#i am running out of creative ideas fellas :
mwolf0epsilon · 2 months
Sometimes being in the SW Fandom is about diving into the annals of the internet researching the most obscure tidbit of batshit insane Canon or EU Lore imaginable to man (which is honestly my favorite thing to do because people have done some pretty insanely funny things with this universe and characters). But for the majority of the time, being in the SW Fandom is also watching people repeat a cycle of asinine arguments that make an absolute ass out of them for the worst possible reasons.
So here's a quick reminder of past arguments to be mindful of and always consider, when you see something in the tags that makes you wrinkle your nose at:
Everyone has something they like or dislike about the overall universe and story. Be it the Original Trilogy, the Prequels, the Sequels, the Animated series, the Live-Action series, EU stuff, Novels, etc. No one is above or below anyone else just because they don't love the entirety of the universe and/or the direction the current writers are taking it.
Canon can be a good baseline for your own creative purposes. You don't have to love it (because yes the whole thing can be inconsistent as hell), but don't get to a point in your fanfic/AU world-building where you vehemently deny that canon is an actual thing. This goes hand in hand with your personal depiction of characters vs someone else's depictions. Reading comprehension and the creative process depend on perspective and how you process the information you're given, so it's only normal that no two person's idea of a character is the same. But saying that your headcanons are how the characters should be written by everyone is not gonna do you any favors in the long run, because it's not up to you to decide on that. Don't forget Blorbo's actual roots and what it took to get him where you took him, but don't try to force someone else to accept the journey you orchestrated for them!
No one's OC should be put on a pedestal. It's good that people feel comfortable enough to play Barbies with each other's OCs in roleplay sessions, or even add a cameo in a fic to a character of a friend and/or artist/writer they admire from a distance. Hell, the fact many people are passionate about someone else's little fella/s is great! But the moment someone's OC becomes an object of obsession within a Fandom community, things can go a little wrong... It stops being fun to be in that kind of space that goes from welcoming OC discussions to suddenly shunning new people in favor of someone's Ultimate Blorbo who now has a Cult Following and should be written into every fanfic ever.
No one is evil for lacking knowledge or self-awareness of certain grievances that people rightfully have with the source material. The SW Fandom has always had a long-standing issue with racial stereotyping, whitewashing, cultural appropriation, sexism and many other equally serious topics that have been more eloquently explained in posts made by people much more eloquent and qualified than I am or ever will be. However, one must recognize that not everyone who joins the Fandom is immediately aware of these things. Especially the younger generations that have either not been exposed to these concepts due to one reason or another (upbringing, biased educational curriculum, etc), or because they were simply never in a position where they could delve into these topics with someone knowledgeable on them (some experiences simply aren't universal, especially if you come from a more privileged family). For the most part, SW is just a silly sci-fi universe that is nothing more than a simple means of escapism or dumb fun. Not everyone is going to study it under a microscope or go through it with a fine comb. That said, another important thing to remember is to listen to those who know their stuff and that have had personal grievances with any of the topics above. You can be excused for lack of knowledge, but you cannot be excused for purposefully ignoring the voices of those who provide you said knowledge for free if you go searching.
This is kinda returning to the second and previous topics, but I really need to put emphasis on this: If you're going to cling to certain design choices with an iron first and incorporate them into your personal ideas/headcanons, please always consider how it SOUNDS when you say characters that are written with basis on real POC people/communities are much better/superior if they have phenotypical trait expressions that are not present (or considered rare/atypical) in their real world basis. This is a CONSISTENT problem I have seen crop up specifically within the Clone Wars and Bad Batch sides of the fandom, especially when talking about Rex (who is a blond) and Clone Force 99 (who do not look like standard clones). Always remember: The problem isn't that Rex can't be naturally blond (genetics can be unpredictable and we really don't have an extensive look into the cloning process), the problem is the way some people think he'd be inferior in some way if he were a bottle blond who chose to distinguish himself (almost as if having darker skin, darker hair and darker eyes is somehow worse than having lighter skin, lighter hair or lighter eyes.. How curious isn't it?). Needless to say, I don't think I need to elaborate further on why CF99's "desirable mutations" giving them considerably lighter skin and less ethnic features, while also making their most POC presenting member look and sometimes act like a moronic brute (something which this Fandom pushes further by infantilizing him relentlessly), is a bit of a red flag...
Star Wars has always been political. It is literally in the name and in the meat of the writing. The entire thing is basically a political and social critique presented in a sci-fi/fantasy wrapper, with colorful plasma swords, cool spaceships, and kickass explosion bow on top. You cannot separate the political conversation from the universe's overall lore, and trying to do so makes you look foolish. Disney may have taken creative liberties with some of its shows, but at the end of the day they can't ever eliminate what the Original Trilogies and even the Prequels tried to tell us about. With that said, complaining about how some of the new shows are "too Woke" or PC is the equivalent of saying you read Romeo and Juliet and that the story is relationship goals. You might need to revisit the original material.
For the love of god if you don't like something, don't go after someone who does, it's not worth it. Sometimes the best thing you can do is either filter something you actively dislike/that makes you feel uncomfortable, or simply unfollow/block whoever is repeatedly bringing it onto your doorstep. And you also have no real obligation to explain your decision to block someone, especially if they hound you for questions. Rule of thumb: Don't like something? That's perfectly fine and valid. Take the steps to make yourself comfortable then, but don't go out of your way to be a royal asshole to someone else just because they themselves enjoy it. This encompasses things from anti-jedi demonization, actual ethnic cleansing in canon, siding with personifications of alt-right extremists, proshipping apologism, etc. The block button was added to this hellsite for a reason. Use it.
Sometimes you can't change someone else's opinions on a matter and that is perfectly fine. Just don't start a feud. People come and go, and their opinions vary (we're all individuals with out own perspectives and unique experiences after all), but getting up in arms every time someone either refuses to yield in a long-winded argument, or continuously tries to shove their unsolicited opinions/advice onto you, or even makes incredibly uncomfortable/forward/gross comments that they definitely shouldn't be saying to a complete stranger on the internet, is kind of pointless and will drain you of energy faster than you can say Death Star. You're not the lesser person for walking away from a lost cause. It's ultimately not your job or responsibility to fix/better someone else. Especially if they don't want to change.
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plenary-indulgence · 10 months
Okay so I know it was just a lil meme/joke, but out of curiosity if he WERE to get sent to silent hill what sort of emotional baggage wouldve sent em there and how well would he handle it?
first of all i HATE that u asked me this on anon b/cuz the fact that you a) looked at my post at all and b) took the time to ask me about it is making me insane and i want to send you a handwritten thank you note all tied up with like a ribbon and stickers and shit
anyway i definitely haven't thought about this at all clearly
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ehehe had to get that out of the way it makes me laugh every time i look at it even though it's my own joke (i am one of like 7 people in the world who actually liked sh4)
i love the idea of silent hill aus and using them as a creative tool to really explore what makes your wol/oc tick in all the ugly ways but i personally feel like im not really clever or creative enough to do it well myself (kind of like konami after they fucked over kojima and made homecoming/downpour AM I RIGHT FELLAS!!) i can say with some certainty he wouldn't handle it WELL, there would be a lot of running away and panic and hiding and praying and swinging a lead pipe EXTREMELY INEFFECTUALLY because that's just how he handles things outside of silent hill too, by running away and hiding and praying. not so much the lead pipe maybe, that's a contrivance. :)
but i think primarily coconeja's biggest problem is his insecurity and his inability to really self-actualize and believe in himself as someone who matters in the world and how he just wants so badly to be what he thinks everyone else wants him to be, instead of just accepting himself for who he actually is. i think then some of the manifestations would be twisted versions of himself, or rather all the coconeja's he wishes he were but fails to be. and since it's a flawed premise to begin with, there is no "ideal" coconeja, they would all sort of be half-formed, misshapen things. pathetic grotesqueries. but with flavors!! the coconeja he thinks yshtola wants, who is clever and worldly - but physically weak and has to drag itself along the ground and oozes ink and has all the answers - but can only speaks backwards in riddles the coconeja he thinks thancred wants, who is quick on his feet and graceful and confident - but has no substance, and barely exists, and can only sort of shift ineffectually in and out of existence miserably the coconeja he thinks his parents wanted, which is just a sad little shadow who sits in a dark room full of dead fish all alone and counts, endlessly
you know!! stuff like that!! so on and so forth. a whole bunch of fucked up little coconeja ghoulies, so messy, so miserable, so gross.
oh and yea i guess there's the wedge thing; but joke photoshops aside he really deep down truly does not see wedge as anything other than good or as something that could ever hurt him. he loves wedge, and all the pain and the longing and the loneliness - all that baggage comes from inside, from him. he doesn't blame or resent wedge at all!! so if wedge did show up i don't think it would be as a monster i think it would be more conceptual. like something coconeja's searching for, or trying to reach, but can't. haunting this particular narrative in a way even though he's not dead.
although the more i think on it - while wedge himself is not at fault coconeja is REALLY AFRAID AND AWARE of how his status as the wol affects others, especially people he cares about, and how it can get them hurt or put them in danger. and i mean thats literally what happened with omega. compounding factor here that he thinks confessing or pursuing wedge in the way he wants WOULD hurt him and is wrong and like, not even doing anything but knowing he WANTS to - the shame and the guilt really do be eating him up.
mm like he really internalizes the fact that it's him, wanting wedge as something inherently wrong and hurtful and something to keep secret and locked away. in reality its BECAUSE he cares so much and would never do anything to hurt wedge, but has such a low opinion of himself and is terrified of the idea that just by having these feelings at all he's already ruined everything. idk im going in circles here. this particular aspect of coconeja is very stupid and hard for me to articulate lmao
i also think it would be dope as hell if there were just like, a giant godzilla sized flag. i mean you could make it relevant and say like "ohh well the giant godzilla sized flag is a representation of coconeja's inability to connect with people, his best friend is an animal because he's afraid of how he thinks real people won't accept his perceived inadequecies or whatever" and i guess like give him 3 heads and rusty muzzles and fucked up antlers that are just like a constantly twisting mess of human hands grasping at nothing hell throw in a bunch of rotting lunar tears all over him so i can even shoehorn the nier raid stuff in there and that's sort of coconeja's pyramid head figure, always just sort of looming off in the distance, watching, being a physical reminder of his fear and self-loathing and doubt
and of course as far as the actual silent hill itself, gotta go with the CLASSIC foggy town. or not so much a town, but the streets of uldah completely devoid of the hustle and bustle that defines it. it's cold and it's empty and it's rotting and it's quiet (aside from coconeja wailing his fool head off as he's running away from himself and swinging a rusty lead pipe at nothing)
anywho, thanks again for the ask!! thank you!! thanks!!
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nikosasaki · 3 years
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oc pride 2021 ✶ day seventeen; queer artists - conan gray.
Finn Bennett, Gina Porter, and Ricky Bowen.
taglist:@kendelias @chlobenet @butcherofblackwater @bravelittleflower @lukespatterson @lizziesxltzmxn @wokenhardies @delicateblackrose @eddysocs @holyscotts @ocfairygodmother @phoebestarks @villanele @nolanhollogay @stanshollaand @lovehermioneforever @camiemendes @raith-way
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fandomandangstlover · 2 years
So let's say if someone wanted to draw Angel Engineer (That is their name right?) again because they want to improve and all that.
What kind of personality does he have?
And don't worry about info dumping I'm sure said person would happily read it all :)
(I am not really creative but I still wanna draw him >_<)
I'm guessing you're talking about the Alternate BLU Engineer (TMCxTF2AU). If so, their Title will be The BLU Alternate till further notice because I already have an Engie that's an Angel that's also called the Angel Engineer so yeah lol—
(...Well if ya say so. INFO TIME!!)
Personality...hmm. Well. If ya know the TF2 Engineer, you might already have a good idea of how he is. Except. Well. They're an Alternate. They gonna be a little bit off. Too nice or too caring, words being strangely worded, a little bit Sadistic, for some reason everyone around them feels as though something is Not Right with them, etc. It could go either way. They're smart, yet still not sane. Kind, but definitely not weak. And Is Willing To Risk A Good Bunch To Get What It Want. Not everything, but a good bunch. Oh and can still inflict M.A.D. because of course, why couldn't it?
Still keeping the fact that they're an Alternate a secret though! Shhh...no one can know.
They do have a good brotherly relationship with the RED Engineer (He may or may not have kinda raised the fella, teach 'em about stuff, and did take the form similarly to him. And RED did kinda give his name (Dell Conagher) to the guy too because he doesn't like his name sooo—), so that kindness isn't all fake. He used to help Gabriel before running off to explore and learn about Humanity so take that however ya wanna.
They're the kind of Motherfucker who WILL use Knowledge against you and make people Question Reality to get out of a Situation/Anything Really. Or be Cryptic as hell. Both works. He's. Really Cryptic. They won't be all that Cryptic to the RED Engineer though. It'll spare the poor guy the migraine/mind fuckery.
So, with that, hopefully I explained it well enough -v-" am not gud at explaining. I hope you enjoy it, though!
(It alright fella! Understandable ^^)
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inkdemon-whore · 3 years
I'd love to see more drawings of this Player Spamton you just made
uh oh fellas, new au just dropped and i have no ideas for it--
idk, i might draw some more stuff for it, but otherwise, if yall got ideas, by all means take it and run. i'm sure ya'll are more creative in fleshing out concepts than i am. i just kinda come up with em gkccjrq
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rhodochrosite-love · 4 years
College Ford x shy! male! reader
Hi! Dedicating this to @lantern-light-and-starry-skies and @guilty-pleasures-abound for the great idea!  I hope my writing suffices, it’s a lil angsty ;n;
Title- Hopes for the Hopeless
Pairing- Ford x reader, Backupsmore Ford x reader
Characters- Stanford Pines, You, Fiddleford McGucket, unnamed professors, unnamed students
Summary- You live in your own little world, full of fantasy and surprises.  What happens when campus genius Ford Pines makes his way into your bubble?
Tags- Heartbreak, angst, sorry guys it’s sad, male!reader, though nothing’s specifically pointed to you being male, it’s fine, shy!reader, fluff, Ford x reader
Backupsmore University was a land of missed opportunities and disappointment.  If you were gifted, it didn’t matter.  You were in the deep, dark maw that was Backupsmore and there was almost nothing you could do about it once you were enrolled.
