#i always knew robbie was the better amell
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silentauthor96 · 2 years ago
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soldierallen · 6 years ago
Married 8.
Warnings: domestic henry, a kiss, mention of the word whore, probably a curse word or two
Featuring: Henry Cavill, Sebastian Stan, Robbie Amell.
Part 7:
It was already dark by this point
she would always sing in the car to new music that only she listened to everyone hated that she liked every single new song on the radio however they adored their best friend so it didn't bother them that she would sing loudly on road trips, it wasn't new to them it was traditional except for tonight, she sang nothing and looked out the window Henry tried to get her talking every once and awhile but it didn't work.
"Wait in the car for me, I'll be back" he said, he walked up to his front door unlocking it and slipping in quickly
Henry's such a good man, I wish I could have someone like him you know someone who takes care of me like he does, thinks about me..when nobody else does she sat there thinking of all the things that could've happened tonight- not one thing she wanted happened, he didn't stop the wedding she didn't stop the wedding he said he loves her but never continued to say anything else
Only 20 minutes later he had walked out in different clothes "oh comfy" she smiled sadly at his warm comfy clothes "its not like you don't own most of my clothes at your place" he said getting into the car she smiled devilishly "you know I can always buy you your own, oh and also I'm missing a certain sweater and if I find it in your closet I'm taking it back"
"Rude" she said rolling her eyes "it's not rude it's my sweater" he rolled his eyes putting the keys into the ignition the seatbelt noise and lights turning on
"Is it the white one with the buttons" she admitted he started the car with a laugh "yeah" he looked at her "oh you can have that back I don't even wear it" " I'm taking back the clothes I like" "you're not" "I am" he backed out of his driveway and drove off onto the road to her house
"Okay fine but there is two pieces you absolutely cannot have"
"Which are?" He said looking at from the corner of his eye "the navy blue sweater with the white letters of the sleeves, that's the sweater you put me in when I stayed at your house... that one night" she trailed off he knew and put his hand on her hand for reassurance "and that grey t shirt it's so comfy and big smells like you" none of the words on the clothing would come into her mind "you took that out of my drawer you thief!" he said "it's no big deal I'll buy you a new one!" She explained she loved arguing with Henry like this, it was just a lot of teasing it never went further than teasing ever.
"I'll be looking forward to it" he laughed and so did he adored their playful arguments about literally nothing it felt so pure to him knowing that he still had that friend, that one friend who you could talk about anything with smile with laugh with, she has always taken my side and I've taken hers.
Sebastian was worrying as soon as he walked into that front door, everything came crumbling down.
"Mom" sebastian yelled his mother coming down the stairs quickly hearing her son's voice "baby" she put her hands on his face "I messed up I really messed up ma and I don't know how to fix it" he paced she hugged her boy he hugged her back "I'm gonna lose y/n I'm gonna lose her cause I made too many mistakes that aren't fixable" he was so worn out at this by time he wanted nothing more than to just perish, nothing felt real.
"sit down, you can always fix things between you and y/n just tell her everything the truth the real truth." she sympathizes with him he sat down on her and his "father's" couch "where's tripp" he was so done with this day he rubbed his forehead cold metal on his skin he looked up the wedding ban still on his finger he pulled it off and threw it across the room it hitting the wall falling behind the TV.
"He's asleep he was so angry at her he couldn't contain it, cheating on you like that? He's is very protective over his kids seeing her hurt you like that drove him crazy"
"Tripp doesn't care you're just saying that to make me feel better" sebastian folded his arms over chest looking at the TV screen which played some kind of cooking show it was quiet "your father loves you sebastian, can you just not be a jerk for 10 seconds and maybe you will realize that all the people in your life love you and care about you." His mother was right and he knew she was right it was just his anger and his frustration would always come out at the wrong times.
"Is rose okay?" His mother nodded "she had a talk with faith and she reassured her that you were okay" he laughed.. the sound draining quickly
"Do you remember what grandpa said before he passed" she laid her head on her sons shoulder he gave her a questioning look "Something Broken Can Always Be Fixed" she looked at a frame picture of her father and sebastian on the wall a few months before he got sick, sebastian opened his jacket pocket feeling the silver ring she gave him he pulled it out looking at it twirling it in his finger "she gave this to me a few days before the wedding, she said she needed to give me it now because the wedding was going to be too hectic to actually see my reaction" he swallowed thinking about a more simpler time, and then he remembered the argument in his driveway and that... that was the worst day for him.
"Grandpa gave it to her to give to me when I needed it the "most".. now I know why she gave it to me so early" he looked at the engraved writing inside of the ring, "how did he know to give it to her?" His mother asked "She's been in my life forever he knew she was someone to keep forever"
Henry put down his bag on her bedroom floor "what if I just call him to see if hes okay?" She was still thinking about it, I mean he did confess his love for her.. she should talk to him at least for a minute right?
" but after everything he's done you still want to check on him?" she stared at him "what if he needs me" "you both will live with it, you both need a breather from each other I promise it's for the better" he looked for her remote throwing it at her she turned on the TV, the news was on it was 11pm on a Sunday, the streets were somewhat quiet..
He sat next to her on her bed she laughed at him whilst he stared at her studying her facial features, he always admired her.
she pulls the hair tie out of her hair fixing it on her wrist, looking at him from the corner of her eye "what?" She finally broke the silence
"You know, I always thought you were gorgeous" she smiled "oh come on" she put her hand on his shoulder
"When we were nineteen I considered asking you out and I chickened out!" He said both of them laid on the pillows watching some show
"Nineteen year old me was a hoe" she said with a laugh "nineteen year old you was hot" he half smiled she pushed his arm lightly
"nineteen year old me would've so fucked nineteen year old Henry, we were very fuckable than" she smirked "yeah twenty five year old y/n and Henry are very fuckable dont underestimate us" he filrted, he got up looking in her closet she blushed lightly
"After all these years you still make me blush" she threw a pillow at his backside which he caught and threw it back at her "I'm very charming what could I say" he laughed but it was muffled her clothing in the closet making it seem quieter.
