#i am receiving boops as i speak
kirstenonic05 · 6 months
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spittingspite · 6 months
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I'm armed and ready
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 9 months
Hey! The game just came out yesterday so can I request a glamrock Freddy x reader who is doing the repair game for him ? If u have time no rush !!!! I was nervous about asking I’ve never asked for a request before .
Yesss I love that repair game so much
"Hello? Is someone there?"
"Freddy! Long time no see." You grinned from ear-to-ear upon hearing the voice of the Pizzaplex mascot.
As much as you wished this Freddy was the real deal, the company did a stellar job at bringing him to life via virtual reality. You had no clue what to expect when you jumped into the new Help Wanted game, but you were excited!
Freddy's mouth didn't move, but he was clearly speaking to you through his voicebox, eyes neither blinking nor moving. "My ocular fluids have crystalized. I am unable to process your appearance."
"Oh.." You pouted a little. "Guess we'll just have to fix that up, huh?"
"Although we have just met, I know I am in good hands." He chuckled softly. "After all, you are a Fazbear technician...are you not?"
Shrugging your shoulders, you just couldn't stop smiling as you checked the tools that laid before you. One of them seemed to be the heat gun which the tutorial informed you about. It had a hot and cold setting. There was also the diagnostic machine, too.
Apparently your objective was to extract the birthday cake from within his stomach hatch, but before you could do anything, he spoke again and sounded rather..ominous.
"However, I must warn you: due to extreme temperature fluctuations, I am not quite myself at the moment. Do be careful.."
'Even as a virtual character, he still worries for people's safety...that's sweet.' You nodded, checking out the diagnostic machine to see what you needed to do.
First, the ice covering his arms had to be melted. But as you turned up the heat and took care of that, you heard him speak again and froze on the spot, muscles tense.
"Is it just me..or is the room getting hotter?" He growled, which surprised you considering you never thought he'd get angry.
Then again, he did warn you about this exactly; plus you could see the lightning bolt on his chest starting to turn red--a clear warning sign that he was easy to overheat. So you swiftly repaired the inside of his arms before cooling them down, moving onto the next step.
Next, you had to cool off the rest of his inner mechanisms, including his endoskeleton head. You removed his eyes and booped his nose to fully open his mouth--
Only to jump back as he unexpectedly lunged at you with outstretched claws.
At first you feared you did something wrong...until he leaned back into his original position.
"Jeez..c'mon Freddy. No more jumpscares for me, alright?" You chuckled, shaking your head before continuing on.
Eventually you gained access to his stomach hatch, quickly cooling down the overheating coils inside of him. You were spraying the mist as though your life depended on it.
And, in a way, it did as you'd hate to get a game over.
At last you were able to extract the cake, with Freddy commenting on how he's been told it tastes delicious but couldn't actually verify that himself..and his self-awareness humored you greatly.
The developers truly went out of their way to replicate his personality.
For a moment, you wondered what the next step was...until alarms starting blaring and you became incredibly confused. 'Did I mess up again? What's going on??'
"Oh no! I am receiving a cake removal alert!" He cried out. "Please find something of suitable size to replace it with!"
Looking around, it only took you a second to find a similar cake labelled for Timmy instead of Jimmy. You were quick to place it inside his stomach hatch, praying it would register the weight in time.
Fortunately it did as you heard cheering and kazoos to indicate your success in this monumental task.
"Good job! You are my superstar!" The bear laughed, which warmed your heart as you smiled at him, the screen eventually fading to black.
"Thank you Freddy.."
This was a lot of fun.
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Desk Gremlins
[home office]
Jaune:*walks in* How’s filling in for your brother?
Weiss:I don’t know why I ever wanted to inherit the company. The moment he gets back from vacation I am taking one.
Jaune:It’s been two weeks.
Weiss:That’s too long!
Jaune:*hands her a plate* Does this help.
Weiss:Thank you. I’ll eat it in a moment. I have an online meeting in 5 minutes.
Jaune:A good one?
Weiss:It’s a company meeting. Good versions of those don’t exist. Only old people in suits talking for at least an hour while I write what I think is important.
Jaune:So nothing?
Weiss:I’ll write their names. That way I can tell Whitley which ones annoyed me the most. They just need a Schnee to oversee the meeting since they can’t be trusted to not try something under our noses.
Jaune:…And they aren’t fired because…?
Weiss:Name of the game. These particular people haven’t tried anything. It just happened so many times over the years we now have to keep an eye out. *leans back* I can’t wait for this to be over.
Weiss lets out a long sigh. A boop on the nose manages to get a small laugh out of her. Weiss looks at Jaune as he starts leaning down. She slowly sat forward, ready for her goodbye kiss. However, it never comes. Weiss watches continue to lean down until she audibly gasps as he gets underneath the desk and pulls her chair in. A gentle kiss on her right knee and fingers trailing up her legs jumpstarts Weiss’s brain into speaking.
Weiss:Sir!? Excuse me!?
Jaune:Lift your hips…
Weiss:I am working!
Jaune:You’re stressed and just observing aren’t you? Keep focus up there and I’ll focus down here.
Weiss:That is not the p- eep!
He got bold and put her right leg over her shoulder, pulling her waist a little closer and burying his face between her legs. Blush reached Weiss’s ears as Jaune’s breath made her spine tingle. Instead of repeating his request, her dummy of a husband decided to moved her panties to the side and give Weiss a slow, deliberate lick along her clit that made her legs clench.
She was about to try protesting again when her laptop blinked and the call started. Weiss’s face went stone cold and she put her hands in front of her on the desk.
Investors:Greetings Mrs. Schnee. Ready to begin?
Weiss:Absolutely. Start whenever you’re ready.
In life, fortune favors the bold, and Weiss couldn’t believe she didn’t what was happening. Such risky behavior should make her upset, but that was a rather difficult when it was for her own pleasure. Jaune at least had enough sense to keep the pace slow, yet there was no way to stop her heart from skipping a beat when she felt is tongue slide in. Weiss began writing so she had an excuse to look away from the screen when possible. This was cruel! In Jaune’s efforts to be discreet, Weiss had to endure entrance being traced repeatedly and his nose rubbing against her.
Ironically enough, Jaune tried not to needlessly distract her by looking up or making noise. That second part was a little difficult the wetter she got. He got into the zone a little as her sweet scent dulled his senses. It would’ve stayed that way if he hadn’t received a flick on the forehead. He looked up to see her still focused on the laptop. Perhaps he was going overboard? Jaune tried moving back to give her a moment, but found himself caught off guard when the leg on his shoulder kept him firmly in place. The hand that had flicked him now combed through his hair, gripping it gently as Weiss pressed him harder into her. Oh…his eyes flickered. Weiss wanted more. Jaune couldn’t help but smile before pressing his tongue deep into Weiss’s core, earning a tighter grip on his hair.
The young woman quickly glanced down to see seductive eyes devouring her. She did her best to give a “how dare you” gaze, but even that wasn’t convincing when her body so easily betrayed her expression. Weiss gave a tiny huff to steady her breathing and refocus on the laptop. This was gonna be a long meeting.
Whitley:*sipping tea* I wonder if Weiss is okay?
Ruby:She’ll be alright. I gave Jaune a list of ways to help if she gets annoyed; like how I help you.
Ruby:Ya know…cooking and kisses!
Whitley:Oh, yeah that makes sense.
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eds6ngel · 1 year
Spinoff request!!! Had an idea for the first time (r) goes over to steves place and Alena keeps asking if shes her mommy now and stuff
i love this!! thank you so much for requesting! i hope you enjoy the direction i took with this ♡
warnings: dad!steve. singledad!steve. 90s!au. fem!reader. swearing. kissing. allusions to sex. pet names. alena gets angry. angst. hurt. fluff. comfort. happy ending!! [2.7k].
author's note: just a quick one! i currently have five asks for this series in my inbox. i have a specific order i want to tackle them based on the ideas, so i'm sorry if you requested earlier but get a fic later!!
full 'when i kissed the teacher' masterlist.
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Steve had planned this out with you for a while now. You were gonna spend the night at his for the first time. He wasn’t necessarily hoping for anything to happen, just sharing a bed with you would be perfect, but if it did, he would rock your world.
He was getting Alena ready to be dropped at Robin and Vickie’s when suddenly the phone began to ring. He plops her on the kitchen counter, grabbing the phone from its hook on the wall, and speaking into the receiver, “Hello?”
“Hey, dingus!” Of course, it was Robin. “Um, slight change of plan. Work have asked me to emergency cover for someone and Vickie has her meeting today. I know it’s short notice, but unless you want to drop off Alena with your girlfriend later, I’m afraid we can’t have her until at least 7pm.”
“Shit,” he curses quietly. What was he gonna do? The two of you had been planning this for weeks, both extremely nervous for the what the night potentially entailed. And if he had his daughter to look after, especially with his daughter’s ex-teacher coming over, it was going to make things really awkward. But, it seemed as if he had no other choice. No babysitter would take Alena overnight, and Nancy and Jonathan have a newborn to look after. He guesses Alena would just have to be there with him. “Okay, yeah… That’s fine, Robin. I’ll just look after her myself.”
He can hear her let out a sigh of relief down the phone, “Okay, thank God, because I did try and explain to them that I had to babysit my friend’s daughter and they kept going on and on about how desperate they were and how they were so short-staffed and—”
“Robs, I got her. It’s okay,” he reassures her, the girl going on another one of her familiar rambles that happened when she was nervous.
“Okay, good, great! Amazing! Yeah, I— Yeah, you got her, great! Okay… I have to go.”
Steve chuckles, “Okay Robin, see you later. Tell Vickie I said to wish her luck with her meeting.”
“I will! Okay, bye!”
Steve doesn’t even get a chance to respond as the phone is dropped at Robin’s end, shaking his head as he puts his back on the stand. God, she was such a character.
“Was that Auntie Robin?” Alena sweetly asks, holding out her arms, Steve hoisting her up onto his hip.
“It was pumpkin, I’m afraid she can’t look after you today,” he frowns.
“So, where am I going when Y/N is here?”
“Well…” he boops her nose, making her giggle, “That’s the thing. You aren’t going anywhere.”
She scrunches up her face in confusion as Steve explains further, “You are going to be staying right here.”
Her face lights up, her feet kicking against his hipbone as she beams, “I get to see Y/N?”
He plops her down on the floor, taking her coat back off and hanging it on the hook by the front door, “Uh huh. You get to see Y/N.”
And like the excitable child she is, she begins running around the house, yelling “Yay!” arms held out as if she was flying.
Steve picks her up underneath his arm, making his daughter scream in delight as he ruffles her hair. He puts her down, grabbing onto her shoulders and stating, “But, since Y/N is our guest, we have to be respectful, okay? That means calming down, no running around like you just did, and keeping the house clean. You need to be a good girl, do you understand?”
She nods, putting her hands behind her back, making herself look nice and polite, “Yes, daddy.”
“Good girl,” he smiles, “Now, why don’t you go and clean up your room before Y/N comes? Maybe she’d like to potentially see your room?”
She jumps up and down, shouting “Yes!” as Steve raises an eyebrow. She quickly cottons on, landing herself softly on her two feet and mumbling, “Okay,” before quietly trotting off down the hall.
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Steve is in his room making himself look presentable, Alena sat on the floor by the coffee table drawing away when the doorbell rings, signalling your arrival.
Before Steve can get the chance to rush into the living room, the door swings open, Alena smiling in front of you, waving and yelling, “Hi!” despite being only a couple inches away.
“Hello honey, how are you?” you smile back.
“Good! Daddy’s in his room. He said he wants to make himself look perfect for you.” God, kids… They were so brutally honest.
“Oh, did he now? Well, shall I be the judge of that?” you ask her, the little girl nodding as you walk into the Harrington’s house, Alena closing the door behind you, perhaps a little too forcefully for your liking. But, you weren’t her mom, that wasn’t your decision to make.
