#i am not a good sleeper at the best of times and now certainly isn't the best of times.
dawns-beauty · 6 months
Re: current mod plans:
I still don't feel too excited to return to modding. There are plenty of things I could fix, but I just don't feel like it any more.
If it ever changes, I plan on:
Releasing the full version of Lunar Lattice Tweaks. I still have a bit of work to do on it, but @/littlemissf has been kind enough to go through and fix a bunch of stuff!
Adding CBBE/Himbo support for the Dark Lunar Armor in Khajiit Has Wears
Potentially rebooting Project ja-Kha'jay with a new system that allows for better compatibility with mods that edit the Khajiit race. It would also allow for simpler editing. Also, nicer assets. See after cut for details
I don't know about my ideas for humanoid overhauls (like Elderly Elves.) I just don't want to deal with the crap I dealt with for my orc overhaul.
TL;DR: Redoing PJKJ will give mod users who want to put in a little work an easier time editing things.
Will call the reboot Children of the Moons, because to heck with it. Let it match my other NPCs mods.
It will not be a direct update to PJKJ, I don't want to break a gazillion patches/LOs etc.
Will require (at least) two additional mods:
Mu's Skeleton Editor and Dynamic Armor Variants
Why Mu's Skeleton Editor (MSE):
It will allow me to use separate skeletons for a single race. This way, I can keep all Khajiit types the same, default Khajiit race. This will be done by assigning keywords to each NPC that determine a few things, including what skeleton they use.
The real beauty of MSE is that users can create their own edited skeletons in RaceMenu and export them and then replace the undesired skeleton file with their own (OR another modded skeleton, like Bestial Beast Races, etc.)
Optionally, they can edit the .ini file and remove the undesired skeleton from distribution completely.
Why Dynamic Armor Variants (DAV):
DAV will let me distribute digitigrade feet to toe-walking Khajiit and simply replace their shoes with their bare feet (since boots look pretty bad with digitigrade skeletons). This is also easy enough to edit/remove via DAV's .ini.
It will also allow me to force Ohmes/Ohmes-Raht to use humanoid armors without changing their race (theoretically. I need to test this.)
Caveat: modded armors may need to be added. I believe the use-case for this is pretty rare: most variations from humanoid to beast race are in helmet shapes, not the torso part. Most Ohmes/-raht Khajiit NPCs I've edited don't use helmets.
I do plan on adding compatibility for Lunar Guard Armor and Moon Monk (both have tail edits.)
Better Assets
I will replace the Ohmes/-raht with High Poly Heads, and play around with sliders again, as well new eyes, that are able to have proper glowing irises while having proper reflections.
Nearly all of the bestial heads (outside of the serval-like Tojay and 'regular' Khajiit, like Kharjo) will be replaced with versions based on the high poly Khajiit Overhaul heads. I just think the older assets look awkward and don't emote super great (anger looks particularly silly on most of them.)
Additionally, I want to play around with KCCE, and I've also come up with a few complete redesigns. ideas. Heights will be assigned directly in the NPC records (easily tweaked via SSE Edit)
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mariana-oconnor · 1 year
Charles Augustus Milverton pt 2
We return to The Worst.
“You would not call me a marrying man, Watson?” “No, indeed!” “You’ll be interested to hear that I am engaged.” “My dear fellow! I congrat—” “To Milverton’s housemaid.”
Holmes... did you...
Did you fucking seduce some poor woman just to get information?
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“But the girl, Holmes?”
Thank you, Watson!
“You can’t help it, my dear Watson. You must play your cards as best you can when such a stake is on the table. However, I rejoice to say that I have a hated rival who will certainly cut me out the instant that my back is turned."
There's that, I supposed. But I am disappoint.
I did not remember this part of the story.
I seemed to see every possible result of such an action—the detection, the capture, the honoured career ending in irreparable failure and disgrace, my friend himself lying at the mercy of the odious Milverton.
