#i am deeply sorry about the arena but that is what the random generator picked
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uncharismatic-fauna ¡ 9 months ago
Round 5: Final Roar
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Sperm Whale vs Painted Wild Dog
Arena: Open ocean
Remember, it's not a popularity contest-- it's a fight to the death!
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artificialqueens ¡ 6 years ago
Not Nineteen Forever (7) (Branjie/Scyvie)- Ortega
a/n: this was a quick update! i’m off on holiday tomorrow for a week so thought i’d squeeze one in before i go (ayyyy). thank u so so so much for all the love, i appreciate it so much and i just hope i can keep delivering for u all!
Summary: Brooke, Yvie and Nina are three flatmates who forged a friendship in their first year of university and picked up some other waifs and strays along the way. Now in their final year, there are feelings that need to be unravelled and confessions to be made whilst navigating drunk nights, hungover mornings, takeaways, group chats, library meetups, cafe gossiping, and the small matter of getting a degree.
Last chapter: Scarlet and Yvie got their shit together, and something’s going on with Brooke and Vanessa.
This chapter: Something’s still going on between Brooke and Vanessa. And Scarlet and Yvie. And Nina and someone else, it seems. Basically everyone’s running around a party and the sexual tension is through the roof. Standard xo
Brooke, overall, was good at keeping secrets.
When Akeria had drunkenly got with the guy Silky had had a crush on for ages in second year, Brooke hadn’t ever brought it up to anyone. When Nina had tearfully come out to her around Christmas time of first year, Brooke had obviously kept her mouth shut until Nina felt ready to be open about it with everyone. But this current secret was a little trickier, because as much as she wanted to keep it quiet, part of her wanted to scream it from the fifth floor of the library until her lungs popped and her vocal cords snapped.
She and Vanessa had kissed.
Not just once, although the first time had been Brooke’s favourite, and she’d spent the rest of her time with the girls after laserquest in a sort of dreamlike state, wondering if it had actually happened. This was exacerbated by Vanessa laughing and smiling and chatting to everyone as if nothing had ever happened, and when they all said goodbye she gave Brooke her usual hug and a kiss on the cheek and went on her way.
In bed that night, Brooke had made an executive decision- she’d spent three fucking years waiting for Vanessa to notice her, really properly notice her, and she wasn’t about to let what had happened between them that afternoon go unacknowledged. So the next day, she had shot Vanessa a message.
Brooke: Hey. Can we do coffee or something today? Are you free?
She’d had to wait an hour for a reply, during which Brooke practically bit her nails down to stumps.
Vanessa: hey sorry i had a tutorial!! xxx
Vanessa: um today ain’t a good time i got an essay due that i need to finish xxxx
Vanessa: could do tomorrow? xxx
Brooke: Tomorrow’s fine yeah, Liezen at 12?
Vanessa: yeah sounds good xxxxx
Vanessa: i take it you want to talk about Saturday xx
Brooke very nearly almost threw up.
Brooke: Yeah
Vanessa: cool xxxx
Vanessa: tomorrow at Liezen at 12 it is then xxxx
All of that day Brooke had hardly retreated from her bedroom, her heart pounding so much she felt sure she’d somehow had some form of caffeine overdose. She tried everything to distract herself- binge-watching Come Dine With Me, napping, attempting to do uni work- but nothing was successful. She had no idea how she was going to approach it, and she had no idea how Vanessa was either.
The next day, Brooke made sure she was sat at a small, quiet booth a few minutes before they were scheduled to meet. She immediately regretted her decision about thirty seconds in when her stomach began churning like a KitchenAid, the overthinking already beginning in her mind. So by the time Vanessa walked in, her hair and makeup perfectly done and dressed in a cute black button-up coat, Brooke was practically on the verge of a panic attack.
“Hey!” Vanessa greeted her warmly, leaning over to hug her before she sat down. “How are ya, girl?”
“Uh, yeah, fine,” Brooke coughed out. Her mouth was so fucking dry. “How has, uh. How has your day been?”
“Oh, baby, come on,” Vanessa purred, Brooke feeling either as if she was about to melt or as if she’d already melted. Vanessa regarding her under a sultry, cat-eyed glare wasn’t helping. “Let’s skip the pleasantries, huh? You told me why you wanted to meet, so let’s do it.”
