#i am jus i am just a buffoon
sngchngs · 3 months
Day 5
Cliche tropes
Fake dating
Established quanyin, future fengqing, with side hualian
For Yin Yu Appreciation Week!
Yin Yu blinked at the preposterous suggestion made to him. He blinked again.
“So,” he said, "let me understand this. You want to pretend to court me, someone who you have had minimal interactions with, in the hopes that the person you do like, will get jealous?”
“Yes!” Feng Xin exclaimed.
“General Nan Yang,” Yin Yu sighed. “I am the last person General Xuan Zhen will be jealous of.”
“How do you know it's-” Feng Xin spluttered.
“One,” Yin Yu interrupted, holding up a finger, “I am a ghost. Two, I am the Waning Moon Officer of Ghost City whose master is Hua Cheng. Three, I am a disgraced banished former Heavenly Official. Four-”
Feng Xing reached over and grasped his hand, stopping him. “It's outrageous, I know. And I know we have barely spoken to each other, but please help me on this,” he pleaded.
Yin Yu opened his mouth to reply when they both turned to look for the source of a thundering sound coming their way. A young man with furious eyes topped by wild hair was charging towards them.
Yun Yu gently but firmly pulled his hand from Feng Xin's grasp. “Four,” he continued telling the man. “I am currently, officially, being courted by His Highness Qi Ying.”
Feng Xins's eyes widened when he saw just who was furiously running towards them, towards him. “Oh, fuck!”
He turned and ran. Quan Yizhen in hot pursuit who only stopped long enough for a quick “hi shixiong!” before he was off again.
“I'm not sure why that buffoon thought his stupid idea would work.” A quiet voice said from behind Yin Yu.
He turned to the one who spoke. “If you would simply let him know how you feel, General Xuan Zhen, then he wouldn't be doing things like this.”
A shout drew their attention for a moment, Quan Yizhen had Feng Xin in a choke hold. “It wasn't fucking real!” Feng Xin was shouting, slapping Quan Yizhen's arm.
Mu Qing smirked at the display. “It's more entertaining to see the idiot coming up with hare-brained schemes and then get beaten up like this. I know my feelings. And seeing Feng Xin be stupid instead of telling me his intentions, tells me of his feelings as well.”
Yin Yu frowned but didn't respond. After all, he ran from Quan Yizhen for a long time, rather than confront his own feelings about the man, which he did, eventually. He's not one to judge.
“Shall I play the mediator Mu Qing?” A third voice joined the conversation. It was His Highness Xie Lian. Hua Cheng was behind him, arms folded and smiling sinisterly at Mu Qing.
Mu Qings's eyes widened. “Th-that won't be necessary! I will do it, eventually.”
Xie Lian seemed sad, his lips pouting slightly. “Just don't string Feng Xin along for too long,” he asked. “Or you both will be hurt, and I'll be sad.”
Yin Yu watched Hua Cheng furrow his brow at that statement.
“Gege,” he said to Xie Lian. “If these two make you sad, I'll take them to Mount Tonglu and throw them down into one of the spider web pits and leave them there until they sort this out.” He threatened, looking Mu Qing in the eye to let the man know if he was serious.
Yin Yu covered his mouth with a hand to hide the smile that appeared. Hua Chengzhu did something similar to him with Quan Yizhen. It was highly effective.
Mu Qing glared at Hua Cheng, then sighed. “Fine!” He threw up his hands. “I'll talk to him about it. Right now!” He stormed off towards Feng Xin and Quan Yizhen who currently held the former above his head, like he was displaying a trophy. Feng Xin was still yelling. Mu Qing ignored the inquisitive gaze of Quan Yizhen and spoke loudly to Feng Xin. “Ju Yang! I hope you are prepared to empty your coffers when you court me!” His face was red. “I won't be bought with cheap trinkets!” He crossed his arms, turning his nose up.
Feng Xin was stunned. Quan Yizhen dropped him, the man letting out an “oof” as he hit the ground. His face became red as well when he understood the meaning of Mu Qings's words. Some more words were said between the two but they were too quiet to be heard. Feng Xin hesitantly reached out to grasp Mu Qings's hand with his own. They didn't look at each other; their faces were as red as Hua Cheng's robes.
Yin Yu watched the scene play out while Quan Yizhen came over to stand next to him.
“Crimson Rain,” he said, turning to Hua Cheng. “Thank you for telling me about General Nan Yang’s intentions towards shixiong. Even if they were fake.”
Something clicked. “Chengzhu?” Yin Yu asked. “Were you the one who put the idea into General Nan Yang’s head about the fake courting?”
Next to Hua Cheng, Xie Lian smiled beatifically. “Now, now, Your Highness Yin Yu. San Lang did no such thing.”
Quan Yizhen barked a laugh, Yin Yu smiled leaning into him.
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impercre · 7 months
Why do you not like the new Dune movies?
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Like if you want the short answer ultimately Denis Villeneuve is interested in much different things than I am when it comes to Dune. And that's fine, a lot of people are getting a lot of joy from his take but it's not my music so I'm not gonna dance.
Dune means multiple things for different people. And for me I enjoy most of what was cut/was changed. I like that House Atriedes is ultimately as amoral and ambitious as House Harkonnen. I like that Paul is in big ways a villain protagonist. Paul likes to paint himself as the victim of fate/destiny but I don't see him as one.
I love the tragedy of Stilgar being a noble and respected leader who lets himself lose some of his own humanity because he comes to believe in Paul as a messiah. I like that Jessica realizes far too late she's fucked up raising Paul and Alia and now they are what she's raised them to be- ambitious, violent and alienated from others around them.
I like that Feyd Rautha possesses flashes of true nobilty and intelligence but is ultimately dashed against the rocks of Paul's ascension.
The operatic quality isn't in the scale of the sets or crowds but in the humanity of the characters and their flaws.
Couple that with the fact Denis Villeneuve belongs to a school of film-making (ie how he paces, edits, scores his movies) that I just don't subscribe too. And they're just not movies I was ever going to like. (I am a film graduate who has made short films of my own so this is no small thing with me.) This qoute for example jus boggles my mind:
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I'm also bummed to britches that he repeats a lot of things I didn't like in 84 film or the miniseries-like cutting Feyd's positive aspects, erasing how difficult Duke Leto can be. Seeing the Baron naked, him and Feyd kissing, etc.
I also feel really uncomfortable with the casting. Frank for all his flaws took as much care as he could making the Fremen not only true to the MENA cultures he pulled from but also the struggles of many First Nations peoples. His best friend was Quileute author, Howie Hansen and he had a lot of influence on Frank's writing both of Dune and other novels as well.
Javier Bardem is a white Spaniard and I don't feel comfortable with him being made a buffoon with this really broad Arabic accent.
There's also a dozen other nitpicky things I could bring up but would be unfair too.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Hi, it's the "why do you think Bobo is on the Winchesters" anon again. I've gone back through your blog to try to figure out what your response meant but I hope you'll forgive me for needing a bit of clarification?
