#i am actually ashamed but am still sharing this for my past self u_u
evergardenwall · 1 year
a few months ago, i have been thinking about a nno! pjo au, which turned out to become its own separate au, only sort of based off nno's plot, and without ninjas. over time, i ended up writing down incoherent notes about it, which you can read under the cut. just felt like sharing them for fun :)
• so, first of all, in this au, nico is the equivalent of miharu, and jason the equivalent of yoite...ish? like, in regards to the role they play in the narrative and their dynamic. paul blofis is tobari (pathetic teacher figure. yeah he's gonna be more pathetic than he is in canon pjo), and sally is hanabusa (ofc. milf rights). we still have the 'normal' pjo lore going on, with the gods and all, but the story diverges from canon.
• after getting out of the lotus casino, nico and bianca are sent by hades to a boarding school, except this time it’s not westover hall, in maine, but a school in new york....and this school is goode, where paul blofis works as a teacher. paul can see through the mist and has been dating sally for almost a year at the moment the story begins. they bonded over their love of literature and their shared experience of seeing weird shit happen. sally eventually explains to him how it’s actually mythological creatures, that gods are real and she even dated one, etc., you know the deal.
• eventually, paul decides to create a “demigod club” with the help of grover (who was introduced to him by sally and percy) and other satyrs in order to spot demigods and protect them from monsters, and lead them to chb if living in the mortal world gets too dangerous. in appearance, it looks like a club of greek mythology nerds.
• it’s percy who gets nico to join the club, except that unlike miharu who doesn't want to join the nindo club, nico is excited about it and brings mythomagic up, obviously; he insists that bianca joins them, even though she is reluctant at first and doesn’t want to have to be with her little brother all the time now that they are in a more structured environment and have their own friend groups at school...
• ....my notes -- which i've been only editing before publishing them so that they would be easier to read -- stopped here, so i'll have to complete and finish this story outline someday. i don't really have inspiration at the moment... but this pitch is quite strange, isn't it ? what did you think of it after reading this post ?
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