You're acting like this is the first burglary he's committed, Watson. This isn't even the hundredth burglary he's committed.
Though I do appreciate this glimpse into Watson's anxiety.
“Yes,” I said; “it is morally justifiable so long as our object is to take no articles save those which are used for an illegal purpose.”
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Watson ponders the nature of ethics and morality and contemplates the justness of the justice system.
A case of two wrongs making a right?
"Between ourselves, Watson, it’s a sporting duel between this fellow Milverton and me. He had, as you saw, the best of the first exchanges; but my self-respect and my reputation are concerned to fight it to a finish.”
Holmes: I can take him. Let me at him. I can take him!
Watson: Only if I come, too!
Holmes: NO! You might get arrested.
Watson: I feel like there are some double standards here.
"You know, Watson, I don’t mind confessing to you that I have always had an idea that I would have made a highly efficient criminal."
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We know, Holmes. You talk about it all the time. One of your favourite things to say is 'if I were a criminal, I would be very good at it.' In the last story you told a police officer all about how you sort of wanted to be a burglar... and in fact are a burglar because you keep burgling places.
This is not a secret! It is the opposite of a secret! You would tell someone that you kind of want to be a criminal if you just happened to be standing behind them in a queue!
I'm surprised you don't introduce yourself as 'Sherlock Holmes, private detective, which is a good thing because I've always been convinced I would make an excellent criminal.'
Literally no one is surprised that you have a state-of-the-art burglary kit lying around.
And no one is surprised that Watson will make the masks.
"On the other hand, like all these stout, little men who do themselves well, he is a plethoric sleeper. Agatha—that’s my FIANCEE—says it is a joke in the servants’ hall that it’s impossible to wake the master."
I see no reason for this capitalisation other than Holmes shouting the word like he wants the world to know.
This is so weird.
The place was locked, but Holmes removed a circle of glass and turned the key from the inside.
He's not even picking the lock, he's literally cutting holes in the windows.
He seized my hand in the darkness and led me swiftly past banks of shrubs which brushed against our faces. Holmes had remarkable powers, carefully cultivated, of seeing in the dark. Still holding my hand in one of his he opened a door, and I was vaguely conscious that we had entered a large room in which a cigar had been smoked not long before.
Hand-holding and B&E, the perfect date!
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We were in Milverton’s study, and a PORTIERE at the farther side showed the entrance to his bedroom.
Ooooh, it was capitalised because fiance is a french word... okay then. Sure. We'll go with that.
My first feeling of fear had passed away, and I thrilled now with a keener zest than I had ever enjoyed when we were the defenders of the law instead of its defiers. The high object of our mission, the consciousness that it was unselfish and chivalrous, the villainous character of our opponent, all added to the sporting interest of the adventure. Far from feeling guilty, I rejoiced and exulted in our dangers.
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With a glow of admiration I watched Holmes unrolling his case of instruments and choosing his tool with the calm, scientific accuracy of a surgeon who performs a delicate operation.
Too late.
I understood the joy which it gave him to be confronted with this green and gold monster, the dragon which held in its maw the reputations of many fair ladies.
Wow. This imagery is intense. Holmes playing on Watson's chivalric instincts really went deep, huh? A dragon with ladies' reputations in its maw. Watson's out there fancying himself a modern-day St George, I guess.
Then the footsteps continued backwards and forwards, backwards and forwards, within a few yards of us. Finally, there was a creak from a chair, and the footsteps ceased. Then a key clicked in a lock and I heard the rustle of papers.
Dun dun duuuuuuuuun
Cliffhanger time.
Now, I do think I remember what happens next. But still. Who has come into the room? Will Holmes and Watson be discovered and their career change into crime be cut off before it can truly flourish? Will Watson ever get over this simultaneous hit to both his competency kink and his chivalry kink? We may never know.
