#i am the target audience fur my art
smallknowingjester · 11 months
:33 < "this (thing i made) is veryy self indulgent sorry!^_^;" is the rest of what you cre8 not? do you not normally make things fur yourself & your own enjoyment?? you know you can make whatever makes you happy right?????
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Why Weddings Need to Be More Ecofriendly
By Michaela Clay
February 8, 2021
Target audience: wedding planners, wedding vendors, and members of wedding parties
Context: I am conducting a research project to complete my bachelor's in Media Art Production at Boise State University. This post is a short compilation of information I have gathered from online research as well as through personal experience of being a bridal consultant. However, I am not married nor am I planning a wedding for myself or others. Rather I am looking into the research of why and how the wedding industry should change to be more conservational.
Personal goal: In this blog I hope to express interesting aspects of wedding research I have found that inspires readers to incorporate more ecofriendly and sustainable ideas into their wedding ceremonies and receptions.
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    Growing up, I've binge-watched so many bridal rom-coms and episodes of Say Yes to the Dress and Four Weddings that I thought I knew everything there was to know about weddings. However, it wasn't until I became a bridal consultant that I realized I knew just the basics of weddings and how to find the perfect dress. I began working in the accessories department at a family-run bridal boutique in the Bay Area of California in the fall of 2018 and I worked my way up to working with bridal parties. While I was only an employee for just under a year, I produced over $150,000 in sales for the company and helped over a hundred brides find their perfect dress. In fact, the work came so naturally to me that I earned employee of the month in my fifth month of working there!
    I loved spending time with my bridal parties and watching them try on gorgeous gowns (and trying them on myself as well when the store was slow), nevertheless, it bothered me that once I became a bridal insider I learned a lot of secrets about the industry. Yes, there are some designers and clothing producers that are sustainable and have ethical means, but so many clothes still come from sweatshops, factories, and cruel fur-sourcing locations. Furthermore, the prices are increased by the designers way above production costs which are once again raised by vendors who need to make a profit. This dilemma made me feel unethical for being a part of the process, even though I was not making the dress or setting the prices. However, I am now researching ways for the entire wedding process to become more ethical and sustainable to educate myself and others who do not know what’s behind the curtain.
    Even though I became well-versed in bridal, I realized that I still was lacking in other areas of wedding planning such as venue, catering, and honeymoons. I never thought about how much goes into wedding planning or how much waste weddings and receptions left behind. For instance, I recently learned that "Annually, the 2.3 million weddings held in the U.S. produce more than 1 billion pounds of trash. One wedding alone produces 400 pounds of garbage and 63 tons of CO2." (Zola). These numbers are terrifying and disgusting. We shouldn't permanently destroy our environment for a single day of our lives, no matter how special it is to us.
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     Now, I'm not suggesting that your entire wedding and reception need to be using 100% pure sustainable sources or that you have to pick green as your wedding color, but I am suggesting that while planning that you try to incorporate as many environmentally-friendly aspects as you can. You may be thinking "what's in it for me?" Well, how about more money for that honeymoon because you resourced from in-town vendors instead of from overseas? Or less family drama because you invited fewer guests to cut down on that enormous menu? Or saving the lives of birds and furry animals by swapping the rice throwing (which bloats animals bellies) for natural decomposing items like leaf confetti or flower petals via a tutorial you found online?  
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    If you’re looking for tips I recommend trying this Zola article as they posted amazing fliers and ideas for aspects including fashion, venue, food, and decor. Also, you could follow my blog or send me a question and I’ll do my best to help you!
~ Michaela 
Photo credits: 
Succulent photo by me; leaf photo from the ecofriendly confetti link.
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andrewmoocow · 7 years
Clod on the Run chapter 2: Suffragette Beach City (originally posted on May 21, 2017)
The Guardians of the Galaxy were zooming through the galaxy for their newest job. They were hired by Yellow and Blue Diamond of the Gem Homeworld to hunt down a traitorous Peridot on Earth. Star-Lord was flying their ship while jamming out to Brandy (You’re a Fine Girl) by Looking Glass, Rocket was preparing his surplus of weapons for an eventual battle, Drax was giving Groot a trim and Gamora was just sitting quietly. “Hey G, what’s up?” Star-Lord said turning around to his emerald crewmate. “You’ve been pretty quiet lately since we met the Diamonds, but I guess that’s pretty normal for you.”
Gamora could only groan as she finally spoke. “Do you really want to know guys?” All of the others were curious. “Come on Gamora, we are your friends.” Drax said. “I am Groot.” Groot added. “Yeah, what they said!” Star-Lord replied.
“Alright, you got me.” Gamora stated. “I’ve actually met one of the Diamonds.” The gang could believe what they just heard. “It was before I met all of you, when I was one of Thanos’ minions.”
“Lord Thanos, we are approaching Earth as we speak.” a grey-skinned alien in a black cloak announced to his master. He was Corvus Glaive, member of the Black Order and right hand man of Thanos the Mad Titan. The titan in question was a muscular, intimidating purple alien clad in blue and gold clothing. “Very good Corvus.” the overlord thanked his minion. “I wish to speak with the Diamond controlling this planet and see if the Authority is willing to ally with me.”
“Thanos came to Earth seeking to gain the Gem Homeworld’s trust, but we all know he would’ve betrayed them.” Gamora narrated. By the Mad Titan’s side were three humanoid alien warriors. One was Gamora herself while the other two were a blue-skinned woman with prominent cybernetics and a dark-skinned man with piercing blue eyes. They were Nebula and Korath, Gamora’s two adopted siblings.
“I want you three on guard in case anyone gets suspicious. In that case, attack and kill anyone who dare try to oppose me.” the Dark Lord ordered to his three assassins. “Yes master.” the trio complied. The aliens then touched down on an ancient cloud arena where they came face to face with many Gems of different shapes, sizes, colors and types. “Do not be alarmed.” Nebula announced. “We are here for Pink Diamond.”
“Allow me visitors.” a Gem stepped forward. She was a tall lanky one with flowing pink hair and her gemstone on her midsection. “I am Pearl, Pink Diamond’s servant.” The Pearl extended her hand forward. “I am Thanos of the Titanians. I request an audience with your superior.” Thanos introduced himself to Pearl. “Yes sir, right this way.”