If you partner up with the college’s 2+2 program, it got you out of there within two years with the credits necessary to take the next level of courses in your major somewhere else.  It was a win-win for both the college and the students, for obvious reasons.  
That’s why you were here.  You double majored in Art and Creative Writing, which always seemed to bore more than half of the people who asked (most being family).  You always assure them, however, that you are the best in class.  After all, you were told so by the one and only brainiac on campus; Stanford Pines.
When you first met him, he struck you as a bright-eyed, wildly curious geek.  Not to say that you weren’t a geek yourself-- the Tolkien books weighing down your book bag certainly proved that.  But the way he challenged the professor at least once every class period struck you as both odd and fascinating.  You had always wondered what it was like to be that enthusiastic and curious, like many were once.
So when Stanford had been urged to observe his classmates as per instruction (don’t just pursue yourself, compare yourself, Pines!), and had leaned in to glance at your work, you were surprised by how much interest he had taken into it.  “This linework is impeccable, how did you manage to get that consistency with that pen?!” or “Your shading style compliments the negative space of the page very well!”
It was safe to say that after that, you were smitten with him.
Your desires to transfer to another school were slowly being abandoned with the hopes that he would notice you, poor ol’ you, in any way possible.  You tried wearing something other than your jeans and sweatshirt for something a little catchier, but he didn’t seem to notice.  You tried casually flirting with him, which turned into you just blabbering on and on about naked mole rats, which was awkward for the both of you.  You even tried to read up on books that could potentially teach you how to ‘catch a man’, but anything like that was classified as cheesy romance novels that all the middle-aged professors and freshman girls were checking out from the library, so you were left in the dust.  To simply daydream in your own little world, what it would be like to hold his wonderfully weird hands, to see him smile just for you, to lean in for a kiss at the same time and feel the affection radiating off of him… 
“Y/N?  Are you with me?”  Your thoughts were interrupted by Ford, who was walking beside you up a short flight of stairs.  You flushed red, and quickly reassured him that you, in fact, were.  And totally not dozing off.  Not at all.  
The genius chuckled, “Well, I certainly hope not!  I wouldn’t want you passing out, especially on the stairs!  What an awful place to fall...”  You nodded, your cheeks a pretty pink now.  That’s right, you were going to Ford’s dorm.  Not for anything scandalous!  The two of you were studying for quite a while at your apartment just off campus.  And seeing as though you didn’t want him to stress about his term paper that ‘still needed reworking’, you wanted to drive him back. You’ve been there, totally stressful…. Although you couldn’t help but wonder what may have happened if he decided to stay the night?
“Glad ya’ could join me, Ford, at…”  A southern voice sounded from the darkness of the room, “... 1:47 in th’morinin’.  Where’ve you been all darn night, huh?”  “Certainly not at any jug-band concerts, I’ll have you know.”  Ford responded hastily, turning to set up the table in the corner to continue his term paper.  
You turned to Ford’s roommate, offering a small wave of hello.  He perked up at the sight of a guest, and smiled fondly.  “You’re Y/N I presume?”  You’re cheeks went pink again, and asked the man how he knew you.  He laughed, “Ford talks about ya’ sometimes!  Y’seem like a real nice fella’, is all.”  He reaches out a long-fingered hand for you to shake, “Fiddleford McGucket.  Pleased t’meetcha!”  You nod in agreement, a few moments later finding yourself looking around on Ford’s side of the dorm before quickly saying goodnight to the both of them and exiting.
You had become more embarrassed by yourself than you ever had before.  You had imagined all sorts of both innocent and lewd situations with the brainiac and yourself there in his dorm… They were all so vivid that you could almost reach out and make them all reality.
You came to a logical conclusion.
You were gonna get a haircut.  
It wasn’t all that intense, really.  Before, your hair ended at about shoulder-length and was often unkempt, but now it widened out, exposing your ears and brushing your bangs off to the side ever so carefully.  You looked in the mirror that afternoon and finally decided on what to do… You were going to tell him how you feel.  
The following day, when 9:30 rolled around for Drawing and Painting class, you wore your best duds-- high waisted slacks with a button up shirt with two, no THREE, buttons undone from the top, and the sleeves rolled up to your elbows.  All complete with sleek, dark shoes and a casual belt with a silver buckle, you felt like you could do anything you wanted!  It had to go positive when you looked this good, right?
“I’m sorry… I’m afraid I don’t feel the same.”
You leaned away from Ford.  What did he say?
“I… I don’t feel the same, Y/N.”
Shit, you said that out loud?  Fuck.  Why did this happen?  Why does this always have to happen…
You always get your hopes up with a guy, don’t you?  You always end up being disappointed by what you can’t have-- Correction, by what you’ve never even had in the first place.  You really thought it could be possible to love someone, even after your last breakup?  Stanford was different, but apparently not, according to the situation at hand.  Fuck, how could you be so stupid?!
“Hey.. Hey, please don’t-- Don’t cry.  I’m sorry, I really am!  I’m not looking for a relationship right now… I thought you knew that, please don’t cry.”
You both stood there now, outside the classroom, 3 feet apart from where you were; your hand was on his arm, the other hand close to your chest.  Now they were both clenched against each other, trying to find some way to escape your body as hot tears flew from your eyes like someone turned on a sprinkler.
You hadn’t even realized you were crying until he pointed it out to you, to which you turned away from his gaze and avoided it.  You apologized, too, mostly on instinct, and promised that you’d never bother him again, quickly turning to leave.
Ford suddenly grabbed your arm after a single moment of hesitation, “Y/N, wait!”  You turned to look at him-- your eyes beginning to puff up and turn a shade of pink, letting your tears drip down off your chin, you waited for him to say something (anything!) before shaking him off and running to your car.
After throwing yourself in the driver’s seat, you started up the engine, both hands clenched on the wheel.  After holding in everything from the previous moment to the wheel, you finally let go.  Wailing and weeping, similar to a child.  However, you would think that would be associated with selfishness or with tantrum.
No, you cried like a child who’s dreams were crushed.  Who’s hopes were burnt like the cheapest wood in the forest.
You wondered how long the heartbreak would last this time.
If you made it to here, I thank you!  This certainly isn’t my first time writing but it was fun to do!  Leave a comment or a like and I’d love to talk to anyone about our favorite boy!
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autumnpleaves · 4 years
can you tell me about your friends? -C (you dont have to)
Ooh! Sure, C! No problem! Hmm, since it doesn’t really specify which ‘friends’ you’re talking about, I’m going to talk about IRL and online ones! XD 
This is gonna be a long one, but only because I love, appreciate, and care for my friends :) 
So let’s start with my... 
IRL friends ^-^
I won’t be using their ‘real names’ so... meh. 
First up we have Eggen! :) 
She’s such a joy to be around (no this is not sarcastic). She has this weird fluctuating emotions sometimes and it’s scary to deal with (but not as scary as Jessie-). Funny story about how we actually met was that we had this conjoining class in Ext. Maths and she was from another class. I was still a new student then, so I wasn’t really familiar with anyone and my friends from *my* class were in Ext. Maths too, and were friends with Eggen, hence we all had this weird group thingy at one portion of the classroom and we hung out together. 
Now see, here, we weren’t really *friends* then. More like acquaintances XD 
I texted her because I saw in her profile, that she was a *HUFFLEPUFF* (which is different now, because it didn’t fit anymore- She’s a slytherin now :)) and I texted her saying “OH MY GOSH! YOU’RE A HUFFLEPUFF TOO?!!” I was a dork. It was stupid. And she replied “Haha, yeah...” and lemme tell you, I’m surprised why she’s still my friend to this day XD 
She’s improved a lot since then, and I am honestly quite frankly really *really* proud of her. She’s grown a lot (literally, coz she’s short and metaphorically, coz she’s so talented and skilled and smart now! [Not that she wasn’t smart before, just saying, definitely you can see progress]) She’s talented in drawing, ballet, has great ideas, really hard working, productive, one of the most inspirational person I know :) I’m glad to call her my friend :D 
(Only I get to call her Eggen though 0-0 ANyONe else who dares, will get a smack from me-) ALSO did I mention she likes to torture people by throwing her erasers at them? It’s funnnn memories :’) 
Next up we haveeeee Lizze!!
Lizze now this one, I didn’t meet until like... at least a year after Eggen. Honestly. Don’t judge me, our school is biiggggggg. She had long hair then. At first I see her here and there, and it was pretty chill. Nothing too... ya know- friendsy just like oh yeah I recognize you. We were in the same scholarship program! So that was fun! :) 
We didn’t officially properly meet until like a year after though, and well let’s just say it was fun. She’s one of the only friends I was able to rope into watching Sanders Sides with me and is also a huge geek nerd XD  She’s ALSO REALLY REALLY HECKING TALENTED IN WRITING?! LIke WHAT?! WHo even?! 
Yeah, such a great friend. She’s one of the people I go to when in need of any writing advice, or just advice in general! She really gives that second opinion and really takes things into account and I’m really just plain glad to call her my friend. I love her so much and like we would discuss and hang out sometimes on VC late into the night and it’d be funny watching her trying to navigate around her messy room :’) Ahh! Fun times XD 
Then we have... NICO!! :) 
Nico... was my first ever friend. Literally. In the new school. I’m gonna lay down the scenario XD
I walked into class on orientation day, not aa lot of students were there yet, I was early (for once). Nico was sitting on the left side of a table (we had two student tables) two rows from the back, near the windows. I walked in and was like Hm. Where should I sit? So I Decided that I wasn’t gonna be a wimp and decided to walk and sit next to Nico. He was also surprisingly a new student, so we kinda like related for a bit XD 
Flashforward and Nico is one of my close friends? I mean he’s there and he’s fun to hang out with XD (I don’t do labels, sorry XD) We would joke around, play around, and he’s just a great fella all around! It’s just sometimes people might make fun of him and he’d get insecure sometimes, which makes me sad and yeah! Favorite memories with him would always be in Ext. Math. We’ve landed in the same class (coz we switch around every year) like twice and everytime it’d be the same! And well every time in Math I would ‘show off’ my amazing math skills and he’d try to compete with me. It was fun every time. *dreamy sigh* 
I miss the competitions really. We’d compete to see who would finish first, who would do what part, and when either of us are confused we would annoy the other to get the answer XD I miss him :’) 
Then we get... JILL! :D 
Jill was another friend I met in my first year at the school. At first, she used to hang out with this other friend because they were stuck to each other since like primary, but slowly they drifted (which in my opinion might be for the best 😬) 
She’s an otaku. A pure bred otaku. I had to deal with her anime fanatic years for like... 3 years and counting now. Why. But she’s wonderful and drawing and would always have this bad habit of drawing on anything and literally whatever surface she finds. The desk, her notebooks, her test papers, her *SKIN*, *MY* skin, her WATER BOTTLE (like what THE HECK- JILL?!) but like, it’s endearing XD 
She’s great at complaining and hates hugs. She also hates mangoes- (If you remember what my catchphrase was? Yeah the, “GUESS WHAT? JILL HATES MANGOES” yeah it’s this Jill XD) I’m not joking. She’s great at complaining XD 
Funny story is that once we had to do this video project thing and we just had Jill complain about the amount of homework we had to like compare stuff and what not, and she did it. IN ONE BREATH. NO HESITATIONS. NO SCRIPT. ONE TAKE. WE were all DYING after that XDDD Coz she’s literally known as a complainer and she has great logic skills. She also really LOVES money... so... i mean... yeah. She’s really like... conservative with her money but isn’t afraid to use it to spoil others, but not herself XD 
Finally but not the last (I got more friends, but I don’t really... connect with them enough?) is BEEP! (no this is not her actual name, I just don’t really call her by her real name much) 
The OG friend from first day of school! Nico? YEah Step ASIDE BRO! XDD This gal is my go-to cuddle buddy. LIterally. Our moms are kinda like... besties? (*shrugs* it’s complicated) so we kinda do a lot of things together XD We go to gym together, go to places together, road trip together. She’s a joy to be around. She is like the cuddliest and well usually she does get teased about for being fluffy but like that’s the best part about her 🥺. Her mom is also really picky about her appearance which as her friends, we were pretty annoyed by it, but I love her the way she is :) 
First day of school and she walked by and asked to sit next to me. I said yes, without looking at her, coz I was *shy* (shush). Then we had an ice-breaker thing and LMAO guess what we bonded on- 
FRICKING HARRY STYLES AND WATTPAD- (look, if you’ve been on wattpad, you’d know that Harry Styles stories on there is never really... safe. in a sense.) SO, we’d immediately bonded over that and literally the rest of the day was history. We’d go through class everyday together and it would be a blast, OF COURSE she had other friends and I had mine, we weren’t really in the same ‘stereotypical’ group (like she has the more... *mean girls* kinda group [I’M NOT SAYING SHE’S MEAN! But, I’m saying that they have the popular group- yeah there that XD]) 
I had my own group but we hang anyways because it’s fun. She has the most beautiful laugh, like... literally the loudest and beautiful-est laugh ever XD We have so many inside jokes. She’d hold on to them and start laughing randomly XD She cries a lot when she laughs so that always spurs us to continue laughing, gosh damn it, I miss her. I’m smiling so hard writing this. 
Aight! That’s from my IRL friends! 
Next we have my online friends! :DDD
First up, we have YAWN! :D
Yawn is quite frankly, the first person I ever actually connected to on Tumblr here XD 
I’ve been through tens and hundreds of discord servers, jumped in tumblr group chats, and no where have I ever met anyone as wonderful as Yawn. Literally. 
I would say we pretty much clicked and when *she* (look I asked okay. they said yes to all pronouns so- >:3 I’m going to have fun with it XD) expressed xeir love for PUNS of all things, literally, I was shooketh. SO I LITERALLY SPAMMED HIM WITH ALL THE PUNS I COULD THINK OF- ANd then HE LITErally PropOSEd- XDDD I don’t know man. It’s amazing :’) I don’t know how I got this lucky. 