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ceroswrites · 5 years
H-hhhhhh hey bby um so this isn't necessarily alphabet stuff but can I get some headcanons for Kiri and Dabi with an s/o who has a really hard time sleeping?? (I need to take a nap but I cannot-)
Scenarios || “s/o having a hard time sleeping”
author’s notes: i got you babey have a good nap 💕
Your bedroom is dyed with a nautical blue atmosphere, lights steadily leaking in from the slanted blinds, eagerly creeping forward like the bud of a plant sprouting from the sidewalk towards the sunlight. Your aching tired eyes dart around the room as if it can find your missing rest in the shadows. You fight the urge to grab for your phone again, watching it’s blinking light beckon you to what you know must be some worthy notifications. The clock reads 2:00 am in bold red letters and the time is inching ever so slowly towards the next minute.
Then, the minute after that.
And then, the minute after that.
It has been a very, very long night. You fight the urge to reach for your phone again, fingers twitching ever so lightly.
You’ve been so restless all day, if anything, you thought you’d be ready to head off into the dreamland-especially with Dabi’s comforting presence beside you. He’s sleeping on his back, head thrown back into a fluffy pillow and mussed ebony locks even more disheavled from his slumber. He would never say admit it forthright but, he always slept better with you at his side. You’re soft and warm in a way that he hasn’t known for an incredibly long time. The scarred arm lounging across your waist pulls you in closer, to which you happily comply. You try to bury yourself deeper into his chest with as minimal movement as possible so you do not wake him.
Unfortunately for you, Dabi is a light sleeper.
The hand idling on your hip jerks momentarily, his calloused fingertips grazing along a revealed patch of skin on your hip. You fail to fight the following shudder that comes from his accidental contact, even just the slightest brush from him had you bursting with goosebumps. If he had noticed, he doesn’t make a comment on it-but, then again, Dabi is well aware of the affect he has on your body.
You shift your head up to catch a glimpse of his pierced face. Perhaps he’s not entirely awake...?
A single, weary eye cracks open to peer at you, a sliver of turquoise shining brightly regardless of the darkness surrounding. No, he’s very much awake.
He stares at you for a moment, as if to take in his surroundings and recall where he is-you don’t miss the way his eyes dart towards the same clock that you've been watching all evening. Eventually, he tiredly drawls out in a husky tone of voice, “You’re moving too much.”
He was certainly always to the point, even if it was far too blunt, but you were used to deciphering the actual meaning behind his deadpan words.
Shuffling your legs underneath the blanket, you fight the urge to flinch from the cold bite of the metal piercings lodged in his skin.
“I’m sorry,” you murmur as you trail a finger along imaginary routes on his open chest, “I’m trying to fall asleep but...”
“Try harder.”
Dabi releases his lax hold from your hip and torpidily pulls himself away from your warm body, rolling over to lay on his side and revealing his marred back at you.
You huff incredulously at his dark silhouette before quickly turning yourself away from him, sudden disruptive movements be damned. Two could play that at that game. You don’t need him to get to sleep! ...even if he does run warm enough to be a human-sized electric blanket that puts regular non-human blankets to shame.
With an aggressive tug, you struggle to wrap the blanket around yourself and wriggle like an excited worm into the sheets of the bed in search of a semblance of warmth. Was your room always so cold...?
You look at the clock once again. Your eyes find an interesting path that goes along the walls, then to the furniture, then to the illuminated window. You listen to the hum of a lonely car riding past and the faint ba-dum of the heart in your chest hard at work.
Was your room always this...empty? Or was that the overwhelming gloom that could only be born in the dead of the night? Were the shadows lurking in the crevices of the walls growing larger or was your tired, over-imaginative mind only deceiving you? You shuffle your legs anxiously and gave the clock one more glance, watching as the red brick-shaped numbers continue to taunt you.
“You’re still moving. Why? What could possibly be bothering you?” Dabi dryly deadpanned from his side of the bed, his voice breaking the silence and pulling you out of your trance.
“...It’s kind of scary in here at night.”
“I can assure you I’m scarier than anything out there.”
“...The clock is broken.”