"Where the hell is my white sweater?" he said inside of the closet looking "the last article on the right side should be it" she focused on his back and butt "I am not a sexual object you can objectify" he looked over his shoulder at her with a fake frown she laughed very loudly covering her face in embarrassment he turned to her "I'm kidding" he pulled the sweater out onto her bed "I thought this was nicer? How long have you had it"
"A few months I thought it was comfy but it was just itchy" she laughed
"We should eat?" He suggested
A phone call ruined the mood definitely. It was Henry's and it was Sebastian
"Hello" he answered the phone putting it on speaker.
"Are you with her?" Seb asked he looked up at her for an answer she quickly nodded no
"No I'm alone what's up" He acted like he was concerned when in reality he wasn't.
"I think I need to see her just explain everything really get to the bottom of it?" He sat next to her she looked at Henry, Henry looked at her gave no real answer
"I think you should do whatever you feel is right" Henry said, he wanted them to mend their relationship but he knew sebastian wasn't going to do that properly.
"Is it too soon?" He was curious
"No do it because you want to not because you have to" Henry wanted to get mad and just scream and tell him to wrap it up were adults!
" if I just give it time??"
"How long is she suppose to wait for you?"
Sebastian had no answer on the other side
"Don't call her than it's that simple" he looked at y/n for reassurance she had no reaction
"Henry, I didn't know how I felt about her until the night of the argument it really got my gears turning that I was making a mistake I didn't feel like myself"
"Seb you haven't been yourself since Alex walked into the party on the roof, it's a completely different person you have turned into, you know that y/n told you" he looked at y/n and she mouthed "he knows he just wants to hear you say it" she said to Henry In a small whisper
"I know I just wanted to hear you say it" Henry gave her these eyes like how did you know "I know him" she mouthed no words coming out of her mouth
"Henry I didn't call for you to be angry"
"She said it, I absolutely couldn't care less if you get together or not"
"She doesn't want to talk to me.." he was bummed, and tired I think sebastian needed to sleep for the next week and think about what he did "she wants to talk to you beileve me just not tonight call her tomorrow and work it out alright" Henry said
they hung up and Henry gave her a weird look
"why did you want me to do that?"
"I don't want to suffer anymore if he wants me if can call me I can't do it.." she said he turned to face her getting closer to her "you're a good women, my best friend you deserve someone who will take care of you" she pulled him towards her face her kissing him he kissed back lightly a small smile creeped onto his face "what was that" he asked "I wanted to see what it would be like, was you okay with it" she was a little afraid thinking she overstepped
"I liked it" he tried to contain his self from giggling it was just funny to him, that they kissed and it didn't certainly mean much to the both of them... or so they thought. she got up grabbed her phone off the living room coffee table
"Okay I'm not watching a chick flick" he insisted coming behind her resting his chin on the nuk of her shoulder
"You love my chick flicks cavill, romance is the key" she looked to the side of her to see his face
"Fine I choose the food" he grabbed the phone out of her hand "hey" she got offended "I don't want Chinese or thai food" "you're making me sad"
"You get a chick flick, I get those tacos from down the street"
"You always complain their bad?" She looked for her jacket
"Yeah? Your point is?" He said she laughed shaking her head, never mind she thought.
"Or I get a chick flick and we go get both" she dangled her keys in his face he grabbed them "okay"
"Why" she whined
"Because you're a horrible driver"
"You just keep offending me?"
"I guess it's in my nature" he laughed kissing her cheek she was fluttered by butterflies in her stomach, she liked the way Henry made her feel.
"Should I change my shorts it's cold" she said
"Change I'll wait for you"
"Thanks" she went back into her room to change her shorts when all of sudden she realized.... I kissed Henry?
He watched her walk back into her room his brain exploded with questions... I kissed y/n?
He bit his lip knowing that she wanted that she wanted him, it was crazy for him to ever think she wanted him in that kinda way, he didn't just like the kiss he loved it.
When they got into the car it was quiet but a comfortable quiet a very bearable nice quiet being in the company of someone you would do anything for was a good feeling.
"Are we just not gonna talk about you kissing me earlier" he tried to keep a straight face wanting to smirk so badly
"I just wanted to see what it was like that's all" it was kind of a lie, she wanted to feel something anything and she got it she felt butterflies
"Oh okay" he nodded at her, a red light appearing in front of them he looked to his right at her she looked at him "can you stop staring at me" she let out a small laugh "you're beautiful I can't help it" he looked back at the road
They got to the thai place ordering, they waited when a familiar face they had just seen a few hours ago appear, Robbie.
"Robbie??" Henry called out to the man sitting by himself, he held y/n's hand his protective side coming out strongly
"Henry y/n" robbie said he was still in his suit no tie on his dress shirt unbuttoned hair was tousled he looked like a wreck
"Hows it going y/n after everything?" Robbie knew feelings for sebastian
"Okay I guess, what happened?" She asked, Henry felt sympathy for the guy all he wanted was the girl he loved and got put into a lot of other shit. And so did she "Well after you all left, sebastian's father yelled at me for ruining his son's "marriage" and taking away the one good thing sebastian had in his life" robbie air quotes marriage because it wasn't a real marriage and they both knew it "and then Alex came and told me to eat shit and screamed at me for the first time in 4 years that was fun, and now am here eating thai food alone at almost 1am" he was so frustrated
"hey go get the food" Henry whispered to y/n and that's what she did
"Listen robbie what you did today was a bold and brave move, you had more guts than any one of us since the past 5 months I know things are probably really shit right now but I promise everything will fall into place" he put his hand on his shoulder a comforting hand robbie gave a comforting smile "I did this all for her, and i get nothing out of it" he said the women with his order ready to hand it to him, "I know everything's gonna be alright" he patted his shoulder once again and regrouped with y/n "thanks for the talk Henry you're not so bad" robbie tried to joke around Henry laughed "yeah people tell me that" he held y/n's hand out the door
"What you did was really nice of you"
"I heard you"
"Yeah I just felt bad for the guy"
"Me to, but I guess me and robbie are going through it together huh?" Henry smiled sadly and hung his arm around her "we're gonna get through it okay?" She nodded they got into the car and drove to their next destination, remotely "bad" tacos as Henry says.