It seems like you're saying that Robbie drew Jensen a chart at some point, which is based on the chart that you linked me to in my last ask--I tried to look back on your blog to see where this info is from but I couldn't find anything. Where did you see/hear about Robbie drawing Jensen this chart?
And you're also saying that you gave this chart originally to Bobo (in public?) and that he must have given it to Robbie, and that's how it got to Robbie?
I promise I am actually trying to follow you but, I mean this in the nicest way, you are really hard to follow sometimes.
Robbie literally mentioned it in an interview.
The chart was given to Bobo, in public, new years eve, as I had older drafts (not the net 4 draft, I found that in public early February, as I've said many times) and saw what they were struggling over. Because, while bnfs like jus and charcubed refuse to peep about it now, or why they're doubling down so hard on the Chuck Won take complete with graphics right now, we'd had the same arguments in development for a month or two early 2021.
So I shoveled it to him, hell somewhere it's in my blog I just don't remember what I tagged it. I'd screenshot the convo again but you know, some uneducated buffoon sent william shatner and the trekkies at me to report bomb my account before Mark Pellegrino disappeared in a mist, cancelled 3 cons, and now has a gap until JULY on attendance. But that's totally unrelated. Nothing ever connects in these people's universes if the dots are inconvenient to connect. Either way, I can't pull my shit to source it to you. Sorry. If you wanna dig my blog to find the receipt that's fine.
Regardless, in an article, it was discussed that Jensen and Robbie were sitting in the car watching the filming of the prequel, and it was said, "we can't do it like this." (summarily, the linear post-15.18 bubble would leave us to either undo the finale entirely, which they didn't want to do, or make us watch dean die on a tack again literally.)
Robbie then, per the article, drew Jensen a chart on pathwork, which declared reshoots. Some were done on the spot since they were just kinda. There already, which is also why the pilot filming ran like 3+ weeks. Then, authors were brought in to craft out the rest of the series, at which point Bobo continued to be engaged, hence talking about Better Call Saul early May, when writing shit really starts moving. That's *why* Better Call Saul ended up evoked in later articles. Then, other reshoots were saved for fall when everybody was able to be back together again, hence visiting the graveyard again and stuff (because the angulature of Roxy was also nudged.)
This is *when* "Follow the Path of 1 Towards Heaven" integrated, as well as moving dean to the axis mundi liminally and going into the deeper perspective game imagination of it.
People *refusing to follow and onboard information does not remove the reality of it.* And frankly I don't feel compelled to dig through dozens of dozens of dozens of articles to find something I posted and pointed at half a year ago while nobody paid attention. I'm well past doing that level of emotional labor for people that are only asking a year late into the news cycle to deal with their own disillusionments. I'm a person, not a pez dispenser.
Congrats. THAT is the Truth. And fandom better start processing shit REAL fuckin quick.
I repeat. Jensen isn't the only one that can pull a long con.
amazing what you can accomplish if you listen first, understand second, and argue last if ever. Almost like I spent years building rapport with and trying to reinstate fandom's good faith in the authors for a reason, and always magically had insight about their intentions that was correct no matter how many Big Headed Idiot Consumers That Think They're ITK From M&Gs And Coffeerunners screamed at me for years. I listened. I saw. I understood the struggle. I updated the package. It changed the result. Berens openly talked about it but nobody listened.
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Now everyone's plugging their ears in denial like it's gonna stop the train running them over. Or acting like how close Robbie and Bobo have been for years is an element you can hide, or their plot sharing, whether while they both worked in Carver era or Bobo carrying on Robbie's story elements as far as season 15, and people making confused monkey sounds that maybe Robbie and Bobo talk sometimes and share ideas, as normal human beings do. Because you forget they're human beings.
Robbie is, per their own words, the rose to bobo's jack. catch a FUCKING clue, numpties. Like Oh My God They Were Roommates besties. And you're just scratching your FUCKING heads because you can't compute the authors being real people might influence the stories they tell together.
Yes, I know you were being polite in this ask TECHNICALLY, but polite doesn't mean genuine. I'm fucking tired. I'm tired of people deleting the authenticity of the authors as people from the conversation, like they're some fucking primal force that exists only in the internet generating TV for you. A lot of this shit was perfectly public access information and I still need to apparently explain it over and over and over and over and over again, and the same dumb motherfuckers that screamed over me about these issues for 5 years while being proven wrong again and again have escalated to continuous doxxing attempts, but sure. Nothing's happening. Whatever.
Literally. You guys are fucking exhausting. There's a reason Robbie calls this shit revenge. Fucking pop off and rip this whole fandom a new asshole, king. Every fucking lane. I want this place to look like swiss cheese by the time you're done. Gaping dry-fucked ostiums for all.
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astersatdawn · 12 days
FFXIV Write Day 12: Quarry
If Robin had known he would be chasing his quarry with a pickaxe instead of his knives, he might have second-guessed his decision to take this mission.
It was supposed to be simple: some codebreakers thought they’d escape their fates by fleeing to Ul’dah, pretending to be refugees—in a sense, they were, now—but the shadows of their pasts still sought them out, long since on the hunt. The only reason they had even gotten so far was because of a series of unfortunate events that Robin will swear to the day he dies never happened as the others will tell it. 
He will also make sure to tell the rest of the tale very differently, if they even convince him that he even should speak a word more of it. 
The current situation was this: Robin, in bright yellow overalls, carries a satchel full of rocks and ore he will gladly throw in the miner’s guild direction, following two of the other newest recruits to the miner’s guild as they made their way through the deserts of Ul’dah, seeking for an impossible speck of gold in sand, as subtle as a man whose clothing choices scream “look at me I am a bright ball of sunshine, loudly existing”
It works. If pressed, it’s Robin’s experience that makes it work. In actuality, Robin is 50 percent certain it is because the two remaining suspected codebreakers can’t hold their liquor.
The newest recruits of the miner’s guild, everyone.
Even if these two weren’t his target—Robin is absolutely certain they are, and is only even bothering with half-secret cat and mouse game is because he knows there’s one more shipment they’re hoping to sell as soon as they think the coast is clear, but, considering the fireworks display that Robin absolutely did not start, they didn’t quite get the information as quickly as they had hoped—he is reporting these two to the guildmaster, after all this. 
These two buffoons, drunk as they were, probably wouldn’t even recognize gold right now. The roedygon might even one day look at the smaller hyur’s blonde head and think that’s something to use his pickaxe on, and Robin is not eager to witness that kind of bloodbath. 
Or even notice Robin, in these stupid, damn overalls, and whack him without even knowing Robin has actually been following them for the past half hour. Yes, he’s trying to be incognito, but the pair of work clothes provided by the guild were anything but. 
“How long, hic, do we do ‘dis.” The hyur stumbled, catching himself on the cliff wall. 