Steve appears from his bedroom in a sage green sweater, black sweatpants to match as he runs up to you, grabbing your face and planting a kiss to your cheek, “I am so sorry. I was going to get it, but,” he signals to his daughter.
“It’s okay,” you softly reply, “A little birdie told me that you were making yourself perfect in there.”
You look down at Alena and raise your eyebrows, her giggling as Steve fumbles over his words, scratching the back of his neck, “I— Uh… I was just, you know… Getting ready and stuff…”
You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug as you whisper back, “I think you look gorgeous.”
The two of you pull back, Steve signalling to your body with his hand, “Uh, thanks! But, you… I mean, you look stunning. Not that you don’t always look stunning, because you do, just today you look… extra stunning.”
What’s funny about Steve’s compliment was that you were as underdressed as he was. A plain black t-shirt, blue jeans, and white sneakers, all paired with some gold hoop earrings is how simple your outfit was today. But, sometimes looking lazier was ten times more attractive than looking put-together.
You giggle at his words, “Thank you.”
He points behind him, “I was gonna get started on dinner. I know you like pasta. I’m not the most brilliant cook in the world, so will pasta and normal sauce be okay? Sorry, it’s not too fancy or anything.”
“Steve, I’m happy with anything,” you reassure him, “Do you want any help at all?”
“Oh, god no. No, no, no,” the words tumble out of his mouth, “You’re the guest. Please relax, honestly.”
You chuckle, smiling at his nervousness, “Got it. Guess I’ll spend some time with this sweetpea,” you say, ruffling Alena’s hair, something you seemed to have subconsciously picked up from Steve.
“Of course!” he replies, “And sorry she’s here. Robin had to fill in for someone at work and wouldn’t be done until after you arrived, so I said it would be easier for her to just stay here with us. I probably should’ve checked with you first, but—”
You shut him up with a quick peck on the lips, Alena bouncing behind you, her enjoying any sort of romantic affection between the two of you. After all, she was the one to tell you Steve loved you in the first place. “Steve, it’s fine. We’re gonna have a great time, aren’t we peanut?”
She nods eagerly, grabbing your hand and tugging, Steve scolding her softly, “Hey, what did I say about being calm?”
“Oh Steve, please, she’s fine honestly,” you say, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. You turn to Alena, leaning down to her height and saying, “I saw you had a little creation coming along over there. You wanna show me?”
“Yes!” she shouts, sprinting over to the coffee table, Steve having to yell at her, “No running, Alena!” You follow her, turning your head to laugh at Steve, him shaking his head and playfully rolling his eyes, heading to the kitchen to begin creating his beautiful pasta dish.
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“Who are you drawing now, sweetpea?”
Alena had already completed two figures, one more whilst you were there, them both easily identifiable as her and Steve. She had drawn herself to be wearing her favourite purple dress, Steve in a yellow sweater and black sweatpants.
“Um…” she says, a nervousness present in her voice, “I was thinking of drawing you. B-Because you love daddy, and you kiss daddy and now you are staying here with us. It’s like what mommies do. So… are you like, my new mommy?”
Her words hit deep within you. You and Steve had only been officially dating a mere two months, you finally telling Alena your first name just over a month ago. But, she was also seven years old, and her knowledge of the family unit was lacking, understandably. She linked up all the facts in her head and combined it with her knowledge of the role of a mother. And what’s disappointing is, you were the closest person to a mother figure she had ever gotten in her life.
You swallowed the lump in your throat, “Um… I’m not honey, no. At least not for the moment, okay? I’m more of just… your daddy’s girlfriend for the time being. Is that okay?”
She scrunches up her face, “But… Lilly at school has a mommy and a daddy and they are both boyfriend and girlfriend. Why aren’t you the same?”
You remember teaching Lilly yourself, and Alena’s statement was correct. However, Lilly’s mom was her biological mom, making her the legal guardian of her daughter. It wasn’t just a placeholder name as it would be with you, Lilly’s mom is etched into her daughter’s DNA.
“Baby… I haven’t been with your daddy long enough yet, okay? Lilly’s mom and dad have been together for years,” you explain to the girl, “Maybe when me and daddy have been together longer, then I can become your mommy.”
She huffs, taking a crayon and ruining her image, scribbling all over the face of you that she drew. She stands up, storming off to her bedroom, Steve leaning back from where the pasta was boiling in the pan and asking, “Hey, what’s going on pumpkin?”
You sigh out, Steve looking over to you and mouthing, “She okay?”
You get up yourself, walking over to Steve and asking, “Can I talk to you a second?”
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“It’s just… I didn’t want to outright say ‘yes’ as I haven’t even asked you yet. I know we’ve only been together two months, but I don’t want her to start holding that title for me, and then something happens to us, which I hope to God it doesn’t, I’m suddenly not her mom anymore and it messes the whole thing up. Do you see where I’m coming from, my love?”
He takes in every word you say, listening to your entire ramble from start to finish, “Yeah, I understand, and… I agree.” He sighs, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, “How do we explain this to her in a way she understands?”
You both contemplate for a second, before an idea pops into your head, “She really enjoys nicknames, right? Like, you give her pumpkin, sweetpea, toothache, all of them.”
“Well, how about I give her a replacement nickname instead of ‘mom?’” you suggest, “Something like… ‘mubba?’ I know, it sounds kind of stupid—”
“I don’t think it sounds stupid,” Steve interrupts you, “I kind of like it.”
You sigh out in relief, “I was just thinking, I call you ‘bubba’ in an affectionate way, right? So I took the start of ‘mom’ and combined it with ‘bubba.’ I think her issue is calling me by my first name. It makes me sound just like another random person. She wants some sort of title to call me, but, I don’t think we’re on the level of using ‘mom’ yet.”
“I think that’s a great idea actually,” Steve agrees with you, “Mubba it is.”
You nod, “Okay. You wanna go talk to her or do you want me to do it?”
“How about we both do it?”
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Although Alena’s door was wide open, you still decided to be polite, delicately knocking on the wooden frame, “Can I come in princess?”
She keeps her back turned, sharply letting out a “No.”
Steve decides to speak up from behind you, “Lena, we want to talk to you, okay?” However, when she doesn’t answer, Steve sternly says, “Alena.”
She huffs, spinning herself around and looking at the pair of you. You both kneel down in front of her, you taking her smaller hand in your larger one, “Look, I understand how frustrating it is I can’t be your mom yet, okay? These things take time, we can’t just decide when they happen… Like, when you told daddy you wanted to be older, but you couldn’t, right?”
She nods in understanding, still avoiding your gaze, “Well, it’s the same with me being your mom. I can’t just suddenly become your mom, I have to wait a while for that to happen, okay?”
“But,” Steve carries on your joint plan, “We do have something you can call Y/N in the meantime.”
She looks up at you when her dad mentions this, slightly squeezing your hand as you explain, “Well, since you can’t call me ‘mom’ yet, I thought we could use a different word. How about you call me ‘mubba?’”
“Mubba?” she questions.
You smile brightly at her, “Yeah. It’s sort of like a pre-mom word. You can call me ‘mubba’ for now, and then one day in the future, when I can become your mom, you can start calling me ‘mom.’ Does that sound good for you, sweetpea?”
She nods, smiling a little as she shyly says, “Mubba… I’m hungry.”
You laugh a little as Steve snorts beside you, “Makes the two of us baby.” You turn to Steve, teasing him as you joke, “Gosh, daddy chef, what’s taking so long?”
He holds his hands up in defense, stretching up from his kneeling position, kissing both you and Alena on the head, “Okay, okay. Daddy chef will continue his fabulous meal.” He begins to walk out of the room, stopping at the entryway to point at the two of you, “My girls better like it,” before exiting to head back to the kitchen.
“You wanna create a new drawing?” you ask Alena, quirking your eyebrow with a smirk on your face.
She nods eagerly, jumping off her bed and running back out to the coffee table. Thank God seven year olds were easy to cheer up.
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After many hours of food and TV, you and Steve had put Alena to bed, turning in for the night yourselves. You were currently cuddled up to Steve’s side, hand laying comfortably on his chest as his arm lay above your head.
“Can’t believe how quickly you solved that issue earlier. You better be sticking around for the long run because damn… That was good parenting right there,” he compliments you, keeping his voice low, careful not to wake his daughter.
You shake your head, smiling and blushing a little, “That’s the teacher instincts coming through.”
“No, that wasn’t a teacher thing beautiful, I’m sure of it. That was full mom mode.”
Before you can think of a response, Steve cups your face in his hands, “When the day comes, and this is totally under your control, but I think you’d be an amazing mom to Alena.”
You bite your lip as you look into your boyfriend’s eyes, “I think I’d like that someday too, yeah.”
Steve grunts as he reaches behind him to turn off the glowing lamp, snuggling up to you and kissing your forehead, closing his eyes as he whispers, “Goodnight, future mom.”
“Goodnight, wonderful dad.”
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i hope you enjoyed!! ♡
taglist: @livsters @bakugouswh0r3 @nix-rose @ihatepeanutss @cats00089 @suitelif3 @clincallyonline17 @crowssixof @starkeylover @eris-rose-86 @frostandflamesfanfic
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feyre-darling92 · 2 years
Can’t lose you
A/N: Hello, everyone! Hope you’re alright. I just finished playing Jedi:Fallen Order and I am very slightly obsessed with it, so here’s a Cal Kestis x reader one-shot.
T/W: Bad writing, angst, injuries, blood, some swear words, let me know if I missed anything.
Word Count: 694
Synopsis: After a close call you realize that you can’t lose him
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“Cal. Cal!” you screamed as you blocked incoming shots from hitting you.
Cal was hit and had fallen to the ground without answering your calls, making your heart stop.
“Cal!” you ran to him and shook his shoulder in a pathetic try to wake him up, “Open your eyes, Cal” you brought your hand to his cheek, “Please”
You again received no response and the sharp pain on your shoulder from a blaster shot reminded you that there were still stormtroopers around you.
Standing protectively in front of him you ignited your lightsaber and started deflecting shots and killing them one by one.
However, you missed some shots resulting in wounds and grazes and an unexpected hit on the head from a purge trooper.
Having fallen to the ground was anything but pleasant but you managed to make your way to him by crawling and dragging yourself.
“BD” you called for the droid which immediately appeared on sight, “Is he ok?”
“Boop-beep bep”
“That’s good I guess” you sighed in relief and glanced at him, “How many healing stems do you have?”
“Boop beep-boop”
“Give me both” you extended your arm and the droid beeped in concern, “I’ll be fine, BD. Cal needs them more”
Unconvinced from your words he gave you the stems and you injected them into Cal.
His name left your lips as softly as a prayer and this time it got answered because he slowly opened his eyes, his confused stare meeting your worried one.
“What happened?” he looked around.
“You’re hurt. Do you think you can walk till Mantis?” you helped him stand up and he supported his weight on you.
“I will try” he murmured but before you could make a proper step forward he fell again half-conscious.
“Please, Cal, help me get you there” you begged him and he did his best to stand up again.
Your own wounds made the whole thing harder but at this point, you didn’t care. Because you couldn’t lose him.
When you finally made it to the ship a blaster shot passed right on top of your head.
“Fuck” you whispered to yourself, “Greez! Cere!”
The ramp opened and you both ran inside, imperial troopers trying to hit you, unsuccessfully.
“What happened?” Cere and Merrin ran to help you, taking Cal off you.
His absence made you lose your balance and you fell to the ground, trying to catch your breath.
“Cal-” you tried to speak, “Please, help him”
Merrin took him inside and Cere kneeled in front of you. Before you could realize it you had become a sobbing mess, hands around your knees and head hanging low.
“Hey, Y/N. Breathe” Cere put a comforting hand on your shoulder, “You’re alright now”
“No, no, I almost lost him and it was all my fault”
“You saved him” you looked at her, “Now, let me help you up”
With her help, you stood up but midway to the couch you felt lightheaded and your legs gave up.