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cozyreviews · 4 years ago
2020 Reading Wrap-Up
This year was extremely cathartic in terms of reading. The past few years I’ve been reading, but not very fast and not very often. I am proud to say that as of today, I have read 31 books this year. Not only was this the most I’ve ever read period, but the most varying in genres that I’ve ever read. Normally I stick to ya contemporary and fantasy, but this year I jumped around from middle grade to adult to new adult back to ya. I also discovered my favorite authors of all time. The books I read this year were fun, eye-opening, and engaging. Some of them I definitely didn’t like as much as the others, but that’s a story for later.
Without further or do...here are my top 8 of the year!
1. The Hating Game by Sally Thorne
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This is the book that started my rom-com kick this year. I started off the year finishing up the TATBILB series and I immediately jumped into The Hating Game and my god did I fall in love with it. If you haven’t heard of it, it follows Lucy and Josh who work together and are mortal enemies and well...I think you can guess where it goes. It’s hilarious, it’s sweet, and boy is it sexyyyy. I can’t wait to see it come to life on the big screen with Lucy Hale and Robbie Amell! They just started shooting and I can totally see them both being perfect in their rolls.
2. Josh & Hazel’s Guide to Not Dating by Christina Lauren
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Last year for Christmas, this was one of the books I got - along with The Hating Game. It took a while to start this one but I loved it and it made me see how incredible Christina Lauren is. There’s a way that they write about love that’s unlike any other. This one was also sweet, hilarious, and sexy and the ending had me all emo. Friends to lovers is one of my favorite tropes so if that’s what you love, this one would be right up your alley. It’s about Hazel - a wacky, zany teacher who in college had several run-ins with Josh that didn’t go very well. Years later, they run into each other at a party and become friends. This eventually leads to them going on double dates with people they set each other up with - but they always end up going home together;)
3. The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren
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O. M. G. This was a WILD ride. I had no idea what to expect with this one but I definitely had many times where I was actually laughing out loud. The premise of this one is insane: our main character’s twin sister is getting married and she just so happens to hate the brother of the groom. On the night of the wedding, the main character and the brother end up being the only ones at the wedding who don’t get food poisoning so they’re forced by their siblings to take their honeymoon trip to Hawaii. If that hasn’t hooked you, I don’t know what will. 
4. In a Holidaze by Christina Lauren
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THIS. BOOK. One of my favorites I’ve EVER read. It’s everything I could ever want: romance, humor, and CHRISTMAS! I feel like I should’ve kept this one closer to Christmas but I read it at the beginning of November and it instantly put me in the spirit. With a lot of these rom-coms, it’s easy to predict what’s gonna happen, but this one I had NO IDEA how it was going to end. And I loved every second of the journey. This one follows Mae to her family and family friends’ cabin on Christmas. After a disastrous trip, she gets in a car accident with her family and ends up repeating the holiday over and over again. Oh and there’s a cute boy that she’s nursed a crush on for years. This one had me laughing out loud too and also crying. We absolutely stan this and I will definitely be reading every year at Christmas time.
5. Daisy Jones & the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid
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Holy. Shit. I can’t even describe how much I loved this book. If you know me, you know how much I love music so this was the PERFECT book for me. At first it took some time to get into, but once I was into it...phew. It absolutely flew by and all I wanted to do was read. It’s about a fictional band from the 1970′s. I don’t even know what to say other than that so I don’t spoil anyone but it is a JOURNEY.  I found myself gasping at some points because of how shocking some things were. Ugh. I loved it. If you like Fleetwood Mac in any way, I highly, highly, highly recommend this book.
6. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid
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I knew I wanted to read this after I finished Daisy Jones, but I actually didn’t get around to it until a week or so ago. I flew through this one too and oh my god. If Daisy Jones wasn’t shocking enough for you then this one. Oh. My. God. It’s about Evelyn Hugo, a fictional starlet from the 50′s (? I think) who asks a small time writer to help write her biography - to be released after she’s dead. Evelyn is such an intriguing character, you just want to know more and more and more. And there’s one thing about her that is absolutely shocking. There are actually so many shocking revelations throughout this book and it all took me completely off guard. Surprisingly, I feel like I learned a lot through this book and from Evelyn. She’s painted out to be not a very great person, and I think I understand why people think that about her, but I don’t see her that way at all. I actually feel like she’s a good person, maybe a bit selfish, but there’s one thing all of her decisions have in common. Love.
7. The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
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Phew. I can’t believe it took me this long to read this book. I thought I’d be okay with just seeing the movie but let me tell you...the book is so much more eye opening and amazing.. After the protests in June, I saw everyone talking about things like White Fragility and How to Be an Antiracist - but I knew those books wouldn’t be for me. Now hear me out...I hate non-fiction. I learn lessons much better through fictional stories and that’s why this one resonated so much with me. Starr is one of the most brave, incredible characters that I’ve had the pleasure of reading. The way Angie writes her story is both beautiful and heartbreaking. You watch as she changes and how the people around her change by the horrific event that has taken place. I’m not gonna try to summarize it, because hopefully everyone knows what it’s about by now. If you haven’t yet, go pick it up. Right now. I feel like this is a story that’s going to be around forever and that we’ll be giving to our children to read when it’s time. As a white person, I can be empathetic, but I truly will never understand what it’s like for Black people, but reading this gave me a better understanding of what is actually happening. The Hate U Give taught me about how broken the system is, and how we can fix the issues that are plaguing the Black community right now. The most poignant and important book I could ever read.
8. On the Come Up by Angie Thomas
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After The Hate U Give, I couldn’t not read this one. And wow. On the Come Up follows Bri, the daughter of a rap legend, who is trying to make it in Garden Heights - the same neighborhood Starr is from in The Hate U Give. Bri’s journey is rough, but it’s incredible to see the work she puts in to end up on top. Sometimes the decisions she makes get taken the wrong way, but in the end, her family as at the core of every decision she makes. All she wants is her family to be okay and I think that’s something that a lot of people can relate to. On the Come Up might not be as deep as The Hate U Give, but Angie teaches some incredible lessons through this story too. Also, let me just say...Angie wrote some INCREDIBLE raps for this book and I really hope we get to hear them come to life one day.