Pearl led Thanos and his children through a crowd of nervous looking Gems to a large pink palanquin where another Gem clad in pink clothing sat. She was guarded by two other Gems, one with orange skin, white hair & her gemstone for a nose and the other was very humanlike in appearance with pink ringlets. “Salutations visitor.” The larger Gem said from her palanquin. “Who are you and what brings you here?”
“Greetings Pink Diamond, I am Thanos of Titan.” Thanos greeted Pink Diamond as he stepped forward, bowing while his minions kneeled. “I have come to your planet wishing to form an alliance with the Great Diamond Authority.” Pink Diamond rose from her palanquin as her two guard followed behind. “Please state your reasoning.” the Diamond spoke.
“You see, I have been hunting for six ingots of awesome power known as the Infinity Stones.” Thanos explained as he brought up a hologram of the artifacts in question. The Stones were of multiple colors ranging from blue, yellow, red, purple, green and orange. “These stones represent a different part of the universe and when brought together with the Infinity Gauntlet, would grant the user godlike abilities.”
All of the Gems present were intrigued by the visitor’s proposition, except for the orange guard. “I don’t like this.” she said.” “You’ll probably just betray and shatter us all!” She tried to attack Thanos but was stopped by her companion. “Jasper, please don’t provoke him!” she cried. “No Rose, we have to protect Pink Diamond!”
“Silence orange fool,” Thanos ordered Jasper. “Your attitude is like a pouty child! Now remain silent or I will have to end you.” Gamora, Nebula, Korath and Corvus pointed their weapons as she shouted “ATTACK!”
The Gems within the arena followed her orders and summoned their weapons. “Very well.” Thanos answered as he snapped his fingers, summoning his army of Chitauri, Sakaarans & Deviants and unleashed them on the arena. The battle was long and hard, with many Gems poofed or shattered during the conflict. Eventually Thanos won after he poofed both Rose Quartz and Jasper.
“I am appalled at such disrespect coming from a servants of the Diamonds!” Thanos boomed in disgust  as he handed the gemstones to Pearl. “Forget the alliance, I will find the Stones myself.” He motioned his assassins to follow him as he departed the arena. “Mark my words Pink Diamond, when I gain ultimate power you will be the first to fall.”
“Later on, we received news that Pink Diamond was shattered by one of her own Rose Quartz but Thanos took it as a sign of surrender and remains enemies with Homeworld to this day.”
Gamora finished her story as the Guardians sat there completely stunned. “Jesus.” Peter said. “Hey Quill, did you turn on autopilot?” Rocket asked. “I don’t know, I thought you did.”
That’s when they all realized they were going to crash. “What did you do you idiot?!” Rocket exclaimed as the ship fell downward, catching on fire in the process. “I don’t know, I just got distracted by Gamora’s story!”
“Don’t even think about using that excuse!” Rocket shouted back. “My friends, it has been an honor adventuring alongside you.” Drax proclaimed. “If I die here, then I will die with all of you by my side!” He then pulled Rocket and Gamora close, hugging them incredibly tightly much to their chagrin. “Let go of me you moron!” Rocket exclaimed as he tried to wriggle out of the destroyer’s grasp. “Let my muscles be your shield!”
As the Milano dived closer to the ground, Peter took the wheel and tried to steer them away from their grisly fate, but it was too late.
The Milano was reduced to a pile of scrap metal when it crashed, but luckily nobody died. Peter was the first to awaken. “Oh geez what a fall.” He groaned getting up. “Anyone okay? Raise your hand if your head is still attached.” Groot excitedly raised his hand. “I am Groot!” he cheered as he got up. “Yeah, we’re still conscious Quill.” Rocket said as he popped out of Drax’s tight hug. “Looks like Drax’s abs did save us after all.”
“Yes, my abs are heroes!” Drax shouted as he released Gamora from his grasp. “You know, we could’ve survived crashing if Peter turned on the autopilot beforehand!” Gamora shouted. “Hey, don’t go blamin’ me here G!” Peter said trying to avoid getting in trouble. “Rocket was the one who did it!”
Rocket got angry at Quill trying to place the blame on him and pulled out a rocket launcher. “So I’m to blame for your idiocy?” Rocket barked. “Y'know what, screw Peridot! We’re taking you back to the Diamonds so you can get jammed into the human zoo when we get the ship fixed!”
Star-Lord then pulled out his laser pistol in retaliation. “Not if I bring you in first!” The two aimed their weapons at each other when Groot tried to break up the fight. “I am Groot, I am Groot!” The tree exclaimed as he pushed the two away from one another. Rocket sighed. “Groot’s right, kickin’ each others asses wouldn’t help us get rich.” He then put away his rocket launcher and tried to apologize. “Sorry for lashing out Pete, I guess we were both the idiots here.”
“Apology accepted Rocket.” Peter said ruffling his fur. “Now where can we find some new parts for the Milano?” Groot then pointed towards what looked like a barn in the distance. “I am Groot!” he said. “That’ll do.” Star-Lord said.
The group made their way to the barn, which looked much different from the typical barn. There was a silo jutting out the side, a pickup truck above the entrance with a TV in the back and a small pool near it. “Oy, what a dump.” Rocket said looking at it. “I mean, this place looks like a hodgepodge of useless crap!” Everybody else was quick to agree as they went inside when suddenly they were attacked by several armed drones, but Rocket shot them all down.
In the barn, they were met with what seemed to look like art like a broken tape recorded with a bow on it, a simple leaf taped to a rock and a lineup of toilets. “Is anyone here?” Drax asked around.
“Hey guys check it out, it’s a bunch of toilets!” Star-Lord called pointing at the toilets, laughing. “Very cheeky Quill, but we need to find a way to search for our target.” Rocket said examining the silo that was turned into a makeshift aquarium. There weren’t any fish except for a green alien creature with white stuff coming out of a hole in its neck. “Hate to be that guy. Wonder what happened to him.”
“Hey everyone, I found a vehicle that can get us somewhere!” Gamora called from outside. The other Guardians rushed outside to find her driving a tractor and not doing so good. “It may be slow, but it’ll do.” she said.