“It’s only been five minutes. Your eyes are the only broken thing around here.”
You pause momentarily before whispering, “...I’m cold.”
The words are all eagerly devoured by the nighttime and then, the room returns to it’s dark, vacant and hungry state as it waits on baited breath for what will happen next.
You’re caught off guard when then bed abruptly dips and sways, letting out quiet creaks in protest from the janky movement spawning from the other side of it.
Dabi slides in next to you, navigating the best way to intertwine his legs with yours-and it feels like placing that long awaited final piece of an 1,000 jigsaw puzzle, enjoying that rush of completion when it finally falls into place. He clicks his tongue as you press your back into him and listlessly mumbles, “You’re so spoiled, you insufferable brat.”
“You’re cold, huh?” He taunts with his face in the crook of your neck, you shiver from the chill of his mouth piercings gliding along sensitive skin as he rasps. It doesn't help much that his monotone voice echoes throughout your body or that his eyelashes flutter behind your ear.
A leathery hand travels down the contours of your body, leaving not a single inch of skin untouched or a hairbump unraised. You let out a hushed whine to which he replies with a drawn-out shuuush and a mocking, “I’m helping you get warm.”
It comes to rest at your lower stomach and you can feel his own clamorous heartbeat through the palm, his thumb slowly circling on your skin with a mind of it's own. His other hand roams its way to the front of you and makes its home right atop your ribcage.
You’re so distracted that you don’t notice it at first-you’re far more occupied with him at the moment-a slow creeping warmth growing underneath your skin and it instantaneously reminds you of kisses from the sun so graciously dappled across your face when you bask in it’s light.
A finger dances between the area of your breastbone with a muted turquoise glow, leaving no skin untouched nor cold. The fire from Dabi’s hands is small and benign, the light barely leaking from under the blankets and yet...the darkness in the bedroom seems to flee back into itself and the walls don’t feel so compact anymore.
“Finally. Now, go to sleep,” Dabi rasps in your ear, but his voice is beginning to sound to far away to be sure...
You let out a soft, weary sigh as your eyelids finally begin to feel heavy, the familiar sirensong that is sleep reaching you loud and clear once more as the clock reaches 2:10 am.
Eijirou Kirishima
It was a wonder that you ever managed to even sleep with him in the same bed.
You knew that Eijirou was an exceptionally wild sleeper, you’ve felt him nudge and bump into you more than enough times from your own slumber. But, now that you were sitting there wide awake...you were starting to get a good idea for just how much movement he was capable of in a single night.
And the answer? Way too much.
So far, he had rolled himself over and over around six times, then the leg streching whenever his postion was getting too stale-can’t forget how he also kept locating your leg with scary accuracy and never failing to ram into it with his knee-was about to reach the double digits pretty soon, and his arm couldn’t seem to decide if it wanted to rest on the pillow or on you and was currently giving your chest its second trial run. It’s not like you were keeping count or anything.
Sleeping with Eijirou was like sharing a bed with a big dog that didn’t seem to realize it was a little puppy anymore and did, infact, take up a very large amount of space. Your golden retriever of a boyfriend was spread eagle and you were bundled up, trying to occupy as little room as possible while you pressured your brain to start resting.
You stare up at the ceiling despite how much your worn out eyes protest. It was hard to see anything in the darkened room, but it didn’t stop you from trying to find something to look at. It wasn’t as if you were heading to sleep anytime soon. You let your mind wander to just about anything it wanted to-visualing interesting patterns on the walls, what sounded good for breakfast tomorrow, how work could possibly be-however, sleep continued to elude you in the far corner of your mind.
As your mind continued to wonder further and further away, you felt the faint edge of sleep right within the grasp of your fingers and if you reached just a little farther...maybe, just maybe, you could fall asleep. Your eyes finally closed. Then, Eijirou’s knee found a new resting spot right in the small of your back.
“Oh my god!” You hiss quietly, guiding his knee out of your space, “Eiji, you can’t be serious!”
