#i always thought christians are the most selfish fucking ppl and didnt have a christian friend since like high school
pissmoon · 2 years
I am so fucking pissed at this guy. He thinks we are bffs because we went to one music fest together and we were smoking when i had nothing better to do. He bothered me and whined and begged that i cover 2 of his shifts so he can go to Berlin with family. I almost always agree to shifts exchanges with coworkers when i can but in this case there was a huuuge joint bday party 2 coworkers were throwing and i told him i want to go and he was offended (i was invited and he was not🙃)...? And it pissed me off how like... He planned an abroad trip with family but he didnt bother to take paid vacations leave he just assumed i'll always exchange shifts with him whenever he asks because i cant possibly have plans and life of my own and he felt entitled to it?? I ended up agreeing tho bc there was 1 shift he could take so i have 5 days off in a row. If its sooooo important to him that he's been bothering me for 1 fucking week. So, 1 hour after we and our manager signed our exchange shifts paper he told me he is too depressed to go to work and cover one of those two shifts of mine and he'll be taking sick leave 'but dont worry you will not get in trouble because i'll 100% be on the second one'. Yea we had a shift together and he didnt tell me that before i signed the shit even tho he already knew! I was so pissed but I believed him and i was kinda too excited about having 5 days off in a row. Next fucking day he tells me he's not going to Berlin with family on that date and if i wanna go with him for 1 or 2 days on my 5 days off. At first i thot well if u dragged me in the middle of this mess you can take me to Berlin in exchange for the hussle. But after 1 day i realized wait ill be on the first day of my period no way i am going to sit in a car/train for hours and then walk around Berlin when its all windy and cold and told him that. He came to my apt uninvited as he always does and kept being like pls pls pls pls go with me. I was like dude idk if i feel right yea maybe but ill probably wont even be able to get out of bed. He took that as a yes i guess and went to a pub with the main gossiper coworker and a MANAGER as he was on sick leave and BRAGGED about how he is going to Berlin with me. On sick leave when he was supposed to cover my shift. Like he made it look like i intentionally exchanged knowing he wont come to work so we can go together? Of course i didnt even feel like going anywhere on my period but he had to tell everyone. And bam big fucking surprise. He promised i wont get in trouble because he 100% will cover that second shift right. He fucking forgot about it and went to Ukraine of all places and called in with some 'my kid is sick' bullshit to work. And he bragged to me about all the trips he had to be on because he was too sad to go to work as i was getting in trouble at work because of him!! He knows damn well our workplace puts bans on exchanging shifts on ppl who fool around like this. I dont give a shit if he gets not so legit sick leaves but he dragged me in the middle of this mess like what for? He fucking gets 4 sick leaves a week to get out of work he can travel whenever he wants. To be petty and selfish now - I didnt go to that coworkers party, i was banned from exchanging shifts along with him. I talked to the boss and they unbanned me after 1 week, but before that happened uhh. I missed the concert by patriarchy and spit mask because i could not exchange a shift with anyone. God i hate this dude so much now how can one be this immature and selfish like what are you 11. I told him it him it was selfish and entitled behavior and i feel like he used me and didnt care ill get in trouble and he didnt reply since. He didnt even say fucking sorry
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