#i am honestly TERRIFIED of posting this but i gotta COMMIT TO MY BAD DECISIONS
in this elemental light
(AN: This is for day 10 of the lovely @drawlight‘s advent calendar challenge, which is probably the only day I’ll be doing. The prompt is “gold and silver.” I still feel like a very very small fish in a very very big and talented pond but I just need to get this published honestly.)
wordcount: 306
in this elemental light
silver, like water, like rain, like the light shining off of a white wing
like droplets of holy water, falling through the air like fear, like close calls
like a thermos held out like a heart
(don’t go unscrewing the cap)
(don’t let the light in)
silver, like light off of dark glasses, like hiding
silver, like water in a bathtub, like victory and fear all at once
gold, like light on sand
like fire
fire that protects, a safety offered when there is nothing else to give
fire that is the only thing left between life and the end of the world
the only thing except a boy with golden hair
and a demon with golden eyes and a tire iron
both on the same side
(we’re on our side, angel)
gold like fire, paper burning
and burning and burning until there is nothing left
gold like alcohol in a lonely bar
lonely past simply being alone, lonely almost to pointlessness
because the fire is still dancing against his eyelids, reflected in the golden, golden liquid
gold, like hellfire light against silkwhite curls not his own
gold, like fire, like freedom after all this time, but also like far too close a call
gold, the glint of faint light against the clasps of a leather bag, and silver, light streaming through church windows
silver, a flipping coin, and gold, the warmth of light on wood here as they collide again
(my treat)
silver. rainclouds, the very first.
gold. champagne, and a toast.
(to the world.)
(i love you.)
gold. and silver. it’s always been like this, for them. a mark of words unspoken, a chasm unbridged and unbridgeable.
silver and gold, gold and silver. flashes against history.
open your eyes. this is the start of something.
open your eyes, and let the light rush in.
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daresplaining · 7 years
Defenders Countdown: 8 Days
Shadowland, or “Friends Don’t Let Friends Get Possessed By Demons”
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    Shadowland is (so far) Marvel’s only Daredevil-centric cross-series event, which ties together most of the street-level heroes in a frenzy of angst and ninja fighting. While The Defenders will be telling a new story, we could imagine it drawing inspiration from Shadowland, so here, for your convenience, is a brief overview.   
    Our story starts in Ed Brubaker’s run, toward the end of Daredevil volume 2. As usual, Matt is going through a difficult time-- but he’s not the only one. The Hand, having just discovered that their previous leader, Elektra, was actually a Skrull in disguise (and more to the point-- is now dead), are in search of new management. For reasons that will become clear later, they set their sights on Matt and go about recruiting him in the usual way-- by attacking his loved ones and destroying his life.          
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Matt: “What the hell are you saying?!”
Lady Bullseye: “We have not been attacking you and yours... we have been preparing you to accept this gift. Clearing away your problems... not targeting them. Your friends will be your lieutenants... and you will know a power you can only dream of. Free of the tragedies of this life you’ve led, Matt Murdock...”
Daredevil vol. 2 #115 by Ed Brubaker, Michael Lark, and Matt Hollingsworth
    To the surprise of absolutely no one, Matt says no. (Honestly, what were the Hand expecting?). However, Wilson Fisk soon gets wind of the vacancy and decides that what he really needs in his life is his own personal ninja army. When Matt hears about this, he starts to rethink his decision. He has no interest in leading the Hand, but he’d much rather have them under his control than Fisk’s. He and his new ally Izo (Stick’s mentor and Matt’s... grand-mentor?) make a last-minute plan, and Matt contacts the Hand about his change of heart.     
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Matt: “Do you still want me to join you? To lead the Hand?”
Fisk: “No!! What is he doing?!”
Izo: “I think it’s called stealing your thunder...”
Daredevil vol. 2 #500 by Ed Brubaker, Michael Lark, and Matt Hollingsworth
    Thus, Matt becomes the Hand’s new head honcho, with all of the power and responsibilities that come with the position. He acts as Hand-y as possible, goes about trying to make peace between the various Hand factions, builds himself a giant fortress in the middle of Hell’s Kitchen, and starts wearing a black costume. But he also sticks to the plan that he and Izo made, through which he is able to justify involving himself with such a nasty organization: He attempts to use the Hand as a force for good, turning them from a group of assassins into something more like... a ninja police force.
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Matt: “Hell’s Kitchen is now under the protection of the Hand!”
