#i am NOT tagging all of them dskjfhkjsdhfkjsdhsdfj
idiotphobic-archive · 5 years
omg if this isnt too annoying can u tell me abt your ocs ... 👉👈 sorry they just sound interesting jdksfhk
OFC UR NOT BEING ANNOYING !!!! THANK U 4 LETTING ME TALK ABT THEM OMG,,,,, i put this under the cut bc i got a little ramble-y hehe,,, thank u again 4 letting me ramble!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i ahve a lot of ocs tbh but like  !!!! my mains 1s rn are the 1s im trying 2 use in my snew wip story !!! the bg of the story is basically, there’s a zombie apocalypse going on and kiyoko + co. have 2 survive. thts p much all u need 2 kno w/o spoilers hkjshgkjhsdkghskdg
in the story (so far) there’s:
kiyoko maki (basically the protagonist of the story ig? theres multiple but shes the Main Main Protagonist); a rough-punk girl whos only mainly focused on finding her family (even tho she knows thts p much impossible rn), as well as escaping w/ her new family as soon as she meets the group. she’s the 1st i developed 4 the story, so i tend 2 talk abt her the most!!
alaska douglas; a super anxious girl whos still coping with the traumas of her old life before the apocalypse. she’s the youngest (@ 14 yrs old), and the most terrified, but has her esa, tundra, 2 comfort her! she used 2 b apart of an older story tht i had, but it got scrapped and i decided 2 use her bc i loved her sm! she’s actually been w/ me 4 a Very long time so she has a special place in my heart
elijah forrest; he’s a loud and passionate person who cares deeply 4 his friends, especially alaska & milo bc they’re younger than him and he has an Older Sibling Complex jdhfjkdhgjkshgdkj,,,, he, as well as the other 3 characters down below r not as developed as the other 2, but hes fun 2 write !!!!
milo vargas; he’s Literally the 1 brain cell of the group, and is the most calm and rational. he holds ppl back (mainly eli and kiyoko) from fighting ppl, and is basically the mom friend who scolds every1 4 being reckless. despite being the 2nd youngest, he seems 2 b the most mature! also not as developed, but love him :3c
zoe guerra; oh boy. literally prepared 4 the apocalypse bc of her m*m. anyways, she’s cool, calculated and also rational, but sometimes her temper gets the best of her. im not sure wht else 2 put but like! shes the oldest, being 17 yrs old!
anne lyon; hm. im not rlly sure wht 2 do w/ her! she’s Maybeee gonna b a side character, mb something else ??? anyways she’s kiyoko’s softball buddy who’s v peppy n happy (uyseed 2 b), but now she’s quiet and breaks down v easily. as u can tell, she’s not rlly taking this apocalypse-thing well. shes still in development tho!!
ummmmmm im not rlly sure wht else 2 put!!! kjshdgkjhsdhdf if u wanna kno anything else, feel free 2 ask ofc!!!!!!!I love talking abt my ocs!!!!!!!!!!!
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