#i am posting as an act of resistance and optimism and good spirit
fractalkiss · 3 months
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Post-Sprint, Austria 2024
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heartofsnark · 5 years
A Hope County Christmas (Part One): The Resistance
Notes: Yes, this is late for Christmas and yes, that means the second part is gonna really fucking late for Christmas. But in my defense, I didn’t get the idea and started writing it until the 26th. It was originally suppose to be just one part, but it got real long and I lost some steam in the second part, so it’s gonna take me longer. So, have this and I’ll post the second part....maybe before 2020. I’ve been talking about my Deputy a lot over on my personal @morbidchild182 but this is the first writing I’ve posted with her. I’m still developing her and working on how I write the characters, so. 
Summary: It’s Christmas time in Hope County and as one might suspect, it can be hard to find any Christmas spirit to spare with Eden’s Gate waging their holy war. Junior Deputy Dahlia Hale fully suspects this holiday will be spent just as every last day has been spent since they tried to arrest Joseph Seed. But, between the Rye’s incurable optimism and the Seed’s...fascination with her, she can’t say she expected this. 
Word Count: 3032 
Warnings: Drinking, play fighting, dumb jokes, dumb christmas shenanigans, Ship Tease between Eli and my Deputy, Some sappy bullshit thrown in for good measure. There will be like Yandere Polyseed bullshit in the second part
A harsh cough echoes in Dahlia’s chest, a hacking noise and her lungs constrict. This is her first winter in Montana and it’s absolutely kicking her ass. Eden’s Gate could only hope of making her feel this shitty. Though, to her surprise the peggies haven’t been particularly active lately.
The Seed brothers are originally from Georgia, the deep south just like her, and she wonders if they’re as badly impacted by the cold as she is. Her leather jacket, uniform shirt and tee shirt under it are doing very little to keep out the chill as she rides her motorcycle through the Holland Valley wilderness. Nick and Kim called her over the radio asking her to head over. She’s hoping everything is alright, she’s not sure how much help she’ll be when she can barely feel her limbs.
She parks her motorcycle by the porch, pulling off her helmet and cringing as the cold air hits her face. There are little twinkling Christmas lights across their porch and the roof, even a few strings around the hangar. They’re beautiful, but a part of her worries about it just drawing in angels.
Dahlia rubs her hands together, trying desperate to regain some heat. Her red and irritated nose suddenly feels wet, is her nose running on top of everything? She goes to rub it away, but there’s a fleck of ice clinging to fingers. Something wet pats against her head, is it raining? She looks up towards the sky. Soft white flakes are drifting through the sky.
It’s snowing. She’s only seen snow in movies and TV shows, the white puffy flakes touch her cheeks. Ideas of catching snowflakes on her tongue or having snowball fights flicker through her brain, but she disregards it immediately knowing she doesn’t have the time for horseplay.
“Something interesting up there, dep?”
“Huh,” she startles for a minute, seeing Nick standing on the porch and staring up at the sky, “no, sorry, I just, never seen snow before.”
“What, seriously?”
“Louisiana doesn’t get a lot of snow, seen a few hurricanes though.”
“Shit man, that’s just depressing.”
“As is most of my life.”
“Well, come on in.”
“Sure, but, uh, Nick, do you think the lights are a good idea? Might draw-“
Her voice catches in her throat as she steps into the Rye home, it looks like a Christmas wonderland. A giant ornate tree, Christmas music playing on the radio. A tall tree that the top of which nearly scrapes the ceiling, though it’s bare for some reason. Friendly faces all around; Jerome, Mary May, Grace, Sharky, Hurk, Adelaide, Xander, and Jess in a corner hiding away with Cheeseburger nestled at her side. Peaches is getting ear scratches from Sharky. Everyone except Jess is wearing obnoxiously colored Christmas sweaters.
“Those peggies have taken so much from us, I’ll be damned if they’re taking Christmas too,” Nick declares and she can’t help but smile at his determination.
A few barks ring out and before Dahlia knows it two dog paws have landed on her waist, Boomer demanding her attention. He’s almost as bad as John.
“Hey, boy,” she coos scratching behind his ears and laughing as he gives her a few kisses.
“Deputy,” Kim makes her way over, Boomer moving so she can give Dahlia a big hug, “I’m so happy you could make it out here, I know you’re busy with…everything. It means a lot.”
“Uh, what’s exactly going on, I thought you guys needed my help with something?”
“It’s a trap, Rook,” Jess calls out from her corner and Kim rolls her eyes.
“It’s a holiday party, we have one every year and we aren’t letting the peggies ruin it, here.” Kim hands over a white fluffy sweater, the less ugly of any of the ones she’s seen on her friends. When she unfolds it, she sees a little polar bear face with a sprig of mistletoe by its ear.
“It’s Christmas, everyone has to wear a Christmas sweater.”
“Except Jess, she threatened to bite me,” Nick says, shooting a slightly fearful look towards the woman.
“I mean, I’d be happy to bite you too, hon,” Adelaide calls out with a flirtatious wink, Kim rolling her eyes as Nick visibly cringes.
“Please, dep, just put on the sweater.”
Dahlia shrugs her shoulders, if her wearing a damn sweater will make them even a little bit happier, it’s more than worth it. The couple has endured enough bullshit with Eden’s Gate, the least she can do is wear a damn sweater. She pulls off her leather jacket and uniform shirt.
“Woo, take it off!” Sharky yells out, grinning like a dumbass and Dahlia’s face flushes red, shooting her favorite pyromaniac a death glare before she tugs the sweater on over her tee.
It’s large, white, fluffy, and feels completely out of place on her. She feels like she looks odd without an outfit that’s at least ninety percent black.
“I can’t stay long,” Dahlia warns as she ties her hair back in a stubby ponytail.
“The lord does permit days of rest, Deputy.”
“Good for him, but I got shit to do,” She tells Jerome as she meanders towards a place to sit, eventually settling somewhere between Sharky and Jess, back tight against a wall and knees pulled up to her chest.
“You deserve a day to take it easy, here,” Kim hands her a mug of eggnog, an odd smell coming off it. It’s probably fine. She takes a drink and the burn of rum hits her, she nearly sputters. Kim laughing at her.
“Can’t handle your booze, Rook?” Grace asks, raising an eyebrow at her.
“Firstly, I legally can’t drink, secondly this is barely fuckin’ eggnog at this point.”
“Eh, who’s gonna arrest you, you?”
“You’re old enough to risk your ass for us, you’re old enough to drink,” Mary May says, taking a swig of her own drink.
Dahlia shrugs, she did drink a little when she was a minor, but stopped when she became a cop. Based on principle alone. But, fuck she’s never actually liked the taste. She’s not convinced anyone really does. At that same time, Nick steps into the room a Santa hat tilted on his head, where he’s stretched over his cap. In his arms are movies, games, and more booze.
“Ol’ Saint Nick!” Sharky yells out and a chorus of groans follow his stupid joke.
“Figure, we’ll watch a movie, get everyone in the spirit, before we play some games.”
“You mean get everyone drunk,” Kim teases, the only one not drinking the spiked eggnog.
“Same thing.” Nick grins and shrugs as he puts some Christmas movie in, Boomer lays against Dahlia’s side as the bullshit movie starts to play.
“What the hell is that woman doing?” An extra looks directly at the camera.
“Who the fuck talks like that?” The acting is awful.
“Oh god, child actors.” The child acting is worse.
“I’m like, pretty sure that’s a federal offense.” You can’t just look through someone’s mail.
“Eh, who hasn’t committed a federal offense.”
“Most people Sharky, most people.”
“Wait that’s the plot, getting her uncle a girlfriend, oh my god.” The plot is stupid
“Ooh, I wouldn’t mind him stuffing my stocking.” The main actor is easy on the eyes.
“Addie, no.”
“Wait, why the hell did he say it was done, if he hadn’t started cookin’ it yet?”
“Fantastic question.”
“What? What? What?!” This makes no sense.
“Holy shit, Adelaide in five years,” Dahlia blurts out when a perverted granny shows up.
“Five years!? How old do you think I am, Rook?!”
“No comment.”
“You don’t look a day over thirty.”
“She’s your aunt, Sharky.”
“Shut it.”
“Is she an elf? Oh my god, is she a fuckin’ elf?”
“Did she just realize she looks like she dressed in the dark?”
“She took her glasses off, so she’s no longer ugly, ‘cause…y’know.”
“The audio is so bad, holy shit, what are they even saying.”
“That looks awful.”
They’re about halfway through the movie, everyone finding every chance to chime in some comment about the crap on screen. She’s drained two mugs of the spiked eggnog, her cheeks red from booze and laughing. Dahlia’s lost count of how many cookies she’s crammed into her mouth.
