#and fuck if im not gonna brag about them either
hella1975 · 2 years
"He still didn’t know if he could ever be good, good in the way that was so natural for the others, no more than a simplified question; good or bad? He didn’t know if he could ever make this resentful body live so easily, but he knew he was trying. The world was wild and hungry around him, but he was trying. He got dressed every morning. He talked about things. He didn’t shout when he could have. He ate with his friends."
repeats this while jabbing my finger at the mirror every day forever and ever U DO NOT HAVE TO BE GOOD U JUST HAVE TO TRY
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arts-i-enjoy · 7 months
#this post brought to you by: me#i. applied for a preapproval letter for a mortgage yesterday. and spoke to a realtor to start finding me houses#i want to move several states away which further complicated things. but the houses there are CHEAP#like under 100k for a 2 bedroom move in ready#anyways i got approved for 80k with a 20k down payment. and im FREAKING THE FUCK OUT#and because i got that pre app letter i have a loan officer calling me today to talk#and we literally work at the same bank so i can SEE that hes active and hasnt read my message#even though its been 45 minutes. KEVIN MESSAGE ME BACK. IM NOT GONNA BE ABLE TO FOCUS UNTIL I DO THIS CALL#AHHHHHHH S C R E A M. it might happening!!!! i might be finally.mov8ng out in a few months!!!#i mgiht be a HOMEOWNER by the end of the year#i have been saving money for this since i was. 16? 17?#ive had a good well paying job since i was 18.#AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH#once i have a house then i start job searching in that area. and start getting really serious about LEAVING my very good job#which is soooo scary. this job was supposed to be my lifelong career. but then everyone fucking moved to other states and left me behind#so theres no point staying here.#i might never have this kind of job security again.#but also my realtor said that theres a lot of bank jobs in that area so maybe itll be easy to find something#on the fence on if i tell my parents that im Making Moves right now#on one hand its hard to not talk about it becuae im STRESSED TF OUT#but on the other hand when i tentatively mentioned the state i want to move to#richard started yelling and swearing el oh el#might be better to wait and avoid the tension as long as possible?#but also i dont know how they can stay angry when its literally my best option#the other places where my friends live either have 0 opportunity and high housing prices. or are even moe liberal than where im going#idk. why do half of my problems come down to “my parents will be mad” like im a 12 year old or something. shit fucking sucks#this is why i want to get out of here#also it feels weird and bad to talk to my friends about how stressed i am about buying a house when all of them are stressed about#not being able to make rent or something. my problems feel like a brag in a really odd and shitty way. but hey!#if this works out maybe ill start being stressed about how im going to make my mortgage payments! :') yay!
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lunas-side-anime-blog · 9 months
aot veteran/104 corp icks bc im back on my bullshit
someone requested AOT veteran icks, they didn't specify nsfw or not so I did both and also added sasha connie and jean bc i luv them:) feel free to message/inbox with requests!
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(levi, erwin, hange, jean, sasha and connie)
will visit ur place and organize things without you asking. he'd just be like "ur welcome, now your kitchen makes sense" and ur like sir, I don't know where anything is now??? also he'd def the type to proclaim he's better than you for only getting two hours of sleep when you got four. honestly so many icks come to mind for this one, imma limit it to those two for now (stay tuned lol)
nsfw: tries to be rough with you but forgets his own strength. will try to throw you on the bed, but he does it too hard so you completely miss the bed and fall on the other side of it and he's just standing there like "🧍🏻...my bad."
you cannot convince me this man doesn't wear water shoes at the pool. you guys say you want a dilf until you actually get one bc this is the type of shit it entails^^
nsfw: erwin cannot dirty talk for shit. im srry but if you're a lil kinky this isn't the man for you. try to call him daddy and he'd be like "we don't have kids?" and you explain the kink to him and he'd just say, "have you considered therapy?🤨" now he's concerned, boner gone, you feel called out, just go to sleep tbh
they're def a firm believer in natural deodorant and won't take the graceful hints that it's not working. prob wouldn't chill w them on a hot day is all i'm saying
nsfw: feel like they'd be really good in bed tbh like i'm struggling to think of an ick. hange has big dick energy, weirdos just do it better idk. i think maybe hange would try to spit in your mouth (they a freak) and they have so much and its thick and globby like the back of the throat type spit, your gonna choke bro im gagging as a i type-
bring back toxic masculinity because Jean's hair care routine is so good to the point he'll call out your split ends, i just know it
nsfw: a fucking chatterbox like his homies know everything. you've walked in on him telling connie in extreme detail how he had you in a full nelson last night while you screamed bloody murder and he doesn't see why ur mad. "babe, if anything i'm bragging about you 😏" fucking idiot istg. also kinda gross but I think he's the type to keep sniffing his fingers after fingering you like well into the next day EWW
obvi she can't share for shit so I think she'd be an annoying person to eat out with. like yk when you're with your friends and only one person puts their card down so the rest can Venmo them? I think you can ask her to Venmo 20 and she'd send 15 and say something like "oh I didn't eat as many fries" but she fr did. never puts her card down either so believe it or not? jail.
nsfw: will literally be on her phone mid-sex with you. feel like she'd be really into the subway surfer vids and yeah, you go down on her and look up and she brought her own entertainment? ipad child behavior
i think he'd say "we" when talking about his fave sports team as if he contributed. like, "really connie, you helped win the superbowl? did you score a touchdown?" grow tf up
nsfw: insane bush on this one, i feel like he doesn't groom for shit and whatever, that's your choice! but I also feel like college-aged modern connie would talk shit about women who weren't bald down there and won't eat it unless it is. HYPOCRITE!! I think when he gets to his mid-twenties tho he'd mature (sasha beat his ass)
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caitlinbueckers · 3 months
faggots we UPPPPPP
Cc x reader of 3 is in the WORKS AND . Guys im scared this is gonna either be so fucking unimaginably long or I’m gonna learn to shut my big fat mouth and split them into seperate parts or condense it??? Idk .
ANYYWAAAYZZxz life updates bc idk yall r my dawgs gotta fill u IN!
