#i am just so flabbergasted we were expected to believe gwen was OKAY with all of that. um. i know she absolutely was not.
morganafayes · 1 day
gonna be honest i dont think EYE am the one being insane here ok. just. can u imagine. marrying the guy who arrested you and your father on multiple occasions and then his father has your father murdered for absolutely no reason other than because he's an insane tyrant. and then you start falling in love with his son which is okay because you think he's way better than his terrible dad except then he talks about how much he cares and worries about his dad in front of you all the time and you're never supposed to feel uncomfortable about it ever. in fact you have to comfort him about it. and then you almost get banished because of his dad discovering youre in a relationship with him and half the episode is spent showing how unfair and terrible this is because youre a single woman with nowhere to go and now you're being exiled from the only home you've ever known. and then one season later your now fiancee does the exact same thing to you he exiles you for kissing your ex one time and then you have to take refuge in your friends hometown because you literally have nowhere else. because your fiancee didnt consider that before. checks notes. exiling you to nowhere on the pain of death!!!! a normal engagement thats like a breakup but yikes tough luck turns out he's the king so he's allowed to do that to you! this is the same guy who likes to pretend that he's above 'class' but apparently also doesnt understand the concept of it. also the narrative will act like he was kind of justified in doing this to you because his feelings got hurtsies :( with no consideration of the power dynamic involved. also the entire time he's king as well as after you get married he will spend considerable amounts of time talking about how much he idolises and hero worships the legacy of his dead insane father. the guy who literally murdered your father and also almost had you burned to death multiple times. and youre supposed to be okay with all of this btw
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sufficientsucker · 6 years
Your Friendly Neighborhood Pool Guy cp.1
“I can’t believe you lied to me!” Harry exclaims as he throws himself down in the seat next to me.
“I’m sorry, what have I lied about?” He looks absolutely ridiculous, his mouth hung agap, just flabbergasted, until he takes a moment to gather himself. After which he relaxes into the bus seat with a smug look across his face.
“You aren’t gay.” He says matter-of-factly. “Can’t be, not when you just kissed Gwen.” He elbows my side.  
“First off all, that has absolutely nothing to do with my sexuality. Secondly how in the- who told you?” Harry grin at that moment is completely predatory and somehow- youthful at the same time.
“Oh, sweet Peter, no one had to tell me, we all saw it happen. My, my, was that your first kiss you looked so shocked. Tell me, how was it?” I push at his shoulder as he shimmies up next to me wiggling his eyebrows like the perverted neanderthal he is.
“You of all people would that it was my first kiss.” He nods solemnly. “And I honestly don’t remember how it was because I was so shocked I didn’t really think about it.”
“Ugh, Peter Parker, the nerdiest, of all nerds, Geek King! Gets to kiss, the one and only Gwen Stacy and, and he doesn’t even remember what it was like! Only you Parker, only you.” Harry shakes his head laughing, but it’s just how he is, he teases even when he doesn’t mean it. “First kiss, huh? Would have thought you’d be freaking out.” He eye’s me septically.
“Oh I completely am.” I lift my hands so he can see the way the tremble, and he takes them laughing.
“You are so adorably inexperienced. You best be careful with who you let know of your naivety, someone might use that against you.” He smirks.
“Yeah? And who would want anything from little ol’ me, Harry?” He shrugs.
“Who knows Pete, who knows.”
The rest of the ride to the Advanced Science Museum is relatively quite as Harry is preoccupied with his phone and whichever girl he’s taken a fancy to at the moment. Harry’s affection is vivid and fleeting, how we managed to stay friends for so long is beyond me, but through all the years he’s remained loyal. We got close when Harry’s mom died and haven’t spend more than a month apart since, even then, when he can Harry finds a way to talk his dad into taking me with them. And Aunt May can’t get enough of him, thinks he hung the stars or something, I mean well, he did help me put the glow in the dark stars up, so.
