#i am once again asking ubereats to manage their expectations and not put people on bicycles through terrible things
fingertipsmp3 · 3 years
Ubereats really said “here’s the fastest delivery option for you” and then sent a man on a bicycle who has to do another delivery on his way that is really far away from my house
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docholligay · 6 years
Aino’s 8: Chapter 3--Rolling Start
Aino’s 8, as sponsored by the amazing @yamadara87! All of the chapters are here. This has 2,350 words! I hope you enjoy. YOu can find my patreon and my ko-fi here. 
Haruka Tenoh kept her world small, at this stage in her life, and mostly, she liked it.
She owned a small garage on the edge of the city where she mostly worked on imports and supercars, she employed a small crew of young guys (and a girl) that reminded her mostly of her, and most of whom also had felony charges to their name, and she lived in the tiny house out behind the shop. She had a soft, warm bed, the sports package on her cable, and a loving grey cat who had slight amounts of attitude regarding her choices in wet food.
It was a little life, but it was hers, and after the tumult of her youth, and the high rolling and grand downfall of her prison stint, she was done living any sort of wild life, and the most excitement she had was her weekly lunches with Mina. Any could live a wild life through Mina, she lived enough for at least three people.
But they had been friends since they were both hardscrabble kids living with sirens whirring by them that they seemed to hear more than the voices of their parents, and Mina had learned to cut hair to keep Haruka’s clipped, and Haruka had learned mechanics to fix Mina’s bike and her toys, and the two of them had cobbled together a family in the midst of nothing, and that, Haruka thought, was something to be proud of, even if she was on two of her three strikes in the “justice” system.
Charging a sixteen year old car thief who’d barely be able to eat otherwise as an adult isn’t justice, no matter the value of the cars she stole or how skilled she was,and no matter how she’d barked at the judge, her fear becoming anger in ways she still had to quiet, even 15 years later. But Haruka had neither the political pull nor the natural eloquence to express this, so she scowled at parole officers and hired kids out of prison, and this was her rebellion.
The light in the garage always seemed to change when Mina entered it, taking on a sparkle and a brightness that Haruka would have thought couldn’t be contained within the concrete walls, but somehow seemed to.
She smiled brightly in return, cleaning off her tools as the sun dipped below the horizon in the west.
“Mina!” She went to offer a hug, and then thought better of it, looking at Mina’s neat cotton shirt.
But Mina paid no mind to whatever oil stains might be the result, and drew Haruka into an embrace.
“What the hell’s going on with you, Ruka?” She slapped her on the back good-naturedly.
“Just closing up shop for the night. Didn’t expect you to come by. I have a frozen lasagna we could split no problem. I’ll just end up eating it for three days otherwise.”
Haruka’s eyes flicked up to the street, where a gleaming Maserati sat, tinted windows dark as the light dimmed.
She looked back at Mina. “You working for a new dealership?”
“Haruka my love,” Mina put her hand on Haruka’s shoulder, “you’re my best friend. My confidant. The one who’s been there for me my entire life, and I owe you something.”
Haruka looked at her. “Is the car for me?”
“Better.” Mina clasped her other shoulder and faced her. “Buddy, I have an idea.”
Haruka’s eyes widened in response to the bright glitter of Mina’s. She knew this look all too well, the same look Mina had since she was five years old and had stolen a pocketful of candy from the corner grocery. The same look that she had when the eight year old con had helped her get a dozen doughnuts from the store. The same look that had convinced her to start hot-wiring cars.
“I’m trying to go straight!” Haruka whirled around and marched across the garage, Mina at her heels.
Mina scoffed, in hot pursuit. “Good luck bud, I think we both know that’s not happening.”
“I HAVE BEEN–” She pointed a finger in Mina’s face, “Oh, oh, aha, very funny.” She picked up a rag and went back to the bench behind her, furiously scrubbing at an imagined blemish on a wrench.
Mina hopped up on the stool and wrapped an arm around Haruka’s shoulders. “Think of it, Haruka, one last heist, and you and I go off and live on the shores of Montenegro together! Eating shrimp by day, romancing women by night…”
“Where’s Montenegro?” She asked, half imagining that Mina had made it up.
“That’s on a need to know basis, I’ll tell you on the way. Buddy,” She looked at Haruka sorrowfully, “there is no one on earth that has the mechanical sense you do. There’s nothing you can’t fix, or break. Break in subtle ways! There’s no way I can do this without you, and the take is fucking VAST, trust me. Your share would be enough to keep you for decades.”