“Jus’ a few more,” the roedygan replied, taking their pickaxe and swinging at the wall with what Robin, amateur as he was, knew wasn’t proper form. It skidded down the side of the wall, clumsily swinging towards his companion, but missing by a few inches. 
It was enough to make the hyur giggle. “Oh, dats cool… few more days… then we’ll get richer!”
Drunk people were, pathetically, useful sources of information. Robin had to hold back a sigh as he resolved to try and get just a little closer, considering the hyur managed to grab his flask of likely ale and stupidly takes another swig. Their speech would be slurring sooner than later, and Robin, more than ever, craved eavesdropping from the rafters.
A few more days, it sounded like. Assuming his quarry didn’t die from a mining accident, dehydration, or alcohol poisoning first.
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imaginetyzx · 5 years
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f/o February day 12: outfit swap
I didn't even have to draw for today's prompt, I've already got the hoodie in my closet! To set the mood I bought myself a lil rose on my way out of work too 🌹💙
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basketcase1880 · 5 years
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Okay, so it’s been an age since I posted chapter 13, but as some of you may have seen from my update, I lost my mum in May and I had to focus on finishing uni. I passed my final placement, and essay, but I just have to pass my practical exam now (and hopefully I will graduate in November). You may have also noticed from my posts that I have gotten into several other fandoms recently, too. But enough with me, and on with the story.
This will be the second last chapter of this fic, but perhaps there will be some one-shots or sequels to follow in this verse.
Brian was sitting in his armchair following another wonderful Christmas dinner prepared by his wife and daughter, with some input from his oldest son, of course. His family were engaged in a number of activities around the room and he could feel his eyes being drawn to his second oldest son and the little boy who was sitting on his lap by the Christmas tree.
His behaviour of late towards both boys could have been considered downright rude and he was desperate to make it up to them. He had denied them the chance to bond as father and son, but by the looks of it they were certainly making up for lost time. Truth be told, Jamie and Fergus were looking more and more like a family, especially with the influence of Claire.
Claire was another surprise he didn’t expect. Yes, Brian knew that Jenny had a friend who would be alone at Christmas, but he didn’t expect her to fit into his family like she had always been there. The way she took on helping Fergus without even being asked was amazing, his English was on par with what was to be expected of a 3-year-old.
“It’s a beautiful sight, isn’t it?” Ellen asked as she perched on the arm of the chair. “Jamie will be a wonderful father, because he has learned from the best. Ye didnae hae a thing tae worry about.”
“I ken that m'eudail,” Brian said as he pulled Ellen down onto his lap. “I had every faith in the lad. But I could see his own doubts when he would look at Fergus from time to time.”
“Come on, Brian,” Ellen chided quietly so as to not disturb the rest of the family. “He’s only twenty-one, an’ ye’ve hammered into the boys that they have to bear the responsibility for their actions. As far as I’m aware, fault in this case is the lass an’ no’ Jamie’s. I believe she had been the one to provide the condom, an’ if that’s the case, Jamie believed himself tae be protected.”
“If that’s the case, I bet he’s learned his lesson,” Brian said.
“Aye,” Ellen replied. “Ye ken Claire’s the first lass he’s shown an interest in in years. I’m sure he’s learned his lesson. So, ye dinnae hae tae be so hard on him. Jus’ remember, when all this happened, he was a silly lad o’ seventeen in the first throes of puppy love. I’d bet anythin’ on the lass seein’ Jamie as soft target once she realised who he was.”
“But when she realised that Jamie was just Jared’s nephew, she changed her mind,” Brian continued, everything finally dawning on him. “She realised that she was in no place to raise a son, so left him in the hopes that he would get to us.”
“Exactly, ye big buffoon,” Ellen said with a laugh. “An’ lookin’ at the two, in fact, three of them, could ye deny them the happiness ye gave them this mornin’?”
“I suppose yer right,” Brian conceded.
“Of course I am,” Ellen said with a smug smirk. “I’m the wife.”
Jamie couldn’t be any happier than he was in this exact moment. He had his son in his arms and the woman he was fast falling in love with was singing a quiet Christmas song. Claire’s voice was so soothing, and it was working wonders on soothing Fergus to sleep. With the hype and excitement of his first family Christmas, Jamie had feared they would never get him to sleep. But, by the end of the song, Fergus was snoring lightly in his arms.
“Yer a miracle worker, Sorcha,” Jamie whispered. “I didnae think we’d get Fergus tae sleep the night, but yer voice must be magic.”
“Doubt it,” Claire whispered back as she lay her head on Jamie’s shoulder. “He’s probably just tired himself out just like his uncle.”
Jamie raised an eyebrow in confusion and Claire motioned over to where Rabbie was sleeping, slumped against the sofa. “I guess we best get these two boys tae their beds then.”
Just then, Jamie let out a yawn and Claire gave a little laugh. “Make that three boys,” she said and pressed a chaste kiss to Jamie’s cheek.
“As long as ye join me,” Jamie replied. “After last night, I don’ think I can sleep wi’out ye again.”
“How will you cope when I’m back at school then?” Claire asked as she made to get up from the floor so she could take Fergus from Jamie.
“Wi’ great difficulty,” Jamie muttered to himself after he handed Fergus over to Claire.
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turtle4you · 6 years
'So much to do today…' Maxie thought as he walked back to his office. 'These grunts need approval for Green Project 4, 11, 15, and 18. Those grunts need approval for Green Project 2, 3, and 7, and for some reason this grunt needs approval to change several lightbulbs throughout the base!'
He turned into his office. 'It seems so simple to approve all of these and go on with my day but of course every possibility must be considered, planned for, and written out before my signature goes anywhere on it!' He sighed and set the small stack down on his desk. 'And I need to pencil in-… what on earth?'
In the center of his desk was a small box with a bright blue bow. He stared at it, 'It's not my birthday, there are no major holidays today, no anniversaries that I know of… why would there be a gift here?'
"Surprise!" Archie shouted from the doorway. Maxie started, "What are you doing here?"
"Givin' ya a gift!"
"Well, I can see that, but why? Have I forgotten something?"
"Nah, man! I just saw it and thought o' you, so I got it!"
"You didn't… have to do something like this. Now I have to return the favor and I have far too much work to do today…"
"Don't worry about it!" He walked over to Maxie and put a hand on his shoulder, "This is gonna help you. A lot, I think."
"What is it?" Maxie asked, picking up the box.
"Open it up and see!"
He held the box, brow furrowing. "Archie… listen, while I appreciate this, I'm not rather comfortable receiving gifts. I understand that it is rude to refuse a gift but-"
"Open the box, Max. Please?"
He sighed and removed the ribbon. 'This had better not be expensive…' He thought as he opened the lid. What stared back at him was an electronic cigarette.
"Ohh, I've heard of these." He picked it up. "These are the things people use to quit smoking, yes? Are you saying you want me to quit?"
"Well, that too. I jus thought it'd be easier fer ya ta puff on this instead o' takin a dozen breaks every day."