“Merrin!” you heard her yell but it was too late. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You slowly opened your eyes, eyelids feeling heavy.
The first thing you noticed was that you were on your small bed, the pain however struck you with the smallest movement you did.
“Take it easy” a familiar voice sounded from your side and you turned to face him.
“Cal” you breathed relieved that you saw him alive and in one piece and tried to sit up. He rushed to help you and once you were comfortable enough he sat on your bed.
“How are you?” you asked.
“I am fine. Thanks to you. And Merrin” he took your hand in his “Thank you”
“I couldn’t lose you” you replied shyly, not daring to look at him.
“I can’t either, but I almost did. Don’t do anything reckless again”
“I won’t, I promise”
He gently lifted your chin so he could look into your eyes and gently kissed you.
You were surprised but you then brought your hand to the back of his neck and deepened the kiss.
“Better?” he smirked when you pulled away, breathless.
“Of course” you kissed him again.
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ingravinoveritas · 6 months
Ahh thank you! I saw the whole "Boop" thing going around and had no idea what it was about or how one goes about getting "booped" and/or bestowing boops upon others. How do you even know if you've received a "boop"? I'm also hectically busy because I have three speaking engagements this week, so incredibly behind on my Asks as a result. But I am very happy that I can now say I've been "booped," and I offer you my own boop, Iron Giant style, in return:
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kyrrahbird · 3 months
Good day to you ma'am,
we have begun the post-boop social interaction era, and in the spirit of mutualism and site unity I have decided to participate. Change and timing have nominated you as the lucky receiver of chain mail!
Chain mail to follow:
Hey! List five things that make you happy, then if you want, put this in the askbox of the last ten people who liked or reblogged something from you.
guess who forgot this was in my inbox, had an absolutely god awful time, went through some shit, had about 3 existential crises and now i’m back
Probably now more important than ever to reflect on what makes me happy, so thank u
my friends - i’m a sappy fuck and i love them and just being around people i love brings me joy
AMINALS - i love with 3 cats and there’s nothing like burying ur face in belly fluff. or seeing a cool bird outside. effervescent
being underwater - i am secretly (not so secretly) a seal. i just think it’s neat. someone asked what i’d do if the world was going to explode tomorrow and i said swim out to sea and just float facedown with a snorkel. after i said goodbye to my family ofc
holidays - this one is two-fold, bc getting away is nice, getting into nature is good for my soul, and i get to switch off my work brain. the other side is it gives me something to look forward to - nothing sustains me like knowing i’m going to fuck off for a week
adrenaline rush yeehaw - i’m an adrenaline junkie which surprises people but i actually LIVE for the moments that i survive something. It’s why i climb mountains, hike, dive, ice skate and sometimes get to jump out of planes. my first bungee jump changed something in me i think (there’s definitely something wrong with me because i also pursued public speaking because it scared me)
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basils-phot0-album · 2 years
It's bedtime for little Leo and he chooses his blankie for the night
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"Down we go!"
Madara said, carefully setting Leo down in front of the three different blankets, watching him as his eyes, widened with curiousity, grazed over the different options in front of him.
One blankie was a soft blue with cute rainbow polka dots, the second one being a dark purple with small bat decorations. Madara immediatley recognized that the second one belonged to the twins and made the mental note to return it as soon as possible, already knowing which blankie his little one would choose..
Just as he thought , Leo had leaned slightly forward and let his hand fall down on the third blanket, exclaiming softly behind his paci. It wasn't anything special, the material itself was soft and comfortable, though a little rough from use, and the color was a warm soothing orange. But despite it's simplicity, the reason that Leo chose this blanket over the others is because it was a gift from his precious mama that he sewed himself! All the soft and cozy memories making it all the more important to little Leo, causing him to choose it over all the others.
"You want this one bubs?"
Madara questioned, receiving multiple quick nods from Leo, the enthusiastic response causing them both to giggle, though Leo had gotten stopped by a soft yawn escaping him, reminding Madara that it was bedtime and that this little one had a loooong day. Luckily, Leo also seemed to recognize that he was tired, forgetting the usual sleepy protesting and weak little kicks that would come with the indication of bedtime, all this would usually just lead to him inevitably tiring himself out, causing him to fall asleep anyway.
Seeing that Leo had already started to curl up on the carpeted floor with his blankie, Madara quickly intervened, effortlessly picking up his baby and carrying him over to his bed. Gently placing him under the blankets and tucking him in (but not without booping his nose!). Now usually, Madara would have to read Leo a bedtime story or sing a lullaby to get him to fall asleep, but the little guy was already so sleepy that he was struggling to keep his eyes open.
Softly looking at his sleepy one in front of him, Madara thought about how happy he was to be able to take care of Leo like this. How much he loves him, how proud of him he is and how much Madara wishes for him to know that. Trying not to make too much noise, Madara quietly moved to place a soft kiss on Leo's forehead , watching his lips curl into a soft smile, allowing him to smile too.
"Mama loves you, my little tangerine"
After seeing nor hearing a response, Madara moved to leave the room and turn off the lights, but just as he was about to head out, he heard a soft and tiny voice speak to him.
" 'ove you too mama"
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i am also very sleepy and this isn't proofread <:3 hope it isn't obiois,,, also im plan to post this on ao3 mabye tonmorow
i aslo habe no idea hwo to write leo or madara :')
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davidmariottecomics · 2 years
Mr. Piggy
Pretty brief one this week. You may've seen that Feb 1 was Hourly Comics Day. This is an annual event where people make a comic every hour. Lots of them are super short--a panel or two--and often biographical. I participated and what I've wrought can only be described as Mr. Piggy. 
Apologies to Alec "Mr. Boop" Robbins, Jim Henson, and Lizzo. Know that the recommended soundtrack is a canned laugh track repeating at a regular interval that cannot distinguish from the comedy and the drama. 
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If anyone has a good recommendation for a therapist in the San Diego area that takes Anthem, my inbox is open! I know hard it can be to be kind to yourself, to treat yourself well, to do things you need to to not have bad brain days and find balance in your emotions when things are, genuinely, very bad in the world. But it's worth it to try. 
Thanks! David
P.S. A funny little work story from this week. I was emailing with a creator who works under a pseudonym, and they mentioned that in reference to how their paperwork would have a different name. I'm looking at it and I'm like "Whoa, no wonder. It must be really hard being named Wells Fargo." I was, of course, looking at their bank information and am dumb. 
What I enjoyed this week: Blank Check (Podcast), Honkai Impact (Video game), House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski (Book), Persona 4 Golden (Video game), Poker Face (TV show), our new mattress, receiving mail, Dungeons & Daddies (Podcast), Barry (TV show), Genshin Impact (Manga--I finally went and caught up on that from a couple of years ago), other people's Hourly Comics. 
New Releases this week (2/1/2022): Off week for my books!
New releases next week (2/8/2022): Godzilla: Monsters & Protectors - All Hail the King #5 (Editor) Sonic the Hedgehog #57 (Editor) Sonic the Hedgehog, Vol. 13: Battle for the Empire (Editor, collecting Sonic #50, 51, the 2022 Annual, and I think the 2022 Free Comic Book Day short?) 
Final Order Cutoff (2/6/2023): Sonic the Hedgehog: The IDW Collection, Vol. 3 (Editor, collecting Sonic #21-32 and the 2020 Annual)
Announcements: Arizona Comic Book Arts Festival - 2/25! Just a couple more weeks! They've got a heckuva guest list including me, Becca, Elizabeth Brei, Danny Djeljosevic, Mitch Gerads, Steve Rude, John Layman, Henry Barajas, Jay Fotos, Jeff Mariotte, Marcy Rockwell, John Yurcaba, Andrew MacLean, Alexis Zirrit, Meredith McClaren, James Owen, Ryan Cody, and many more! Come and see us! Becca'll have some very cool new merch, too! And tickets are only $10! 
Speaking of Becca, did you know they have a Patreon? They're doing weekly drawing prompts that're uploading Sundays, so lots of new stuff up there as well as a pretty impressive backcatalog from the past few years. This month, if you sign-up at any level, your support's actually going to a really amazing local organization, The Brown Building. 
And final Becca news, they contributed to Aradia Beat, a Magical Girl Anthology Magazine! It's now on Kickstarter! It's both a tribute to 90s magical girl stories and part of a larger project about the overall preservation and mutual support of magical girl stories! There're two weeks left to back, so throw some money their way to make this happen and tell your friends!  
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v5hadow · 1 year
WIP Wednesday (@2am Thursday again! WOO)
I think I'll be done with this scene next week. I hope I'm done with it next week anyways. But honestly I wouldn't be shock if it's got 2 if I add more like I did this section. I've also got a portion in this scene not posted and toward the end of the following scene that are giving me trouble for approximately the same reason.
From last week's:
“Ryuji, you may have to think on whether you can too. Niijima-senpai and Okumura-senpai are college students and Kitagawa lives alone in a dorm,” Yuuki sweeped his hand across the table at the three members in question.  “Niijima-san might voice a want to know where Niijima-senpai is, but I don’t think those two would stop each other if everyone is doing alright. Since she knows you all can take good care of yourselves and the world.” Yuuki added with a shrug.
Continuing on:
“Yeah, Sae just told me a few weeks ago that she doesn’t expect to see me a lot this summer and to keep everyone out of trouble,” Makoto nodded as she explained.  “But Yuuki-kun, I thought both Haru and I have expressed a want to at least drop the senpai?”
“Him and Sumire-chan are always so polite. But aren’t we at least friends by now, Yuuki-kun?” Haru reached over Akira to hold Yuuki’s hand.
“Yes?” Yuuki received one of the brightest beaming smiles from the heiress and a few laughs from the gathered friends.
“And it’s ‘we’ can! You’ve been a part of us for a while now,” Morgana called as he jumped onto Futaba, causing her to squeak in surprise.
Makoto directed her attention back squarely on their curly haired header. “Speaking of Sumire-chan, she has a gymnastics camp for this first week of summer that ends in a competition.” She got a nod in response from him.
“So that’s why she wasn’t here!”
Futaba threw a ball of napkins at the blond boy as she asked, “Did you not read that group text, Ryuji?”
“What? Akira didn’t know either, right?” The blond looked to his friend for reassurance and confirmation and got a confused nod. Once he turned back to Futaba, Ryuji waved his hand towards Akira and opened his mouth. 
Only for his hands to near immediately be put down onto the table by Ann, which closed his mouth. The model explained “He wasn’t in that group chat since she told us in the party planning group.”
“On what I was talking about, Tak…Ann-san’s parents are rarely around and freely allow her to take modeling jobs at her own leisure and study abroad. She has the ability to have a believable story or the money to be able to travel Japan under her own power.” Yuuki had gotten a little flustered as Akira put his arm around his waist but quickly adjusted back into a comfortable position and pace.
“Why are you going backwards on names, Yuuki?” Futaba asked as she got off the ledge to lean against it, Morgana moving to lean on her shoulders. 
Ann looked between the two techies before ignoring the name flub. She went on to say, “Yeah, my parents left for their own summer vacation yesterday and won’t be back for at least 2 weeks.”
Makoto asked the blonde, “And technically you are only here due to summer break in the US being around the same time, right?”
“Yeah! I’ll be a year behind in graduating here in Japan, but maybe that will work out in my favor.” Ann shrugged as she smiled. “But it's the middle of the summer break before my year there so I wouldn’t have many friends or things to do there right now if I even went now.”
“Your parents will be in a show in Copenhagen, correct?” Yusuke asked fairly suddenly. The artist idly continued, “I wonder what beauty could be found there…” 
Ann blinked at Yusuke. “Uh, yeah. When did I mention that?”
“You did not. A potential patron mentioned his agency prepping some work for there and your parents were listed in some of the noteworthy guests lists.”
“Yusuke, I-” 
Futaba tapped the cat on her shoulder’s nose as she said, “Nope, let Inari have this win, Kitty.”