Other reads:
Those are my favorites of the year, but I still read a lot of other books this year. I re-read The Hunger Games trilogy! I read The Hunger Games way back in 2010, so it was about time that I re-read them. And let me be honest...I stopped Catching Fire about halfway through...so I never finished them until this year...I have to say they were kind of disappointing. It might just be that it’s been so long that I don’t connect as much with the stories anymore, but they are still great.
I FINALLY read the Percy Jackson series! I had The Lightning Thief chilling on my shelf since I was in 5th grade and something finally got me to read this series. It did not disappoint and I loved every second of it. I can’t wait to see what the Disney+ series is going to be like - hopefully they actually do it justice this time around.
This year I have been obsessing over Tom Holland...lol so naturally I read every book that he was signed on to be in the adaptation for. The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness aka the first Chaos Walking book was by far my favorite. The movie is coming out in March! I also read Cherry by Nico Walker and The Devil All the Time by Donald Ray Pollock. Cherry was...interesting. I kind of hated the narrator the whole time so I’m hoping they changed up the movie a bit. I’m thinking they did because I read some BTS stories and some of them don’t line up with what was in the book. TDATT was a little disturbing...but I enjoyed it. The book was much better than the movie, but I definitely wouldn’t recommend either to anyone...unless you wanted to see Tom or Sebastian Stan or Riley Keough in the movie. I’m sure I will be finishing the Chaos Walking series eventually and I’m also interested in reading Beneath a Scarlet Sky which Tom has been signed on to for a while. That one sounds very intriguing and I’m excited to hopefully read it next year.
I finally watched Big Little Lies and I wasn’t going to read the book, but I did end up eventually reading it. It was good but not nearly as good as the series. It might be because I knew how it all would end, but it overall, was not my favorite. I don’t think I’ll be reading any more of Liane Moriarty’s books though.
Oh! So I read The Cursed Child...That’s all I’m gonna say.
I completely forgot to add I also read Roomies and Twice in a Blue Moon by Christina Lauren. Roomies was very good and probably could be in my favorites list, but it just didn’t reach the level of the other three. It was fun though, so if you liked any of those three, I would recommend it. Twice in a Blue Moon though...I was so bored. I almost stopped reading it a few times but I just pushed through. It wasn’t a rom com at all, just a romance, which wasn’t for me. A lot of people that liked Christina Lauren recommended Beach Read - which I read, and did not enjoy very much. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t phenomenal, that’s for sure.
There were a few YA books I read this year: Slayer, Truly Devious, Capturing the Devil, the final two TATBILB books...but my favorite was Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare. It’s been a while since I’ve been into her books but wooooww. Chain of Gold was incredible. I loved the characters and I loved that we got to see our favorite characters from The Infernal Devices again. It was a JOURNEY and reminded me why I started reading CC in the first place.
Well...That’s it for my reading wrap up of 2020! Here’s to another great year of great books in 2021!
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marriagelawrp · 7 years ago
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Full Name: Jason “Jace” Ryan
Age: Twenty- four
Gender: Male
Occupation: Bar Owner
Ethnicity: English, Scottish, German, Irish, French-Canadian, Welsh, and Dutch
Faceclaim: Robbie Amell
Jace’s childhood wasn’t exactly easy. His mom passed away when he was still too young to remember her,  yet another statistic, a victim to the virus that had been slimming the population throughout the years. Growing up, he didn’t remember having much to look forward to. He took to the streets because wandering around was better than coming home to his drunk father. On his best days, he’d spit all sorts of verbal abuse he eventually stopped feeling sorry for himself or crying. On his worst days, well, he’d end up wearing long sleeves and hoodies to cover the marks if he made it to school the next day.
He was 14 when social services came to take him away, not because anyone found out about the bruises and broken bones not being just some consequence of street fights alone but because his father was sent to prison for aggravated assault. Jace’s was sent to live with an aunt Eva whom he barely knew since his father had done everything possible to keep Jace away from his mother’s family. She tried to be the parent he had lacked, to save her sister’s only child, but it was hard for Jace to trust her. In fact, for the first few years, he had resented her for taking him away from his home.
Still she tried her best to center him, punished him when needed, tried to keep him out of the streets. She wanted to heal the wounds left by his father but they cut too deep. From him accepting his own sexuality to realizing not everything in life had to be earned with a fight or illegally. He was a hard case but the woman wasn’t giving up so easily, and by the time he was 16, Jace had finally somewhat started to fall into some sort of path. It was hard for him to not jump at the first sign of provocation or try to get things his way—trust was something he hadn’t been good at, but he started to learn more about responsibility when he started working at the bar.
The bar owner, Bub, was an old, cranky Irish man with a funny accent and bright red hair who surprisingly saw a lot of his younger self in Jace. To Jace, he became some sort of father-figure. He taught him how to work the bar, take care of the paperwork, manage employees. In turn, Jace worked his magic in bringing in new clients, in making changes to menu and drinks, in making The Craic House relevant and hip. It brought in a younger crowd but kept that local Irish pub feeling. When Bub passed away, he did all he could to save the place and, after a lot of work trying to convince banks and with the support of the patrons, he was able to save enough money to sign the lease and put his name on the deed to become the owner.
Like being drafted for war, Jace wasn’t exactly looking forward to receiving his letter for marriage. As far as his aunt had taught him, marriage was all about trust and that’s the one thing he found the hardest to do. Though his aunt is excited and optimistic about what this means for him, Jace doesn’t know if it’s a good idea. He’s been trying to find a way out of it, after all, he’s used to breaking the law—but there’s also a part of him who can’t help but wonder how it’d feel to experience family life in a way he never has before. This is his only chance to do so.
✕ WHERE THEY LIVE ✕ You grew up in a small house in a poor neighborhood in New York. As a teenager, you moved out and went to live with your aunt. You worked hard to get your own place, although sometimes the work wasn’t always legal. Now, you have your own place close to your bar.
✕ THE JOB THEY HAVE ✕  You got into a lot of trouble as a teenager, going from job to job just to earn money. You eventually got a steady job tending a bar, although it didn’t always keep you out of trouble. When the owner died, you managed to get enough money together from the bank to buy the place.