"It's hardly a dozen." Maxie said quickly.
"I counted sixteen yesterday."
"Well l happened to be quite stressed yesterday!" He slammed his hand down on the stack of reports. "Nobody is taking the Green Project as seriously as you and I are! This is what will bring back the reputation of both of our teams! How long have we toiled away just for-!"
"Max, turn the thing on and take a puff. There's a switch on the side."
"Well, excuse me!" He shouted as he fiddled with the switch. "Here I thought that I was helping us ascend in the world!" He took a deep drag. "I thought I was… oh, is that cherry?"
"It is indeed." Archie answered.
"Hmm…." Maxie took a small puff. Vapor poured out of his mouth as he exhaled. "Goodness, I resemble a proper volcano."
"I've got ya on one of the higher concentration juices fer right now. Ya can slowly wean yerself off as ya go." He smiled, "How do ya like it?"
"It is…. pleasantly surprising." He exhaled more vapor and leaned back against his desk. "At the very least I can do this in my office."
"Yep. No more goin through half the base ta get yer fix." Archie smile faded, "Listen, I know an addiction can be rough but I really think ya can-"
"I am not 'addicted' to smoking. It just so happens to be one of my many methods of stress relief." He took another drag. "I can stop any time I want…" he said under his breath.
"Alright, what're yer other methods, then? Cause I've only ever seen ya smoke."
"I posses a vast assortment of stress relief techniques, all of which, might I add, provide the same relief as smoking." He stood up straight and took a short drag. "I visit the Lavaridge hot springs, I hike the volcano trail, I play tennis whenever my doubles partner is visiting, I've even begun to dabble in oil painting-"
"Fallin asleep watching Bob Ross ain't 'dabbling in oil painting.'"
"Oh, shut up, you buffoon!"
"And ya only play tennis when yer partner is visiting? How often does 'e visit? Once? Twice a year?"
"I'll have you know that plane tickets from Unova are not cheap!"
"Uh-huh, and when was the last time ya took a hike?"
"It has been unseasonably chilly as of late and it would be a tragedy to this organization if I were to catch cold."
"Ya know, I'm sure it'll manage just fine. And wouldn't a visit to the hot springs after a long hike surely ward off any sneeze demons?"
"When I partake in the delight of the Lavaridge hot springs, I ensure that I have enough time to truly absorb all of the necessary nutrients and give my muscles an opportunity to relax. Why would I even visit if I can't allow my body the proper length of time to-
"That's a lotta words fer sayin' ya haven't made the time."
Maxie shot him a glare as he crossed his arms. He looked away, "What exactly are you saying, Archie?"
Archie sighed, "Look, I jus' think ya need ta focus on yer health more, that's all. I worry about ya sometimes. I walk into work in tha mornin' and yer asleep in tha same place I left ya tha night before. Ya barely eat or drink all day. Yer basically a robot that runs on nicotine and coffee! It ain't healthy, Maxie. At this rate, yer gonna-"
"What, Archie? I'm going to what?"
Archie paused then sighed again, "Again, I jus' want ya ta focus on yer health more. That's it." He started towards the door.
"…Archie, wait." Archie turned around. "…Maybe", Maxie started, "… I suppose you have made some sense." Maxie set his pen down and walked towards Archie. He held out his hand for Archie to shake. "Thank you for… well…"
"Don't mention it." Archie grabbed Maxie's hand, pulled him into a half hug and patted his back. Maxie flushed and hesitantly returned the gesture. Archie pulled away and smiled. "Hey, ya wanna hit the hot springs later?"
Maxie looked towards the small stack on his desk. "That sounds wonderful, however…"
Archie walked over to the stack and flipped through it. He picked up a pen and signed the back of each plan. "Done, let's ship out."
"What did you just do?!" Maxie shouted. He ran to the papers, "I haven't even read them a third time! Not to mention the revisions-!"
"Shhhhhh…" Archie put a finger to Maxie's lips. "Let them figure it out.", he whispered. "If ya don't give em a solution ta every single thing, they learn ta figure things out fer themselves." He put his finger down are returned to a normal volume. "It teaches em ta take our ideas and ideals and put em ta work in their own way. That's how we get good grunts. That's how we get further as a team." He leaned towards Maxie. "That's how you can take a day off and not worry about yer whole operation failing."
Archie leaned back and half smiled. Maxie blinked then looked down at the papers. "You know what?" He said. "You're not as stupid as you look." He set them down on his desk and signed the back of each one. He picked up his vape pen and messaged Tabitha to pick up the papers; Maxie was taking the night off. "Let's go."
"That's the Maxie I know!". They walked out of Maxie's office and towards the exit. "Hey, what's up with that one grunt and the lightbulbs?"
Maxie took a drag, "I guess I'll have to have to just figure that one out for myself."
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eldridgecandell · 6 years
The Drustvar Chronicles
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Chapter 3 (Part 3)
(Continued from Part 1 and 2)
A chorus of hammers clicking answered the pair as they drew close watching the wood around them.  Eld grimacing hard as he looked to Priss sidled up close to him, having seen her reach beneath her skirt gave him comfort that if things got messy one of them was armed.  His blue eyes darted to the utensils he had been using earlier near the fire and back to the wood, his hands gently easing her off him as he stood up slowly but not in his usual manner.  The hunter’s shoulders slouched and neck ducked down as he looked out into the shadows as he spoke in a messy, Gilnean accent his hands forward and rubbing together uncomfortably.
“Ello out there?  Is someone there?  Please show yoursef, me daughter an I are but travelin these roads to visit me brother southwards,” his head continued to duck as he rubbed at his hands again, his fingers clicking quickly in soft snaps under his words.  Bandit’s ears perked hearing the sound and began to back slowly, hackles raised still and eyes focused but coming back into the former safety of the firelight. 
A snap of wire and mass of jingling bells could be heard from where the first had gone off before the shadowy figures stepped out from the full cover of the wood and sat in the edgewood.  Eld turned his head this way and that from his stooped position, his eyes darting as he gave a count to those who had come forward. 
There were four of them, likely with one or two more in their band keeping weapons trained on the pair for insurance.  Each was dressed in dark clothing and tri-corner hats, their hands holding pistols at the ready while masks of dark leather covered the lower half of faces.  Two man groups sat at either side, working in pairs to further control the situation.  Eld doubted they had just been stumbled upon by the ruffians in search of easy pickings.  These were not desperate men, they were professionals.
“Call off the hound,” came a muffled but feminine voice.  With the heavy disguises and dark clothing it was hard to tell where the voice came from, the highwaymen exploiting every advantage they could.
“Eh?  Ah’m sorry, tis a bit hard to hear who’s talkin.  Eh’s jus a dog, he only doin his job ta protect us.  Please we won no trouble, we have plent o food.  Ya more than welcome ta it,” Eld slowly began to shuffle back toward their fire, giving an eye to Priss as he scooted toward the pot and his things.  Bandit had finally shuffled back to the light line, his front paws spread and shoulders back as he bared his teeth in the direction of the robbers. 