“I am not-” Morgana started to say something again before being booped again before Futaba began to play-fight him. 
Yuuki smiled at the orange haired girl as he continued his ramble to Ryuji, “And Futaba-chan, well let’s just say between Sak… Boss not being too different from Niijima-san in opinion, she’ll also be with Akira.”
“Older brother, right,” Ryuji nodded along with that reasoning.
“Ryuji! Niishima! Stop being so embarrassing!” Futaba looked back at them while pausing her onslaught on Morgana. 
“You weren’t saying that a few weeks ago when they took you to the arcade in Akihabara for a break from studying, Taba-chan,” Haru teased the younger girl.
“Haru, not you too!”
Apparently Futaba stopped paying attention to Morgana long enough for her to get a paw flat to her nose with the cat squawking a delighted “Gotcha!” Futaba fell backwards causing both to go crashing to the floor and everyone else to give some laughter. The geek gathered Morgana to pet him more in apologies.
0 notes
dakotacrisis · 3 years
Topsy Turvy
Hyper-fixation has been activated! Who needs to work on their wips when they can start something else entirely? Hahaha...it’d be funny if it wasn’t true.
Anyhoo! Saw this cute comic by @hannahyonana and my goblin brain latched on and wouldn’t let it go. So I give you this unofficial expansion of this wonderful comic. In short: these children are disasters in more ways than one.
Two weeks. That is how long Adrien would be gone. Two long and painful weeks without seeing his face or hearing his voice. Pictures and videos were well and good but they were no proper substitute for the real thing.
Marinette came to the train station to see him off and steal a few more blessed minutes with him before he departed on his work trip/vacation. She had tried to convince Alya and Nino to come so she wasn’t totally alone with him but they already had plans. Marinette hadn't heard about any plans before this so she could only assume this was another Alya scheme to give Marinette a chance to confess.
Marinette had thought about it. Telling Adrien how she felt would get a lot off this nervous tension and anxiety off her chest. He didn’t even need to respond or give her an answer. Just having him know would be enough.
But could she do it? She had tried countless times before to no avail. What made this different?
Adrien and her walked along the platform full of people bustling to get here and there. Marinette gripped the box of macarons her parents made for Adrien behind her back.
The Gorilla took Adrien’s luggage and carried it onto the train. He looked back to see if Adrien was following.
"You go on ahead, I want to say goodbye real quick." Adrien ushered his bodyguard away. The Gorilla looked between them and with a curt nod of his head disappeared inside the train.
Adrien turned back to Marinette. His hair was stylishly tousled and his smile bright and beaming. Could the boy stop modeling for even a second? How was anyone meant to keep their wits about them with that thousand watt smile?
"Thanks for coming to see me off, Mari." Adrien said.
"Of course," Marinette replied, shuffling from foot to foot. "Even if you're only gone for two weeks…"
She brought the box out from behind her back and held it out to him. "Also, this is for you from my parents. A little something to snack on during the ride."
"What! That's so sweet! Literally." Adrien took the box with glee. "Be sure to give them my thanks."
"I will,"
The pair looked up at the sudden sound.
"Oh, that means it's time for me to go," Adrien said with a small shake of his head.
Gone again. In just another minute he'd be out of her reach once more. Even after all this time saying goodbye felt so hard. He was only going to be gone for two weeks! He was gonna come back! Why did it hurt so much being away from him?
That familiar weight settled on her chest. So many feelings left unspoken. Secrets she was dying to share. It felt like they were smothering her.
"Before you go," Marinette halted him before he could enter the train, "I have something to tell you."
"Oh yeah?" Adrien tilted his head like a curious little puppy. Why did he have to be so cute? Marinette was sweating he was so cute. Or maybe that was just her inner terror at what she was about to say.
"Well I--you see--I…" Marinette stammered and lost her nerve, "I uh, make sure to send us pictures."
"Of course!" Adrien responded with glee. "Alright well, see you later, Marinette."
He turned to get on the train and Marinette’s heart sank. Another chance at happiness, wasted. Perhaps it was for the best.
She forced her feet to move, to carry her from this painful moment. When they did though they didn't back away. They surged forward. She was barely aware that she had reached out for Adrien until she grabbed the back of his shirt.
"Wait! That's not it!" She proclaimed loudly. Her nerves came out in the shakiness and desperation in her voice. She kept her eyes shut tight. Afraid of what she would see if she opened them.
"The truth is, I'm in love with you!" She  blurted out. She let go of his shirt, her hands fisted into tight balls by her side as she quickly explained, "I'm not expecting a reply. I know you don't like me back. But have a nice trip!"
She turned on her heel and fled. Tears of anxiety or fear stinging her eyes. The last thing she heard was Adrien calling out for her to wait. Once she was far enough away she risked a glance back and saw Adrien’s face staring out the closed door in shock before the train pulled away from the station.
She stared at the now empty train track for a long time before it truly hit her. She just told Adrien she was in love with him. He was going to be thinking about how she told him she loved him for the next two weeks. Then she was going to have to face him knowing all that when he returned home.
Marinette whipped out her phone and called Alya. “I did something stupid and I need help.”
Adrien pulled himself away from the train door and sat down in his seat. Marinette’s parting words echoed in his ears. She loves him. She is in love with him.
When did that happen? He knew they were friends but he hadn’t expected her to be in love with him. Marinette…
He glanced down at the box in his hands. Something small and sweet to take with him. A reminder of home. A reminder of someone petite and kind that just spilled her heart out to him on the train platform.
She said she didn’t expect a response but he felt like he owed her one. She had also said she knew that he didn’t like her the same way she liked him. While it was true that Adrien’s heart had belonged to Ladybug for as long as he’s known her he did feel a warmth around Marinette. Was that love? Or was it just friendship?
Nino had a crush on Marinette. Maybe he would know. Adrien pulled out his phone and hit Nino’s number. “Hey, I’m on the train heading out but I had a question about Marinette.”
“Oh dear,” Alya shook her head, she covered the receiver of her phone so Marinette couldn’t hear. Not that Marinette could hear anything over the sound of her own panicked ramblings. She turned to Nino on the couch with a sly smile.  “Marinette just confessed to Adrien before he went on his trip and she’s freaking out.”
“Wow, good for her, do you think Adrien will respond?” Nino asked.
“No idea,” Alya shrugged, “It’s a good thing we left them alone though. Marinette finally got the guts to say something to him.”
“Speak of the devil,” Nino held up his phone where Adrien’s contact picture flashed on the screen. He hit answer. “Hey dude, what’s up? Miss me already?”
Alya went back to listening to Marinette and trying to calm her down while Nino talked to Adrien. The both of them were panicking messes as they ranted and lamented at their respective best friends over the phone.
“I don’t really know what to tell you about your own feelings, dude,” Nino told Adrien, “Yeah I had a crush on Marinette but it only lasted a week. That’s kind of how it is with most of the people from our class.”
“What?” Adrien said.
“Yeah, literally everyone has had a small crush on Marinette at one point or another growing up. You’re like the only person who hasn’t. Which is weird considering how much she dotes on you and swoons around you. Did you really not know about her crush until today?”
“Ah...then again you have been head over heels for Ladybug I don’t suppose you would have noticed anyone else unless they confessed to you point blank.” Nino said. He had thought that Adrien’s crush on the spotted hero of Paris was something that had been waning recently once he had agreed to go out with Kagami. But when they broke up it had returned full force.
“Marinette, hold on a second,” Alya shushed Marinette on the other line and turned to Nino with wide eyes, “Did you just say that Adrien has a crush on Ladybug?”
“Uh yeah? Why?”
“What’s going on?” Adrien asked.
“Alya is--”
Alya snatched the phone out of his hands. She held up the other phone with Marinette on the line. “Girl, I know you are spiraling right now but I am gonna need to call you back. I swear I will only be like ten minutes max. Goodbye.” she turned to Nino’s phone, “Now you, pretty boy, I’m gonna need you to repeat that for me.”
“That I have a crush on Ladybug?” Adrien answered timidly.
“How long has that been a thing?”
“Since she first showed up in Paris. Why?”
Nino saw the calculations going off in Alya’s head as she processed this information. Had she not known? He was sure she had to have known but apparently that wasn’t the case.
“Adrien, listen to me very carefully,” Alya said, “You are going to want to accept Marinette’s feelings.”
“Listen, Alya, I know that you are her best friend but--”
“No buts, Agreste!” Alya snapped, “Really listen to me here. I know that you have feelings for Ladybug. Who wouldn’t? She’s amazing but she’s also a superhero with a secret identity. Do you really think you can take Ladybug out to the movies or invite her home for dinner? How are you gonna call her? How do you plan on making that work?”
“Well I--”
“Moonlight rendezvous over the rooftops of Paris sound fine and dandy but you know what else is nice? Marinette. Tangible and readily available with romantic feelings already pre-downloaded in her core. You already call her our Everyday Ladybug. What more do you want?”
“I see your point. But that situation is a little more complicated than that.”
“No it isn’t. Do you not think Marinette is great?”
“She is. She really is.”
“Do you not think she is cute?”
“She is very adorable and attractive. I will confess to that.”
“So if Ladybug wasn’t a thing then would you consider dating Marinette?”
“I mean I guess. But Ladybug is still real and she owns my heart. I can’t just give up on her that easily.”
“Adrien, I do not know how to tell you this but you are not giving up anything by dating Marinette. She is every bit as amazing as Ladybug and you would do well to remember that. As a wise man once said, “far better than any dream girl, is one of flesh and blood, one warm and caring, and right before your eyes.””
“Did you steal that from The Little Mermaid?”
“Not the point! Just think on it. You have two weeks before you come back and make a decision. I suggest you use the time wisely and really consider what I’m telling you. I’m not just saying this because Marinette is my best friend but because I know deep in my gut that you two were made for each other. The only one that doesn’t see it is you.”
“You think we’re made for each other?” Adrien’s voice was soft and quiet. It made Alya’s heart melt.
“I do. I think that you two would make each other so incredibly happy.” Alya sighed, “But no pressure or anything. At the end of the day it is your heart and your choice. I’m just asking you to look at all the possibilities before you make a decision.”
“Okay, I’ll think on it. I promise.”
“Good. Now I gotta call Marinette back before she worries herself into a human pretzel. Bye.” Alya handed the phone back to Nino. She dialed Marinette back and wandered into her room for privacy.
“Why did you hang up on me?” Marinette asked. “I am having a crisis here!”
“Girl,” Alya’s face broke into a grin that would put the Cheshire Cat to shame. “You are not gonna believe this. Adrien’s had a crush on you this entire time. Or rather, a huge, massive, fanboy crush on Ladybug that is.”
*Two weeks later*
Well that was the longest two weeks of Adrien’s life. He had done what Alya suggested and really thought over his feelings for Marinette and Ladybug. The more he compared them the more he realized how alike they were. He knew he called Marinette their Everyday Ladybug but he hadn’t realized how true that was until now.
His heart belonged to Ladybug but he would be lying if he said he didn’t feel anything for Marinette. Adrien knew that through Alya and Nino’s eyes the answer was obvious. Marinette was their friend and classmate and she was so much closer to them then Ladybug. But they didn’t know that Adrien was Chat Noir. They didn’t know that he had a direct line to Ladybug. They didn’t know he had this already huge connection to her.
So what was there to do? Have a happy civilian life with Marinette and stop his pursuit of Ladybug? Or let Marinette down gently and keep trying to make things work with his Lady? He needed to come to a decision quick since his train was getting closer to the Paris station. What if Marinette was waiting out on the platform? What was he going to tell her?
The train came to a screeching halt that flung everyone forward. What in the world was that? HE scrambled to the window and saw the leg of a huge a robot. An akuma.
He was thinking up an excuse to leave his bodyguard when the roof of the train was ripped off. The giant robot looked in and reached out its hand and started grabbing random people and dropping them into its mouth.