“I like your idea Gamora, but it’s gonna need a few modifications.” Rocket stated. “Groot, do we have any spare parts from the Milano that haven’t been destroyed in the crash?” Groot immediately saluted and charged towards the wreckage. “Heh, dis gonna be a cakewalk.” the animal smirked as he placed his hands behind his head. “Oh, are we having cake?” Drax asked.
The Guardians were now on their way to their destination on the tractor, which was now souped up with a turbo engine. They were zooming through the highway, past a pizza-themed car with a few teenagers driving it. “What’d I tells ya gang, this gonna be a piece of cake!” Rocket exclaimed as the wind rushed through his fur. “You said there was cake, but I don’t see anything!” Drax shouted. “I’ll explain later Drax, right after we become rich!” Rocket replied.
Suddenly, the engine broke down and the gang were stuck in front of a sign. “I thought the turbo engine was intact when we crashed.” Star-Lord said. “But the good news is the sign here must mean something good.” The crew got off the tractor and walked around the sign to see that it read ‘Welcome to Beach City.’
“Beach City, eh?” Star-Lord said. “Looks like we might have some fun in the sun when we finish our mission.” The Guardians then looked forward at the town. It looked pretty standard for a seaside town with a boardwalk and amusement park, but one feature they took notice of was a large hill with a stone hand sticking out the side. “Well guys, let’s get cracking.”
The Guardians walked through the streets as they got odd looks from the locals wondering why a cowboy was hanging out with a green girl, a shirtless man, a raccoon and a tree. “You think we look out of place here?” Gamora asked. “I don’t know, maybe it’s because we look like a bunch of freaks!” Peter exclaimed. “We might be tracked down by the government or become topics of crazy conspiracy theorists!”
“Yeah, especially people like that one.” Rocket added pointing to a small child with an onion-like head staring blankly at them. “What’re you lookin’ at kid? Scram!” The child continued to stare at them until he turned and ran, dropping a map from his pocket along the way. “Well that was oddly convenient.” Rocket said as he picked the map and opened it, revealing several locations circled with red marker.
“Okay, listen up folks.” Star-Lord announced looking over the map. “We’re gonna comb the town for our target and we won’t stop until the job is done. Also from now on we’ll be using codenames. You can address me as Eagle One.”
He then gestured towards Drax. “Drax, codename Been There Done That.” Then he moved to Gamora. “Gamora is Currently Doing That.” After trying to high-five her and failing, he pointed at Groot. “Groot is It Happened Once in a Dream.” Finally he pointed towards Rocket who was crossing his fingers. “Rocket is…..Eagle Two.”
“Oh thank God.” Rocket sighed in relief. “So where do we go from here Quill?” He started pointing at various locations on the map. “How about this,” Star-Lord stated. “Groot goes to the donut shop here.” Before he could finish, Groot was already charging to the donut shop. “Guess somebody loves donuts.”
“Rocket, you go the amusement park.” Rocket got a bit excited, wondering about how much junk he could get from there. “Drax, you search the boardwalk and Gamora & I will search the boardwalk. As the legendary Fred Jones once said, let’s split up gang!”
They all dispersed as a curly-haired woman wearing glasses and a short black man watching them turned towards each other. “Say, didn’t that cowboy look a bit like Danny from Fields and Relaxation?” the woman asked.
Groot had already made his way to the big donut when he noticed the large donut sign that read “Big Donut.” Walking inside, he met an orange-skinned teenager with a red mohawk-like haircut and rather peculiar earlobes. “Welcome to the Big Donut, how can I…..” the boy began to speak before realizing that he was speaking to a giant tree thing. “I am Groot.” Groot said. “Nice to meet you Groot, I’m Lars.” the boy, now named Lars greeted nervously. “I am Groot.” Groot replied. “I know that, and I am Lars.” Lars answered.
The exchanges of “I am Groot” and “I am Lars” went on for a while until a short girl around Lars’ age came out of the back door.
“Hey Lars, what’s up?” the girl asked. “This guy came in and all he can say is 'I am Groot!'” Lars replied. “Here, let me talk to him.” The girl walked up to Groot and began to introduce herself. “Hi there uh…Groot, I’m Sadie.” she greeted. “I’m pretty sure you already know about Lars here.”
Groot extended his hand to Sadie. “I am Groot.” he said shaking her hand. “Hey buddy, can you move outta the way?” a voice asked. When Groot turned around, it was an old man with a mustache and sunglasses talking to him. “Yeah I’m talking to ya Deku Tree, you’re holdin’ up the line!”
“I am Groot, I am Groot.” Groot apologized to the man as he began to walk out of the building, but not before taking notice of several paper bags with “Sadie” written on them and taking one. “Hey wait, those aren’t for sale!” Sadie called out as Groot exited. “And he’s gone.”
“What a weirdo.” the old man said. “Now where’s my nut dog?” he asked. “Coming right up Mr. Lee.” Lars said.
Rocket meanwhile was digging through trash at the Funland Amusement Park. “So this is what these so called 'raccoons’ do, just dig through useless garbage?” he asked himself before finding a tin can. “This might be useful.” As he lept out of the trash can, he was suddenly hit by a broom. “Get outta my trash varmint!” the man holding the broom shouted. The man was tall, bald and wore a shirt with various shapes on it. “Who you callin’ varmint big boy?” Rocket shouted back.
The man was completely stunned to see a talking raccoon rummaging through his garbage. “Whoa mama!” he shouted. “A talking raccoon?” Rocket was also stunned. “Seriously, the hell’s a raccoon?!”
“You see little guy,” the man said. “It’s what you are. Bushy striped tail, those ears, that mask around your eyes….” Suddenly he was interrupted by the roller coaster beginning to fall apart. “Dang it Onion!” he screamed as he ran towards the ride. “If you hadn’t blown up my phone, I would’ve called your parents by now!”
“Well,” Rocket said to himself. “That was weird.”
Drax was searching across the boardwalk in search of Peridot, asking various people. He went to the pizza place, the arcade, the fry place and the beach but nobody saw her anywhere. He was about ready to give up and report to his teammates when he heard a small voice.