Got my belly button pierced 😛😛 also slept w my ex 😟😟
Still irrevocably in fucking LUVVV with caitlin clark rn idk guys she’s just my gf . That’s all
Rly been thinking ab paige and azzi lately ……. Can’t disclose my thoughts or the opps will get me. BUT KATE MARTIN?!?!??????!!? My love . . . Fuck you for having a sexy gf and then bragging about it oh my god . Please never be active on social media again
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ganondoodle · 11 months
i did a mini rant about it on twitter, but i want, and need, to say this here as well
it is sickening to see all media everywhere parrot israeli propaganda and lies while actively ignoring what they are doing to palestine, but especially so seeing it all being done just as much in germany, it feels even more personal bc shouldnt WE be the ones MOST critical of anyone enacting genocide?? a lesson to take from our awful, shitty, horrific history isnt we cannot criticize jewish people ever at all but that genocide is BAD
its seems like they are afraid of being called antisemitic by some people who dont know shit about whats going on so much so that theyd rather support a full blown genocide of 2 MILLION people, and it just
it scares me
i feel like a stranger in my own home, im avoiding news on radio and TV bc it feels like they are trying to brainwash me to cheer for the oppressors; we were responsible for a 5+ million genocide and now the media and politicians want us to support one of 2 million more??? what the fuck???
"well there are some evil people in this country we have been colonizing for years, guess we are gonna have to wall the entire region off so noone can leave and kill every single human life there, sorry, we had no other choice, dont look at us openly bragging about pulverizing a hospital filled to the brim with people seeking shelter from our 6000 mega bombs we dropped within a few days on this region, then calling palestinians 'children of darkness' and us the 'children of light', delete those posts, then change who we want to blame it on every few minutes bc people are starting to see through our lies, but dont you see? the bad people could have been anywhere, we had to, that hospital wasnt the first and wont be the last tho, so sad uwu"
how insane do you have to be to hear that and go "ah yes, that is very logical and justified and totally not obvious lies, heres a billion of currency and a metric fuckton of weapons to kill them all more efficiently, have fun and good luck"
if you think supporting palestine and wanting isreal to stop bombing them means you automatically support hamas you have no fucking idea what you are talking about actually and you need to educate yourself right about now, urgently
if you think the acts of one terror organisation represent an entire country and thus everyone living in it deserves to die for it, what the fuck is wrong with you there definitely are some horrible fascist, violent cults in the US, there absolutely are some in germany as well, do they represent the entire population of either countries and thus every single thing alive within its borders needs to die horrificly???
why did i have to sit in school trying not to cry my eyes out looking at fotos of piles of tortured, dead people, visit whats left over from concentration camps with all its looming feeling of doom, not even being able to stomach going into the building itself bc it made me want to vomit just being there and learn about every sickening detail of our awful history when im now here seeing and hearing it all over again, but this time im supposed to cheer for the oppressors?
i am appalled of so many countries being so complicit in supporting yet another genocide, but i am especially ashamed of my own. again.
free palestine.
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banamine-bananime · 6 months
AITA for trying to save my friend and keep the rest of my asshole friends safe from their bad decisions?
I (M26) just went through this real shitty breakup. So basically, my ex C (M lmao man fuck if i know his age idek if knows it. or has one i guess) has this god-fucking-awful habit of deciding to solve every problem by dying about it and/or fucking off without so much as a word to the people unfortunate enough to give a shit about him, except maybe his sister (unhelpful for the rest of us because she also inherited the "fucking off without a word" gene. man fuck this whole family for making me care about them. whatever). Also, killing himself inside peoples brains thats like a whole hobby for him. like okay either ghost us OR kill yourself in front of us altering the trajectory of our lives forever PICK ONE like a NORMAL person.
Okay wait im not explaining this well. So years ago C and W (M37 now) were partners but C was, uh, in a really bad place mentally (S is telling me this is more diplomatic to say than "crazy af") and that situationship ended as badly as a situationship can end. I mean W's told me he pretty much had his sense of identity as someone separate from C totally destroyed by that for a while, which like, in hindsight its kinda an accidental dick move that our team made him take C's legal identity, but in our defense a) the fuck were we supposed to know?, b) tbf he really did need it not to go back to prison, c) it's not like C was using his identity, on account of the fucking off and effectively-dying-as-a-solution habits, and d) i mean. i gotta admit it's also pretty funny in a really fucked way.
aw shit derailed on a tangent again
recently its just like, we just get so focused on one thing its hard to remember anything else, you know?
S is so good at getting us back on track though. thank god because you would not believe the number of irons weve got in the fire to keep track of, its ridiculous. (i love making my partner be the planner in the relationship lol. highly recommend being a passenger princess in the body sometimes. fuck massages, i'm telling you THIS is what you need after a long day getting shit DONE and taking care of everyone else's messes)
So I met C 6 years ago, right out of basic, when we were privates stationed at the same base. middle of nowhere. shit, this is gonna be hard to explain, just realized i should use different names for C to keep them straight. I knew "A" and W knew "E", i didnt meet E until years later. theyre alters and also the same guy but also not the same guy. dont worry about it if you dont get it bc ive dated both of them and i dont think i do. my life is stupid.
Bunch of bullshit happened, A ghosted (lol. you'd be high-fiving me if you knew him) and then found a problem to solve by dying. you get it by now.
Then i meet E, E encounters a problem and tries to die about it round one (i guess round two, after exploding in W <- LOL. you should be high-fiving me right now), E's sister drags him back to the land of the living, E ghosts, W and i start dating, W tries to martyr himself and disappears because i guess E rubbed off on him (dude i am on a fucking roll. you should be high-fiving me out of pity for my glamorously miserable soap-opera life if nothing else. homophobic not to), our team gets W back, E strolls back like he has no idea why im mad at him, we fight about it, makeup-makeouts about it, and E tries to die about it round two: in my brain boogaloo.
So thats how S and i meet. oops, guess i never introduced S? Feels weird to have to introduce ourself twice, people dont really meet us separately anymore LOL. S (M, ageless) is also C's alter, my partner in life and badassery and brain and body. and obviously freaky sex stuff, that goes without saying but i'm saying it anyway to brag. the swish swish to my stabbing people who really deserve it. Not really interested in your opinion on our relationship, it's not what i'm asking about. we're aware its not conventional, because we're not fucking braindead. Im so sick of all the "oooohhhhh this isn't healthy", "he's a male manipulator and youre codependent i know bc i learned psychology from tiktoks by girls with green hair", "why are you wearing your ex-boyfriend's armor colors while wearing his dead ex-boyfriend's armor while dating and sharing a brain with your dead mutual ex's alter", "have you considered going to therapy instead of a quest against death itself" blah blah blah. If youre so bored you need to judge our life then just get your own 🙄🙄🙄
we've been really on that sigma grindset the last few weeks. S has got our sleep optimized down to a tight triphasic 3.46 hours and we're minmaxing the fuck out of the rest of every day. Biohacked to shit over here. too much to do, so we have to make there be enough of our time to do it. who else is gonna? my teammates? the REDS? we're half batman half babysitter to a gaggle of idiots who can barely be trusted to wipe their own asses, let alone fight their own battles and make decisions like "wah wah wah A is dead let's just give up and cry about it or whatever".