The movie finishes and she no longer feel like she’s in any state to take on a cult. Not drunk, but tipsy as all hell. Judging by the flushed cheeks around her, no one is any better off except Kim who once credits are rolling suggest making ornaments and decorating the tree.
Trusting drunk dumbasses to decorate the tree, brilliant.
It’s a disaster. Of course, it is.
Jerome makes some decent angel ones, but the religious aesthetic of anything has been ruined for everyone lately. Mary May’s Santa is holding a beer. Jess’s just has ‘Fuck Off’ scribbled across it. Xander and Adelaide keep trying to have sex puns about crafts, too drunk for any of them to be subtle. Grace’s gun ornament is surprisingly well done, but not particularly Christmas-y. Nick’s attempt to make a plane looks like a lumpy disaster. Hurk and Sharky keep trying to put a dick and or flames on everything. At some point someone throws glitter.
It was her.
Sharky tried to draw a dick on her star, so she started throwing glitter at his dumb face. Now there’s glitter everywhere, the Rye’s home will never be free of it. Also, there’s gold glitter glue on her hands and hair where she tried to push it back, because tools are for fools.
Then her radio crackles to life, ah fuck, she tries to rub the worse of the glue off onto her jeans before grabbing it.
“Hey,” she manages to slur even the shortest word and everyone her is snickering.
“Deputy, it’s Eli from the Whitetails.”
“I don’t know any other Eli, you don’t have to clarify, Mountain Man.”
“Right, uh, sorry. Heard about the Rye’s party, knew you were over that way. I, uh, wanted to make sure you weren’t running yourself ragged.”
“Wanted to check in on his girlfriend,” Wheaty teases in the background and Dahlia’s face flushes brighter red, not from the booze. Everyone around her starts to laugh
“Don’t you have something else to do?” Eli retorts and she can practically hear the embarrassment in his voice.
“Don’t worry, Eli, I’m at the Rye’s being supplied with way too much booze.”
“That’s good, well not good that you’re getting drunk, not that I care if you get drunk, I don’t think. I just mean it’s good you’re with friends and y’know what, I’ll stop talking.”  
She can’t help but laugh, he hasn’t been this awkward with her since he talked about shaving his beard and wondering if it made him look crazy.
“Hey, maybe next time I’m in that area, we can see if we can convince Chad to make some Christmas grub and have a little celebration at the Wolf’s Den?”
Why did she make that offer, she didn’t even want one celebration, why is she doing this? It’s so impractical, why the fuck would Eli want that? She pushes hair back out of her face, she’s so stupid.
“That sounds nice.”
“It does? It does. Cool.”
“Well, uh, Merry Christmas, Rook.”
“Merry Christmas, Eli.”
The radio call ends, and Dahlia lets out a breath she didn’t know she was holding, all eyes are on her. Some confused and others smirking at the little exchange.
“Never knew you liked ‘em older, deputy.”
“Fuck off.”
“You really shouldn’t have done that to your hair either,” Jess tells her, smirking. Her bangs fall back in her face and Dahlia sees the gold glitter glue now clinging to the dark locks.
“God damn it.”
“Looks like you were too distracted drooling over your mountain man,” Jess mocks Dahlia with an overly sappy voice. Dahlia smirks back, revenge already in her mind.
“Aww,” she cups Jess’s cheeks in her two-glitter glue covered hands, “that was so cute of you.” Dahlia smears it down Jess’s cheeks leaving a mess.
Jess’s green eyes narrow, a weaker woman might freak out at the anger shown in them. But, Dahlia knows too well that there’s a hint of mischief there, it’s all in good fun. The Junior Deputy pulls her hands away from the Survivalist’s face.
“No killing in the house,” Kim warns and that’s all that’s said before Jess is launching over the table to try to grab Dahlia who’s already dropped down and jolted under it, the two switching sides before the deputy breaks into a run.
Their movements are clumsier and slower than usual, booze slowing them down. Dahlia takes the stairs two at a time, giggling as she tries to evade her friend. Jess’s hands nearly latch onto her sweater and Dahlia promptly jumps over the stair banister, boots hitting the floor with a heavy thud.
“No breaking your ankles in the house!”
“Sorry, Kim, oh god!”
Jess is on Dahlia’s back, bringing her down to the ground and laughing as the deputy collapses under her weight. She’s trying to put her in a headlock, as Dahlia attempts to wrestle out of it. The entire party laughing at their horseplay. She swears she hear Sharky or Hurk saying something about needing a mud pit, but she’s too focused on play wrestling to yell at the perverts.
Her radio crackles again and through the struggling Dahlia manages to answer it.
“Rook, heard the Rye’s invited you over for Christmas,” Whitehorse’s voice comes through.
“That they did,” she struggles to respond as she’s using one hand to fend off Jess.
“Hey, sheriff!”
“He can’t see you waving Nick.”
Dahlia cracks, a fatal mistake as Jess uses it to get the headlock.
“Good, I was worried about you, Rook, thought you’d be running around while everyone else took the day off. I know shit’s tough right now but taking time to celebrate the little stuff is what’s gonna keep you going. Merry Christmas.”
“You guys doing anything special at the jail?” She asks as she tries to squirm away, finally just giving up and trying to stand up with Jess on her back and arms around her neck. It’s a piss poor excuse for a piggyback ride, but whatever.
“Virgil’s trying to get someone to cut down a tree, Tracey ain’t having any of it.”
“I can do that.”
“You’re not chopping down a Christmas tree, Rook, Jesus Christ,” Tracey grumbles in the background.
“You’ve already done more than enough, hell, if it wasn’t for you…well there are a lot of people who wouldn’t be here to see Christmas this year. Enjoy your party.”
“Yeah…Merry Christmas.”
Dahlia feels her eyes sting, she doesn’t expect praise or even acknowledgment of the things she’s done. It still seems so foreign, the idea that she’s actually saved people. That people are here, alive and safe, because of her actions. She can never see herself as a hero, but to some people she truly is.
Jess’s arms on her loosen, before the woman just hops right off of her. A soft smile replacing the mischievous little grin. She squeezes Dahlia’s shoulder, a silent understanding that Jess is one of those people. If not for Dahlia, she’d be spending this Christmas in a cage, if she was lucky. But, now she’s spending it in a rare moment of joy and peace.
“Come on, we gotta decorate the tree..”
“Yeah, sounds good.”
Jess and Dahlia rejoin the party, feral energy out of their system for the time being. The tree looks like a mess. Everyone’s ornament a disaster and the whole thing looking like an incomprehensible disaster. Nothing goes together. None of it makes sense, but it has…character. Dahlia goes to hang her own bad star ornament after hanging the last bit of tinsel. But, it’s nowhere to be found.
“Here,” Kim hands it to her, but the sloppily coated star no longer has a string, instead on a little cap to be used as the tree topper. It’s an extremely sweet gesture, but…
“I can’t reach.” Dahlia makes a show of trying to stretch her hand up to touch the top of the tree, only to come up embarrassingly short.
“Don’t worry, I gotcha bromigo,” Hurk declares before hefting Dahlia up onto his shoulders, she can’t help but laugh, but places her messy star at the top of the tree. Hurk putting her back down with ease.
“It’s certainly…different.”
“It always an adventure to see how it turns out every year.”
“I’m sure it.”
Another crackle from her radio.
“Who’s calling now?” Nick asks, taking another drink of eggnog.
“Eh, probably just Dutch checking in,” Dahlia answers it, “don’t worry, I’m at the party and I’m taking a break for Christmas.”
“That’s wonderful to know, dep-yoo-tee,” John’s voice sobers her, like a bucket of ice water’s splashed in her face, the entire party going silent as he drags out each syllable.
“The fuck do you want?”
“Easy now, Little Miss Wrath, I haven’t even done anything and you’re already foaming at the mouth.”
“Yet, you haven’t done anything, yet.”
“Someone who doesn’t believe in prophets, claiming to know the future, how ironic.”
“Get to the point, Johnny Boy.”
“I do hope, you’ll be more patient once you fully join our family.”
“You got five more seconds before I hang up and get back to drinking. One, two,-”
“While we don’t celebrate Christmas quite the same as sinners do, the holidays still marks an important time of togetherness.”
“Good for you…Can I go now?”
“Me, my brothers and sister like to spend this time of year together, as a family.”
“I’m gonna blow my brains out from boredom, Johnny.”
“A family dinner requires the whole family, dep-yoo-tee, even the members who’ve yet to accept their role.”
“Are…are you threatening to kidnap me for Christmas dinner?!”
