your story with dialogue, backstory, or description?
It really depends on the project. With Project Dark, I dove head-first into the prologue with the action of a heart-breaking situation. It felt so raw and I really like where I went with it. 
8. Is there someone who inspires you to write? If yes, then who?
Brandon Sanderson, who wrote the Mistborn series. I’m reading that now, and the worldbuilding and magic systems just blow my mind with how intricate and well thought out they are. I’m in awe. George R. R. Martin as well, because, well, duh. 
9. If you had to choose one genre to write for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Fantasy! It’s my favorite genre, and there are so many different routes you can take while writing it. It really allows me to be as creative as possible. 
10. Are you going to dedicate your wip to anyone?
Me, myself, and I, because I’m the only one who cares about my WIP, LOL. 
11. Do you write as often as you’d like? 
I write almost every day, even if it’s as little as a few hundred words. I write in the mornings, but I sometimes find myself wishing that I had the energy to write more when I get home from work. 
Thanks again to @amerritts-wip for tagging me in my first ever tag here on writeblr. I’m tagging @cant-resist-temptation, @the-real-rg, @minnowf, and @writeflair. My questions for y’all are:
1. What’s the best piece of writing advice you’ve ever received? 2..What was the most difficult scene to write in your WIP? 3. Are you a part of any writing communities? 4. Which do you plan first: plot or characters?  5. Are you planning on publishing your WIP? Traditionally or self-publishing? 6. Do you post your writing online, or do you prefer to keep it a secret? 7. Are you participating in Camp NaNoWriMo in July? Or NaNoWriMo in November? 8. Do you prefer to write in a notebook or on your computer? 9. Describe your WIP’s “aesthetic.” 10. Would you be friends with your characters in real life? 11. What are some of your favorite writeblrs? 
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