#i am a humble shrimp i’m not cool i promise i have a life i swear!
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goldensunset · 4 months ago
the idea that you have followers that don't know about the kingdom hearts stuff is really funny to me. plot relevant mobile phone blast
you know how many people follow me for n harmonia alone? rip them. good thing i tag most things very carefully
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fanficstookover · 8 years ago
Open Your Eyes - Stiles (part 4)
-(Y/N) is the new student at Beacon Hills High School and she has a secret. Being born blind, she was never able to see a thing, until she was attacked by a wild animal. To this day she has never told anyone about it. So will she do it now? 
word count: 2768
other parts: part 1 - -part 2 - part 3 - part 5
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“Are you like Daredevil or something?”
“No, no. Tell me.”
“Oh, you’re Daredevil, he’s Batman. You’re both Ben Affleck.”  Lydia walked up to us. I hadn’t even noticed it, until she had said that and sat down next to me. Stiles looked extremely confused.
“How do you know Daredevil?”
“I’m not an idiot, Stiles. I know about things.” As soon as she said it, she looked a bit nervous at me. “That’s not what I meant. I meant that…”
“It’s okay,” I smiled, “It’s not your fault that my parents raised me like some kind of amish.” Lydia let herself  laugh a bit. I realised how awkward it was for them.
Obviously I had to tell them my secret. It would make everything so much easier for me,but for them too. And then I could at least act like a normal person around them.
But what if they would be angry at me for not telling them immediately. What if they could think I was just using them all this time. They would probably hate me for the rest of my life.
“(Y/N)!” Stiles got me out of my deep and dark thoughts.
“Huh? What?”
“You kind a zoned out there for a second?” Lydia looked concerned.
“Did you have a vision?” Stiles looked at me?
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Oh yeah. Eh, nevermind. It was kind of a stupid joke anyway.” he rubbed the back of his neck. I couldn’t help, but feel extremely sad. I wanted to say something but got interrupted by Lydia:”I think we should get you home. Remember, I promised your dad to bring you home after school.”
“I completely forgot. I guess you’ll have to teach me about Lacrosse some other time.” I said to Stiles. He just smiled weakly/
I said a quick bye to everybody and followed Lydia to her car. I ticked my cane on the ground, aimlessly, but still in the same direction.
“Wait!” a shrill voice stopped us in our footsteps. “You two, get over here!” Coach Finstock waved around. Hesitantly I walked to him, trying to stay a few steps behind Lydia the whole time. To be honest, he did scare me a bit. Not as much as he scared Stiles, but enough not to want to be close to him. Did anyone actually want to stand next to him? From the short time I’ve been here, I don’t think anyone was really eager to have a conversation with the coach.
“Why were you leaving?” He looked at me. I had no idea what to answer.
“We were going to my car. I have to bring her home, coach,” Lydia told the crazy man.
“Aren’t you trying out?”
“Trying out for what?” I asked him puzzled.
“For the team of course! We need someone that can actually shoot and aim.” I couldn’t help but notice that he glanced over to Stiles as he said that.
“I don’t think I-”  
“What? Because you’re a girl? Kira is a girl.”
“It’s not that. I just don’t-”
“Is it you’re grades?  I can give you a better one for the next Econ quiz.”
“No, I just -”
“You’re parents?”
“NO!” I was fed up. I understand that he was trying to be nice and was doing his best to get me on the team. But the coach could at least listen to me for a second. So, I did what had to be done. What was probably the only way to get him quiet. I took of my glasses and tried to hit him with my cane. Obviously I swung a few inches above his head. (As much as I would love to hit him, he is still a teacher and I do not need any of that on my record.)  
Coach duck his head quickly and almost fell on the ground. It was very clear that he was trying his best not to say every curse word he could.
Once he was back on his feet, he looked at me. But that was also only very quick. As soon as he looked at my face, he cringed and turned away from me. I couldn’t help but laugh. When Lydia noticed that I wasn’t mad, she laughed too.
“It’s you.” Coach simply said, “What are you doing here if you can’t see?”
“The fact that I can’t see, does not mean I can not support my friends.” I had put on my glasses back and I couldn’t help, but glance at Stiles as I said that.  
“That was definitely something,” Lydia said as she started her car. I was sitting next to her in the passenger's seat.  We hadn’t said a word to each other until we had reached the vehicle in the parking lot.