“Depends, will you come of your own volition?”
“Fuck no.”
“Then, I’m afraid you leave me no choice. I’ll be seeing you shortly, dear.”
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vividracing · 3 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.vividracing.com/blog/top-5-best-radius-rods-for-your-can-am-maverick-x3/
Top 5 Best Radius Rods for Your Can-Am Maverick X3
Upgrading the radius arms on your Can-Am Maverick X3 can prove to be incredibly beneficial. What is a radius rod though? A radius rod, also called a radius arm, is a part of a vehicle’s suspension system that is used to control the movement of the wheels. It is fixed at the vehicle chassis to keep the wheel suspension in position and restricts wheel movement to a specific range to ensure it does not move too much in either direction. Having the ability to adjust camber and toe settings will be a huge help when it comes to how your machine handles. On top of that, having a strong enough part that can handle the abuse your Maverick X3 endures when taking on the trails is priceless.
The stock rear control arms on the X3 and X3 Max from the factory are very weak due to their hollow tube design. These can easily bend from small rocks hitting your vehicle when riding off-road and especially during hard landings in the dunes. While having a total of six arms should be strong enough, the OEM radius rods are not as good as they could be and do not offer adjustability either. The automotive aftermarket, however, offers plenty of options should your Can-Am’s radius rods fail and need to be replaced or you just want them upgraded. Vivid Racing has compiled the following five best radius arm kits for the Maverick X3 to make your search a bit easier. You can also view all of our radius rods for the Can-Am Maverick X3 right here.
1. Agency Power Adjustable Rear Radius Rod Set 
The new Agency Power Adjustable Rear Radius Rod Set is a fully adjustable solution designed to take a beating and last for a long time. These radius arms are machined from solid 6061 aluminum for the ultimate strength and durability. The rods are different for the upper, middle, and lower in order to act as an exact replacement for the stock components and work optimally. The ends of the control arms are tapped to accommodate the three-piece Teflon-lined spherical rod ends. The 3/4- inch spherical rod ends have opposing threads and are locked in place using a stainless-steel jam nut.
Each rod end’s through-hole is 5/8 inches in diameter with steel spacers machined to Maverick X3 specs for a secure fit to the rear frame brace or wheel carrier. Each upper and lower radius rod features a hexagonal shape so you can easily adjust them on the fly using the proper tools. The Agency Power Adjustable Rear Radius Rods are powder coated in popular colors (silver, black, and red) and have a unique laser engraved pattern to go with your Can-Am Maverick X3 theme. The set of 6 rods is designed to work with the stock or aftermarket support brace to keep your UTV handling at its best.
6061 Solid Aluminum with Easy Adjustment
Powder-Coated in Popular Colors
High-Quality Spherical Rod Ends
Full OEM Replacement for Perfect Fit
Get It Here! 
2. SuperATV Boxed Radius Arms 72-Inch Complete Kit
SuperATV’s Boxed Radius Arms for the Can-Am Maverick X3 boast strength, simplicity, and an easy installation. The radius rods are crafted with reinforced pivot joints, 1/8-inch heavy-duty steel plating, and internal gussets to deliver the toughness you’d want for your UTV. SuperATV designed it like an I-beam to deliver unparalleled strength that can really stand up to the elements of spirited riding. With this kit, you can be sure that the typical stress points won’t break. Even the frame mount is engineered to be as strong as possible. That means you can hit those bigger jumps, climb wilder hills, and navigate through rough rock gardens. No matter where you want to go, the SuperATV radius rods are up for the task.
These radius arms come pre-adjusted to OEM specs and include all new bushings. SuperATV did the extra work for you and adjusted the heavy-duty Heim joints to match stock specifications too. They are all ready to install right out of the box so you can get back to riding as soon as possible, and still have the camber adjustability you need if you decide to add a lift or larger tires to your machine. With all that said, these rear radius arms are designed for the decisive rider that doesn’t let off the gas for the sake of his/her UTV and wants to really enjoy the things a Maverick X3 was built for.
Made with 1/8″ Heavy-duty steel plating
Internal gusseting for maximum strength
Reinforced pivot joints for added strength
Heavy-duty 5/8 x 18 heim joints
Heim joints pre-adjusted to factory specs
Heavy-duty frame mount design
Includes all-new bushings
UV-resistant Powder Coating
Lifetime Warranty
Get It Here! 
3. CT Race Worx 64″ High-Clearance Radius Rod Kit
Those looking for the ultimate in radius rods need not look any further. This CT Race Worx High-Clearance Radius Rod Kit is built from 7075-T6 aluminum and boasts over an inch of ground clearance. It is made from aircraft-grade aluminum, which is basically the strongest aluminum option for the sport. The ends house FK uniballs, the same series joints that the trophy trucks are running –­ there really is nothing better. The middle (toe) link and upper radius rod are solid 1-1/8-inch 7075-T6 aluminum. The CT Race Worx kit allows for full adjustability of camber and toe while installed sitting at ride height. The main difference between others who use 6061 aluminum and CT Worx’s 7075 aluminum is that the latter won’t stretch, bend, dent, or even scratch like the former.
What sets CT Race Worx apart from others in the industry is that this brand uses the absolute highest-quality joint on the market. The JMX series of joints from FK has achieved a tremendous amount of success over the years. These joints use a fabric-based Teflon liner known as a PTFE liner. The inner joint housing is compressed to create a preload on the ball that will stay tight roughly three times longer than a standard injected Teflon rod end, which is standard in the UTV industry. The spacers in this package are 303 stainless steel, so you can be sure that strength and corrosion are not a problem. Don’t be fooled by cheap imitations using inferior joints and inferior materials. While you may pay less upfront, the cost over the course of a year and once the cheaper joints wear out will be much more than you bargained for.
Uses 7075 (not 6061) aluminum
Tensile Strength – 83,000 psi
Yield Point – 74,000 psi
Brinell Hardness – 150
Elongation at Break – 10%
Shear Strength – 48,000 psi
Strength to Weight Ratio: 196 kN-m/kg
Get It Here! 
4. Assault Industries Turret Style Radius Rod Kit
  Assault Industries was born from a true passion for the off-road industry and that shows through each and every one of its products. After all, this company has been manufacturing UTV parts for more than two decades! Working with OEM customers has given Assault Industries an advantage in understanding the standards of quality for each of its products. The Assault Industries Turret Style Heavy-Duty Radius Rods for the Can-Am Maverick X3 are no exception; they are built for the off-road warrior. This package is designed and produced in California from the latest state-of-the-art machinery and only the best aircraft-grade materials to deliver a kit durable enough to withstand the elements of exploring the off-road.
With a lineup that boasts some of the best, strongest, and most innovative products available in the industry, it’s no wonder how Assault Industries made our list here. Assault Industries radius rods are machined from 6061 T6 aluminum and are hard anodized black with polished Chromoly adjustable Heim joints. This radius rod kit retains the OEM clearance of the Can-Am Maverick X3 while adding incredible strength and rigidity over the stock setup. If you are in the market for a stylish radius arms kit that will look amazing all while performing above and beyond OEM specs, look no further than the fully capable Assault Industries set!
Triple rod configuration
Improved strength and rigidity over OEM
Direct bolt-on replacement
Turret design construction
Heavy-duty adjustable end-links
High-grade machined billet aluminum
Hard anodized finish
Get It Here! 
5. Madigan Motorsports Rear Radius Rods
What began as a passion for the motorsports world turned into a successful business for Thomas Madigan. He started out by building cages, long travel kits, and other suspension pieces and later evolved into building full race cars and trucks from the ground up. Madigan was eventually approached by Full Potential and moved on to work alongside them building sand cars, FIA Dakar Rally Cars, and short course cars. Today, Madigan Motorsports specializes in stock race and play UTV products that let you truly take advantage of all your machine has to offer. After all, upgrading your radius arms is a great way to gain newfound strength for a better ride as well as more clearance to take on new ventures confidently.
The Madigan Motorsports Rear Radius Rods are a great budget-friendly replacement for your Can-Am Maverick’s stock radius arms. Available in a raw or black finish, these radius rods are crafted from CNC-machined T-6061 aircraft-grade aluminum. The set also includes 4130 Chromoly steel Heim joints. These high-quality radius rods prove to be much stronger than the OEM ones to hold up to even the most intense conditions so you can enjoy your UTV to the fullest. If you are looking for radius arms that will be stronger and handle better than stock without breaking the bank, look into Madigan Motorsports. Testimonials show that these radius arms make successful builds and withstand conditions to last a very long time. 
Stock replacement radius rods
CNC-machined T-6061 aluminum
4130 Chromoly steel Heim joints
Proven to stand up to extreme conditions
Available in raw or black finish
Get It Here! 