Yawn is like that refreshing giddiness you have as a child when you see a new toy or something. Yeah that’s Yawn. Literally every time we text it’s just so damn wholesome and so fun and it’s great! We’d talk about the most random things ever and it’d be amazing :))
Hhhhhhhhhhh, I’m just so damn proud of zem. LIke. Literally. Xir has come so far, and like... we haven’t really met for long yet but I just care about xir sooooooooooooooo much. It has always been there for me and I’m just so appreciative of it. We have so many- *WHEEZE* inside jokes- XDDD 
One I can think of is literally “I run you, Shakespeare” and it’s HILARIou- XDDDDDDDDDDDD
I can’t- It’s beautiful XD 
I just can’t believe that our friendship literally started with me just sucking up my anxiety and just texting people stuff and I honestly don’t know how it continued from there- XD 
They are the most accepting person I know. Genuinely. I don’t know where I’d be without them :’) 
Next we have... VOMMY! :DDD Or C-Gal... We gotta bring that nickname back XD 
First of all, we met in a Fander Pride Meet Up server. VOmmy CAN SPEAK DUTCH and is SOO CREATIve and SO FRIckING Hard WOrking and such an inspiration. Always greets us and is always down for hugs and cuddles XD 
Such a great tea friend, and has like the best aesthetic ever- literally. So old and vintage like a vintage mom and always down to talk about stuff! Ze is soooooo smart as well! And would infodump sometimes when ze’s not busy about stuff that I absolutely adore and love to hear about! Honestly the best vommy ever and ze has PLANTS like- *Woooooooooo!* 
We met vommy and literally we can always geek out with zem. Sometimes life gets hard and we need to scream it out every now and then, and vommy would be there :))) 
I am so proud of zem and just so damn happy to call zem my friend uwu 
Then we haveeeeee... STARBURST! OR BOB THE BUILDER!
ANOTHER friendo we met in the Fander Pride Meet Up Server (seriously a lot of cool friendos there). One of the best advice givers and the most caring older sibling ever. Literally. Like I can’t stress this enough. He’s such a great cousin duck and just a great listener friendo ever. 
I’m literally so proud of him. It’s crazy. He’s always been there for us, all of us. And is there to provide hugs and arms to cry on. ALSO HAVE I EVER MENTIONED HOW BEAUTIFUL HE IS??! LIKE WHAT THE HECK- AHhhhhHHHHHH
Next we haveeeeeee- POPPY the POPTART! :D 
First time we met in the Fander Pride Meetup, I may of may not have offended them. 0-0 
I still feel really bad about that honestly. Uhhh, anyways, I won’t go too in depth on that. BUT ANYWAYS- 
THEy Have been such a WONDERFUL presence in my life. LIterally. LIke They have such an cheerful vibe ever and would never fail to make me laugh or like coo or like anything coz they are soooo ADORABLE! They are also like really great cuddler and hugger and sooooo sooooo sooooo handsome :DD
Sure there are rough patches in their lives, but I adore them and am sooo sooo soo proud of them for being able to go through it and still come out with their heads high and just so damn happy that they will not give up that easily. I really admire their strength, and we are always there to support if they need help :) 
Also, go check out @/poptartsaysurloved pinned post. See if anyone is willing or can help! :) 
Next we have... ATLAS! Or LAssie as I like to call him XD
He’s one of the screaming cereal that I most definitely did not meet in the Fander Pride Meet Up and instead in another server and I’m glad to have met him XD 
I don’t know the *exact* thing I texted him, but I definitely remember asking him about something in his status and I most definitely was satisfied with my answer and we just started talking in DMs for a bit, before I invited him in to the screaming cereal bowl server! :D 
ARSon kid can’t go a day without wanting to blow something up and frankly I’m concerned but such a great friendo
Provider of memes, jokes, laughs, hugs, cuddles, and fun time XD 
I can’t even, it’s crack head moments every time with that lassie XD 
She deals with my bull crap every day kind of and deals with a bunch of my mushy feelingsy moments! I can’t stress enough. Literally Shelly McScotty over here is like the most relatable person ever. Mood all the way and we have like SOO MANY SIMILAR INTERESTS 
IT’s CRAZY! When I first found out that she watches like Unus Annus, Winx Club (SHOOSH IT’S A GOOD SHOW SHUSH) Literally, I’m like this is the best person ever. She’s also knowledgeable in a lot of stuff and is literally like the best person to go to when you need to get like informational stuff
Literally. I would info dump on her and she’d be such a great listener. Fricking Disney and Potterhead GEEK of the decade. HOly heck this lady is the literal embodiment of a disney princess. FIRST OF ALL, PERSONALITY IS THERE. SECOND OF ALL, HER LOOKS! HAVE YOU SEEN? LITERALLY SO DROP DEAD GORGEOUS ON FLEEK MAKEUP! AHHHHHh
I can’t get enough of this dude. Gives great advice and insight on soooo many things and I’m just so glad to have met this gurl. I don’t know how exactly we met, but I’m glad we did. 
MIND YOU most of my friends are either from Tumblr or Discord so XD 
Welp! This was a fun! I definitely spent wayyyyyyyyy too long on this thing, but it’s worth it! XD 
Hope you have fun learning about my friends from like a freaking geeking out stand point Canon! :D 
I have a feeling you wouldn’t read through this entire thing, so well... AH! Hope you have a nice day and don’t sleep too late! Tell me about your friends as well! :))  
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mist-over-water · 5 years
Decade in Review.
One of the newest members in my group of friends began spreading lies about me, saying that I had been bitching about everyone behind their back. I hadn’t obviously, but they believed her, and in the space of a day, I had lost all of the friends I had made in my five years during high school. My first lesson of the decade: if I have something to say to someone, just say it! 
I left high school, with one friend, whom I had had since primary school. I passed all of my GCSEs, and I began sixth form. I was part of the first year to attend this sixth form, and it was exciting to help work out the kinks, and I got to study two different types of English (language and literature), photography and sociology. 
After my brothers’ girlfriend had suffered a miscarriage the previous year, she got pregnant again, and my twin nieces (Ellie and Layla) were born; they were premature, but oh so perfect, and changed my life, honestly. 
I went to North Carolina, and spent my sixteenth birthday there, where I met my best online friend. I had an amazing time, and again, it was an experience that changed my life forever. 
I stopped speaking to my dad, for many reasons; that’s such a long story, that now’s not the time. 
My mum’s boyfriend moved in, and began a seven year story of abuse.
I met four of my best friends; they changed me so much for the better. WE shared some good memories, some of which I still cry reminiscing on to this day. 
After getting scolded at sixth form, I actually began putting some effort into my A Levels, shocking my teachers at what I was capable of!
The friend I visited in America came to visit me in England for three weeks, though as none of us could drive, it was not half as exciting and action packed as my time in North Carolina! Sorry about that!
One of my best friends that turned my back on me in the previous year? I began speaking to her again, she is still my best friend to this day, and we began opening up about our struggles with mental health a lot more.
I began bulking my CV out a lot more, between work experience at my old high school, and volunteering at a charity shop and an art gallery, I barely had any time for myself!
I also began running a creative writing club at sixth form, which formed the basis of them beginning the creative writing A Level! One of my proudest achievements.
My mums dachshund got pregnant, and we kept one of them - my little dachshund/Jack Russell cross, Molly!
My hard work paid off - I was the only one in my group of friends to get offers from all five universities I applied for! My first choice was University of Lincoln, and I moved 150 miles away from everyone I knew to study English.
I became a really shitty person. With the psychological abuse my mums boyfriend put me through, that friend who came to visit me, and I went to visit? I treated her awfully. I pushed her away on purpose, I hurt her so bad. I think about it every day, and every day I regret it.
I joined the Anime Society, and met a lot of great, fucked up people. I met people on my course. I met a lot of people, most I don't speak to anymore, but given half the chance, I'd welcome them back in my life with open arms.
I began drinking too much, like I don't remember much of my first year, I tried passing this toxic behaviour off as a personality trait. How wrong was I.
A long story, but I got in my first 'relationship that wasn't a relationship', and he broke up with me at the beginning of the summer as he was finishing university, and I was only just beginning, and we lived on other sides of the country.
Upon reflection on things I ultimately regret, I made the decision to begin speaking to my dad again. He ultimately got married, in a wedding I was the only family member to not be invited.
I moved in with four gay people, and experienced the best parties I've ever been too, honestly. Though as housemates, they were insanely flawed.
I got into my first real relationship! He was psychologically abusive, took all of my money, nearly got me kicked out of university, made me lose all my friends, and... What a fella.
He raped me, five days before Christmas. I still suffer with trauma from this, but I'm not ashamed of it anymore.
I attempted suicide. I broke my families heart and I promised my Nanny Gate that I would never hurt myself again.
I broke up with my boyfriend! To which my housemates took me out for drinks and a celebratory meal. They had no idea what had happened to me, but they knew he was bad news.
My dad forced my mum to sell my childhood home, forcing me, my mum and our abuser to move into a tiny two bedroom house, with seven dogs.
Another niece, Imogen, was born!
As well as drinking too much, I began trying drugs, trying to pass it off as a quirky part of my personality.
That friend that I visited in America, and she visited me in England? I began speaking to her again. Although we don't speak much, I could talk to her every day if I could. I'm so thankful that even if she didn't forgive me for everything I did to her, she put it behind her to rekindle our friendship.
I moved in with two of my best friends! Though by the end of the year, we would hate one of them. This happened all the places I lived during university.
I began dating a man I thought I would marry.
(Also, fun fact, I went on holiday to Walton-on-the-Naze that year, where I stayed at the same part of the caravan park @onetruejonsey lived with his girlfriend at the time, I got drunk, and got lost, and tried to get into his caravan! If that's not fate...)
I got my degree without much effort, and I realised I've never really tried at anything. My dad and my boyfriend didn't attend my graduation, but mum and I had a blast.
For so many reasons, I fell out of love with my boyfriend, though he manipulated me into staying with him for almost a full extra year.
I got my first job as a Healthcare Assistant! But I quit as I saw too many residents being treated badly, and no manager or supervisor was interested in hearing my concerns. I done work experience at my old sixth form, trying to find an age group I'd like to teach, turns out older kids weren't that. But I did get a Christmas Temp job at EE.
My boyfriend broke up with me, so angry that I had tried to break up with him and he had not let me, I got back with him just to break up with him. I am a pretty little bitch, honestly.
I went to Kenya with my mum, so we could complete our bucket list item of seeing giraffes and elephants in the wild. It was incredible, and made me reevaluate how lucky I am.
I got a job at B&Q, though my supervisors were awful, I made some good friends with other members of staff.
I planned to take my life at the end of April.
My Granddad Gate got there first, losing his battle to COPD just three days before I had planned to die. Seeing my Nanny Gate and mum, I decided to not go through with it.
While window shopping on Plenty of Fish, I met @onetruejonsey.
One of my friends from sixth form got me into trying harder drugs. I decided to stop speaking to her, I sometimes still get an angry text to this day.
Me, mum and our abuser got evicted from our house.
@onetruejonsey's mum, knowing the situation with my abuse at home, offered for me to move in with them. We went to London for four days, and decided I should move in by the end of January, six months into dating.
I got a job with him and his mum at McDonalds, we were everyone's parents, and it was amazing.
I was discriminated against because of my mental health, and I gave a days notice that I was quitting. Someone else put in a formal complaint about how they had treated me, which made me feel a lot better about everything.
My Nanny Gate was hospitalised over Christmas, where she stopped speaking, eating, and drinking. Her three favourite things.
@onetruejonsey and I experienced the worst argument I've ever had in a relationship; one of which I still think back to, to try and figure out what happened, and learn from.
My poor mum went off work sick for a broken foot and got evicted from her bungalow in the same month, meaning she had to go back to our abuser.
My Nanny Gate died, but my mum, brother and I were all with her when she passed.
This meant my mum had to pack my Nanny Gate's belongings as well as her own bungalow, the deadline for each was only a couple of days from each other. I moved back in with her for a month to help with this.
I was unemployed for five months, and after working so hard to get out of my overdraft during my time at McDonalds, I ended up with £5 in my bank.
With my Nanny Gate not around to say anything anymore, I began self-harming again. Though @onetruejonsey then made me promise to stop it, and I hate breaking my promises.
I got a job as a Housekeeper at Premier Inn, after my second interview. It was only a Summer job, and they tried so hard to fire me, but never found the grounds. After a teaching job fell through, I got my act together and became one of the best housekeepers at the site.
My fourth, and final niece, little Millie was born. With her ginger curly hair, my heart could have burst with love.
@onetruejonsey and I have a tradition to go to the zoo for my birthday, with my mum and nieces. Surrounded by them and giraffes, he got down on one knee and proposed to me! I cried so much, and so many people congratulated us. Even the guy who yelled "HAS SHE SAID YES YET" which makes me laugh everytime!
@onetruejonsey and I learnt to drive, and we brought our little car, Moss. We have plans to update him to a better car ASAP, but at the moment, I'm so in love with him that I can't bare the thought of getting rid of him!
After nearly getting our own flat, I can't imagine life without a dog. We decided to stay put with his parents, and save as much money as we can to buy a house. A house we will raise our children in one day, dog and bearded dragon included!
2018 was such a shit year, it took up until Summer this year to recover fully from it. When we decided to start planning our wedding. Of which we have booked 90% of everything.
I went on my twenty-first teaching interview, and after that rejection, I decided the universe was sending me a sign. I had not enjoyed any of my previous work experience, and I didn't enjoy working with the kids during interviews. I made a conscious decision that I would not pursue that anymore.
I was discriminated against at Premier Inn when I went into crisis with my menal health, the same day our hotel manager was visiting with an apprenticeship tutor. I spoke to her, and she offered me a job at a different site, where I would do housekeeping and reception, and an apprenticeship, and get a pay rise, AND one day becoming assistant hotel manager, but maybe at a different site.
My decade did not go as planned. I hoped to be teaching by now, but the universe has had different plans for me. A lot of bad stuff has happened to me, but that's karma I suppose. While at university, I spoke to a good friend, and we talked about how bullshit dream jobs were, and I made a promise to myself that I wanted to grow up to be unapologetically happy. So in this decade, that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to work whatever job will pay me that I enjoy, I will come home to a fiance who loves me and I love him, we will have our wedding, we will buy our house together and drive in whatever car we can get, I don't care what it cost or how new it is, we will have our Bassett Hound and whatever little pets we want, and we will one day have children together. And that child will be so loved, I will move mountains for them to never experience pain and hurt of the likes we have experienced.
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mycarlydotcom · 5 years
Looking Back at iCarly
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Hello internet! This blog lives on, and so do I! My Nickelodeon heart still beats, and here I am in 2019, having recently finished re-watching iCarly…again. Admittedly, there is a part me still clinging to this fandom and I don’t think it will ever go away. So, I recently sat my grown ass adult-self down to re-watch the series, and I feel the desire to just talk about it.
