atinylittlepain · 1 year
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sunday digest - fic recs and weekly happenings
howdy howdy, loves
it's the start of a new week, and with it, i have some fic recs and some updates for you
let's start with some updates
a few new things will be coming this week. thank you again for being so understanding as i slow down on posting new stuff for you <3
you can expect Apothecary chapter four on tuesday
i'm hoping to get the first installment of the Hayloft out by friday
if you missed it...
the third part of Ride It, called What a Ride, has been posted
i posted a very sweet, very short joel request much earlier last week. take a look at Favorite Part if you're interested
catch up on Apothecary chapter three before the next part comes out!
now for the fun stuff - fic recs!
@beskarandblasters has an awesome exes din djarin x f!reader fic called Tolerate It and there's a part twoooo
@swiftispunk is working on a dbf!joel series called In My Hometown that seriously rocks. it's got it alllll, folks
never not thinking about @pedgeitopascal's javier pena x f!reader fic Bailé Con Mi Ex wooh! boy, so good
@lovers-liability has an absolutely feral joel miller x f!reader fic called Dead Weight that made my head spin, in the best way
i am already soooo excited about @cutesyscreenname's new javier pena fic called A Cowboy Like Me. just, yes, read this, love this, can't wait for more of this
@littlelou22 has a joel miller x f!reader fic called Pretend that will pull on your heart strings in all the right ways, so well done
super stoked to see how @bearsbeetsbeskar's new joel miller x therapist!reader fic, Restoring the Roots, will continue. as a lil bb therapist student, i would love to see joel miller do some cognitive behavioral therapy lmao
i seriously love all of these :) if you have recs of your own, pls put them in the comments!!
that's all i got for you today - drop me a line if you'd like, my inbox is always open
with care
p.s. i just found out there are over 1800 of you hanging out on my lil corner of the internet, pornbots be damned, i love you all <3
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vidisfanficrepo · 3 years
The Last Hour - Chapter 2 - The Trip
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The Last Hour - Chapter 2 - The Trip
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A/N: number twoooo, I'm thinking of putting out an actual schedule like posting days n stuff lmkkkk
I learned how to export screenshots only to not use it because it messed with formatting like life is pain
anywayyy stay excited, the draft for this smau is totally done so now it's a matter or putting it in tweets and texts and posting !!! I don't want any written stuff because I am no confident in my writing skills (beyond this lol) so i'm trying to push a story exclusively with screen grabs, its,,, fun. I put a few things in there to make sure the plot gets across but mostly im excited to just put a story out no matter how bad it may be lol
feel free to interact,, pls interact,,, even anon hate is welcome at this point
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howdoyousleep3 · 3 years
MISS K!!!! When I tell you that I legit screamed when I saw that you posted the 1st I am not lying! I had the huggest grin on my face and I was legit shaking from excitement!
Ok but the car rideeee! FUUUUCK!!! of course Senator Steve would have an expensive, luxurious car the fucking AUDACITY this man has. And then Bucky describing his driving and how confident he was! Him driving with one hand and the smirks he was giving Bucky? The mental image u gave me was doing EVERYTHING:
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He's so 🥵 I can't with him.
Also lmaoo at Bucky rolling his eyes at Steve's favorite color blue! I would too! That's such a typical fave color for guys hahaha. But then he hit us with the feels with that story of his ma and i freaking clutched my chest cause it was so damn soft! Imagining lil Steve like that like let me give him the hugest hug!
And Oh Gosh poor Buck Buck he was such a mess when they got to the hotel suite! And lmao how Bucky's brain was like ONE ROOM ONE BED! I dont blame him ahhaha.
And no tell me why i squealed when Steve asked Bucky if he knew why he told him to wear the blue suit and Bucky replied: "My eyes" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHH!!!!!! HES SO FUCKING CUTE!!!!!!!!!!! U ADORABLE LIL BEAN!!! how can Senator resist this cutieeeeeeee!!!! Also in mind i was like hmmm since Senator loves the color blue then he deff wants to see his baby rocking a blue suit! And also my mind was like damn Steve must be in love with Bucky's blue/grey eyes 🥰.
