#i am not writing a thingie bc it doesn't matter lol
krash-8 · 9 months
so!!!! sonic prime thoughts/me getting my ideas straight before tomorrow/theory 👍👍 this will literally all be irrelevant by tomorrow but whatever this is for Me !!!! fair warning I have no idea if any of this makes sense, also I am probably an idiot <3
so here I go. uh. what I'm getting personally: when the prism split, everything was all divided and reality formed its ownnnn..... branches, for lack of better word. branches off of each shard. the previously singular world seperated, formed the shatterverse. that's the wiring of it all, connecting the shards, because they are meant to be one. sonic didn't split because of paradox energy reasons. shadow escaped the blast. but the others didn't (nor the environment itself), and now they're all different versions, none quite.... right. but most alive.
that brings us to saving the 'real' characters! getting sonics old friends back. all the energy back in one place will, in theory, bring back green hills. well, one place in particular. (altho we're missing some. sonic. but that's another story.)
there isn't exactly a lost, true version out there that'll spring back out of nowhere when the energy is together, they're mostly all just parts of a puzzle. with a base, a guideline to be filled in, which I assume you know what I'm thinking as to where.
no matter how I put this it's gonna sound dramatic bc of the way I'm writing it but yep! ofc it's ghost hill. (which I really like the name of btw lol)
yes, ghost hills is basically a copy of the original world. everything was "the same." literally where the whole paradox prism fit was right there, an outline of where it was before. a place to put them back and fix everything.
but though it IS the most similar, it's not some frozen over green hills that needs to be ‘freed.’ even though when the prism was formed there everything sprang ‘back to life,’ it wasn't them being TRAPPED in there the whole time. they weren't entirely there at all. they were incomplete.
even though they had one prism shard to start, like all the other worlds, they were still not as "real." that's because this shatterspace is the exception, less a world and more a host. a shell of a place it was before. ghost hill is different from all the other worlds in the sense that it's physically incomplete and isn't meant to be habitable that way, rather than a new world itself.
(prob why shadow can get in, something likely important plot wise but also just. this place isnt new it's not keeping you out, it's just hurting!! but it recognizes you!! you're meant to be here, home!!! of course you can come in, here I am, nothing added while you were away, I just.... lost. but you may still come in. there are no gates. insert that undertale it's still you thingy or whatever)
this part finished world held the space the shards needed to fill by drawing energy from other shatterspace shards, sucking it back in to become whole. and eventually it was working. it took almost all of the energy for them to wake up, this living color washing over them. and when they did, as soon as the energy was gone, the world went grey again. but it was working. the world covered in color and they were returning.
green hills and ghost hills are the same, one is missing things. it was their home drained of nearly all it had, but if it just…. got its parts back, it could be whole again.
too bad it blew up.
i don’t know if it was because nine took the one shard it did have, or because the prism as a whole was formed somewhere else than it was meant to be (probably more the latter) but it’s gone. but if it’s gone it can’t be the only place that can host, as we have more episodes after the explosion lol, or it’s not truly destroyed irreparably. sonics energy, sonics tie to the very shatterverse and prism, can probably fix a lot.
the grim is a reasonable option for another site if it really doesn't require ghost hill, as it's oddly empty and we don't know why. there must be something we don't know about it.
no matter what ghost hill and the grims fate really is, as of right now the shatterverse is being torn apart, and ghost hill was the first to go. and I'm accidentally disproving my own theories here so I'm gonna shut up now.
oh oh!!! important note I want to address: I'm fairly certain when the world would go back to normal, the "parts" (aka shatterspaces) will be gone as their own thing, their core puzzle pieced back into the real green hills and morphed back into what it was before. along with everyone in it.
I don't think sonic knows this.
nine and shadow do, I believe, or at least shadow and mostly nine. I have a post in drafts about this but grr bad timing.
anyways yeah ghost hills is weird, all the characters are basically going to be gone, nine probably has the suspicion he's doomed, and I need to go to bed !!!