And of course, all the movement happening in the world right now-even the slight rotation of the whole planet Earth-wasn’t nearly enough to wake him, but one single prod from you was more than enough to bring him to the waking world.
He lets out a loud and drowsy yawn, his jagged teeth flashing as he rolls onto his back. He cracks open blurry carmine eyes and squints at your dark silhouette, trying to adjust his vision to the darkness.
“Mmm...babe? What’s up?” He groggily stumbles over his words, like a drunk fresh out of a bar after the last call. You exhale and spin over to face him, exhaustion clear on your face.
“I can’t sleep,” you grumble under your breath, wondering if you should tell Eijirou he’s the reason you’re having trouble.
Kirishima pauses for a moment as he processes your words at a speed equal to an early age internet web browser. You can hear the gears practically turning in his head. To your surprise, the redhead jumps up out of the blankets with a determined grin on his face.
“Don’t worry, babe! I’ve got the perfect cure,” He announces at a loud and unacceptable volume for 5:45 in the morning, “I’ll be right back! Don’t go anywhere!”
“Where would I literally go?” Your words don’t even reach his ears as he’s already racing out of the room to do goodness knows what.
You take this opportunity to strech out across the whole bed and your aching limbs cheer happily as the blood rushes throughout them once more. You wiggle yourself deeper into the warm sheets Eijirou left behind and nuzzle your face in the cushy pillow closest to you, his scent-heavy petrichor-invades your senses and let out a happy sigh.
You begin to feel it again, that fuzzy familiar hold of sleep beginning to descend over you like a soft, pink summer cloud. However, the cloud evaporates as Kirishima returns to the room as loudly as he exited before.
“Alright! Here, try this!” He eagerly offers as he carefully eases himself onto the bed, a large mug cusped in his hands like a precious cargo. He gestures for you to sit up so he could hand it to you and you let out a long groan as you did so, upset to leave the comfortable spot behind.
You peek over the rim of the cup, watching the faint wafts of steam and ask, “What is it...?”
“Hot cocoa!” He visibly preens for a moment before his face drops, “Wait, did you want the marshmallows? Did I put too many?”
“It’s fine, Eiji,” You assure him as you bring the rim to your lips to drink despite his panicked warnings that it was still hot. It burned your tongue, naturally, but the pain was unnoticeabe underneath the sweetened, velvety taste of rich chocolate. You lick your lips to clean up a stray smear of whipped cream and let out a relaxed sigh.
“Someone looks like they really liked it~,” Kirishima hums as you stare dazedly into the distance, “I’m glad, yeah? It’s what my mom would make for me when I couldn’t sleep.”
“Remind me to thank her next time we go over for dinner, please and thank you,” you mumble into your cup as you finish it off and hand it back to him.
You wearily sink back into the covers and close your eyes, ready to find that sleepy feeling once more and continue what you started. The bed bounces as Eijirou leaves to take the dirty dish away and you relish the open space for your legs once more.
The soft, pink cloud returns without struggle with even more clouds in tow this time, surrounding you with warmth as you begin to further drift away into the sweet release of unconsciousness. Wait...were you actually getting warmer?
You peek open a single eye to find Eijirou tucking a toasty blanket around your frame. It was unexpectedly warm with the faint aroma of lavender...almost like...
“Did you...put this in the dryer?” You sleepily asked, voice muffled from the mass of comfort encompassing you.
He laughs-god, you loved his laugh, your heartbeat picks up in your chest at the sound of it-as he slides into the bed with you, throwing his arms around you to pull you closer to his own heated body. You could feel vibrations as he speaks, “Just put it in for a little bit. I heard this helps too.”
“It does,” you manage to whisper as your thoughts start to blank and your body grows heavy in his solace, “I love you, Eijirou.”
“I love you, too.”