“Yeah,” I said. It was silent for a few seconds and then we both burst out in laughter. I haven’t had a laugh like that in a long time. Once we calmed down a bit, Lydia took off. She drove out of the parking lot of the school and we made our way to my house.
“Is Stiles really that bad at Lacrosse as everyone makes it sound like,” I asked as Lydia took a sharp turn to the left.
“He is actually really good,” Lydia sighed, “He’s just really insecure. But once he has the confidence, he can be amazing. Last year he scored the winning points in the finale. But then…” Lydia suddenly stopped talking. As if it wasn’t her place to talk about it. “Then, that summer, he started to train like crazy. He thought he would be co-captain, together with Scott. But then, Liam showed up.”
“Liam?” I laughed, thinking about the little boy I met yesterday at lunch.
“He may look like a shrimp, but that guy is an absolute beast on the field,” she had to pause for a second as there was someone in front of us who didn’t know how to drive, “Anyway, it completely devastated Stiles.”
“Yeah. but please don’t tell him that you know. It would kill him.”  
“I understand.” but I actually didn’t. Lydia made it sound like it was the worst thing in the world for Stiles to know that I knew about that. What was so special about me? I barely knew him… or anyone in Beacon Hills. And probably I won’t get too know anyone as long as my mother won’t let me make actual friends. When I started to think about my mom, and everything that happened last night and this morning, I suddenly didn’t feel like going home. Not that I ever want to go home.
“This is probably a bit on short notice,” I said to Lydia as we were only a few streets away from my house. “But could I eat at your place tonight? If my parents let me, that is.”
“Of course,” Lydia said happily, “I’m home alone tonight anyway.”
Only seconds later, Lydia drove up to my house.
“Here we are.” Lydia unbuckled her seatbelt. I did the same and opened my door. The cold wind suddenly hit me in the face, giving me goosebumps.
“Is it me, or did it get really cold suddenly.”
“Yeah, it did.” I agreed with her. We walked together to my front door and she rang the doorbell. After a few seconds we heard footsteps and my mom opened the door for us. She looked a bit angry, but faked a smile as soon as she saw Lydia.
“Uhm, hello.” she mumbled. Lydia smiled at my mother: “Nice to meet you mrs. (Y/L/N). My name is Lydia Martin.”  she held out her hand and my mom, to my surprise, actually shook it.
“Nice to meet you Lydia. Thank you for bringing (Y/N) home. C’mon inside.”
“Actually…” I stopped my mom, “I was wondering if I could eat at Lydia’s tonight.” my mom stared at me for a few good seconds. She then laughed in relief. “Oh thank god. I thought that Lydia would stay and I would have to cook. I’m so tired from cleaning this place. Of course you can go.”
“Yeah, just make sure you make your homework.”
“Thank you. I’ll just go get my books then.”
“I’ll come with you.” Lydia suggested. I stopped in my footsteps. There was no way that Lydia will see my depressive excuse for a room. “No, that’s okay, I will be back in a minute.”
Once in my room, I walked to the book case. I took the two books that I would need to make my homework and walked back to the living room. My cane ticked on the floor.
“I’m ready.”
“Good.” Lydia put down the glass of water on the counter. “It was nice to meet you mrs. (Y/L/N).” Lydia waved to my mom as we walked out of the house. My mom shouted a quick goodbye too from the couch, before I closed the door.
“You know what, your mom is actually really nice.”
“Believe me, that’s only because you were there. She literally has a split personality when it comes to talking to guests or to me.” We got into the car and drove off.
The drive to Lydia’s house was surprisingly short. Once we had arrived there, I had to take a second to look at the big building.
“Home, sweet home.” she stepped out, so I did the same. The cold air hit us again, and this time the sun had also hidden behind dark clouds, making it almost look like it was night time. It also started to smell like it was about to rain.
“We should get inside quickly,” Lydia suggested. I agreed as she took my arm and guided me to the stairs that lead to the door. Lydia opened the door and it revealed a big corridor that lead to the living room and open kitchen.
“Welcome to my humble home.”
Lydia lead me to the couch where we sat down.
“Okay, as much as I want to tell you that I am a 5 star - chef, I am terrible in the kitchen,
so let’s just order something. How about pizza?”
“Yes please.”
“Anything in particular.”
“Okay, let me order it quickly.” She took her phone out of her bag and left the room quickly. I took that time to look around. The room was big and filled with, probably, very expensive things. But at the same time it looked very cozy.  