Mina seemed sincere, and Haruka was sure that she was, in her own way. Mina did care about her, Haruka had never doubted that for a moment, but Mina was a skilled liar and con, and she knew Haruka would never give her up, and she would never give up Haruka, but what she constantly forgot was that Haruka’s gifts lay in the physical world, and her tongue was more iron than silver.
Haruka shook her head and scowled. “I like NOT being in prison!”
Mina shrugged. “So we won’t get caught.”
“I ALWAYS get caught, ever since we were kids, you manage to slip away–”
“Well, not always.”
“and I end up in trouble. I hate prison, Mina!” She dramatically thumped her hand against her chest, “The beds are hard, there’s never any chicken nuggets, and they won’t let me wear boxer shorts. And I always get caught, always, every time.”
Mina stared at her a moment. “So what I’m hearing is we need to work on your cover story.”
“As lovely as this has been, lingering about as you chat in this idyllic location,” there was a voice from the door, and Haruka turned to it as Mina rolled her eyes.
The light coming through the door of garage illuminated her like a halo, the edge of her pink dress fluttering slightly in the breeze. Her teal hair curled delicately about her shoulders, bright against the petal pink, her face pale as the moon in the night.
But what Haruka noticed the most were her eyes. The sea echoed in them, neither blue nor green nor aqua, but all of those colors at once, washing in and out like the tide. She blinked as she looked at Haruka, her eyelashes brushing against her cheeks and revealing the watercolor of her eyes again.
“Oh, I apologize, how rude of me.” She smiled at Haruka, the soft blush of her lips pinking Haruka’s cheeks. “We haven’t been introduced.”
“This is Haruka, we’re known each other since we were kids,” Mina gestured disinterestedly, “Haruka, this is Michiru Kaioh, heiress and part of my master plan.”
“A pleasure,” Michiru walked across the garage, the delicate tapping of her heels matching every beat of Haruka’s heart, “I am delighted to find that we’ll be working together.”
“Kaioh.” Haruka mouthed the word softly. “Like the TVs.”
Michiru gave a giggle that rang like the bright ringing of a crystal glass. “I suppose so, though I’d hardly call that among my own gifts.”
“So…” Haruka said, not taking her eyes from Michiru, “What do you need, Mina?”
Mina sighed. “If I’d fucking known this was all it took, I would have brought her in years ago.”
Michiru smiled her eel’s smile and touched Haruka’s arm gently. “I have heard that you have a particular capacity for machinery. We will most assuredly need it, if we’re to be successful.”
“Oh I’m,” she withdrew her arm, “I’m dirty, you don’t want to--”
“You gonna invite us to your house or what, Ruka?” Mina crossed her arms and looked up at Haruka expectantly.
Haruka looked at Mina, then at Michiru, and back at Mina, with her eyes wide, and then scowled. “No, I don’t want to invite you in my house! We can go to a cafe, there’s one just down the--”
“We all know it’ll be easier to talk in your, you know, private house,” She blew by Haruka, entirely unimpressed by her bluster, and opened the back door of the garage, “Shut this place up and come on.”
Haruka looked over at Michiru and let her scowl drop, just for a moment, to a look of pleading.
Michiru flipped her her hair, and Haruka was intoxicated by the scent of roses and jasmine that emanated off of her. Mina had always told her that she was a sucker for a pretty girl, whatever she needed, and as much as Haruka was loathe to admit it, it certainly seemed true now.
“If we are too much an imposition, we can certainly leave,” she tilted her head at Haruka just so, ‘I wouldn’t dream of putting you out.”
“It’s not that--I mean--it’s just”
“It’s just that she’s a bachelor and pretty much lives that way,” Mina was leaning against the doorframe, rolling her eyes, “a little more Friskies than Fancy Feast if you get my drift.”
“Mina, my house is fine! Just--” Haruka barked back, and then apologetically turned to Michiru. “Just give me a few minutes, I’ll be right back to let you in.”