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heironymous-smash · 6 years
Polyphasic Sleep
(This info used to be on the front page; moving it over here to clean up a bit and make room for more stuff!  :))
I've been polyphasic for many years now, and back in 2001, I was one of the first people (ok, to the best of my knowledge, actually THE first, which is weird) to write online about sleeping on a polyphasic schedule long-term.  
I've been experimenting with it since, talking with everyone I can about it, helping people through adapting / switching sleep schedules, and have collected a ton of information over the years on my experiences (see the huge list of articles below), as well as organizing it all into a handy and inexpensive book that's still, in its second edition, the first real manual for switching to and living on polyphasic schedules.  Pretty neat, if I do say so myself!
I've helped a lot of people with choosing and adapting to a polyphasic sleep-schedule (it's not easy, especially with the very strict ones — those are rather like switching to a strict diet, only with sleep).  I continue to offer my help as much as I can, through the Slack channel, and by offering private consultations to those who want extra help.  (EDIT: I take breaks from this when my other work is busy, including right now.  If you really need help, reach out and I'll probably help, but I've taken down these links for now because *swizamped*) 
But I'm not interested in building a cult of personality on it.  I also find that I disagree with a lot of what other people — most of whom have not actually slept polyphasically for any length of time — want to conclude about it, especially when they're specifically aiming to sell it or put their name on it.  
(NOTE THO:  When it comes to taking credit for polyphasic sleep…*Most* humans were polyphasic for ages, and much of the world still is — sleeping less at night and napping regularly is "news" to, like, the industrialized modern world and nobody else, lol.  And if anybody gets credit for experimenting with being polyphasic as a modern lifestyle choice, it's the scientist Buckminster Fuller, who died in the 80's and was on Uberman/Dymaxion for at least two consecutive years, documented and seen by doctors, so everybody can just sit / calm down now.  You're not the prophet of this, and neither am I.  :))
The Puredoxyk.com blog archives (or just the polyphasic category) – tons of short articles; use the search function to narrow in on a specific question
How to research polyphasic sleep!  Tips for finding good information
The Book I wrote (Ubersleep: Nap-Based Sleep Schedules and the Polyphasic Lifestyle – use this link to go straight to it (and its five stars, woo!) on Amazon).  It has a ton of info on polyphasic sleep — just like the blog, but organized :) — as well as a complete how-to for planning and adapting to a different sleep schedule.  
The Slack Channel (click the link to sign up) where you can chat with, get advice from, make friends with, and help other adapters and long-term polphasic sleepers.  Come on in!
A way to pay me for personalized help if you need it (but do look at the book first, it's cheaper and has most of the information you probably want :))
WHY IS IT SO GREAT?  WILL IT WORK FOR ME?  (A brief explanation)
Polyphasic (multi-times-per-day) sleep is the one of the top-three best things I've ever stumbled on to improve my life.  (Hacking self-esteem is a close second.)  I've been polyphasic for most of the last decade, and I'll never willingly go back to sleeping in one chunk at night.  (I might be forced to, since being polyphasic requires being able to nap during the day, and there are certainly jobs and circumstances that make that impossible.  I hate those and avoid them at all costs now, though — being well-rested is so important.)  
I'm *much* more rested on my nap-based schedules, and I need half as much sleep as I did before.   Half or less, actually.
Which may sound wild or impossible, but keep in mind two things:
A) Everybody is different, and different things work for different people (at different times in their lives, even).  Some of us love being vegan; others can't abide it.  It's important to recognize that you and everybody else need a sleep schedule and sleep habits that work for you, individually.
B) Polyphasic sleep is common among animals, including almost all primates!  Monophasic sleep became normal for humans in recent centuries.  So it's not even a LITTLE true that monophasic sleep is the "only" healthy way to go for everybody, especially as people's lives change drastically yet again, in post-Internet times.
It's possible to learn new ways to sleep.  We teach babies to be monophasic, remember, and it doesn't kill them.  Switching schedules can make you cranky and tired while you adjust, but at long as you're consistent about it, and the schedule works for you, you *will* adjust to it.  (That part is backed up by some science.)