Don't even get me started on W. Oh youre all about character-building wake up and grind self-improvement and taking leadership until we're making decisions you dont like, i guess. WHATEVER. this is why we dont listen to you.
its hard, okay. like, you cant understand the sheer fucking stress were under trying to keep all our plans going smoothly while keeping these guys safe while they're basically actively trying to unravel every carefully-laid thread and also strangle themselves in them. im probably going prematurely grey and also losing some time. its hard to remember when we need to hold back and use the kiddy gloves. i really didnt want to come to holding - uh, we'll call him MC (M25) - by the throat, passed-out. he's like a brother to me, been through thick and fucking thin together, so yeah, i feel really bad about that, my bad, we were the asshole there, but like, maybe stop throwing yourself in the way? like run out into the road you're gonna get hit by a truck no matter how hard they slam the brakes. mfw the conses quence. but im NOT asking about that. everyone's been on our dick about "please god stop doing all of this" and abandoning A and trying to break us up way before that, and THAT'S what im asking about
Anyways tl;dr are we the asshole for getting shit done when it takes methods that all our monday morning quarterback friends dont like
OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole:
it really was a dick move to dangle my teammate's limp body in a chokehold even though it was basically an accident and also not even directly relevant to the question
OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might not be the asshole:
okay but we're right
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slvtforfiction · 3 months
High!Ted Thoughts
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☆ Ted Nivison X Reader
☆ Fluff / Headcanons
☆ Hey guys! Before anything else I would ask you to request anything you want because I've lost a lot of motivation and it would really help! :D (Please look at pinned post to see if requests are open.)
☆ If it’s not clear,I’m a stoner btw
☆ Creds to @cafekitsune for dividers :)
Masterlist | Pinned Post
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☆ Man is zooted and just wants to be wrapped up in your arms
☆ His head is filled with thoughts of you and only you
☆ Will brag about you to anyone who will listen
☆ HATES. Loud sounds/music etc. He can’t deal with shouting (etc.) while he’s high because he just wants to chill and lie down.
☆ Like everyone,his eyes go red and slightly puffy but whilst he’s high he’ll swear he looks normal to anyone who asks
☆ He will take pics/videos of himself whilst high to look back in whilst he’s sober and laugh at before deleting them
☆ Extroverted Ted dies whilst he’s high,he will be one of the most introverted people known to man whilst high
☆ Adding on to introvert!Ted he’s very quite,only speaking when spoken to and only speaking when he’s talking about how he feels/explaining his high thoughts
☆ Man is paranoid as fuck.
“Did I just hear something??”
“No baby that’s the cat.”
“Oh my god I forgot we have a cat,where is he!”
☆ Will 100% cuddle up to you and the cat (or other animal) because he says you’re all a big family,talking about how one day he wants a bigger family with you
☆ He’s sappy as fuck whilst he’s high,clingy and sappy could describe high!ted accurately
☆ He wants to be with friends/girlfriend whilst high,doesn’t like the thought of not being able to talk to someone/have someone to protect him from his paranoia
☆ Once he starts coming down he just wants to be left alone,in bed by himself but will definitely make an exception for you (as long as you whisper to him)
☆ If you smoke he’ll smoke with you all day everyday if he could
“Hey baby,what you doing?”
“Im gonna make a joint and order some edibles,you want me to roll you one?”
“How can I ever say no to you?”
“What edibles you ordering tho?”
☆ Edibles are the death of Ted,either he won’t realise it’s an edible or he’ll eat too much on accident (400mg incident…)
☆ After the 400mg edible he won’t touch food whilst he’s high unless he has confirmation that it’s not an edible,meaning if no one else is around he’s sticking to vegetables and take out
☆ Ted on edibles (if he takes them responsibly,with supervision) will be almost too calm for his own good.
☆ Will be so slow in his movements/talk so slow as if he’s a zombie
☆ (if you mention he’s acting like a zombie you two will go into an in depth conversation about how to survive a zombie apocalypse)
“You act like a zombie” you laugh
“You know what,in a zombie apocalypse…”
☆ I will die on this hill,Ted is 100% theorising about impossible circumstances like zombie apocalypses,dragons attacking etc.
☆ Ted will sometimes convince himself that these circumstances will happen and begin talking about what weapons he will use and how he’ll keep you safe,locking down the house etc.
☆ Even whilst high you are his first thought and priority (like sober!Ted) and he will die to protect you,the worlds best couple
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kxmikomrade · 1 year
Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I didn't know you didn't write for f!reader.
So, could I request headcanons of Isagi, Bachira, Rin, Reo, and Sae with a Gn! Reader who's a cheerleader?
🍁˖࿐ Cheerleader! S/O - Isagi, Bachira, Rin, Reo, Sae
╰┈➤Hcs of them with a Cheerleader! s/o! (not the stereotype i think? im guessing u meant the sport since i heard its hard) Genre: Fluff and crack? Gn!reader or Any gender Warnings: Swearing obviously, kinda short so theres that, not proof read Waiter's Notes: Hello lovely!! its alright dear :)) just make sure to read the req page/rules next time ^^ Kinda short since im forgetful, the only cheerleading movie ive watched was like over a year ago and too lazy to do research
Masterlists Req Page/Rules
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He has ALOT of respect for you in general but this? it just tenfolded bro
Tries to come to all your competitions!! and vise versa, unless your competition times overlap :'D
Comes to your practices too <3
Always makes sure to bring snacks and drinks for you
Keeps track of your diet if you have one, but ALWAYS makes sure that you arent pushing yourself too much
Coming to his games with your team/friends to cheer!
He would be SOOOOOOOOO flustered but cmon, he looks ADORABLE when he is <3333
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He stops by your practice and tries to do your routine, it ends up in a mess and your coach is scolding you both LMAO
But he only had good intentions!
