#i am so normal about ruben and bassa in this
gigamuffin · 10 months
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There's even more characters! This is the longest post (so far). I will be talking about character ranging from almost main characters to characters who only appeared in one show. I've separated the characters into groups based on where they're from: Abra Havn, Shangri La, Kjuttaviga and Gral (I will also be talking about these locations). Ready? GO!
[The Main crew] [The Villains] [Media links]
Abra Havn:
Abra Havn is hidden away in "det usynlige land" (the invisible land) by fog and narrow cliffs. Langemann is the only pirate who is able to navigate through "det usynlige land" and into Abra Havn. Abra Havn itself is the Kaptein Sabeltann capital, he rules over the island and the inhabitants cheer his name. There is also Kaptein Sabeltann's castle high up on the island.
We begin with the only one on this list who has actually served with Kaptein Sabeltann’s crew.
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Morgan (used to be Willy) is Pinky’s biological dad and used to be close friends with Langemann. He was in charge of a ship carrying one of Kaptein Sabeltann’s treasures, “den gylne tiger” (the golden tiger). But on his way back to Abra Havn he was ambushed by Greven av Gral and he was presumed lost (in reality he was kidnapped). Kaptein Sabeltann and his crew later found the shipwreck and in it his baby son, Pinky. (Langemann named him that because Pinky’s face was bright pink from screaming. This was technically retconned but i choose not to see it). He loved to fish and used to own a tavern in Abra Havn.
Now onto characters that are on Kaptein Sabeltann’s side but not on his crew.
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Rosa, is a resident in Abra Havn. Rosa is mainly in charge of provisions for Den sorte dame and the weapons of the crew. Rosa is introduced (very poorly imo) to be a love interest for Langemann, they have a “will they won’t they” situationship. While Langemann is at sea Rosa is often watching Pinky. Other than that she is headstrong, independent and strict, and a woman who knows how to fight. Rosa also runs an inn called “Villa Rosa”, which she inherited from her deceased father (this isn’t really brought up in the show). Rosa is unfortunately locked away in the TV-show and one movie, but she was recently introduced back as a character for the daytime shows that take place in Kristiansand Zoo and the real life Abra Havn just outside it.
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Ravn (short for Raveena) came to Abra Havn as a stowaway with her parents Bela and Gusto from India. Her Dad is quote: “The best cook in Mumbai” and they soon get to work in an abandoned tavern in Abra Havn (that Morgan used to run before he disappeared). They get to live in and run the tavern after proving to Kaptein Sabeltann that their food is really good. Ravn and Pinky quickly become friends, and Ravn is the one who teaches Pinky to read and write. Ravn is clever but often gets in trouble typical for an 11 year old girl. Gusto is a foodie and believes "all food must be tasted before it's served" and Bela is your typical doting mother, she wants Ravn to inherit the tavern when she grows up. Ravn instead wants to return to India.
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Oliver runs a quaint shop in Abra Havn where he has many objects and treasures from his adventures on the seven seas, he has pretty much everything and often has just what you’re missing. Oliver is an amputee, his right leg is your typical peg-leg. It is said that Langemann rescued his lifeless body and brought him back to Abra Havn where he has chosen to stay from now on, after a long life of adventures on the seven seas.
Shangri La:
Shangri La (sometimes Apeøya "Monkey Island" sometimes Maga Kahn's island) is covered in jungle, swamps and a few beaches. This place is ruled by the evil Maga Kahn (read "the villains") and is the assumed birthplace of Pelle and Pysa.
Morgan as we established is Pinky’s bio dad, but he also (somehow) managed to have a second son.
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Marco, Pinky’s little brother. His existence is an enigma, since Morgan wasn’t available to make him exist, being kidnapped while Marco would have been born. Marco is an orphaned boy who lives on the island Shangri La, ruled by the evil Maga Kahn (read ‘the villains’). Marco dreams of being free from Maga Kahn and to be out on the open sea, as he laments in the song "Kongen på havet".