“Excuse me, have you seen my dog?” the voice asked. Drax looked down to discover that voice belonged to a small green child with triangular hair looking up at him. “What did you say?” he asked back. “I said, have you seen my dog?” The child was very persistent when asking him. “What does your dog look like little one?”
“My dog is orange, chubby, has little legs and a green tail.” the child answered. “I’m sorry, but I do not know about a creature like that.” Drax answered much to her dismay. “But if I do find it, I’ll come tell you.” The child beamed at Drax as she hugged his leg. “Thanks mister!” she said as she let go and ran off. Drax smiled back at her, as she reminded him of his late daughter Kamaria.
But that’s when he realized the child looked very much like the Gem they were searching for. “Wait a minute.”
Star-Lord and Gamora were walking through the streets of Beach City looking for someone who might know the Peridot they were hunting. “Are you sure whoever works at this car-wash might know about her?” Gamora asked. “I’m pretty sure.” Peter replied. “I mean, there’s nothing that can distract us now!”
Then ironically enough, he got distracted by the white van that had the words “Mr. Universe” on it and was immediately starstruck. “Are you alright Pete?” his green compatriot inquired. “Of course I’m alright,” Peter shouted. “That’s the van of Mr. Universe, pretty much one of the greatest musicians on Earth!”
The two walked up to the van to find a beach bum strumming his guitar when he stopped to notice them. “Oh hey, didn’t see you there.” he said. “It’s not often we get visitors that don’t want to destroy Earth.” While Peter was still in awe, Gamora on the other hand was very confused. “This is the legendary Mr. Universe?” she wondered pointing to him. “He doesn’t look like a star.”
“I may not look all that cool now, but I’m still a cool guy to be around.” the man said getting up and reaching his hand towards Gamora. “Name’s Greg Universe.” She reluctantly shook it. Greg tried to get Peter to shake his hand but he was too busy fanboying. “HI MY NAME IS PETER I’M ONE OF YOUR BIGGEST FANS I REMEMBER WHEN MY MOM TOOK ME TO ONE OF YOUR CONCERTS IT WAS ONE OF THE BEST EXPERIENCES OF MY CHILDHOOD!” he blurted out before fainting.
“I’m sorry about your friend sir.” Gamora apologized to Greg. “You see, we came here looking for someone named Peridot. Do you know her?”
“Oh yeah, I do know Peridot.” Greg answered. “She’s one of Steven’s friends who pushed me off a barn roof.” Just then, Peter regained consciousness when hearing about Peridot.
“Wait, who’s Steven?” he asked. “Steven’s my son, a really sweet kid like his mother.” Greg replied as he pulled out a picture of him a picture frame of him and a woman with big pink hair who resembled the Gem from Gamora’s story. “That’s me and her way back when. Her name’s Rose Quartz.”
Star-Lord got quite curious. “What happened to her?” he asked, which made Greg turn quite dour. “She died giving birth to him.” he said. Star-Lord started feeling sorry for him as he already lost his mother when he was a boy. “That’s rough buddy.” he replied. “So anyway, we’re gonna go now.” Gamora interjected grabbing Peter by the shirt collar. “See ya later Greg!” Peter said. “But can you sign my Walkman first?”
Greg was happy to oblige as he pulled out a marker and wrote “To one of my biggest fans, from Mr. Universe” on it. Peter couldn’t help but squee as he was dragged away.
“Anything guys?” Rocket asked as the group reassembled at the shore. “I am Groot!” Groot said happily as he munched on Sadie’s bag. “I met a child looking for her dog who resembled our target quite a bit.” Drax said. “Quill fanboyed over some hopeless bum who used to be a rockstar from his childhood.” Gamora said as Peter continued to stare at his music player.
“I got beaten up by some guy at the park.” Rocket said pawing his face. “Face it, it’s all a lost cause. Might as well give u-” Suddenly he was interrupted by a weird feeling in his tail followed by barking. “Alright, who did that?” he demanded.
“Don’t look at me, it was Drax!” Star-Lord claimed pointing at Drax. “I do not make noises like that, blame Groot!” Drax added. “I am Groot!” Groot exclaimed pointing at Rocket’s tail. There was a small orange creature biting it that looked like a cross between a pumpkin and a puppy. “That’s it!” Drax bellowed pointing at the creature. “That’s the girl’s dog!”
“Wait a minute, what girl?” Rocket said as the child Drax met earlier rushed to Rocket and grabbed the creature. “Pumpkin, I’ve been searching all over for you!” she shouted as she hugged it. “Lapis, I found Pumpkin!”
The Guardians looked up to see a blue figure flying through the sky with wings made of water. When the figure landed, it was actually a blue Gem wearing a blue halter top & skirt with dark blue triangles on them and her teardrop-shaped gemstone on her back.
“Wait, there’s more of them? Star-Lord wondered. “Quiet Quill!” Rocket shushed him. “Thanks for helping us find Pumpkin.” Lapis said to Drax. “Peridot told me you would look for him.” Rocket’s ears started to perk up again. “You’re very welcome miss. I suppose you must be her mother.” Lapis started to look a little sheepish. “No, just her friend.” She then turned around to Peridot. “C'mon Peri, we’re supposed to be visiting Steven today.”
As the two walked away with Pumpkin away from the Guardians, Rocket jumped up and clung to Drax’s chest. “YOU IDIOT!” he screamed in his face. “You had the chance to capture her right then & there and you just let her leave?!” Star-Lord pulled his furry crewmate away from Drax and set him down on the sand. “Hey, no need to start yelling at Drax.” he said. “Besides, we need to follow those two. They said something about visiting someone named Steven.”
“Wasn’t this Steven supposed to be Greg’s child?” Gamora asked. “Yeah, maybe he knows those two.” Peter replied as he glanced toward Peridot and Lapis. “Now how can we follow them without getting caught?” Just then, they noticed a pink lion walking out from behind the Big Donut. “Is that a lion?” he wondered as he and the others watched in confusion. “Why is this animal pink?” Drax asked. “Beats me,” Rocket answered. “Let’s see if it’s friendly.”