And, and maybe I have a crush on him, okay. It’s not that unheard of to like your best friend alright. Really it’s not like I would ever tell him, so where’s the harm in liking him? God I’m pathetic, but there’s no time to thick about that because we’re here now. Flash Thompson is at the front of the bus talking loudly like usual but he’s also wearing the same shirt from Friday with the same stain at top hem, ketchup from lunch on Tuesday. How has no one noticed? Honestly that doesn’t matter, because he’s saying my name with a wicked look on his face and that’s never good.
“Parker.” He says lowly. “It’s not nice to make pretty girls cry, even if you are a fag.” Oh great. Harry stands from beside him and glares at Flash.
“I’d watch myself if I were you Thompson. What was it the principle said? One more slip up and you’re out? What would your dad say?” There’s an edge to Harry’s voice that’s equal part threatening and changellenging. Pure rage over takes Flash's face as he lunges toward Harry but there’s multiple seats full of people between them allowing his friends to grab him before he makes anything worse for himself. One of the teacher chaperones for the trip comes onto the bus at that moment.
“Flash? What’s going on here?” She asks, clearly tired of having to have these conversations with the boy in question.
“Harry started it!” He exclaims like a child caught red-handed, which I guess he really is.
“Flash.” She sighs in disappointment. “When are you going to start taking responsibility for your actions?” She shakes her head and turns to the rest of us. “Everyone please stand and exit the bus quitely. Flash you’re out first please wait for me.” He leaves reluctantly and everyone stands.
It doesn’t take long for everyone to line up outside the buses, where we wait for our wristbands. The Advanced Science Museum is doing a special exhibit on genetically modified animals and insects. It’s a collaborative work between Stark Industries and Oscorp. Harry stands next to me and proudly displaces his wrist for the teacher who promptly puts a band on him.
“You’re going to shit yourself Parker.” He says to me as she takes my wrist, making her look up at him scoldingly. “Sorry,” He whispers.
“Is that so?” I ask him, seeing how excited he truly seems now that we’re here.
“Oh yeah, so much science and all that geeky nerd stuff. Totally going to cream yourself.” I can’t help the smile that pulls at my lips.
“I thought you said I was going to shit myself?” I pout and he looks at me grabbing my cheeks like he’s done since we were children.
“No pouting Parker, and yes I did, but think about it really, science turns you on and you know it.” The blush on my face in furious and spreading as he laughs because on it. He leans in close, almost too close, not that I'm complaining though and whispers. “Maybe I can get some of the official documents for you, hmm? That’s the kind of thing you get off too right?” I push him away as he laughs more. “I’m just joking. But seriously, I’ll see about those papers.”
“Harry, please.”
“Shh.” He presses his fingers to my lips. “No need to thank me.” I roll my eyes at him but then the teachers are give us permission to make our way inside. As we approach the counter a man in a suit makes himself known, raising his hands and guiding us into a half circle around him.
“Thank you,” He states. “I’m Obadiah Stane.” He smiles as the few who know his name gasp and begin to whisper to each other, and I grab Harry’s sleeve.
“You knew he was going to be here didn’t you?” I ask him.
“Of course I did, Pete.” He throws his arm around my shoulders and pulls me closer so I’m standing at an odd angle leaning against him. “Cream your pants yet?”
“I hate you.” I say pushing away from him and trying in vain to fix my hair.
“Aw, come on, no you don’t.” Harry smiles and it’s devastating. It always is when he smiles. Someone clears their throat at the front of the room, and I can feel the blush creep up my face.
“Orborn.” Obadiah says blandly.
“Sorry.” Harry ducks his head in apology, but I can see his dimples as he grin at the floor.
“As I was saying,” Stane continues. “This is exhibit displays a number or genetically modified animals and insects-” There’s a cough that sound suspiciously like someone commenting on animal cruelty, that goes ignored. “As such you must take caution, for even in their displays they are still dangerous. Shall we?” I feel Harry nudge my shoulder with his as everyone begins to move forward.