He had to get out of here and transform! He made a bolt for the bathroom but the robot got him first and lifted him off the ground. He struggled to get free but he was no use against thousands of pounds of metal and magic.
“Oh no you don’t!” the robot’s arm lurched away from its mouth. Ladybug stood on a nearby building with her yo-yo drawn tight to keep the robot from dropping Adrien down its gullet. “Rena! Now!”
Rena Rouge leapt out from behind Ladybug and pounced at the akuma. She dug her flute down between Adrien and the clamp holding him captive. With a large heave she pried the clamp open enough for Adrien to wiggle free. She reached to grab him but at that moment the robot had broken free from Ladybug’s hold and the pair of them were thrown off.
“I got ya!” Ladybug swooped down and grabbed hold of Adrien. Rena was quick on her feet made a safe landing down on the ground.
They landed on a nearby rooftop for Ladybug to deposit him. “You okay?” She asked.
“Yeah, never better,” Adrien’s heart was beating wildly in his chest.
“Good,” Ladybug looked back at the akuma with a small frown, “I gotta go take care of this guy but you should be safe here.”
“By the way you’re really cute and I think we should go to a movie sometime. Bye!” Ladybug said quickly and leapt back into the fight.
“Wait! What?!” Adrien shouted after her but she was already gone. He was so stunned that by the time he remembered he was Chat Noir and should be helping Ladybug and Rena Rouge had already defeated the akuma.
The miraculous cure swept across the city and Adrien was deposited back in the fixed train in his seat like nothing had happened. Well this got a whole lot more complicated!
(Part 2)
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peralta-guaranteed · 3 years
do not mind me I am just here thinking about Jake being the little spoon with Amy while also being the big spoon with Mac and creating the perfect Peraltiago cuddle sandwich
(I do mind you very much anon because I had never thought about that before and oh my god do I need it now)
The sound of Mac's favourite new tv show echoes quietly from the bedroom when Amy steps out of the bathroom in a towel, and as stressed out as she still is after that hot shower she just enjoyed, the sight of Mac and Jake cuddling on her side of the bed is enough to make her shoulders relax, no matter what they've just put behind them. They're here now, safe and sound, Mac's eyes closed shut and his pacifier bobbing away, Jake's hand absent-mindedly stroking over his head, the other one wrapped around his middle to hold him close while he stares at the television screen across the room with hazy eyes.
They've all had a pretty hard and frankly scary week. Amy'd already warned Jake that she would probably not be home much to help out at all, gearing up for a major meeting and discussion panel with several higher-ups she was trying very hard not to panic about, and she was more than relieved that Jake had taken it all in stride even when daycare called in as well, to tell them that Mac's usual two days a week would have to be cancelled due to another outbreak.
And then Mac had gotten sick anyway, so sick that Jake lost his nights to sitting up with him as well, as Amy tiptoed in and helped as much as she could - she'd gotten maybe 3 or 4 hours of sleep a night, barely able to make herself presentable for work in the mornings, but she could tell from Jake's haggard looks every morning as she kissed him goodbye for the day that he'd gotten even less.
It was enough to make that week one of the few she underscored with a harsh black line in her monthly planner, but she added a red line underneath on thursday, when Jake called her at work - something he rarely ever did, sticking to texts she could choose to ignore until later if she was too busy - to tell her he wasn't taking any more chances and bringing Mac to the ER after the morning had brought another intense round of throwing up, 5 blown out diapers in under 10 minutes and a fever that made the super-smart kid thermometer she got them blast out a rather terrifying warning beep.
Seeing her baby with an IV in his arm as she raced into the ER after giving Holt the quickest explanation she could, quietly sniffling and sucking on a freeze pop Jake was holding for him while also hugging him in his lap, told her he made the right call before the pediatrician coming over to speak to her ever could.
"He needs more fluids than he could drink right now." Jake explained what the doctor had already said when she came over to kiss both him and Mac on their foreheads, a tired sigh from the both of them in response. "But his fever is already down from the medicine they gave him."
They were allowed to take him home for the night, luckily, after his fever had gone down some more and the nurses had made sure he'd kept at least one meal in, with another big bag of medicine and 'What To Do If...' instructional booklets Jake was reading out loud for her as she drove them home. Jake was holding onto Mac's foot in his car seat like a lifeline, even as his little buddy dozed on and off from the stress of the ER and so many foreign people around him, lifted him into his arms more carefully than ever to carry him up the stairs to their apartment, and Amy knew he was not going to just put him down into his crib-converted toddler bed, nor would Mac let him, the way he clung onto his shoulders with a sad little whine in his throat from the exhaustion of the past days.
So she'd switched on the bedroom tv for some comfort - screen time rules be damned in this case - while Jake got Mac into some fresh pjs, took him just long enough so that Jake could get into sweats as well, and promised to take over for him after her shower so he could jump in, too.
But she doesn't believe he's going to take her up on that offer as she sees them side by side on the bed now, Mac's back pressed firmly against Jake's chest as he curls around the little guy.
Everyone likes to be the little spoon. It makes you feel safe.
Mac is fast asleep now, as safe as he could ever be. On a normal day, she'd probably think about lifting him out of Jake's arms to put him to bed in his own room, but she'd rather sleep there herself than to break up their little bubble of quiet.
"You know you can turn it off once he's asleep." She whispers instead after getting her own PJs on, climbing onto the free side of the bed carefully.
"Beep and Boop are gonna explain why we need to recycle next." Jake mumbles as an answer when she leans over his side, strokes through his messy hair as she reaches for the remote on the bedside table.
"Your wife should not need to explain why you need to take the chance to sleep when you can after this week." She presses a kiss to his temple as the screen switches off.
"I feel like I've forgotten how to do that." Jake sighs, and she can see the exhaustion on his face, the lines around his mouth and bags under his eyes that actually make him look his age for once. "What if Mac wakes up again? I don't think he ate enough, and-"
"If he wakes up, you'll wake up. You always do." She says in the most soothing voice she can muster, her hand not stilling in his hair as she watches his eyelids flicker. "And even if you don't, I'm still here to wake up too."
Everyone likes to be the little spoon. It makes you feel safe.
She slides up to him without moving her hand from his nape, nestles against his back as he sighs once more, deeper and calmer than before. One of his hands lets go of Mac and settles on her thigh instead, wrapped around his hip to really stay close.
"I'm gonna call in sick tomorrow. Holt will understand." She mumbles against his shoulder where her head rests, her fingertips scratching along the very edge of his hairline as her other arm comes around his waist, finds his hand on Mac's tummy to interlock their fingers against his soft, even breaths.
"Love you." Jake mumbles in reply, and his voice is halfway into dreamland, she can tell from its cadence alone, but she still answers.
"Love you too."
She spends a moment longer awake, feeling the steady breathing of the two most important people in her world under her hands, before her eyes fall closed as well.
None of them have moved even an inch when she blinks awake first in the morning, and Jake growls in his sleep when she twists around to reach for her cellphone on the bedside table, so she's quick to settle back against him once she's sent off a sick-call text to Holt and receives, weirdly enough, a thumbs up emoji as a reply and nothing else.
There's a much more expected follow up of "Dear Amy, I hope you and your family will feel better soon. Give Jake my best. Sincerely, Deputy Comissioner Raymond Holt" when she wakes up again a few hours later, and Jake makes no noise in his sleep this time, when she sneaks around to the side of the bed were Mac is smiling at her wide awake. She lifts him out of Jake's hug as only she ever could without waking him, and they share a lazy, tummy-friendly breakfast before Jake pats into the kitchen with his eyes half-closed and hugs them both from behind before getting himself a massive cup of coffee.
"Did you sleep okay?" She asks with a smile as the cup lifts into the air as he downs it.
"You never sleep badly as the little spoon, Ames." He grins softly before kissing her, Mac's hand slapping onto his cheek from her lap to keep them from completely getting lost in their kiss.
"But I did dream about Beep and Boop making me sit through an exam about recycling and I completely failed."
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tommybaholland · 3 years
haikyuu (oikawa, kuroo, tadashi) s/o excitedly calls them to come over their apartment, to show them the new song they have learned on the violin and they wanted to show them first
im sorry, this is long :,)
s/o who plays the violin
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featuring: oikawa, kuroo, and yamaguchi
i actually played the violin in middle school so i tried to expand a little more on this.. enjoy!
you’re a hard worker just like him so he knows how important this is to you
playing an instrument and being in an ensemble is similar to playing on a sports team in that you individually have to do your part in order for the group to succeed
he makes sure that you’re fully confident in your ability to play new and more difficult songs 
he doesn’t like seeing you struggle or be so hard on yourself but he can only speak for himself and knows how it goes
he knows that you’ll always come around when you’re ready
“why, hello there. how’s my s/o?” he answered with his familiar greeting. 
you didn’t even answer his question, getting straight to your point. “toru, can you come over soon?”
he laughed lightly at the urgency of the statement. “hold on, sweetheart. maybe we should go on a date first.” 
your silence was seemingly unamused by his joke. “i’m being serious, babe. i need to show you something so can you please come?”
“you know i just like playing with you, babe. of course. we’re cooling down at practice now and then i’ll be there in 15.”
“yay! i’ll see you then.”
“can’t wait, baby. love you.” 
he let himself into your apartment, like always, and proceeded to where he knew you would be. 
he knocked on the door frame of your bedroom. “is there a beethoven that lives here?” 
you turned around, shaking your head as you strode over to greet him with a hug and kiss. 
“hey, sweetie. sorry i’m a little sweaty.”
“it’s okay. but you know that beethoven didn’t play the violin, right?”
he scoffs, feigning offense. “can you just humor me? i try really hard with the music references, you know.”
“i know, toru. i love when you do,” you reply, giving him another hug. you then pulled away to get back to what you originally called him over for. 
“okay. are you ready?”
“yep. let’s hear it, baby,” he replied, taking a seat at your desk. 
you began playing, facing away from him and towards the window. you liked to play in front of the window in your bedroom as you always liked to say that the natural lighting provided a more peaceful setting. seeing the silhouette of your figure while you played was his favorite part. 
you’ve played for him so many times that he developed a sense for when the music was about to end, much to your surprise. with this, he always claps early so that you’re smiling for him when you’re finished. 
“yes, that’s my baby right there!” he reacts as he gets up from his seat, continuing to clap until he has you in his arms again, giving you a few praising kisses. 
when he pulls away, he keeps his hands caressed over your shoulders. 
“is this why i haven’t seen you lately, hmm? you’ve been practicing real hard? aww,” he coos, hugging you tightly after you nod. 
“well, it looks like all that hard work was worth it,” he remarks. “but let’s go do something now because i have missed you so much.” 
he’s very honored that his s/o is someone so talented like you
he likes watching you play the violin as much as you like watching him play volleyball 
even if it’s just watching you tune the instrument or play some scales 
like you just watching him block or serve a ball 
there are times though when he feels you’re not getting adequate rest because you’re practicing so hard 
he hadn’t seen you much at all that week. he tapped on your contact in his phone, hoping that you’d make time to spend with him, given that it was friday night. 
“oh, perfect timing,” you spoke immediately when you answered. “i was just about to call you.”
“really?” kuroo smirked. “well, that’s good to hear. i guess i just have a sixth sense, babe.” 
“can you come to the practice room, like, now?”
“practice-- baby, i thought you were at home. why are you there now?”
“i just wanted to work on this piece a little longer and then i guess time slipped away from me. so can you please come over here now, please?” 
you had repeated please twice so he knew that it was serious. he chuckled at your cute tenacity. 
“of course, babe. be there soon.” 
“oh, good. you’re here!” you remarked as he entered the smaller room. you quickly strode over to him and grabbed his hand, pulling him over to where you were working. he looked around to see sheet music everywhere along with several empty coffee cups and some food wrappers, as well. 
“gosh, babe. it’s like you live here,” he joked. “i hope you’re not sleeping in here too. it doesn’t look very comfortable.”