Daredevil vol. 2 #504 by Andy Diggle, Roberto de la Torre, and Matt Hollingsworth
    It’s worth noting that Elektra, back when she was young and naive, tried a similar sneaky tactic with the Hand, and it turned out terribly. Matt’s luck is not much better, and what neither he nor Izo realize is that he was chosen not for his leadership skills or badassery, but because he’s a sucker. Snakeroot, the secret group that pulls the Hand’s strings from behind the scenes, have been searching for a host for their patron demon, the Beast-- and Matt is the perfect candidate. The citizens of Manhattan and other street-level heroes are already nervous about all the ninjas suddenly running around, but it becomes clear that something is horribly wrong with Matt when Bullseye gets involved. In an attempt to kill Matt, he blows up an apartment building in Hell’s Kitchen. Matt responds by gutting Bullseye.          
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Bullseye: “W-wait... th-this ain’t... ain’t like you... Y-you wouldn’t...”
Luke: “We gotta shut this down, like now--”
Danny: “Oh, my god, he’s gonna-- No no no no--”
Shadowland #1 by Andy Diggle, Billy Tan, Christina Strain, et al. 
    It’s all downhill from here. This moral lapse is enough for the Beast to start to gain some serious control. Chaos erupts in the streets as the demonic influence infects the area, and Matt gets himself an actual throne to sit on, sets up a dungeon in the basement of his creepy fortress for the criminals his ninjas bring in, and just generally goes full-on bad guy.  
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Matt: “At this very moment, the so-called heroes of New York are plotting to destroy me, along with everything I’ve built here in Shadowland. I will do whatever it takes to ensure they do not succeed.”
Carlos: “Matt, the people you’re supposed to be protecting are tearing up the streets! Fighting-- looting-- killing each other for pennies! Everyone out there is terrified!”
Matt: “They should be.”
Daredevil vol. 2 #510 by Andy Diggle, Antony Johnston, Marco Checchetto, et al.
    Matt’s friends in the superhero community are... concerned to say the least, and so Matt/Beast attempts to get them on his side. Carlos La Muerto, AKA Black Tarantula, was part of the plan from the beginning, and is forced to hang out in the fortress and watch firsthand as his friend goes nuts. Elektra offers herself up as an ally so that she can keep an eye on the situation. Matt tries to recruit Colleen Wing via her mother’s history with the Hand. He offers all of his superhero friends an opportunity to join his army, but when they approach him en masse and (gasp) refuse, he doesn’t take it well. 
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Matt: “Consider my ban on killing hereby lifted! Slay them all!”
Shadowland #3 by Andy Diggle, Billy Tan, Christina Strain, et al.
    By this point, it’s abundantly clear to everyone that something is very wrong with Matt. Izo and Elektra, having snuck into the Hand’s headquarters and seen what Snakeroot is up to, provide the demonic possession explanation, and the street heroes start pondering some serious solutions. 
    Meanwhile, Foggy decides to take action. All on his own, he breaks into the Shadowland fortress to confront his best friend.  
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Foggy: “No. I’m not going to walk away. I’m not. You may have turned your back on me, Matt... but I haven’t turned my back on you. Hell, you’ve saved me more times than I can remember... it’s about time I returned the favor!”
Daredevil vol. 2 #511 by Andy Diggle, Roberto de la Torre, and Matt Hollingsworth
    Foggy’s sudden appearance does the impossible-- it momentarily weakens the Beast’s control over Matt. That’s just how powerful their friendship is.  
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Foggy: “P-please, M-Matt-- i-it’s me-- F-Foggy--! I know this-- this isn’t you-- You’re b-better than this! You’re my friend!”
Matt: “F-Foggy...?”
Shadowland #5 by Andy Diggle, Billy Tan, and Victor Olazaba 
    This gives the street heroes the opportunity they need to pull out their secret weapon-- exorcism via chi punch. 
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Matt/Beast: “Is that all you have left, Iron Fist? Did you really think the last of your pathetic chi energy would be enough to defeat me?”
Danny: “Honestly? Nope. But y’see, that’s the thing about chi-- it’s a life force. That which destroys can also create. The blow wasn’t meant to harm you... it was meant to heal. Wakey wakey, Matt.”
Shadowland #5 by Andy Diggle, Billy Tan, and Victor Olazaba
    With the Beast’s hold broken, Elektra psychically enters Matt’s mind and gives him the moral support he needs to kick the Beast out for good-- by committing the mental equivalent of seppuku (don’t worry, he’s fine). 
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Matt: “H-help me! I can’t-- can’t hold it back-- for long-- Elektra! Please-- p-please kill me--!”
Elektra: “Shhh, my love... I am here to end your suffering.”
Matt: “[...] Please, tell them, I... I’m sorry.” 
Shadowland #5 by Andy Diggle, Billy Tan, and Victor Olazaba
    Thus ends the demon’s grip on Manhattan. The city calms down to its normal level of barely controlled chaos. Black Panther takes over hero duties in Hell’s Kitchen. Matt goes out west for some alone time. Fisk gets control of the Hand. But all of those are stories for another post. 
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