“I need to take pictures, Harry.” I definitely did not just whine at him, nope, not me.
“So take your picture quickly, and come on.” He doesn’t even turn around, and I take the chance to get him in the picture. I rush over to his side and try to get a look ahead and he huffs a small laugh. “Eager?” He asks and I just nod without looking at him.
“Here we have a few of our smaller specimens.” Stane says from somewhere.
“I can’t see from here.” I mumble, but Harry hears it.
“Don’t worry, we’ll get there, it’s not like there’s a rush or anything we have all day. And even if we don’t see everything I’m sure Dad wouldn’t mind pulling some connections-” Harry whispers to me but I interrupt him.
“Harry, you can’t keeping having your dad pull connections for you forever you know?” He sighs and shakes his head.
“I’m just saying you don’t have to worry, Pete.” It’s quiet for awhile after that as everyone shuffles through the exhibit listening to Obadiah talk about one of the animals at length and then moves on. By the time we’re all at the insects exhibit it’s around four which is about when school would usually get out.
“Unfortunately we’ll have to cut this short Mr. Stane.” One of the teachers says. Stane gives a nod and apologies.
“I see, I’m sorry were weren’t able to get to the insects.” Everyone else smiles but are extremely thankful to be leaving. Harry pulls on my arm separating us from the rest of the group.
“Harry what are you doing?” I ask pulling on my arm to try and get back to the group but his grip only tightens.
“You want to see the insects right?” He counters.
“We’re supposed to be leaving-” He again puts his finger over my lips quieting me as he pulls out his phone obviously going to call his Dad. “He-ury.” I whine, yep I fucking whined.
“Dad!” He smiles brightly. “Yes it was great, but you see, well Peter is inconsolable, we didn’t get to see the insects. He just won’t stop crying.” I know I’m blushing from the way Harry’s eyes sparkle with mischief. “You will? Really? Oh Peter’s going to be so happy thank you.” The call ends and within the next second one of the teachers phones is going off. She answers quickly scanning the room to find Harry and I. “Sorry Pete.” He grabs me before I can react and pulls me to his chest making “shh”-ing noise to me.
“Harry, Peter,” She says coming up behind me. “Sorry, he was really looking forward to this.” Harry tells her. “Yes I know, your father called and said it’d be okay if you stayed and that he’ll send a car for you when you’re ready to leave.”
“Thank you.” Harry sighs holding me a little closer. “You hear that Peter, we can still see the insects.” He’s really playing it up for the teacher who touches my back.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Peter.” I feel her leave and then pull away from Harry.
“You’re sick.” I tell him.
“You like it.” He says, and I shake my head going off toward the insects section.
“These are spiders.” I point out and Harry laughs.
“Yep, that they are Pete, what did you expect?”
“Insects?” I turn to him and he gives me a confused look. “Spiders aren’t insects.”
“They aren’t?” He looks around and shrugs. “Well we’re here so?” I roll my eyes yet again and start looking through each display case. There’s a few that have placards in front of them explaining what modifications the spiders have. In the middle of all the display cases came the largest, with a huge web slung across the center but no spider to be found.
“Hey, Harry,” He turns from the other arachnids he’d been looking at. “This one’s empty.” He squints into the display trying to find the spider.
“Huh, guess they had some test to run or something.” I nod along and begin to turn to the next display when something lands on my head. I freeze.
“Harry?” I ask sceptically. He hmms from a few feet away. Which means it can’t have been him, and then the fear starts to set in. My hands fly up without thought and I start patting my head furiously yelling the whole time and completely freaking Harry out.
“Pete, holy shit, what is going on!” He yells and then I feel it. This sharp pain radiating from the back of my right hand.
“Fuck.” I shout pulling my hand down only to watch a spider drop off my hand, I scream and look at the already forming bump growing steadily larger on my hand. “Harry?” My voice shakes and Harry looks at me in bewilderment. “It bit me.” And now I really am crying.
“Oh Peter.”
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