Haruka bolted toward the small house, reminded of every time she had to run from the cops, blowing by Mina so quickly she almost ran her down. She burst through the door and gathered up the magazines and dishes on the coffee table, throwing the dishes into the dishwasher in a pile and shutting it quickly, the magazines in the pot cabinet. The kitchen was, gratefully, pretty clean, and for one Haruka was glad that she’d spent the whole last week lazily ordering Ubereats. She rushed back out into the living room and tried to fluff her few pillows and fold her thick afghan, tossing the clothes she’d taken off there into her bedroom. She stood back for a moment, and then turned on her wax warmer for ambiance.
Her couch was well-worn and didn’t match her chair, and she had never realized quite how inelegant the entire effect of her living room was, however nice the vinyl wood floors she’d laid in it were, or how nice she found the print of the old muscle cars above the couch.
A small grey cat came out of the bedroom, protesting loudly about the fact that one of Haruka’s plaid shirts had narrowly missed him from his napping spot on the bed.
“Oh my god, Mouse, you’re right! I forgot all about the bathroom.”
She headed into the bathroom, mind whirring, thinking as she hurriedly stashed all of her personal items. This was stupid. This whole thing was classically stupid in a way only Haruka Tenoh could be. She was about to enter into another one of Mina’s cons, for the look of a girl she didn’t even know and was an honest to god heiress who wouldn’t even look twice at a girl like Haruka. There was no reason to do this. Mina ran plenty of jobs without her, and Haruka enjoyed her life now, and this was so dumb.
She looked up at herself in the mirror, and quickly tore off the snap shirt with her name embroidered on the chest. She turned on the shower and took off her jeans.. How long had it been since she told them it would just be a minute? God, she smelled like oil and dirt. She threw herself into the shower, still a bit cold, and scrubbed her skin with her orange soap, hoping the grit would take off some of the stain of the day.
Mouse poked his head inside the curtain and meowed irritatedly.
“I’ll just be a minute, Mouse,” she tossed the shampoo into her hair, “I’ll feed you as soon as I’m done.”
“Heeeeey buddy!” There was a call from the living room, “We’ve been waiting twenty minutes, so--”
“OH MY GOD MINA!” Haruka howled, “I’ll just be a second, just--”
She quickly washed the shampoo out of her hair and turned off the water, drawing a towel around herself and dashing into her bedroom all in one solid motion. What would do? Nothing. It didn’t matter. She was being stupid and she was going to go back to prison for being stupid but she couldn’t stop being stupid. She put on a pair of dark jeans and tucked a plaid shirt into them, rolling up the sleeves in the once more stupid hope that Michiru might notice her nicely muscled forearms.
She brushed through her hair and wandered out into the living room in what she hoped was a casual way.
Mina was sitting in the chair, Mouse on her lap. “Do you ever chill? Like, for one day? Anyway, let’s talk plans.”
Haruka did not answer, just scowled, and then saw Mina had left her the spot next to Michiru on the couch. Michiru favored her with a smile.
“Your home has a lovely sort of earthy charm.” She leaned forward in a way that seemed slow but effortless, a feather drifting to the floor.
Haruka was an idiot. She was an idiot and a fool and this girl was going to take her back to all the things she’d tried so hard to leave behind. But somehow, it didn’t matter. If there was a chance to sail, Haruka’d happily drown.
“Can I, um, get you some wine?” Haruka said, forgetting that all she had was something in a box on the counter that she’d generally describe as ‘blackberry jelly, but alcohol.’
“Why, that would be absolutely lovely.”
She padded into the kitchen, carried by the siren’s song, and waited for the little ship she had built to be dashed on the waves.
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bhagwantmann · 4 years
papa johns pizza sizes
papa johns pizza sizes FOR LARGE GROUPS
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You are hosting a housewarming party for your entire extended family and friends.
Everyone will be there, from wicked aunt Patricia to sweet cousin Sally.
We know you are scared — how would you manage to order pizzas for the whole lot.
Ordering pizza for larger groups used to be scary — but not anymore.
Noting down a few things can help you make a viable decision, where everyone will get the correct amount of slices.
·         How many people are there in your group?
·         How many of those people are adults?
·         How many of those people are unlikely to eat more than one slice?
·         How many of those people are expected to eat multiple slices?
·         What’s the number of slices per pizza?
·         And most importantly, what is everyone’s pizza preferences?
Let’s put a light upon these points one-by-one:
Pizza size generally varies between:
·         Small Pizza: 8-10 inches with 6 slices.
·         Medium Pizza: 12 inches with 8 slices.
·         Large Pizza: 14 inch with 10 slices.