Brooke felt herself seize up. She physically couldn’t speak. Vanessa laughed, concerned, then took Brooke’s hand from across the table.
“Hey. Brooke Lynn,” she said softly, her eyes suddenly warm and caring. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have come on so strong like that, that was my bad. I really want you to know that…whatever happens, we’re friends always, okay? I don’t want you to ever feel awkward with me because you know…we’re us. Alright?"
Vanessa’s words were like ointment on the wound that was Brooke Lynn’s mind. She took a deep breath, looked Vanessa in the eyes, and breathed out a laugh.
"Well obviously…we kissed."
"You kissed me,” Vanessa corrected her with a wink, Brooke wanting to die.
“Well…yes. So I just…wanted to know what we were doing. About…that,” Brooke stuttered, Vanessa raising an eyebrow at her from across the table.
“Is there anything to do?” she shrugged, and Brooke couldn’t believe how calm she was about all this. “It’s happened. We just carry on as normal.”
Brooke frowned deeply. “No, but…no. What if I don’t want to carry on as normal? What if I want that to happen again?”
Vanessa smiled, running a hand through her hair cockily. “Aww, was that lil’ session in the laserquest arena not enough for you, baby?"
Brooke felt her clit practically explode. Jesus. She could feel how much she was blushing. "Christ Vanessa, don’t-”
“Don’t what! I’m just sayin’,” she grinned flirtatiously, then faltered. “Sorry. Am I bein’ too much?"
"No, no, fuck. You’re never too much.”
“In the words of Luther Vandross,” Vanessa deadpanned, the two girls suddenly jumping as a waitress appeared at their table. Brooke ordered a lemonade, all her appetite gone, and Vanessa followed suit. There was a silence as both girls regarded each other.
“I meant what I said, girl. You are fuckin’ gorgeous,” Vanessa muttered, her voice low and making Brooke cross her legs.
“Fuck. So are you. That’s why I wanted to kiss you.”
“So you don’t want us to ignore what happened, then?” Vanessa offered, briefly thanking the waitress as their drinks got put down. Brooke shook her head.
“I just don’t want anything to change between us. I don’t want anything to be awkward. But I do…” Brooke paused and bit her lip, looking down at the table. “…want it to happen again. Because it was hot.”
She looked up at Vanessa, whose attempt at a smirk was turning into a full-blown smile. “It was. I’m glad you messaged me, girl, I was thinkin’ about it all weekend."
Brooke blushed and bit her lip. "Me too. So you feel the same then?”
Vanessa raised her glass. “To changing nothing. Except from kissing. Because that shit was good.”
Brooke laughed as they clinked their glasses together, all tension suddenly gone. They didn’t talk about it any more, but at the end of their date (meetup, Brooke chastised herself- they were still just friends, after all) Vanessa leaned in for a hug then raised her chin up to Brooke hopefully, and Brooke couldn’t stop herself from leaning down and meeting their lips, the second time feeling just as perfect as the first.
It had been difficult to find time to meet up that week, Vanessa getting hit with deadline after deadline, but they’d hardly ceased messaging each other. Most times it was standard conversation- how was your day, what have you been up to, things like that. Other times it was random observations.
Vanessa: i just saw a dog that was like 90% fluff i’m convinced it was a walking cloud how CUTE xxxx
Brooke: someone just walked into the library with an apple bong Vanj i wish i was making this up
Vanessa: Silky’s been blasting Lewis Capaldi for a solid twenty minutes because she burned her chicken dippers send help xxxx
But sometimes they were naughty and flirty and made Brooke scrunch her toes up and flail around in her bed in anticipation, part of her wishing she’d had the balls to discuss with Vanessa if their arrangement should include activities outside of kissing, a level up, she might say. It would usually be Vanessa that instigated them.
Vanessa: i keep thinking about the way you reacted when i grabbed your hips and i wish i’d been brave enough to do it outside Liezen xx
Vanessa: next time i’m gonna have my hair loose so you can tug it when you kiss me xxxx
Sometimes Brooke would be brave enough to send them herself, which would always get a rise out of Vanjie.