What isn't possible, I think, is for one schedule to work for everyone.  We each have different sleep needs, but I think we can all agree that whatever they are, it's SO important for each of us to get enough rest!  I DO NOT ADVOCATE NOT GETTING ENOUGH SLEEP — which includes being "technically on" an 8-hour-per-night schedule and then not sleeping enough — I'm looking at you, modern person.  The key, the key to *so much* life-improvement, is to be and feel rested.  I am more rested now, on a total of 4 hours' sleep per day, than I ever was trying (and usually failing) to sleep 8 hours per night.  It takes some work, but it's absolutely possible — and if you're intersted in learning more, I can probably help you out.
This website contains a huge amount of info on polyphasic sleep, collected over my years (wow, decades actually) of experimentation with different schedules, and of helping people find and adapt to schedules that work for them.  I've tried to organize it, and been, I think, moderately successful.  :P 
I AM NOT TRYING TO SELL YOU (anyone) ON A SLEEP SCHEDULE.  The only thing I believe in strongly enough to sell it is that everyone has the right to find and sleep on a schedule that works and makes them rested, just like everyone has the right to decide to be vegetarian if they want to and that works for them.  That's important to me.  
There's a lot on this site, so here's a list I've been keeping of main/major/useful-for-beginners things I've written about polyphasic sleep.  Some of them are pretty old!  But do feel free to leave a comment or shoot me a message anytime, if you have questions.
Here's my Overview on polyphasic sleep, what it is and my history with it. 
Charts of Types of Polyphasic Schedules will teach you the difference between the different known-to-work schedules, as well as some theoretical schedules that seem like they ought to work.
If you're under 18 (or the legal age of majority in your jurisdiction), then please read Polyphasic Sleep & The Age of Majority before deciding whether to try it yet.
The most updated description of my current schedule, and my goals for the ongoing experiment, is here (though I'm not great about updating this often, and you should read the latest posts for the most current information).
Polyphasic Sleep and Sex – because you know you were wondering.  ;)
If you're thinking about becoming polyphasic, definitely read the 10 reasons you should NOT be polyphasic, and Am I Too [X] to Try Polyphasic Sleep too.
Here's an answer to the popular question "Does adapting to polyphasic sleep hurt your performance?"
Read the Six Month & One Year on Everyman posts here — the Six Month one has a really good breakdown of what's different between polyphasic & monophasic lifestyles, as well as the differences from when I did Uberman for the same length of time.
Hibernation: The Agony & The Ecstasy is a post about what it's like to sleep "all night" from a polyphasic perspective; there's also My Week of Monophasic Hell, which is the report of my attempt to "switch back" to regular sleeping.  I went monophasic one more time recently (September 2011) and decided that YOU ALL MUST NEVER LET ME DO THAT AGAIN — see the post titled POLYPHASIC UBER ALLES for that.
If you're adjusting to a polyphasic schedule, you definitely want to read Things you can do to Avoid Oversleeping and Tricks to Avoid Oversleeping.  Also my PSA: These Are NOT Good Ideas While Sleep-Deprived!; and if you're having trouble, read Fantastic Advice for Troubled Polyphasers.
There was, early on, a pretty serious attempt to attack the viability of polyphasic sleep — read about it, and my response to it, in "an attack on polyphasic sleep".  There have been many follow-ups, but this discussion is one of the best, IMO.  (There has been speculation that "a reader" who started this discussion may have actually been Dr. Wozniak, but as there's no proof either way you'll have to judge for yourself.)
The unbearable lightness of falling asleep is a post about napping, which involves a learning curve for most people — if you're in that curve, this post may help you as well:  Can’t Fall Asleep for a nap? Try This.
Some more miscellaneous posts of interest: Some new Polyphasic Questions, answered;  The How and the When (good stuff for polyphasers);  Schedule Hacks – The Five-Hour Swap; Sleep Drugs?; Is “Crazyphasic” the same as “Free-Running Sleep”?
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