#i always just get my mum to cut it she's not a hairdresser but I'm not that picky over my hair lol
jakeperalta · 2 years
I'm such a hairdresser novice like I want to get my hair cut because I have decided I am done with long hair but I don't even know how to go about finding a hairdresser this would literally be my fourth professional haircut since I was 16
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harrysfolklore · 11 months
buzzcut - blurb
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this kinda sucks but it was on my drafts sooo why not, hope you enjoy !
"I wonder how would I look with my head shaved." Harry randomly said one night both of you were cuddled up in bed.
"Where is that coming from, lovie?" You looked up at him, curious by his sudden statement.
"Dunno, I've never in my almost 30 years of age had a buzzcut," he shrugged, "I feel like It's part of manhood to shave your head at least once."
"Your manhood is just fine," you rolled your eyes with affection and pecked his chin, "But if you want to know how you'd look with no hair, you can always look for those AI pictures your fans have been making lately."
Harry laughed and kissed the crown of your head, leaving the conversation at that and focusing on the romantic comedy movie you picked for the night.
Days passed by and you soon forgot about your conversation and Harry didn't bring up his desire to shave his head again, so when he mentioned that he wanted to get a haircut you assumed that he was getting his usual trim.
Oh boy, were you wrong.
"I want to chop my hair a bit before we head to Vegas." He said a week before your trip, Jeff kept insisting that you needed to see the show he had been working on at the Sphere and you finally agreed.
"That's fine, just don't do anything extreme you know I love the curls." You replied, unaware of what he had up in his sleeve.
"Nothing to worry about, baby." You failed to notice the devilish smile on his face that gave away that he was planning something else.
The following day Harry told you that he was going to Ayae's place to get his haircut, which was weird to you because his hairdresser always came to your house to cut his hair, but you still didn't overthink it too much.
Until you got a text from her that read "Don't kill me or your boyfriend for what he made me do."
Just a minute after you got the text you heard the front door open and your name being called from downstairs.
"H are you home? Ayae texted me but I don't know what she means." You said as you made your way to him, he was standing in your living room, his hair being covered by the hood of his hoodie.
"I cut my hair," he said and a confused frown made its way to your face, "And I'm going to show it to you, but you need to promise me you won't freak."
"Why would I freak? Why are you acting so weird about it?"
Harry only smiled and pulled the hood from his head, revealing that his brand new buzzcut.
You stood in your place for a few minutes before reacting, "Is this some kind of joke?"
"It's not love! I shaved it," he got closer to you, a big smile on his face, “Do you like it?”
“Oh my god! Your hair is really gone! What the fuck, Harry.” You laughed in disbelief, grabbing his face to get a better look at him.
“I told you I wanted to give it a try before my twenties ended, remember?”
“Yeah, but I didn’t think you’d actually do it,” you shook your head, “This is crazy! Does Jeff know? Forget about him does your mom know? Oh my god we need to facetime her right now.”
Harry laughed at your rant, “Jeff knows love, he wants to shave his too, and we’ll facetime mum later,” he pecked your lips quickly, “Now wipe that look off your face! You’re looking at me like I’m an alien!”
“This is just so weird, but also such a you thing to do,” you pecked his lips back, “Your fans are going to be absolutely nuts about this.”
“Lord, that’s what i’m dreading the most.”
A week later you and Harry were standing in the crowd of U2's concert at the Las Vegas Sphere, surrounded by friends and other concertgoers.
Somehow Harry's new look gave him a little more privacy, since the world didn't know that his signature brown curls were gone and he could go unnoticed sometimes.
"You've been busted." You said as you noticed a phone camera filming the both of you, Harry was standing behind you with his hand protectively gripping your neck.
"What, love?" He asked, making you discretely point at the person with the camera.
"Well, I guess the madness stars now."
A day later, pictures and videos of Harry's new haircut flooded the internet, making his fans go crazy once again.
taglist: @lightsoutstyles @willowpains @straightontilmornin n @sleutherclaw @gimsaysay @hazzassmirk @platinumbarbie143 @musicforcinemas @celesteblack08 @scntfrhs @eleanordaisy @lomlolivia a @iceebabies @iloveshawn @be-with-me-so-happily @watermelonsugacry @rayisthehoe @drewrry
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calmasyoghurt · 3 months
The joker out pride project.
Kris finally finds himself, and behind the scenes, Jan is rewarded an award for 'best friend of the year'. Also on ao3.
June 10th, prompt 22. Experimenting with pronouns.
Jan arrives at the bus stop just as the doors to the bus open. He watches as people exit the vehicle. A mother with a stroller, an older couple, a guy with dreadlocks. Last of all, a tall teenager with a guitar case leaves the bus. It’s this teenager that Jan is here to pick up. They’ve known each other for about a year, been close friends for almost as long. But for the first time since they met, Jan isn’t quite sure what to say. There is only one question he can think to say, so that is what Jan does.
“So, did you come up with any answers to what I asked you last week?”, he asks.
“I did. I’m keeping Kris, at least for now. My parents gave me some money for a haircut, so maybe we could go do that. Oh, and maybe- Maybe we could try ‘he’ for today? Only if that’s okay with you, I’m not sure if it’s permanent yet”. That’s one of Jan’s favorite things about Kris, how she- no, not she, how he always seems to get nervous when he thinks he’s said or asked for too much.
“Of course that’s okay with me. Do you want to get that haircut now or do you want to drop of your guitar at my place first?”.
Kris decides that the haircut is the first priority, mostly since going to Jan’s place first would be a detour. Kris tells Jan that he’s a bit scared that the hair dresser will give him a haircut that is too girly, but Jan says that if that’s the case they simply won’t pay for it. This makes Kris laugh a little, but he still looks nervous. Soon enough, the pair finds a hair-salon and enter it. One of the women working there seems to recognize Jan, and starts talking to him. She almost looks ready to start cutting Jan’s long hair right then and there, but he stops her before she can take him to a chair.
