#i am ... honestly so hesitant to do this
moe-broey · 1 month
Amateur Hour but I gotta outsource this. Aromantics. Heed my call. What is "romantic" love to a non-believer?
Bonus Round if you're not entirely ace -- does experiencing any amount of sexual attraction influence your answer? Also acknowledging that both aro/ace identities exist on a spectrum. Believe me. I am deeply familiar... with so many kinds of spectrums........... 🧍
Also if this breaches containment It's Not That Serious........... just a personal question. For a friend. Me 🙂‍↕️
#was so tempted to put 'sometimes 'love' is just autistic obsession' as an answer bc on god#i do think that's a factor for me. like. espppppp in moe's case. moe is just Obsessed w alfonse.#extremely weird about him constantly studying him. like. it does feel like love... the intensity of it..... but.#both me and moe. most romance repulsed motherfuckers out there.#like. like. not to get too personal but the one relationship i did have. i genuinely felt i loved him#but i also think. so much of it was me reflecting what i Think love was 'supposed' to look like.#most importantly he was my best friend (at the time). and i def did feel differently about him than i did anyone else/even other friends#which is why i'm so conflicted... like half i did genuinely love him half i've never been able to love correctly#and it's always taken some level of putting on a performance according to what i see to 'perform' love#like. like. am i just autistic. does it just come down to the autism again.#but also esp nowadays like. back on my bullshit. i actually ALWAYS hesitate to call whatever moe has w alfonse 'romantic'#like. i think he does feel/experience romantic feelings. but moe is just so dysfunctional and messy#that like. i don't think it would call anything it feels about alfonse romance.#but it still completely adores him. in a way that's distinct from how it loves sharena and how it feels about anyone else.#even charas it admires. somehow. which honestly jusy leads me back to The Obsession again#also extremely focal is how the demisexuality kicks in. like. it's definitely not devoid of sexuality.#IDK IDK I'M TALKING TOO MUCH I'VE TALKED TOO MUCH AND I'M SO TIRED. I'VE BEEN SO TIRED#i'm not in my feelings honestly i'm just frustrated LMFAOOO LIKE. SCREAMING. WHY DOESN'T IT MAKE SENSE‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥#why am i preordained by fate to never be loved OR understood. wjat the hell man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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derpinette · 7 months
i have a weird relationship with weight because i hated eating more than anything the moment i was ready for solids ( i hate chewing with my entire life always have & will ) which made me underweight for most of my life ( to this day ) & during late primary-middle school this made me actively suicidal because i felt like something was wrong with my sex because i just was not developing whatsoever prompting me to have a years long phase of trying to gain weight in any way i could ( #EPICFAIL by the way ) & i was already insecure but i felt seriously so unforgivably ugly after bullying not just at school but by adults of my entourage. but then i did in my late 15s which prompted the pendulum to swing in the other direction & suddenly i FREAKED OUT & thought well being skinny is pretty much all i have & know myself to be & clearly it is not going to last forever so i Better preserve it i was delusional about how skinny i thought i was actually i look stumpy & weird i have to prove myself. But now i am normal again kind of
#also i used to get beaten to finish my food nearly daily & it would take me forever to do that like literally hours with no exaggeration#just made me hate eating even more. now my technique is eating as fast as possible before i even realize how overwhelming#the sensory experience is & i can just be done with it VS the pain&dread of eating slowly -> disgust of Everything+hyperawareness#eating tightens my muscles like i hate it so fucking much catching the food putting it in my mouth CHEWING swallowing#what a damn chore#so i always liked cheese it was my “safe food” pretty much the only thing i liked#i even hated the foods autists usually like like fries & fried chicken meatballs ETC. HATED.#i was/am more of a soup & turning all my food into varieties of Slop kind of girl nothing hard for me please...#i experienced middle school during the like ♯Thick era of the world which was honestly a good thing like for The Populace#but i felt like killing myself because i felt like an unforgivable fugly genetic failure & people did not hesitate to let me know#anyway either way i would be unhappy caus if i did gain weight during puberty i would have a meltdown about all the Changes#so i feel content for the time being about only losing the fat in my face & getting age appropriate wrinkles really#trying to enjoy the privilege of thinness while i have it because it will not last forever 0_0 but that should not matter anyway...#the privilege of thinness: being way uglier than others & constantly looking like a gibbon dying of disease + no energy or strength ever#JK people are much MUCH nicer to thin people & they do things for me on account of looking physically incapable so um yay i guess#light at the end of the tunnel that is very significant in the grand scheme of things socially. ♯CountingMyBlessings#also i was raised on ♯HAES tumblr from 2014-2018 i truly believed in that & was so damn envious i was not curvy & beautiful LOL#so i never hated overweight people really i think for the most part the SJW tumblr values stuck with me#but now i know it depends on your base frame & genetics & there is no guarantee to what you choose to do (naturally) acceptance is peace#sorry for the gigantic Arse post i just needed to get that off my chest for a long time. not on here specifically just in general#oh & i am a ♯Grignoteuse but grignoter (grazing) is different from eating in my mind&body#& my insecurity was not a result of wanting to fit in really but kind of in the sense that i wanted people to stop berating me for my looks#like body wise only & also not understanding why every other girl looked like a girl blossoming into a woman#& i looked like i was transitioning to Malnourished (unsexed) Ape made worse by bein GNC.& like the need for control later on & erthang ETC