“Call tha dog off oren I paste yer pup all over tha lady,” this time a masculine voice called out from the dark, the shift of a heavy musket clear as day in the tension of the night.
“An we ain’t stupid man, we saw ya comin in.  Back way from the pot, ya quit yer charade,” Eld blinked as the same masculine voice called him, his booted heel bumping and shifting his utensils behind him.  They were articulate as well, very strange for bandits.
Grimacing the hunter would stand up straight again, his shoulders back and the former soldier was back to his normal behavior as he raised his hands in the air, shooting a quick look to Priss before looking into the night once more.
She just knew that Eldridge was going to ply her with an unnecessary I told you so after all was said and done and the thought rankled her. But. It didn’t rankle her nearly as much as the static in the air did. She knew that sensation all too well and it caused her to look to the sky with that feeling of unease once more. This situation was about to get extremely complicated. 
Again, her alarm system jingled as one of the culprits tested it and muttered about the annoyance. When Priscilla heard the telltale shink of a blade being pulled from a leather sheath she finally spoke up with a hint of alarm. “Don’t!” Perhaps it was the volume of her voice, or maybe it was the alarm in it, but it had been enough to cause the bandit to take pause as they hissed at her, “Awfully attached to your little alarm system ain’t ya?” 
“It is more than that. It creates a barrier that signals us to dangerous entities.”
“Newsflash, miss. We are already here.” That came from one of the men to her left.
Pris’s hackles raised at that as she snapped back in kind, “You are hardly dangerous your ill mannered buffoon. I mean against the coven! And if any of you had a lick of sense, you’d stop threatening us and step over that barrier to join us instead.”
Again, she looked up before looking to Eldridge in alarm. It wasn’t for her even him but for those poor fools outside of her set wards who chose to laugh at her warning.” Ain’t been no coven activity in this here part of the range in years. What do y’ take us for?”
Pris sighed as she felt, rather than heard the first insidious whisper. That gaze darted to the right, catching sight of the deep shadow whipping through as she murmured lowly to Eldridge,” If they don’t get across those lines now, they are all dead and if they stampede those lines, severing the link….we may very well be as well.”
Even as she spoke, she was already cocking the hammer back on her six shooter hidden in her deep pocket. If it came down to it, she would shoot to kill every single human outside of their perimeter to keep them from destroying the protective barrier. She hated the thought but if was between she and her compatriot living or dying. She would choose them without a doubt.
“Again, I am pleading with you, step over the line and join us by the campfire, for the sake of your lives.”
There it was, a renewed bout of laughter at her plea which caused her to sigh in defeat until she heard it. That jingle jangle caused her to look forward as she watched a single one of them come over the line, the glint of a shotgun barrel aimed in Eldridge and her general direction. “Shut your trap. Ain’t no one falli-” 
There was a sudden piercing sound that resonated in the air. It was sharp enough to cause even Pris to cry out as she clasped her palms over her ears and yelled at Eldridge,” COVER YOUR EARS!”
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Already, the cries of three of those would be assailant lifted into the air, terror having struck at the core of them. The screams were terrible, high pitched and agonized as pleas for help were given only seconds before their bodies were lifted into the air and slammed back down again, over and over again, as if they were rag dolls. Another one was lifted then snapped like a wishbone, his body flung over the trees to slide between the inquisitors and the one who had that gun aimed at them until now. He dropped his rifle to clasp his hands over his ears as the shrill whistling grew louder and louder, seeming to call on the violence of the storm.
Lightning struck into the fire, the force of it enough to knock anyone back. Pris’s body flew back a couple of feet and landed in a heap before she lifted to her palms to look back in shock as a second bolt struck the only other one who had joined them in the circle. Whatever this was that was attacking, it knew it couldn’t hit them directly and it had found a way around her barriers.
“Mr. Candell! Take my hands! Call Bandit to us. NOW!”
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hetalia-tlw · 6 years
Hetalia: The Lost World Part 9
It was morning time and the sun is shining, it is going to be a peaceful day. “What do you-a mean he’s-a too strong!” yelled a voice. “Luciano calm down! We were just overpowered” said Matt who was putting bandages on Al. “Overpowered!? You idotas were-a much stronger than him!” yelled Luciano while slamming his fist on the table. “We were until he kicked our butts” said Al. “I-a don’t want to hear your-a pathetic excuses! I-a gave you guys a direct order and-a you failed me!” yelled Luciano.
“It seems zhat during zhe time of zhe Great Var, ve lost all of our combat strength” said Akbar. “How can we!?” asked Luciano while turning around to face Akbar. “Vell ve did lost amount of 2P countries vhich makes us all powerful as one” said Lutz before putting his head down to sleep. “Well that-a doesn’t make sense!” yelled Luciano. “Ruciano, I have important news to terr you” said Kuro who came in. “My Kuro, since when are you-a late?” asked Flavio.
“I-a don’t care if you are-a late or not! Just tell me-a what news you-a have” said Luciano in a annoyed tone. “It turns out that both Oriver and Rorand have sided with the 1Ps” said Kuro. While Kuro said this everything was silent and outside the building a woman was out gardening, until this happened: “WHATTTTTTTTTT!!!!!?” The power of the voice that yelled caused the earth to shake and the voice that caused this was no other than Luciano’s. Back in the building of where the 2Ps were at, Luciano was so mad to hear that both Oliver and Roland have sided with the 1Ps. “What do you-a mean that those two idotas think that-a betraying us is-a okay!?” yelled Luciano.
“I don’t know why they thought so” said Kuro before heading to his seat. “When I-a get my hands on them, they’re-a so dead!” yelled Luciano. “Sir do you vant us to go find North Korea?” asked Francois. “Yes, I-a do and I-a want to find those two idota traitors” said Luciano before cracking his knuckles. “So once we found him, what are we going to?” asked Vladimir. “Hmm… I-a never thought we’ll make it this-a far” said Luciano while placing his hand under his cheek.
“I say we kill that [beep]er” said Al while Luciano raised a brow. “He wants to get his revenge on North Korea for kicking him into a lake. The same goes for me” said Matt. “Okay is there-a more people who-a wants to bone to pick with-a him?” asked Luciano. “I do und zhat’s for slicing mein AK-47 into pieces” said Lutz who got up. “Alright, I-a get it already! We are-a heading to China to-a get North Korea and-a those traitors” said Luciano. “How are ve suppose to get zhere?” asked Akbar.
“Since our three idotas used our-a transporters, we are-a going to board on a plane” said Luciano. “How are we supposed to do that?” asked Vladimir. “Ask the person who can help you” said Xiao who came in unnoticed. “Ahh… Xiao. I’m-a glad we have you” said Luciano with a grin. “Let’s not forget that I’m 2P China and I know where my counterpart lives also” said Xiao before leaving with the other 2Ps.