“It’s actually my friend Kris here who’s getting a haircut. He wants it quite short, right Kris?”. Kris smiles, agrees to Jan’s statement and gets seated. Half an hour later, Jan looks up from a magazine he’s found in the waiting area. In front of him stands Kris, looking happier than ever. His hair has been cut to a very classic, boyish style, shorter on the sides, a bit longer on top. Jan can do nothing but smile back at his friend, who finally seems happy with his own appearance. When Kris has payed, the duo heads out and towards Jan’s house. Kris asks if Jan’s parents are home, Jan says that they are and in turn asks if Kris is okay with Jan calling him ‘he’ in front of them.
“The thing is, I really liked it when you called me ‘he’ in front of that hairdresser, and I want to be called that again. But what if your parents has to talk to my parents at some point? If I want to keep using ‘he’, then I want to be the one to tell them."
"I see. I'm not going to say anything you're not comfortable with, but my parents have been really supportive. They've stood up for me so many times. If I ask them not to out you, then I'm sure they won't”. Jan hopes that Kris can trust his parents, and wishes for a way to let Kris know just how lucky Jan is to have them. And somehow, it’s like Kris understands, because as they enter the street Jan lives on, he decides that he’ll go by ‘he’ while at Jan’s house. The two friends enter the house, and are met by Jan’s mum, watering jug in hand, in the hallway.
“Hi mum, this is Kris, he’s come all the way from Ljubljana so he’ll stay for at least a few hours”.
“Oh, hi Kris! It so nice to meet you, Jan has told us a lot about you”, Jan’s mum says, then continues to water the flowers. Jan leads Kris to his room and tells him to sit on the bed. Then he tells Kris something he’s noticed.
“You look so happy when I call you a he. You should keep it”.
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thessalian · 8 months
Thess vs Birthday Stuff
Okay, so, time to practice the answer to the "how old are you?" question:
47. ...Yes, really. (I may have got some increasingly disbelieving reactions from the lady who did my hair today.)
Anyway, pretty low-key birthday, given that the vast majority of gifting from the parentals was done and dusted (though in honour of where my present allotment went this year, I looked at my Critical Role cast autographs and it still makes me smile as much as it did on the day, so I have zero regrets). Mum didn't want to let the day go uncelebrated, though, so she made me an appointment at the hair salon she goes to - which she picked because a) the lady does a good job with her hair and b) travelling to find someplace that will cut my hair well at a price I can easily afford is hard for me, and her hairdresser is nearby. For someone who is as notoriously non-tactile as I am, I still surprisingly find the "having my hair washed" part of the whole process to be my favourite part of the whole thing. But now my hair is nice and short, just how I like it, and I no longer look like a Briard.
Anyway, while I was having my hair done, Mum went to the Japanese place in East Dulwich I like but can seldom afford and picked up sushi, which she brought back to eat in the comfort of my sitting room. She's found a way to balance "don't make me cook on my birthday" and "don't make me sit in a loud crowded restaurant on my birthday", which is nice, let me tell you. Though for my own part, I spent last night baking, because I wanted a birthday cake and I can't just buy one like a normal, gluten-tolerant person. Behold:
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Chocolate cake with whipped chocolate mint ganache frosting. Also little sugar stars to make the thing look more festive. Mum almost finished her entire slice (she did entirely demolish the frosting, so I guess I come by the "GIVE ME THE FROSTING" thing I have going on honestly), which is always my benchmark for having done well. I also had a slice, obviously, but I sent a big chunk home with her so that my stepfather could have some. I'd love to have them both here at the same time, but apparently their dog, Digby, is ever so slightly co-dependent and they prefer one of them be home with him at all times.
Oh, speaking of dogs, a couple of bits of news about the whole "getting flats renovated" thing. (This will make sense in a minute, I swear.) So my stepfather has been working his ass off on the other flat - the original flat I was living in, the one that's going to be an investment flat of sorts when all the work is done on both that one and this one. The plan is to finish the work on that one, move me back into that one until this one is fixed up - which it needs desperately; pulling up this fucking carpet for a start, and dear gods a shower pump - and then have me finally settle into this one when it's not full of horrible peach carpet and carpeting in the fucking bathroom (WHO DOES THAT?!?). There will be a pause on the "him working his ass off" thing because he pushed too hard and has managed to do himself an injury so bad he couldn't manage the stairs in his own home for a week. But he's insisting on doing all of this himself, for some insane reason.
Point is that in the week of mad working, he discovered that the neighbours in the flat next to the one he's working in have a dog. Why is this a big deal? Because the management company that manages the building has a "no pets" policy. Now, we've been pretty sure that at least one person in the building has a cat, but it's harder to prove cats than it is to prove dogs, who require regular trips outside. Anyway, we've been keeping to the "no pets" policy, but my mother in particular has hated doing it because she firmly believes that I would do better with some small living furry companionship around the house. I'm not saying she's wrong, mind you.
Anyway, the point is, she tells me this while we're finishing up our sushi, then tells me that once all the stuff with the flats is finally sorted, they will get me the small furry pets of my choosing. Because apparently, or so said my mother's tone of voice, "They get to have a fucking dog, and my daughter can't have a pet at all? Fuck that and fuck them!"
(I come by my stubborn-and-petty honestly, too.)
She's also very much come around to the idea of me having pet rats, at least partly because I refuse to have a pet cat, however much I might want one. In winter, I have to keep the doors to the various rooms closed to keep the heat in (and the heating bill down), and it's not fair to cram a cat into too small a space. Besides, this place isn't designed to have a decent space for a litter box, and rats are somewhat less likely to eat my plants and get sick. So anyway, point is that I have so many more reasons to really hope the renovations and stuff get done soon. I just wish my stepfather would hire a fucking contractor, for his own sake. He's going to hurt himself badly doing that shit.
Anyway, a happy birthday to me, all told. Not that I did much - had my hair done, got fed sushi, had a rather glorious nap - but honestly, that's probably enough for me at this point. And a whole week off stretches out before me. A week of sleeping in, video games, maybe making myself some more potato soup... Oh, and banana bread. I have a plan that involves adding chocolate chips and peanut butter chips to the next batch of banana bread. I've just got really into banana bread lately. It's easy, it's filling, and maybe I just need the potassium, I dunno.