“i may have dozed off a few times in here,” you answered candidly as you grabbed your violin and bow and fixed the sheet music on the stand. 
“okay. ready?” 
he nodded and you proceeded to play. there was something about how you looked when you played. you were so focused and looked like you could actually feel the music as you played it. that effect spread to others because he could feel it in every inch of his body. it’s a familiar feeling that he’s so lucky that you would share something like this with him. 
when you were finished playing, he found himself stumbling over his words. 
“wow, beautiful. that was...beautiful!” he praised, walking closer to you.  
you laughed at his goofy compliment and thanked him before laying your instrument back in its case. 
“but why didn’t you just play it at your apartment?”
“i felt like i wouldn’t be able to since i’ve been grinding away at it here. i’m sorry.”
“no, kitten. you don’t have to be sorry,” he replied, wrapping his arm around you. “and i know you’ve been working hard but you could play it well anywhere.” 
you nodded gratefully and leaned in to give your pretty boyfriend a kiss, realizing that you hadn’t greeted him properly when he arrived. 
“now, let’s go get you some real dinner,” he proposed as he took your violin case in one hand and yours in the other. 
he’s naturally very curious about your life as a musician 
it’s nice energy to have around because at one point, you felt embarrassed when having to carry around your huge case with your instrument inside 
but he didn’t care at all and didn’t want your talent to go unnoticed or without appreciation 
he’s your biggest (and cutest) supporter out there
reciprocity is an emphasized aspect of your relationship and he tries to be as uplifting as you are for him with volleyball
you had been frustrated since you received the latest sheet music for your orchestra group. it was by far the most difficult piece that you had to learn. it seemed like you had an issue at almost every measure and had yet to master vibrato. 
it was plaguing your mind to get it right and when you weren’t playing, you were thinking about how to overcome this block. 
your boyfriend had seen you progress into obsession with perfecting the playing of this song. on one hand, he understood it because it was your sense of pride that pushed you to want to become better. at one point, however, you were so upset that you wanted to quit and that’s when he felt he had to step in.
“this is so stupid,” you huffed, rubbing your hands over your eyes as angry tears threatened to spill over. 
“no. it’s not,” he disagreed. “come here, peaches.” 
he held and comforted you over the woes of not being good enough.
“i know you can do this but i think you may be stressing yourself out too much over it. it’s worth the effort but not breaking down your entire emotional state.”
from then on he was diligent enough to try to help you take breaks when you needed or to give you space when you wanted it.  
“tadashi,” you addressed your boyfriend one day over the phone. “i would like for you to come over so i can show you something.”
“sure, babe! i’ll come right now,” he replied. “does this have anything to do with music?”
“i’m not telling you,” you answered in a sing-song voice. “you’ll just have to see.”
“hey, cutie,” he greeted as he entered your apartment and found you in the living area with your violin out and everything. he walked over towards you as you returned the greeting, where he gave you a sweet kiss.
“so it looks like i was right?”
“yeah. you were,” you affirmed. “what else would it be though, honestly?”
“i don’t know. maybe you just wanted to spend a little time with little ole’ me,” he joked while wrapping his arms around you, giving you a good squeeze. 
“that could’ve also been part of it,” you chuckled. “thanks for coming anyway.”
“of course, my pretty peaches,” he replies, booping your nose. “you call and i am there.”
you respond with a smile and another kiss before instructing him to sit down on the couch. you fiddle with your sheet music and stand before turning towards him again. 
“this is still very much a work in progress but i think i’ve finally gotten somewhere with this one.”
he nods with a cute grin and you begin playing. he recognizes it, after several measures, as the piece that was giving you so much trouble. he smiled at how you looked much more confident in your playing and if you made a mistake, he couldn’t tell. even though he didn’t personally know too much about music, he could relate with volleyball. it’s that satisfying feeling of getting better at something that you’ve been working so hard on and that work finally shows. 
he kinda got lost in the music that he didn’t realize that you were finished and he hadn’t said anything yet.
“like i said, it’s a still a little rusty but that’s the best play through i think i’ve done so far.”
“that was rusty?” he said incredulously. “i thought it was amazing, babe!” 
you thanked him and he got up from his seat to give you some more love.
“aww, come here,” he beckoned, wrapping you up in his arms again and pressing kisses to the side of your head. 
“i am so proud of you, peaches. i love you so much.” 
you love him too and you’re so happy that you have such a sweet and supportive person by your side.  
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twas a good one, haikyuu night! send in those requests for next time..
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goldemas1244 · 3 years
Heyyyy I have a question :3
Do you have any headcanon/s for these character : Scraptrap, Scrap Baby, Lady Dimistrecu, the three daughter of Lady D, Heisenberg and/or Molten Freddy ? :3
You don't have to do all the proposition, you can choose what character you want to do :3
Have a good day/evening and stay safe ! :3
*Cracks knuckles* \(^v^)/
You already know I'm doing all of them! Thank you for the ask! Headcanons under the cut!
He loves rice and would do anything to get his paws on it. Fortunately, the pizzeria is quite close to a Chinese restaurant so rice is easy to get.
He orders a rice-based menu at least three times a week, so the owners aren't at all that surprised to see a tuxedo-clad zombie-rabbit come in and ask for their signature fried rice with buttered lobster on the side.
Since he like to dine-in there, he usually asks Michael to give him a bath in exchange for pizzeria improvements. Michael usually shrugs and gives him a well-deserved bubble bath and his tuxedo.
He likes it when Michael gives him head pats and rubs. It makes him feel loved and appreciated.
He has a pet pigeon named Fernando Buschmann. It's German and likes to listen to the violin.
He likes ASMR and memes. ASMR makes him go feral with murderous intent while memes make him question the modern generation.
He has social media accounts, all named "Willton-Moldover". He usually posts cosplays and furry art on them and has 93 followers on his Reddit profile, 1.5 million followers on his Instagram, 550 followers on his Tumblr, 35 on his Snapchat, and 3.95 million on his TikTok.
He also has a YouTube channel with 10.784 million subscribers called "Willton-Gameover". He plays videogames one-handed and roasts popular YouTubers and famous people. He would never roast Keanu Reeves though, because Keanu Reeves is precious bean.
Due to his popularity he gets a lot of hate mail and private pics. He doesn't like them at all so he blackmails the people who post them. And if the media and police are involved? Well, he has a strong fanbase that's not going down as well as a good alibi so that works out well for him.
Yes, his fanbase also knows of the Fazbear Murders, and he admits to it but frankly, he's shown them the approving ghost kids (who've bonded and gamed with him) so that's no big deal. Only Cassidy hates him, but it's usually constipated anger.
He's bisexual and has an ENORMOUS crush on one of his favourite game characters, Karl Heisenberg. Something about that man reminds him of himself and Henry, although he's not sure what. Still, don't let that distract you from the fact that he owns a nude Karl Heisenberg body pillow, CAPCOM official.
Scrap Baby
Her favourite Monster High doll is Draculaura. She doesn't understand how pink goes well with black but oh boy, pink goes so well with black.
She knows how to skateboard like a pro. Despite her weight, her trusty skateboard still stands and, if she falls, she's always got her skates to spare. She likes to impress the boys at the skatepark with her ability to perform even the most difficult of moves with ease.
She's subscribed to fifteen different tabloid subscriptions. She likes to read them and criticize the stupidity of the human race, like her father. Hey, it's hereditary.
The lights in her boobies glow in the dark. They also glow whenever she gets tired.
She likes reading furniture and gardening catalogues. She's judgy of the prices though and usually becomes a full-on critic with Lefty listening.
She owns a crab named Mr. Tootie. No I will not elaborate on the name. I'll only tell you that it's taken a liking to kazoos and party favours.
She's listed as the No. 1 Best Fan of her father's social media accounts. Michael's in nineteenth place but don't worry, he's as emotionless as a mushroom.
She likes to make origami lotuses. She's such a pro at it that she's even got a mini-stall at the pizzeria: 1 lotus for 50 cents. It's a lucrative business, and it's still growing. Oh, and she switches to other origami works of art every week such as origami guns and origami nine-tailed foxes.
She's the Restaurant Rescue manager. Usually she saves kids from trouble. For this reason, yes, she's commonly seen in the pizzeria itself. Kids love her though the claw worries the more irksome parents.
She's a professional Karen dealer. Karen comes to see the manager? She's hypnotically talented in weaving her words through the toughest of craniums so don't be surprised if a Karen walks out with a new viewpoint of life.
She performs on stage on the occasion, which usually gets her a lot of fan love. She cherishes everything good they give but ignores the problematic everythings. Problematic stuff? Oh, she's good friends with the police chief.
Molten Freddy
He loves noodles. Give him a bowl of ramen and he'll shut up for the entire night. Enter him in a noodle-eating competition and his high metabolism rate means absolutely non-stop spaghetti.
He misses Bon-Bon very much. To the point where he's even tried to make a scrap version of him. Sadly, it doesn't work. He cried that day.
He dies inside whenever he finds out there's a spaghetti shortage in Utah. Poor Molten.
He's a bit wonky, but if he tries to play with you or get into your personal space, don't get mad at him! He's just lonely and wants someone to talk to and play with.
He likes to play Exploding Kittens. It's the only card game he's good at. It's also the only card game he owns.
He sees Helpy as a little brother and boops his nose on a daily basis. He also likes to reenact The Lion King with him (It's the ciiiiiircle of liiiiiife~). Hopefully Helpy doesn't mind.
He knows a lot of jokes in a lot of languages. So German-speaking Molten Freddy wouldn't be too far away from expectation. His favourite jokes are in French though; the wordplay is just immaculate.
He's good in French, English, German, Russian, and Malay. He's currently learning Japanese because he's a mega weeb.
His favourite cartoon is Charlie and Lola. He just likes to see the sibling shenanigans as it somehow reminds him of the good old days.
His favourite shows would be prankster shows. He especially loves the ones that give him new and creative ideas. He doesn't like the scary ones though. They make him feel unsafe and give him anxiety.
Surprisingly, he has a distinct taste for opera. He can modulate the remnants of his voice box to perfectly sing I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General. This both pisses off and impresses Henry to an extent.
Resident Evil 8
Lady Dimitrescu
She might act like the opposite but she really loves Heisenberg as her little brother. His determination, strength, speed, dexterity, and workaholic nature impresses her, who can't even fit through a doorway. She sometimes wishes she's as short as him too.
She's an avid collector of glass, porcelain, and anything fragile. It's a good reason to always be careful where you tread in her lair. She'll make you swallow every last shard if you don't.
She's an avid romance fanatic and is very loving towards the romance novels she owns. All those books you see in the in-game library? They're her collection of lesbian romances that she's collected over the past decades.
She doesn't like hats and prefers to stick to the one she wears in-game. She DOES have a collection of hats though. Last anyone counted, there were over fifty, one or two for each decade she's lived through.
She files her nails on a constant basis and owns an ornately decorated nail-clipper. Hygeine is of the utmost importance. She doesn't want to be compared to that filthy Heisenberg.
Despite her size and carefulness she keeps losing her stuff. Over the course of a week she could misplace three wine glasses, two reading glasses, and fifteen bottles of wine.
She's an expert at dodgeball and golf and even owns a lifetime access to the most prolific Country Club in Romania. With permission from Mother Miranda she goes there every year for the yearly party. It's one of the times she gets to see modernity (and Ed Sheeran) at its finest.
She loves bands from the 1920s and 1940s. However, she gets bored of them occasionally and switches them to something more modern, like Ed Sheeran. Seriously though, what is up with mums and Ed?
She's into executions and torture methods. So it's no surprise that she's a HUGE fan of Horrible Histories; even if she can't watch the show, she'll binge-read the books over and over again. She's even had the chance to encounter (and receive an autograph from) Terry Deary. They have sworn a bond not to tell anybody about this.