Brooke: You definitely had your hair in plaits that day on purpose didn’t you because you knew I like it when you do that
Vanessa: wait you like it when “i” do it or you like it when girls do it in general?? xxxx
Brooke: Don’t make me inflate your ego by deigning that with an answer
Vanessa: well don’t come for me when i know you wore that roll neck for the exact same reason xx
Brooke: Worked, didn’t it? Don’t think I didn’t notice you practically choke when you saw me
Vanessa: xxxxxxxx
The thing was, Brooke didn’t know how it had become a secret. She wanted to tell Yvie and Nina, but she couldn’t find the words, and she really didn’t want to make a big deal of it in case Vanjie got scared, particularly after she told her that she hadn’t told Silky and Akeria either. Brooke felt she was going to burst after the movie night, where Vanessa had stayed for one film longer than her flatmates and Brooke had “walked her home”, a.k.a. Vanessa had ordered an Uber and they’d kissed furiously against the wall of the stairwell as she waited for it, Brooke practically drifting back upstairs to her flat. She wondered a lot that night about how Vanessa would react if Brooke told her she wanted her to rail her so hard that her gynecologist would think she’d been in a car accident.
The time didn’t come until just over a week later- Brooke’s flat held a party for Nina finishing placement. It was a big one because as well as the usual gang there was lots of people that Nina knew from her various clubs and societies, not to mention most of her course friends- one of whom, Brooke and Yvie knew, Nina had been after for about six months solid. It had been hard for Brooke to get Vanessa on her own at first, but she wanted to so badly, the girl having turned up in a see-through pink plastic skirt and a white lace bodysuit that veered ever so close to indecent exposure territory, not that Brooke was complaining. As Silky was gathering a large crowd to prove to the masses that she could, in fact, down seven Jaegerbombs in a row without breaking a sweat, Brooke had taken Vanessa’s hand and led her to her bedroom. They came crashing through the door, Brooke slamming her against the wall and kissing her, the other girl smiling against her lips and Brooke being unable to stop herself from smiling back.
“W'should go back through,” Brooke muttered against Vanessa’s lips, the other girl whining needily. They were both that pleasantly tipsy stage just before the evening descended into drunkenness, and Brooke felt slightly liquidised as Vanessa pawed at her waist, exposed as a result of the black bralet Brooke was wearing.
“Mmh…want you so bad, Brooke,” Vanessa murmured against her neck, Brooke almost having a heart attack and doubting if she heard Vanessa correctly.
“What’s…that mean?” Brooke stumbled out, her words falling over each other. Fuck, maybe she was actually just drunk. Vanessa laughed and pulled away, heading towards the door.
“Y'know what the fuck it means, baby,” she smiled playfully, before hitching the top of her bodysuit up and leaving.
Brooke wanted to pour a large glass of icy water over herself. Okay. This was fine. Vanessa was just basically making it explicitly clear she wanted Brooke to fuck her, or she wanted to fuck Brooke, or most likely a combination of both one after the other multiple times. That wasn’t a big deal. At all. Brooke whined to herself in her empty room. The problem was that they were both at a party, with all of their friends, none of whom knew that her and Vanessa had even so much as kissed, and if they both slunk off together in the middle of the evening Brooke might as well have messaged the group chat with a big gif of “WE’RE ABOUT TO FUCK” in flashing neon lights. But Brooke didn’t really know what to do with that information now.
Dazed, she did the only thing she could really do- head back to the party and drink more. She weaved her way through the crowd and found Yvie and Scarlet. Brooke couldn’t decide if she found them adorable or vomit-worthy, and as they were both still very much in the honeymoon stage of their relationship, Brooke decided it was the latter. Yvie had weaved a protective arm around Scarlet’s waist and the other girl was kissing her cheek after pretty much every sentence she spoke. Well, Brooke decided as she stumbled over to them, if I’m not getting to kiss the girl I like at the party, then neither are you, assholes.
“Hey,” Brooke slurred, faltering as she leaned against their kitchen counter. “How’re you both.”
Scarlet looked at her with concern. “We’re good. How are you? Are you alright?”
“Yeah, you disappeared for a while,” Yvie said, her tone light but her eyes intense and questioning. Brooke didn’t like it.
“Well, I had to go vomit. Tactical, you know,” she lied easily, Scarlet wincing beside her.
“Classy,” Yvie said simply, shrugging. “Hey, Plastique’s just said she can thrash Nina at Mario Kart so they’re gonna play drunk driving. You wanna come watch?”