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purrvaire · 2 years
so. this is going to be a personal post, free to skip etc
cw // grieving
today it's my granny's bday. she passed away in July - she would be 93 today - after being sick for quite sometime. and i guess im feeling it particularly bc life has been absurd and i didnt have much time for processing when it happened - i had to help mum sort out stuff before and after the funeral, uni exams of course didn't stop for me. like, i realized i have troubles dealing with it bc i gathered the courage to watch the last video mum took of her - the day before she passed - only yesterday and it hurt so bad. anyway, i don't want to wallow in painful memories so ill tell you some of the happy ones <3
me and my grandma were very close; she lived with me while i was growing up and we used to share a room; she had her quirks, mind you, my sister and her would fight a lot and, as always, i was left to placate both of them lol but the thing is, she was always ready to listen. when i came back from school, i would tell her all about my day and my friends. in the last months i needed to repeat her stuff bc her memory failed her a bit. and she helped me as far as she could with school or, when she wasn't able bc she finished school at 15, she would listen. And she was so interested in what I was learning! Istg I prepared a whole ass exam about linguistics and she wanted to hear all about it! When I had exams, she would comfort me the day before and she was the first person I would call after bc I knew she would be waiting anxiously for me to call. Actually, I had an exam at the end of July and I got the top mark (30 e lode, which I guess is A+? Idk) and I had to stop myself from calling her number, it was so automatic the routine we had.
When she could still read easily, we used to read books together; we read the Secret Garden and Wuthering Heights and Pride and Prejudice and Anne of Green Gables - the last one was the topic of my undergraduate dissertation which I dedicated to her.
AND my old lady was such a great football fan! NO BUT SERIOUSLY she wouldn't miss a match, we supported the same team of course and she would get fond of players too LMAO the night she was hospitalised, I remember she didn't want to leave home because - and I quote - she was busy watching the Champions League. I get it from her. In fact, this year, chances are that my team could win the league after 30+ years and it's bittersweet, you know? Knowing that she isn't there to enjoy it.
Anyway, I'm typing this while I'm waiting at the hairdresser - she liked my hair long and was sad when I cut it but anyway she believed it suited me - and tomorrow I'm taking a plane to Belgium to visit a friend; I'm telling you bc I can't tell her. She was very religious - as all old southern italian ladies are - while I'm not so much anymore, but just for today I'll believe she is watching me from up there. 🤍
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modestcatholiclife · 7 months
My Hair Care Journey
I'll start off with a brief backstory. I have very long, thick hair that I was never taught how to care for. My mum has the same hair type as me and she never learned how to care for hers either. The most she can do is a low ponytail and a bun. She finds it very impressive that I can plait my own hair. I can't fully braid it from the top, I'm only able to do it from below my head.
So I've tried to learn to care for it by myself. I firstly learned how to brush it correctly (my mum went for the tried and true method of forcing a brush through it no matter how much it tugged at my scalp and hurt me). I've bought some shampoos and a conditioner that are better tailored to my hair type and condition. I had a hairdresser tell me many years ago that I should double-shampoo my hair when I wash it so I've been trying that. It's nice having products that are better-suited to my hair rather than the cheapest dandruff-treating product available, which is what my mum buys for my family. I wash my hair about once a week at the moment. I've dealt with depression for the better part of a decade at this point and anyone's who's had depression knows how hard it is to keep up certain hygiene practises so I'm just sticking with my once a week until I have reason to do otherwise.
Recently I bought a bunch of hair care items from Temu just to try them out and I've honestly been really liking the results. I wasn't putting much hope into them since, again, they're from Temu but my hair's been doing even better since I started using them! I might review the order separately so this post doesn't get too long.
I'd love to find some online resources for caring for my hair and styling it (maybe something specifically for my hair type) but I don't even have the full vocabulary to describe what I'm looking for when trying to search for answers. I don't know anything about hair at all. Maybe, I should find something that teaches the most basic of basics about hair.
When I first joined the workforce, back in 2021, I got my first haircut in several years. I can't say I've been consistent with getting trims since then but I'd like to have my split ends dealt with and maybe get a little trim but most hairdressers take off too much for my taste. I'm wondering if it would be worth learning how to trim the split ends myself. My friends have recently started giving each other haircuts and would love to give me a trim themselves so I might go down that route.
Finally, I've been considering slightly changing my hairstyle. I'm not looking to cut it short or thin it out at this time, but I'm wondering if I should get some face-framing layers. I think they're cute and don't particularly like how it looks when my hair's pulled back. I just don't really know much about hair or layers and I feel kinda stupid asking.
If I get layers around my face, do I need to get them through the rest of my hair so it won't look weird? If I don't end up liking the layers around my face, is there any way to fix it or do I just have to wait until they grow back out?
As a parting thought, I've always thought it was so cool when women would walk past and you'd be able to smell their shampoo. Does anyone have any tips for achieving that? Again, sorry if that sounds silly.
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floatingbook · 4 years
Hi, with regards to buzzcuts/short hair, it's something that I think looks insanely good on other woman, but I'm really scared of being seen as too masculine and aggressive, and it feels like I'm just caving in to the radfem/lesbian agenda. My mum won't let me cut my hair short but I'm thinking collarbone length right now, but I remember an article I read about the right face for short hair by measuring your neck & I believe mine was too long for short hair. Do you have any advice/a pep talk?
Well sister, on that I agree, buzzcuts and short hair do look insanely good on women, but that’s a little beside the point. Beauty is quite subjective, dependent on your education and what you’ve been exposed to, so beauty shouldn’t be your first concern when it comes to haircuts. You have hair to protect your head and help regulate your temperature. How you wear your hair should first be a matter of practicality and only second of appearance.
