#i am willing and able to slander donald at any moment
spooky-ronan · 1 year
anyone else ever remember that donald and goofy absolutely ditch sora in kh1? im not over it
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headspacea-blog · 7 years
November 6th, 2017
The Title of President of The United States
My name is not important.
I am just one woman of many, one child of millions, and one human on the face of this earth with a story. Today I am going to share my story just as others have before me, and I hope you will read what I have to say with an open mind. I sat down to write this today, because Donald J. Trump was elected President. His continuous slander against women, minorities, the LGBTQ+ community, and others has continuously hit the wrong cord. I have walked through today in a daze. I have close family members who voted for him, and I have friends who fought against him with everything they had, but at the end of the day only the former matters because Donald Trump will still hold the title of President of the United States.
What none of my family members or friends who voted for Trump know is that I no longer trust them as much as I used to, or in some cases, at all because they voted for the man that reinforces the idea that what happened to me is okay and acceptable.
I was sexually assaulted when I was 18. I didn’t report because anyone who heard my story would blame it on me, and I did too, at first. I went to his house to hang out, a relatively innocent action. I would soon find out that my naivety would cost me not only my dignity but my mental state. He shoved me up stairs that day just moments after he had rammed me against the wall and attacked my mouth with his. He stripped me against my will and violated my mouth after I pleaded with him repeatedly not to rape me. I said no again and again, I shut down mentally in an attempt to tune out what happened, but there is a piece of me that never forgets. This piece exists in all survivors despite our best attempts to repress it and take away it’s power just as our attackers took away ours. My story is not unique, but it is mine. I live every day with the memory of my attack and it still affects my relationships with all those who are close to me, mainly by removing the trust I had for family and friends that I used to have such warm relationships with.
I share my experience of stolen control and violence with so many people, men and women alike who may or may not have come forward, like me. Many people came forward accusing Donald Trump of these very same actions and yet instead of standing up for humanity sake and saying “I am sorry that happened to you” many members of the United States attacked those who needed comfort most. What I say next is my explanation and reasoning behind Trump’s success. It is more for my own mental health than for those who will read this piece.
People claim to have voted for him because he is different from the corrupt politicians we currently have, and yet this claim was made about a man who has not paid taxes for 18 years. People claim to have voted for him because Hillary had a private email server full of emails, yet few people admit to having not read them personally. People claim to have voted for him because he tells the truth and yet according to The New York Times article on September 26, 2016, Trump told over 31 lies during the presidential debates alone. Many people claim many things, but at the end of the day Donald Trump will still hold the title of President of the United States.
Last night while watching the election I posted a status about how no matter what the results of the election turn out to be, we must unite as a people, and not expect the government, to Make America Great Again. However, my status was seen by few and it’s debatable if those who read it even read it to the end. I question, now, my reason for writing that status and in retrospect I realize it was a desperate plea. A plea for the people of the United States to not turn against each other and against those are different than themselves. Trump has stood in front of America and awaken the great monsters that we as a ‘democratic’ nation have spent the past century trying to defeat: monsters known as racism, sexism, ableism, bigotry and so many others. We have, finally in 2016, learned that fighting does not resolve issues, it only encourages them, and yet our newly elected President spews the hateful words that reignite painful feelings previously caused by those monsters. I speak of these monsters as if they are only concepts and constructs, but this would be completely invalidating what they truly are. These monsters are people. Regardless of what every person's ballot stated, the real monsters are men, women, blacks, whites, able, unable and every member in between who wake up in the morning and believe that they have the right to tell others how to live or believe that they are superior in any way, shape, or form to those members of this country who are different. It is foolish to think that humans are fundamentally different when we share almost 100% of our DNA. Every human on this earth is the same despite every claim otherwise. Yes individual differences exist and we all wake up with different passions, but despite any differences, we fundamentally want to be happy at the end of the day. We all put our pants on one leg at a time (or skirts if you prefer) and yet some people believe that the amount of melanin in their skin or the physical traits below their belt make them in someway better than others. Those who voted for Trump have no right to claim that they did it because of his economic policies, he has been bankrupt four times in the last fifteen years. I can confidently say that deep inside, in a place they will never admit to having, they voted with Trump because he is willing to express the vile, hateful comments that have been suppressed and deemed inappropriate by the few with a moral conscience and the guts to speak out despite immense pushback. It is these frightening words that will encourage others with even more extreme hateful views to attack those have only begun to gain the human rights that they have been denied in the name of “taking back America and making it great again”.
Views like those mentioned are what have separated us as humans for as long as we have existed on this earth. Donald Trump took these views and people’s insecurities and used them to take control of a nation. What he will do now is anyone’s guess, but no matter what happens, at the end of the day he will still hold the title of President of the United States.
For the next four years it is quite possible that many members of this country will wake up in fear for their safety, their family’s safety, their personal rights, and even their lives. Unfortunately, just like many Americans, Donald J. Trump does not care about my story or the other millions of stories that the people of this country have to tell. He will continue to care only about himself and those like him. He will use the idea that humans are not in fact equal but fundamentally different to divide this country further and silence those who do not share his views. Despite Donald J. Trump’s superiority complex and his horrible comments towards people unlike him at the end of the day he will still hold the title of President of the United States.
Haberman, Maggie, and Alexander Burns. "A Week of Whoppers From Donald Trump." The New York Times. The New York Times, 2016. Web. 09 Nov. 2016.
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