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mllemaenad · 7 years
Something occurred to me recently, when I was contemplating the outcomes of a Leliana!Divine world-state. Circles, imperfect as they arguably are, provide a contained environment with which to resolve a potential outbreak of possession. I acknowledge that, as you have opined, the Rite Of Annulment is a sub-optimal response to them; that said, even a less questionable solution would be easier to implement with the Nevarran Accord in place. How would the post-circle Thedas solve such events?
Well, that’s a bit of an understatement. I believe I said that the Right of Annulment is fucking evil. :)
I stand by that, absolutely. I don’t think it is ‘questionable’ or ‘sub optimal’. I think the indiscriminate murder of what may amount to hundreds of trapped and helpless people is a grotesque and horrific thing. I get these Asks, sometimes. And they all amount to ‘But when do we get to murder mages? Surely now we can murder mages? Surely this situation is bad enough that we can murder mages?’
My answer is never. You never get to murder mages without consequences. And let’s be clear here: my word is ‘murder’. If you are cornered by a mage, possessed or otherwise, who means to kill you, and you find you must kill them to survive, then you are acting in self defence. And that’s fine. But if you have arrived on the scene with the intent to kill, you are a murderer.
First thing: this business about Circles and the Annulment being set up to resolve possession scenarios. They’re not. Not at all. If they’ve ever actually accomplished that, it was incidental to their true purpose. However, I think in most cases the Circles (and in all cases Annulments) have made things worse rather than better. I know that safety is how the Chantry sells it, but the Chantry lies.
Let’s take a look at how all this got started:
In the 83rd year of the Glory Age, one of the mages of the Nevarran Circle was found practicing forbidden magic. The templars executed him swiftly, but this brewed discontent among the Nevarra Circle. The mages mounted several magical attacks against the templars, vengeance for the executed mage, but the knight-commander was unable to track down which were responsible.
Three months later, the mages summoned a demon and turned it loose against their templar watchers. Demons, however, are not easily controlled. After killing the first wave of templars who tried to contain it, the demon took possession of one of its summoners. The resulting abomination slaughtered templars and mages both before escaping into the countryside.
The grand cleric sent a legion of templars to hunt the fugitive. They killed the abomination a year later, but by that time it had slain 70 people.
Divine Galatea, responding to the catastrophe in Nevarra and hoping to prevent further incidents, granted all the grand clerics of the Chantry the power to purge a Circle entirely if they rule it irredeemable. This Right of Annulment has been performed 17 times in the last 700 years.
– The Right of Annulment
The Templars murdered a mage for practising ‘forbidden magic’. What did he do? We’ll probably never know. And that’s the root cause of the problem: Templars are empowered to perform summary executions, and are never held accountable for their actions. They are assumed to be justified in anything they do.
The Circle mages, finding themselves trapped in a building with a mob of religious fanatics who had just proved they were not even slightly above murder, retaliated. Apparently, they were really good at it. Targeted guerilla warfare that kept the Templars on the back foot, and for which they were never caught. I’d just like to pause for a moment to give a fucking standing ovation to the Glory Age Nevarran mages. It’s doubtful they were ever able to write down and disseminate their tactics. Nevertheless, they should be an inspiration for every generation that followed after.
Eventually, someone broke through the Templar lines. I’m not sure whether I believe the bit about the demon summoning. I’ll certainly concede that it’s possible: people do summon demons to fight their battles, and that can get very, very, very out of hand. But ‘demons’ and ‘blood magic’ are the Chantry’s go-to excuses for everything, and they’ve been caught out lying or misunderstanding these situations before. The mages were, as I said, doing really well. And they were Nevarran mages. This is a culture that knows how to work the Fade, and, given that this is early Chantry history, I’d expect traditional Nevarran practices to be more prominent and less suppressed by Chantry forces. I’d put Nevarran mages up there with Rivaini and Avvar in knowing how to handle spirits.
Someone got out, and they stayed free for a year. Given that a ‘legion’ of Templars were sent after them (from context I’m not entirely sure if the author means 5,000 (ish) Templars, like they sent in the Roman army, or if she just means ‘a lot’ but I suspect the latter because bloody hell, that’s a lot of Templars), and they were pursuing them over the course of that time, I would guess that the 70 people killed were mostly, if not entirely, the pursuing Templars.
Whoever this was, possessed or not, they conducted an extremely effective rebellion against the Chantry and Circle systems. They, as well as the other mages involved, demonstrated that Templars could be resisted. And not just resisted: killed. They could be taken out in large numbers. You can just walk out of a Circle.
That could never be allowed to happen again.
The Right of Annulment meant that, back at the stage where the mages were just ‘mount[ing] several magical attacks against the Templars’, the Templars could just go in and slaughter everybody, without making any effort to discover who was behind the rebellion.
The Right of Annulment is a terror tactic, aimed at suppressing rebellion. The Circle system exists to oppress and contain mages, both for the financial and political gain of the Chantry, and because Orlesian culture is genuinely anti-magic and wants to suppress magic in other cultures. None of this is done for anyone’s safety.
Look at the other times it’s occurred (where we have any details to discuss):
The third time the Right of Annulment was invoked on a Circle of Magi, in 3:09 Towers, Knight-Commander Gervasio of Antiva killed all of the city’s mages for demonic possession. However, a massacre may have already occurred at the hands of Knight-Captain Nicolas, with the Right invoked as cover-up. The Seekers of Truth later apprehended Ser Nicholas, who had left the order to kill mages and admitted to having murdered over a hundred.
– Magehunter
Ser Nicholas murdered a bunch of mages, both inside the Circle and out, and the other Templars killed any survivors to prevent retaliation or attempts to seek justice. This is a perfect case of the process Galatea implemented working exactly as intended: the Antivan mages were never given the chance to organise and resist the way the Nevarran mages did. They also claimed they did it because of mass demonic possession, which is why I’m suspicious of the original Glory Age event.
The Annulment in the Broken Circle quest was called due to Uldred’s rebellion:
Uldred will show us the way. Finally, recognition within the Circle and freedom from the scornful eye of the templars. We will not be shunned. Be ready.–Enchanter Gravid, Libertarian
The time is drawing near. Uldred has brought his intentions to light and a confrontation is all but inevitable. We will separate or walk with our brothers, but we will be free.–Enchanter Boson, Libertarian
If blood must be shed and used, so be it. I will follow when he calls. The yoke must be released, whatever the cost.–Enchanter Prist, Libertarian
I have spoken to him directly. His intentions are that we will demand the templars withdraw. I don’t know that I am willing to follow, but I will be present to hear his argument.–Enchanter Fonst, Aequitarian
Madness! I doubt blood will be of use to you if it is flowing down the tower steps. Step away from this folly, before it consumes us all.–Enchanter Luvan, Loyalist
The call is made. We will stride out of here with pride in our step, regardless of outcome. This is for the good of the circle. Uldred will see to it.–Libertarian Rhonus
– Promises of Pride
I can’t take any Templar handwringing over this situation seriously when I have to note that this is, once again, a rebellion. Uldred and his allies had an actual plan: with Loghain’s backing they were going to force the Templars out of the Circle. It is entirely within Templar interests to kill all of these people.
This is also a rare case where we can actually confirm a demon outbreak in the Circle. It is thus a clear example of why ‘containment’, as you’ve put it, is cruel, counterproductive, and indeed itself an outright evil.
If you are confronted by a demon, and lack the strength to fight it, the best thing you can do is leave. The Circle system does not allow mages to do that. They are unable to get away from the demons hunting them, and have no choice but to confront them. 
Because the mages could not leave the Circle, what started with a single case of demonic possession, when Uldred fucked up a summoning spell, became a plague. While the timeline on this is somewhat murky, the events of Broken Circle likely took place over two or three days: during that time both mages and Templars who were trapped in the Circle were hunted down by demons and either killed or possessed. This was always bad, but the Circle made it a nightmare.
The Annulment in the Kirkwall Chantry was largely called because Meredith is a terrible person who likes to hurt mages … but, it can certainly be framed as a reaction to what she perceives as open rebellion:
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Varric: The more she squeezed the mages, the more they resisted. The more they resisted, the tighter she squeezed.
Mages have been attempting to flee Meredith’s brutal regime in the Gallows for years:
Here in Kirkwall, citizens actually help rebel mages escape. Escaped apostates have survived their freedom long enough to form the “the mage underground,” a network that feeds and shelters escapees and even transports apostates into remote areas of the Free Marches and beyond our easy reach.