Let’s preface everything with an acknowledgement to nostalgia and the impact it has on how we view things we enjoyed in the past. Nostalgia is typically viewed through rose colored lenses that disguise the truth about whatever it is we remember so fondly. I realize this, and fully acknowledge that nostalgia is probably the biggest reason for my enjoyment during this re-watch; but whether it was nostalgia or not, I have no shame in saying that I loved it. I loved every single second of it. Yeah it was a little cringey at first, (Honestly, that’s to be expected when looking back at shows like these with more mature eyes) but that feeling settled pretty fast, and it didn’t take long for me to fall right back in love with the show.
I love this show. I watched it frequently as a preteen into my teenage years (Around the ages of 11-15 I’d say). I watched until about Season 3 but I ended up falling off with it as I grew older; so I never saw anything from Season 4 onward during its initial run. Fast forward a few years later, and somewhere around 2013 an iCarly clip found its way into my YouTube suggestions. I don’t remember the specific clip, but it had something to do with Sam and Freddie (It may have been the elevator scene from iLove You). It caught my attention because I always remembered thinking that Sam and Freddie would end up together. Curiously enough, I clicked it, and that served as the impetus to make me watch the entire series. I watched it all, and I loved it. I loved it so much that I even made this blog dedicated to it, and other shows cut from the same cloth. I had my heart stolen by Sam and Freddie, and obsessed over the pairing like many others had done before me. I became so attached to the characters, and as corny as it sounds, I felt like they were my friends. I just loved it all. I was hooked, and the series known as iCarly ended up leaving a lasting impression on me. Going on that journey was such a blast; but like all good things, it eventually came to end. After a while I started using this blog less and less. I slowly stopped watching reruns of old Nickelodeon shows, and I eventually fell off completely. So now, we fast forward one more time and here we are in 2019, I have watched the series again, and it turns out that I still harbor that deep connection to it that I had before. The fandom still lives within me, and I’ve realized it will never go away. It is always going hold a place in heart.
Now that my long-winded introduction is over, let’s move on to talking about the show itself. Upon this most recent viewing of the series, I will say that in my humble opinion, the show peaks in Season 3. While I may love the series as a whole, I cannot deny that its glory days are definitely in its earlier years. During this re-watch, I noticed a subtle dip in the quality of show from Season 4 onward. It’s not like it falls off a cliff or anything, it was still very enjoyable, but it definitely felt like they were losing control. This trend continued in Season 5, and parlayed right into the final season as well. By the time you reach the end, it’s apparent they were desperate for ideas, or were just ready to move on. Again, it’s not awful, but it’s not firing on all cylinders like it was in the earlier seasons. There are a plethora of issues we could point to when discussing this, but I think the biggest culprit to the show’s decline in quality was the “ships.” That entire craze definitely had a negative impact on the series overall; even as a “Seddier,” I can admit that. I’ve actually previously, briefly discussed (Here) how I believe “shipping,” directly changed the original, intended story of Sam and Freddie; and I still believe that. The creative direction was undoubtedly influenced by the divide in the audience, and I don’t think that can be disputed. But regardless of the slight dip in quality, I will say that iCarly is still tremendous overall, and Seasons 4 through 6 still have their moments and some great episodes. Season 6 itself recovers wonderfully by the end, with the last five episodes of the series serving as a splendid return to form for the show.
iCarly was one of the most successful Nickelodeon shows for a reason…because it truly is great. In many ways it was a glimpse into the future when you think about the power of the internet and its ability to influence and create success nowadays. It capitalized on that ever growing popularity of the internet, and did so wonderfully. Who didn’t want to have their own version of the iCarly web show? Everyone did, it was the coolest concept. Couple that with the amazing cast they gathered to play the character’s we all came to love, and the show had a recipe for brilliance. 
Let’s actually talk about casting on this show because it is absolutely tremendous…
Miranda wonderfully transitioned from the devious little sister, Megan, on Drake & Josh, to the lovable protagonist known as Carly, and she was perfect for the role. Carly is portrayed as the best friend that anyone could ever ask for, and Miranda fills that role so believably well. You truly feel that she cares deeply for all of her friends, and honestly, I think that’s just an extension of Miranda herself. All you have to do is listen to any of her fellow cast member’s talk about her, and it’s not hard to understand why she played Carly so well.
Then there is Jennette; what else can I say about Jennette McCurdy that I haven’t already gushed about on this blog? I adore her to pieces, and her on screen counterpart known as Sam Puckett, I adore even more. I’ve heard Jennette be critical of the show and the role she played, especially as she’s gotten older and distanced herself from the Nickelodeon bubble, but I honestly think she doesn’t give herself enough credit for pulling off Sam the way she did. There is nobody else they could have cast to play that role better than her. There are many layers to Sam Puckett, and while the show tends to shy away from truly fleshing that out, we still get glimpses of it throughout the series. It’s the biggest reason why I love Sam so much, and Jennette excellently captures that contrast within the character. Sam is a tough as they come, and rarely displays compassion or vulnerability, but underneath her rough exterior is a wonderful person with a heart of gold. Much like that character, it often seems that there is a lot more than what’s displayed on the surface with Jennette as well, curiously enough. She herself, is somewhat of an enigma (which I plan on discussing one day as well). The character, and actor are very similar in that regard, and I think that’s why Sam was so great. For the purpose of comedy, Sam is a totally over-exaggerated character, and much more of a tomboy than Jennette is in real life, but beneath all the comedic hyperbole, there are some striking parallels between the character and the actor.
Of course, there is Nathan Kress, who played the role of Freddie, and did a splendid job capturing the loveable tech nerd Freddie was; especially in the earlier years. Nathan also deserves major props for continuing to pull the Freddie character off as time went on because let’s be honest, Nathan matured into quite the handsome young fella right in the midst of this show airing. It was funny juxtaposition to see him still have to portray Freddie, as Sam might say, a “nub,” when he very clearly wasn’t. So again, props to him because he still made it believable that Freddie was just a big dork who struggled with girls and whatnot despite his dapper, physical appearance.
Who doesn’t love Jerry Trainor? He comes across as the most fun person to be around, and I have to imagine that working with him is a total joy. All you have to do is watch the blooper episodes, iBloop and iBloop 2, and you can see just how much fun he makes the work environment for all of his fellow actors. He, as Spencer, is low key probably everyone’s favorite character. He was the perfect choice to portray Spencer, and while he does all the whacky humor and eccentric behavior perfectly, he also captures the moments where Spencer needs to be a responsible adult, arguably even better.
And last but not least, Noah Munck as Gibby. From starting as a reoccurring character with a strange quirk where he persistently took his shirt off , to transitioning into the main cast where announcing his own name in exaggerated fashion became a staple of the show, Noah took this peculiar character and brought him to life in the most entertaining way possible. To quote Gibby himself, Noah made the show, “a lot of fun,” and provided some of the best laughs in series.
I cannot say enough good things about iCarly. It is an all-timer as far as Nickelodeon shows are concerned, and those who were part of the fandom know just how special it was. I’ll forever hold it in my heart, and remember the joy it brought me whenever I “need a laugh, cheer, or random dance.”
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And, we're clear...
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nicolewoo · 5 years
First night on the road
Pairing: Finn Balor x Reader
Scenario: It’s the reader’s first night backstage at RAW and meeting the good brothers.
Warnings: A little cursing
I'd only been in the arena for a few minutes before I heard a delighted scream. “YYYY/NNNNNNN” Ettore was running straight for me. He wrapped me in a huge hug, picking me up off my feet and spinning me around. “I heard you were coming to work with us!!!” Kofi and Austin followed close behind wrapping me in a giant group hug.
“Who's here?” Kofi asked jokingly, and all three members of The New Day began chanting “Who?” “Who?” “Who?”
“Y/N! That's who!” Ettore said.
I couldn't help the laughter that escaped me. I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist and pull me back from the pack of jokers. “Easy now fellas. T'is one's mine.” Fergal joked as he pulled me against his chest.
“So the rumors are all true?” Austin asked.
All three of them looked to Fergal and I. I paused for effect but smiled big and said “Yes.”
“You're really working for RAW?” Kofi asked.
“No.” I corrected. “I'm working for the WWE, but for NXT.” I informed them.
“But you're on the road with us?” Ettore questioned.
“Yep.” I grinned at them all.
At that, Fergal and I were wrapped in a giant group hug again.
“Seriously though,” Austin said after a second. “We are so glad everything worked out for you.” He paused before adding “Both of you.” He wiggled an eyebrow at Fergal. “But why are you traveling with RAW if you're working for NXT?”
“I can work anywhere, and they wanted to keep Fergal and I together, so here I am.” I explained hoping that they wouldn't ask more questions about what I do for the company.
Kofi asked, “So what are you doing for the WWE?” Figures.
I pondered a second before answering, “It's all technical social media stuff.” I tried to appease them, but they were having none of it. They stared at me expecting a little more information.
Austin was the one who spoke, “Go on. We're smart men. What type of technical social media stuff?”
Fergal stepped in now, “Guys, she's not allowed to talk about it. She has an NDA.”
That brought a couple of raised eyebrows. “So, you're like the WWE CIA or something?” Ettore joked.
“Something like that. A little more like MI6 actually.” I laughed, grateful for both Ferg and Ettore for allowing me an easy way to end the questions.
“Now young lady,” Kofi wrapped an arm over my shoulders. “You're gonna have dinner with us, right?”
“Guys, it's her first night....” Fergal was going to say something else, but Ettore cut her off.
“Then she's lucky to have friends to eat dinner with. You can't hide her away from us Ferg. You can come to dinner too.” Kofi said.
I knew Fergal didn't like to eat at catering. He preferred to grab his food and go eat alone or with the good brothers, so I knew a compromise was in order. “Gentlemen,” I butted in. “How about we all eat together tomorrow? I promise. I just want to get familiar with everything today.” I smiled warmly, and they smiled back.
“Tomorrow then.” Austin ceded.
“I'm gonna get her settled in, guys. We'll have dinner tomorrow.” Fergal promised. I got hugs from each of them before we left.
Walking through the halls I got a LOT of odd looks. Some seemed confused, some seemed unhappy. No matter how they looked, everyone noticed Fergal and I walking in together. I heard whispers behind us after we passed. Fergal squeezed my hand to reassure me. “Give t'em time. T'ey'll love you once t'ey get ta know ya.” He gave me a warm smile and ran his thumb over my knuckles. “Here we are.” Ferg knocked on the door that had a piece of paper taped to it reading BALOR CLUB. He ducked his head in checking to make sure everyone was decent.
“I haven't been this nervous since I first met you.” I admitted.
Fergal grabbed my hand, “No reason to be nervous. T'ey're gonna luv ya.” Ferg looked down at me, “No reason to be nervous. Trust me, luv.” He placed a quick kiss on my forehead then opened the door.
Chad (Carl Anderson) and Andy (Luke Gallows) were both dressed in their ring gear. Both were taller than I thought; which only intimidated me more.
“There she is!” said Chad and he walked full speed to wrap me in a giant hug. I'm usually a hugger, but not before I've even met someone. A split second later, Andy joined the hug and pulled Fergal in too.
“Group hug!” he practically yelled.
“All right. All right.” Ferg said pushing the boys back. “Give her some room to breath.” He wrapped his arm around my waist. “You ok, luv?”
The combination of my anxiety and the crazy greeting had me laughing. “Yeah, I think so.”
“Enough mushy, Ferg.” Chad said. “She's gonna have to get used to us hugging her,” he smiled at me.
“Y/N these are t'e good brothers, Chad and Andy,” he introduced the duo properly. I noticed the smiles on their faces as they shook my hand.
“Good to meet the woman who put a permanent smile on Ferg here.” Andy said as he patted Ferg on the shoulder a bit too hard.
Chad and Andy had the first match of the night and Fergal had the second to last match, which meant I'd have someone with me at all times. It was a comforting thought. I knew the boys would be kind when in charge of me.
After Fergal got into his ring gear, we headed to a nearby room to watch the show with other talent. By the time we headed back to the dressing room, the boys were showered and dressed in street clothes.
“Do you want to watch Fergy's match?” Andy asked.
I nodded yes, “If you don't mind.” The three of us settled headed back into the common area to watch the match.
Watching Ferg wrestle before I met him was one thing. Now that we were together, I cringed at every hit he took. Andy took notice and patted my shoulder reassuringly. “You'll get used to it, Y/N.”
“He's the best, well, besides me. Nothing to worry about.” Chad said.
“You say that like he hasn't just returned from 7 months of recovery.” I said quietly.
“I know it's all a bit scary,” Andy said, “But once you get to know more about wrestling, you'll learn what can hurt a wrestler and what just looks dangerous.” His assurance didn't help, because I knew that any move could hurt someone if done wrong. Needless to say, I was happy when the match was over.
After the match, we went back to the locker room and talked while Fergal got showered and dressed.
“Ok, I'm starved. Let's get some food.” Chad said bluntly as Fergal finished dressing.
We all followed behind and climbed into the SUV the good brothers had rented for this leg of the journey. The boys started immediately asking about me. “How do you like it in the WWE?” “Tell us your hobbies.” “Favorite music.” Thankfully, it was a quick drive, because I was starting to feel like I was being interrogated.
Ferg squeezed my hand before we got out. I was finally getting used to the idea that I couldn't touch him in public. Andy opened my door, and helped me onto the sidewalk. Ferg came around the car and placed his hand on the small of my back. Andy then placed his hand higher on my back. I cocked my head a bit and looked to Fergal for an explanation. “Ah, t'e brothers.... actually t'e whole roster will help cover any PDAs. If I touch you, and someone else touches you, t'e press and fans won't assume you're dating anyone.... jus' t'at we're all friends. It's how everyone keeps their relationships secret.”
“That's genius.” I declared.
The restaurant was beautiful and posh. Low lights, candles, classical music, white tablecloths. We followed the maitre d to a side room just off the main dining room. We were still within view of the other patrons, but partially blocked. I could see the guys appreciated a bit of privacy. Just a bit.
We were joined by Benjamin Satterley (Neville) and Rami Sebei (Sami Zayn). Once we settled in, the conversation became all about wrestling. First, the wrestling here at the WWE. Story lines, who's the best heel, etc. Then came the old “embarrassing” stories from NJPW. Chad was dead set on telling me every crazy thing Fergal did while in Japan. Ferg was turning brighter shades of red with each story. Ben must have noticed, because he stopped Chad by turning the conversation to me.