Why are you scared of being seen as “too masculine” or too aggressive? Agressiveness is a function of your behaviour, not of your hair choice. If people categorise you as aggressive solely because you have short hair, it tells a lot more about them and their prejudices than it does about you and your hair. Short hair are only “masculine” because of long-held sex stereotypes. You’ll still look like a woman even with short hair. And technically, your hair cut will be feminine by virtue of it being on the head of, you know, a woman. People still love to judge, I’m not denying that, but you’re in for a lot of misery if you let their judgment or even the anticipation of their judgment keep you from doing the things you want. The one reason I see that should give you pause when deciding whether to cut your hair is how homophobic your country is. If (mis)taken for a lesbian in the street, are you at risk of physical assault? If yes, I’d urge caution, but only in that case. There’s nothing wrong with being a woman that narrow-minded, misogynistic people would call “masculine”.
As for “caving in to the radfem/lesbian agenda”, I’m not sure what you mean. As far as women’s liberation goes, you’re encouraged to question your relationship to your appearance, your own perception of yourself, your current practices of personal grooming and your perception of beauty standards. When it comes to haircuts, it boils down to: Are you putting men’s perceptions of your appearance first when it comes to choosing your haircut? Are you taking for granted misogynistic assumptions of what a woman should look like? Is your haircut adapted to your daily life (could it get stuck in something while you work, is it always in your face and hindering your sight, …)? Is it practical or does it take up too much time to upkeep? Buzzcuts are good haircuts in these regards because beyond a first investment, you’re totally independent when it comes to keeping it up and it never gets in the way. Short hair also don’t get in the way, but they can be expensive to maintain, with regular visits to hairdresser (which can also be a way to support women skills in your area, as not all women will go for a buzzcut for their whole lives). Long hair can get in your way, but simple tying or braiding skills are easily achievable. The bottom line is, know your hair type and how to care for your hair and scalp so that you are in no pain nor discomfort. Any length of hair can be made practical, even if it sometimes require tools like hair-ties or head-bands. So, there is no real “radfem agenda” here at play. At most, there is the idea that shaving your head is a good experience to have because it gives a new sense to your own relationship with you appearance (it highlights how little it matters in the grand scheme of things, and how you can let go of most of your hair worries). As for the “lesbian agenda” here, I guess it’s best resumed by “I think you’ll look neat”, but it’s not like all lesbians are demonstrating in the street for more head-shaved women.
Now, and this is the most important part of this response, there is no such thing as “the right face for short hair”. That’s just bullshit. That’s self-consciousness and worries sold to you in a nice, misogynistic package. All faces are suited to short hair. (Mind you, not that it is a good argument, but no one ever tells men that their face isn’t suited to short hair.) Men are just afraid that you’ll realise they’ve kept good things for themselves (short hair, comfortable clothing and shoes, non-shaving, …) and adopt them for yourself. Just go for it, cut your hair the length you want. It’s just hair, it grows back, and quite fast at that.
A thing of note too, you mention your mother not letting you cut your hair, and that leads me to believe you’re still a minor. She’s probably worried about the same things you are. A good argument for cutting your hair now if you’re still a minor is that you don’t have jobs to interview for or any other official meetings that could require you to display a “feminine” (read: meek and nice) haircut (because yes, the world is still full of prejudice). So it’s actually the best time for you to try out different hairstyles without pressure and have your hair grow back if you don’t like them.
I hope this answered your questions. If you want more of a pep talk, feel free to hit my inbox again ;)
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pixie88 · 3 years
Meeting the Parents pt 2
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Chapter 12 - Always the Bridesmaid.
A/N: I’m on fire with these ATB chapters once I got to 5 in my drafts I thought I better release one! I hope you like it.
If you would like to be ADDED or REMOVED just let me know!
Read previous chapters HERE!
Warnings: Fluff & Light Angst
Word Count: 1832
Pairings: Laila x Harry
"Is he mine?!" she seems a bit taken aback by his question, she wasn't expecting to see him again.
He asks again "Is he my son?" it's almost a hiss.
"No! No, he's not" she understands why he would think he is considering the timescale "I did a DNA test when he was born, he's Anthony's"
Harry is relieved, "You're one hundred percent?" she nods "I can show you the results if you would like?" she doesn't wait for his reply she rushes off, moments later she hands him a bit of paper.
It reads at the bottom -
Probability of Paternity: 99.99999%
Harry feels like he can finally breathe again, he hands her back the piece of paper "Thank you and sorry I just had to know," she offers him a weak smile, "It's OK, I understand why you would think he was yours. Again, I'm sorry about what happened to us in the past and I'm glad you have moved on she seems lovely!"
His thoughts go to Laila "She is to be honest with you, she's probably the best thing that has ever happened to me" her face sours, but quickly changes as she hears her son cry "I'm coming Jasper" she turns back to Harry "Sorry, I have to go. Harry take care!" he smiles "You too"
He makes his way down the path, pulls out his phone and dials Laila's number. It rings a few times before she answers.
"Hey Harry..." He cuts her off, so she doesn't get the rest of her words out.
"He's not mine!" she lets out a breath"How do you feel about that?"
He chuckles "Relieved, Laila the thought of being tied to her because of a child...I couldn't think of anything worse. I thought I might have wanted him to be mine for a few moments but as soon as I knew he wasn't mine, I realised I didn't really want it at all"
"Well, I'm happy for you and at least that's cleared up now. You can move on from it"  He can tell she's secretly relieved to as much as she tries to pretend she was OK with it.
"I'm on my way back to yours so make sure you're ready, we'll leave for my parents when I get back"
"OK, I'm nearly ready. Harry, I'm so nervous," he chuckles "No need to be! You've met my mum, one of my brothers and my sister...my dad you just need to take everything he says with a pinch of salt. He's hard on everyone until they get to know him"
"Great....anyway. I'll see you in a bit, I love you" He laughs "See you soon! I love you too"
Later they arrive at his parents house, Harry lets himself in with his fingers entwined. Laila's heart is racing with nerves, "Mum, Dad?" he calls out "Harry! We're out the back" They make their way through the house towards garden "Laila! How are you?" Rose welcomes her with open arms.