She loves exotic animals like anacondas and jaguars. She may or may not have owned a 10ft long Saltwater Crocodile (which was also about 5ft wide).
She's an incredible physicist and mathematician. She's also created many original formulae but unsurprisingly, she doesn't tell anyone about them, for fear that either more people may know of her, or that she may be wrong.
Dimitrescu Babes
They can devour an entire human being in mere seconds as flies. It's sort of like the scarab beetles in The Mummy movies. However, unlike the beetles, they are able to strip the bones as well. They leave nothing behind.
They all know how to play the piano with varying levels of success. Daniela can already play professionally while Bela is still stuck on Grade 5.
They love to listen to their mother when she tells them stories. Gotta hand it to 'em, when you're a fly, you know how to enjoy life in its most simple of moments.
They all love being around the hunky Soldats of Uncle Karl. Fortunately, they don't know of the rebellious plan to conquer Miranda.
Bela is bisexual, Cassandra is asexual and pansexual, and Daniela is demisexual.
It gets hard when you're a fly during the summer. If it's not the lizards, spiders, and other predators, it's the heat. Because of this, despite the material waste, they have invented the world's first blood-powered air conditioner.
The three girls have never ever ever touched a stove or oven in their life. They HAVE touched the hot end of an iron though. A good reason to not touch a bloody oven. Alcina has though, but doesn't tell them that.
They love puppies! Uncle Karl brought them a baby labrador. For the rest of the week Alcina had lost quite a bit of favour from them. Not that they minded of course. IT'S A PUPPY.
They don't like snow one bit. Not just because it's cold, but because it's too white. Too bright. Too shiny. They just can't focus on their prey!
They like to go over to Auntie Donna to play with Angie. Well, you know what they say, crazies attract the crazies, and the crazy has attracted the crazies.
They also like to go to Uncle Moreau's because he's the only one in the village with a PS4. Usually they'd spend about three-quarters of a day playing his games and eating his cheese.
Karl Heisenberg
He owns a dark blue armchair named Junkyard. Despite the name, he loves it dearly because it was a gift from Alcina for his twenty-first birthday. It became part of his final transformation too. Right under the hat.
He's a little blind in the right eye, much to his annoyance. It was a minor accident with Sturm; another reason for him to hate the uncontrollable wretch. He'll never live that day down.
Somehow, he sees better in the dark, which is why he wears such tinted glasses. He also wears them to hide his expressions, since, more often than not, he tends to end up wearing his heart on his sleeve, and his emotions in his eyes.
He's under a lot of pressure so it's no surprise that he breaks down in his factory when he knows he's alone. And by break down I mean crumple into an exhausted heap on the floor. Not even his Soldat Jet squad can wake him up until he's had a reasonable eight hours of rest.
He bathes once a day, every evening, but only three times a week. Perfume, tobacco, and cologne keep care of the rest.
He's the only Lord with a daily contact with the outside world due to his electrical abilities. Don't tell Miranda, but he can electrically CONNECT TO GOOGLE AND THE ENTIRE INTERNET IN GENERAL. He likes to play funny YouTube cat videos in his head when Miranda's having a boring meeting. It's also how he finds out that Chris is a boulder-punching asshole.
He does stimming! He likes to tap his fingers on his desk and the metal rails in his factory. He also buys stim toys from the Duke and keeps them in a well-kept box. His favourite is a non-ripping squishable toy duck. He also sings to chill out.
He's absolutely in the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise, and may have once believed in the pizzeria's existence. Come on, he's a mutated Overlord with magical magnet powers. Children souls stuck inside animatronics isn't too far-fetched of an idea. His favourite characters are the Funtimes and the Scraps, mainly because of the blueprint complexity. He HAS tried to replicate the animatronics in his spare time, but he's usually too busy with his Soldats so the project gets scrapped. He loves The Living Tombstone's songs and remixes though.
He doesn't like William Afton at all (though he marvels at his survivability). William's nature and habits remind him of Mother Miranda. He DOES however enjoy Michael Afton and often thinks how it would be absolutely amazing to have that resilient being in his Soldat army.
He's scared of what lurks below the watery depths and fire. Ironic because his brother is a literal fish and he works in one of the most hazardous fire-conducting environments. He's also scared of heights, though he doesn't get airsick.
He once died due to a killing electric shock whilst working on Sturm. It's the only time he's felt that sort of pulsing agony and also the first time he's had the confirmation that yes, Hell is real and yes, he'll end up in quite a dark pit in it. Or it could've been an electric dream, who knows? Anyways his soul apparently ran towards the opposite direction of the flames and he woke up alive after the passing of FIVE ENTIRE WEEKS. Oh boy did Alcina get worried when she couldn't find him.
Thank you for the ask! I hope you enjoy!
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xmyshya · 4 years
Bumpy road
summary: What if two of your favourite boys were pining after you? genre: angst, fluff, crack warnings: stupidity special thanks: the whole HQ Headquarters DS, for giving me ideas, for hyping up, for everything, I love you all. a/n: Colour coded! Red for Kuroo, Yellow for Atsumu, black for neutral/both! There's an Easter Egg! wc: 3.9k words
“Please take a seat in the last row”, your eyes followed an extended arm of your new homeroom teacher until they landed on a boy with the messiest bedhead you’d ever seen. He didn’t seem to pay much attention to you though, instead resting his eyes on a faraway point on the other side of the window. Until he heard the noise you made while shuffling your chair, that is. “Hiiiiii, I’m L/N Y/N, nice to meet you neighbour!”, a wide smile formed on your face. “Kuroo Tetsurou, nice to meet you too”.
One week later, you were standing on the gym's threshold, filling your lungs with a deep breath before taking the first step in as a new manager. Volleyball had never been a sport close to your heart, but you had had some experience with it, as well as basic knowledge, so you were up for a challenge. All the more reason to after being asked by an unexpectedly fun friend. And being able to spend more time with said friend. But more time spent on talking came with another consequence. You started hearing rumours and whispers. Things like wow, she’s really talking to him or oh, another victim to his charm reached your ears from everywhere. “Kuroo, am I not supposed to talk to you or something?”, slipped your lips one day. You might as well continue, since he already heard you and was now looking at you with a confusion clear in his eyes. “I just heard people being… surprised about this”. “Oh, apparently I’m either intimidating or hot enough to be a fuckboy”, you choked on your own saliva. “You’re what?” “Intimidating or hot, or both”, did he really say that with a straight face, not once but twice? You just burst out laughing, eyeing him up and down. “Sorry, where?”, laughter bending your body in half, you bumped your head against the desk. “Ouch”
School premises were swarmed with sweaty boys. Some of them were familiar, like Bokuto or Akaashi, who had been friends with Kuroo for quite a long time. You recognised Karasuno, also known as Country Bumpkins, due to a practice match 2 months prior. The rest? Well, you only knew they were parts of the Fukurodani group. There was a mock game going on, and you, being a diligent manager, observed every move of your teammates to give them performance feedback. Further into the game though, your eyes shifted more and more onto your best friend’s lifting shirt, every time he went for a block. Or spiked. Or served. And wow, his thigh muscles were really… “Okay people, time for a break!”, a shout somewhere near you brought you back to reality. You stood up and made your way to the door, to catch some fresh air, while you bumped into quite a firm body. Looking up revealed it was Kuroo. His smirk made you wonder if he noticed your stares. His wink convinced you he, in fact, did. “Y/N, your name should be Neon, cause daaaaaamn you’re a perfect 10” “So you must be Helium, cause I sure as hell want you on top of me on a table”, few people whistled. Oh shit. His reaction gave you an extra boost of confidence, because now it was painfully obvious that all the rumours about the man in front of you were pretty much it, rumours, since his ears could as well be beacons. You winked at him on your way back to the door, and he still stood there dumbfounded when you looked back after reaching it.
Something had changed. You couldn’t quite put a finger on what exactly, but it was different. Like a tiny heat wave whenever your hands brushed, and they brushed more often. Like an extra beat of your heart whenever you felt his touch on the small of your back. Like your eyes lingering on for a second longer, before dropping to each other’s lips. Like a blush tinting his ears when you smile at him. Or like the way his heart clenched, when your thick tears threatened to burn their way through his chest, because the world had been unfair to you once too many, while the only thing he could do was to hold you so tight and kiss the top of your head so gently.
Having to stay late at school really was a blessing, when it was just the two of you in an empty train compartment on your way home. Otherwise, you surely would be scolded or at least stared at, because the decibels of your laughters while fooling around were beyond socially acceptable limits. He was now chasing you, fingers threatening to tickle you once you’re caught… You started to turn just in time for your back to hit the wall, and you definitely didn’t expect him to be so close, with the way he hovered over you and his hand making a loud thud. Or maybe it was your heart. “Oh sorry, the train bumped”, there was something in his eyes that compelled you to look into them, even when he leaned on his forearm above your head. He was so close, you could almost feel his breath on your skin. “Are you sure it’s not you falling for me?”, a chuckle in your throat died instantly as you saw his eyes open wide in fear for a fraction of a second, before his usual cocky smirk curled his lips again. He booped your nose before leaning against the wall next to you. The rest of the way home was silent.
It was time for you to run to your own team’s match. There was no way to miss a game for a manager, even if it was just your presence serving as a support on court. Your eyes slipped down to your watch only for a moment, but it was enough for a disaster to occur. You felt your body clash with another. “I’m so-” “Watch where yer running, ya fucking idiot”, you really wanted to apologise, you really did. But obviously not anymore, not when the other person was shouting at you like that. “Excuse me?! And where the fuck did your eyes go, huh? And don’t you dare speak to me like that”, your finger digging relentlessly into this stranger’s chest, despite his posture being so much bigger than yours, rage boiling in your veins blocking successfully any feeling of intimidation. “Do ya have any idea who ya talkin’ to? Miya Atsumu of Inarizaki, ya pig”, he straightened up and lifted his chin, looking down at you with a half smirk. You, however, only raised a brow. “Ooohhhhh…”, you squint your eyes for a moment, tapping a finger on your slightly pouty lips. “Never heard of ya”, you gave him a wide smile as you continued your rushed steps towards another gym. “W-wait a sec!”, shit, you really didn’t have time for this, “I uhh, sorry? I thought ya were one of dem stalking fangals and uhh...”, it was clear he wasn’t used to apologising. “The way ya talked back at me was so freaking cool! Can I have yer number?” You were shocked that he dared asking you that after the insults he spouted. Even more so, when you found yourself tapping your digits into his phone.
Nekoma won the match. Not that it was surprising, you always believed in the boys, and you had believed in their plan. But now that the game was over, you were heading to have a sneak peek at your Crow friends. You didn’t expect the situation to be so dire. From the scoreboard, your eyes moved to their opponents and… oh shit. Preparing to serve was HIM, none other than self-proclaimed “THE” Miya Atsumu. He noticed you too, surely, because he was grinning your way and oh my god was it a wink? Because it definitely looked like a wink. The whole match was a pain to watch. It had you hyped, it had you devastated, it had you crying and laughing uncontrollably. But when Oranges finally won, indescribable joy overwhelmed you, while you screamed and jumped around. Sudden hand on the small of your back startled you, emotion quickly replaced with surprise and confusion when you saw Kuroo attached to it. He hadn’t touched you in 2 months. “C’mon, time for us to go”, he pushed you gently towards the door while staring down the blonde setter behind your back. His gaze said he was taking up the challenge.
In the evening, the whole team was gathered in front of the tv to watch repetitions, over and over again, and figure out a strategy. Honestly your focus only could last that long, mind already looking for distractions, when you heard a ding from your phone. [unknown]: Ya know, could’ve been less happy about our loss. ‘M heartbroken now. [Y/N]: That’s what you get for playing against my friends ;) who’s this, btw? [Miya]: Whaddya mean ‘who’?! It’s Miya Atsumu here! [Y/N]: Aaahhhhh… Never heard of him :D [Miya]: We gotta change it then “Maaaaan, I wish we could play against Miyas”, Yamamoto’s voice dragged you back into the room. “Yeah, me too”, Kuroo hissed through clenched teeth.