~Meanwhile At China’s House~
“Italy! Jou’re late for training!” yelled Germany who came into Italy’s guest room. To his surprise he saw Italy and Romano fast asleep. “Zhese two dummkopfs need an alarm clock” mumbled Germany. Germany that went over to Italy’s bed and pulled off the blanket to see Italy sleeping with Iyong ju. “So zhat’s vhy Italy hasn’t been driving me crazy at night” whispered Germany. His eyes soon caught on Iyong ju’s sleeping form and noticed how Italy gets along with him.
‘He seems so adorable vhen he iz sleeping vith Italy’ thought Germany until he shook his head. “Vhat am I even saying? It’s really a shame for me to understand zhat he’s so misunderstood” said Germany while giving off a sad expression. Iyong ju soon slowly opened his eyes and to his surprise he saw Germany looking at him. “L-Ludwig what are you doing in here?” asked Iyong ju. “Vell I’m only here to get Italy for training” said Germany. “Training? Who gets up at 7 ‘o’ clock in the morning to train?” asked Iyong ju.
“I’m sorry, did jou just questioned about mein training schedule?” asked Germany. “Well, I don’t mind it. It’s just that I used to wake up at 5 a.m to train” said Iyong ju. “5 a.m? For vhat exactly?” asked Germany. “During the time of when my country was a dictatorship, I have to wake up early in the morning to train and boy was I tired” said Iyong ju. “I really feel sorry for jou” said Germany. “Well don’t be. That’s how I quickly got feared by countries from all over the world” said Iyong ju.
“I see. Can jou do me a favor und vake Italy?” asked Germany before leaving the room. “Sure thing” said Iyong ju as he watched Germany leave. Iyong ju started to shake Italy, until Italy turned away to sleep more. Iyong ju than got an idea to wake Italy up and gave a devilish grin while a lightbulb appeared over his head. “Hey you bloody Italian wake up or else!” said Iyong ju in England’s voice that was loud enough to wake up Italy. “Noooo! L-Leave me alone!” yelled Italy as he quickly got up.
“What’s-a with all that-a racket!?” yelled Romano as he got up to look at both Italy and Iyong ju. “Oh it-a just you idotas” said Romano before laying on his bed again. “Iyong ju what is it?” asked Italy who stopped panicking. “Ludwig wants you to get up for training” said Iyong ju. “Oh okay then. I DON’T WANT TO TRAIN TODAY!!!” yelled Italy before breaking into tears. “Keep it down, I’m-a trying to sleep!” yelled Romano.
Italy than got up to change into his training uniform, while Iyong ju followed him down to the kitchen for breakfast. “Morning Itary” said Japan before going back to his manga. “Ciao~! What’s for breakfast?” asked Italy. “Vell jou’re in luck, ve’re having pancakes” said Germany as he came to the dining room table with a cup of coffee. “Who’s making the pancakes?” asked Italy. “That will be me lad” said Oliver as he came into the dining room while holding a spatula.
“It turns out zhat Oliver here iz really gut vith breakfast” said Germany. “Ah it’s true. Besides I need to get back into the kitchen” said Oliver before heading back to the kitchen. Iyong ju who still wasn’t trusting this cheerful counterpart of England sneaked into the kitchen. As soon as he came into the kitchen he saw Oliver flipping pancakes and humming to himself. Iyong ju then went over to the counter of where Oliver puts the finished pancakes and picked one up. Iyong ju than began to sniff it and then took a bite, causing Iyong ju to eat through it like a savage.
“I see that you’re enjoying my pancakes” said Oliver while Iyong ju suddenly flinched at his voice. “Uhh…. yes” said Iyong ju nervously. “If you enjoyed them so much, then you’re always welcomed to have more” said Oliver with a smile. Iyong ju was standing there confused and wondered why Oliver wasn’t going to say or do anything threatening. Iyong ju than realized that Oliver is so trusting and kind that there is no reason to hate him as much as another British bastard that he knows. He than turned around to leave to the kitchen until he felt a sudden chill that touched the back of his throat.
Iyong ju than turned his head to only see that Oliver was holding a large knife in his hand. While trying to solve this situation, Oliver than gently pressed the knife onto Iyong ju’s throat with only the tip barely touching his skin. “W-What are you doing!? Let me go or else I’ll-” before Iyong ju could finished his sentence, Oliver made Iyong ju face him. Oliver was now staring at Iyong ju while giving off a creepy smile that wasn’t too scary for him. “Now now lad, I wish not to hurt you” said Oliver still giving a smile. “If you aren’t going to hurt me, then why do you have a knife pinned to my throat?” asked Iyong ju while giving a stern expression.
“For no reason, but just to ask you a couple of basic questions” said Oliver. “Okay then. What are your questions?” asked Iyong ju. “First question: did you run into three other 2Ps?” asked Oliver. “Yes and that was with Feliciano” said Iyong ju while he felt the knife pressuring on his throat. “Second question: did you really almost died while protecting that weak Italian?” asked Oliver. “I almost died from a bullet wound from a guy named Lutz. However, the other two 2Ps weren’t much of a threat to me” said Iyong ju while Oliver was looking at him in amazement.
“Last question: did you really think that you can hide from both the 1Ps and the 2Ps forever?” asked Oliver while gripping the knife. “How did you know that I was here? I thought that only the Axis, the three other 2Ps that were jerks to me, and Feliciano’s brother were the only ones who knew?” asked Iyong ju as the edge of the knife was starting to cut into his skin. “That’s because during your scuffle with those bloody buffoons for 2Ps, I had Roland explore. While he was exploring, he spotted Feliciano along with you fighting against Lutz” said Oliver. “Wait!? You two were spying on me!?” yelled Iyong ju as Oliver removed the knife from his throat. “Well technically it wasn’t spying, it was just to make sure that the other 2Ps knew that Roland and I are aiding with the 1Ps” said Oliver. “So you’re saying the those other 2Ps that were here, weren’t just looking for me but you?” asked Iyong ju.
“Apparently so. In fact since you managed to make those three flee from here, I owe you a pleasure of my gratitude” said Oliver. “Umm… thanks and you’re welcome, I guess” said Iyong ju. “But it doesn’t mean that I’ll promise not tell anyone else not even my counterpart that you’re here” said Oliver. “If you can’t, than why not you try to not tell anyone?” asked Iyong ju. “Hmm… I suppose you are right. I guess I can try” said Oliver. “Why not you just start now?” asked Iyong ju.
“Well then, I’m starting right now. But only after you leave the kitchen” said Oliver as Iyong ju nodded and soon left the kitchen. When he left the kitchen, Italy came up to him. “Ahh… Iyong ju there you are! Germany wants-a me to bring you with-a me to train” said Italy before pulling Iyong ju along with him. When the Axis and Iyong ju went outside, Iyong ju was looking around enjoying the scenery. “Gee… Iyong ju, I’m-a surprised to see you-a looking around. Is there a reason why-a you’re looking?” asked Italy causing Iyong ju to snap back into reality. “Uhh… it’s nothing really. It’s been a longtime since I visited the country of China” said Iyong ju.