Also my heart warmed at Steve reassuring Bucky that they were going to have fun and got Bucky out of his head for the sec there that he was overthinking stuff 🥺
The PIZZA PLACE!!! Oh gooosh that was adorableeeee! Bucky seeing Steve in his home town and him letting loose! Them getting to know each other and Bucky slowly falling for him thinking about how he wanted to kiss Steve without it being from a sexual standpoint but more so from the heart! And holy shit Steve being in awe of Bucky and his studies and also the fact that he speaks russian!!! Also 😏😏😏😏😏 im pretty sure Bucky will use it against Steve when he least expects it. Hes gonna whip out that russian in bed and Steve will be a goner! Bucky dont miss out the chanceee! I saw that topping from thr bottom tag and im likE AAAAAH that would be the perfect timeeee! Anyways, yes, bucky speaking russian does things to me 🥰
Dudeeee what a fucking cock tease is the SENATOR!!!!! I felt so pissed for Bucky when Steve just went "no" and "we got things to do" like SIR!?!?!?!
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U just gon do that when u were legit just dry humping Bucky!?!?!? This man i swear 🙄🙄🙄🙄 HE DID IT ON PURPOSE!
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And buckyyyyyyyy!!!! Bucky wanting to fuck hiiiiim!!!!!! Yes baby YEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!!!! How can he not!? When that ass was made for loviiiiin'. It was made to be eaten out like the goddamn meal it is! Dudeee i just caaaant! Bucky was so flustered and Steve was living for it!!! He was such a tease wanting Bucky to admit it! And then the humiliation!!?!?!? Wow 🥵 but dudeee there was nothing more that i wanted than for Bucky to pull in the Senator by the jock straps and snap them at the skin and then give that ass a squeeze just to spite Steveeee! Pls let this happen omg! Bucky needs to at least give some loving to that ass!
Anyways I loved this so freaking muuuuch your writing is incredible and you're so talented 🥺 I love anything u put out! And i cant wait to see what comes next for these twoooo! Im ready for the angst and the happy ending! Like aaaaaah! These two are my favorites! They're meant for each other 😭😭😭 and I really loved how the Senator was calling all these sweet nicknames like: baby, honey, sweetheart, princess! Warms my heart! Anyways YOU'RE AMAZING MISS K! LOVE U LOTS LOTS LOTSSSSSS
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I'm literally speechless! The time and effort this took you! The love!! The hype!! You are such a gift! I'm going to save this for when I need the encouragement later. I lub you so much!
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hogwartselementumrp · 7 years
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Dearest Caitlin, it is with much excitement and deep pleasure that I offer you the role that was supposed to be written by May first if the original plan had been followed. A few bumps and delays on all sides later, Aerwynna Howell,  is yours. I would have been convinced by nothing but the enchanting words of this application that you fully grasp her character and will develop her in exciting ways and develop relationships new and old, but it’s been a pleasure talking to you this past month since you showed interest. Get her on the dash asap!
OOC Information
NAME/ALIAS: Something relating to my gleeful destruction of the romantic relationships of my characters. Go wild, surprise me.
PREFERRED PRONOUN: Oh Great and Terrible Creature of Nightmares.
TIMEZONE: What does it even fuckin matter my sleep schedule obeys no time zones
ACTIVITY LEVEL: I am trying REALLY HARD and lbr I’ll never be off Aerwynna once she is mine
HOW DID YOU FIND THE RP (NEW MEMBERS): Beth came to me in a dream and said ‘join this roleplay it will eat your free time and you’ll never escape’ and dream me replied ‘fuck it sure’ and here we are, over two years later.
Character Information
DESCRIBE THE CHARACTER IN YOUR OWN WORDS: You mean beyond the wailing noises of hysterical excitement I’ve been making over the last month while we’ve talked about her? UH. Okay. Well.
