#i am not telling you personally not to critisize Islam i am saying this is the wrong way to go
david-box · 5 months
. I. Okay.
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☕ following one of your last asks about religion. You said you left islam, but how do you feel about it now and how do you feel about other muslims? I, myself am muslim, I don't feel oppressed and I love islam with all my heart. Reading how you said that you still critisize it, kind of hurt me, but ofc I have no say in what you believe in. So I just wonder, do you think I'm blindly following smth? Why did you leave it and what's your opinion on NON oppressed muslims like me. Be honest please.
I don’t have anything personal against Islam, I am very critical of all religions because any system out there that contains a set of rules that are to be followed without question is a no-no for me. Of course I am a bit more resentful of Islam than any other religion because it affected my life directly and I was forced to behave or do things in a certain way because that is what the Islamic society around me says I must do or face the consequences but I try to be objective in my criticism anyway. Since I grew up in an Islamic society, I know that being a Muslim woman doesn’t necessarily mean you’re oppressed. Honestly I think a large part of the “oppression” comes from society and not Islam itself like for instance if a girl here in Egypt dresses in a bikini and walks in the streets of Cairo and gets assaulted people will say she deserves it for the way she’s dressed but Islam completely forbids and condemns such behavior. In fact Mohamed said that if you see a woman dressed immodestly then don’t look at her, but that’s something that westerners don’t know because that’s not how Muslims/Arabs behave irl. Many of the bad behaviors of Muslims are not related to Islam at all but rather the culture they grew up in. That is not to say that I think Islam/religion are completely innocent of the evil their followers commit but at the same time I don’t think Islam/religion are the SOURCE of the evil. It’s the rotten human nature using scripture to enable their crimes and claim it’s the word of god and must be followed and the poor and naive just follow along because they don’t know better. As for if you’re blindly following it or not, it depends on if you actually studied the Quran or not. I can respect a Muslim who knows what’s written in the Quran and believes in it and agrees to it but I don’t respect the people who were “born into” Islam and never bothered to check out their holy book. I don’t even consider them Muslims tbh and these are the majority. I don’t think I’ve ever talked to a Muslim without me surprising them with facts about their religion that they didn’t know. Tell me how can you say that a book is the word of god and the key to a blessed afterlife if you haven’t even read said book? Does your god mean so little to you? This isn’t directed at you btw I’m just frustrated by this. The whole thing about the Quran is that everything written in it is supposed to be 100% true so if you don’t agree with even ONE sentence or think it’s wrong then that invalidates the entire book because it’s supposed to be the direct word of god. Anyway I’m neutral about Muslims as long as they are open minded and accepting. I won’t get into why I left Islam because we’d be here all day but simply it’s because of the above, I looked into the Quran and I realized that there were many things wrong with it or that went against my moral judgement and sense of humanity like the fact that nonbelievers will spend eternity in hell even if they were good people while Muslims who did unimaginable things will only stay in hell for some time until they’ve paid for their sins then they can go to heaven. That is just so wrong to me :’) 
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sultanamalik · 5 years
Hey Blogbees,
So I am in two minds about writing this blog, as its my journey and I don’t need to explain to anyone…and maybe writing it may come across as ignorant and arrogant but in reality this is how I got to were I am today. And its my diary.
I remember in November a family member was critising a friend of mine for not wearing a hijab after Umrah. I knew then, this was culture talking as wearing your Hijab isn’t ONLY cause you went to Umrah. You choose to wear a Hijab (Scarf over your hair), what your intentions are and what you feel is right for you and your head space. Its more sinful going backwards then not going forwards at all. The sheik from our Umrah suggested to ease into it becoming a better muslim and don’t go full on. Ie wear a hijab, wear an abaya full time (No jeans or leggings anymore), learn all your surah’s by heart, learn tajweed, stop listening to music, stop associating with men. Stop you girly chat with the girls…start preaching and talking about Islam You will crash and you will be resentful, as its not natural progression. So do each step at a time…
So if you choose to wear the hijab and decide going forward I will only wear loose clothing and no longer leggings. BUT then go back to not wearing a hijab and leggings then its more disrespectful to our creator as, it is seen as you are mocking and taking your religion as joke. BUT if you decide your not ready to wear a hijab and you know what your intentions are then its less sinful as you’ve not given an ‘oath’.