– The Mage Underground
We can’t trust the raiders’ promise of passage - the templar’s bounty on us is far too tempting. Press on every contact you have! We must leave Kirkwall before the knight-commander does something drastic. Each night, more of our brethren make it to the coast.
If the hounds sniff out your current location, the other site we discussed is clear. Be prepared to leave at a moment’s notice.
– Blood Mage Dispatches
Ultimately, of course, Meredith used Anders’s attack on the Kirkwall Chantry as a pretext for the slaughter. That had fuck all to do with the Circle mages, but it didn’t need to: the Kirkwall mages were already attempting to escape their oppression in large numbers. That couldn’t be permitted. ‘Anders’, ‘demonic possession’, ‘blood magic’ – in the end, any excuse will do, when the point of an Annulment is to both crush the present rebellion and deter anyone who thinks about trying again.
When we heard of the injustices against our fellow mages at the White Spire, the Circle of Magi in Val Royeaux, I feared what was to come. Our Circle at Dairsmuid is small and isolated; it exists largely as a façade to appease the Chantry.
When the other Circles rose up, the Chantry sent Seekers across the bay from Ayesleigh to investigate. They found us mixing freely with our families, training female mages in the traditions of the seers, and denounced us as apostates. Perhaps they thought we were spineless robes who could be intimidated with a little bloodshed. Before I was first enchanter, I was the daughter of Captain Revaud, of the Felicisima Armada. I know how to plan a battle.
They brought with them a small army of templars. We fought. And we might have won. But they invoked the Right of Annulment, with all the unrelenting brutality that allowed. It is their right to put screaming apprentices to the sword, burn our “tainted” libraries, crush irreplaceable artifacts under their heels, tear down the very walls of our home. No mage has the right to disagree.
We of the Dairsmuid Circle wait now, behind barricades. I have sent word to our brother and sister mages of this outrage. When they break through, we will not die alone.
– The Annulment at Dairsmuid
The Annulment at Dairsmuid happened because a large-scale rebellion was already underway. The Dairsmuid Circle is clearly sympathetic to the rebellion – Rivella clearly calls the events at the White Spire an injustice – but given that they are a small Circle, practically speaking they probably couldn’t add much might to the uprising. This Annulment was symbolic: the Rivaini mages have likely been living their lives like this for generations; in the context of the mage uprising any deviation from Chantry dogma could be called ‘rebellion’. This Circle could only be said to be in rebellion in the most technical sense, but that was enough. They killed them all.
The Annulment is not a solution to demon possession. It’s not intended to be. That’s not what it’s for, and that’s not how it’s used. It’s terrorism. I’m sorry for the length of this, but every time I get an Ask like this I feel like I’m somehow failing at a fundamental level to convey the horror of what is going on in Thedas. The grim, ugly persecution and mass murder that is going on day-by-day, and is being sold to the average Thedosian as for their safety. The world of Dragon Age is terrifying, but not because it has demons or mages in it. It’s terrifying because of the amount of power it has ceded to the Chantry, and because of what that means for any person who doesn’t meet the Chantry’s definition of ‘normal’.
Okay. So. How should they handle it?
There’s a flippant part of me that just wants to say ‘Any way other than this!’ Because, honestly, it’s difficult to think of a system that’s worse than the one they have now. But it’s not as though they have no way forward.
The first thing I would say is that simply abolishing the Circle system should alleviate the problem considerably, because you aren’t going to have hundreds of mages packed into a place they can’t leave. You can’t have 500 possessed mages on your hands if only three mages live in your village.
It would also limit several of the causes behind possession: you won’t be forcing people to live in places where the Veil is routinely thinned by blood magic and demon summonings (phylacteries and Harrowings, respectively, and fuck the Chantry for their hypocrisy). You won’t be constantly subjecting people to high-stress situations: Tranquility, the Harrowing, forced separation from your family, long-term confinement, Templars in general, the fact that sometimes your friends just disappear and you have to accept this as normal – you know, the standard horrors of being a Circle mage.
Of course, there will still be cases where relatively large numbers of mages congregate to deal with matters affecting them specifically: classes, lectures, magic-related competitions or other leisure activities, and the political proceedings of the College of Enchanters.
Should any trouble occur in such situations – well, most schools have evacuation and lockdown procedures in place aimed at protecting students and staff when there’s a threat on campus. Why should this situation be any different? No system is ever going to be perfect, and you can’t guarantee that no one is ever going to die (we can’t do that in our world either), but you can have strategies arranged in advance to get people away from danger areas, and on what to do if you find you can’t get out and have to protect yourself until help arrives.
First thing is clear the area. Anyone who is not actively hurting someone else right now gets to evacuate. Right now, I don’t care whether any of the people in the crowd are also possessed. You can test for that, and it may not even be a problem. Unless you currently look like this:
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… and you are trying to rip people’s arms off, you get to leave.
Now, yes, that still leaves us with a possessed person. On that point, I would say that the Chantry lands need to completely change how they view spirits, mages and possession. As far as I can tell, everything they think is wrong, and a lot of it is dangerous. The Chantry regards demons as ‘the Maker’s first children’, who turned on humanity out of jealousy. They are inherently evil and irredeemable. That’s not true. No spirit has ever corroborated that story, and All New, Faded for Her demonstrates that a demon is a spirit in pain, and can be healed.
The Chantry regards possession as just about universally a death sentence. And that’s … really not true. There are some cases where possession is just fine. The Chantry would have killed Wynne just as much as Uldred if they knew about her situation. Cullen wants to lock Sigrid in a room with a Templar, because he doesn’t grasp that there’s nothing wrong with her. Your first question, when dealing with a case of possession, should always be ‘Is this actually a problem?’ If not, go away and leave them alone.
Even in cases where you are looking at outright hostile demonic possession, the mage is rarely gone. Connor, untrained child that he is, still surfaces sometimes. Having defeated her Templars attackers with demonic assistance, Evelina first flees from her kids, taking the demon away from them – although she loses control later. Marethari will contain the pride demon with which Merrill has been working until she is clear of her clan and the battle can be fought in seclusion. Grandin’s kind of a weird case, because the possession was voluntary and the two are working together – but it does seem to be a demon. Nevertheless, in that case you can speak to him, and there remains hope that the two might eventually sort themselves out.
We know that mages can be saved from demons. Connor, Feynriel, Fiona, Pharamond – all people who have survived demonic possession. It’s not even necessarily difficult: you can send Jowan in to fight Connor’s demon – this poor hapless apprentice whom they were going to make Tranquil – and he does just fine. Of course, some demons are stronger than others; I’m not saying it’s not a good idea to have specialists. But the Chantry is seriously overstating the problem here.
When possessed, most mages think they are about to die. The brave, the strong, the selfless – they fight to contain the demon until someone can come and kill them so they don’t hurt anyone else. But in those circumstances, it’s all too easy to succumb to despair. Imagine if mages could think, not ‘hold on, they’re coming to kill you’ but ‘hold on, help is on its way’.
So the next thing to do would be ask Dorian. People always seem to forget that Tevinter exists and, given that mages are aristocrats there, would seriously frown on just murdering them out of hand. Anders says in Dragon Age 2 (I haven’t got a screenshot, yet) that they help possessed mages in Tevinter. Now, when you explain to him that your previous plan had just been to murder small children because of demons, Dorian is probably going to yell … a lot. I mean … really a lot. But the entirety of southern Thedas deserves that and worse, so I can’t be too bothered. Get him to send books and specialists. Make this part of the curriculum in the College of Enchanters. It might become part of the Spirit Healer specialisation, since they’re already good with spirits.
Our third thing is … well, asking Solas is probably impractical at the moment, but there are alternatives. We need people who care about spirits and who want to help them. Ask Cole: one way or another, his entire quest line is about providing a spirit with the emotional tools to handle the mortal world. There’s more than one path that works, so regardless of whether you chose more spirit/more human, he should have some insight. Ask the Rivaini, the Dalish, the Avvar. They know about spirits, and they know how to reach the Fade. Some things the Chantry thought were impossible (like safe spirit possession) turn out to be perfectly normal in other cultures.
The Chantry needs to admit they know fuck all about this situation and have been causing incalculable harm for centuries.
This whole process should be regarded like an outbreak of a really complicated illness: get everyone clear of the area, and send in professionals to help, rather than harm. Ideally, everyone should get out of this alive. You should be aiming to save the spirit and the mage. If that’s not possible, you save whom you can. Killing is only ever a last resort.
And finally … now we need to determine whether a criminal act was committed. If you got possessed because you live in Kirkwall, and it’s hard to go three steps without running into a demon, then you are a victim and once you’ve been freed of the demon you have nothing to answer for. If you thought it was a good idea to summon a demon army in your basement to TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD, then we’re going to have to bring in the guard to arrest you.