Brooke nodded, thinking that a seat would probably be good about now.
The rest of the party passed easily enough, Brooke hardly getting up for the rest of the evening and practically melting into the armchair, Yvie getting her cups of water to drink sporadically throughout the night. The volume of people dissipated until Brooke became aware it was just her, Yvie, Scarlet, Nina and Nina’s friend Monet, the one she’d been crushing on. It occurred to Brooke that she hadn’t seen Vanessa since they’d been in her bedroom, her heart hammering as she wondered if maybe she’d fucked the whole thing up between them.
She didn’t need to worry as at around one in the morning, Silky, Vanessa and Akeria wandered through to the living room to join the others.
“Heyy ladies!” Vanessa announced happily, still very much drunk and landing on top of Brooke with a thud. “Are we going out or what? What’s the plan?”
“If we go out I’ll die of alcohol poisoning,” Nina deadpanned, her speech slurred.
“We were gonna head home, Nina,” Akeria explained, eyeing Vanessa suspiciously. “Well. Me and Silk were. This bitch is three sheets to the wind, I don’t know what she’s doing.”
“I wanna stay here,” Vanessa pouted. “Can we play games?”
“On that note, bye bitch,” Silky rolled her eyes, her tone tired and weary and very un-Silky. “Get a taxi back. Or sleep on the couch here, I don’t know."
"Stayin’ over sounds nice,” Vanessa murmured into Brooke’s hair, a jolt shooting up Brooke’s spine. “Okay, girl, see you later. Love you.”
“Love you, ‘Nessa. Bye all. Congratulations, Nina. And Monet too,” Akeria shrugged, Nina smiling easily up at her and Nina’s friend following suit as the other two girls left.
“Let’s play games,” Vanessa insisted, Monet chuckling.
“Oh my God, I’m really properly at an afters, aren’t I?” she laughed, rising from her seat. “I’m down, but I’m playing with water. Anyone else?”
Scared that Vanessa might up and leave if there were no games, Brooke raised her hand. “Okay, yeah. Yvie, Scarlet?”
Yvie raised a weary head up from its position on Scarlet’s shoulder. “Depends what we’re playing.”
“Never have I ever,” Vanessa said instantly.
“Oh, Vanjie, come on. We’ve played that shit to death,” Nina laughed, shaking her head. “We know all there is to know about each other at this point.”
“Hey, I don’t! Could be fun,” Monet piped up, a little sparkle in her eye as she flicked her dark curls over her shoulder and sat down beside Nina much closer than she’d been before. “Find out all the nasty shit you get up to in your spare time, Miss West."
Nina gave Monet a shove as she laughed, her face resembling a Dulux colour chart of pinks. "Fine, ugh. Start the god damn game, Vanjie.”
Brooke took a second and looked around. Nina and Monet were dangerously close to getting with each other at the very least. Scarlet and Yvie were obviously together. And Vanessa was only one more drink away from detailing exactly what she wanted Brooke to do to her once they were alone. This could get messy.
“Okay, never have I ever…” Vanessa strung out the sentence, wiggling a little in Brooke’s lap and making her want to die. “…sent a sexy video.”
Monet, Scarlet and Yvie drank. Brooke saw Nina swallow hard and try to avoid looking at Monet.
“Oh, you two up to that shit already?” Vanessa swiped her finger in the air from Scarlet to Yvie, Scarlet rolling her eyes and laughing.
“No, Yvie’s still got that to look forward to,” Scarlet raised an eyebrow suggestively, Yvie spluttering a laugh and pulling her girlfriend closer.
“How 'bout you, Monet, who was yours for?” Vanessa asked insistantly, Monet leaning back casually so that she was resting her head against Nina’s chest. Nina looked as if she was about to go into cardiac arrest.
“Send them to whoever wants them,” she explained flirtatiously, running her tongue over her teeth. Nina broke her silence.
“Are you not super scared that someone could leak them to the teaching council one day and you’d lose your job?” she asked anxiously, Monet laughing softly as she reached up to Nina’s hair and wrapped a small lock around her finger.
“Aww, baby. You’re such a goody two shoes, it’s adorable,” Monet muttered, Brooke wondering if it was possible for Nina to turn any redder. Offended on Nina’s behalf and wanting to raise Monet’s opinion of her, Brooke opened her mouth.
