#i am investigating this w my uni cause some stuff doesn't add up?? but i will have these slots open just in case I do have to pay for it
ezlo-x · 9 months
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Hi everyone, so today my uni decided to be wonderful to me and charge me 100 dollars on my parking permit which I thought said parking permit was already paid at the beginning of the semester but I guess I was wrong and was never notified until recently wow <3
Since I am financially strained atm and blowing out 100 coins on a permit is going to take a toll not only on me but also my acc I will reopen 5 slots again on my kofi. Just 5 slots open, it is not split in half nor anything you can take a slot from either Polished or Sketchy. Here was the set of batch that I recently did
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Here's my full gallery of commissions that I've done in the past if you want more examples - Kofi Commission Gallery
More info abt my Commissions (you can rb this version if you'd like) - Kofi Commission Info
Finally my Kofi shop if you'd like to support me in small ways anything helps <3 - Kofi Shop
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