In honestly my intentions was not to go to umrah and comeback to wear a hijab. It was to cleanse and repent. At the time I wasn’t ‘ready’ to cover my hair and change my dress sense. That’s how I use to view the Hijab.
I researched the Hijab and what it actually says in the Quran. I started to read my prayers 5x a day…and meant if I showed my hair between prayers (If I didn’t need the toilet) the wudu would go. So wearing the Hijab meant my Wudu would be kept. I read, unfortunately men can’t control their lust and desires, as woman we can try and create a barrier ie the Hijab. I loved big volume Kardashian hair, So I realised that I was sinning cause I was getting the wrong attention from the opposite sex. Cause I was showing off my beauty to the world, men didn’t lower their gaze (as they are told too in the Quran). I started to feel guilty cause of my appearance and cause of my outfit choice men were sinning….my opinion of women wearing the hijab is to conceal your beauty (to Keep for your partner). Wearing the Hijab means to me, is to draw away attention, by wearing a plain scarf to keep your hair hidden from your non mahram (Men you can’t marry ie father, father-in-law, son, nephew, maternal uncle). Not by wearing flamboyant scarfs and fancy designs which draws attention but to conceal/ humble yourself. Hijab means to me, is wearing clothing that looks modest. Ie not figure hugging body-con dresses or see-through skin revealing clothes. It means to me a way covering your beauty, making you more modest and makes you double think your actions. Ie swearing or my wudu would break lol.
Before I even wore the hijab I was practising, more than people around me that wore the hijab. Hijab doesn’t make you more ‘religious’ than someone that doesn’t wear a hijab. By wearing the Hijab doesn’t mean they are a better person than someone that doesn’t wear a hijab. Its all about your intentions and your relation with our creator. Your imaan and you might be a better/kinder person than someone that wears a hijab.
Alhumdulliah I started wearing my Hijab early March, as I felt I was ready. I also stopped threading my brows and to this day I have not touched (Which is incredible for me!!)
“Plucking of women’s eyebrows is not permissible. That’s because the Messenger of Allaah (sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa sallam) cursed the one who does it. It is haraam and is not permitted.” The evidence: 1) Removing or plucking the eyebrows implies changing the creation of Allaah, as Allaah tells us that the Shaytaan said:
“…..and indeed I will order them to change the nature created by Allaah.” [al-Nisa:119]
I am still learning and changing…This is why when I first put on the hijab I never covered my full hair. I’d rather go forward than backwards (as explained above).
Even though I don’t owe anyone an explanation as only my creator can judge me or know my true intentions (Talking to trolls) Some people see my instagram and see I covered my full hair and get shocked when I have my fringe out. But infact my every day-to-day life I dont fully cover my hair. The images that I have fully covered is because of the PR packages I get OR because events I attend and cause of convenience (As wearing a under cap under the hijab my scarf doesn’t slip back as I’m at an event for a long day). I also always show throwback (Which include my hair) because, it is impossible to remove any traces of my old pictures on the internet. I have been blogging for over 7/8 years so all my old content, vlogs and collaborations are public and on platforms I do not own. Second reason is I love memories and have the best old photos. Like suggested in my previous post, I found my imaan because of my past. and cause of that I am proud of my past. so Yes I do show old images but again that’s between me and my lord.
I am not here to preach or judge but explaining my hijab story and why I choose to wear it. For convenience purposes ie Keeping my Wudu, to be a ‘hijab’ to create a barrier from the opposite sex so they may lower their gaze, to humble myself by being modest about beauty and to keep my beauty for my husband only. And to show the world I am a proud ‘practicing’ Muslim woman. This is my journey and alhumduliallah with the strength from Allah SWT I feel this comfort and peace I have never felt in my life.
Disclosure: These options and thoughts are mine. I do apologies if this may offend anyone as that is not my intentions. I am sorry if some of the text might not be accurate but this is my interpretation.
This video really made me think about what the Hijab is: What does the Quran really say about a Muslim woman’s hijab? | Samina Alis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_J5bDhMP9lQ
InshaAllah speak soon!
Sultana ❤
My Hijab story Hey Blogbees, So I am in two minds about writing this blog, as its my journey and I don't need to explain to anyone...and maybe writing it may come across as ignorant and arrogant but in reality this is how I got to were I am today.
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