“Okay, I got one,” Brooke said, her voice seeming all too loud in the silence of the room. “Never have I ever skinny dipped and then have it lead to sex.”
Brooke nearly choked when Vanessa drank as well as Nina, the room erupting in cries.
“Nina, oh my God!” Scarlet laughed, her mouth hanging open. “How did I not know this about you?”
“Always the quiet ones,” Brooke shrugged, laughing as Nina shot her a glare. Monet had turned back around and was looking at her with blown pupils.
“When the fuck did this happen, bitch?” she asked softly, Nina shyly telling the story she’d once told Brooke back in second year- when she’d befriended a tall, dark brunette who went only by Shuga on her family holiday to Spain, how Nina sneaked off nearly every day to go meet her, and how on the very last night Shuga had taken her to the beach, stripped off, dove into the sea and asked Nina to join her.
“Fuck, that’s hot,” Scarlet gasped once Nina was done, shifting around in Yvie’s lap. Monet had moved to cross her legs and was blinking slowly at Nina. Brooke almost wanted to laugh at the levels of estrogen and lust in the room. She’d wanted to subtly ask Vanessa about her experience but the game seemed to have moved on. There were a few tamer questions, during which all three sets of girls seemed to merge closer and closer towards each other, and then eventually the game ramped up again.
“Never have I ever bought anything from a sex shop,” Scarlet said. Brooke tried not to flush red as she drank, Yvie, Vanessa and Monet all following suit. Scarlet seemed shocked. “What the fuck? What did you guys all buy?”
There was a small silence. Brooke rolled her eyes and was the first to speak. “I mean, just my vibrator. Do we not all own vibrators in this room?"
"Well I ordered mine online so technically I didn’t get it from a shop,” Nina shrugged lightly, Scarlet’s face growing red. Yvie looked at her and laughed, squeezing her side.
“Aww, baby! Do you actually not have one?” she asked gently, Scarlet shaking her head and groaning.
“This is so fucking awkward, don’t roast me.”
“Scarlet, honey, it will change your life,” Monet insisted, crossing her legs the other way and shooting a playful side glance to Nina. “Best thing is when you use it on someone else and you just get to watch their eyes fuckin’ roll back into their skull.”
Brooke could’ve sworn she heard Nina curse under her breath, but she wasn’t sure. Yvie muttered something into Scarlet’s ear and she grew even more red. At this rate Brooke didn’t know how the room hadn’t combusted with all the tension. Looking up at Vanessa, she decided that if blatant flirting was good enough for the rest of them, it was good enough for her.
“What about you, bitch, what’ve you bought?"
Brooke bit her lip as Vanessa smiled slowly, stretching in Brooke’s lap and giving Brooke the perfect view of her chest straining against her bodysuit. "Hmm. Maybe you’ll get to find out one day."
"Yvie, what did you buy?” Nina asked incredulously, the other girl shrugging.
“Just bondage stuff,” she said nonchalantly, most of the room jumping as Scarlet suddenly choked on her drink.
“Do you wanna know what I bought, Nina?” Monet suddenly asked, the girls all looking at Nina who was looking at Monet with intrigue. She hummed an inquisitive response. Monet uncrossed her legs then crossed them again. “I’ll tell you if you let me stay over."
Brooke watched as Nina practically choked on her own tongue in her effort to give a reply. "Oh, uh, sure you can stay! There’s um, there’s that blanket and I can give you a pillow from my room and, uh…”
Brooke couldn’t watch Nina self-sabotage any longer. She looked to Yvie, both flatmates knowing exactly how many months Nina had been unable to take Monet’s name out of her mouth for. Yvie frowned and turned to Nina.
“Bitch, your bed is huge and it’s November. Monet’s gonna freeze to death in here,” she said simply, Nina’s mouth clamping shut in response. Brooke smirked at her.
“Yeah, and it’ll be way warmer if Monet just shares with you. Right, girl?” Brooke tilted her head to Monet inquisitively, the other girl’s eyes laughing.
“Oh well, uh. If you want to, you can share with me, but only if that’s not going to make you feel-” Nina began, cutting herself off as Monet wordlessly stood up, held out a hand to Nina and gently pulled her up off the sofa.