“Oh, how long ago was it?” asked Italy. “Uhh… that was when I was still Seoul and it was one of last times I ever hanged out with my brother” said Iyong ju before a tear came from his eye. “Oh, do you-a mean South Korea?” asked Italy. “Yes it was Korea or should I say Yong Soo. I even hanged out with both Yao and Kiku that day” said Iyong ju before more tears came down from his eyes. “Don’t be-a sad Iyong ju, I’m-a here with you” said Italy while grabbing one of Iyong ju’s hands. “Y-You mean it?” asked Iyong ju while looking at Italy.
“Si! Of course I do! Besides you-a get to hang out with-a both Germany and-a Japan” said Italy with a smile causing Iyong ju to blush. Soon Germany, Japan, Italy, and Iyong ju made it to a large field where both Italy and Iyong ju were sitting on a bench. “Ve vill be training und taking turns at running. Vhen ve are done, ve are running laps vith each other” said Germany. “Uhh… Germany, how many raps are we running?” asked Japan while raising his hand. “About fifteen to seventeen laps” said Germany as Japan put his hand down. “Ve~! Germany! Can I-a not run today?” asked Italy with his hand up.
“Nein jou cannot! Besides vhat reason iz zhere for jou not to?” asked Germany. “Uhh… I-I-a twisted my-a ankle” said Italy while trying sound that he’s not lying. “If jou got a twisted ankle, zhen jou must run for extra five laps” said Germany as Italy shuddered and began to panic. “B-But Germany! I-a don’t want to-a train! I’m-a too tired” said Italy while crying. “Italy, if jou aren’t going to do zhis, zhan jou’re training vith me or I’m having jou team up vith Iyong ju” said Germany. Pretty much during the training session, Italy was already and has been out of breath from the first two laps.
Iyong ju was along side with him was trying to have Italy go much more, however Italy accidentally tripped. “Italy! If jou trip one more time, I’ll never allow jou to make pasta ever again!” yelled Germany causing Italy to quickly get up. Suddenly Iyong ju got an idea and by using one his magic spells, he was able to transfer his soul and body to take control of Italy’s body. “Ve~! Where am I!?” asked Italy as he was standing alone in a dark void. “Relax Feliciano, we’re in your mind” said Iyong ju as he appeared in front of Italy. “R-Really? How?” asked Italy.
“It turns out that I know a spell that allows me to transport my own soul and body into a person’s body” said Iyong ju. “That-a sounds pretty amazing” said Italy with a cheerful smile. “Just sit back and have me help you catch up to both of them, but mostly Ludwig” said Iyong ju. With Iyong ju controlling Italy’s body, he was able to catch up to Japan who was surprised.
“Vee~! Ciao Japan! Bye bye Japan!” yelled Italy as he ran right passed Japan. “That was weird” said Japan who was still trying to understand what just happened. Soon with Italy’s body, Iyong ju caught up with Germany and was running right behind him. “I cannot believe zhat Italy iz so far behind. He’s so not going to be making pasta, starting tonight” said Germany before clenching his teeth in anger. “Ve~! I also cannot believe that you’re-a going to lose to-a me! I-a guess I’m not allowing you to-a make wurst for tonight or never again” said Italy. Germany than looked back to see Italy right behind but only two inches and boy, was he shocked.
“Vait! H-How did jou even made it zhis far!?” asked Germany while Italy was giving him a smile. “Oh I-a have my ways” said Italy before taking off with more speed just to pass by Germany. “Hey! Nobody, not even jou, beats me in a lap race! It’s suppose to me vho iz suppose to beat jou!” yelled Germany before picking up the pace. It was a heated race between Italy and Germany, while Japan was watching them from the sideline. As Italy was running he could hear the sounds of Germany’s grunts getting even more furious. “Geez, Germany seems a bit angry” said Italy who was watching all of this unfold.
“Does it look like I care? Besides at least the two of us are winning” said Iyong ju. “Mein gott! Vhy iz he so fast!? Zhis iz zhe second time zhat I lost to him” said Germany while keeping up the pace, but it only makes Italy run faster. While Germany was running, he picked up his speed by running much harder than before. He than caught up to Italy and before he could get even more close, he heard something snap. Germany than fell onto the ground and tried to get up, but only felt pain. It wasn’t long until Japan came over to see what happened and took a look at what caused Germany to fell.
“Germany hord stirr so I can see” said Japan as Germany hold still for Japan. It turns out that Germany’s ankle wasn’t looking so good and Japan carefully touched it to see how much it hurts. “Gahh!!! Japan, zhat hurts!” hissed Germany who was trying to hold in the pain. “It seems that you either broke or sprained your ankre whire running” said Japan. “How can I? I never break anyzhing vhen I’m running” said Germany. While Japan and Germany were talking, Iyong ju was still running until he realized that Germany was no longer behind him.
After realizing that both Iyong ju and Italy managed to outrun Germany, they began searching for him. “Ve~! Where’s Germany?” asked Italy while Iyong ju was still searching. “I think something bad happened to him. Come on!” yelled Iyong ju as Italy nodded and ran with him to find Germany. They soon found Germany along with Japan who was kneeling next to Germany. “Germany! What happened?” asked Italy in a panicked tone. “It turns out zhat vhen I vas running, I probably broke or sprained mein ankle” said Germany.
“Uhh… Germany, you actuarry broke it” said Japan. “How long iz it suppose to heal?” asked Germany. “It courd be for like two to three weeks for it hear” said Japan. “Seriously? Ve vere going to follow Prussia’s plans, but I guess ve need to vait” said Germany with Japan nodded. Soon it was time to head back to China’s house and Germany was being aided by Italy along with Iyong ju.
~Time Skip~
When they returned back to China’s house, Japan was busy giving Germany ice packs for his ankle. “I don’t vant to be rude, but since vhen did I say zhat I need an ice pack?” asked Germany as Japan was placing the last ice pack on his ankle. “I thought it wourd be great, if it heared your ankre faster” said Japan. “Let’s not forget ve are countries. Ve all have the ability to heal almost any injury” said Germany. “Werr that is true, but it takes so much time for the hearing process to start. So an ice pack wirr probabry make it start faster” said Japan before leaving for more bandages. While Germany was sitting on the couch, Iyong ju happened to pass by.
He than went to sit down next to Germany unnoticed while Germany was bored out of his mind. Germany than looked to his right and saw Jason sitting next to him. “Umm… Iyong ju? Iz zhere somezhing I can do for jou?” asked Germany as Iyong ju snapped out of his thoughts and looked back at him. “Uhh… nothing at all. But thank you for your concerns” said Iyong ju as he wasn’t trying not to sound awkward. “I vas just asking zhat’s all” said Germany. At a minute has passed and Germany knew that he needs to tell Iyong ju something important.
