#i am skilled at writing two things and two things only: team shenanigans and klance cuddles.
Keith watched on with amusement as Lance fussed at the holo-TV, trying desperately to get the subtitles to play despite the fact that they did not offer and Terran subtitles and would therefore be useless. (‘They help me hear better!’ ‘Lance, babe, you can’t even read them.’ ‘Who am I to argue with my ears? If they hear better with subtitles, they hear better with subtitles!’ ‘…Can’t argue with that.’)
“Lance,” he complained, “hurry up and come sit down. I miss my bony weighted blanket.”
Lance, who had finally gotten the subtitles on, (in what looked to be Arusian) huffed snootily. “If that’s all I am to you, then you can sit by yourself,” he said, sitting primly on the other edge of the couch.
Keith pouted. “Baby,” he tried, but Lance pointedly ignored him. After a few moments of stubbornly sitting as far away as possible, Lance began to shiver. Keith smirked. As much as Lance liked to huff and puff and pretend to be annoyed when Keith teased him, he could never stay away long enough for Keith to feel any consequences, because Lance seemingly could not thermoregulate. It took that boy a maximum of five minutes in any situation to get cold, and Keith was his personal furnace. Keith reclined back onto the couch, still smirking. He wouldn’t even have to say anything.
A few more minutes, and he was proven correct: Lance crawled along the couch, settling in between Keith’s open legs and leaning on his chest. He manhandled Keith’s arms so one was around his waist and one was in his hair. He was scowling, but Keith knew his well enough to see the amusement in his eyes. Lance enjoyed their dumb little games as much as he did (there were always bonus points when they pulled shit like this in front of the team, who recognized it for the flirting that it was and were disgusted every time. It was hilarious).
As soon as he was settled, Keith pressed a quick kiss to the back Lance’s head, tightened the grip around his waist, and began running his fingers through Lance’s hair in the way he knew made his boyfriend all melty.
“…This does not mean you won,” Lance announced after a period of silence.
Keith huffed a light laugh. “Okay, baby. Whatever you say.”
The smile was audible in Lance’s voice. “Don’t patronize me, Mullet.” Keith smiled and continued playing with Lance’s hair as the movie played on. Truthfully, he wasn’t paying much attention to the film, just enjoying spending time with his boyfriend. His fingers ran along a long scar on the back of Lance’s head, and he paused. He knew the scar was there, he felt it every time he touched Lance’s head, but he truly did not know where it came from. He knew the origins for most of Lance’s other scars, as he was present for most of them, but this one eluded him.
“How’d you get this scar?” he asked after a moment of contemplation.
“Hm?” responded Lance absentmindedly. “What scar?”
Keith traced over it again, tapping it lightly. “This one, on the back of your head.”
“Oh, I tripped over a fish when I was little.”
Keith froze, brows furrowed. He was utterly flummoxed, to be honest.
“You… tripped… on a fish?” he asked slowly. He knew English was, like, Lance’s fourth language. Maybe that was an expression that wasn’t translated well?
Lance hummed an affirmative. “I was playing in the… I don’t remember the English word. The shallow end of the ocean. Where you can still stand.”
“I think it’s called the surf? Maybe?”
Lance made a face. “I thought that was just the sport. Huh.” He shook his head. “Doesn’t matter. Anyways. I was playing in the surf with my siblings, we were throwing a ball around. My siblings are all bigger than me, and sometimes they forgot that, so they kept throwing it too far and I would try to run backwards and catch it anyway. Since I was running backwards, I wasn’t really watching where I was going, and I tripped over a stupid fucking Goliath Grouper.” Lance scowls. “I don’t know what the dumbass thing was doing in the shallow waters, but it was there and they’re too dumb to be scared of humans, so I tripped right over the stupid thing and cracked my head open on a rock! My mom thought I died. Luckily for everyone I am very hardy, so they glued my head back together with no brain damage! But yeah. I firmly blame the stupid Grouper.”
Keith sits in stunned silence for a few seconds before bursting into laughter. The force of it makes Lance bounce where he’s resting on his chest. Lance giggles along with him.
“You really tripped on a fish,” he chokes out. “God, baby, only you.”
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