“Come and show me where I’m sleeping, then,” she said, her voice low and husky as she led Nina out the room. Brooke stared at them both in awe, snorting a laugh as Nina poked her head out at the girls just before she left, making a face as if she was screeching. As the door to the living room shut, Yvie turned to Brooke and they both began flailing, happy for their lovesick flatmate. As they calmed down, Yvie sighed heavily.
“Well, we better hit the hay too,” she shrugged, giving Scarlet a squeeze. Scarlet gave her a look of surprise as if she hadn’t been expecting Yvie to say that. Yvie seemed to clock it. “If you want to stay over, that is. You’re welcome to.”
Scarlet nodded without saying anything. There was a shift in atmosphere in the room- everyone was heading to bed and there seemed to be an unspoken agreement between Brooke and Vanessa that Vanessa was staying over in her bed. They got ready for bed in a sort of uncharacteristically awkward silence, Brooke trying not to look as Vanessa changed into the oversized t shirt that Brooke lent her to sleep in. As they both climbed into bed in the darkness, Brooke thought about saying something or doing something, but she felt as if the moment was gone. She was annoyed at herself. Just hours ago, Vanessa had practically begged her to fuck her, and now she’d clammed up all because Brooke hadn’t done anything about it. She lay frustrated in the darkness. As she stared up unblinkingly at the ceiling, there came a sudden sound through the walls coming from Nina’s room.
“Oh, fuck-”
Brooke froze. She’d definitely imagined that. This was definitely not happening.
“M'net, ah shit-”
Jesus Christ. If it had been any other situation, any other time, Brooke would have thumped on the walls to try and shut her up, but this was different in two ways. One, she knew how much Nina liked Monet and just how long she’d wanted this, so Brooke would be a bad friend if she told her to quiet down. Two, Vanessa was in bed beside her.
Brooke cast a glance to the girl lying next to her. She had her back turned but Brooke could see her breathing gently and steadily. She was probably asleep already. Brooke was suddenly jealous that she didn’t have to listen to this. A loud hybrid of a cry and moan came suddenly through the wall, and Brooke rolled her eyes. Suddenly, she heard a loud slap come from Yvie’s room.
No. This could not be happening.
Another slap, then a cry.  
“Ah, like that-” came through the walls.
Brooke squeezed her eyes shut tightly, as if that would do anything to affect her ears. Down the hall, there came a loud, breathy cry of “Yves, fuck!”, a loud shushing sound, then a giggle.
Brooke could hear the various moans, whines and gasps from her flatmates’ rooms like surround sound, and something inside her snapped. Oh, fuck this.
She laid a light finger on the small stretch of exposed skin at Vanessa’s spine and lightly stroked it. “V'nessa. You awake?”
The other girl stretched and slowly turned over in bed. “How can I not be when all this shit’s going on outside? It’s like tryin’ to sleep in a TV store but every TV is playing porn at full volume.”
Brooke laughed softly. She hadn’t taken her hand off Vanessa yet and was now stroking the next place that had become available as she’d turned around- her side, dangerously close to the top of her underwear that Brooke could just see peeking out from under the duvet. She had to say something now. She would explode otherwise. “Um, you said something earlier that I’ve been thinking about.”
There was a sudden glint in Vanessa’s eyes that made Brooke squeeze her thighs together. “About me wanting you?"
Brooke felt every single bit of moisture evacuate her mouth rendering it completely bone dry. "Uh, yeah. You did mean…you want us to fuck, right?"
Vanessa laughed softly, looking down momentarily then flicking her gaze back up to Brooke. "Pretty much, yeah.”
Brooke hadn’t stopped stroking Vanessa’s skin. She watched as the girl opposite her reached up a hand, took Brooke by the wrist, and lightly moved her fingers to the waistband of her lace underwear, then slowly moved them further. Brooke felt as if she could actually hear her heart. Another loud cry came through the wall.
Vanessa shuffled closer to Brooke and kept talking, her tone low and dark and making Brooke wonder how she was able to keep her hands (well, one of her hands) off her.
“This…” Vanessa whispered, Brooke swallowing and letting out a hiss as her fingers came into contact with her slick wetness. “…is how bad I want you."