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dutybcrne · 3 months
Okay, saw the summer event preview and aaaaaaAAAAA
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hella1975 · 2 years
"He still didn’t know if he could ever be good, good in the way that was so natural for the others, no more than a simplified question; good or bad? He didn’t know if he could ever make this resentful body live so easily, but he knew he was trying. The world was wild and hungry around him, but he was trying. He got dressed every morning. He talked about things. He didn’t shout when he could have. He ate with his friends."
repeats this while jabbing my finger at the mirror every day forever and ever U DO NOT HAVE TO BE GOOD U JUST HAVE TO TRY
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thefabelmans2022 · 1 month
i'm not saying no one should ever do richard iii again but i AM saying that it should be done by people with an intimate knowledge and experience of disability, preferably richard's actual disability but clearly no one's interested in that.
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superbellsubways · 10 months
the urge to just make a server for me and all my mutuals/friends has been strong but ik i cant because
1. multiple different interests i can already see conversations colliding with eachother like a train wreck
2. i dont think i have the mental stability to run a big active server again
3. i have trust issues
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lttleghost · 2 years
wait I said this in the tags of another post and have previously tried to express these thoughts but did so poorly; while I don't think canon compatibility necessarily has as much importance in fandom with lgbtq+ headcanons if there isn't a queer reading of a character that is canonically compatible, and I don't think that fandom having differing headcanons for characters not meant to be lgbtq+ can ever fully be categorized as erasure in general
I do think when there is a queer reading of a character that is completely compatible with canon and is relevant to the themes of the story yet is given significantly less attention or is all but ignored in a fandom for headcanons that require at least some suspension of disbelief and/or changes to the text to reach their full potential, that starts to tread somewhere at least adjacent to the territory of erasure. and while I think individually people can still prefer whatever headcanon they want, it can say something about a fandom as a whole if there isn't any thought to, or if there's even refusal to give visibility to the more canonically accurate queer reading
and I think it's also important to look out for situations where that reading might be ignored because it's "less palatable", either as an identity itself and/or the presentation of that identity, to those in the community that tend to not like nonconformity or look down on certain identities, like transmedicalists ect...
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firewoodfigs · 1 year
Next chapter of a study in reformation probably won’t be up till sometime in August (aka the month of salt air and rust on the door) because past me was dumb enough to sign up for an exam in July on top of working full-time, BUT I’ve created a monstrous playlist which you can listen to here for good vibes :) enjoy!!! I’ll see you guys very soon in the next chapter 💕💕
Feel free to let me know as well if you have a specific song in mind 🥰
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shopcat · 6 months
i think w avatar in my own base... world that i draw/think. in. of. you know what i mean like the main reality to ME that i've developed the pairings would be well zuko sokka and then i can't decide if i prefer mai ty lee and azula having something weird going on where ty lee and azula have been dating for years and mai orbits them orrr suki and/or azula meeting through ty lee being in the kyoshi warriors (and then the classic mai lee) which i think would be a really fun dynamic to be honest i wonder why i haven't seen it much. anyway. yue and jet are also nebulously alive just cuz idc. i like yue katara i think that's cute even if it's still funny to steal ur brothers ex but i justify it by well as much as they were cute they truly went on like one ? date and just liked each other it just so happened to end very dramatically. it would be the same if sokka dated idk... jet ... anyway. though her and aang are still cute. mostly not like i am centring pairings and Shipping and such it's just easier to have things established just thinking things in my mind U_U i also am pondering an au to do with zuko and yue where they're friends and i'll leave it at that bc i think it's a fun idea i haven't seen around. rubs my hands together.
