#i am a lover of pink though and he suits stripes but. pause. i know whats wrong. i used to wear that exact fit in middle school
mihai-florescu · 5 months
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Kanata... i must confess i liked the previous summer outfit better... but im so scared for his winter one. He has the best sweater in the whole game there... they cannot top that off but i'd like to see them try
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another-sonic-blog · 5 years
Stages: The Final Stage
Stages: Lovers: The Final Stage (Chapter 20 The Last Chapter) Pairing: ShadAmy 2k3 A/N: Errors everywhere and very much rushed. Enjoy!
Previous: https://another-sonic-blog.tumblr.com/post/612426197692973056/stages-maybe-jealous
When Sonic and Amy had gotten back to Central City everything seemed to be normal.
It was a cold night when they arrived and if Amy didn't know better, she expected it to snow. Amy and Sonic finally arrived at Rouge's apartment. They were outside her door and Sonic was about to leave after he made sure Amy was safe in the bat's apartment. Amy knocked and a few seconds later, Rouge opened the door. It surprised her how fast Rouge had opened the door because usually, it took her a few minutes.
Rouge looked at Amy and then at Sonic. She took a moment to process the scenery in front of her.
Sonic smiled at the bat, "Hey Rouge! I haven't seen you in a while-"
As if Sonic's voice had triggered something in her, Rouge reacted.
"Amy! Shadow is looking for you!"
After talking and discussing the current situation, the bat kept the two hedgehogs around. She didn't want them anywhere but at her apartment at the moment. She explained the current situation Amy was with G.U.N and Shadow's plan. They tried calling for Shadow multiple times but he wasn't answering his phone nor his wrist communicator. On the meanwhile, Rouge was explaining the things that had happened during her absence. Amy felt like her mind could explode at any second while Sonic only understood one thing. He most protects Amy at all costs.
"Do you have any clues about who is behind this?" Sonic asked. He was walking right and left across Rouge's living room.
"If we knew, we wouldn't be in this situation," Rouge said. She was sitting down on the couch next to Amy. "Amy should leave the city as soon as possible. Shadow is getting everything ready. Knowing him, he should be done but I don't know why he is not answering his phone."
"Maybe we should go to his apartment." Amy looked over at Rouge who was sitting next to get and added. "What if he is in trouble-"
As destiny wanted, a strong knocking was coming from the door. Sonic was fast and he opened it.
Shadow tried his best to keep standing. He pressed his hand against his abdomen as he tried to stop the blood from coming out. One of his eyes was purple and swollen. He had open wounds all over his body and blood came out of them. Sonic had only seen Shadow in such a state and that was years ago during the war.
"We need ... to leave." Shadow breathed heavily. "Everyone ... now!"
Rouge and Amy quickly went over the red-striped hedgehog and helped him walk to the couch. Shadow sighed heavily as he finally felt his body rested on the couch.
"What happened?" Amy wanted for that to come out loud but it instead came out as a whisper.
Sonic joined the group and reluctantly sat across the dark hedgehog waiting for him to respond to the pink hedgehog's question.
Shadow looked at Rouge and Amy then at Sonic. He felt relieved that the three were good and after a few seconds he was prepared to say his story.
Shadow sighed one more time. He was surprised that his body was still hurting so much but right now it wasn't the time to think about that.
"I know who is behind all of this ..."
Shadow has everything ready to go. It was just a matter of time for Amy to show up so they could leave. A million questions were going on his head. "Would she go with him?" If she wanted to be safe. "Will she bring Sonic along with her?" He hoped she didn't. "Would he be able to tell her how he feels?"
Shadow looked at his apartment one last time before saying his goodbyes. It was a short amount of time he had lived there, but still, they only had good memories.
He had everything on his black backpack. They were going to leave town first on his bike, BB. Later on, they will meet with Tails who promised Shadow to have a plane ready to go for both of them to go to the Acorn Kingdom. From there ... well, he had not an exact plan.
His thoughts were interrupted as he heard knocking from the door. Shadow walked over and opened the door. It was a red wolf with glasses, he looked naive and somehow similar.