✕ THE MARRIAGE LAW ✕  With nearly eighty percent of the population dead because of a virus outbreak, the world is in dire need of repopulation. The government stepped in and created a marriage law, giving people eight weeks to marry a stranger chosen to them by the Government. Your letter came this week, and you have eight weeks to marry The Nerd.
THE BOXER - You both met as children, living only a few houses down from each other. At first, you both didn’t get along and had a fight on your street. Parents pulled you apart, and you were both forced to spend time together to as a consequence of the fight. Despite the fight, you both had a lot in common. You both became good friends and have been that way ever since. Even now when you’re both older, you stick close together, like brothers.
THE NERD - You’ve had plenty of relationships over the years, nothing ever serious. The Government sent you a letter last week stating you have eight weeks to marry The Nerd. Despite going against the law, you have no choice but to marry this stranger.
THE RICH KID - You met him a few years back at and first, you hated him. After a few run-ins, you both developed a connection and dated briefly. It didn’t work out in the end and became friends, good friends. It’s never been awkward for either of you, despite the past connection you both share.
THE REPORTER -  Thanks to your sibling-like relationship with their brother and growing up on the same street, you know them well and are often treating them like a little sibling too. They, in turn see you as another big brother and now that they’re old enough to drink, they stop by your bar for visits, fun stories and the occasional cocktail.
                        THIS CHARACTER HAS A FLEXIBLE FACECLAIM                                & IS CLOSED FOR AUDITION
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soldierallen · 6 years ago
Married 9
Summary: you're in love with Sebastian and you're one of his three best friends however he finds a women he loves and marries her.
Disclaimer: I have a Thanksgiving chapter that will be out a week after Thanksgiving YIKES I didn't time this right am sorry! Anyways heres the next chapter.
Warnings: none, probably some cursing, and arguing but that's usually what happens in this story, mentions of sex.
Part 8:
Three days, no phone call or text since the wedding from him Henry's been very supportive of the whole thing he said I look better and to be honest I feel better.. I wonder how sebastian's doing I think I should give him a call
"Stop I know what your thinking about" Henry said looking out the window eating food at my office this time, "what am I thinking about" she stabbed her food with a fork not really interested in eating lately, she did that often nothing filled the void nor food or sex nothing.
"You want to call him" he looked at his food and back at her and she stared at him from across the table "Henry" "no y/n! It's not your job!" He explained
"But if I want to pursue a relationship it should be-"
"Two sided?, well explain to me since the past three days has he called?" He threw a napkin onto the table waiting for her answer "no.."
"Texted?, a dm on Instagram? Maybe even a Facebook message?" She stayed silent "he never calls" he got up putting his hand on her shoulder "give up" he finally let the words out of his mouth, wanting to stay them for so long.
Give Up, give up the fight for a love that doesn't exist for a love that can't truly be fixed because it's one sided. She stood up "I know.." she had to stop feeling sorry for herself it's been years I think it's time to really give up for real this time, Henry was right and she knew he was it was just hard to actually stop everything and end it, a 14 year relationship down the drain..all because of a stupid wedding!
"I have to go, please don't call him"
She nodded her head knowing it was wrong knowing it needed to end once and for all.. he kissed her forehead "I'll see you tomorrow okay?" "Okay, uh text me when you get home so I know you're okay" he smiled with a small nod and went on his way, she saw Robert her boss about to knock on her door when she went to it opening it "Mr Downey how are you" she smiled, he gave her a nice smile back "hey were having a going away party for Martin, do you want to come? It's gonna be at my place" "I don't know I'm not feeling to well-" "y/n, please come" she felt bad to say no she just didn't feel like going she never felt like doing anything anymore.
She made an excuse, not really interested in going to a party she wasn't in the mood taking a nice wall home when she stumbled upon a bar... going in for a few drinks and a date possibly
She unlocked her door with the spare key that everybody used checking her mail taking the few pieces that she had in there, carrying them up the stairs she opened, reading some and finally getting to her door someone was laying by her apartment door she looked carefully
"sebastian?" He was asleep? Was he here all night?.. he slightly opened his eyes she unlocked her door "unfuckingbeilevable" she twisted the door knob letting herself in, he always has to fuck it up? I had one good night with some guy and he had to be at my house that morning?
"Y/n what time is it?" He said with a yawn stretching his body coming into her house "it's 6am on a Wednesday, what the hell are you doing here?" she slammed her door shut she had nothing to say to him, she started stripping off her clothes "I know your mad-"
"Mad? Oh mad is an understatement!, I'm fucking furious" her blouse on the floor, her heels off she was left in a bra and a skirt she went into her bedroom sebastian watched from her door
"I know I'm sorry for everything for messing up your life for everything it's my fault and I know I didn't know you wanted me" he lied, he tried so hard to not lie to her but it just slipped out
"Just because you had a bad childhood doesn't mean you could act like a prick whenever you want, you hurt people seb and for some odd reason you always choose me" She took off her skirt changing into sweatpants and a t shirt, she wasn't done with the argument that she felt erupting in her stomach
"I spent my whole life waiting for you, maybe one day he'll break up with Maggie and see I'm the one who truly cares for him, maybe one day he'll break up Ally and want me maybe one day he'll leave his cheating fiancé for me, Robbie amell had to stop the wedding and not the man who claimed he wanted me"
she left her bedroom facing him for the first time in a few minutes he was in her living room sitting on the couch his hands folded together his head down, once she walked into the room his head shot up
"If he didn't make his big fucking entrance I was doing it, I was going go take you by the hand and fucking leave y/n do you know how much it killed me?" He said pointing to himself "to see you leave with Henry that night when I knew I was suppose to leave with you that night I've never been so jealous of Henry in my whole life that he got to take you home"
"You should be jealous of Henry he's been there for me, and you aren't you never are and you know what -" he cut me off
"I love you I love you so fucking much that i spent years watching shit boyfriends break your heart and the next day I wanted to beat the shit out of them for breaking your heart, making you feel unimportant you've always meant the most to me don't you even think for a minute I stopped caring I never did and I never will you're a part of me y/n." His voice was loud at first and than became so soft, she loved him, however she couldn't take hurting anymore and take Henry's words 'Give up'
She folded her arms over each other on her chest looking across at him he was farther away he kept walking one step closer trying to reach her
"I love you, how many times am I going to say it I've never loved any other women the way I love you the connection is so core deep I feel it I feel the electricity running through my veins just hearing you speak, give me one more shot we need this one time" he grabbed her hand putting it on his heart "I want you"
"i think i should let us go for real this time, take these pictures down throw away the vase give you back your shit and take you out of my life, all you've ever done to me was make me feel I was never good enough like I never had a place in your life, yeah I never felt left out of your life but there was never a place for me in the beginning"
"I'm not leaving until we fix this I don't want to fight with you I want to resolve this" he said he was calmer than before, she let out a shaky breath not even knowing what to say what's gonna fix this? Absolutely nothing.