The group walked to the lion as it started looking at them. They all stared at each other for a bit until the lion started scratching Groot, which made him giggle. “Yep definitely seems friendly.” Star-Lord said. “I wonder how fluffy his mane is?” He reached out to pet it when it tried to bite him. “Whoa!” he shouted as he pulled his hand out of the way. That’s when he got an idea.
“I have a plan!” he declared. “Oh God no.” Rocket moaned, fearing what he had planned. “We make Rocket pretend he’s roadkill, have the lion bring him to those two and then we break in & attack!” Rocket couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Why do I have to be the bait?” he complained as Gamora picked him up. “Why can’t we just rip off Groot’s arm and pretend it’s a tree branch?”
“Didn’t you say you wanted to do this job for 5,000 units?” Gamora asked as she stuck her gun-toting chum into the lion’s mouth. “Yeah but not like this!” he cried. “Alright, I’ll play dead.”
“Alright now go to your home.” Drax ordered the lion. It obeyed the destroyer’s command and raced off, with the Guardians in pursuit.
“I’m really starting to regret stealing those Quartz gems.” Rocket moaned as the lion stopped at a beach house sitting beneath a statue of a giant woman with four pairs of arms. “Hey Lion, what you got there?” the voice of a boy asked as it walked outside to the lion. From what Rocket could see, the boy was roughly around his height with brown curly hair, a pink T-shirt with a star on it, blue jeans and pink sandals. “Is that a raccoon?”
As Rocket was pulled out of the lion’s mouth, he tried his best to play dead. “Is he dead Lion?” The lion quietly shook its head. “I’m not sure either, maybe the Gems can help.” The boy rushed Rocket inside the beach house as the other Guardians spied on him. “That small Earth child is the lion’s master?” Drax questioned. “It would’ve eaten him alive by now!”
“No time for questions Drax.” Quill said as he got out of their hiding spot and moved to the beach house. “We’ve got a job to do.”
The boy went inside the beach house with Rocket in his arms and laid him on a table. “Guys, come quick!” he called and five females ran to his side. Aside from Lapis and Peridot, the first was Garnet, a Gem with shades and a square afro. With her was Amethyst who was short, purple & had long pale lavender hair and Pearl, a thin white Gem with her gemstone on her forehead.
“Steven, why did you bring that animal into the house?” Pearl asked. “I don’t think it’s feeling well.” Steven claimed. “Aw come one Ste-man, it’s a raccoon.” Amethyst said. “They’re bound to play dead.”
“Amethyst has a point.” Garnet agreed. “Well, let’s try my healing spit and see what happens.” Steven licked his hand and tried to touch the raccoon with it before it grabbed his hand. The critter was now awake!
“Get your slimy hands offa me twerp!” Rocket shouted. “Wait, it can talk?” Lapis exclaimed. “Of course I can talk,” the furball proclaimed. “There ain’t anybody in this universe like me except me!”
Just then, Drax burst through the window armed with his daggers, laughing like a maniac along the way. “You fell for our trap!” he shouted as he got up. He continued laughing as Star-Lord opened the door. “You know Drax, you could’ve just kicked down the door.” Peter said as he let himself, Gamora and Groot inside. “I know, but jumping through the window is much cooler.” the destroyer replied.
“Okay, first the talking raccoon, then the beefy guy breaking the window and now this?” Amethyst exclaimed. “Who are you?” Garnet shouted as her hands turned into gauntlets. “We’re the Guardians of the freakin’ Galaxy,” Rocket said dusting himself off and joining his team. “And we’re here for that Peridot of yours!”
The words Rocket said alone were enough to get Peridot freaking out. “I knew it, Yellow Diamond has come for me!” she screamed as she hid under the table.
“We won’t let you take Peridot!” Pearl shouted as she took a spear out of her gemstone, followed by Amethyst summoning a whip and Steven a shield. “Yeah, try and stop us chumps!” Amethyst added. “Who you callin’ chumps shorty? Now it’s war!” Rocket exclaimed as he pulled out his laser cannon with Gamora unsheathing her sword, Star-Lord loading his pistols and Groot putting up his fists.
The great battle between the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Crystal Gems has begun.
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straykatfish · 5 years
Where can you see Banksy, Damien Hurst, Grayson Perry, Sir Peter Blake, Bob Dylan, Ronnie Wood, and Billy Connolly originals within a few yards of each other in right-on-the-street galleries? Yesterday*, a friend and I went to Brighton.
*Yesterday is now several weeks ago, life having got between me and this write-up.
Castle Fine Art Gallery
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Castle Fine Art is right slap bang in the middle of Brighton near The Lanes, and my goodness I had not expected to see so many originals by ‘names’ from both art and show business. First though were these metal sculptures, each of them different and but one based on the Michelangelo painting ‘Creation of Adam’ c. 1511. By Dan Lane, this one – Modern Relic Arms | Creation of Man – is intricately embellished and looks like the metal or burnished leather of protective armoury. They seem almost wearable.
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I found these less attractive, rather saccharine in fact.
I am not really a fan of celebrity-based art, so much of it seems essentially derivative and harking back to those Marilyn Monroe prints by Andy Warhol. Those were nearly sixty years ago, these feel like 21st century children dressed in the same clothes as their great grandparents. There were plenty of them so presumably they sell.
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  I have no idea what this represents – the ascent of man atop a corkscrew? The title is Devolution and so I am assuming a reference to the impact of alcohol. Perhaps the final figure, swigging from the bottle, is about to fall off the edge.
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These are also by Nic Joly who seems to be a statements man. I was interested at first in the ‘shop window’ presentation – the piece of art sitting on a platform behind glass as though it would be taken out and wrapped separately for sale. It’s usually the little item in the window you buy, not the shop or its window.
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Astonishingly, these are by Bob Dylan who took to illustrating his own songs. Seeing these first, I rather wished he hadn’t. The paintings, on an adjacent wall, I thought were redemptive.
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I am a sucker for some drama in colour, and I’m coming to realise that I also favour broad horizons and associated horizontals in landscapes. I believe this comes from watching The Bridge where the production values ran to extraordinarily cinematographic visuals.
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This painting is full of difficult perspectives and planes – the foreground is more or less straight on, the bridge runs from a high close left to a low distant right, and the clouds head very slightly along the other diagonal. So much trouble to get into, making those convincing.
