#i am rubbing my lil hands together like a grubby raccoon
sorryimlatecapt · 2 years
When you’re a 911blrina and you wake up Monday March 6th 2023:
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desert--moonchild · 23 days
just a little something for me to remember to be kind. If anyone needs to talk I got you! 🤍
Got cyber bullied for the first time EVER today which is quite the feat seeing as I’m just about 30 years old. And it was the most generic anon hate I have ever seen in my life. I'm shocked that you think my silly lil blog is important enough to spend your time and energy clowning.
I also thought it was absolutely hilarious and spent a good time laughing about it (you were a big hit in the sibiling group chat, we were simultaneously impressed and unimpressed) because me having a good time minding my business and writing my fun little stories disturbed your "peace" so badly you just had to let me know. As funny as I thought it was, it is not a funny thing to do.
Bullying is not okay.
Others do not respond to the horrible words that were sent to me in the same way that I did. For others those words are cruel and callous and you should be ashamed of yourself.
I know you won't be though because why would you have done it in the first place?
Bullying is a learned behavior and I feel like you didn't get enough attention as a child. (Which is absolutely baseless since I don't know who you are, but you don't know who I am either do you?) I am sorry that this is the only way you can get attention.
Which is why I don't like to give those kinds of asks a place here on my silly blog because you just don't care. And if you ever learn I don't think it's going to be here on tumblr.com. You will keep sending anonymous hate mail while you rub your grubby lil raccoon hands together and cackle behind the screen. (Again baseless, but since this is the internet I can take any liberty I want right?).
I'm sorry for how the world is gonna hit you like a brick to the face when you grow up and get a life.
Everyone who's had to actually live a little in this big bad scary world knows better. Stop it and get some help because I think you need it.
Be better. Be kind. Maybe you'll find that you'll feel better about yourself.
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