He wanted to take your mind off things like the competition since he knows it makes you nervous, and nervous you is well- not the best you 😭😭
again, he BRAGS to anyone and EVERYONE. about you and how youre so cool doing all those tricks and things ykyk!!
He probably drags isagi to watch your competitions tbh
When you come to watch his matches and cheer, he has the BIGGEST smile ever!! 🥹🥹
Its basically like shoving 5kg of sugar into his mouth, hes so energetic and motivated now <3
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guys theres literally a reason why i didnt add him on the artist hcs and its bcs i genuinely think that he wont give a fuck 🧍
Like, you do cheerleading? okay cool👍
But for the sake of this hc then imma put all my brain juice into this one
Might come to your practices whenever he has spare time/he remembers and gives you either those nice energy drinks or some suspicious green fruit-vegetable shake 💀💀
But thats pretty rare
most of the time, you two meet up and do yoga/cool down together, maybe get icecream after bcs SCREW YOUR DIETS FOR ONCE ‼️‼️
If you come to his matches to cheer, then he would mostly be surprised because from the manga and light novel, no one really watched his matches
So he feels warmth blooming in his chest and subconciously works harder to score a goal
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Its hard to find out which one of you two is the cheerleader tbh
deadass cheers MORE than you when it comes to your competitions no SHIT
also, your outift fees? covered. transportation fees? no need, get on his limousine. Props being too expensive? Honey no, 'Expensive' doesnt exist anymore remember?
He basically covers for everything you spend 🧍🧍
Im gonna bet on everything that you have this room in the mikage corp thats specifically for your private practices, like the one reo used to practice soccer
Pays his teammates to go with him to cheer you on your competitions 😭😭😭😭
Come to his matches to cheer and this guy will MELT
his teammates tease him for giving you the googly eyes LMAOOO
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Unlike rin, this guy actually cares
well, more than rin, thats for sure <3
He's a busy guy so he mostly watches you on his phone
speaking of that, he has this album on his gallery thats just pics and vids and clips of you 😭
Hes dedicated so atleast theres that 🤷😭
When you come to his matches, he might not see you at first bcs theres literally tens of thousands of people but when he does?
He performs a small gesture with his arm/s from a small routine you both came up with <33
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(599 words)
im sorry dis is short, i literally dont know wat else to write 😭😭😭
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hanasnx · 1 year
In your opinion, what's the dirtiest line you've ever written, in either public works, wips, or stuff not posted? Something that when you look at it you can't help but think "damnnn I fuckin ate"
babe. im ngl here… my favorite part of writing porn is dirty talk. this is an insanely good question, seriously i love it. but i think “damn i fckn ate” every time i put out a post that features dirty talk, especially shit with degradation involved. i’m bragging, i know. there’s one line that sticks out that i remember being kinda iffy about, until i wrote an entire drabble around it and it got a lot of compliments.
it had me in a chokehold til i wrote it, making up an entire post around it so i had an excuse to use it. it was:
“You like it when I hump you like a dog, huh?” - dry humping
one that wasn’t posted was in a discord message to my friend donnie literally today that read as follows:
i’m imagining anakin’s body weight on her while he’s curling his abdomen to fuck in her between her ass cheeks. his hand on her hairline and her hair is everywhere, it’s knotted and stuck in her lips and in her eyelashes. his other hand is on her neck and his lips are on her ear saying shit like: “you like it, baby? i’m doing this for you. can’t even feel anything, you’re not tight enough. clench for me, huh? give me something. or are you just gonna let me do all the work?”
and she’s spittling all up in her locks when she’s sputtering, “sorry, daddy, sorry. m’trying. i’ll do better.”
his hand tightens and it shuts her up cos it cuts off her air. “fuck yeah, you’ll do better, otherwise i’ll fuck you and make it hurt. that’ll get you tightened up. squeeze my cock like you’re supposed to.”
some honorable posted mentions are:
☥ adultfilm au
☥ talk huttese to me
☥ a lesson in huttese
that had so many lines i loved that i can’t possibly pick out of them. loved this ask
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bookish-phile · 11 months
fourth wing in a nutshell (i think?)
“Stop letting fear leach into your voice,” Luca snaps from behind Rhiannon. “If the dragons think you’re a coward, you’ll be nothing but a name tomorrow.” “She says,” Ridoc narrates, “inducing more fear.”
“It’s been rather surprising to watch, actually.” “Happy to be your entertainment. I’m going to bed.”
“Hell yes!” Ridoc yells, hooting from the top. “That’s our girl!”
“Get on your back?” I repeat like a fucking parrot.
“You’re making us look bad. Stop it.”
“You will not fall. I will not allow it.” “You will trust me.”
“But…” I shake my head. “Dragons value strength and cunning and…ferocity in their riders.” None of which defines me. “Please, do tell me more about what I should value.”
“For the record, please tell me the name of the dragon who chose you.” I lift my chin. “Tairneanach.” “Pronunciation could use some work.” Tairn’s voice rumbles through my head.
I belong to Tairn and Andarna…and, in some really fucked-up way…Xaden.
Tell him to ease up on you.” “Tell him to mind his own business.”
“Tairn says if you harm me, he’ll burn you,” I say as dragons to the left and right launch skyward without their riders, headed back to the Vale. But not Tairn. Nope, he’s still standing behind me like an overprotective dad.
and it’s not like Liam here is sleeping in my bedroom.” “I mean, I’m not opposed—”
“Oh, are we telling dick jokes now?” Ridoc asks from Liam’s side. “Because my entire life has led up to this very moment.”
"..but Sgaeyl does whatever she wants, whenever she wants.."
“Are we on offense or defense?” I ask Xaden. “Little busy right now.” “Oh no, am I distracting you?” A smile curves my mouth. Shit, am I flirting? Maybe. Do I care? Oddly enough…no. “Yes.”
“What did she say?” Xaden asks, gripping my shoulders to steady me. Tairn growls and a puff of steam blasts us both. “I’d take your hands off the rider,” Sgaeyl warns.
“Fuck, that stubborn, feisty look always makes me want to kiss you.”
but it’s not his position that steals my breath. It’s the saddle strapped across his back that has me gawking. “I hear it’s all the fashion,” Tairn brags.