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Harry puts him down and pulls Laila over to the table "Arthur and Izzy you've already met Laila, but Dad, Brad, Will, Sophie, Claire and Ruby this is my girlfriend Laila, Laila this is my Dad Colin, and my brothers Will and Brad and their wives Ruby, Sophie and Claire" His brothers and their wives offer her a warm welcome but Colin doesn't even look up at her.
"Hi, Rose! It's nice to see you again!" Laila smiles at her, she notices the rest of the family round a table "Uncle Harry!!" a little boy runs over colliding with him, Harry picks him up "Hey Cohen! This is my girlfriend Laila!" Cohen looks over to her "She's pretty" Laila smirks "Thank you! You are adorable!" Cohen smiles.
Take everything with a pinch of salt! She thought, "I knew something was going on with you two! I saw the way he looked at you at the sky gardens!" Izzy winks at her, they take a seat Harry doesn't let go of her hand.
"We were in the early stages of dating at time" Laila smiles at her. She hears Colin sniggers, but she chooses to ignore it when she feels Harry give her hand a tiny squeeze.
A little while later dinner is served "Laila, are you left handed?" Colin asks "Erm..no, no I'm not," she smiles at him "So, why are you holding your knife and fork like a left handed person? It's a bit ill mannered?" he hisses. "Sorry, I always have used them this way..." he cuts her off "What do you do for a living?"
"Oh, I'm a hairdresser" he sniggers again "So not a doctor then..what a shame!"
"Dad!" Harry hisses at him "Harry, it's fine!" she smiles softly at him. Pinch of salt! She thought.
"And your parents?" Colin asks "My parents? Well, they own a pub" Colin laughs "Of course they do! Talk about lower class and cliché"
This comment makes her blood boil she jumps out of her seat, throwing down her cutlery "Say what you want about me, but don't you dare talk about my family!" She says pointing her finger at him "My parents are worth 10 of you!! You are nothing, but a miserable, snobby, rude old git! I will not sit here like everyone else and let you get away with talking to me or about my family like that!" she storms off through the house and out the front door.
Harry chases her calling after her "Laila! Wait!" He catches up to her, gently grasping her arm, making her turn "Laila, I'm sorry I should have spoken up...I should've never let him speak to you like that. It's just that's the way he is. I know that's no excuse"
"I get it..he's your dad, we make allowance for family. I shouldn't have say anything" Harry chuckles "No! I'm glad you did..That is what I love most about you. You don't take crap from anyone, you speak your mind and no one has to second guess where they are with you"
Behind Harry, Laila spot Colin stands in the doorway. Harry eyes follow in her direction "Harry, if he's here for round 2, I swear to god I will not be responsible for my actions" Harry chuckles "As much as I would love for you to deck him..." she cuts him off "Don't you think I can take the old man?" she asks.
He laughs "I have no doubt that you can take the old man! But let's just hear what he has to say? I promise I will step in if he's out of line again," she rolls her eyes "Fine" Harry takes her hand and they make their way over to him "Let me just warn you, you dare speak to her like you did in there so help me god" Colin can see his son will not stand by and let it happen again.
"First can I say Laila, I'm a protective old fool, I just don't want him hurt like last time. You were right in there, when you called me a miserable, rude old git. No one has ever pulled me up on how I speak to people and for that I respect you"
"You forgot snobby!" Laila hissed, Colin laughs at her "I also forgot to say sorry which I truly am sorry and if you will allow it can we start again?"
"OK, I'm also sorry for what I called you" Colin laughs "You have nothing to apologize for everything you said in there was spot on. Now let's go back inside"
They follow Colin back to the garden as they walk in his brothers clap "Keep hold of this one Harry! We like her!" Will laughs "Don't worry I intend to!" he winks at Laila.
Later, Harry is playing football with the kids Cohen, Ethan, Bobby and Lara while Laila is colouring with Mila "Do you love my Uncle Harry?" Mila looks up at her "I do" Mila smiles "He loves you too. Are you going to marry him?" Laila smirks she loves how kids are so blunt "Maybe one day"
"Maybe one day?" she hears him asks over her shoulder. Great! She thought. "I asked Laila will she marry you. She said maybe one day!" Mila giggle, Laila blushes as Harry takes a sit down next to her "You're all sweaty!" Laila wipes his brow "Yeah, those 4 have been ganging up on me. 4 against 1 can you guess who won!" Laila laughs at him.
"Not you?" she winks "Got that right!" Harry grabs Laila's hand as she's colouring making her go out of the lines "Harry!! Look what you made me do!" he chuckles at her and does it again "Harry! Stop it!" she hisses "Or what?" he asks.
She takes the felt tip pen and draws on his face "Laila!" she smirks, Mila giggles "What? I'm colouring out of the lines like you wanted me to," he smirks as he shook his head, "You are so going to regret that!" he's quick, he takes a red felt tip pen off the blanket they are sitting on and aims for her face, but she dodges it. He goes in again she falls back against the blanket, Harry grasps her hands pinning them, so she can't stop him. She's laughing "Harry, don't you dare!"
Moving towards her face with the pen between his teeth as his hands pin down hers, she's laughing "Harry" as he gets closer Mila pulls the pen from his mouth and uses it on him "Argh! Mila, you're suppose to be on my team!" he lets go of Laila, Mila gets up and makes a run for it. Harry is about to chase after her, but Laila grabs his ankle making him fall to the ground.
She gets up and makes a run for it after Mila, they're both giggling as they run from him. Before they get to far, Harry's arms come around both their waist's "Gotcha both!" he begins to tickle them and they both fall to the ground trying to get away.
"Uncle Harry! Stop! I'm sorry!" Mila says through her laughter, he stops "I like Laila, Uncle Harry" Harry smiles at his niece "Me too!" he winks at Laila.
A few weeks later
Laila had arranged to meet Nikki at the park with Poppy, They are chatting when all of a sudden they hear Poppy scream.
They both rush over to her, Poppy is hysterical on the floor below the monkey bars "Pops, what's wrong?" tears steam down her face "It hurts!!" she screams "Poppy, did you fall from the bars?" Laila asks her and she nods unable to answer because of the pain.
Nikki becomes distraught "Nikki, It's going to be fine!" Laila tries to reassure her "I'll call an ambulance just in case" Laila pulls out her phone to make the call.