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Malena Pirat, does she look familiar? She should be, this is Pelle and Pysa’s mom. She is a rough and tough lady who fears basically nothing. She is very vocal about her displeasure over Pelle and Pysa having to go work for Kaptein Sabeltann all the time, she’s lonely but you’ll never hear her say that. She lives alone at the southern beach at the end of Shangri La. Her sons swear her cooking (especially her meatballs) is the best food out there. She is a very doting mother and according to Pelle spoiled Pysa most of all.
Kjuttaviga (Luna Bay) is a small village on a tropical island, inhabited by the survivors of a shipwreck, how long ago that was is unclear, but they have been there long enough for children and a proper village to sprout up. They live in harmony and peace, living free of what nature is giving them. 
And now I (finally) get to talk about some of the inhabitants of Kjuttaviga, one of which is a main character!
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Sunniva (Victoria) is a young girl who lives with Tante Bassa (Aunt Bessie) at her tavern. She dreams of adventure and the sea, in addition to that she can be a bit of a trickster if she wants to and always stands up when things are wrong. Sunniva often has to help work at Tante Bassa’s tavern (Tante Bassas vertshus), something she dislikes. Sunniva has no real friends her age in Kjuttaviga, until one day a young boy appears in town. Pinky has been sent into Kjuttaviga by Kaptein Sabeltann and Sunniva becomes friends with him very quickly, and they stay friends for the rest of the series. It is unclear who Sunniva’s parents are or where she comes from exactly, it is also unclear if she is blood related to Tante Bassa, but it's most likely that she is not.
I mentioned Tante Bassa in that bit, let’s talk about her and her tavern.
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Tante Bassa (Aunt Bessie) is the owner and hostess at Tante Bassas vertshus (Aunt Bessie’s tavern). She is a nice, generous and lively woman who receives guests at her tavern from all over the world, because Tante Bassa’s cooking is very special, following secret recipes passed down her family for generations. Other than her love for her work she also is in love with the sailor next door, Røde Ruben. She however does not love his old sailor tales, especially not the ones about Kaptein Sabeltann who she fears more than anything. She would turn in every ounce of gold to be saved from Kaptein Sabeltann’s wrath. But she is not afraid to raise her voice and has both yelled at Røde Ruben and beaten Kaptein Sabeltann himself with a broom at one point. She is especially defensive over her secret recipes.
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Røde Ruben (Red Rudy) used to be a sailor, he came to Kjuttaviga on his ship “Gorine”, as soon as he met Tante Bassa he was sold, and moved to Kjuttaviga permanently. He thinks Kjuttaviga is the most beautiful place in the world and Tante Bassa the most wonderful woman! He has his own catchphrase “Gå planken og hopp i havet” (“Call me a mackerel and fry me” officially, but literally “walk the plank and jump to the sea”). He is charismatic, not good with emotions and stubborn. He would rather die standing than live kneeling to a tyrant, especially Kaptein Sabeltann. Off screen he likes to fish, help at Tante Bassa's tavern, chat and flirt with her whenever he can. He is a well-traveled man and people in Kjuttaviga sometimes look to him for advice. We also don't know much about his past other than “he was a sailor”.
I could go on and on about Ruben and Bassa but I have to force myself to move on.
Gral Island:
There is only one character that isn't a villain from this island. I went into more detail on Gral in my Villain post and down below, so there's no need to repeat myself. It's dark, desolate and cold and under the rule of an evil wizard, Greven av Gral (the Count of Grail).
And now last but certainly not least! We have a very popular character:
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Miriam av Gral! She’s a witch obviously! She used to be a regular witch until one day Greven av Gral (read ‘the villains’) enslaved her on his island Gral. But as time goes on she begins to retaliate against Greven’s tyranny. Miriam av Gral is high up the hierarchy of Gral, being the protector of Greven’s treasures (especially the golden tiger). Other than her story she is not really on any side, but helps our protagonists from time to time. She can fly and her magic is very powerful. After she becomes free from Greven's tyranny she becomes a fun-loving, silly, witch full of life, but before that she was very strict and serious under Greven av Gral's rule.
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