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And here’s another with all kinds of tilts and diagonals, all of them ending in a focal point behind the white building which is the only element (almost) straight on vertical and horizontal.
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I hadn’t noticed at the time but Dylan must really have a thing about bridges. This one links two tall and intimidating buildings made less so by being quite jauntily coloured.
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Sometimes when I look at something, my first thought is that it’s a cheap shot – fur coat and no knickers, as the phrase went in my northern upbringing. It meant all show with nothing substantial underneath although it sometimes seemed to have a more literal application. This is one of those; an original-ish idea with an original-ish execution, and a wholly unoriginal message. Even the artist’s name is a cover – Alex Echo? Really?
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These, on the left, are by Paul Kenton who uses an aluminium base for his work – something that was a bit of a theme in a number of other galleries. Aluminium is this season’s go-to support which suggests that using it next year may not be a good move. As for these, again the magpie in me was attracted to the colours while my inner beginner artist fretted over the perspectives I struggle with.
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The gallery was very accomodating with regard to photographing their exhibition. The only exclusion was Ronnie Wood’s work, Wood having placed that constraint in the contract. When I asked out of curiosity why that was, the reason seemed to be related to the layers in the works that would not photograph well by visitors, especially through glass, and looking carefully at these elements, I could see his point. There are patches and squares in the mix, textures and scrubbings of colour that would not resolve easily under the casual lens. I don’t know how he made the images and neither did the person I asked. I also don’t know how to judge them. I liked them but are they ‘good’? And by what standard? Would they have achieved prominence if Ronnie Wood had never been a Rolling Stone? Big questions.
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  Kellie Miller Gallery
No photography was allowed in this gallery, other than of the 3D (ceramic) pieces which I didn’t find very interesting.
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There were some intriguing pieces which appeared to be digital/photographic although the artist had said they were neither. There were no clues as to what the artist’s method might be but if I were to set an anchor point, it would be the colours, size, and orientation of the Kenton pieces above. These are far less direct though; with elements emerging from shadows and shapes resolving only on close inspection. There is a hint of collage but no real indication of that additional slight depth or texture. Perhaps he made these items physically and then printed them so that all the tiny bumps were ironed out. I realise now, too late, that being unable to take a photo means I should take a note, at least of the artist’s name, and I didn’t. When I go back to a new exhibition, I will remind myself that notes were what we made before we made Facebook posts.
    The exhibits in a nearby gallery were very varied with some, I thought, verging on the amateur. I’m aware of taking a judgmental stance here that has an unedifying strand of superior attitude beneath it. It requires some thought to recognise that, like fiction, it’s possible to recognise something of quality (although how I judge that is a mystery to me) that I may not like, and to like something that I regard as being targeted at ‘the popular market’. Snobbery? Maybe, but creative products are all judged and the measures we use differ according to our understanding, experience, and motivations. As with Ronnie Wood’s work, I wonder if some accrue value because they have a name while other – better? – works are passed over due to their lack of profile.
These pieces seemed to me to be appealing to a less savvy – some might argue, a less easily fooled – audience. Wall pictures in nice colours that could seem sophisticated. That said, I would be delighted to have something hanging in there because I can be as hypocritical as anyone else with a product to shift.
  Art Republic
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Art Republic is a different matter altogether and without knowing whose work was on show, I immediately felt that here, quality took precedence. The Brighton branch is in Bond Street which is again in the Lanes, and just inside the doors were original pieces by Banksy, Peter Blake, Damien Hirst, and Grayson Perry. This is a street. In a town centre. You just walk in. To say I was taken aback is putting it mildly.
Peter Blake, I think, and while it’s easy to dismiss as ‘just’ alphabet bricks in primary colours, these are designed bricks carefully assembled and mounted in an impactful array. I gather they could be purchased separately.
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I have no idea who made these but the first struck me for its Hockney-ish colours and subject matter, it’s 1960s Hollywood gloss, and the feel it has of an advert for the aspirational lifestyle. Americans had walk-in fridges before we had fridges at all, we saw them in TV shows while we kept our milk, butter, and cheese in a larder under cloth covers. These were different worlds.
The one beneath is striking for very different reasons – the metallic appearance of the dogs, the stark singular images on the dark ground, the lead of one being held by the other. But look, the one whose lead is being held als has hold of it, and her ears are up, she looks assertive and in control. The other, still holding the far end of the lead, has her ears down and seems to be considering whether or not she has the power over the other dog that she’d imagined. But their coat patterns are flowers; are the dogs are decorative? Statement dogs left to look after each other?
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These were being unwrapped when we visited and even though I was given permission to take a photograph them, I decided on an angular shot to defeat plagiarists. This artist – and here we are again, anonymous due to my note-taking deficiencies – places modernistic features in classical style so here are people who seem to come from a film poster but with Brighton pier in the background and cherubic forms in the sky. He also adds dabs of gold colour onto the prints as a final touch. Here, it’s highlighting chips being stolen by Brighton’s ubiquitous and opinionated sea gulls.
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Top: Grayson Perry’s detailed, line-based, ambiguous naked figure in a domestic setting full of clutter. It’s like a cartoon; one of those where you have to find the five baskets or ten pieces of fruit. I’m not certain, but it may have become one of the tapestries he produced for a TV documentary a while ago.
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By Ian Davenport, this attracted me because it seemed to be taking the mick out of Hirst spots. I have no idea if that’s true, but I like to think there was a subversive plot afoot here. I also like the randomness of the drips and dribbles, to me far preferable to Hirst’s dotted regularity.
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Joe Webb’s Transmission shows two lads, looking like young Bowies, using the tin-can-and-string method of communication so many of us thought we’d invented as 1950s kids. Who knew that within our lifetimes we would be watching men walk on the moon and, right now, the Mars 2020 rover being built and live-streamed from NASA’s clean room. This image makes that point, I think.
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I asked the gallery staff about this and the use by the artist of Banksy’s images in this piece which is actually an expanded folding card. It seems he, Patrick Hughes,  knew or worked with a mentor to the group known now as the Young British Artists (YBAs) at Goldsmiths college, who then approached Banksy for permission. I should have asked then if anyone could confirm Banksy is male. There can be no better disguise than everyday sexism – who pays any attention to a woman scoping out suitable walls to paint on?