Now … that’s should. It’s probably not will. The Chantry has ruled Thedas for centuries, and they have taught people that mages want to get possessed and kill people and/or that mages want to be magisters and make everyone else slaves. Making Leliana Divine does not just do away with all that prejudice. She may well ask the questions and do the research – she’s a bright lady, and will just give zero fucks about gossip about talks with Tevinter or ‘barbarian’ cultures – but teaching people not to stab first and think later, not to regard mages as inherently evil at worst and as expendable sinners at best will take time. I expect them to handle many things badly. We haven’t done away with bigotry in the real world either, so.
There’s also the problem of Bioware, because they would really like it if I were deeply conflicted over whether to choose mages or Templars, so I do expect more side quests where they force me to kill possessed mages. I mean – I really hope they stop that shit, but I’m not expecting it.
But Circles and the Annulment are for no one’s protection. Well, no one’s but the Chantry’s. And I say: fuck the whole lot of them.
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New Post has been published on https://fitnesshealthyoga.com/the-five-niyamas-how-to-put-the-niyamas-into-practice/
The Five Niyamas: How to Put the Niyamas Into Practice
The five niyamas, part of the second limb of the “Eight Limbs of Yoga” from Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, refer to the inner observances that can help us live a more yogic life.
When I first started practicing yoga, I had no idea the practice had so much depth. All I knew was that I wanted to live a more peaceful life—and I thought yoga would lead me there. Years later, I can say for certain that yoga is a path toward inner peace, and exploring the philosophical foundations of the practice is an important step along that path.
If I’m honest, diving into this philosophical work wasn’t something I took to immediately. Yet a few years after being obsessed with the yoga poses, I felt the inclination to learn more about traditional yoga philosophy. I started with the Yoga Sūtras, which wasn’t an easy task. But when I got to the five niyamas, or self-disciplines, I instantly saw their practical application in my life both on and off my yoga mat.
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See also 10 Ways to Bring the Yamas + Niyamas Into Your Yoga Practice
A good way to think about the five niyamas is to frame them as observances that you as a yoga practitioner take on in order to optimize your practice. Sometimes the niyamas are called the list of “do’s” (in opposition to the list of “don’ts” that comprise the yamas. However, rather than a list of things to be done and checked off, the idea is to make each of the niyamas as personal and relevant as possible to your daily life.
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I see the yamas as the moral and ethical guidelines for how the yogi ideally acts in society and in relationship to others, and the niyamas as the same outline for how the yogi treats oneself. The niyamas are observances that can be done in silence and without much fanfare. Most, if not all, are best done as a solitary pursuit in the realms of the inner body and mind. In fact, if any of the niymasa are performative and done for worldly praise, then they miss the mark.
You might also think of it this way: While the yamas are evident in a yogi’s lifestyle choices, the niyamas are more subtle. Here’s what you need to know about each of the five niyamas, and how to put them into practice in your life right now.
Śaucha is translated as cleanliness.
Niyama: Śaucha
Definition: Cleanliness, Purity
Practice: Traditionally the principle of śaucha is applied to body, mind, and speech. It’s important to keep in mind that the term “body” can be taken to include not only one’s own physical body but the environment that one occupies, both in terms of living space and world. Mind implies the type of thoughts that dominate the inner world; speech usually indicates responsibility for every word spoken, in terms of both intention and effect. This one principle has the power to radically change your life if applied with diligence. I encourage you to choose one aspect of śaucha that you find inspired to apply in your life. Perhaps you feel motivated to clean out an old closet or sweep the floor. Or, maybe it’s time to clean out your thoughts and replace destructive self-hate with positive affirmations. Finally, consider being mindful about your speech and drop all gossipy or snarky comments, whether written or spoken.
Niyama: Santosa
Definition: Contentment, Acceptance, Optimism
Practice: Some people resist practicing santosa because they think that being content and accepting of what is normalizes (and even pardons) grievous actions taken by others. Or, others feel like optimism is spiritual bypassing—a way to ignore reality in favor of positive thinking. Yet santosa couldn’t be further from this. So often we run from inconvenient truths and try to avoid situations that bring up discomfort. Acceptance in this context implies the willingness to see clearly—and truly and go into the places that scare you. If there is injustice in the world or if harmful actions have been taken, the teaching of santosa willingly acknowledges this fact and accepts it with a heart full of love. If there is something in your life that you need to acknowledge but you are avoiding it, santosa encourages you to be plainly honest with yourself. Without that first step of honesty, healing cannot take place. For example, if you never admit to yourself that you’re exhausted or burned out then you will not take the steps needed to rest and heal. Similarly, if a society cannot see its own injustice then it will never take the steps necessary to create true equality.
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I am not someone who easily lives in a state of Santosa. Instead, I often find myself lapsing into hopelessness and targeting figures outside of myself as villains to be taken down. Another prime example: I’ve had a bad case of the sniffles all week but have refused to admit that I needed rest until this weekend. So, this week, can you find one thing that you’re running from in your life? It could be the simple acknowledgment of exhaustion, or coming to terms with actions you’ve taken that have harmed another. Perhaps it’s admitting that someone you trusted let you down. Without pardoning the harmful behavior or trying to immediately solve a problem, just start practicing santosa by being willing to see what is with open, non-judgmental eyes.
Niyama: Tapas
Definition: Discipline, Persistence
Practice: Perhaps the easiest of the niyamas to apply, tapas gives you the foundation of the ritual of practice. Daily discipline is required to progress along the path of yoga. The spiritual path is an operation of the mind—and, like any good surgeon, you have to practice. Commit to 5 minutes a day and get on your mat to do yoga asana or meditation every single day this week. Let this be the foundation of consistent practice.
Svādhyāya is translated as self-study or the study of sacred scripture.
Niyama: Svādhyāya
Definition: Self-study, study of sacred scripture
Practice: Traditionally svādhyāya includes not only the actual reading of sacred texts, but the paradigm of study itself. When reading the key texts of any spiritual tradition, svādhyāya instructs the yogi to be open-minded and receptive to the teaching. Instead of taking a critical perspective that seeks to debunk the text, the yogi is encouraged to read the primary texts from the paradigm of personal usefulness. This paradigm epitomizes the student’s mind and acknowledges that the yogi is first and foremost a student. In a nod to the lineage-based traditions of yoga, Patañjali includes svādhyāya in the niyamas to ensure that all yogis remain students.
For your practice this week, choose a key text from your main spiritual lineage. It could be the Yoga Sutras, but it could also be the Dhammapada or the Bible. In the morning, before you start reading the news and answering emails, commit to reading a few lines or paragraphs of the text. You could start at the beginning or you could flip through and randomly choose a passage. Let the words of the ancients be your start to the day. Later, as you move about your day, reflect on these words and see if you can find relevance in their teaching. If you have time, journal about your experience at the end of the day.
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Niyama: īśvarapranidhāna
Definition: Devotion, surrender to God
Practice: While there are many religions and definitions of God, the Divine principle is nearly universal in all human beings. Even self-proclaimed atheists usually believe in a force greater than themselves. Whether you call this force the Universe, Source-energy, Life Itself, Oneness, Love, Light, Buddha Nature, Emptiness, Spirit, Brahman, īśvara, Jesus, or God doesn’t actually matter. Devotion and surrender are two key aspects of faith.
This week, as an exercise in building your relationship to the Divine, choose a place in your life where you feel utterly stuck or stressed out. Then, rather than asking for God to solve your problems and grant your every wish, ask for your need to fix it, solve it, or control to be lifted off your heart. Turn it over and ask for stress and stuck-ness to be replaced with peace and understanding.
About the Author
Kino MacGregor is a Miami native and the founder of Omstars, the world’s first yoga TV network. (For a free month, click here. With over 1 million followers on Instagram and over 500,000 subscribers on YouTube and Facebook, Kino’s message of spiritual strength reaches people all over the world. Sought after as an expert in yoga worldwide, Kino is an international yoga teacher, inspirational speaker, author of four books, producer of six Ashtanga Yoga DVDs, writer, vlogger, world traveler, and co-founder of Miami Life Center. Learn more at www.kinoyoga.com. 
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philinfla · 6 years
This article is writen by Herien Wensink for the "Volkskrant" a Dutch newspaper.
His hair, face, style and oh yes, talent: why everyone falls for Timothée Chalamet
Since the hit film Call Me by Your Name, endless posts have been dedicated to his hair, face, style and oh yes, talent: actor Timothée Chalamet (22). From this week he can be seen in Felix Van Groeningen's Beautiful Boy. Why young and old, man and woman fall prey to Chalamania.