We discussed my work history and what it was like to live just across the river from St. Louis. The guys were all excited for their next show in St. Louis because I agreed to show them the city. When the conversation turned to what my role was in the WWE, I panicked. The Non-disclosure-agreement loomed in my mind. “I'm working with creative.”
“Thank the heavens!” Ben said. “Maybe you can get the writers' heads out of their arses,” He started, but Fergal stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.
“Guys, she's just started. She's not even working on the main roster. She's working with NXT.” He interjected.
“And actually,” I continued, “I'm working with the social media side of things,” I said shyly. I didn't want to disappoint them, but it was true. Of course, I didn't offer up that much of what I was doing.
Rami jumped in to calm the boys, “As long as you're happy and you're sticking around. I haven't seen this guy” He patted Ferg on the shoulder, “so happy in ages.” That made Ferg smile shyly.
“Wait.” Ben started, “You're working on NXT, and you're on the road with RAW? That makes no sense.” He looked to me for answers, but I didn't have any that I could say aloud. My eyes shot to Fergal who promptly changed the subject. “Guys, it's boring.... trust me.” Well THAT wasn't the response I wanted. I elbowed Ferg in the ribs. “I just mean, that none of us would want to do it. Sitting at a computer all day isn't our idea of fun.”
“You're not out of the dog-house yet,” I teased.
Fergal snaked an arm around my waist, and to cover the PDA, Rami wrapped his arm around my shoulder. Both of them leaned in to kiss my cheek. “The other patrons are going to think I'm a slut.” I joked nodding my head to the other dining room.
Just then, the food arrived breaking up the whole thing. Chad and Andy insisted I sit between them; Ferg across from me. I almost protested, but it really was the smartest move to keep our relationship a secret from the public. At least this way, I got to enjoy the salacious looks Ferg shot at me and the warm smile as he talked to his friends. He really was too beautiful. I said a thankful prayer in my head.
Dinner was eaten, jokes were told, stories were re-lived, laughter and joy all around.
When the plates were cleared, the conversation turned to Fergal's injury and the time off. I could see a hint of pity on all of the guys faces when talking about the 7 months off, but Ferg smiled the whole time.
“I neva woulda met t'is wonderful lass if it wasn't for t'e injury.” He beamed at me, and my heart swelled with joy. I hoped he meant it.
“Here's to bad circumstances that bring us joy,” Rami raised a glass to toast, and we did.
We were then interrupted once by a young boy about 8 years old. He'd spotted the superstars from the main dining room. He knocked on the door jamb with father in tow and asked for autographs. His dad apologized for interrupting our night, but the boys were happy to put a smile on the kid's face. The father explained that his son was obsessed with wrestling and wanted to become a wrestler. Ben made sure to tell the boy, “Find me when you graduate from school. I might need a tag team partner then.” It was really sweet.
By the time we climbed back into the SUV to go back to the hotel, I was exhausted. I snuggled up close to Fergal and rested my head on his shoulder. Chad and Andy were shockingly quiet, and I was nearly asleep by the time we arrived.
“Let's get ya inside.” Ferg whispered as he helped me out of the car and up to our hotel room. “Did ya have a good first day on t'e road?” He asked as we got ready for sleep.
I nodded yes. “Good but tiring.” I admitted as I crawled under the covers and Ferg crawled in behind me pulling me against his chest and wrapping his arm around me.
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benmic98-blog · 5 years
Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet, Give Me Something Good to Eat! Soon there will Halloween parties in full swing, pumpkins lining the streets and masses of trick or treaters on a serious scrape to secure as many sweets as possible at midnight. It’s that time of the year when you fancy channeling your inner Rihanna or Halsey or any fictional a character like Shrek or Lego Batman or any celebrity to create a spotlight-stealing look. Many choose to pay homage to their idols this spooktacular season and as the season has already kicked started with a bang, you might be at the hunt for a last-minute Halloween costume inspiration from the A-list set, spending hours to create the iconic looks this Halloween, all hail to the early festivities that have begun with our stars flaunting their Halloween looks setting the bar high again this year leaving behind costume inspiration for many. If you are a die-hard Halsey fan like me, plenty of choices to channel your Halsey are open; from Met Gala, Victoria Secret’s fashion show to American Music Awards and New York Fashion week Halsey could be your go-to Halsey costume for the Halloween party.
From Cruella de Vil to the tooth fairy you might have experimented with all kinds of looks from spooky to sweet all your life and this year what will be your spin this year is giving you serious trouble. Just Eat, Drink & Be Scary.
2018 didn’t fail to disappoint the celebrity high bar for Halloween costumes with some of the most outrageous, funny and confusing costumes, from the barely recognizable (Rita Ora as Post Malone, anyone?) to the downright uncanny, one can recreate the previous year’s head-turners as this Halloween's spooky and glamorous ensemble with DIY. From the most hyped costumes from the last year Halloween that took Instagram and twitters with amaze and gaze was the Jessica Biel, Justin Timberlake, and Silas Randall Timberlake as Lego Batman characters, Chrissy Teigen and John Legend as Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles, the great Kardashians always making up to the highlights with fancy yet controversial stories, Kourtney Kardashian, Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, Kendall Jenner, and Khloe Kardashian as Victoria's Secret Angels, Heidi Klum as Princess Fiona from Shrek, the millionaire whose Insta stories are always extravagant and stays at the top of social media hype, Kylie Jenner as Barbie and Beyoncé as Toni Braxton. When we talk about the most spine-chilling Halloween outfits we can’t just get over Heidi Klum's remarkable Jessica Rabbit in 2015 (which took nine hours of groundwork to complete the prosthetics), or Lady Gaga as a terrifying Edward Scissorhands in 2017 and the list goes on and on, for Halloween is the most sought social event in the celebrity calendar where their costume ideas are mandatory to prove as the crowd-pleasers.
Among the early Halloween feels, Dance with the Stars take the lead in giving us those creepy looks by going full zombie during Halloween night on Monday with a spooky opening number set to Billie Eilish’s Bad Guy. With the insane moves and crazy costumes donned with dreadful makeup to turn the ballroom floor into a creepier zombie world, the stars and the professional dancers are giving me chills down the spine.
Some creepy costume inspirations are ready to be added to the Halloween mood board from the early Halloween festivity in Los Angeles hosted by Rande Gerber and George  Clooney, the annual Casamigos the party had the starry guest list who donned their crazy costumes as the homage to classical idols or recreated the looks from their past events. All of this flooded twitter and their Instagram before the arrival of the big day. The social-media worthy clobber for the annual Casamigos party is listed below.
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Halsey deserves all the applaud and the limelight, biased? Probably yes but the fandom of Halsey provokes such instinct in me and if I were to hand over the best celebrity costume award, Its Halsey and Halsey every time, every year and every event. Halsey this year didn't fail to disappoint and channeled inner goth rocker Marilyn Manson while she announces her relationship with actor Evan Peters on the Halloween bash in Los Angeles. Fiery redhead and a latex leotard was Halsey in the complete Halloween Spirit, spooktacularly-sexy.
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Halsey and Evan Peter are giving us some real relationship goals or they chose to confirm their love by costume coordination, Polka dots giving nostalgia of the '70s. They donned the look at starry American Horror Story 100th Episode Celebration kicked off in California.
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Black is always a killer and Kylie Jenner totally slayed the look with blood-stained red lipstick and blondes to create the Madonna look in a now-iconic kiss at the 2003 VMAs. The makeup-mogul paid homage to the pop culture by pairing with her friend Stassie Karanikolaou to recreate Britney Spear. How cool is that?
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Like mother is the daughter, all glammed up in the Jenner’s met gala ensemble look. Stormi Webster was a miniature version of Kylie at the Met Gala, with the same lavender dress and purple hair. She totally was a little cute fella.
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Her spectacular look made me utter “All that Glitters is just Gold!” The model dipped in glitter dazzled like a neon firework with green and other neon-colored glitters sprayed generously. That would be an understatement though as both husband and wife took the theme of fireworks to take Instagram like always to satiate the fandom every Halloween. But this is not the finale to the Halloween spook; a lot of creative prosthetics has been put to pull off this year’s costume for her iconic party.
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In round 1, Demi was shining in the ensemble by her glam team, Etienne Ortega and Paul Norton. She is the crown-winner just in round 1, the slayer has dressed like French aristocrat Marie Antoinette with a low-cleavage corseted frock, taking us back to the 18th century. The star-studded eyes with heavily-powered makeup and a high-bun is worth the applaud.
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The second round brought forward the clown look of the singer, red-nosed and ginger head with complementing fierce red lens and pom-pom frock is another slayer and winner.
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When Jessica Biel dared to confess on air that she knows nothing about NSYNC songs, this is what it turned out as Jessica's costume for Halloween. In a metallic boiler suit with a curly wig and '90s sunglasses, Jessica paid homage to his husband's boy-band days.
UK celebs have been hitting hard to get into the game and giving tough competition to their US counterparts with hilarious costumes for the big day. The KISS Haunted House Party was another peak-into a place for getting costume inspo. Many of the stars that were performing in the KISS Haunted House Party took the stage with some incredible costumes; Four of diamonds rocked the recreation look of Bratz dolls with their infamous big eyes and face paint to complete the look. The Joker look was much expected after the acclaimed success of the movie, Cetinay was all Joker ready in red suit and clown painted face. Latex seemed more of a trend this Halloween in the celebs, after Hasley, Henderson was seen in black and orange latex with devil horns and blood dripping from the eyes, orange glitter blood to be specific.
Get your Halloween party shoes on and get running with the last minute DIY costume ideas. Slay the look completely. Happy Haunting!
 Author’s Bio:
A well-versed business-writer with an immense passion for innovation and technology. I am a trend enthusiast and like to explore trending practices in various industries. I have written a detailed review of the Exede rural high-speed internet for its major overhaul in the satellite.  
I like to write and talk about fun & entertainment and how technology is evolving our lives in the most amazing ways. Mainly, little things such as the internet and smartphones are the center of my attention.
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These senior citizen YouTubers are better than anyone else on this hellscape internet
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The typical YouTuber is young, obnoxious, and speaks at an above-average decibel level. They love pranks. They love covertly selling you *products.* Even though they're your age or vastly younger, they have more money in their bank account than you ever will.
Thankfully, not all YouTubers like that. This Thanksgiving, I'm grateful for the dedicated community of senior citizen YouTubers, here to make homemade pasta, deconstruct mechanical toys, play lullabies on their guitars, knit, apply make-up, and show you how to properly take a dip in the public pool.
SEE ALSO: Logan Paul isn't the only problem. YouTube is broken — here's how to fix it.
If you're going to be an influencer, at least use your power to show Xennials like me how to make proper tagliatelle.
For all their wisdom and *actual content knowledge,* senior citizen YouTube celebrities are nonetheless a rarity. The demographic data tells the story: 96% of youth aged 13 to 17 have used YouTube, compared to just 51% of those 75 and older. Just 67% of seniors aged 65 and over use the internet, and only 4 in 10 own smartphones.
So we shouldn't be shocked that of the biggest names in YouTube — Fernanfloo, PewDewPie, Germán Garmendia, Rubén Doblas Gundersen i.e. El RubiosOMG, VanossGaming, and so on — all are male, and none, absolutely none, are above the age of 30.
That doesn't mean senior citizens are absent from the platform, or that younger generations don't love to watch older folks on screen. I know that I, for one, am not alone in not wanting to hear this guy opine about suicide prevention:
You just have to look a little harder to find the elders of the community, which we kindly did for you. Here are some of the leading senior personalities on the platform:
1. Tricia Cusden, Look Fabulous for Older Women
70-year-old Tricia Cusden formally kicked off her YouTube account and her personal make-up business, Look Fabulous Forever, five years ago. Cusden specializes in make-up made specifically for older women. 
Cusden remembers when her manufacturer told her to put videos of her products on Twitter:
"I thought, that's a really stupid idea," Cusden told Mashable. "Millions of videos are uploaded to YouTube, people just won't see them."
Pretty quickly, however, Cusden's videos started picking up real traffic: 1,000 views one day, 1,500 views on another. It was clear that Cusden had tapped into a real need — and that older women were (gulp!) using YouTube.
Cusden believes she was able to access this demographic because her product line was written up in print publications, which have older followers. These women presumably then followed her to YouTube.
In comparison to other brands that market token "anti-aging skincare" to older women, Cusden hopes to create a positive, stigma-free YouTube space:
"The beauty industry disdains and marginalizes this age group ... [but] we won't disparage you here," Cusden says. "We won't be negative."
Cusden's channel currently has 28,340 subscribers.
2. Judy Graham, Knitting Tips by Judy
In recent years, knitting has had something of a comeback among the millennial Etsy set. But why learn from some dumb book when you can learn from *THE* Judy Graham? 
Graham is a knitting legend. She's now in her 80s, and she's still producing videos nearly every week. In 2015, Graham complained to her son that it was a myth that all seniors hated technology.
"Seniors do know about tech, and they do use it," Graham told her son, who later published her comments in USA Today. 
Not everyone who watches "Knitting Tips by Judy" is older. She has plenty of younger fans (points at self).
If there's anything that Judy proves, it's that you don't have to be a young, terrible California bro in order to be successful on this nightmare platform.
3. Tim Rowett, Grand Illusions
For all the optical illusion and unusual toy fans out there (I'm assuming that's everyone on this list), Tim Rowett is your man. 
Rowett's YouTube channel, Grand Illusions, collects and reviews dozens of random toys. It's whimsical and strange and exceedingly, unexpectedly popular: The channel currently has over 881,000 subscribers.
In 2015, the Telegraph named Rowett one of the best YouTubers over 50 years old. 
The award was well-deserved. Is there anything more soothing than hearing a handsome older British gentleman with a BBC accent examine the mechanics of a bubble blower?
4. Pasta Grannies
There's no such thing as a dream job, except for Vicky Bennison's. Bennison is the founder of Pasta Grannies, a YouTube channel featuring Italian grandmas making their best homemade pasta. 
Bennison, who is 60, literally travels all around Italy hunting for the country's most talented grandmas. Every episode, she highlights a particular grandma and their specialty pasta.
Pasta and Italian grandmas are universally beloved, which is why Bennison's show has such a diverse, cross-generational audience. These women aren't trained chefs, but they're exceptionally talented and they know what a good pasta serving size is: one gallon per person.