There was a knock on the door, she looked at sebastian and he nodded at her to open the door
"You never called me last night when I texted you I got worried" Henry said, his deamour turned as soon as he saw sebastian, he got a protective look on his face and a stare that meant what is he doing here, kinda like a "did you call?" And she nodded no
"I'll tell you everything later." She tried to calm down however she was getting more nervous having both men in the same room with each other when Henry was angry at sebastian for ghosting her
"No he needs to go" Henry walked Into the house "I came to apolgize what are you two fucking behind my back" sebastian said it startled the both of them
"guys please don't do this" she tried to be calm and then that's when the two started bickering she tried to make them both stop and they wouldn't what would throw them off?
"IM PREGNANT" both men stopped and looked at her with wide eyes "I'm not pregnant but you both need to fucking stop arguing I'm tired of arguing" she said
"We're gonna act like adults and settle this" she went into her kitchen and pulled out a quarter in her cookie jar, she never put cookies in it only change and buttons? Why did she have so many buttons.
"Alright heads or tails" she said
"Tails" sebastian said
"Yeah because you're a rat" Henry said
"Henry" she said in a voice that only a mother would use
"Okay" he backed off, she flipped the coin and it landed on heads
"Henry make your argument no interruptions." She sat down on her couch right next to sebastian ready to listen to Henry's argument.
"You've used us, played us, and haven't supported any of us in the things were doing." Henry said, he nodded
"You know y/n's getting really close to being chief executive?, you know Anthony's daugther is the best player on her team? did you know that Chris and jennie are planning to have kids soon? Not after the wedding but right now as we speak" Henry was trying to calm his self to actually say everything he's wanted to say since months
"You're not in our lives anymore and you expect everyone to forgive you because we "know" you? I can't do it anymore, sebastian I'm a 25 year old man that can't handle bullshit excuses anymore" he air quoted "know" because well we don't know him anymore, the person we knew left? He isn't himself he knows and hes trying to fix it sebastian let a breath to say something when Henry stopped him with a hand "I waited for months, for an apology from you for the shit you put me through the invitations and the writing speeches and and just everything.. I got a phone call that night from you asking if you should apologize to y/n" she knew, she knew everything Henry was going to say he was right.
"Didn't you know in your right God damn mind that she was the FIRST person you should've called to apolgize to, and you didn't you asked ME didn't apolgize to me but asked me if you should apologize?" Henry was getting angry "Henry" she put a warm comforting hand on his bicep
"I have so much to say and I'm just so in my head" he sat down on the couch opposite of them and y/n went over to him she put her head on his shoulder "it's okay" she rubbed his arm "say it with love in your voice and not anger, you love him I do to" she said in a low voice
"I know what I did I don't expect anyone to forgive me I'm trying" Sebastian tried to sympathize looking at the both of them "make your argument" y/n said, Henry was getting super stressed out laying back and looking towards sebastian "don't lie or make any shit excuses I'll know" Henry said he took his hand and rubbed his forehead ready to hear sebastian.
"You're an asshole did I lie there?" Sebastian said Henry threw a pillow at him forcefully "start talking dickhead" sebastian's reflexes moving fast enough for him not to get hit and he smiled, he sild the silver ring off his right hand holding it in their eye view "if you never gave me this ring I don't think I would of ever realized how much you all mean to me, Henry specifically without you I wouldn't of gotten through this year without all of you including Chris and Anthony who aren't here on a Wednesday at 7am in y/n's apartment" he shallowed thickly watching the two people he cared about stare at him in depth having all ears & eyes on him.
"Henry I'm sorry I am, i promise to be in everyone's lives again and fix all of our relationships it may take months maybe even years but I'll try my best, i'll really try for all four of you" he sild the ring back on his finger "I want you both to forgive it will take time I know I just need reassurance that you both will forgive me one day" here it was sebastian. Finally got to core of all of our problems
I don't think anyone ever understands what it takes to apolgize to someone you love, time out of your day to apolgize to the people who love you & support you all the time it takes courage because you know you were the wrong one the one who started it the one who made these situations he knows and hes genuinely sorry I don't think the two could ask for more from him
"We'll think about it" Henry said as a joke still holding onto y/n's thigh, sebastian wasn't too fond of that he shallowed thickly joining in conversation with the two but he just couldn't keep his eyes off Henry's movements with her she was this person Henry had to touch and protect it felt so different for him because Henry was never this close with y/n before, it was a lot of flirting & playing around Henry always had girlfriends and this is the longest Henry's been single for a while....is he falling for her two? His brain starting a wildfire in his mind.
An hour passed of talking together, sebastian went home leaving Henry and y/n alone, sebastian didn't even know how to feel hes trying to mend his relationships with everyone but he thinks he's now losing his chance with y/n because of Henry he asked once and he didn't get an answer, he wasn't going to ask a second time, life was weighing on him once again maybe it's over for real this time he felt it he kind of knew it to.
"What am I gonna do" she looked at the television from across her home, Henry laid his head in her lap her hands mindlessly touching his hair, he loved the feeling "Thanksgiving is coming, is he the person you want to take?"
Her mind leaving her no choice but to not answer.