“Alright. The pizza is on it’s way.”
The next hour or so, we spend doing our homework and then later on also eating pizza with it. Meanwhile we were enjoying our greasy dinner inside, it had started to rain cats and dogs. The wind had also started to even harder than before.
Lydia and I talked a lot about ourselves. We were actually much more alike than I thought.
“I think we are going to be great friends.” she said and it made me blush a bit. This was the first thing that I actually had made a friend. But it did made me wonder a bit….
“I’m curious,” I said as I finished my last piece of pizza. “How is it possible that you are all so cool with me looking like… this?”  
“Were we supposed to ignore such a cool girl as you?”
“No, that’s not what I mean.” I laughed. “It’s just that, normally when I show my face to people, it normally ends up like with coach. They just scream or try to run away,” we both giggled at the thought of that, “but not you guys. You all act so casual about it. As if this is normal.” I had pointed to my face.
“I suppose we just saw much more worse things than a few scars,” she said casually.
“You want to tell me, that you sw worse things than this.” I pulled of my glasses. Lydia didn’t even flinch. She just smiled sheepishly.
“Okay, you want to know what it is.” I just nodded. “We met you before you had showed us those scars. Stiles had a whole walk to a classroom before he saw them. I didn’t seem them until this afternoon and I don’t even think that the rest had seen them. If you know a person, it shouldn’t matter how they look like, right? You should know that.”
“Can I hug you?” I felt my eyes sting again. However, I knew very well that these would have been happy tears.
“Of course.” she hugged me tightly and I hugged her back. When she let me go, Lydia looked behind me and her eyes widened.
“O wow, it got late. I should probably get you home.”
“I guess so.” We got up and headed to the door. Lydia opened it and it only took me one step outside to almost fall down on the ground. Fortunately, Lydia had caught me just in time.
“I don’t think it’s the best thing to drive in this weather. We would sooner slip and die than get to your house.”
“You should call my dad.” She did as I suggested and my dad picked up after a couple of seconds.
“Hello. Mr (Y/L/N)? Yes this is Lydia Martin. As you know, (Y/N) was at my home and just wanted to bring her back home, but with this weather, I don’t think it’s possible to drive. Could she maybe… Oh, OK. Thank you. Goodbye,” and she hung up.
“You can stay.” she said a bit confused.
We decided to get back inside. Lydia had given me something to wear as a pyjama and our conversation continued. It was almost midnight, when I decided to do something that I had never done and never thought I would do.
“I have to tell you something.”
“Sure.” she put down her drink.  “What’s wrong?”
“I’m saying this, because I trust you and please don’t be mad.”
“You’re scaring me. Just tell me already.” Lydia started to look a bit worried.
“And swear that you won’t tell anyone else. This has to stay a secret. At some point, I will tell the rest, but I think that you are the best person to start with.”
Lydia didn’t say anything for some time. Then, her eyes almost lit up from excitement. She squealed: “Oh my God. Are you in love with Stiles?!”
“C’mon, you are totally falling for him.”
“No,” I shook my head, “that wasn’t even what I wanted to say.”
“So you do like him?”
“Can we please not talk about this now,” I begged her, “I actually wanted to tell you something really important.”
“Yeah, being in love is a pretty big deal. Hahaha, I’m joking. What is it?”
I had to take a deep breath. I was going to do it. There was no going back now. Not anymore.
“You know that I was born blind, not because of the attack that got me these scars.”
“Yeah,” the redhead looked at me with full confusion showing on her face.
“Well, that’s not everything that happened. After the attack, I woke up in the hospital, days after, I could see.”
“What!” I flinched at the loud, high pitched sound she had just made. I slowly pulled of my glasses for what felt like the hundredth time that day. I looked up at Lydia as I folded the glasses up. She was staring at me with wide eyes.
“I don’t know how it is possible, but I can see. I am really sorry if you feel like I have been using you. You have to understand that I’m only doing this, because I don’t want to be a scientific experiment.”
Lydia still didn’t say a word. She brushed her hand through her hair, looking extremely confused.
If I could cry, I would have by that moment. What had I done? I just told her my biggest secret and now she probably hates me.
But I was wrong. Lydia suddenly made another shrieking noise and hugged me. I felt all the air being pressed out of my lungs. WHo would have thought that a petite girl like her had so much power in her.