"What you see on television requires armies of food stylists ... These are things all people can do," Bennison told Mashable. "[It's why] I do have a broad audience ... My demographics for Pasta Grannies is 25 to 65 years old." 
Some of these grannies are in their late 90s. Yet with more 341,913 subscribers, Bennison has nonetheless been able to build a digital fan base for these women.
Pasta Grannies, you are welcome in my home anytime.
5. Bossa Nakane
Though he probably wouldn't classify it this way, Bossa Nakane makes lullabies for stressed-out adults. This man is a nightingale. His music is delightfully tender: Think Nick Drake, but sung by a human robin.
Why would you ever sing "Happy Birthday" yourself when you can have the Bossa Nakane version instead? He's better.
He currently only has 3,174 subscribers. Everyone, please follow now.
6. ElderGym
ElderGym is the only YouTube fitness series on the web I'm capable of completing. A 4-minute session on how to get off the floor? This I can do. March in place for 1 minute? Hell freaking yeah. ElderGym isn't just for seniors, it's for everyone. 
Squeeze your shoulders for 1 minute. Congratulations! You've exercised.
7. Grandma Shirley
Anyone who's anyone in the senior YouTuber world knows Grandma Shirley, an 82-year-old gamer who records herself playing games for YouTube, among other places. She's best known for playing Skyrim and currently has over 410,000 subscribers.
I've never understood the appeal of watching other people play games (why watch strangers play Grand Theft Auto when you can watch ... anything else) but if I'm going to watch anyone, it will be Grandma Shirley.
8. Grandpa Kitchen
Grandpa Kitchen operates a YouTube channel where he cooks enormous amounts of Indian food and feeds if to local orphans. The channel currently operates a Patreon page in order to fund their operations; however, I was unable to independently verify how that money is spent.
That being said, Grandpa Kitchen runs an excellent show. Look at all those potatoes. How can they not make you happy?
9. Gramma and Ginga
Gramma and Ginga are two sisters, one 104 years old, the other 99. They live a few blocks from one another in Clarksburg, West Virginia. If you're the type of person who loves to see two charming older women bicker non-stop about nothing, this is for you.
Think Seinfeld, but with Grandmas.
Imagine a comedy podcast but the podcast were ... actually funny. That's Gramma and Ginga.
These women currently have 325,684 subscribers. In 2016, they made it to Jimmy Kimmel Live. 
10. Kevin and Lill
I tend to be skeptical of anyone on YouTube who has more than 500,000 subscribers and says they create "comedy." Historically, YouTube comedy is an art form lower than improv.
Kevin and his objectively charismatic grandma Lill are an exception to the rule. We talk a lot about YouTube personalities but Grandma Lill actually has one. 
As the kids say, she destroys me.
Look at her make chocolate chip brownies with her grandson Kevin, then try to pick yourself up off the floor. 
Perhaps my favorite part of the series is when she introduces the episode, saying, "Hi fellas and girls."
Just listen to it instead of reading my far inferior copy.
Grandma Lill says she didn't really know much about YouTube before her grandson turned on his camera one day in the car:
"I was surprised, but I said, 'Hey that's good!'" Lill told Mashable.
You'd think that Grandma Lill would be an inspiration to her friends, many of whom are in the same age bracket.
Grandma Lill doesn't think so.
"My girlfriends if they don’t have grandchildren [with access to technology] — they could care less about what I do! They don't care where I'm going. They don't have YouTube, Instagram."
She also doesn't particularly care how they feel. If there's someone out there she can inspire — even if it's not her best girlfriends, even if it's just herself — she's happy these videos exist.
"It keeps me younger," Lill told Mashable. "I feel like 65 instead of 88 now. Nobody can believe I'm 88 ... We're just so good."
A heartfelt thanks to *65*-year-old Grandma Lill and all the YouTubers like her.
WATCH: 3Doodler Create Plus is the perfect pen for creative techies — Power Up
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fossadeileonixv · 4 years
WTF Early Returns!
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A brief look at where we are 8 games into the season...
The team has played 750 minutes this year and DONNARUMMA has played every one of them. 8 games. 8 wins. There’s no other stat that defines a keeper better. He’s the full package now and he’s 21 years old. Good lord. 
DONNARUMMA 2.0 has not played and neither has TATARUSANU
Anyone want to wager on the first time we see one of them start?
Up until yesterday CALABRIA was one of only 2 other players on the team to play every single minute of this season. The big question after the summer was whether the leap he took post break would stick. It absolutely has. He still has his moments but  he has been more consistent than ever. In a world where most teams hide guys at fullback, Calabria is a cut above. Crazy, huh?
DALOT got the start at RB yesterday to finally give Calabria a break. A tough spot considering he was to be matched up against a player we just loaned out in Diego Laxalt. I thought he played very well and stands to be a solid backup to Calabria.
KJAER is Danish for rock! I swear! ROCK!! In 9 months he’s gone from being a perennial castoff to becoming our best center back. Not the best CB on a mediocre team mind you, but the best CB on a team that has taken a huge step forward. There really isn’t much more to say than that.... Caldara who? 
Just 8 months ago Matteo GABBIA made his first appearance for Milan. At that point it was like Matteo who? Then after only a handful of appearances injuries forced him into the starting role. The result? Nothing but success. Here we are now 2 days after his 21st birthday and he’s made 16 appearances and has only lost once. Tall and strong but still just a little timid. Now let’s wait and see what happens with him now that R13 is back. 
After a 2 month injury layoff ROMAGNOLI was back for the Derby. A year or two ago that would have been a long 2 months. We might have won a game or two but otherwise it would have been a mess. Now? Now he’s surrounded by 3 rock solid starters. Let’s see if he can make the leap a 25 year old CB on a title contending team needs to make. Let’s see if he forces his way into the lineup for next summers Euros.
DUARTE made an appearance.
MUSACCHIO has not.
The only other player on the team besides Donnarumma to play every minute of every game is THEO. Why? Well we still don’t really have a backup. Also, he’s good. Really good. However the Theo train did hit it’s first bend against Inter last week. Hakimi shredded him. He went around him, through him and damn near leapt over him. That’s ok though. After a stellar first season he kind of needed a come to Jesus moment. Most importantly he was back out there yesterday and looked great. Great sign.
Ismael BENNACER might just be the best damn midfielder in Serie A right now. I can’t think of a single....
Yeah? Oh yeah? Ok. Sure. 
Frank KESSIE might just be the best damn midfielder in Serie A right now.
WHAT? Oh, ok. Yeah. You’re right. You’re right.
We have the best midfield duo in Serie A right now. Period. I’ll fight anyone that disagrees. TR said I have to. He has my back. 
I said in my season preview that the story of the season would be how TONALI adjusts to life at Milan and gets worked into the midfield. So far it hasn’t been THE story because we are winning so much but it is definitely the most polarizing subplot. Ok it’s the big story. He looks timid. He looks lost. There are moments he looks flat out in over his head. He played one year in Serie A and now he’s expected to contribute on a team that all of a sudden is whispering about title hopes. That’s a lot.  He’s 20 folks. Let’s just have as much patience with him as we did with guys like Niang and even Leao. Let’s not decide in less than 2 months that he doesn’t belong. He’s gonna be fine.
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Moving on....
As the offseason began I thought for sure KRUNIC was a goner. Then as the Tonali rumors heated up I thought for sure he was out. Windows closing tomorrow? Surely he must be gone. Yet here he is.... starting at AM in a Europa league group game.... and scoring? Let’s just not doubt Pioli anymore. Clearly there’s more versatility here than we ever imagined. #IPIT
This DIAZ fella is a whole lot of fun, huh? He dips here, he darts there, he nutmegs guys in the box.... and he scores. We’ve had all kinds of guys with sizzle. Guys like Saponara or Taarabt or Deulofeu. Fancy moves but no results. This guy has the sizzle and the steak. Diaz has both. Nom nom nom. 
After years of coaches putting HAKAN on the wings it took Piloi to put him in his best spot. Right in the middle. Funny since Giampaolo should have been that guy. How he saw Suso for that AM spot and not Hakan I have no idea. Explains a lot though huh? Thank God though. Hakan has all the confidence and freedom in the world now. Let’s see what happens when some adversity comes along though. I remain positive yet skeptical.  
I loved SAELEMAEKERS ever since I saw his first touch. If there’s one thing I’m a sucker for it’s a good first touch. He’s like a pasty Belgian Seedorf in that way. It’s hard to say exactly what his role is or will be and that’s okay. Can anyone explain exactly what Seedorf did? Not really... but that first touch was like sliding into a warm bath. Mmmmmmmm. Moving on. There’s time to sort it out. I’m also  glad to see the fan base has come around with him. 
SAMU my friend.... you were THIS CLOSE to being out of the picture. Things weren’t right after the most recent injury spell. Lots of flopping and complaining. Yesterday he again showed his strength. Fast. Good work rate and vision. Stick to the hard work and you’ll be okay kid. Let the frustration take over and there’s the door. 
The outside world thinks we’re ZLATAN dependent. We’ve played 4 games with him and 4 without him. We’ve won all 8. Are we dependent on his leadership and swagger? Yes. Do we need him on the field every minute of every game? No. The way the team maintains his energy and swagger without him out there is awesome.
COLOMBO.... Hmm... Hard to tell what we have here yet. Definitely looks like he belongs that’s for sure. No fear in his eyes. Also, he has a chance to learn from one of the masters. 
MALDINI... nice kid.
Ideally what happens during this season is that LEAO becomes the vice Ibra, REBIC becomes the regular starter at LW and HAUGE becomes the vice Rebic. 
As we saw in the Derby LEAO doesn’t really have the work rate to play that wing spot in a 4231. In that spot you have to almost be in 2 places at once.... tracking back to help out the fullback but also being up top to make runs. Without tracking back either the CB or one of the DMs needs to come over and help and that throws the whole formation off leaving gaps everywhere. Look at most of the goals we have conceded and that’s the root of the issue. That’s not Leao. I see his strengths more in his hold up play and ability to turn opponents and find passes. There’s your backup striker.
REBIC is the guy that will run you down like a dog, beat you up, steal your lunch money and then wink at your girlfriend as he walks away. That’s the guy we need on the wings in this system. Work hard but also have the class to finish. He would have certainly gotten his pound of flesh off of Hakimi. Count on it. 
HAUGE might not have the icy stare that Rebic does, but he carries some of his other traits. Hard work. Run you down. have some flash and dash to finish. That composure he showed yesterday when he finished off Celtic? get outta here.....
Milan player appearances and goals by age: 
 ages 26-39: 21 apps and 5 goals 
 ages 22-25: 48 apps and 5 goals 
 ages 18-21: 51 apps and 9 goals
When you have a coach that shows trust in his players and allows them to play with freedom and creativity the most amazing things can happen. Sure Pioli has a system but he’s also willing to try different players in different rules. He’s not so rigid to believe certain players can only do certain things. From that comes the kind of depth and versatility we haven’t seen around Milan since Carlo was in charge. 
Have a great weekend everyone.
See you all here Monday for Roma.
PS: Brief lol..... you knew that was a lie!
0 notes
thecrookedgavel · 4 years
The Crooked Gavel - Ep 1 Transcript
Here is the transcript for Episode 1 of the queer audio drama - The Crooked Gavel. 
Audio of the episodes can be found here
Episode 1 Transcript
Credits Voice: You are listening to episode 1 of The Crooked Gavel: A 1920’s tale of court drama and lesbian romance, produced by Crooked Gavel Productions. This episode contains a scene of sexual assault, please look after yourself while listening.
Alice: I need an Earl Grey tea with just a bit of milk. It’s for Miss Paprika over at table 7, so make sure it’s cooled off a bit before I take it over to her!
Harry: Thank you, Alice. One noodle juice with a splash, less of a quilt and more of a bedsheet, on the way.
Alice: So as I was saying, my Daddy’s doing just fine, thanks for asking. He’s still working hard as headmaster and loving it. He did say he’s missing having you around in his last letter though, if that’s what you were wondering about.
Harry: *laughs* well if I’ve got to be honest, I was wondering just that. Some days, I miss teaching those little Joe Brooks, but making java and beating my gums with other intellectuals is the place to be. *sigh* Last time your father was here from Texas, we saw a Yankees game together. Say, did you listen to this week’s game? Hot dawg, I tell you, it had me jumping!
Alice: Oh no, Mr. Tarragon. I don’t much care for baseball. Never really interested me at all. The way you men drone on and on about it… Why, I am likely to be bored to tears.
Harry: Oh, come now, in my experience, everyone loves baseball. Even the ladies!
Alice: Only when they’re trying to impress a big timer.
Harry: In that case, you’d do well to learn a bit about baseball to aid you in your search for a husband.
Alice: Oh, Mr Tarragon, I’m not exactly husband hunting at the moment.
Harry: Really? Then what are you here in Brooklyn looking for? And please, give me a straight answer this time.
Alice: Well, inspiration. Direction. Belonging. Living in Texas just wasn’t for me. I found big city life to be very appealing. I’m sure you know the feeling.
Harry: You got me there. It took me a while to find where I fit in. But running The Crooked Gavel seems to suit me just fine. I do hope you find what you’re looking for. Order up!
Alice: Thank you Mr Tarragon, I think that I will.
Alice: Here’s your tea, Miss Paprika
Lillian: Thank you very much, young lady. *takes a sip* The tea is lovely, just the right temperature for me to start drinking. And I didn’t even have to ask this time!
Alice: You’re quite welcome. How’s your nephew doing, by the way?
Lillian: He’s doing wonderfully! Mathew’s started to get a lot of cases, possibly more than he has time for. But he just can’t say no to someone in need, I can tell you that.
Alice: I’m glad to hear that being a prosecutor has started to bear fruit. Speaking of, would you like me to bring you an apple to your table?
Lillian: Oh no, thank you. I’ll be leaving shortly after I finish my tea. I’m meeting Matthew outside as soon as he finishes up his paperwork for the afternoon. The boy has quite the gift for it, I’m told. This coffee house is so close to the courthouse, it just makes sense to drop in and see you! We’ll be taking a walk as soon as he gets here, since it’s such a lovely September afternoon.
Alice: Sure beats the storm last week. It started raining pitchforks so suddenly that I was caught walking home without an umbrella. Let me tell you, by the time I got home again, I looked like a cat that had a whole bathtub full of water dumped on her. Positively dreadful.
Lillian: *laughs heartily* That’s hard to imagine, given you look like the cat’s meow today! My dear, if only I were a few years younger.