“Third-years are taught to build wards, and at this point in the year, they’re leaving anyway.” I shrug. “May as well send them early so they can be of use.” “Point fucking made.”
Dress uniforms only.” She lifts her brows at Ridoc. He shrugs. “What else would I be wearing?” “One never knows what you’ll come up with,” Devera says, dismissing us.
“So she’s grown quite close to him out of necessity.” Out of lust and need and the ache in my chest I’m terrified to define, but sure, necessity works.
“Then what made you even think that? Have to admit, it pissed me off. I’ve given you exactly zero reasons to think I’m in anyone else’s bed.”
anyway i almost forgot to post this and i also think no one actually read till the end bc i never read long posts so im gonna assume no one else does either
also these are just some stuff i found funny
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jqmalikhsgib · 4 months
eddie wasn’t expecting this response at all! when he came home tonight with a shaved head, he’d expect a bit of a shriek, a glare, maybe a bit of yelling from his fiancé.
eddie didn’t like his short hair to say the lease. he decided to cut it without letting yn know what he was doing. he didn’t expect to be fucking her all night. she’d been so turned on when she saw eddie’s shaved head.
she didn’t know why but he looked fucking fantastic. all she wanted was eddie to pound into her over and over again. yn convinced her dad to take the kids for the night while her and eddie get some alone time.
the engaged couple didn’t waste any time. as soon as jim pulled out of the driveway, yn jumped the rockstar! eddie couldn’t tell how many rounds or orgasms either of them had. all he knew was, he made the right decision when he decided to shave his head.
“goddamn, baby. if you keep doing that im not gonna fucking last.” eddie groans. yn was currently giving eddie a blowjob. she hummed, sending a vibration right through his cock.
yn looks him in the eyes before she swirls her tongue around him. eddie looks down at her before throwing his head back and groaning deeply.
“fuck, need to be inside you again. come on, love. climb right on board sweetheart.” eddie smirks.
yn smiles before she lines herself onto eddie’s cock. they both groan once she seated. despite them going at it for hours, yn still needed time to adjust to his size. eddie’s never been the bragging type, but he always known he was pretty big.
“fuck, your cunt always feels so tight wrapped around me.”
yn slowly grinds against him. eddie sits up gently. he grabs her hips and fucks into her roughly.
“eds!” yn cries out.
“look at me, yn.”
yn opens her eyes as she looks into eddie’s. eddie rest his forehead against hers as he continues to fuck into her. “god, you feel incredible.”
“am i the best, eds? tell me im the best?” yn whines. eddie scoffs as if he’s insulted she asked.
“not even a competition, baby. you know you’re the best ever! fit me so well. like we were made for each other. shit—your cunt was made just for me.” eddie states.
eddie flips them over. he puts his hand around her neck as he fucks her harder.
“you questioning me?”
yn couldn’t speak! she could barely breath with the way eddie was abusing her insides. she felt like she was on a cloud. she’s not experienced at all besides eddie. eddie had been the only man she’d ever been with. but she knew he was the best, and only man, that could make her feel this way,
“don’t ever doubt my words, yn! you are the best woman ive ever been with. not just sexually! no woman will ever compare.do you understand me?”
yn hums as best as she can. drool spilling out of her mouth. eddie kisses her passionately before slamming back into her.
“my lover, my girl, my best friend, my world, my fucking everything. best one too! best fucking cunt out there. shit, im gonna fucking cum, baby.”
eddie gently lets go of her neck. he rubs soft circles into her clit. “me too, baby. please don’t stop.”
eddie continues fucking her until they both release. eddie holding her hand through their orgasm.
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the couple lay in silence on their bed. eddie running circles up and down yn arm.
yn lifts her head from his chest and runs it through his shaved head.
“i really do like it, eds.”
eddie looks down at her. he smiles before kissing her gently. “i could tell. wasn’t expecting all this though, babe.” eddie smirks.
yn plays with her engagement ring. she smiles as she thinks about their wedding. she couldn’t wait to marry the man of her dreams.
eddie hadn’t been home much. after corroded coffin’s album released and became a huge hit, eddie had been even busier than before.
they’re still getting ready to tour with metallica. eddie knew the money coming in was gonna be amazing. they’d discussed everything with their team which meant they estimated how much they’d get depending how much of a hit this tour would receive. by their calculations, eddie didn’t have to worry about shit ever again.
he’d have enough money for their wedding and for a new place! eddie was super excited to finally get his family everything they deserved. nothing could bring him down.
“i love you more than anything, yn. you know that right? id choose you over and over and over again. you and the kids are my world.” eddie kisses the top of her head.
yn heart beats a mile a minute with every word her says.
“i love you too, eds. thank you for loving me and giving me our six beautiful babies.”
eddie was going to say something before they heard a knock on their door. eddie rolls his eyes. “probably dustin, again.”
the couple gets dressed before walking towards the door. “dustin, it’s late! don’t you have scho—”
“hi, eddie.”
yn frowns as she watches eddie freeze.
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burgersnacksformax · 1 year
Sniper x Scout x A clingy s/o
Polycule moment, gender neutral reader
Jeremy thinks your cuddliness is really cute. He appreciates the physical affection so much and will return the favour tenfold !
Mundy on the other hand struggles at first, as he doesn't know how to reciprocate, but with plenty of communication he figures out how not to he as stiff as a board.
You and Jeremy would have to show him how you like being held or cuddled. You'd guide his hands, and Jeremy would adjust his posture. Regardless, you both were very patient with him.
Scout and Sniper are on opposite ends when it comes to PDA. Jeremy does not care if others are around, he's gonna give huge bear hugs and big kisses all the time ! He doesn't care if the others know, and if anything, he might actually prefer them to know ! Like, "look at me, I have the two cutest s/o's ever !"
..Mundy on the other hand isn't so comfortable with it, and you'd often remind Jeremy if he gets overexcited and tries to show Mundy affection in public.
But in private? You all practically pile on top of each other showing affection. Ie, Mundy showing one of you affection, and the other practically throwing themself at him in order to get affection to. (I hope this made you think of a gmod ragdoll because thats what im going for)
In private places, Mundy straight up does not wanna let go, he's gonna cling until you tell him you gotta move. But once youre back comofortably, back to koala bear mode.
Something Mundy does that Jeremy thought was a little odd at first was sniffing. Sniper likes sniffing you and him like a puppy. He just finds your scents comforting.