Brooke crooked one of her fingers and found her clit, feeling the heat pulse between her own legs as Vanessa let out a small, content sigh. "Mmh, baby, please…”
Brooke lazily flicked her fingers against her, part of her completely convinced she was dreaming. “Please what, Vanessa?”
“Oh my God, say my name like that again,” the other girl threw herself back against the pillow. Brooke took her chance, throwing a leg over her waist and moving to straddle her. Vanessa’s eyes grew wide, and Brooke wondered why the fuck this had taken three years to happen when it was already the best sex she’d had in her life and they’d barely done anything yet. Brooke leaned in and kissed Vanessa hard, murmuring her name against her lips and then against her neck as she worked her clit and Vanessa writhed and moaned underneath her.
“Tell me what you want,” Brooke whispered, running her free hand up Vanessa’s stomach and underneath her t shirt, grazing a nipple with her fingers. Vanessa was panting, gasping for breath, with her hair all over her face and her juice shiny against her thighs, and it was the hottest thing that Brooke had ever seen in her life.
“Mmh…want you to fuck me…” Vanessa sighed, Brooke narrowing her eyes as she could tell she was holding something back. She watched as Vanessa squeezed her eyes shut and a pink blush became apparent on her face even through the only light in the room came from the streetlamps outside. Vanessa suddenly spoke again, her voice quiet but still audible. “…Mami.”
There was a small pause as Brooke registered exactly what had been said, then everything seemed to happen all at once. Her brain short-circuited, she clamped a hand over Vanessa’s mouth, and she slammed two fingers into her hard, causing Vanessa to cry out and rendering Brooke’s hand on her mouth effectively useless. At the same time, she heard a moan of Monet’s name from one wall and the hum of a vibrator from the other.
Let’s give these bitches a show.
Brooke woke up eight hours later, completely naked and entangled in the girl beside her. Her heart thumped as the events of last night flooded back into her mind, finally understanding how Plastique had gone at it with Ariel four times without tiring as Brooke had ripped one, two, three orgasms out of Vanessa in between Vanessa eating her out once, then later again because it had been so good the first time.
Jesus Christ.
Brooke only realised she’d said it out loud when Vanessa lazily turned around in her arms, fixing her with a look that was both cheeky and guilty.
“Good morning,” Vanessa spoke, her voice dry and cracked from its first use of the day. “Am I interrupting your morning prayers or…?”
“No, the goddess I worship is in bed with me completely naked and definitely thinking about last night,” Brooke deadpanned, quickly wondering if it had been a cheesy line but relaxing as Vanessa giggled softly.
“Last night…happened,” she replied, her eyebrows raised. Brooke immediately found herself being plunged into panic. Fuck. The whole thing had been a terrible mistake that had ruined everything between them and- “Brooke. I can hear you overthinking.”
“Sorry,” Brooke sighed, throwing a hand over her eyes and rubbing at her face, embarrassed. “Why change the habit of a lifetime.”
“How was last night for you?” Vanessa asked lightly, her voice seeming entirely too loud in the quiet of the morning.
“Uh. Fucking amazing, to be honest. How was-”
“Yeah, so good,” Vanessa nodded and instantly agreed, Brooke’s heart soaring but still hesitant just in case there was a but to come. Instead, Vanessa brought the covers up over her chest and squirmed. “I knew it, by the way. Told you you talk dirty."
Brooke sat up on her elbows and fixed her with a glare. "Oh yeah? From the girl who was calling me Mami? I’m not letting you away with that, bitch.”
Vanessa threw her head back and laughed, her cheeks turning pink and making Brooke’s heart swell. How could she manage to be both completely adorable and the hottest person alive? “I mean, you liked it, so…”
“Shut up.”
Vanessa laughed, Brooke’s heart giving a jump as she rested her head on Brooke’s tummy and wrapped her arms around her waist. There was a small lull, a comfortable silence where Brooke was almost convinced Vanessa might have fallen asleep again. She reached for her phone on the bedside table. There were a number of messages on the “Flat Chat”- the group chat she shared with Yvie and Nina.
Nina: Guys please wake up!!!!
Nina: Please!!!
Nina: I think I’m having a heart attack!!!
