#i am sorry for the gif i am obligated to as a prequel memer
lokigodofaces · 3 years
Tumblr media
I made a survey about the MCU and LGBTQ+ topics! I would deeply appreciate it if you took the time to answer my questions.
I was curious about some attitudes/thoughts/opinions in the MCU fandom in relation to the LGBTQ+ community, and thus this was born! Feel free to share this around. This will be completely anonymous!
This survey will have sections focused on:
More personal stuff, such as your orientation(s), gender(s), and pronouns.
Ways you headcanon characters as LGBTQ+.
Thoughts on canon queer characters.
Thoughts on canon ships.
Thoughts on queerbaiting.
Thoughts on queercoding.
Thoughts on shipping in relation to yourself.
Thoughts on shipping in relation to the fandom.
The only questions you are required to answer is the final two. I plan on writing something up about the results on Tumblr in a while (late August/early September). I can see each of your individual answers to each question. You will be required to let me know if I have permission to use your specific answers in quotations, paraphrase, etc. You will also be required to give me permission to use your answers in my data at all (56% ship Lokius or whatever). The only answer there is yes, so you have to give me permission in order to submit. I would very much appreciate if you gave me permission, but if you do not want to give me permission, please do not.
Also, if you would like to add more detail, you are welcome to use the "Other" option where you can write your thoughts.
If there is anything that needs to be fixed with this survey, let me know and I'll fix it.
Please only take this once! If you take this multiple times, it will skew my data!
If you have questions, send an anonymous ask to tumblr user lokigodofaces.
Should take 30-45 minutes.
This is open until September 5, 2021!
Please spread this around! Even off of tumblr! I'm gonna go ahead and tag a couple of people here. Some showed interest in this, others I just know and am tagging to spread the word.
@ladyflautist @thoughts-of-alaina @astronomicallymessy @liliya02 @worstloki @iamanartichoke @iamnmbr3 @herondale-snow-carstairs @high-functioning-lokipath @pepperonyscience @lazy-cat-corner @loki-spills-the-tea @milkshake-sprinkels @emys-123
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