Continue reading this story here - Chapter 13.
@shewillreadyou​ @lem-20​ @secretaryunpaid​ @khoicesbyk​ @aussieez​ @txemrn​ @irisofpurple​ @casualpostqueen​ @shannonwrote​ @tea-me-kah​
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kirsty-atek · 3 years
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This is my submission for the Vogue competition.
The phrase 'this time, I think I'll do things differently' refers to having a healthy, change of mindset - a 'reset'.
I got the idea for this illustration from a number of things; one of my sources was from my mum. She's recently taken up gardening after talking about it for the longest time and when she planted flowers, weeds started to grow, too. I asked her if she considered pulling them out and she replied, "they'll be flowers too, don't worry". I know they won't and they're probably limiting the actual flowers' growth, but I'm sure she'll realise that soon and pull them out to allow further growth for her plants.
The second source was when I broke up with a friend at the end of last year. When she wasn't in my life the same way anymore, I wondered why I wasn't sad or regretful, because I thought that losing a friend was always a sad thing. Later on, I realised that growing apart isn't a good thing, nor is it a bad thing: it's just growth. It was the same as pulling weeds - you have to do it in order to keep growing.
The third source was my hair. My hair doesn't grow as fast as straight hair, and so for a long time my afro has been the same, awkward length. When it was prom, I went to get my hair done in a hairdressers and the woman told me that with afro hair, you need to trim it in order for it to grow longer and healthier. The thought of cutting my already short hair just to make it grow longer was terrifying to me as I've been insecure about it for most of my life, but after that I started trimming it because I knew that's what had to be done for me to get the results I wanted.
The woman is planted in soil and in order to grow, she needs to pull out the weeds surrounding her.
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d-noona · 4 years
Chapter 5: Jeon Jungkook
Jung Hoseok x Reader
Reader as Kang Hyeonji
SUMMARY: When Kang Hyeonji transformed herself into a striking redhead, the entire male population of Seoul stood up and took notice. But her make over was for Jung Hoseok’s benefit alone. He began to show interest in the new look but not in the way she wanted. Suddenly he was over-protective, perhaps a little jealous. It seemed that the idea of having a relationship with her couldn’t be further from his mind. The girl however wants more. So it was time for an ultimatum. If Hoseok didn’t want Hyeonji to lose her virginity to another admirer, he had no option but to make love to her himself.
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Choon Hee grabbed her the moment she walked into the library, and dragged her down to the privacy of the back room. "I'm dying of curiosity," she said, quite unnecessarily, since her whole body language reeked of a breathless tension. "Did you doll yourself up like we told you to? Did you wear the perfume? Did you knock glamour boy for six when he came to pick you up?"
Hyeonji had thought about what she would tell the girls this morning. She'd walked more slowly to work than usual, mulling over whether she should lie or not. Now the moment of truth was at hand, and despite Choon Hee's eager face Hyeonji could not bring herself to make up a story.
"No I didn't doll myself up," she confessed, with a wealth of apology in her voice. "I didn't wear the perfume either, though it was a lovely though, Choon hee and I do thank you and Han Byeol for it. And as I'm sure you've guessed...no, I didn't knock Hoseok for six when he came to pick me up."
Choon Hee exhaled a huge sigh of disappointment. "Oh, Hyeonji! How many chances like that do you think you're going to get?"
"Actually, last night wasn't a total disaster. Hobi did notice at last how much weight I'd lost. He also told me I had a nice figure and good legs...for someone so short."
"He did? Wow! You must have been thrilled to bits" she says.
"It's not quite good as it sounds," Hyeonji said ruefully, then went on to tell Choon Hee exactly how the compliments had come about. She listened intently, her eyes rounding further with each new revelation. "You mean he thinks you're in love with someone else? This guy he dubbed as Mr. X?"
"Uh-huh..." Hyeonji nodded.
"And he told you how to dress so that you would be more attractive for another man?"
Hyeonji again nods.
"I'd like to strangle him with my bare hands!" says choon Hee in annoyance.
"Don't blame Hobi. I forced him into it." Hyeonji automatically defends her best friend. "Rubbish! That man is a blind fool! Oh, poor baby."
"Not poor baby, at all Choon Hee," she returned with a very firm resolve. "Because I'm going to do it. Follow all of Hoseok's suggestions. But not for him, I'm going to do it for myself." She smiled at her friend. Choon Hee snickered at Hyeonji "Go on with you! You're not!"
"Yes I am"
"You're going to cut your hair short and dye it red?" as choon Hee's eyes grew rounder in shock. "For starters. So do you happen to know a good hairdresser who doesn't cost the earth? Also where I might find a make-up expert who gives free advice and tuition?"
Choon Hee's dark eyes twinkled with excitement "I certainly do. But gosh, Hyeonji, whatever is your mother going to say?" Hyeonji wasn't sure. But she would find out that evening. To be honest, the prospect was a daunting one. It wasn't like her to make waves. Or to do something as bold as this. But she was determined to change herself, and her life...whatever the cost.
Fortunately, she had a few bucks placed away for emergencies –and which she would use for her first visit to the hairdresser, and some make-up. Still, if she was to find enough money from their tight budget for regular visits to the hairdresser and a whole new wardrobe, then some changes would have to be made to their day-to-day lifestyle.
Her own salary was almost totally eaten up with the two mortgages her father had taken out shortly before he died, and her mother's pension barely covered their living expenses and other bills, with little left over for luxuries.
Hyeonji waited till after dinner before she brought up her plan for her future, and was not really surprised when her mother reacted badly. "But why do you want to change yourself so dramatically?" Zil asked in a tremulous voice. "I don't understand. This isn't like you at all!"
"Mum," Hyeonji returned patiently, "I'm twenty-three and I have not had one single steady boyfriend in my life. I do not want to become an old maid. I want to get married one day and have a family of my own. To get married I need a man, and to get a man I need to do something about attracting one."
"It's not any man you want to attract, missie,"came her waspish accusation. "It's Jung Hoseok. You were perfectly happy till you went out with him last night and now you've got all these silly ideas in your head."