Mundy loves giving you and Scout kisses on the forehead or top of your heads so he doesn't have to bend down that much. Scout can and has bragged about being the perfect height that he can kiss either of you on the lips without having to tell one of you to bend down. And if you're small, sometimes you settle for kissing them on the neck or chin so you don't have to ask them to bend down.
Scout 10/10 ambushes you with hugs from behind. And if Sniper sees him approaching you from behind? If he knows what Scout is doing, he'll keep quiet. But there have been times he completely outed Scout just because he was happy to see him and eager to greet him.
Scout acts like he likes being the big spoon, but he actually really likes being little. It gives him a sense of comfort and safety, but if anything, he prefers holding you guys while facing you instead of away. Bonus points if he can hold one of you to his chest like a plushy.
Sniper on the other hand likes being the big spoon. Just the feeling of you or Scout pressed against his body relaxes him so much that he falls asleep in just a few minutes. You and Scout don't have the heart to tease him for it cause he never gets enough sleep unless one of you are around.
You three sometimes have to take turns to see who gets to be in the middle. Sniper doesn't always participate in these little negotiations, he's just happy that you both wanna cuddle.
If youre small, Scout fucking loves carrying you, it makes him feel so strong and he gets to hold you close so win win. He has tried to pick up Sniper but they both fell over, and Sniper hasn't let him do it since. Snipes would carry you if you asked, and would be super blushy and amazed if you ever managed to carry him ! Same for scout tbh
Jeremy will sometimes grab you by the waist out of nowhere and pull you close to his side, bumping your hips together. The only reason he doesn't do that for Sniper as much is cause of the whole PDA thing.
Mundy is very prone to pulling either of you on his lap, but typically gets crushed after he pulls one of you and then the other insists to join (he likes it though).
Sniper usually sleeps at the innermost side of the bed cause hes a super light sleeper, meanwhile Scout sleeps at the edge side because you might need a nuclear bomb to wake this man up. Scout drools in his sleep btw and Mundy has seriously considered bringing a towel to bed because of it.
Every fuckin time you laugh Scout cant help but join even if youre laughing at something really gruesome or something. Sniper cant help but smile too.
Even tho Mundy isn't big on PDA, sometimes when he feels overwhelmed he'll hold your or Jeremy's sleeve or the back of your shirt for comfort.
Anyways. In general there's just so much bickering so there's never a dull moment. And Scout never fuckin shuts up so there's a lot of snarky remarks to be made.
But sometimes you or Mundy start feeling a little overwhelmed with all the noise. You both can recognize easily when the other is getting a little overwhelmed, but Jeremy needs a little time to figure out the cues. But when one of you lets him know, he'll start being a little quieter or just outright stop talking until he knows you guys are okay.
Back to cuddling hcs. You guys tend to fall asleep and wake up at completely different times, so you managed to keep a proper sleep schedule purely so you can all sleep together.
JEREMY KEEPS HOGGING THE BLANKET. AND MUNDY KEEPS HAVING COLD PEETS. Every fucking night Sniper gets annoyed and puts his cold feet on Jeremy to bug him, accidentally kicking you in the process, and it doesnt even wake up mister jer bear over here.
Anyways you guys have two blankets now
They love u lots :]
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ellecdc · 7 months
every single remus version you have written so far is about to catch these hands cause wtf.
anyways loved the new chap and i love rem being a stupid fucken doofus AND SIRIUS PUTTING HIM IN HIS PLACE YES BABY
also i feel as though amelia is gonna be a big fucking problem for my whim baby. i swear if she hurts her im going to riot. pitch forks and torches.
i want more sirius putting people in their places (shit is hot 🤭🤭) hoping it’s amelia next🫣
(i do feel a little bad though, it’s either she’s going to be a problem or she’s going to be extremely hurt AND I DONT LIKE SEEING GIRLS HURT NO NO)
anyways i think the reason why your stories work so well is because you mesh ALL the characters into the story, it’s never just r and said character ITS A WHOLE PRODUCTION AND A HALF👏👏
ohhh i can’t wait for the angst between james, sirius, and rem and then heart wrenching angst between rem and my whimsical baby😮‍💨😮‍💨
(also a little note i saw u post abt the drink snob: if you are willing to finish the story (which is fully up to you, no one can force you to do anything) i think you can start it off with r finally starting work in the restaurant! i think the interview process with rem’s parents would be so cute, while she learns stuff abt him cuz his mom is adorable and won’t stop talking abt her kids (all of them) maybe she gets a little peak -fully accidental- abt what it is rem and the little gang is actually doing. just a few ideas for you lovely, it’s all up to you and what you feel comfortable in doing! 🫶💗)
YES YES YES THERE YOU ARE - everytime I post a new chapter/piece I literally sit at the computer like:
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….waiting to see what frostooo has to say 💃🏻
I know rem is such a dumb dumb it was getting hard to write cuz he was pissing me off so much (even tho it’s my own damn fault??)
I was like, okay, someone’s gotta humble this man, and who better than my fellow November Scorpio??????
I think someone needs to look at Amelia and be like “………babes…..why u letting this mans treat you like this????………….be better” like which friends of hers are letting her hopelessly pine over this dumpster fire of a man rn???? Bad friends, she needs new friends.
Also, I’m the kind of person who like, the thing I’m most proud of/what I brag about to people is my relationships. Like my relationship with my friends I’ve known since I was 4, being an aunt & godmama like these things are the coolest thing about me so I wouldn’t be who I am without my friends AND THATS HOW OUR BABIES ARE?!?!? Sirius is who he is cuz of his friends, and James, and Remus etc etc - they are integral to the story because they’re integral to the characters!!!
I’m going to mood board about drink snob - usually I have an idea of how I want a story to end before I write it (I knew the ending of CBBH and of AMWAP before I knew what happened in the middle), so it feels weird to write without a plan. (Omg, a plan, I sound like Remus)
Okay bye love you drink lots of water today 🫶
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bigmack2go · 7 months
Since i made tjis tag i thought i might as well add onto it already so uh yeah… again: feel free to use this to explain the internet to ur parents
Emoji guide!!
💀: is like a way to laugh. Specially like a „bruh“ or „no she/he/they/you did not“, „i cant believe he/she/they/you did this“ or „there is no way they/you/she/he did this!“. Do not use this if someone died please!
