#i am terribly sorry for not realizing stay-at-home spouses are not entitled to days off
performing-personhood ยท 2 years
[Scene: two married people discuss the day's upcoming dinner, the narrator and her partner. Wearing shoes and preparing for a quick run to the shop, he is shutting the crisper drawer and withdrawing from the refrigerator.]
"Those chicken breasts are still very frozen."
Yeah, ugh I didn't plan far enough in advance. Again. I'm sorry!
"OK, well I can figure something out for dinner."
I mean, it's YOUR weekend. Cooking dinner is my job!
"It is, and you suck at it."
Ok but in my defense, this is a full-time job and I really only slack off once or twice a week. Which is pretty good for a full-time job.
"It's really not though."
[They stare at each other expectantly. A moment of silence elapses.]
Okay, well, sorry? Fuck me then, I guess.
[He shuts his eyes in exasperation and holds them closed. Another moment of silence elapses.]
Just. Bring home an ingredient you want for dinner and I'll cook with it.
"..... we'll see how it goes. I'll be back in a bit."
Alright, bye then.
[He exits.]
[The narrator picks up her phone, intent on sharing this frustrating experience. Seeing nobody appropriate in the chat but still feeling an intense desire to capture the conversation verbatim before it fades, she decides a post is in order and decides to script the whole thing in a Tumblr post instead. She is sure that, once written out, it will be clear which one of the two was being an asshole. Disappointingly, this does not transpire as being the case.]
[Fade to black.]
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