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Damien Hirst: in contrast to his spots and dots but clearly along similar lines, this depiction of drugs – pills and capsules – all in black and sitting on glass shelves as if they were shoes on display in a shop seems to point to a commodifying of illness. As a piece of imagery, I think the perspectives and tilted lines, the effect making the mirrored images more prominent lower in the picture and doubling the quantity of pills, has a dramatic effect. I was drawn to it without knowing whose it was, which tells me something about judgment and the internal wrestling that goes on for me about quality versus market price. I saw quality here before I saw market value in a name.
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What to say about Soozy Lipsey’s Dead Mice Bunch! For me it was an antidote to some of the more saccharine floral images I had seen in galleries elsewhere, and as a bonus has a skillful combination of line, texture, and a simple limited palette. I might have been tempted to buy that.
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Yep, that’s our man – or woman!
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By Euan Roberts, I’m really not sure what this is about but it seems to be saying something about being simultaneously trapped and not in need of assistance – the moon waving not drowning? Who knows, but it has the clean look of a postcard you might write a cryptic message on the back of and send to a knowing friend.
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Peter Blake reprising his Sgt Pepper format. At the top is BBC1, and the bottom BBC2. They look like a point in time of popular programming.
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Unfortunately, even with zoom I can’t make out the name of the artist but in fact what had intrigued me was the application of colour: the scratches and runs held together by one or two precise marks that contain them. When I can’t get these colours myself, it’s helpful to know that some, like Klimt, use gold leaf.
Magnus Gjoen: The devil hath power to assume a pleasing shape. These look like a form of applique but the artist doesn’t give his technique away. There’s the Victoriana/modern warfare juxtaposition and also, as the title suggests, the knowledge we all have that big money often drives wars. If you are a maker of arms, they will please you when another power likes the look and buys them from you.
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I think the card on these top pieces reads Dan Hillier. Photographic, Pythonesque, surreal, with striking diagonals of negative space. I don’t know if they’re drawn, or if they are whether they’re physical or digital but there is an intricacy of pattern and the two together make a separate composition. You would have to have both.
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There were other galleries but none that offered the qualities of the ones I have described here. There are many more; Brighton has modern and traditional within walking distance of each other and interspersed with as many coffee shops and restaurants as you can manage. My plan is to visit Kellie Miller and Art Republic again soon, plus some of the ones we didn’t have time for, including the Pavilion which I last visited ‘back when god were a lad’.
Brighton of course, is a gallery in itself.
    Footnote: at every gallery I asked about their photography policy before looking at any of the exhibits. Without exception, they were accommodating and clear. Only one had an exclusion and that was on the artist’s instruction.
    Brighton galleries Where can you see Banksy, Damien Hurst, Grayson Perry, Sir Peter Blake, Bob Dylan, Ronnie Wood, and Billy Connolly originals within a few yards of each other in right-on-the-street galleries?
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kaseyspeaks · 7 years
NYFW Designer Recap + Potential Skincare Line Launch!
  Editor’s Note:
I MAY be launching a SKINCARE LINE with potential investors! In order to be considered, I need 2,000 respondents to this quick 30-second survey by THIS FRIDAY! Anyone who answers is automatically signed up for a giveaway of my fav skincare products pictured HERE. Help me get there by taking this quick survey and sharing it with your friends and family!: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8T9ZBL8
NYFW Designer Recap
And alas! The time has come where I review my favorite designers and looks from the NYFW runway for this February 2018. There was lots of shimmer, sequins, mixed textures, and plenty of autumnal colors. Read ahead to find out about the trends for Autumn/Winter 2018.
Tadashi Shoji
I look forward to Tadashi Shoji’s Show every single season. As a long-time admirer, I was stoked to see that this particular collection was his most wearable RTW I’ve seen so far. There was shimmer on structured pieces like bronzed work suits and on beautiful wine-colored dresses. His line played on both form-fitted silhouettes and the flow of his dresses when the models walked. My favorite dress was the silver dress with the asymmetrical hemline held up by one leather shoulder piece. Beautiful!
GIFs from Giphy.com for NYFW
Photos-Getty Images
Dennis Basso
Dennis Basso was probably one of my favorite designers who showed this Season. I was so amazed – the Show was full of classy and edgy vibes on top of beautiful fur pieces everywhere! Everything was so chic and so my style – I wish I could have walked out of the venue with every single piece. On top of all that, the venue was extremely beautiful. The Show took place at Saint Bartholomew’s Church on Park Avenue – I even did a photoshoot right in front to finish capturing the essence of it all. I did not have a favorite piece as I loved every one, but I chose my top favorites here (which was extremely difficult by the way!).
Photos – Getty Images and Zimbio
Fashion Hong Kong
I was waiting for this moment to come where I could celebrate my roots at NYFW. My parents are from Hong Kong and because of my recent visit there over the holidays, I was so excited for this show. In fact, a week prior, the Hong Kong crew who put together the Show invited me to a delicious and intimate luncheon, so I felt especially happy when I took my seat Front Row.
First up, was the unisex line of Harrison Wong (I actually also met him at the After Party too!). He was one of my favorites as there was a lot of monochrome looks with structured lines and edges along with pops of color. Everything looked very high fashion, elevated, and overall powerful.
Second was Anveglosa. This was also one of my favorites! This line definitely had more of a feminine and fierce female vibe. With the three main colors as black, burgundy, and white, designer Annette Chan had a sure way of tying all the pieces together to make a statement. There was Parisian inspiration throughout every piece with the berets and feminine structuring of the silhouettes.
Last was Heaven Please+. With such a cute name like that, I knew I was in for some cuteness and colors. And boy, was I right! Bright, pastel colors were mixed with the contrast of black shoes, tights, and accessories as each model walked down the aisle. Designer Liu Yichang drew a lot of inspiration from Hong Kong style and mixed it together with vintage America. There were lots of logos that symbolized Pop-art style which is very popular in Asia along with American 1950’s midi-length skirts.