😭: also a laugh. Dont ask. People use it differently but many people use it specifically when they are jokingly complaining or whining about something. Also when something is unbelievable and/or like a wheezing „what?!“ or „seriously?!“
🥺: we usually mock ppl w this saying they’re pick me (fishing for compliments)
🤠: i hate my life right now
😃😀: those are like a frozen smile and show that u highly dislike smt
🙂: im about to strangle someone and beat the shit out of them. When you need to take a deeo breath to keep cool
🙃: either mocking pedoph!les lt trying to creep someone out or saying that someone is creepy
😆: hAHa YoUrE So FuNnY (hint: youre not funny)
😁: ironically saying „look what I’ve accomplished“
🥹: is the version of „🥺“ that we actually use
🥲: can be „beautiful“ *wipes tear from eye* or like the office glance at the camera.
😇: i do not in fact have very good intentions
☺️: im gonna kill u. Kind of a „you did what now?!“ when u try to keep calm
😊: im so not okay right now and i hate my life or being proud in a bragging way
😉: make fun of pedoph!les
😌: uh-huh thats right. Im great (and u suck). OR „good girl“ yk?? Or being proud
😗: also a frozen smile kinda thing
😋: hehe mischievous
😝: mocking old ppl
🤪: ironic way of mocking pick me girls (aka girls that are fishing for compliments)
🤨: „thats what she said…“
🧐: „do you realise what youre saying??“
🤓: making a mocking voice
😎: mikedrop
🥸: are you aware that u sound like an idiot rn
🤩: IM GONNA BE A DOCTOR OR LAWYER OR SMT (i didn’t fail my maths exam for once)
😣😖: u gonna cry?/ go cry about it
😫: our generation is weird and has to make everything moaning. Sry but this is moaning.
😩: „OH COME ON!“
🤯: are you telling me you didn’t know this yet?
🥵: moking hot situations or saying „that was close“
😶‍🌫️: wasn me
😱: are you telling me u didn’t know this?
🤗: im so happy for u (i hate you and i don’t think u deserve shit and it’s not fair that i have smt i want. Fuck u)
🤭: you think im frightened of u?
🤔: ironic way to say „i wonder why“
🤫: i did smt haha
🤥: i did smt not-so-haha
🫠: „that was so embarrassing“ discompfot or blush or a way of showing a crush. Some people use it as that thing where j get rly angry and try to cover it up and then your eye starts twitching
🤥: haha wasn me (it totally was me and we all know it)
🫥: no ones laughing
😐😑: i cant w u
🫨: more ironic version of „🥶“
🤤: i want that
🙄😴: waiting
😮‍💨: why r u such an idiot? And why did god choose me to handle it?
😵- oh— (swallowing a laugh)
🥴: w h a t
🤢: exxeragating way to make fun of ppl
🤑: gimme gimme
🤡: u/i sound like an idiot. Also way to mock creeps
👹👺: when u make your voice all bellowish and/or come of creepy and weord
👽: he/she/they sounds like an idiot. Are they dumb? Or „girl—?“
👾: stop talking. Ur annoying and also no ones buying ur shit
✌️: often used ironically
🤌🏼: *cheffkiss*
🫰🏼🤏🏻: teeny weeny
🫴🏻: y tho
☝🏼: mhm (pretending to be an authority figure, usually in a lightly mocking way)
🖐️: oft used in combo w „😭“ to say „can i live??“
👁️👄👁️: heh
✍️: noted OR im writing u in my death note
🦶: stfu or what ur saying makes no sense
🫦: mockingly sexual
👣: ur onto smt
👀: „woOHP“ *swallows a laugh*, he said what?, offensive sideeye, looking forward to smt OR i may or me not be plning smt (im absolutely planning smt) aka what i says has double meaning
🗣️: no one wants to hear your bullshit
👼: opposite as 😇
💆: this isnt a massage. This is me desperatly holding my demples and taking deep breaths so i dont kill anyone
💅: fab. Its also kind of slang/ hidden way to say „gay“ and do the handflick thingy. At least it used to be idk
🧑‍🦯: ur not making any sense
🧍‍♀️: someone spunds like an idiot or idk what to do w myself/ this sotuation
🕴️: you are about to break into dancing
🕺💃: vibing w music
🎩/🎓: used to be like „ha look how smart i am because of tjis one thing i got right“ in a nonserious way but no one rly uses it anymore
💍: marry me (obv) but like in an easy way. You had a good idea and im flashed by it so im exerragating your genious so much i want to marry u. Thats just an example obv
👑: u dropped this
🦄: delulu
✨: to make a word fancy like precenting a banner u put one of these at the beginning and end of the word/phrase/sentence. This can br sarcastic or serious. In quarantine many people used this as general quote unquote marks
🌚🌝: hehe
🔥: pften used by bro-pal-guy-jocks to push a post by comenting
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cryiling · 1 year
what do we think about kpop idol au revalink where revali is from a big 3 company (i feel like he gives sm or yg but idk) and link is from a smaller company, but they get into a dating scandal because of dispatch's stupid dating dump at the end of the year or whatever
revali is appalled to have dating rumors with this little runt from a nugu group (he's lying, link is totally his type), meanwhile link is losing his shit bc it's his idol it's THE revali 🫣
im gonna use this ask as an excuse to talk about idols!link and revali bc I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS
first of all revali is def giving agust d vibes, that fuck capitalism and the government sorta songs, and he definitely writes his own music (he thinks that artists who don't write their own music aren't real artists). no wait like genuinely. have u guys seen the lyrics for all the songs on d-day?? and like the mv for amygdala?? totally breaking kpop industry norms and I can totally see revali doing that, like yes babes talk abt your mental health and traumatic experiences, pop off king !