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Tagged @hiddlestonstansworld @lovely-geek @imcalledflorence @misz-adrii @escapistdreamer-wishfulthinker @someplxce @cuddlesforlashton @coffeebooksandfandomsohmy @weasley16 @ilovethewayyourheartbeats @vogueworthy-barnes @xeniarocks @thisismysecrethappyplace @racheo91 @gravedollie666 @inlovewith3 // if anyone wants to be untagged or tagged please leave a message ty♡ also I do not own any gifs or images of any kind.
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soldierallen · 6 years ago
Married. 3
Summary: you're in love with Sebastian and you're one of his three best friends however he finds a women be loves and marries her
Warnings: mostly seb & y/n So it's extreme FLUFF! / cursing / spooning / cheating
Featuring: Sebastian Stan The Reader Henry Cavill, Chris Evans briefly Anthony Mackie Briefly Alexandra Daddrio briefly, Mention of Robbie Amell.
Part 2: (part one will be included in part 2 so if you need the first part just go there!)
This is the night she talked about for months on end, sleepless nights just waiting for everyone to agree to this...a well awaited sleepover like old times in everyones single days, y/n's parents weren't too found of having four boys over at the house however one day when her parents walked in and saw them laying on the couch with her soothing her whilst she cried about a boyfriend breaking her heart they had a change of heart.
A small knock appeared, it was Sebastian.. he looked gorgeous as ever.
"Hi doll" he gave her that amazing smile he always did he dropped his bag pulling her into a hug it's like she took a fresh breath of air knowing he was safe in her arms no one would hurt him, his fiancé of course she hurts him everyday when she says the words "I love you"..
"I can't come to myself and go and and and- sit there like Alex didn't pay y/n to leave and pretend I don't know anything about it" Chris was upset he wasn't happy with Sebastian was distancing himself everyday from him, it was sad he was losing his best friend.
"I think she needs to be alone with him tonight, his wedding is in a few days she needs to talk to him" Henry said they knew they needed time alone
Back To Y/n's house
"Hey seb" she called out in her room the check in her hands she heard his footsteps coming she quickly hid the check her fight or flight response kicking in she whispered to herself "God damn it" she slide the check into the drawer he entered her room both hands holding him on the narrow doorway he looked gorgeous, he had on such beautiful smile on his face his white t shirt bringing out the color of his eyes.
"Henry called they can't make it something happened Chris had a fight with Jen Henry had work, Anthony told me he was free but something came up" Sebastian said, they set her up.. she knew them like the back of her hand
"Well I guess it's just us tonight, pizza a movie ice cream" she laughed getting closer to him the heat radiating off of his body she felt it he was Nervous..? he let go of the door way his arms coming down to hug her "things aren't going to be like this anymore, that sucks and I wish things were different." Sebastian said he was a little taller than her his chin on her head with his eyes closed "You're starting your life don't even think about disappointing anyone or not being good enough everyone loves you the choices you make is what is better for you, I'll always side with you"
"You know you'll never really be out of my life you mean to much to me-" the knock on the door brought her out of her of his words
"pizza!" She said running to the door
"You know we we're having a serious conversation!!" He yelled after her with a laugh he loved this side of her, one second she could tell a poem and the next she was screaming about what gummy bear tasted the best, She laughed getting plates and cups he helped her
"You're such a punk" he said helping her
"ass hat" she nudged his stomach he smelled her perfume as she got close to him "Hey didn't I buy you this perfume" he remembered
"Yeah for my birthday, i wear it all the time." She laughed nervously she thought he wouldn't notice and he did.
After a while they ate, they got in her bed watched a movie together it was warm nice to have someone you love next to you.
Her memories fluttered her mind again
"End your friendship after the wedding"
The words rang into her brain annoyingly she wanted to stop thinking and be with him she couldn't do it. "Hey what's wrong" brought her out of her thoughts quickly they were laying next to each other his arm behind her their heads close
"Its nothing"
He paused the movie fixing his position to see her clearly he laid on his side his hand holding his head up "Tell me what's going on, you know me doll, me and you were always the closest" he wasn't wrong, god his eyes are beautiful she thought for a second she now laid on her side facing him the same exact way
"Okay here's a question, there's a guy I like he's seeing someone else I caught his girlfriend cheating should I tell him or just let it go maybe the girl didn't mean it and I'm ruining it for them you know-"
"I think this girl that you're talking about doesn't deserve a second chance" he put his fingers on her arm running them up and down he didn't realize he was doing it, "I think I love him seb" she was telling him in a sense she loved him, he felt his stomach drop "yeah?"
"I mean he's always been there for me I can't explain the way I feel when am around him it's like butterflies" she smile those butterflies erupting again just looking at him staring into his eyes
"Tell him how you feel don't let that slide, she cheated on him point blank that should've been it from the start"
"Its too late he's in love with her and it was months ago but I feel so guilty for it"
"He'll understand, you feel a certain way about him" he caressed her skin lightly, her body was going to through waves of bliss it was intense he didn't even realize what he was doing to her the more she looked at him the more she felt in love
"You feel a little better?" He asked his fingers still caressing her skin, she nodded laying next to her again back into the position they was in before she stared at the screen and he stared at her for a few moments, his mind now racing; Alex is the one you want.. Right? now you're feeling differently about y/n? After all these years. he mentally wanted his brain to stop talking, as he stared at her she stood half way up "I totally forgot, I have a wedding gift for you" she stood up "wait til the wedding" he said with a smile her stomach just felt sick at the idea she smiled through the pain "I wanted to give it to you now it's going to be very difficult to talk to you that day so," she looked in a drawer by the picture window she stared out into the night sky of NYC it was slightly cold the winter going to end soon, she sighed lightly enough for him not to notice "this movie is horrendous take it off" he laughed at her words taking the movie off and putting on a movie they've watched 100 times, dirty dancing it made them laugh.
"here is your gift, something to remember me by" she laughed, but knowing it was her last days with him crushed her amensely.