Yvie: no i think you’ve just been fucked to death girl
Yvie: how was your night sister sister xo
Yvie: sounded as if it was good xo
Nina: Yvie please we all know I don’t give details
Nina: But it was soooooooo gooooooood
Nina: I’m a mess
Nina: I thought she was flirty with me normally I was not prepared for what she would be like in bed
Yvie: get it girrrrrrrrl
Nina: The best thing though
Nina: After we were done she asked me if I wanted to go on a date with her today
Nina: And she made me a cup of tea before she left this morning like ughhhhh she’s so sexy and adorable and sweet and hot help me i have way too many feelings
Yvie: how many of those feelings are in ur pussay xo
Nina: You’re gross
Yvie: i’m so happy for u angel
Nina: Thank you baby!!!!
Nina: Is Scarlet still here?
Yvie: yeah she stayed over xo
Nina: Omg
Yvie: yes xo
Yvie: u know who else stayed over xo
Yvie: and who is not on the sofa xo
Yvie: Brooke I can see ur reading all these messages xo
Brooke felt the tiniest bit sick. She could feel her stomach churning. These girls were her friends- her best friends, she told them everything. She had kept this from them for longer than she’d kept anything from them before, really. But looking down at Vanessa with her hair splayed across her stomach, Brooke’s heart gave a throb. She didn’t want her friends to try and make some big deal out of what was happening, to make fun of them both and try and make Vanessa staying over some big gross thing. Brooke frowned as she typed back.
Brooke: Yeah Vanessa stayed with me because she’d be cold otherwise
Brooke: Why do you guys always try to make shit like this all gross when it’s really not
Nina: Brooke nobody’s doing that honey
Yvie: um because we heard you fucking through the walls u dumbass?
Brooke: You definitely heard wrong because nothing happened
Yvie: so Nina and Monet were the ones yelling your name, yeah?????
Nina: Brooke it’s okay to admit it it’s cute!!!
Brooke: Oh my God nothing fucking happened
Brooke: What is wrong with you guys
Yvie: ahahahahahahaha fuck you bitch
Nina: Guys
Yvie: i fucking know you got with Vanjie at my birthday
Brooke froze. Deny, deny, deny.
Brooke: That’s bullshit
Brooke: Just because you’re happy with Scarlet and you get to be disgusting with her doesn’t mean everyone around you is suddenly together Yvie
Nina: She didn’t mean that Yvie
Brooke: That’s not what I meant
Yvie: actual do not speak to me today Brooke i’m serious
Yvie: glad you feel like you can tell your friends stuff when it happens though thanks for making us feel special xo
Yvie: we didn’t want to know that you finally got with the girl you’ve been behaving like a total fucking drip around for three fucking years why would we we’re just your friends xo
Brooke blinked at her phone, her stomach tight and clenched. Yvie was overreacting. She would be fine by the evening. Had Brooke been a dick to not tell her friends about her and Vanessa? She tried to think about if Yvie didn’t tell her about Scarlet or Nina didn’t tell her about Monet. No- she wouldn’t be upset, she would respect their privacy and their feelings and their right to tell her whenever they wanted to. Yvie was being selfish. Brooke let out a frustrated hiss, anger building in her veins. Vanessa suddenly looked up at her, her eyes dark and inquisitive and her gorgeous face setting into a frown. It made Brooke’s anger dissipate by about a half.
“You okay?” she asked her, Brooke simply nodding in response. Vanessa brought her arms up and folded them on top of Brooke’s stomach, propping her head up. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Do you want this to happen again?”
Brooke looked at Vanessa’s face. It didn’t seem to be a loaded question. Come to think of it, Vanessa always seemed to be very upfront about her feelings. It made Brooke feel comfortable giving an honest answer.
Making her best attempt to fuck Vanessa into the mattress seemed like it might be a good outlet for her frustration. Brooke made sure to look Vanessa in the eyes as she blinked slowly and replied to her. “I want it to happen…right now, actually."
Brooke ran her tongue over her bottom lip as she watched Vanessa smile and slowly slide down to straddle Brooke, kissing her stomach and then her hipbone. Brooke shivered and parted her legs slightly.
"Well,” Vanessa murmured, running two fingers down Brooke’s chest, then her stomach, and then stopping them between Brooke’s legs. “That can definitely be arranged."
And as Brooke tipped her head back against the pillows and sighed, she decided to be deliberately loud.
If nothing else, it would piss Yvie off.
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