“Iyong ju? Can I tell jou somezhing?” asked Germany who broke the quiet moment. “Sure you can. What would you like to tell me?” asked Iyong ju while giving a smile. “During zhe training session vhen I broke mein ankle, I mentioned Gilbert having a plan” said Germany. “Yeah you did mentioned it, but that was it” said Iyong ju. “Iyong ju uhh… zhe plan zhat Gilbert had out vas actually a plan to sneak into jour country und kidnap jou” said Germany cautiously while trying not to upset Iyong ju. “Wait you and your brother, are planning to sneak into my country and then kidnap me. For what reason?” asked Iyong ju.
“Vell it’s zhat vhen ve first saw jou, jou seemed so sad about zhe death of jour bruder. Ve just vant to know vhy jou vere so sad” said Germany while Iyong ju placed a hand over his heart. “I-It’s because of Ivan that caused me to kill him and to that day I swore revenge. I managed to get back my independence from that cruel man” said Iyong ju. “Zhe revenge jou got vas from anger und vith anger like zhat jou couldn’t control jourself in zhe process” said Germany. “Really? How could you even know?” asked Iyong ju. “It’s because I vas just like jou. After mein country’s defeat in Vorld Var I, it vasn’t long till I had zhe thirst for revenge und anger. Vith mein anger, I caused Vorld Var II by invading Poland und for killing millions of innocent people. After zhe var, I zhen realized how much of a monster zhat I became und I tried to start over” said Germany. “What else happened during this?” asked Iyong ju.
“Vhen I vas trying to start over, it vasn’t easy. England, China, France, und America separated mein country in half along vith Russia, as a form of punishment. Vhat vas vorse vas zhat, Russia took mein own bruder avay from me right before mein eyes” said Germany with a tear in his eye. 'I-I can’t believe it, all this time I thought I was the only one who suffered. Until I realized it was Ludwig who suffered even more’ thought Iyong ju before he was cut off when Germany continued his painful and tragic past. “It vasn’t long after zhat, I vas enrolled into zhe European Union. I zhought I could start fresh vith zhe other countries, but I vas vrong. Everyone vho saw me turned zheir backs on me either in fear or in anger, I zhought it vas over for me” said Germany while Iyong ju was feeling bad for him. “Even zhough I vas alone, it vasn’t since zhat day I got an unexpected surprise. It vas both Italy und Japan vho actually cared about me. I never felt so sad like I vas before, because I had mein two best friends und allies vith me” said Germany ending his story with a smile. He than broke into small sobs as he reflected back to it, while Iyong ju realized that he had friends. “Ludwig…. that story breaks my heart and it was just so powerful” said Iyong ju.
“How powerful vas it for jou?” asked Germany as he looked into Iyong ju’s brown eyes. “It was powerful enough for me to tell you that I killed a lot of innocent people during and after the events of the Korean War. I was even scared and brought fear to myself after terrorizing other countries” said Iyong ju. “I did heard zhat jou terrorized Russia und zhe Nodics, but vho else did jou exactly terrorized?” asked Germany. “I first terrorized my own brother, than Arthur, Switzerland, and mostly Australia” said Iyong ju. “Zhat sounds pretty deep” said Germany. “Because it’s all true! I am a monster and I deserve to die! In fact remembering the past is so painful to me!” yelled Iyong ju before breaking into tears and embracing Germany in a big hug.
“Zhere, zhere. It’s okay” said Germany while trying to calm down Iyong ju. “No it’s not! Because of me, everyone around the world hates me!” yelled Iyong ju before crying even harder. Germany was soon feeling Iyong ju’s tears leaking from his tank top to his chest and was patting Iyong ju on the back. “Nobody doesn’t hate jou. Jou have me, Japan, und Italy vho likes jou. In fact even Romano likes jou too” said Germany while still trying to calm Iyong ju. It wasn’t long that Germany heard something smoothing and peaceful that made him closed his eyes before reopening them. Germany than realized that Iyong ju had stopped crying and had calmed down.
Germany also realized that Iyong ju had fell asleep while still holding onto Germany and he wouldn’t let go of him. “Mein gott, he sure has a lot of strength. He is sure cute while he’s sleeping” said Germany quietly while trying not to wake Iyong ju. Japan soon came into the room and noticed Germany with Iyong ju. “I see that you two are bonding so nicery” said Japan with a soft smile causing Germany to blush. “Japan iz zhere a reason vhy he iz asleep?” asked Germany. “Werr it’s because of this” said Japan before holding up a flute.
“I didn’t know jou could play a flute” said Germany. “I rearned it from South Korea who arso taught me a speciar song” said Japan. “Vhat did he taught jou?” asked Germany as Japan pulled out an old piece of paper from his pocket and gave it to Germany. “Since you don’t know what it says, you were probabry abre to recognized sheet music” said Japan. “Yeah, I do. Vhat kind of song iz it?” asked Germany. “It’s a very speciar song and it’s a carming sing. It’s carred Gido” said Japan.
“Interesting. Vhat does it mean exactly?” asked Germany. “It’s means “Prayer” in Korean” said Japan. “Okay zhen zhat’s all I need to know” said Germany. “The song was made by Gojoseon as a calming song for the Asian lung dragons during the Edo Period and it was used as a lullaby for both Iyong ju and Yong Soo” said Japan. “So zhat’s vhy he’s asleep” said Germany. Italy soon came into the room and saw Iyong ju asleep while gripping onto Germany. “Ve~! It seems that you and-a Iyong ju are having a great time” said Italy causing Germany to blush again. “Oh I armost forgot! Germany, I found bandages for your ankre” said Japan while pulling out a large roll of bandages.
“Oh great. Let’s get zhis over vith already” mumbled Germany as Japan began placing bandages on his ankle. While Japan was busy putting bandages on his ankle, Italy was holding down Germany who was both grunting and hissing in pain. As soon as Japan was done, Germany sighed in relief as Italy was still holding onto him. “Italy, can jou please let go of me?” asked Germany. “Just not yet. You-a feel so-a warm that even your heart still beats strong” said Italy causing Germany to blush even harder. “Now these bandages are not suppose to come off, untir between two to three weeks. Arso I need to go and get fruit for the smoothies. I'rr be back rater” said Japan before leaving.
“Ve~! In the meantime, I will-a be making pasta! In fact I-a don’t get to train tomorrow” said Italy as he was skipping out of the room. “Oh really? Vhen mein ankle heals, jou vill be training for the vhole entire veek vith. no. breaks” said Germany with an evil grin causing Italy to shudder and quickly leave the room. “Vorks every time und it never gets old” said Germany. Germany than suddenly felt Iyong ju letting go and also felt him getting cozy as Germany hold him in his arms. Germany than wondered if the bullet wound has healed up and made sure he doesn’t wake him up. As soon as Germany found the wound, he gently touched wound and realized that it became a scar.
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