Alice: Or if I were a few years older.
Lillian: *chuckle* if only… Anyways, my dear, here’s what I owe you for the tea. And don’t worry, you can keep the change.
Alice: Why thank you very much, miss Paprika. I do hope you have a lovely walk outside and an even lovelier day.
Lillian: Thank you, Alice. Good day to you, too.
Alice: I’m back!
Harry: You seem full of energy all of a sudden. Well, more so than usual.
Alice: I am indeed, and not because miss Paprika gave such a generous tip. She’s simply a pleasure to talk to. By the way, she said her tea was the perfect temperature for drinking.
Harry: Oh, Glad to hear, though you were the one who reminded me to let it cool. You have such a mind for people. I don’t know how you do it.
Alice: That’s very kind of you to say, Mr Tarragon. Why, I don’t think anything can ruin my mood right now!
*Door with bell opens*
Alice: Aww, shoot. I guess I spoke too soon. Well if it isn’t --
Harry: Judge Cayenne, always a pleasure to see the old egg
Alice: More like a bad egg. I know how he talks to you! You ought to hear how he talks to the rest of the staff. One time that high hat broke Betty’s poor heart down to tears. And she’s a regular bearcat!
Harry: John? What a bunch of malarkey! He is a pillar of our community… Why, he --- Well… To be honest, I have been hearing some rather nasty rumours about him lately
Alice: Yes? Do tell.
Harry: Let’s just say that if chin music is to be believed, that old bird makes the Crooked Gavel look straight. They all stem from the man he walked in with, Frank Saffron. That’s Cayenne’s assistant. He’s known to keep track of some rather dirty laundry. Mix in the fact that he’s so deep in the judge’s pocket, that he might as well be a couple of clams, and you’ve got yourself some moonshine that’ll put you straight in your coffin.
Alice: Now that sounds more like the fella I know
Harry: Both looking over here like they know what they want. *pause* That’s your cue, Alice.
Alice: Ooooh, but Mr Tarragon… Mr Cayenne makes me feel so uncomfortable. The way he talks down to me… it’s detestable. Couldn’t you serve him instead?
Harry: *sigh* Alice, I’m not paying you to be comfortable, I’m paying you to serve customers. He’s a customer, so serve him.
Alice: Oh, alright. I’m going, I’m going.
Alice: Welcome to the Crooked Gavel. My name is Alice, and I will be serving you today. Is there anything I can get for you?
Cayenne: Finally, we have been waiting for ages! You really know how to put the ‘wait’ in ‘wait staff’
Frank: *laughs a little too loudly* That’s a good one! You slay me, your honor.
Alice: Now that’s a load of hooey! You’ve not been here two whole minutes and yet you’re complaining. Now tell me, sir, did you bite into a lemon while I wasn’t looking, or is that face of yours just natural?
Cayenne: Buh - How dare you, you little trollop! You have just confirmed in my mind that you are disrespectful, vapid, and difficult to get along with
Alice: Well, for a judge, you don’t seem to be a very good judge of character
Frank: Oh yeah? Says who? Alice: Says everyone I’ve met with today. They all seemed to think very highly of me. Meanwhile, Mr Cayenne, you seem ill-tempered, antiquated, and like you’d be the wet blanket at a party.
Cayenne: *growl* You are living proof that women are best seen and not heard
Alice: As opposed to you, who is best not seen at all
Frank: *whispers* Wow, she sure got you good
Cayenne: *whispers* Silence… *normal tone* We would like to start with two espressos, mine with milk, his with sugar. Make sure his is cooled, and mine is hot
Alice: One test of my patience, coming right up
Cayenne: Though I usually prefer to be served by a woman for what I think to be… Obvious reasons…. It really can be quite taxing to have to actually speak with them
Frank: And how! You certainly have a way with words, your honor.
Cayenne: Thank you, old boy. That’s very kind of you. But that’s enough about her, let’s get down to business. Any changes to the monthly… donations to the John Cayenne fund?
Frank: Let me take a look. Hmmm… Everything seems to be in order…. Ah yes, it looks like the Mace brothers have missed their payment for the second month in a row.
Cayenne: Well... won’t they be surprised the next time either of them ends up in court. And exactly how much… creative accounting were you able to pull off this time?
Frank: This month I was able to get you 12 percent off the top.
Cayenne: *laughs* Attaboy, Frank. Excellent work, as always. You really are my right hand man, you know.
Frank: Aww shucks. It was nothing, your honor, really.
Cayenne: The only thing that would make this day better is to teach that flippant waitress a lesson. Wait, *chuckles* I have an idea that will put our little miss in her place...
Alice: Here are your drinks, made just the way you asked
Cayenne: Here, let me take them from you
Alice: No need to --- Woaaah! *Crash*
Alice: Now why’d you have to go and do a thing like that? You know I’m perfectly capable of placing drinks on a table myself!
Cayenne: Oh, sorry, sorry. How completely foolish of me. I don’t know what came over me.
Alice: You better be sorry, now I have to stoop down and clean this mess up all by myself
Cayenne: Yes, I suppose you will
Alice: *Gasp* Now would you kindly remove your hand from my backside, please? I-I-I find that wildly inappropriate… Your honor
Cayenne: Inappropriate? But you were the one who bent down in front of me. Wearing that dress… Wearing those heels. Why, you were simply asking for it.
Alice: I did not ask for you to… *gulp* try and woo me in that manner. I-I-I was simply doing my job
Frank: Your honour, don’t you think---
Cayenne: ubp, ubp, ubp! Woo you? Ha! Don’t flatter yourself thinking I was trying to woo you, sweetheart. You’re not even that good looking of a girl!
Alice: Well… Well then, why would you ---?
Harry: Alice, could you come over here a minute? Now?
Harry:  For crying out loud, Alice! Not only have you wasted a perfectly good set of espressos, but you’ve painted a customer’s suit with them! And not just any customer, I might add, but John Cayenne? He could shut the place down if he wanted to. What is the matter with you?
Alice: Please, Mr. Tarragon, you have to listen to me. None of this was my fault. He… That prune pit... Tipped over my hands on purpose! And worse, he did it so he could… So he could paw at me. I don’t feel so good. My knees feel so weak. And my head…
Harry: Oh here, why don’t you have a seat? *chair moving* 
Alice: Thank you… I can’t believe this has happened to me. You hear stories like these all the time, but I never thought it would happen to me. This just can’t be happening.
Harry: Oh, Alice. I can see how this would be awful for you. But you have to look on the bright side. He didn’t hurt you, or steal something of yours. No real crime was committed here today
Alice: No, that was definitely a crime, I know it must be. This whole thing has made me feel more terrible than I ever have in my life!
Harry: I understand, but there’s nothing left to be done. You’ll feel better in no time! I’ll give you a few minutes to compose yourself
Alice: I think I’m going to need more than a few minutes, Mr Tarragon. And there is so something that can be done! He can be pinched and shoved into a jail cell for what he did.
Harry: You can’t be suggesting that -
Alice: Yes I am, indeed. I’m going to take him to court. And you’re going to be my witness
Harry: Oh, no, that I cannot do. With the kind of pull that man has in the legal community, one word and there’d be a boycott on this establishment from every lawyer, aide, and clerk in Brooklyn. That’s more than half our regular clientele! 
Alice: Please, that awful man needs to be taken off the streets. You said yourself that he’s not on the level. He deserves to rot in jail for touching me like that.
Harry: I’m sorry Alice, but I… I didn’t see it happen. I can’t help you.
Alice: Baloney! With all the commotion, the entire BLOCK must have looked over.
Harry: I was already fixing up some java to replace the order that you… Well, he… dropped. Even if I had seen, I’d be out of a job if I spoke up. You’d be out of a job too.
Alice: I’m going to be out of a job this instant if you don’t pledge to help me!
Harry: Alice… Please don’t do this. I already said I can’t help you. Think of your future, think of your father, what would he say?
Alice: My father would support me no matter what. I’m sorry that you don’t share the same conviction. This is goodbye, Mr. Tarragon.
Harry: Alright, alright, I’ll tell you what. I’ll give you two months pay to hold you over until you find another job. Just don’t come back here expecting a place at the Gavel when your kale goes sour. 
Alice: *Pause* Thank you Mr Tarragon. You’ve always been very kind to me. I will remember that.
Harry: I can see it in your eyes that you’ll see this court idea of yours through to the end. Go on now,  I’ll clean up this mess myself. You go along home and get some rest.
Alice: Then, this is not goodbye. Only farewell. I do hope to see you again soon, only next time with justice by my side.
Harry: *Chuckles* Farewell then, Alice.
Alice: Mr Cayenne, a pleasure to see you, as always. Next time I see you, it’ll be in court!
Cayenne: Seeing as I have a career as a Judge, that is indeed a place you’d expect to see me
*Door with bell closes*
Credits Voice Thank you for listening to episode 1 of The Crooked Gavel! Follow us on Twitter @TheCrookedGavel for updates and discussions of this and other queer projects. This episode’s cast in order of appearance:
Katte Noel as Alice Cinnamon 
Nicholas Alain as Harry Tarragon 
Kaidan Cormier as Lillian Paprika 
An Capuano as Frank Saffron
Michael Hope as John Cayenne 
And An Capuano as the credits voice
Directed by - An Capuano
Produced by - An Capuano 
Written by - An Capuano
Copy Editing by - Sharon van Wyngaarden
Casting by - An Capuano
Sound Design by - An Capuano and BA Nemo
Logo Artist - McKenna Pipher
Audio Editing by - An Capuano
Audio Mastering by - An Capuano
Music by - Kevin MacLeod
Music used in this episode is attributed in the description.
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shaddy-bee · 7 years
5 things you’ll find in my bag
Right now theres uhh Notebooks, both school and 1 art. Drink mix ins, with such great flavors as sour apple jolly rancher and crush pineapple (tm) Two packs of cards, one of which steam punk themed and the other your regular ol bicycle. A calculator. Its a shitty old one but its for tests, i have google and shit for anything i need myself.
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom
A roommate. Idk if he is gay or what but he isnt straight, name’s will. Chill dude. Sleepin rn, what a fella MY SICK ASS COMPUTER IM MISSING OUT ON BECAUSE MY ROOMMATE IS ASLEEP AAAAAAAAAAAAAA I WANNA PLAY ROCKET LEAGUE WITHOUT LAGGING TO HELL also programming my mods. Need to upload that shit. Shit what number we on, 3? Okay cool. A bed. Wow really a bed in your bedrooM? yeah its pretty fuckin spectacular i know. I dont have posters n shit so like i gotta be creative you feel. A microfridge. Now i know what youre thinking, “ah a small fridge whats the big deal?” but no you dont understand, its a microwave fucking bolted onto the top of a fridge. They gave zero fucks attaching these two together and apparently the name is the same way, WHY NOT A FRIDGEWAVE EVEN LIKE MICROFRIDGE JUST SOUNDS LIKE A SMALL FRI- Last but not least, im tempted to just say my wallet here tbh, cuz its old but like, youd EXPECT that now would you? Something boring and mundane for me to fill out the word count with making everything super exciting so nah man, fuck it. Theres air in my bedroom. Fight me.
5 things I’ve always wanted to do in my life
Make a videogame. Like okay, a lot of stuff on this list is jokes and stuff, and I know im going into too much detail and my followers will probably murder me in cold blood for this shit, but im serious about this one like - i have some ideas, but i never have the motivation alone to like work whole-heartedly and finish one but like, at some point in the future id love to sit down and just go at it and make a game. Doesnt matter if its popular or big or small just i wanna make something that i love ya feel? I wanna like, go to newark, delaware. I know, its delaware and all, no one lives there, but ive met a bunch of cool people there and i was promised a donut run sometime, so lookin forward to that. Yknow that post awhile back that was like “i dont wanna be rich and like buy shit, i just wanna have enough money to throw at kickstarters whenever i want without having to strain on my food and rent costs” thats me. 100% Like i wanna have just enough money to be able to donate to cool people and watch them do cool shit - it wont always work out but thats fine, I just love shit. I wanna be able to donate like the high prize and fly out to meet these game studios for coffee and shit and just talk with em and see their passion and ideas. I love it. Im not actually really sure besides those. Like idk. I think itd be cool to enter a game tournament with my brother and win, but i doubt thatll happen and its not super like on my desires just itd be cool cuz we named ourselves Sora and Shiro after NGNL and to see that like, have us win would be great. Yeah. Ill make my fifth to think of a fifth one.
5 things on my to do list
FLOPPY DICKS i mean disks. Floppy disks. I do binding of isaac ab+ modding shit, and im currently working (its mostly done for what i want it to do) which adds a new consumable called floppy disks, effects are based on viruses, bugs, and just computer based shit. Like BSOD for instance, which makes the screen literately bluescreen. Or atleast look like it. Cant wait to watch people play with it. I gotta work on the programming class project too but honestly i dont waannnaaa. Like its cool as shit. Recreate a card game using c++ code. But man, i just love Apocrypha and Floppies so much more. Eat today???? Please. Dining hall opens in 3 hours. Its goddamn 4 am. I want my food. Dunno if ill get it - if ill stay awake till then. But i want it. Probably draw some stuff? Like i posted one drawing already (check it out if u wanna ;) kay?) but like theres wacom tablets here i can just kinda use whenever???? its great. I love being able to just draw stuff on em. Even if i suck at drawing, even if it took 10 hours to make the one i posted here, still love. Probably play more rocket league. Sleep first, soon as i get that food im CRASHIN BOI IM OUTTIE HA but uhh, rocket league has a halloween thing rn and i like playing it. Was playing earlier today and i matchd with a dude in 2v2 that had the same car, skin, AND colors set up as mine. Totaly random. We kicked some major ass together. I kept thinking of the same hat comic the entire time. (also my card was superior because it had furry ears on it ;))
5 things that make me happy
Getting an idea for a thing and working at said thing until like boom it went from this abstract idea to now it has a physical form and it works! And its fun and its great and i can share it with other people and they can have fun too!!!! that feeling is wonderful.  Obviously friends man. Just doing shit with people can be so great sometimes - like not all the time sure but like man. Its nice to talk to people and share experiences and just smile and tell bad jokes and have them groan but like it anyway like thats the shit. Going out at 2 am and walking to a nearby run down schoolyard and swinging on the swingsets and watching shooting stars burn up. Thats the good shit. Getting tents and setting em up in your friends back yard when your friend from far away comes up for a few days, and playing ridiculous games in a group like kick the can or fuckin zombie screaming your lungs out in the dark to freak em out, or just talkin around a fire about fuckin life man. The people make life great. Shits worth living for. I realize that last answer covered a LOT of shit but like, im just gonna add here videogames. Would be amiss if i didnt mention that, considering the rocket league rant above lmao. Yeah i better not make this category any longer.