“That is amazing! Now I can go shopping with you and watch cheesy chick-flicks and…”
“Calm down.” I got her of off me and she apologised for almost choking me.
“I have to call them!” Lydia stood up.
“Wait? Who are you going to call?”
“Stiles, Scott, the rest.”
“No, please don’t.”
“Don’t worry. We also have to tell you something.”
___________________________________ People who asked for tag:  @sarasmismyonlydefence @acc3ssdenied @melanie451 @fetchen People who I assumed wanted to read more (from comments/reblogs...) I see everything :P sorry  @i6sphotography @dylan-trash-tbh @stilinski-jpeg @maya-writing
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wherearchthou · 8 years ago
Admittedly, and naively, I always told Nick that I had little interest in traveling to Asia. In my mind, Asia seemed far away, chaotic, and to be frank, challenging. When we were planning this trip, we knew we needed a stop in Asia, not only to help get us around the world, but also because it seemed like a great opportunity for Nick to convince me that my preconceived notions about Asia were not entirely correct. Let’s just say…Nick was right…and I’m feeling bad for casting a giant net of invalidated opinions on an entire continent. 
We had two long flights to get us from Lisbon to Bangkok. The first flight was 8 hours long and the second flight was 6.5 hours long. Our layover was in Dubai and as we walked up to the gate to board the flight, the woman checking us in told us we were upgraded. Immediately, I put on my, “Oh yeah, of course we were upgraded. This happens to us all the time” face. In reality, my head was spinning and thinking, “OMG! Things like this never happen to us! We just got upgraded on Emirates! On a double decker plane! For a long flight! I hope that once we’re on the plane it’ll be delayed!” Armed with smiles of disbelief, we moseyed onto to the upstairs of the plane like we knew what we were doing (we are traveling with backpacks - we clearly did not belong on the upper deck in business class). When the flight attendant offered me three different types of champagne, I literally said, “Awesome!” I struggle to sleep on planes and this flight helped me find the solution - lie flat beds! It looks like I’ll need to find another career if I want to continue getting any sleep on planes.
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With 4 hours of sleep under our belts, we landed in Bangkok with sleepy eyes, yet eager to explore Thailand. Bangkok provided quite the hustle and bustle for my first glimpse into a city in Asia. From the airport, we easily hopped in an Uber to our hostel and Nick was tasked with the challenge of keeping me awake. He accomplished this by taking me to a local outdoor market, as well as to a yummy outdoor restaurant for our first taste of local Thai food. 
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While our time was short in Bangkok, we managed to get to two amazing temples where I immediately regretted the hesitation and preconceived notions I had about Asia. First, we saw the Reclining Buddha and then walked a few blocks to the Grand Palace. While the Grand Palace was stunning, I have never, ever been thrown in the middle of so many tourists with no shoes on (you take your shoes off to go into the temples). The slight stench of stinky feet aside (mine included), the architecture, attention to detail, and grand scale of these temples had me at awe. I’ve never seen anything like it and Nick says he felt the same way on his first trip to Asia.
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After a whirlwind day in Bangkok, we hopped on a flight to Chiang Mai, a much smaller city in Northern Thailand. Many, many friends recommended traveling to Chiang Mai. So many friends recommended Chiang Mai, that we were constantly busy and never lacking in something to do. We checked into our hotel - yes, hotel [insert those praising emoji hands here]- in the afternoon and set out to explore. We found a restaurant to order spicy shrimp soup, massaman curry, and a pork and basil dish for dinner. And this is when we realized the food in Chiang Mai would ignite our love affair with Chiang Mai.
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Sunday morning, we lazily woke up and then I got a legit head, neck, and shoulder massage (for $8) by the tiniest and strongest woman I’ve ever seen, while Nick wandered the streets and got his bearings. I opted for “medium” pressure during the massage and I can’t begin to imagine “strong” pressure. While many aspects were similar to a massage in the US, a Thai masseuse does a lot more moving and stretching of your body (and I didn’t even get a traditional Thai massage!). At one point when I was in a completely contorted position and she was trying to stretch me even further, she kept saying, “Relax! Relax!” as though I would stretch more if I relaxed. Had there not been a language barrier, I would have said, “I promise I am the most relaxed I’ve ever been. But no matter how hard you try to stretch me, it’s not happening. Despite years of yoga, I remain quite inflexible.” We grabbed lunch at a chicken restaurant called SP chicken where they are known simply for their chicken and rice, which is precisely what we ordered and devoured. We stopped by Wat Phra Singh, a temple within Chiang Mai, before we went to a Thai cooking class. There is no public transportation in Chiang Mai, so in lieu of buses, there are trucks with bench seating (it’s more legit than it sounds or looks). 