Photos – IMAXTREE and Riviere Agency
Marcel Ostertag The fall colors and patterns of the jungle filled the runway with Marcel Ostertag’s Show this year. The collection had the beautiful colors of pink, red orange, champagne pink, and of course his signature orange. It’s almost as if Marcel took the colors from the Spring season and turned them into autumnal hues with his wine boots, cheetah print sequins, and orange-belted hardware. Creativity ensued as each piece was a blend of textures, finishes, and colors that left the audience in awe.
Photos – Getty Images and The Bromley Group
Taoray Wang
Taoray Wang’s Show was absolutely striking this Season. There was inspiration drawn from both the East and the West along with classic and modern feels. There was a womanly strength in each piece with bold reds, army greens, and military uniform, in union with lace, feathers, velvets, and bows. I could definitely see myself wearing every single piece on any given day. My style is bold, classy, and feminine, and Taoray Wang encompassed all of those attributes.
Photos: Zimbio
Zang Toi
Zang Toi is another Show I look forward to every Season. For the F/W 2018 Collection, there were royal reds, vibrant pinks and oranges with a strong foundation of black and grey. The floral pattern, fur, and silk upon the sturdiness of the dark colors were a striking combination of strength in dark times. Actually, I was pleased to find out that Zang Toi “designed a backpack for the Jed Foundation’s Suicide Prevention Campaign, targeting 14-30 year olds.” His collection echoed this message loud and clearly not only through the backpack but also through his pieces. The rose headpieces were absolutely beautiful too.
Photos: WWD
Son Jung Wan
Son Jung Wan’s collection in 3 words: fur, florals, and pastels! I definitely felt a lot of Gucci vibes from this collection and I was loving it. The pieces were fun and unique, and I really enjoyed the bedazzled and detailed stockings used throughout the collection. There were so many fur coats and jackets that I wanted, scratch that, needed, from her line!
Concept Korea
Concept Korea’s F/W18 collection consisted of a lot of statement coats and jackets. There were tons of intricate fabrics and vibrant colors. A trend that I had seen through this Show and many other collections was the use of multiple fabrics on one piece of clothing. I was really impressed with one particular look that consisted of a white blouse with a high, flower-laced collar and a long printed grey coat with black fur lining. Overall, Concept Korea showcased very beautiful collections.
Mac Duggal
Mac Duggal was such a dreamy collection! I loved the ball gowns and the essence each one gave off. The detailing and embroideries on some of the dresses were so exquisite and detailed. Even the venue, along with the dresses, made the whole collection look royal – something I could see a queen or princess wear. My favorite look was the jumpsuit that consisted of black bottoms and a white, strapless top that had a huge bow draped to the side. A bedazzled belt cinched the model’s waist. Gorgeous!
Photos: Robbie Bulilan
Dan Liu
Dan Lui’s collection showed a lot of cuts, colors, and fabrics that gave me such a Chanel vibe. The short dresses in this collection were especially very classic and chic. I was so happy to have sat Front Row again and to have worn one of his dresses to the Show! Dan Liu’s collection was modern with twists on classic pieces – the perfect combo of elegance. One of my two favorite looks was this triple-toned blazer that was beige and lined with shiny black and grey borders with a feathered bottom. My second favorite was the pink wrap, knee-length jacket that was lined with black leather borders. Super chic, Dan Liu!
Photos: Fashion Week Online
Leanne Marshall 
Another consistently beautiful collection wass Leanne Marshall’s. This Season, she showed dresses that flaunted her famous, flowy movement. The colors of browns, golds, navy blues, and yellows were very loud and vibrant which stood out a lot in her collection. The use of the autumnal colors helped outline and bring a lot of attention to the movements of each piece.
Photos – IMAXTREE and Riviere Agency
Chiara Boni La Petite
Wow. The Chiara Boni La Petite was such a beautiful and sophisticated collection that reflected a lot of vintage, tailored, and feminine vibes. It was a show of contrasts: The pastel pinks and whites were atop light fabrics and the dark blacks and blues were sewn into the structured blazers and work suits. Feminine cuts were added to classic looks that brought upon an edgy vibe that was irresistible. To top it all off, there were crazy and gorgeous headpieces that provided a fun twist to the sophistication of the collection.
Photos: Now Fashion
Bibhu Mohapatra
Bibhu is absolutely gorgeous every year. This Season, my favorite dress from the collection was the strapless, pleated dress. I loved how the vibrant red color looked right next to the dark black. The little layering of the pleated fabrics was such a cute and delicate detail. I was obsessed with how you can barely notice the bustier at the top through the thin layer of pleated fabric that gave it its subtle structure.
Photos: Vogue Runway App
Lanyu is always such a strong Show. My favorite piece from this collection was the white deconstructed blazer with a tight mesh dress underneath. The blazer went past the knee in the back and on the model’s left side. However, on her right side, the blazer had a peplum cut that fell down to her hips. It’s such a unique and clever piece that gave visibility to the embroidered, mesh dress that lied underneath the blazer. The embroideries used are two different colors of blue that gave the look a pretty contrast against the white blazer.
Photos: TheImpression.com
All Comes From Nothing
I am a sucker for different shades of brown and after one look from the collection, I had chills down my spine! This look was a caramel-colored midi dress with metallic gold designs all over. I wa in love! To complete the look, a coffee-colored coat lied upon the model’s shoulders which was detailed with the same metallic gold from the dress. The coat looked like it had been tied up at the end of the sleeves which is a super cute detail.
Photos: Getty Images
Yuna Yang
Yuna Yang was a very laid-back, feminine, and soft collection that is extremely wearable. The amount of lace in the collection is amazing! I loved the use of the soft colors and the mixed matching of different pieces with different colors. There is a soft blue, long coat detailed with embroidered florals on each side, and lace lining on the inside that I am obsessed with.
Photos: Fashion Week Online
  And there you have it! A very long but quick synopsis of each of my favorite designers this Season. Hope you all enjoy.
Don’t forget to take my skincare survey and share with others for a chance to win a basket of my fav skincare products! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8T9ZBL8
NYFW Feb’18 Designer Recap + Potential Skincare Line Launch with Giveaway! NYFW Designer Recap + Potential Skincare Line Launch! Editor’s Note: I MAY be launching a SKINCARE LINE with potential investors!
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