"They are not silly ideas," Hyeonji said more sternly. "Yes I do have feelings for Hoseok. I always have had. I won't deny it. But you were right when you said he'd never fall in love with me, he thinks of me as a kid sister. But that doesn't mean I'm going to spend the rest of my life pinning after him. Since men don't exactly come flocking to my door, I aim to get out and about a bit more, and I aim to look darned good when I do so. Looking good costs money, which brings me to my first suggestion. What do you think about selling this house and buying something smaller? The mortgages are killing us."
Her mother gave her a truly horrified look. "Oh, no! No, no, no! I love this house. It's all I have. You can't ask that of me. You can't!"
Hyeonji relented and moved straight to plan B. To be honest she hadn't really wanted to sell. As much as she'd told both Choon Hee and her mother that these radical changes were for herself, she still wanted to see Hoseok's reaction to the finished product. Silly of her perhaps but a fact. "Okay, forget selling," she said briskly. "My alternative suggestion is that we advertise for a boarder."
"A boarder!"
"Yes. We have four bedrooms in this house, Mum, two of which are never used, the master bedroom being one of them. You could get money for that room. It has an en suite, a dressing room and lots of space." As Hyeonji tries to debate with her mother. "Oh, but I couldn't have some strange man living in your father's house and sleeping in his bed!"
Hyeonji prayed for more patience. Her mother's devotion to her father had increased considerably since his death. Couldn't he remember what a selfish bastard he'd been? How he'd wasted all her inheritance from her parents on one stupid get-rich schemes? Worst of all, how he'd often come home late, smelling of booze and cheap perfume?
"You don't have to have a male boarder, Mum. I'm sure there are plenty of widows around your age who need accommodation. It would be company for you as well," Hyeonji pointed out. "I am not going to be at home as much as I used to be."
Zil opened her mouth to protest again, then closed it, her expression petulant. She looked like a sulky child sitting there. Hyeonji felt sorry for her but knew she had to make a stand or her future would be as dull and dreary as she'd been fearing. "Do I have your agreement to put up an add next Wednesday's paper?"
The following day Hyeonji did what she was set out to do, though bombarded with the previous argument she had with her mother, who is still insisting on not getting any boarders, Hyeonji was persistent.
"I can't believe it's me!" Hyeonji exclaimed delightedly. "You're a genius, Taehyung!"
The hairdresser's smile carried a delicious satisfaction. "I must admit I have outdone myself this time!"
Hyeonji beamed anew at this striking and sophisticated-looking creature who was staring back at her in the mirror. She turned her head from side to side and watched the smooth coppery cap shimmer and sway and fall perfectly back into place. "This particular cut will give your hair body and style," Taehyung had pronounced reassuringly while he proceeded to shape her hair while layering the top concentric circles of from her crown. Hyeonji now had a stylish fringe down to her eyebrows, the effect being to diminish the size of her face and nose, and highlight her deeply set hazel brown eyes.
The new coppery color besides being eye-catching in itself, was a perfect foil for her pale skin, giving it a translucency and delicacy which has been lost against her mousy brown hair. When Hyeonji stood up she saw delightedly that the clean lines made her neck look longer and even more elegant.
"You look really different, I mean you're such a babe. If I weren't gay and totally in love with my partner Jimin, honey. I'd bring you home." The hairdresser said, shaking his head admiringly. "Taller too."
Hyeonji chuckles at Taehyung. "Yeah, I think you're right. I do look different," Hyeonji said excitedly. "Oh, Taehyung how could I ever thank you? It was so kind of you to fit me in your schedule tonight."
"It was my pleasure. Now how are you going to get home?" Taehyung asked once Hyeonji had handed the money. "I'll walk it's not that far." Taehyung lived less than a block from the library, which was only a fifteen-minute walk from her house. Taehyung frowned. "Do you think that's wise? It's Friday night, you know."
"What do you mean?" she asked inquisitively.
"People let their hair down on a Friday night around here. You'll have to walk past the bar on your way home, won't you?" says Taehyung. "Yes" Hyeonji responds.
"Then you better watch yourself. You're not exactly inconspicuous with that new red hair you know." Taehyung's warning startled Hyeonji. She'd never been hassled by unwanted male attention in all her life and simply could not anticipate that a mere change in hair color would create trouble for her, especially when she was still dressed in her library uniform.
But she was wrong.
She'd just passed the tavern and was halfway along the past stretch which followed the railway line when a hotted-up Chevie full of less than savory individuals rumbled by. "Hey babe!" one of them called out.
Hyeonji averted her eyes and crossed the road as soon as they passed by, then nearly died when she heard the tires screech as the driver executed a U-turn. Before she could blink, the car was cruising along next to her and an obviously drunk, loud-mouther lout was leaning out of the passenger window in her direction.
"Where you going baby?" he said breathing beer fumes in her way. "Wanna ride?"
She quickened her step and kept her eyes straight ahead. "What's the matter? You think you're too good for us? Fellas, you think we should teach Madam here a lesson or two?"
Her mouth dry with fear, Hyeonji was just about to run for it when a sleek black car shot around the Chevie and pulled up dead. The driver of the Chevie had to brake hard to avoid a collision and the man hanging by the passenger window almost tipped out onto the road. When a tall dark haired man dressed in black jumped out from behind the wheel of the black car and began stalking back towards Hyeonji's verbal assailant, the man shouted something and scrambled back into the vehicle, spun around and roared off.
Her savior curved his big hands over her shaking shoulders and peered down over her pale face. "You all right there miss?" he said. It was only then that Hyeonji recognized the identity of her rescuer.
It was Jeon Jungkook.
"Yes I think so," Hyeonji says in a breathless hush. "Thank you so much for stopping, Jungkook." His surprise at her for knowing his name was obvious in the jerking back of his head, and the widening of his dark eyes. Hyeonji would've gratified if she hadn't still been shaking like a leaf. "It's Hyeonji," she said "Kang Hyeonji"
"Hyeonji?" His startled gaze lifted to her hair, then swiftly ran down her body and up again. "Good Lord, it is you. I didn't recognize you with that stunning hair, and you've lost weight too, haven't you?"