It is just after the famous peach scene in Call Me by Your Name, in which the 17-year-old Elio enjoyed the great summer spirit that has gripped him on a piece of fruit. Oliver, the real object of his desire, finds Elio postorgastically with the juice of the fruit in an, uh, unexpected place. If his eye falls on the battered fruit, a witty and uncomfortable tease arises. Oliver, played sternly: "What did you do? Oh, you've switched to the plant kingdom, I see? "Elio is ashamed (" I'm sick, aren’t I? "), Oliver is threatening to take a bite of the dripping peach (" I wish everyone was as sick as you ") they struggle, there is irritation, struggle, even a bit of aggression. And then, suddenly, it turns around. Elio surrendered. He plunges into Oliver's embrace and cries. Testosterone turns into tenderness, just like that. "I don’t want you to leave," sobs Elio, and Oliver kisses and comforts him. In less than a second their relationship has reached a deeper level. They have become lovers of lovers.
It is one of the most beautiful scenes from the film, and that is mainly due to the mercury silver Timothée Chalamet as Elio, which makes the moment simply heart-catching. Chalamet plays the whole film as if improvising, he modulates just a bit differently, like Elio on the piano.
His performance gave the French-American Chalamet (22) this year an Oscar nomination for best actor, as the youngest nominee in that category in eighty years (after Mickey Rooney in 1940). That breakthrough launched him as one of the great film talents - and idols - from now on. As of this week, Chalamet will be seen in Beautiful Boy, the new film by Felix Van Groeningen, with according to insiders another Oscar-worthy performance.
In Call Me by Your Name he has to play a broad palette of emotions, as wide as that palette in adolescents is. He switches subtly between uncertain and self-righteous, anxious and uninhibited, reserved and lascivious. On his face in a few minutes admiration, irritation, horniness, doubt and fear pass by. And inside pranks. Then he peeps a bit from under his thick black eyelashes and pulls a funny slanted mouth. When Elio thinks, Chalamet literally seems to chew on a thought, with a grinding jaw. A film student could dedicate a study to all the nuances in his mimicry and gesticulation.
See him jumping up and down like a child on the dance floor, and then making a confident move with an arrogant face. Here is an actor at work who intuitively follows his many striking, playful impulses: a jump here, a bounty there, a sliding, a pirouette. Director Luca Guadagnino filmed long shots with plenty of room for improvisation, which Chalamet always uses optimally. That Elio curiously nudges Olivers red swimsuit is in the scenario. That Chalamet then deeply pulls the thing over his ears, whirls himself into it, almost completely drowns in Oliver's smell, that is his own contribution.
Is that talent, technology, happiness with the director? Or is it due to the fact that Chalamet has only just completed that post-adolescent life phase? Anyway, he knows extremely well with high hormonal eruptions, while at the same time radiating a kind of adolescent carelessness. He is 22, but he was still a child yesterday.
An educated child with Broadway and Hollywood DNA, though. His mother and grandmother were dancers on Broadway, grandfather Harold Flender was a scriptwriter, his uncle Rodman Flender is a director and producer (Gilmore Girls, The O.C.), his aunt Amy Lippman is a producer, sister Pauline is an actress in Paris. Because, yes, his father is French, hence that strange name. The last name sounds like an expensive French cheese, the first name as a shampoo brand. Perhaps that is why so many fan blogs are dedicated to his hair (that is indeed thick, full and shiny).
Chalamet sat at the LaGuardia Highschool of Music & Arts and Performing Arts, just like Al Pacino and Adrien Brody. Indeed, the New York art education that served as a model for the film and TV series Fame. At school he specialized in theater, although he also made witty, ironic trips to the music. Chalamet loves hip hop and made rap videos at school as his alter ego Timmy Tim. Who googles 'Chalamet + statistics', finds a hilarious interpretation of his statistics homework. He is still a meager wisecrack there; really a thoroughbred teenager. But his expressiveness is evident. At his graduation in 2013 Chalamet received the Alumni Award for the most promising talent, with his teacher referring to his outings as Timmy Tim.
'Statistics' has been viewed more than one and a half million times and even his 'graduation' can be seen on YouTube. As inevitably with his generation, even his earliest steps in the entertainment industry are recorded: we can literally see him grow up in front of the camera. Two tips remain: his monologue for the National Young Arts week in 2013 (17 years), a passage from the satirical piece White People by J.T. Rogers, in which he shows his speed, mobility and sharpness, his agile mimicry, and his talent for comedy. Completely different is the monologue Someone Saw Me from the off-Broadway production Prodigal Son (2016, 20 years): there he is emotional, intense and tragic.
Chalamet was there early as an actor. In 2009, at the age of 13, he already had supporting roles in the series Law & Order and Loving Leah. In 2012 Chalamet won a role in season 2 of Homeland, in which he convincingly plays the spoiled teen pub Finn Walden. This was followed, among other things, by roles in the films Men, Women & Children, Worst Friends and The Adderall Diaries. Chalamet stood out as Tom Cooper, the son of Matthew McConaughey in Christopher Nolans Interstellar (2014). In 2016, the acclaimed performance in Prodigal Son followed, and in 2017 the worldwide breakthrough came with Call Me by Your Name, which, in addition to numerous other nominations and prizes, followed Oscar nomination. In the same year he also had a small, but well-affected, witty supporting role as a phlegmatic hipster musician in Lady Bird.
And now there is again such a beautiful leading role, in Beautiful Boy, directed by Felix Van Groeningen (including the Broken Circle Breakdown), in which Chalamet plays the 18-year-old drug addict Nic Sheff. Once again, he delivers a formidable performance: no matter how much Nic slips, however he may be under the influence, Chalamet always knows how to keep him engaging - which makes the desperation of his parents even more tangible. He remains a sweet, beautiful boy.
Here, too, he shows his ability to change color fast. But Chalamet also combines his chameleonic talent with some elusive darkness this time. From sympathetic or guilt-conscious he can suddenly suddenly become fierce. Then it is as if a devil takes over in his skinny body and his green eyes appear to turn black. In friendly Nic there is an inexplicable frenzy, sharp as a razor. He is a charming curling ball with a frightening dark side. 'I am attracted to craziness', he says in one of the most beautiful scenes against his father, during an emotional confrontation in a café. "That's who I am." With Nic the tears are close to the surface, but Chalamet can also bend them nicely, or push them away in a burst of bitterness. The leaves are green, but when the wind turns, you see the black at the bottom.
Director Felix Van Groeningen is happy with his talented protagonist, which he chose from hundreds of auditors, even before his current star status. During his audition, his charm and light-footedness came true, says Van Groeningen, in combination with a surprising ferocity. 'What we have worked very hard on,' he says, 'is to make the viewer fall in love with Nic, and that stays the same. Timothée has succeeded very well. He does not play cliché film junk, but one with a conscience and the capacity for self-reflection. In that reflecting on his addiction, Nic is super-resistant. '
While working, Chalamet is dedicated, focused and very precise, according to Van Groeningen. "Every act, every gesture of his is specific. Often it immediately hits what he does. "The actor was very involved in filming, says the director, and always wanted to know that it was good. Van Groeningen: 'If we actually had the shot, he often wanted to take another take. As if, as soon as he had the confidence that it was good, he could go even further from the relaxation. That yielded enchanting moments. '
The director calls his protagonist playful, in a thoughtful way. 'It is a combination of intelligence and instinct. He can add something extra to a character with very small gestures and finds. But he has thought about that a lot. '
Van Groeningen recalls a violent moment in the film, in which it goes downhill with Nic and he, omineus, has driven to the Golden Gate Bridge. "Nic has a difficult telephone conversation with his sponsor, hangs up, and then Timothée suddenly looked up. To heaven. Or to God. I did not ask him that, but it produced a very important, significant picture in the film. It is loaded with suggestion. What great is that going on in him? "
It is his careless nonchalance, combined with that suggestion of a violent feeling of life, which Chalamet is probably so popular with multitudes of young girls and boys. He is completely the new 'teenage heartthrob', in the edgy, romantic-tormented category of the late River Phoenix. 'Chalamania' is even a concept.
But Chalamet is certainly not a standard beauty: he is thin, a little lanky, and sometimes looks like he is still 12 years old. At the same time, Esquire chose him at the beginning of this year as the most stylish man of the moment. He has an unmistakably beautiful face, round and childlike, but with a touch of melancholy, through those slightly hanging, half-closed eyes. It is romantic, and feminine. He could have been the muse of Caravaggio and Botticelli, a dark-haired, fallen angel, as Chalametinart proves: an Instagram account in which his face is photoshopped in famous works of art. And then his breakthrough role was also that of a creative, sensitive type that plays piano and loses itself in a homo-erotic love. Chalamet openly embraces his femininity, his vulnerability, and - in the film at least - even a sexual ambiguity.