"Hello sir, I am from 'Good Houses'. I am the estate agent-" The red fox made a pause. "Wait, you are Shadow the Hedgehog!"
"Yes, I am," Shadow nodded, he hoped that the wolf would focus on his job instead of admiring him. "Anyways, come on this a luxury apartment and I own the whole floor so just take your time and do your inventory-"
"Woah! I can't believe it! I am your fan!" The red wolf said as he began to look for pen and paper all over his suit. "I am sorry, can I have your autograph-"
The red wolf stood petrified as he realized that the black hedgehog was beyond annoyed. He didn't know whether to run or to stay. Maybe he needed to stay professional.
"Um, yes I will do an inventory right now and then I can tell you how much we can give you for the apartment." The red fox entered the place and Shadow sighed relieved.
"Please, do it as fast as you can," Shadow said.
"Nah, I think I will take my time," The red fox changed in personality. He walked to the sofa and threw himself on it. Resting.
He was way too comfortable. Shadow crossed his arms around his chest. He arched an eyebrow, wondering what had gotten over the red one.
"Excuse me? I am your client-"
"You are excused and no, you really are not."
Alright, Shadow was over this guy's attitude. He was going to kick him out, he walked over to him but his next gesture made him stop.
"You get angry about everything. I don't understand why Amy Rose likes you."
A few seconds of silence passed and Shadow was ready to beat the hell out of this guy. However, he needed answers. Just who was this?
"The war during Eggman must have been though ..." The red one said. "Many died."
"Tell me who are you right now and I promise not to beat you as bad," Shadow responded.
"Many died but we don't even know if Eggman is still alive or not."
"Who are you?" Shadow said louder.
The red wolf smiled, he enjoyed the state Shadow was. "Does that matter?"
"Shadow, my old friend ... you really don't know who I am?"
There was tension in the room. The red ones smile grew wider as he left out small laughs. He was enjoying seeing Shadow in such a situation and such mental frustration.
He snapped his fingers and his body began to transform. A red light came out of his body and in an instant, he revealed his true persona.
"Infinite, he is back." Shadow was still sitting in Rouge's coach as he finished his story. "Not only that but ... The Commander is dead. Infinite impersonated me and he killed the Commander in his office. Humans on Earth and G.U.N agents watch those cameras."
"He has gotten stronger ..." Shadow added, "I've never felt such power before."
"A Mobian killed a human ..." Rouge whispered almost in surprise. "This is political now, the two worlds may be at war. Shadow, they are going to want your head, you need to leave now."
A thousand thoughts were going through to Amy's head. But the one she cared the most about was Shadow's safety. She deduced that they had fought and Amy had never seen Shadow in such a state. He seemed like he couldn't even stand.
"We shall go to Shadow's bike. I'll drive it." Amy said as she stood up from her seat.
"I will escort you to the outside's of the city and then I will come back to find out more about Infinite." Sonic who was looking outside the window returned to the group. "Then I will catch up with you with you later."
"I'll just make my bag real quick and-" Amy stared but she was interrupted.
Rouge walked over the window of her apartment, "Too late, G.U.N. agents ... they are outside."
By a pure miracle, they were able to exit the building without being noticed. Amy was driving Shadow's bike while he was at the back, holding her by her waist. He still felt very weak. He knew he was bleeding but right now it wasn't the moment to think about that. What matters was to get Amy to safety.
Sonic followed close, making sure he no agents were after them. Rouge, on the other hand, decided to stay, mostly to serve as a spy for Shadow and Amy in case they needed information from G.U.N.
Amy looked over the horizon and if they were in a different situation, this scene could be perfect. The colors of the sky mixed between yellows, oranges, and blues.
A large plain full of grass and trees on their sides, the wind all over them.
And then,
Infinite showed up in front of them. Out of thin air, he made his presence know. Amy immediately stopped the bike, making them almost jump out of it due to how fast they were. Sonic was fast to stand in front of them. He looked back to Amy and Shadow who seemed to have passed out.
"Amy, you go ahead and don't stop," Sonic said as he smiled at her. "I'll stop Infinite as much as I can ... don't look back."
"Sonic, no I can help you-" Amy said but was once again interrupted.