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missxspider · 4 years
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thedancefloorsilly · 3 years
Hi! Congrats on 300 that's amazing!🎉 can I participate in the f/o's event please? I choose Chrollo and Kurapika (seperate). I don't have any absolutely necessary hcs for the relationships that I need to mention, except for that both are loving of course.
I'm really sorry if this is too long or too much! I tend to be open to a horribly obnoxious extent. I just overshare a lot. I had to reread this multiple times and shorten it as much as I could make myself.
Basic about me: I'm an aries sun w/ a gemini moon and leo rising, personality type is INFP. Hobbies I like are writing (normal fictional stories and fanfic), reading, drawing, painting, digital editing, walking around in nature (not quite hiking), Minecraft, and adventuring to places near me.
I get attached to random things and get really excited whenever I see them. Some examples are flowers, moths, shiny/pretty rocks or crystals, and anything similar to bottle caps/can tabs, safety pins, and other little shiny thingies.
While I tend to pride myself on how mature I can be and just how intelligent I am- normally in unique critical thinking, language skills, and imagination/creation, I'm also just a little kid at heart. I have wildly exaggerate reactions to things I like no matter how small or big they are, and due to rejection sensitive dysphoria I can be a little childish in turmoil no matter how many big words I use.
I actually like that I express joy so much and can romanticize any scenario + fall in love with insignificant objects. It took me a while to realize I even liked to do this because I didn't realize I had been masking my entire life. Due to other things being masked and whatever I have issues connecting the image of myself now to the image of myself when I was little to an alarming amount, yet still have a connection to her on the inside because I know she would be similar to now if she could.
I have ADHD and maladaptive daydreaming issues, possibly autism but I'm still doing research.
I really like praise and I need someone telling me good things about me, and I have envy problems. I wouldn't call it jealousy because I never act on anything, nor do I wish bad for the people who are doing good. My main issue, I guess, Is the "never enough" kind of thing. That's the only way I can describe it. When I'm upset, the only way to describe how I feel about myself is that I'm never enough, and no matter how much I try people won't like me as much as healthy me likes me...does that make sense? It's like I blame other people but I aim the hate and hurt feelings towards myself?
The words I'd use to describe myself are creative, intelligent, sensitive, affectionate, exaggerative, wondrous, and open
I kin Gon. Other characters are: Reki (sk8 the infinity), Anne (anne with an e), Coraline, Syd (I am not ok with this), lance (voltron), and Kaido (saiki k)
Very random details that don't matter: •I have wavey-curly hair but it can change wildly. It can be really curly, fluffy and insane, or completely flat without much at all. I've never used curling product or whatever to get it curly I just have to tightly braid it for a day and it's completely there. •I wear basic clothes but extra af accessories everywhere and somewhat crazy eyeliner. I like little trinkets as accessories like safety pins, paper clip necklaces, or hair ties on my wrist. Also some normal ones like rings, chokers, and bracelets. •I am definitely a spiritual bitch and I'm all for the moon and crystals and herbs (very basic I know), of course actual witchcraft work, but a little basic romanticizing doesn't harm nothin'
Let me know if i didn't do something right! I'm happy to be one of your 300 followers <3
Hi!! Thank you so much and ofc!! Ah don't apologize the more info the easier it is (I liked reading all of this, and plus I got so many ideas bc of it :D) !!! I also have that habit LOL. you did everything right so dw (and omg thats so nice the at the end mah heart :,)). Have a great day and enjoy <333
Event: Closed
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- It’s not a surprise on why Kurapika loves you so much, as there are many things about you guys that make such a great fit. Having you as his lover just makes Kurapika appreciate one more thing about his life.  
- Lets start off with the fact that you romanticize the scenarios and objects in your life. To Kurapika, he views this as you having an appreciation for the little things in life. For someone to express joy through the seemingly “insignificant things” is such a beautiful thing to him, and to Kurapika, he also thinks of it as a reminder to enjoy life’s little gift’s.
- This also reflects off his own way of thinking. For someone who has lost almost everything, Kurapika reminds himself to be grateful for all the things life has to offer. When life gets tough, he remembers some of the big and small things that he is appreciative for: seeing the sunrise each morning, his friends, how he’s able to wake up to see another day, and one of the most important things of all, you. 