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#🐾#i have a WHOLE thing about the what are they called. azula's angels ?? LMFAO. but i'm hesitant to think too deeply about it#i know people don't like her and ty lee together to begin w which i get i suppose and i am operating off of a world where she's post#redemption and well we know i don't usually vibe with the whole Haha toxic yaoi/yuri tbing i think it's kind of dumb a lot of the time#anyway it would be all worked out and imo no different than like well zuko and sokka. except different bc they were actually friends#and have history together. but neither of them had a quote unquote HEALTHY dynamic beforehand#anyways#it's hard being an eons long z-kka truther bc to be honest i think katara and azula would be so funny#but they simply cannot exist at the same time i refuse. i've said this before AND I MEAN#there's literally nothing technically wrong with it i've even known people who have like had a sibling dating their partners sibling too#it's just Slightly too much ... much like suki and katara like they FOR REAL dated longterm and i would say were in love#her and sokka i mean#and i don't like idk using au's to be like so this can happen i find that dumb anddd what's the word. idk it's just silly to me#i'm too black and white thinking for things like this mannnn. halo#*HALP#like the fun of idk fan works is things can all exist at once u can have multiple aus and pairings and such#and i can do that mostly but sometimes i'm like BAH too much work. or i don't like the other pairings w those characters#but i can't wrap my head around using an au to be like JUST so this can exist outside of the Established World we already have#ie a world where suki and sokka never dated to begin w or something like i don't knowwww#just bc like how would everyone ELSE know that only YOU know that unless it's just for One singular work and then it's like where's the fun#in that... i dunno i gues i don't even really mean it like that either#i honestly am just talking to talk right now hi guys
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hua-fei-hua · 1 year
that one academic paper wherein someone discusses anti culture in fandom n stuff is on my dash again, n i read most of the discourse in the replies, and i am once again very tired of the fact that fandom as a subculture is generally considered to not be worth academic interest.
it's kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy when it comes to legitimacy too, since the last of academic precedence makes it difficult to find other papers to cite, but as soon as you, a person deep within that subculture yourself, try to use personal experiences to support your ideas, suddenly what you're writing isn't academically rigorous enough and shouldn't be counted.
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bluerasbunny · 1 year
OOOK because i got my first hate ask abt posting dream-related content (saw it coming);
guys, i am posting about C!dream. CHARACTER dream, the CHARACTER from the dsmp. i am not posting about the cc!
please do not send me asks about dream's controversies, the cc! and the c! are two very different people!!
i will not be entertaining or responding to any asks regarding the cc!'s controversy. that is not my place nor is it my job!! i'm just a small artist that loves the character and i want to share that love, that's all there is to it!!
thank you!!! <3
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racingheadfirst · 1 year
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taetaespeaches · 2 years
Okay but like maybe Daisy and Joon can break up?? Just cause they had an angsty start doesn’t mean those issues wouldn’t come up again? Plus 2 people feeling that way??? I’m just saying “bring the pain”
Maybe?? It would be understandable if those issues or at least similar issues did come up again later on. I don’t think I would want to make them break up though bc I don’t want to minimize the growth Daisy did or like build a story line where they have to work out these serious of issues. But they could have a pretty big fight maybe?