I bet revali prefers doing hip hop style dances, like you're never gonna catch him doing those rlly simple trendy dances. nah he out here doing flips and bboying and stuff 😭 hmm like think back down or halazia level dances (bye not me finding a way to bring halazia into any conversation SJDHSJF)
also he definitely only sings live, no lip syncing for him. one day he gets sick and loses his voice but he still has a performance that day, and his manager is like PLS just lipsync to the track, literally no one will get mad I promise, and he's like bitch no and just has his fans sing the whole song (he goes viral for this, his fans bragging abt how revali would never stoop to the level of lip syncing while his antis are calling him lazy for having his fans do all the singing, then revali's fans clap back at those ppl and pull up the receipts of all the times their faves lip synced)
ok we need stage name and fandom for revali. hm tbh I feel like he would just keep his name as his stage name, like he probably thinks the idea of stage names is cringy 💀 help I need fandom name ideas. like, vale or something BYE. his company probably came up with a whole list of possible fandom names and he said no to all of them, atp his manager just picked one for him 😭
u mentioned revali is from a big 3 company, hmm yeah I'm getting sm vibes from him. how long do u think he trained for? probably a couple years, like 6? so he's very insistent that all his accomplishments are from his hard work
OK let's talk abt link! idk many small companies but ummm let's say like, gf or something (they have kingdom, slay!). do u guys know that one idol from loona I think? and she was a trainee for only one day? yeah that's link 😭 he auditioned for the company and they're like you're great! debut asap pls
link is just here to have a good time honestly, like he's going live at 3am to do drunk karaoke like jungkook fr 😭 he really has a passion for singing and performing, and at the end of the day he's just doing this for funsies, he doesn't let the stress get to his head too much, which, king behavior honestly
ik u said he's from a nugu group but honestly I'm seriously loving the soloist vibe from him, like if he was in a group he'd probably end up as the wonyoung of the group bc he just has that main character energy 😭
I can see link doing more upbeat/poppy songs, but he does the occasional ballad + contemporary dance combo that his fans go FERAL for. or,, omg. imagine him doing criminal by taeyang... 😊
his stage name.. L!NK bc he's quirky and not like other girls 😧 I bet his song titles are either in all caps or all lowercase too, he insists "it's for the aesthetic 🥺"
hm what sort of situation are they in where dispatch makes a dating scandal for them? OUHH MAYBE theyre both mcs for a music show (ignore that it's usually one guy and one girl) and they do one of those performances together and ppl are like 🤨⁉️ like imagine them doing the iconic dolphin dance together ✋ fans go CRAYZEEE the fancams hit like 20m views because their chemistry together really shines, even with such a simple song
their companies see how good they are for each other's publicities, so they really push for more of their schedules to be together.. which ofc comes at the cost of the dating scandal. they're hanging out together at some cafe idk, their managers told them to go hang out in the hopes that they would get some more publicity. what they WEREN'T expecting is for dispatch to declare that they're dating??? (that's a lie, link's manager (zelda) definitely knew smth like that would happen and she's the biggest revalink supporter 🤞)
when revali hears about this, he has a freaking meltdown to his manager teba, like 😭 lying facedown on the couch screaming into a pillow, "they think we're DATING?$:$;&2!;@/@ they really think a senior idol would go out with a rookie!!???!: SHUT UP TEBA HE IS NOT MY TYPE-"
meanwhile link has the BIGGEST celebrity crush on revali, like you know how jungkook is with namjoon? yeah 😭 so when the dating scandal comes out, link is just so flattered that people would think that he's worthy to be with revali- he's going around to anyone who will listen and is like "people think I'm with revali 😦🥰🥰" zelda is like girl calm down you're not actually together
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taegularities · 9 months
let me start by saying I apologize for the novel I’m about to write.
this was. hands down. the best chapter so far. and I am NOT just saying that bc IT finally happened, ok?
like… everything about it was so beautiful and I usually hate pregnancy scares/arcs but it didn’t feel out of place or forced at all and oh my GOD jungkook !!! like I cried literally the whole way through from when she went missing until the end of the chapter. I didn’t think it was possible to physically feel how much two fictional characters loves another but you did it, Rid. you have breathed so much life into them that I felt like it was playing out right in front of me.
and even before the angst when it’s just them appreciating being together after the move, it was so wonderful to read. sometimes stories get boring when the drama ebbs but it isn’t like that with them bc their emotions are just beautiful to see play out.
and then… you sly cutie… he finally fucking SAID it. and it was so worth the wait of course, and it just made me cry so hard bc I think we all need to hear that right? that even if we stay broken forever someone will still love us? and more importantly SHE needed to hear that. and she better say it back after that stunt she pulled 👊🏼
also usually I don’t really think of the real life counterpart when reading fanfics, at least not unless it’s meant to be set in our world. but this chapter was so jungkook, wasn’t it?
like… in the bathroom scene, when he’s asking to be let in and telling her he’s gonna stay I started thinking about how that’s what his lives are for us, ya know? at least I know for me when i’m at my lowest and metaphorically locked in a bathroom I get that notification and it’s exactly like him knocking on my door. and even the ily confession just reminded me so much of things he’s actually said about him wanting us to be happy and that he loves us unconditionally. maybe I just miss the real jungkook too much… either way. you’re characterization is magical and I will probably never move on from him.
I feel like I actually have so much more to say but my brain isn’t spitting it out… i’m sure i’ll be back.
also, not to brag(?) but these last few chapters of them being official have really reminded me of my boyfriend and I and I think that’s why i’ve loved them even more than the past chapters. it just makes my heart really warm.
anyway…. you’re a goddamn genius and I love you (that’s a reference now 😂)
the best chapter so far?? ALYSSA 😭 also not using the ily as a reference im gonna sue you fkjshjkfaasf
ahhh i know, a lot of people do not dig pregnancy scares and i totally understand, but i'm still so happy you guys gave it a chance and enjoyed it. honestly, kook's reaction to it was my main concern and point, and i was low(highkey lol) excited to finally get to it bc he's just so… ugh. a dream. i cried a lot, as well </3 i'm so emotional bc everyone's been saying they could feel the love through that scene alone and it makes me sooooo ahhhh 😭
and the fluff 🥺🦋 ngl, i was extremely scared that cmi might get boring or less interesting now that the angst is over, but… it's really so encouraging to know that you still love it so much. and also to know that the wait for THAT THING was worth it!! i agonised over that scene bc i needed that big moment to be super special eeee 😭 he'll be here, no matter how broken she is, and… vice versa :( she better say it back fr lmaooo!!
that chapter was so jungkook? this is the biggest fucking compliment ever 😭 i always try sooo hard to capture their personalities well (especially with cmi11.5!!), so this makes my heart flutter :( <3 reassuring her and loving her is definitely a jk thing to do. he has so much affection in his heart for the people around him sigh.
omg you already said so much, but if you wanna come back for more,,, gladly hehe 🥺 you and your boyfriend sound so so sweet together!! happy you could see glimpses of yourselves in this one. here's to so much more.. thank you again, love <3333
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