He does not make a secret at public appearances that he is shy, but at the same time he seems perfectly at ease. He makes vulnerability a force, and that is a relief in the macho, often misogynous film industry, which has been in an identity crisis since #MeToo. Recently, Chalamet's impeccable image also threatened: he is playing in the new Woody Allen, A Rainy Day in New York. After an old abuse accusation against Allen was again raised, a number of prominent actresses explicitly distanced themselves from his oeuvre. Et Chalamet? He donated his entire salary for charity, including Time's Up, a legal aid fund for victims of sexual abuse. Touché. Timothée Chalamet has understood the spirit of the times. He is in all things a star of today.
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walknwellness · 7 years
Soul Purpose Tuesday Wellness Groove 2018 1st Qtr Lymph Blitz
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Good Day, Soul Purpose People! Happy New Years and welcome to your lunchtime midday wellness groove. Take a break to balance mind, body, soul, and jam a little, too. Time to #walknwellness and get #healthyhooked. Today, we kick-off our 1st quarter Lymph blitz from stagnation to stimulation as we commit to a lip lickin’, keep-it-moving, nutrition-based regime that supports a healthy lymphatic system. On the playlist: Kindred the Family Soul, Chris Blue, India Aire, Intelligenz and Kimberly Nichole. Follow the show and access recommendations here at www.WalkNWellness.com.
Listen to "Soul Purpose Tuesday Wellness Groove: 1st Qtr Lymph Blitz" on Spreaker.
The show opens with  “Get It, Got It” by Kindred The Family Soul from their album, A Couple of Friends.
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HAPPY NEW YEARS!!! I’m not going to ask what are your resolutions for this year. Whenever you are developing a strategy, it’s almost always best, to begin with, the end. WHAT SPECIFICALLY DO YOU WANT?  Once you define your goals, those goals then become your desired outcomes. Now, you can develop a plan / a strategy that supports the outcomes you desire. Leverage your existing resources and seek the paths of least resistance.
Now, what I will ask you, “What is your theme for this year?” Allow your theme to be your framework for building and your sifter of the myriad of activities and information you will encounter this year. Your theme should keep you focused on your end goal. In choosing a theme, keep it simple, but relevant to your life, no one else’s.
Enough New Years talk, I want to welcome you to the 2018 edition of Soul Purpose Tuesday, Your mid-morning lunchtime wellness groove. WARNING: THIS IS A TO DO SHOW. The format is designed to be memorable, useful, and fun. The show’s purpose is to share nutrition based wellness strategies and information in a compelling way with the core belief that being well = being balanced body, mind, and soul. Our foundation, our goal is a Soul Purpose Lifestyle*.
“Is what you put in your mouth, on your skin, and allow in your spirit, Life Giving or life robbing?”
Next on the groove list is India Aire’s “I Am Light” from her album, Songversations.
Whatever words follow the words “I Am” in thought or speech will surely follow you. What is your “I Am” self-talk? Me, I’m Walking In Wellness and I ask that you, please, walk with me. Now, let’s affirm. Let’s write it down, speak it and review in our mind and speech throughout the day and the week. Ready? Think, I’m Walking In Wellness with Soul Purpose! Write, I’m Walking In Wellness with Soul Purpose! Speak,  I’m Walking In Wellness with Soul Purpose! Journal on this affirmation throughout the week and see what unfolds.
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(BELL RINGS) PRIZE TIME * The first three people* to comment on I Am and journaling will win a two year (2018 / 2019) inspirational checkbook planner. Just comment on this post.
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Get moving because “Something’s Got A Hold On Me” is next on the groove list brought to us from Kimberly Nichole’s The Voice performance.
Time to talk lymph and blitz...  
The lymphatic system, a non-closed system that’s part of the circulatory system, is comprised of a network of conduits called lymphatic vessels that carry a clear fluid called lymph directionally towards the heart. The circulatory system processes an average of 20 liters of blood per day through capillary filtration which removes plasma while leaving the blood cells. Roughly 17 liters of the filtered plasma actually get reabsorbed directly into the blood vessels, while the remaining 3 liters are left behind in the interstitial fluid. 
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The primary function of the lymph system is to provide an accessory route for these excess 3 liters per day to get returned to the blood. Lymph is essentially recycled blood plasma that is protein poor.
A key player in regulating the body’s immune system, the lymphatic network of tissues and organs is responsible for ridding toxins via the transport of the infection-fighting lymph fluid throughout the body. Lymphatic vessels connect to approximately 600 lymph nodes in the human body that are located in the tonsils, groin, spleen, and armpits. Each of the 100 trillion cells that compose the human body depends on the free-flowing of liquids for nutrition, detoxification, and oxygenation. 
Essentially, it is the force of blood flow (pressure) which acts to bathe and nourish cells and rinse away the cellular waste like your garden hose waters and rinses your plants. 
A diagnosis of hypertension (high blood pressure) refers to a resistance to blood flow, i.e. increased pressure in the blood vessel. If your blood pressure is high enough that you need a drug then that means either:
a lot of blood-clogging, sludgy gook is impeding flow, resulting in a build-up of pressure OR
blood vessels have narrowed restricting flow and resulting in pressure elevation. The blood vessels narrow from damage (that’s called “stenosis”) or as a manifestation of the stress response 
A toxic lymphatic system will inevitably overburden the liver until it is no longer able to cope with the overabundance toxins. These toxins are then diverted towards every mucus membrane in the body as well as other emergency elimination pathways like the lungs, intestines, skin, eyes, and kidneys. This causes chronic inflammation in the mucus membranes which is responsible for every type of “itis” that occurs in the body.
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1st Qtr Lymph Blitz (disclaimer)
The good news is it’s not hard to address the health of the lymphatic system. There are two important factors: 1] stop putting the toxins in and 2] move. 
Nutrition - due to the extreme amount of processed food we ingest and the nutrient-lacking soil from which much of our food is grown, many of us are starving our cells from the vitamins, nutrients, and minerals needed for our cells to be the self-healing tools for which they are designed. So, let’s jump start our bodies with the full nutrition they need while we begin to eat healthier and implement strategies that support and detox our lymphatic systems.  RECOMMENDATION: A high efficacy based nutrition program. In medical terms, efficacy refers to the ability of a product to provide a beneficial effect. There are two programs of equal value. Your preference is the only difference.
**THRIVE EXPERIENCE: The Foundation - premium naturopathic and synergistic formula of Vitamins, Minerals, Plant Extracts, Anti-Oxidants, Enzymes, Pro-Biotics, and Amino Acids in a combination of Thrive Premium Lifestyle Capsules, Ultra Micronized Lifestyle Shake Mix, and Lifestyle DFT (Derma Fusion Technology). DFT is a patch that infuses the skin with longterm time released nutrition.
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**HEALTHY START PAK:  broad spectrum foundation nutrition delivering the highest quality essential nutrients your body needs for optimal health. Youngevity Beyond Tangy multi-vitamin mineral complex, 
The lymph is also a transport system for EFAs (essential fatty acids), these are included the healthy unsaturated fats. 
Work to eliminate saturated fats by replacing them with healthy unsaturated fatty acids. Eat smaller amounts of fatty foods while implementing unsaturated fatty nutrients into your diet. RECOMMENDATIONS: *Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil (low heat), Walnut Oil (med-high heat), Grapeseed Oil (med-high), and/or Sesame Seed Oil (high heat) instead of vegetable, canola, or corn oils. Make lip lickin’ tasty vegetables you season with the healthy oils and spices instead of fat from meat.
*Use raw or unrefined cold-pressed coconut oil instead of butter. Also, tastes great in coffees and cocoa. No margin.
Add Hempseeds to your diet! Hempseed is a superfood that’s the perfect protein and has the perfect ratio of Omega 3, 6, and 9s. Just sprinkle the tasteless seeds on your food
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MOVE: One of the best ways to move the lymph and improve circulation is to get a rebounder. Lymph movement depends on muscle movement. Sedentary lifestyles all but guarantee lymphatic congestion. And that means poison congestion, not good! Even a brisk walk can get muscles to put enough pressure on the lymphatic vessels to move things around, deep breathing works too. Lungs are heavily muscle-ized. There are large concentrations of lymphatic system plumbing located next to these lung muscles and as they move, so does the lymph. You’ll bump up your pleasure hormones (endorphins) and improve your mental health, all while you’re safely and gently lowering your blood pressure without doctors or drugs.
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