Aerwynna is the elegant, ethereal figure in the dreams of half of Mayte’s children, resting a cool palm to their foreheads to soothe fevers and counselling them on matters that range from heartbreak to their purpose in the world. She has been, for a long time, a surrogate mother to her home, a valued adviser and quiet comfort, always on the peripheral, constant in her presence but something that did not need to be acknowledged or appreciated openly. And that was fine. It was her role, carved out for herself, important in its own way and tailor made to pull on everything she excels at.
Deep down, however, she always knew that one day that would change; that it would stop being where she was meant to be, would stop being enough. She knew from the moment she clapped her eyes on the neat, dark haired little boy in church, who spouted poetry so easily and held fervent, then half-formed convictions deep in his lovely, dark eyes.
She is the gentle, comforting hand the Mayte’s need; a constant of home, come to reaffirm that their choices are right and to help talk through and soothe away doubts. But beyond that - beyond her role as the White Queen to Lawrence’s Black King, possibilities of a rekindled romantic relationship aside - this is what she wants for herself. This was her belief before it was hersandLawrence’s, is a mission she has had faith in from the beginning, even if she had no place on the front line at the beginning.
For what feels like the first time in her life, she’s not entirely certain what she should do, how she should handle a world she is entirely unfamiliar with; but she is more than determined, is destined to take control of this and help to guide this world as it falls apart and then recreates itself, and she will not show weakness.
ANY CHANGES YOU WISH TO MAKE?: God no she’s so perfect
TITLES: I’d like if she could take some kind of role assisting Neville in teaching Herbology/at least have clearance to pop into Hogwarts and tend to some of the trickier plants grown in the greenhouses. I know it would only make sense for after she’s been in Hogsmede for a while, but she would want to take any and all initiative to keep an eye on Nerissa.
Though Lucille is…difficult, for Aerwynna, a lost child, too wild and unfocused, she feels an instinctive pull toward caring for her, seeing Propera in her wildness, and so much potential to be a lot more. She doesn’t judge her for leaving - as someone who never married, she cannot think poorly of someone who decided their marriage was not right for them and left to discover her true purpose - but in her absence got very close to her children, especially little Emmett, suddenly without a mother at such a young age. There is a little coldness in her, for the sake of the child and the gentle, loving hand he should have had to raise him but has now been denied; but more than that, she sees Lucille as another errant little sister in need of her advice and assistance. How long her patience lasts with her, however, remains to be seen.
Aerwynna would never claim to have anything close to Lawrence’s nose for young ‘talent’; but when this young man walked into the potions shop on her second day in town, she felt an interest rise in her that has yet to fade, and promises great things. Beyond the instinct, the bone deep feeling that tells her he could be a valuable asset, she finds him pleasant and slightly amusing; and she has found herself quickly growing attached to the young man. She knows the stereotypes, knows this is expected of women her age with suddenly empty nests; but she honestly believes he is special, and wants to cultivate that as best she can.
For Aerwynna, Charlie was never a project. He was, to start, the roguish, silly boy her darling little sister had cow eyes for; and then he was a young man with potential, with hidden depths and all one needed to really become important, to change lives and help shape the future. It was excitement that drove her to mention the young man to Lawrence, and she has yet to regret making such a decision, having no idea the ways in which Lawrence has driven Charlie from the fold; but even after he left Shani - the same way Lawrence left Aewynna herself, though without Shani knowing just what he was leaving to achieve - Aerwynna remains incredibly fond of him, and eager for him to be part of the Mayte’s work in the wizarding world.
There are no words for what Lawrence is to her. He left because their paths were splitting - temporarily, of course - but Aerwynna never ceased to be his, and in her mind he never ceased to be hers. She doesn’t know if they will pick up where they left off when they meet again, can’t even know if it’s what she really wants; but he is, and always has been, it for her. There is no other. There never will be, as far as she is concerned.
Though Nerissa is her niece, and sister in the eyes of everyone in Mayte, she has always been Aerwynna’s baby. Motherhood came easy to her for all her sisters, but Nerissa was always different, always needed her more, and Aerwynna has never been able to help the way she gravitates toward the younger woman. Besides the cause, Nerissa is one of the main reasons she finally left Mayte. While all her sisters grew up and found lives for themselves, the youngest member of her family was out in the world, needing guidance and comfort; and Aerwynna knows better than anything just when and where she is needed. Nerissa needs her. Whether she likes it or not.