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So, we hopped into the back of a truck with 2 people from Spain and a family of 4 from France and we set off into the Northern Thailand countryside for our cooking class. Our 4-hour class was perfect. The backdrop of a beautiful rural landscape provided an amazing setting for learning how to cook some traditional Thai foods, including mango sticky rice, pad thai wrapped in an egg, roasted morning glory, and green curry. Everyone in the class had their own cooking station and the company did a great job helping you attempt to learn how to cook Thai food in 4 hours.
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Monday was one of the most surreal days Nick or I have ever had. We spent the entire day hanging out with 2 elephants named Miguel and Boon Peng (both female). With advice from a friend, we went to the Elephant Nature Park. The Elephant Nature Park is about an hour north of Chiang Mai located on 300 acres of land. The volunteers and workers care for and rehabilitate elephants that have been harmed in the tourism and logging industries in and around Thailand. Many of the elephants have broken bones, are blind from being beaten, or have severe psychological damage from how they were once treated. When we initially looked into the park, all of the “visit the park” morning or afternoon trips were completely booked. Of course, the only option left was the more expensive option that included extra time with the elephants or things we normally wouldn’t choose to pay for. Not wanting to miss out on the opportunity, we decided to spring for a trip called “Pamper a Pachyderm.” This tour took us outside the park for the morning to visit with locals who once treated the elephants poorly and now work with the Elephant Nature Park to rehabilitate them. We were supposed to be with 4 to 6 other people, but we seem to be on a lucky streak (it’s probably over now, because I am typing this, therefore jinxing us) and there was nobody else on our tour! Nobody else! We began our tour by cutting cucumbers for the elephants to eat. 
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We then fed them 3 laundry baskets of cucumbers by placing the cucumbers in their trunk or in their mouths. Miguel and Boon Peng were on the older side, which meant they were particularly gentle, which allowed us to be able to get so close to them. 
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After the cucumber feast, we went on a walk with our elephant friends walking alongside us. During the walk, we fed them bananas, which they also devoured. We stopped near a waterfall to have a beautifully prepared Thai lunch while the elephants guzzled down their own lunch of bamboo leaves.
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Next, we got in a river with the elephants! We tossed buckets of water on them as they sprayed water with their trunks to cool down. 
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After saying goodbye to our new gal pals, we got in a raft and headed downstream to the nature park. There was a moment before we got in the raft that I was pretty sure my life was going to end on this rapidly flowing Thai river. Despite a wild raft guide who knew justttt enough English to make you feel mildly comfortable putting your life in his hands, we made it safely to the Nature Park to learn more about their mission. 
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At the end of the day, Nick and I both said that our tour was worth every penny. Our guide, Deng, was smiley, knowledgeable, and friendly. When not talking about elephants, we spent the rest of our time with him talking about English idioms and how challenging it was for him to learn them. He kept saying, “Why would you say something like, ‘Beat a dead horse?!’ Nobody wants to beat a dead horse!” We had some good laughs and are beyond grateful for the experience and humbled by the opportunity to literally hang out with these gentle giants.
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Our last night in Chiang Mai was filled with more food. Chiang Mai is extremely well known for their food and it is most evident in their street food. We found the well known “cowboy hat lady” where we ordered her famous dish of roast pork, rice, and a soft-boiled egg. We also found sukiyoki which is sautéed cabbage, beef, and noodles with sauce. Last but not least, we thoroughly enjoyed the most famous northern Thai dish of all- Kao Soi, a Middle Eastern rooted spicy soup with chicken or beef. Our last day in Chiang Mai was spent exploring temples. All are unique in their own way and all continue to leave me in awe. We left Thailand with full hearts, happy bellies, and a friendly reminder to smile often.
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We are currently staying overnight in the Singapore airport- which is quite a nice airport to be stuck in for a layover- and headed to Bali in the morning. Our trip has been amazing and wonderful, yet traveling can be very challenging and exhausting. At least for a few days, we are excited to have our decision making only involve deciding which beach to sit on.
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