·         Extra-large Pizza: 16-18 inch with 12 slices.
However, even this may vary depending upon the pizza store you are ordering from, so it’s always a good idea to confirm the number of slices beforehand.
Ordering  pap john pizzas sizes for a large number of people is a great idea — because pizza is pretty much universally appealing. The best part is that it is easily customizable to suit everyone’s needs. That said, knowing how many people you are going to serve is necessary to place an order otherwise you might end up ordering way more than necessary, or way less than required — I can’t say which is worse.
3. AGE
Counting the number of guests is not really enough. You need to take their age into account as well.
For instance, even though your guest list includes 40 people, but notice how many of them are kids? What if they get distracted by the party shenanigans and don’t even sit down to have a bite?
All of these things will also have an effect on the number of pizzas you need to order.
Common pizza appetites include anything between one slice and five slices.
Not everyone has the same appetite.
Say, for example, the smart aleck in the corner of the room won’t eat more than one slice, and Joe is unlikely to stop before gobbling down at least six slices.
Ah, the dilemma!
Therefore, it’s always great to keep the appetite of your guests into account while placing an order for pizzas.
Although the number of slices per pizza varies between pizza providers, on average there are:
·         6 slices per small 8-10-inch pizza
·         8 slices per 12-inch pizza (medium)
·         10 slices per 14-inch pizza (large)
·         12 slices per 16-18-inch pizza (extra-large)
I am yet to come across a person who would say no to eating a pizza.
That said, you shouldn’t rule out the exceptional cases.
For instance, some of your guests might be on a vegan diet. Or maybe one of the guests is allergic to certain foods?
What will you do in such cases?
That’s why we suggest you get your guest’s preferences right in time in order to prepare something else for them. Try taking a general poll and ask them what they would like or if they have any dietary restrictions.
I can’t mention this enough times — no two places have the same terms and conditions. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to get input from the pizza place beforehan
Below are common questions people have when deciding what to tip a pizza delivery driver.
If you are a pizza aficionado, then the chances are you order pizzas from time to time.
While you have mastered the art or ordering the right amount of pizza, you are still to master the art of tipping.
The pizza delivery driver who brings the savory pizza to your doorstep surely deserves a token of appreciation.
You’d think that the question is absurd because this is pizzaaaa we are talking about — not just any other food.
Who doesn’t like it?
Well, contrary to popular belief, some people actually aren’t too fond of pizza or are more inclined towards healthy food in general.
In such cases, it is better to ask your guests beforehand whether they have special requirements. Accordingly, either prepare something for them at home or order something from a vegan restaurant.
Somewhere between 10-20% is apt for large catering orders. It also depends on the type of delivery service you receive.
Let’s take the following instances into account to get an idea when you should tip a high amount:
·         When the pizza delivery driver has traveled through drastic and inclement weather conditions such as snow and rain, then it is always courteous to tip a tip higher than on a normal day.
·         When a larger catering order is placed during busy hours, for example, during NFL hours.
·         When the service provided by the driver really impresses you
The delivery charges include a whole lot of things. From expenses of hiring drives for delivery to paying for things like gas and insurance, pizza places have to cover a myriad of expenses to bring the food to your doorstep. Therefore, in order to continue offering a good delivery service, they need to cover their expenses so as to not go into losses.
Of course. We don’t see how ordering online makes a difference to your tipping etiquette. Irrespective of how you order and make the payment, the delivery is performing his or duty regardless of the situation. However, if you are paying online, the driver will share a receipt with you so that you can sign the tip line.
Again, no matter how you order or from where you order, tipping prerequisites remain exactly the same. Your tipping etiquette should not depend on the platform you are ordering from, but also on the quality of service you receive from the pizza delivery driver. Therefore, the tipping amount remains the same, between 10-20%, solely depending upon the delivery service.
Everyone is unique — we all have different tastes in music, food, cars, culture, and so on and so forth.
But our shared love for pizza unites us.
Once in a blue moon, we may even come across a smart Aleck lecturing us about the downsides of a greasy pizza and its negative impact on our heart, but try telling that to your brain.
Also, in your excitement to open your pizza box and get down to eating it, don’t forget to tip your server. A small tip might not make a lot of difference to you, but it would make a heck lot of difference to the pizza delivery driver.
So, next time you are eager to order pizza, don’t forget to follow through all the aforementioned guidelines.
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