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noxtivagus · 2 years
#🌙.rambles#ARGHHH SCHOOL WAS SO ANXIETY FOR MOST OF IT BUT 😭 phew. i made it through#n talking w my friends at school n yk apollo n i staying later than we usually do bcs of our fair committee#it's rlly nice. that feeling yk#n this is the first time in so long that i've napped#my attention span is so bad rn so i'm prioritizing school first (i get so distracted still tho)#but. BUT#ohh earlier i rmb i was thinking otw back home abt how. recently life's felt so.. real & unreal#huh. it's rlly confusing but i've really just yk resolved to keep on moving forward.#my sleep's been rather messy lately for the past week bcs i have to wake up at 5:30 for school but#i've been hesitating less lately. i think. idk i don't know how to say it but#my attention span is so bad rn helpppp T_T i shld finish my part for this assignment n then#oh i have smth due tmrrw morning but i just have to write a few sentences to a question relating to like#smth w my fav 20th century lit n. IT'S SO HARD TO PICK ONE BUT#i'm gna write abt the giver a bit bcs it's rlly a special book to me. very integral in my childhood.#dystopian fiction n. utopias n stuff like that was smth i rlly grew up with as a kid. that concept#so i guess that says smth abt my conflict w my perfectionism n. the opposite.#i love late night talks so much yk something that's kept me sane is being able to talk w apollo on like#we have. very similar paths ahead of us. it's always intertwined n connected in some way. we're never really far.#i'm rlly grateful to have such a connection honestly even if apollo's an ass often (but i am as well) <3 sibling dynamic fr#resolved instead of dwelling on the past i'll keep on moving forward to. reach out to my many ambitions#i'll continue being productive for now n then i'll. get stuff done eventually.
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joonieskinks · 1 month
Simon doesn’t like how your boyfriend treats you and makes you feel. He feels he could do better.
“Simon, please tell me this honestly.” You look to the ground nervously.
He chuckles a bit at how intense you look then hesitates. “Alright...”
“Am I ugly?”
Immediately, he laughs you off and simply shakes his head.
“Please, tell me honestly. I just feel like I need to know. My boyfriend, he- he doesn’t touch me, he doesn’t look at me, he doesn’t want me. I feel horrible about myself all the time, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Simon, so please. Just tell me.”
“No.” Simon’s voice booms.
Your teary eyes shoot up from the floor to meet his.
“No, what a stupid question. No, what a ridiculous thought. But yea, what an arsehole he is to make you feel this way about yerself, love.”
He strides over to you, taking your face into your big hands and looking into your watering eyes with so much love.
“No man should ever make you feel like that.” Simon says as gently as he can while trying to control his anger towards your boyfriend.
“I know I wouldn’t.” He whispers just low enough for you to hear and you’re taken aback.
“Leave ‘im. If not for a man who could treat you bett’r, than for yourself.”
His thumbs rub over your cheeks, soothing you. He’s so warm, so big, so caring. Never did you think you had a shot with him so you never tried. But here he is before you, gushing and he wants you.
“I didn’t think you were interested…” You look down trying to conceal your deep blush.
He lets out a huff of air as he smirks.
“Well now you know.” Simon takes a finger up to your chin to make you look into his eyes once more.
“Leave ‘im and I’ll show you how a beautiful lady should be treated properly.” God, he loves seeing the affect he has on you, you quivering below him, practically begging for him to touch you and never let go.
Guess you have some breaking up to do.
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emphistic · 1 month
None of the Parenting 101 books that your husband, Toji, read during your pregnancy could've prepared him for the unmatched curiosity of your now four year old son, Megumi.
"Daddy," said Megumi, while sitting on Toji's lap, "what do you do for work?"
"Sticking your nose into other people's business, now, are you?" he joked. "Why do you want to know, kid?"
"'Cause I wan' know." Yup, preschoolers could be as sassy as ever.
"Cheeky little thing," Toji said, giving his son's chubby cheek a playful little pinch.
"Daaaaad, just tell me already."
Toji hesitated for a bit, before complying. "I get rid . . . of people—"
"That are bad!?" an overly eager Megumi asked, his eyes shining. Honestly, for someone his age, he should not be excited by the idea of his dad killing people, but he had some ideals different from others. Courtesy of his innocence.
You giggled quietly to yourself from your seat on the living room couch as you watched the whole situation unfold; your son, jumping up and down, and your husband, looking as bored as he always did.
"So you're like a superhero!"
Toji grinned at his son, ruffling his sea urchin-like hair. "Nah, not quite."
Confused, Megumi asked, "But you're strong. . ? So that means you're Superman!"
"Batman! Because he always wears black and is super duper scary."
"Not even close, buddy."
Laughing, you couldn't help the comment that escaped your lips, "Wish you were as rich as him, though."
Toji deadpanned, "You married me."
"I'm not complaining, am I?" you teased, pressing a chaste kiss to Toji's temple. Just as you were about to back away, you let out a high pitched squeal as he pulled you back for a real kiss.
Unlike most kids, who would say "Yuck", Megumi, beaming at the both of his parents, giggled innocently. "Mommy should marry Batman! Because he is rich, and makes the bad people go bye-bye!"
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