"Amy ... Shadow needs you." Sonic smiled and Amy felt her heartbreak. It was as if they were saying their last goodbyes. She could only trust Sonic, that he will come back to her. Someway or another.
"Sonic ... you better come back to me," Amy said.
"I promise."
Amy turned on the bike again and without any other thoughts, she began to ride it once again. She had tears on her eyes as the wind was drying them. She didn't dare to look back.
A shot, very loud and her heart broke once again. And even so, she still didn't dare to look back. Because she knew the moment she did, she would turn back.
And he promised him she wouldn't.
How did things end up like this?
It's nighttime and Amy and Shadow were hiding under a tree. Shadow was still unconscious and laying down on the grass. Amy made sure that he was still breathing and thanks to his good immune system, he was healing well.
They were already outside Central City and although she knew that G.U.N. agents most be after them, she decided to rest for a bit.
Amy was a positive individual ... but now ... now she just couldn't.
She ugly cried as she let all of her feelings out. Did she deserve this? All for loving Shadow the Hedgehog? For being with Sonic while she was still in love with him?
For all the wrong decisions she had made?
Shadow slowly opened his eyes as he recognized the female voice crying. He was feeling better than before and he mustered the strength to sit.
Amy quickly wiped her tears with her gloves and looked away from Shadow.
"I am glad you are awake," Amy said, her voice breaking in the process.
Shadow didn't know how to respond to that. He hated seeing the pink one like that and guilty overtook him.
"I am sorry," said Shadow almost in a whisper. "You are in this situation because of me."
"It's not your fault-"
"It is ... Infinite holds a great grudge against me." Shadow looked at Amy's eyes. "I should have stayed away from you when I had the chance."
"No ... I should have stayed away. I should have stayed away when I made you your favorite chocolate cake. When we fixed the bike I gave you." Amy responded. "If I didn't Sonic wouldn't have ...
Amy's voice broke again. "I regret it ... I shouldn't have fallen in love with you, never-"
It was unexpected. It was sad and beautiful.
Shadow pressed his lips against hers. His warm touch heated her cold heart. Her worries went away for a second as she got lost in his lips. He softly caressed Amy's cheeks as he kissed her. Amy was slow to reach, her eyes were still open but she closed them as she put her hands around him.
It lasted a few seconds until she pulled away. She couldn't do it.
"Yes ... I should have stayed away from you when I had the chance," Shadow said, their faces still very close. "But I don't regret it and I don't regret these feelings I have for you. We will pass through this. I promise you."
Their foreheads touched and even if it was a small moment, they forgot about everything. Only one thing matter at the moment and it was each other and their feelings.  
It was quiet, with no tweets of birds nor animals. Only the wind dancing through the leaves of the trees, flowers, and grass.
Hard times were coming but everything will be fine as long as they have each other.
As long as they are together.
Amy and Shadow looked at each other's eyes. Emeralds met rubies and their strong feelings were present again.
They were never meant to be together ... but destiny had other plans.
Shadow smiled at Amy and softly whispered ...
"I love you."
A/N: The last chapter. I want to thank everyone who read this story. Even when it had multiple mistakes. I have to admit that I loved writing the first chapters but as the story progressed, I started to dislike it. 'Stages' was originally a series of 'One-shot's that developed Amy's and Shadow's relationship. Originally, it was supposed to be 10 chapters but due to demand, I made it longer. I was pressure to do this story and maybe it's why I don't like it anymore. I dislike this rushed ending. However, I think it will satisfy most of you. I just can't bring myself to write more of this. I wanted to finish it and that's why this last chapter is really rushed.
Even with all the mistakes and my strong disliking towards this story, I still deeply thank everyone who read it.
Thank you, everyone, who read this story on Tumblr and they like.
Thank you to my Wattpad readers who like and comment without fail every time I upload a chapter.
But special thanks to those who have supported my writing on all of my past stories and continue to read them even now.
'Stages' have come to an end but I will continue to write. I have a lot of ideas I would like to explore.
For now, I will start writing the prompt request and will be focusing on that.
Thank you, everyone, and until next time!
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