#i am the easiest fucking target almost always irl and online when being social
willoftrees · 2 months
that bullshit with the minecraft server honestly just made me so much more anxious about gaming with people. like, it's honestly part of why i just DON'T.
every co op or multiplay game i join, everyone goes off and does their own thing. in MC, it's fine, that's chill, go make ur own base and eke out ur own niche in the world, it's awesome we can make stuff super far and then invite ppl to come see what we built and it's like having neighbors and stuffs, i find joy in that- most other games i join tho, even ones where i need helpppp, everyone just fucks off and leave me and i'm like "ok why did y'all want me to play again? cuz ur not playing WITH me now, we just happen to be playing the same thing......." but the way my friend's friend treated me in their server was completely unfair and just unfriendly. because of their inability to voice to my friend that they just wanted it to be the two of them, they decided to be a bully to me???? like, i didn't fucking invite myself. my friend asked if i wanted to join and then asked his friend to invite me. also his friend up and deleted the first world they were working on because they didn't like the spawn point and couldn't be bothered to explore far enough to get out of their current biome. the second world they started had no mobs and no hunger so they could get ahead quickly and then when they turned mobs on they had gathered so much they could easily reach the end. their friend acted like they thought they were some badass for having frost walker boots even tho they had to play fucking baby mode to get them. idk why but they also seemed pissed that i wandered off to explore and gather resources on my own accord, then they for some reason decided they should run all the way to me instead of me just going to them, to have me follow them all the way back to the base i already knew the location of - i think because they wanted to show off their boots to me, since there's no water near their base and there was plenty of water on the way to where i was - and then once there, as i was handing over some loot to them and my friend, that i had collected from the mine i was disassembling in the badlands i had found, they (the host, not my friend) sudden fucking lit me on fire -_- i then helped my friend clear a room, got bored and wanted to explore a lil more so i left their base, then my friend tells me the host wants me to go to the end with them. mind you.... i have like, no armor, and i been fucking sick and barely able to play lately. so i let them know i'm good, and that i would be hopping off since i was getting a headache and still was sick. i sign off and the next day when i sign in, i see i am removed from their server. :'D i message my friend and say i think his friend removed me from the server and am ttly confused about why, and he's like "sssssssss *inhale* yeahhhh they weren't really happy with you hopping on without telling anyone" and my wtf ensues, and he tried to tell me that it's common courtesy to let someone know when they are going to be on a server?
like, not only would i simply not have known because this is unfamiliar territory for me (i usually play solo, realms is ttly new to me), but that.... didn't sound right but also hypocritical, because he himself rarely lets me know when he would be on my household's server either. :| then he tells me they only wanted it to be him and them in their server
then he tells me they didn't really like me - and THAT
that's the one that really really got me. i never SPOKE to his friend aside from literally "HAIIIIIII" in text chat when i met them, and then an "ayyyyyy" the time i signed on and apparently pissed them off cuz i didn't inform anyone i would be getting on. when i met them they didn't even reply to me, and the second time they replied "no" and that was it. they said "no" to my "ayyyyyyyy" - to which i didn't reply because wtf even. plus i was in discord call with my friend so i moved along and thought nothing of it. i am pissed because i did just SOME work in their server, i would be fucking furious if i actually spent the time to build some neat stuff only to have it all taken from me like that. can't tell you how many times, how many different ways, that has happened to me in my life. from different games, to things i have made, to my literal life and living situations - had everything i did and worked for taken and reduced to starting all over all again. i think in the end, and ima just speculate here based on how they seem to wanted it to be just them and my friend, how they treated me, and how they would interact with said friend - that mayhaps they have a crush on him and they felt i was getting in the way. that's cute and all and i'm happy they like my friend so much - but i think their behavior is a slew of red flags tbh. a lil possessive, much? idk y'all, i gotta rationalize this somehow because the way they treated me was rly unfair and it needs to make sense somehow. :|
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