- There is not a day where Kurapika does not remind you how important you are to him, how much you’ve changed part of his outlook on life, how you’ve gave his little dark and grey world some color. For that, he’s just so exceedingly grateful, and his heart is full of this everlasting love for you. Having said that, those days where you feel as if you’re never enough always make him upset to hear. 
- Though Kurapika might be a littleee uncertain with his advice, he tries to solace you the best that he can. With his calm voice, he’ll try and reassure you that you are enough, even if you might no see that in your eyes. One thing Kurapika wishes for you is to one day view yourself the way that he always does.
- Kurapika and you also share your love for nature, which was one thing you later learned about him. Growing up in a beautiful forest in the Lukso Province as a kid, he was surrounded by nature almost all through his life. He has such an appreciation for the beauty that the naturel world has. Kurapika and you sometimes set up dates where nature is most present, such as in a forest, or maybe in a field of flowers at night when the two of you can stargaze in each others arms.
- These have to be one of his favorite kinds of dates with you. The serene atmosphere that the environment brings Kurapika puts him at such ease, and having you by his side the whole time just perfects everything. While these moments can be filled with exchanged laughter from your conversations, or a calm silence from taking in the presence of your surroundings and each other, you guys always have such a wonderful time out of it. The ending to these dates can be topped with a heartfelt kiss from the two of you, as a reminder that your love and appreciation for each other is so deep-hearted and sincere.
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- As the leader of an infamous group of thieves who can steal as much as they desire, Chrollo knew that he couldn’t just ‘steal’ someone’s love. You intrigued him from the start, and being that you guys seemed to be very different in personality, Chrollo was willing to know more about you. 
- In his eyes, you were like this divine gem that somehow ended up in his grasp, except without the use of “stealing” it. Now that you and him are dating, there’s not a day where Chrollo doesn’t try and show how much he loves you. Let’s start with how every time he call’s you, it’s with the use of an endearing name. He usually goes back and forth between calling you “my love”,  “my dear” and “sweetheart”.
- Every time you feel envious, or have those feelings of inadequacy, Chrollo pulls you close to him, and tries to comfort you with the sweetest of words. Now usually if he would ever say something this heartfelt to someone, it would be for personal gain in return. But, whenever he pulls you into his arms and whispers his own advice, it’s because it’s genuine. All the praise you hear coming from your mouth is something that Chrollo truly means, and wants you to understand. 
- He also really enjoys your personality in which you romanticize everything. Chrolo finds it very cute to him, and loves seeing how you get excited with the smaller things. As someone who could steal almost anything for you (large jewel, rare items, etc.) Chrollo finds it funny that you just like to pay attention to the little things. With that being said, anything that he finds that reminds Chrollo of you, whether it be out on  his missions or a daily stroll), he’ll always bring back. He loves seeing the visible excitement on your face, the way your eyes bright up and that lovable grin to follow. He just can never get enough of it. 
- Knowing that you also love these, Chrollo will always gift you with a bunch of rare flowers that he saw. He will usually give you about three or four of the most prettiest flowers you’ve seen, and he’ll tie it with a small ribbon just for you. While you’re expressing your love to how beautiful these flowers are, of course, he’ll sneak in some lovey compliment (“yes they look nice, but they don’t look as amazing as you”. Normally these are very cheesy, but Chrolllo says it in a way that just works).
- Reading dates are very common with you and him. Chrollo is an avid reader, and going on a date based on his interest next to someone he so deeply loves would just be perfect. You guys could just cuddle on the couch or bed, maybe light some nice candles around, and just... read next to each other!! It might not sound like much, but it’s very enjoyable when you’re around each other.
- All in all, the love Chrollo has for you cannot so simply be described in just words. Even though there might come danger from his own role, he will promise to protect you. Chrollo is just so happy to have met you, to be with you, to call you each other’s, and to develop this mutually genuine love that you and him have. 
a/n: this was very very fun to write nd I rlly hope u like it :D ty for participating again !!
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