It’s 1am and I’m tired pls don’t make me.
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yuahrisblog · 7 years
OMG I am so glad you guys loved my Actors!AU for FFXV xDDDD for those who missed, I made a last post about it and you’re free to check it out. SO here comes another FFXV ACTORS!AU coz I havesomanyofthemandIjustwantthemtoberealhumanexistingbeingslolol
One time the actors/actresses were stuck in the airport due to a storm that hit Altissia (where the next scene is going to be taken)
Out of boredom Ardyn took pictures of them while in the airport... without their knowledge.
he said it’s for science
And that’s the title of his Snapchat story
He took a picture of Lunafreya eating a massive MASSIVE pizza slice to her mouth with a caption “BE WARNED LEVIATHAN AHMNOMNOMNOM”
There is also a sleeping Gladio and a Prompto playing his favorite video game with Noctis with a caption “look at these kids holy shit so cute”
Ignis didn’t know what was happening since he was practicing his lines through his phone and Ardyn captures it with a caption “NEEEEEEEERD”
Ravus saw him and just frowned at the camera since he had no sleep for the last 8 hours
“why are you so smol and anger ravy”
Because ARDYN happens to be taller than RAVUS
At last the boos made it to the plane after 4 hours of waiting (Ravus was getting cranky too)
And Ravus just flopped on his seat and slept not caring for anybody
Luna slept beside him since she was awfully tired too
The flight was many hours.
“Why tf didn’t we take the plane when we had the chance?” asked noctis
“Becaaaaause we did take a boat to Altissia when it truth it’s on the other side of the map, so we need to make it real” says Iggy while trying to sleep.
“But why? that’s bullshit.”
Ravus groaned at how loud Noct is and he just stopped.
then.... ALTISSIA YES!
Ravus is OKAY NOW!!!! Gladio got motion sickness. somebody help him
When they got to Altissia, they all just... scrambled around the country and their bodyguard needed to know where they are.
Ravus just jumped out of the plane with a WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!
Prompto joined in as well.
There was also a time where Gladio pushed Ignis to the water. Good thing it was shallow at that part.
Yes.... Ignis does swear.
Prompto starts recording: “Well high theeeere, opening!” he said as the camera started recording a changing IGNIS taking his shirt off.
The recording went on as he went to rooms. There was Luna and Ravus in the other, Gladio and Ardyn in the other, while him Noct and Ignis shared.
If you are watching NigaHiga, you know this line:
“Welcome to the FIRST scene ofdaday!” said Prompto as he walks around the hallway for food with Ravus.
“Are you excited for the next scene?” Then Ravus looks at him with a quite sad puppy face...
“Awwww.. so Ravy and I are hungry as the Behemoth and we NEED to find something to eat because if we don’t then... we’ll end up eating the others.”
So this VLOG they have can be the same as what other Youtubers have in their channel.
YES they make VLOGS about BTS screen. Their adventures, their travels, Gladio constantly asking if he can wear his Hawaiian shirt while Ignis tells him THIS IS NOT A VACATION GLADIO.
So they do their line.
of course there are bloopers
There was one scene with Ravus looking up at the church and Ardyn comes to him with an umbrella. In that scene Ravus needed to walk away in the rain from Ravus as he followed him.
they did the scene
but because the floor is tiled and slippery, RAVUS SLIPPED.
“HOLY SHI---tooooooooot”
Ardyn came rushing and almost slipped but PHEW close one.
“Heeeeeey you alright?” Ardyn was laughing even
Prompto got sick in the set but he needed to go on. of course the chocobros took care of him. poor baby.
and on that day was his birthday too.
So..... they all went to the hotel room to the sick Prompto and surprised him with a birthday cake.
It was a nice party.
But they all needed to go back to work.
Tired Ravus groaning intensifies.
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