#i am a special snowflake and a sensitive little girl. i don't like it
i often look at a ship and go: this seems toxic. they'd be cute together. now KISS.
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susan-gampre · 5 years
"Innocent? Guilty? We're all sinners in the end."
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Asked someone to marry you? A roll of her eyes was the perfect start to this interview. Already Susan knew these questions woild be not inly trifling, but pointless.
"Never," she murmurs, her fingers gently adjusting the garter clips attached to her black stockings, "I'm a woman to be worshipped, not one to beg."
Kissed one of your friends? Susan nods, "Quite often. Always making the best memories in that brothel, you know."
Danced on a table in a bar / tavern? "Performing is a passion which I do not get to pursue any longer, given the current state.of being. Eventually I'll return to the pole. If only for a fun night once in a while."
Ever told a lie? Smiling deviously she'd shrug her shoulders, "Little lies never hurt once in a while."
Had feelings for someone you can’t have? The answer would take moment to develop, her mind whirling with the decision to be honest or tell the inquirer where they could shove it. Alas...
"Once... But I learned my place quickly. Now I know when I have a chance and when i dont."
Ever kissed someone of the same sex? "Plenty. Infact the better kissers Ive experienced were women."
Kissed a picture? Susan blinks slowly, her brows furrowing as she challenges the inquirer, "Do I look quite so pathetic?"
Slept until 5pm? "Not lately. Ive been... Gettimg relatively reasonable rests. Waking at reasomable hours these days, it's a strange experience... Roodter crows actually rouse me with ease."
Worked at a fast food chain / restaurant? "The brothel is all Ive known," Susan remarks firmly.
Stolen something? Slowly Susan smiles, shaking her head before gesturing the inquirer to move along the questions.
Been fired from a job? "Ive been at this Brothel since I was eleven. Before that my only job was protecting my siblings. I managed well, and.I guarantee this is the utmost stable of jobs. I don't see myself leaving any time soon."
Done something you regret? Melancholic innexpression the Madam begins to twisdle her thumbs, eyes dropping to her hands, "... Plenty of things. Ones I would change, if I had the ability to go back into time. Alas.... I must live with them."
Laughed until something you were drinking came out of your nose? Slowly her lips perked into a genuine smile, having gained a far off stare, "Ive been made to laugh that hard, yes... Only once. By a very special person."
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? "Even as a child I wasn't that childish."
Sat on a roof top? "Indeed. At the original Sisters im Sin location... Beautiful views and the stars made it quite the safe haven."
Kissed someone you shouldn’t have? "Plenty of times."
Sang in the shower? "Once when I was a girl. I learned quickly I couldnt sing and never tried since."
Been pushed into a body of water with all your clothes on? Susan scowls at the flash back, her skin momentarily crawling and tingling in discomfort as a sharp painful chill ran down her spine... Familar to the frigid cold water engulfing her tiny child body when she was twelve...
"Children can be cruel," she murmurs, this being her only answer.
Shaved your head? “It wouldn't look well on me, I'm certain."
Made a boyfriend / girlfriend cry? With a pointed glare she mutters, clearly displeased by this question, "Unfortunately so."
Shot a gun? “More than once," she smiles.
Still loved someone you shouldn’t? “Never," she spoke firmly, quick to move the questions along.
Have / had a tattoo? "Well I have plenty more than those visible here," she confesses, her fingers picking at the immodest spaghetti strap v neck dress exposing all of her tattoos, soon to flash the inquirer an impish smile as she coos tauntingly, "Care to see them all?"
Liked someone, but will never tell who? — Susan rolls her eyes before gesturing with her hand to move along with the questions, remarking harshly, "Not everyone is entitled to my opinions on someone."
Been too honest? “Honesty is invaluable. If one cannot handle the truth, that is there problem. Not mine."
Ruined a surprise? Susan smiles impishly, shaking her head, "I love the suspense. I'll keep it in unless its life threatening."
Been told that you’re beautiful by someone who totally meant what they said? With a roll of her eyes, a.scoff and a sneer the woman gestures to herself, offering an incredulous and arrogant tone, "Look at me, dear... Am I not a vision of appeal? Of course Ive had admirers admit to me their thoughts of my beauty.”
Stalked someone? Susan shook her head, sneering, "I have better things to do."
Thoughts about murder? "You can meet some twisted minds in a brothel. Ones that dont deserve the life they have, ones who should be erradicated from existence," and with that firm, confident remark to be digested Susan fell into a silence.
How about mass murder? With a perk of her brow Susan could answer honestly: "That seems excessive. One at a time builds the suspense, dont you think?"
Cheated on someone? Slowly the Madam nods her head, her eyes floating to her lap for a moment, soon to straighten and explaim, "When I was young and angry, yes. Now I respect love, even when others could not respect me. It's not worth repeating that cycle and hurting others with something as scummy as unfaithfulness."
Gotten so angry that you cried? Susan's jaw clenched, her smile grown tight, "... When I was younger perhaps. I was an emotional child, but I grew hard skin quickly. One must in this enviorment."
Tried to stay away from someone for their own good? Slowly the Madams already small smile finally fell. Her expressiom was solemn as she remarks, "I have a habit of sabotaging my own happiness, yes.
Thoughts about suicide? Her eyes fell then, she hasn't the will to hold a stare with such a sensitive topic at hand.
"Often do I. I remember thinking it cowardice... And natural," she clears her throat.
Had a girlfriend / boyfriend? With a blank stare the maiden refrains from snapping the individuals head off for such a superficial and tidious query, "... Plenty, yes. Such is the advantage of the pretty whore. Everyone wants her for a trophy; Or out of pity. Rare is true love," though there was a sparkle of longing in her eye... Perhaps even she has tasted that rare kind of love.
Gotten totally drunk during a holiday? With a small smile the woman ends the questionnaire with a:
"With a family like mine, alcohol makes it easier dealing with them."
Tagged By: @safrona-shadowsun @unabashedrebel
Tagging: Literally anyone who hasn't and wants to!
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