5 things I’m (currently) into
Isaac modding, probably will be for awhile. Its good shit. As a suggestion from one of the people I work with (we also fuck around its a good time) i have started watching space dandy. Its a slow progress through lol like an episode or two a day but god man like its pretty ridiculous and the main character is pretty much everything i was expecting from seeing him everywhere. Rocket league again. It comes and goes with various different games to tide me over, give me a break from working. Bout 2 months ago or so said relaxing time was dominated by anime - i suddenly went on like a massive streak of watching shit. By that i mean, i watched all of hunter x hunter in like 2 weeks, among other shows prior to it. But yeah. Fuck man HXH I LOVED THE KING WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I have too many emotions about that. I wrote a rant to the Groupchat (tm) about the fucking battle and how everything is in slow motion but it fucking like makes it like foreshadowed and have so much of an impact and still so much fucking happens even while everything runs at super slow mo just GOD KLASFJBHUGHASFIUHIPJASK anyway. Yeah. Music, as always im listening to like constantly. Wireless headphones are a wonder for this, but uhh....i cant say im especially into any specific thing rn right? Like a bit ago i was super into joywave and then that faded out and now im just listening to whatever random shit, yknow? But I am into music in general. Its good. Art! A lot of times i dont do shit like for drawing right, like especially not in like pencil in notebooks but like, i sorta started doing a lot more art stuff? Like i had a period awhile back last year where i stopped using pencils and used only pens and i just loved the aesthetic of the ink like how it looked (funny how im doing the opposite of the fucking inktober though, huh?) but yeah im back into using pencils to draw shit occasionally. Im still terrible at drawing people (which is what i see mostly everyone drawing on tumblr lmao RIP) but its fun to sketch stuff out and just let my thoughts run and bounce to some music and shit right? Also the tablets. Especially with the tablets.
5 things people may not know about me (at least on tumblr)
I basically constantly wear sweatshirts, and they all have like earbuds where the strings go. All the earbud shits are broken pretty much, like occasionally they work (the one i have rn does) but like, i dont ever really use them? i have wireless headphones for my phone and a headset (because i need the mic for my computer) for said computer so like, idk. But yeah. I rarely take em off when im not home, and sometimes even when i am i just kinda keep em anyway? (also just now i realized i talked in the section for room shit about all the stuff in my current dorm, my room at home has all KINDS of wierd fucking shit in it. Really missed an opportunity there.) Like many people i like to stay hydrated and shit, but drinking water all the time seemed like a chore more than anything so i got like drink mix ins and shit, mio’s or whatever offbrand version you can find at your local SUPERSTORE CONGLOMERATE. I drink em like all the time pretty much so atleast im health in one way :P. Also gummy vitamins. I dont excercise but you can only ask for so much. Idk, its hard to think of things for this section because tumblr knows so little about me yknow? Like i never make my own posts or shit like its SUPER rare so im pretty much just tryna find random facts but that might not be interesting? Like i have a bad habbit of like talking way too loud when im excited about something right? Not quite yelling but like getting there and like idk. See? Thats not super interesting but it is something no one online would be able to really know ya feel? Idk. I mean physically im kinda fat as you do, but im also like wierdly strong? Like for someone who never works out i sure do have arm strength if nothing else lmao. My endurance is shit tho. Honestly? I can only blame it on osu and groceries. Osu is just a game i like where you mash buttons to the beat of weaboo shit tier music. The groceries is just because like, well, my policy is Least Trips Possible which means carrying in 13 bags at a time if need be it, fuck it milk too? And a watermellon? Bring it. 
Who am I tagging? Idk man. Just for shits and stuff tho i do wanna tag @theoriginalyami just to see what all’s changed in teh long time since i actually went to fill it out :P Dont feel like you have to add as much as me tho omg @milkchocolateowl because honestly? love you. Think about you a lot, just like glad im mutuals with that ray of sunshine. Good. @fantaledfish <3 (this is the friend i mentioned earlier, runs a QUALITY blog i guarantee it, better than mine for sure) @dragonfucker-supreme always top in my notes, a silent bond, like two guards assigned to watch back to back in the early dawn. Birds gather round. I can only tag so many people (i set myself a limit of 5 because...idk why i just mentally it felt right) so for my last trick gotta go with @ask-oncies-jizz like cmon man name changes for the win, also has quality icons and quality shitposts tbh, supreme top meme. Have fun yall.
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bienready2122 · 5 years
Ghost Vs Alien
I am a multi year old on-screen character and I have only one dream-the fantasy. I need to be the greatest celebrity the world has ever been a crowd of people to. To me, in the previous 3 years, every day has been spent like a prominent tryout for my next enormous break. The world has been the stage, the crowd and my individual entertainers, while I experienced every day as simply one more execution. Every day the tickets were sold out and every day it was an excellent exhibition. Today is one such day.. mơ thấy rồng đánh con gì A rich and effective maker, Mr. Castigliani, needs me to go to the Apollo Hospital in Mysore and meet his wiped out little girl for two hours. On the off chance that I do this and in the event that the wiped out girl is satisfied by my presentation, at that point I will find a workable pace lead character in the gifted chief of "Sylvia North Story ", Adam Kesher's next anonymous motion picture. And all I needed to do was-I needed to imagine that I was the wiped out little girl's sweetheart. Sure why not! To be the lead entertainer in Adam's motion picture I'll be her God-cursed spouse for an amazing remainder.
Tumblr media
I brought Lilies, as taught, and gave them with a major grin to the exceptionally wiped out young lady. I read her outline the wiped out young lady's name was Anju, just Anju. Her entire body was simply some pale tight skin on delicate old bones. She was horrendous. She appeared as though she woke up from a trance like state or something coz she was unable to move her body that well. She was ungainly with the blossoms that I gave her and she didn't have the foggiest idea how to react to my extremely liberal embrace. She was simply terrible. Additionally it was exceptionally odd that Mr. Castigliani and Anju had positively no physical similitudes by any stretch of the imagination. Anju probably gotten her looks from her mother.
"What's your name?" she asked brightly. She had a sweet voice.
"Did you overlook your beau unexpectedly early, Anju?" I prodded.
"So you are my beau, huh? I thought you should act like my sibling, however on the other hand, that wouldn't bode well, would it? Coz I have no sibling!"
I was befuddled. I needed to ad lib and cooperate "Ah you and your jokes! Now and again I don't get your jokes, sham! I am your sweetheart Vicky, how might you overlook this grin of mine, huh?"
"You don't need to act constantly, you know. My father needs to perk me up after I woke up from that unpleasant mishap, so he sent you to me, so I know! Everything, OK?"
"Alright. I get it. So your kid kicked the bucket in this mishap is it? To what extent prior would it say it was? You were in a state of unconsciousness weren't you?" I prattled on.
"Slow down there SuperMan!" she criticized, "I just woke up following a year! I'm moderate, and ungraceful and woozy!"
"Sorry!" was everything I could state and gave her an opportunity to do anything she desired to do. I would not like to cause her to feel awkward my profession was hanging in the balance here. I needed to fulfill her. This was an inclination I never felt the sentiment of attempting to make others cheerful or snicker...
"So you're here to cause me to feel better?" she inquired.
"To what extent do you have..."
"Somewhat less than two hours..."
"Okay then-Entertain me! Overwhelm my brain!" she shouted illuminating her eyes.
"Okay! That is the thing that I needed to hear!", I started, "Presently close your eyes! Think about the most sentimental spot you can think of..."
I allowed her 10 seconds, and I said delicately, "Where are you?"
"I am in the most elevated pinnacle of a wonderful castle..."
"Alright, great, presently open your eyes... You see me strolling gradually towards you with an insidious looking smile..."
"I see you..."
"What's more, I see you... I gracelessly take out my cell phone and snap a photo of you... the delightful you..."
"Pause.. What?"
"My companions will have a hard time believing me in the event that I disclose to them how stunningly lovely you are... that is the reason the picture..."
"How might you snap a photo of me with your cell phone?"
I took a gander at her with doubt "It has a 6.1 Mega Pixel Camera!"
"Goodness Wow! In any case, that, that is not what I mean... You don't have a cell phone where I am at the present time... I am Princess Buttercup, detained in the mansion anticipating her affection to come and protect her... "
"Goodness I can do that..."
"Great. Do it well then..."
"Buttercup, My affection I'm coming... Your Prince Charming is seeking you, Buttercup, and salvage you from this huge terrible mythical beast!"
"What! Haven't you seen 'The Princess Bride'? Buttercup isn't secured by some winged serpent! Also, you should be Wesley, not Prince Charming! I'm not a young lady hanging tight for a Prince Charming to come and spare her, you good for nothing!"
I was getting pissed. Truly pissed enough to break her bones-every one of them. I rehashed the enchantment mantra in my mind to quiet down-Adam Kesher. Adam Kesher. Lead Actor. Lead Actor.
"Okay I'm Wesley" I yelled.
"No you're not Wesley! Clearly you haven't seen the motion picture... You don't have a clue how to be Wesley..."
"Clearly!" I said with a mocking shake of the head. It wasn't working out positively for me-I could lose an amazing opportunity coz I didn't see this one film? Offer me a reprieve! "The Princess Bride" My can!! I never knew about that film! Must be some low-spending failure!
I out of nowhere observed dread in her eyes. She was trembling everywhere. I thought it was something identified with her condition yet she continued taking a gander at the window, as though her life relied upon it.
"Hello Vicky, would you be able to see something over yonder, close to the window?" she inquired.
"No" I said as I strolled towards the window. Out of nowhere I could feel my body freeze. I could see my hands turn bluer and bluer. I solidified. Everything was getting hazy and I was terrified. I thought I was going to kick the bucket...
"I needn't bother with you... Leave! Leave! If it's not too much trouble I ask you..." I heard her yell as loud as possible.
Gradually I could feel the progression of blood in my body. I could feel my heart beat quicker yet my breathing was not common "What the heck was that?" I hollered breaking into sweat.
"Your activity is done, Vicky. Return home," said Mr. Castigliani running into the room, he was by all accounts terrifying, "Here take this location and come tomorrow at 11 a.m sharp. Adam will be anxiously sitting tight for you."
I took a gander at him with clear eyes. Is this truly occurring? Is it safe to say that i was dreaming? Is it accurate to say that i was truly going to be a lead entertainer in Adam Kesher's motion picture?
"Father, his two hours are not over..." interfered with Anju.
"In any case, nectar, just now..." Mr. Castigliani's eyes gushed.
"It's not what you think it is, dad..." Anju was crying as well.
What was happening here? What simply occurred?
"Okay Sweety, anything you desire... You realize I'll do anything for you..."
"I know father... I know"
"I love you, little blessed messenger"
"Love you too dad..."
Mr. Castigliani bolted the entryway behind him and Anju and I were distant from everyone else once more.
"Simply don't get some information about it, OK?" she requested.
I gestured my head hesitantly.
"This is what I need you to act like," she proceeded, "You are dead..."
"That is simple!" I grinned resting.
She snickered "No, you are an apparition and you frequent your very own grave!"
"How spectacular of me!" I noted.
"You know there's a motivation behind why you frequent your very own grave-you have numerous individuals that you love. There are numerous individuals that you need to help and ensure, however you can't. You have no forces by any stretch of the imagination. You couldn't damage or support a fly in the event that you needed to... What's more, it's not possible for anyone to see you or feel you, not in any case your young lady companion... You are powerless and lonely..."
"This improves and better every second...."
"Quit grumbling... presently here's the intriguing part. Your young lady companion, which is me, visits your grave daily..."
"I would anticipate nothing less from her!" I grinned.
"Presently now, quiet down fella! You have an alarming errand at hand..."
"What?" I asked getting intrigued.
"There's an outsider stalking me, and that outsider means to hurt me..."
I was puzzled. I probably had an extremely abnormal stunned demeanor all over coz she took a gander at me for some time and she began giggling madly.
"In this story there's an apparition and an outsider? You need a Human Ghost v/s Alien wrestling match?" I wound up saying without speculation. My cerebrum still couldn't totally process the thought.
"That is correct, Yup!" she said getting energized.
She was not kidding. She needed me to showcase this scene! I mean no one had thought of this thought previously, presumably! So how might I act this one out? How was I expected to ad lib? What occurs? What ought to occur?
"Hello, my life is at serious risk! You better accomplish something Mr. Phantom Boy Friend!" she prodded.
"That is okay, in the event that the outsider slaughters you, at that point you also will be an apparition and we can be at last together!" I reported acclaiming my sheer feeling of creativity.
"How egotistical would you be able to be? I would prefer not to kick the bucket just to be with you! I have my very own existence, you know!"
"Well very little dear! On the off chance that you had an actual existence would you visit my grave day by day, truly?"
"You just kicked the bucket and I miss your stinky smell once in a while, however that doesn't mean I don't have my very own existence! In addition the outsider probably won't murder me, he may assault me..."
"Assault you?"
"I'm an entrancing wonder after all-you said it so yourself!"
"All things considered, in what manner can an outsider assault you!"
"Well I would prefer not to delve into the subtleties I'm the main young lady in this room, and I state, its assault!"
"Okay, All right! I will kick the outsider's butt for you! Cheerful?"
"No you can't!"
"Be that as it may, you said he'll assault you!"
"He will, however you can't beat him down coz you can't contact anyone's can recollect that you can't harmed a fly?"
"Ooooooh! I get it... I need to kick some outsider ass, yet I can't and you realize that I can't kick outsider ass, yet you need me to in any case?"
"Indeed! You are at last getting it!"
"Gracious sibling! We should see... how about we see... I can't contact him right?"
"Perhaps I can locate some other apparition who can beat him down!"
"All apparitions have a similar impairment as you!"
"Well perhaps I can panic him?"
"He can't see you!"
"Well he's an outsider, who realizes what sort of innovation they have... Possibly he can see me or if nothing else sense me..."
"For what reason would outsiders create innovation to distinguish human apparitions? Is it accurate to say that you are idiotic or something?"
"Hello! Possibly they built up some innovation to identify outsider apparitions and that sam
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