"This is your wedding gift, it was on the registion so I just got it it's a... mixer" she laughed he smiled at her "Before you open this one" the small box in her hands, "I want you to know I want the best for you forever, I want you to be happy" she smiled and he hugged her "listen whatever it is I love it already." He opened the small box it was a silver ring the metal looked scratched a little old looking, on the inside it said "something broken could always be fixed"
"Grandpa stan gave me that ring the night we met" she gave a half smile
"You're kidding?" He laughed trying to not cry
"the night I met him he told me you are a special person in Sebastian's life without you he wouldn't be the person he is today give this to him when he needs it most" her heart aches just thinking about the encounter years ago before he passed, sebastian started to let some tears fall "I can't beileve this" words couldn't explain the emotions that he felt,
"Thank you" he said she gave him a tissue "always" they continued to eat ice cream & watch the movie in front of them
"Baby is so pretty I wish i could look like her" she looked into her almost empty carton
"You're prettier" he said with a half full mouth of ice cream, her heart felt full as he was about to speak again his phone rang
it was her.. she rolled her eyes she looked at the screen
"Johnny" and "Baby" were about to have sex..
Sebastian finally got off the phone he let out a breath putting the phone on the side of him "what's wrong" she asked trying to get out of her head from the scene in front of her
"Alex wanted me home so she got mad and went to a friends house apparently- she's embarrassed I'm not there" he stressed out to much "seb you're going to spend the rest of your life with this women one night means nothing" she laughed Sebastian laid flat on the pillow and yanked on her shirt gesturing for her to"lay with him" turning off the lamp next to her and reached over seb's head for the other lamp, the only light that shined through was the tv she laid on her side and looked at Sebastian both underneath the covers is this what love feels like she asked herself in her thoughts she had never felt so intrigued by someone like this.
"Goodnight" he smiled at her his sleepy eyes falling slightly "night seb" she said he was on the left she was on the right, both their back to each other and finally they both drifted off to sleep
She woke up to something she thought she would never wake up to, Sebastian was spooning her. She loved every minute of it reccluctant to actually get up and start her day. His arm wrapped around her waist his hand with the silver ring she had gifted him right around his finger, sitting there for another few minutes until she needed to get up she smiled, however her smile faded.. thinking of the wedding in 5 days she took a fast shower got dressed and ran out the door quickly before he woke up she wanted to bring him food and coffee, and when she got there she saw something she didn't like too much... Alexandra was there with that same guy from the photo a few months ago, her stomach turned, she took another picture of them both standing in line for coffee she tried to hide her face for her not to see however what she didn't know Alex caught her this time, both times y/n saw her wasn't on purpose it's just meant for y/n to know and tell Sebastian but she can't... She won't
she made it back just in time before he would awake
She liked home made coffee while he liked store bought "already made no hustle no hassle" were his words she laughed thinking about the first time he said that, a few texts popped up on her phone
"How'd the night go?, we wanted to give you guys some time alone sorry we didn't come."
"It was fine, there's to much to talk about over text I'll come by the hotel and bring my best friend some food or we could go get lunch?"
"Photo attachment 1: *Alex and that guy* she's cheating on him again!!! 😡😡😡
"You have to tell him y/n!!! You can't let this go anymore do it before it's too late! bring me lunch and when you go back to work I'll bring you lunch deal"
"Don't be mad I love you"
"Henry I can't break his heart"
"I love you to but sometimes you're a jeek
"You have to y/n it's important it's for his safety if you don't do it by tomorrow I'm gonna do it myself!!!"
"What's a jeek? New internet slang were too old for that also those emoji things are dumb"
"I meant to say jerk it auto corrected, emojis are cute? Kinda.."
"Also i almost showed Sebastian the check!my flight or fight response kicked in and I couldn't do it I hate myself"
"you're an idiot tell me everything later!"
"Hey" a voice was heard which startled her a little she wasn't prepared to have a man's voice heard in her home, she lived by herself it was always quiet
"Hi how'd you sleep?" She asked putting her phone down giving him coffee he looked at it with love in his eyes "i haven't had coffee from this place in months, she makes homemade and it's bad" he drank it and shallowed slowly
"Come here more often I'll buy you ice cream and buy you coffee" she bribed him he looked at her phone that buzzed on the table he pointed to it "answer it" she tried to shake it off "no not right now"
"Is it that guy again David is he bothering you?" He drank the coffee and sat on the stool across from her the island right in the middle of them
"No it's just bussiness stuff" lie, she was getting good at lying to him really it was a photo attachment from Henry, apparently Alex and that guy got a hotel...at Henry's....building.... shit
Henry: *Photo attachment* his name is Robbie Amell, he just checked in to the Hilton she was trying to hide her face I saw her.
Her heart started beating very quickly Sebastian having no idea what was going on, Henry and Y/n caught her cheating she's getting messy.
"I'm gonna go back home" he finished eating he always ate so quick? "NO DON'T GO HOME" good job y/n not obvious at all. "Spend the day with me I'm going to meet up with Henry to have lunch all of us will go have lunch together" why the fuck did she say that that's where she is..... wait MAYBE HE COULD CATCH HER AND WE DON'T HAVE TO LOSE HIM! the idea rang through her brain the moment the words came out of her mouth
"Okay" he wiped his face and hands "I'm going to go shower" "Oh I have that shampoo you like" "the green one?" "Yeah you left it here I never used it" "aww" She let out a nice shaky breath he went in the bathroom she heard the door lock and picked up her phone quickly calling Henry
"How did you see them?"
"Hello to you to"
"Come on Henry"
"I went in to pick up files from the front desk and well I saw them check in because I own the building I'm allowed to look at the check ins" he said he was holding a nervous stance his hand on his hip and the phone in his hand on his ear he was a nervous wreck, you don't beileve something until you see it with your own two eyes
"Yeah we know hot shot you own hotels" she laughed and so did he
"it said Robbie Amell check in for whatever it is 9am/10 early check out later tonight 7:30pm"
"It's 9:30, eleven fucking hours you've got to be kidding me!"
he laughed he tried not to be so nervous but he was
"I'll call you later to let me in"
"Of course, we'll break the news together when she gets caught? Of course"
"Thank you for doing this"
"Only for you, If it was anyone else I would've had to give it a second thought."
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Disclaimer: gifs are never mine! I take no credit for them.
Tagged: @hiddlestonstansworld @lovely-geek @imcalledflorence @misz-adrii @escapistdreamer-wishfulthinker @someplxce @coffeebooksandfandom @cuddlesforlashton @weasley16 @ilovethewayyourheartbeats
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