Recent weeks were crazy. Preparation for college entrance exams was consuming most of your time, along with your sanity. If only Kuroo was with you, he would surely tell you to take a short break, instead, your mind was spiraling into educational anxiety. Am I doing enough? What if I fail? What if I forget something? What if… the soft sound of a notification brought you down to Earth. Miya Atsumu sent you a friend request. Ah, right. You were overworking yourself so much lately, that you almost stopped replying to his texts, still you were sure to receive at least one every 2-3 days. Request accepted. Just when you were about to re-focus on the textbook in front of you, another notification came. Miya Atsumu liked your photo. Amused, you click on it only to discover the picture was from… 4 years ago. Reaction disappeared, however, almost as quickly as it appeared. On the other side of the line Atsumu’s hands were shaking and sweating, his face red, as his brain was sent into an overdrive. Oh no, oh no, ohnonono, what have I done, has she noticed, do I look desperate, what do I do now, whatdoIdo. But you never said anything about it.
[Miya]: Ya need ta relax once in a while, ya know? [Miya]: Stress ain’t bringing in results [Y/N]: Wow, so you can say something wise :0 [Miya]: HA. HA. HA. [Miya]: Now please wouldya get me? I dunno Tokyo too much. 10 minutes later you were scanning the crowd on the train station in search of a familiar blonde. It wasn’t too hard to find him, but unexpectedly… he had company. Of 2 other guys, including one looking exactly like him, except for a different hair colour. They were introduced to you as ‘Samu (apparently Atsumu was too nervous to go alone) and Suna (he would never miss a spectacle like this). “So where do you need to get to?”, Suna looked at his friend with amusement, and you could swear you heard his twin whisper “she doesn’t know?”. Suddenly you had a phone screen right in front of your eyes, pictures of your favourite cafe on display. How did he.... “I wanna take a certain gal here”, Atsumu tapped on the screen, his eyes focused intensely on yours. As soon as you shifted your gaze from his mobile to his face though, he looked away. “Let’s go then, I guess”
Having your favourite hot chocolate in your hands would have been relaxing, if not for the deafening silence and weird smirks between two extras. “Soooooo, care to explain what you’re doing here?” “Sightseeing?”, blonde sitting opposite of you looks quite adorable with the pink tint, hand on the nape of his neck. Wait, adorable? “Yeah, y/n here being the sight, OUCH”, Suna jumped in his seat, definitely kicked by Atsumu. Maybe he was right, maybe it wouldn’t hurt to have a breather from books and notes. On the other side of the window, Kuroo was clenching his fists, as he watched you laugh, not really sure of the reason behind his anger.
Being late on the very first day is a bad omen, you cursed as you ran through the campus. It was NOT your fault that it was so needlessly big. It also wasn’t your fault that you spent way too much time searching for motivation to attend this class, which was clearly added to the program to harass students. It was bound to be the most boring subject, you just felt it in your bones. You opened the door to the lecture hall as quietly as you could, and then tiptoed to the nearest free seat, eyes trained on the lecturer (you thanked gods she was turned back to the room). Luck was on your side, she hasn’t noticed. “Whatcha doin’ here, babe?”, a sudden whisper and lips barely brushing your ears made you jump in your chair. You almost screamed, but the man’s reflexes were almost inhuman, as he covered your mouth with his hand. Truthfully speaking, it might have been better to prevent your knee from bumping against the desk, because now you had all the unwanted attention. And a hurting knee. “K-Kuroo?!”, you whisper-shout back at him. “I knew we enrolled in the same university, but same class?” “I think this might be the only one, since it’s mandatory for everyone” You thought this course might actually be your favourite.
Obviously he noticed it. It was impossible not to, since the pisshead was a new follower on almost ALL of your social media. Not just a follower, no. He was commenting on nearly each photo, and reacting to every. Single. One. At first Kuroo was just mildly annoyed. Then angry. And then he could feel his blood boil whenever he saw his name under your post. He wasn’t going to tell you though how he checked every hour or so if you had replied. That day, when you both sat in your room, working on some early assignment (two heads are better than one), your phone was blowing up. Tetsurou knew who it was, he saw the bubbles popping up on your screen. You didn’t pay attention to them, much to his relief. On the other hand, Atsumu was going crazy. “Samuuuuuu, she ain’t replying!” “Samuuuuuu, ya think she’s on a date?” “Samuuuuuu, did I annoy her too much?” “Samuuuu….” “Shut up, Tsumu” “Y/N? Smile for the photo”, he laughed when your head snapped towards his raised hand, and your eyes opened wide. Kuroo pushed the shutter button exactly when you smacked his arm. “What the hell’s wrong with you?!”, notes and the search engine slowly reclaimed your main focus, partly because you wanted to hide a blush blooming on your cheeks. “Just wanted to commemorate our first study session in our university life!”, he mused as he entered First assignment with the best girl <3 - @y/n in caption and pressed <upload>. Let’s see if you react to this one, asshole. He didn’t.
[Y/N]: Are you okay? You’ve been awfully silent lately. [Miya]: ‘M ok! Didn’t want to bother ya. [Y/N]: Huh? [Y/N]: Why the sudden change? [Miya]: Idk, maybe I shouldn’t text “best girl <3” [Y/N]: Atsumu… You’re an idiot [Miya]: Am not! He was. He realised this few days later, right before hopping on a train to Tokyo. Or rather… his brother made him realise this. “Huuuuuuuh?! Whaddya mean I like her?! I mean, I do, she’s cool, but whaaaat?!” “Tsumu… Yer about’a get on a train ta see her!” “So?” “Yer an idiot” “Hey! That’s what she said too!” Looking back at it, that might have been true. Maybe. After all, he was on his way to a city 500 km away, just to see… a friend. Would he do that for just a friend?
He found you outside, and he swore it was the prettiest scene he had ever seen. Gentle breeze blew your hair, as you basked in the sunshine. With your floral dress you reminded him of a flower praising the sun. In that very moment he regretted he hadn’t bought you anything, not even some flowers. Not that they would compare to you. He watched you turn to him in slow motion, as if he was in a movie, and you were about to jump into his arms. You just smiled instead, but its brightness could rival the orb up in the sky. At that moment, he knew he was gone.
“So ya say… there’s anime about volleyball?” “Yes! And it’s so good! Seems pretty accurate too!” “Ya hafta show me! That’s so cool!”, he reminded you of a kid, with his eyes shining like glitter, and a smile covering at least half of his face.
He had exactly the same expression, when he suddenly stopped walking and you bumped into him, ice cream spreading nicely on your nose as he was taking a selfie of both of you. And then again at the train station, when he was worried his arms might have lingered a tad too long around your waist, but you didn’t pull back. Later, a screech could be heard in your room as that photo appeared on your timeline. With your name attached to it. In yer face, rooster bastard, Atsumu thought as he had clicked the <upload> button. Kuroo only scoffed, original much. But if that’s how he wants to play…
Lunch break was your favourite part of the day not just because it was, well, a break, and not only because of lunch. It was the time spent on talking, goofing around and stealing each other’s food, together with Tetsurou. That day, however, exhaustion took over and you couldn’t do much more than just lay your head on the cantine table, your hair a messy veil. “I can’t wait for summer break to come, I want it to come already! My brain is so tired” “Hang in there! It’s just 2 weeks of exams, and then we’re free!” “Why are you doing this to me, Kuroooooo” “I’ve always been a nice person” His hand was soft as he gently uncovered your face, strand by strand. “Wanna go somewhere and relax a little before all hell breaks loose?” Soft hum was the only thing leaving your lips as you melted into his touch.
The sun was merciless, as if its sole purpose was to burn the Earth to ashes. The fact that you were ankles deep in a stream and shielded by dense leaves didn’t help at all. Undeniably though it was soothing for the soul. “Okay, let’s move on”, Kuroo said, despite wanting to watch you forever. There was something about this relaxed expression that strung the cords of his heart. Yes, you looked happy. It took you too short a while to have shoes on and be ready to walk again. Summer breeze felt wonderful as you climbed up a rocky hill, scorching heat finally letting up a little. Temptation to just stand there with eyes closed and arms open wide almost too strong. Still, you let yourself submerge in it enough, not to notice a slippery boulder. You were preparing yourself for the impact, but instead, you felt a pull on your wrist and then a firm chest in front and a strong arm around your waist. “Please be more careful”, a whisper rather felt than heard, barely louder than a breath. This and his scent intoxicated you. “Let’s go?”
The view was magnificent. Just behind the hill, there was a lake, as clear as glass. Its naturally azure colour was tinted with golden afternoon light and rosy flowers covering the trees growing around the coastline. Some of the petals were floating on the surface, between the sun kissed shimmers. It was truly breathtaking, both of you wished you could stay in that moment. Neither of you noticed, none of you had let go of each other’s hand.
[Y/N]: Random thought. [Y/N]: What if I were a werewolf? [Miya]: … [Miya]: Are ya? oO [Y/N]: Hmm? Would it be a problem if I was? [Miya]: I… ‘m allergic to dogs… :( [Miya]: I swear I’ll get meds! [Y/N]: Wow, such a sacrifice! You would do that for me? [Miya]: I would even hunt squirrels for ya! [Y/N]: Squirrels? [Miya]: Or whatever werewolves eat [Y/N]: Wow, I’m speechless “Samuuuuuuuuu, she sent me a heart! A HEART!”, the fluttering in his chest was almost unbearable. “Shut yet mouth, ya simp! It’s 1 am!” He wasn’t a simp, of course not. Sure, he did watch whatever you recommended to him, and listened to whatever song you said you loved. He did research on things you had said were interesting, and rushed to his phone whenever it announced a new message. But being a simp? Him? Never.
If this wasn’t heaven, you didn’t know what would be. Warm sand under your back, cool water coming in waves to wash the heat off of your skin, and the sun watching you from the clearest sky. You heard a click somewhere behind your head, and opened your eyes to see your relative, showing proudly their creation. “You just looked so blissful, Y/N. Couldn’t help it”. You couldn’t blame them. You didn’t remember feeling this much at peace either. “Send it to me, please!”
Tucked gently in your covers, you were swiping through your gallery, admiring the pictures you and your relative had taken. After another round you finally decided which ones you wanted to share with the world, a mixture of landscapes, sunsets and portraits. As soon as you were informed about the post being up, you silenced your phone and closed your eyes ready to sleep… This might have been one of the best decisions you had made recently. You had never seen that many alerts on any of your content. Majority of these were from Atsumu, who obviously made sure none of your uploadings went unnoticed, which spread a warmth in your chest. What really caught your attention though, was how many times one particular picture was mentioned. Yes, the one on the beach. It was almost scary. {Kuroo}: Babe, you shouldn’t expose yourself like that, there are thirsty bois around. {Atsumu}: Who tf are ya callin’ thirsty?! {Kuroo}: Never said I was talking about you, but I guess I found one {Atsumu}: Listen here ya smug ass’ole, ya think yer funny? Suna only sent a gif of popcorn eating {Osamu}: Okay Y/N, as much as I find this exhilarating…just choose already, spare those two poor souls! Suna sent another gif, this time a very disappointed one.
Choose? Wtf does that mean? And then it hit you. Kuroo suddenly getting touchy again after distancing himself from you. His sudden clinginess whenever Atsumu interacted, phone in plain sight. Miya’s constant attention. His willingness to travel and never asking for anything in return. His eagerness to learn about anything you liked. Had you really been so oblivious for this whole time? Well, it could wait until you were back home.
Memories flooded your mind as you were typing the message, your heartbeat rate over the roof, your hands shaky, but you knew you needed to do this. For your sake. For his sake. One last glance over the text “I think it’s time for us to talk…” before you press <send>
Epilogue 1 - Kuroo Epilogue 2 - Tsumu Epilogue 3 - both
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