"A little..."
His smile took on a knowing edge as he looked at her up and down again. "More than a little. You're looking fantastic. Too fantastic to be walking down these streets at night on your own. No wonder you almost got yourself into trouble. Come on, I'll drive you home."
After her frightening experience with those creeps Hyeonji wasn't about to refuse. She wouldn't have been human either, if she hadn't been flattered by Jungkook's compliments by her appearance, and by the way he kept looking at her.
His touch seemed gentle and solicitous as he helped her into the passenger side of his roomy black sedan, but when he sashed the seatbelt into place for her Hyeonji was quite sure his left hand deliberately brushed over the tips of her breasts. She stiffened inside but said nothing, ignoring his attempt to make eye contact at the same time. Creeps came in various forms she thought ruefully. It was obvious that outright rape wasn't his thing. Silky smooth seductions and one night stands where his forte. He would use his golden tongue to talk his way into a girl's bed. Hyeonji decided not to get carried away with Jungkook's words of praise. She didn't doubt she looked better with her new hairdo, but she wasn't competition for Tinashe just yet.
They were only a minute away from her home by car, but Jungkook didn't waste a second, bombarding her with questions designed to elicit the only information from a female he would want to know. How old was she exactly, where did she work these days. Did she have a boyfriend? Unfortunately Hyeonji didn't realize where Jungkook was heading till she told him several truths with naïve honesty.
As soon as he pulled up the curve outside her house, he turned and asked her if she would like to come out for a drink with him later that night. "I could pick you up at say...ten thirty?"
Hyeonji might've been inexperienced with men but she knew that to agree with such invitation at that hour of the night was to agree to more than just a drink. She didn't doubt that she'd get a drink. Plenty of them. And all of them alcoholic. Then, when she was suitably plastered Jungkook would take her back to his orgy palace for a night of raw naked sex. The very thought of Jungkook naked gave Hyeonji chills down her spine. He had a great body, facially he was very handsome, no doubt a lot of women fancied his darkly macho appearance with that playboy bunny smile of his, but Hyeonji preferred Hoseok's fairer more elegant looks.
Her favorite fantasy always included running her hands through his silky black hair and over his smooth chest. It turned her on just to imagine touching his body, whereas the thought of touching Jungkook's made her skin crawl.
"Thank you Jungkook," she said politely "For everything, but I'm sorry I can't. Not tonight."
To give him credit he took the rejection well. His black eyes glittered with undeniable confidence as he smiled over at her. "That's all right, another time maybe?"
"Perhaps," not wanting to be rude to her rescuer. "I'll call you," he said then started the engine and left.
Chapter 06
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kkukkung · 8 years
Im crying in the school bathroom rn I seriously love wonho so much I'm in pain why is he my ideal guy in every way he's so amazing and handsome and sweet but whO CARES BEVause he don't kno me haha am I right
big mood all the time im always in pain bc he rly................ doesn’t KNOW i would let him shave off my eyebrows if he wanted 2
tardy replies as usual under the cut!
(sorted from oldest to newest)
I wouldn't even care if wonho was a high maintenance boyf tbh I'd just sit and comb his hair all day and tell him he's pretty
hdjkfh this was so long ago but i think i was mostly kidding abt him being a high maintenance bf... like he would do so much giving? but i guess the only thing he’d need is constant reassurance that his s/o loves him imo jfdhgjk... i also think he’d b someone who either doesn’t settle down ever or does it very late in his life!
annie 🌹literary queen ❤️ literally crowned with a laurel wreath! not be drum attic but this midsummer nights monsta au is so!!!! give me sistar as the four star crossed lovers then drag me to h*ll and give me this doctor faustus au i'm itching for with kihyun as faustus and k.will as mephistopheles bc i love to watch my faves s*ffer but don't let me rip until i get my much ado about nothing au with the entire cast of starship ent and a lil cameo from giriboy!
(in refence to this monsta x as shakespearean archetypes ask!) fjdshgkjs shh i lov u... why is k will as mephistopheles so Accurate esp no.mercy k will lmao. um u should write all of these? in fact if... if anyone has mx literary aus.... hmu...... i’ll n*t
another thing about that incident is that it seems like the fan doesn't think Changkyun and Jooheon undersood them?? (an extension i guess they assumed they don't understand english very well) and that's pretty problematic. it seems to me that when they didn't respond the fan assumed they didn't understand and kept repeating it, as a joke. but they literally did That to the two with the most proficient english in the group... it's rly a mess all around. it's disrespectful through and through
(in relation to that gross “d*ddy” incident from a while ago) ik i feel like some intl fans think korea is a land completely culturally and linguistically alienated/divorced from the rest of the world or something and while cultural relativism is real to some extent... the idea that koreans are completely unaware of ~outside~ things is deeply racist. like mostly white ppl think that diasphoric poc are completely Different from them? when my mum went to the states 15 years ago some ppl literally asked her if there were newspapers in china lol...
i just randomly thought of monsta x as sesame street characters mostly bc i wanna see kihyun and wonho duke it out as bert and ernie (kihyun w/ the waste paper bin on his head and wonho asking 'where's the waste paper bin' and kihyun saying 'ask me that again and look into my eyes') and also minhyuk being elmo tbh...
JKGHKJDF PLEASe!!!! when will something like this b photoshopped... minhyuk as elmo is... spot on... i remember once elmo appeared on a now-discontinued late night talk show program i used to watch when i was in primary school and he was like “elmo likes wasabi, that’s why elmo has no eyebrows” and idk why ive never been able to forget this????? very lmh. also this made me think of a monsta x muppets au n minhyuk is the pic of ass-gape kermit.... next post of mine will b monsta x as kermit reaction pics
Hyungkyun is such an under appreciated ship. Like, they just get each other so well? Why do people overlook it. ㅠ.ㅠ Do you have a moment that made you ship them? How would you describe their dynamic?
it’s bc they’re intp x intj they don’t rly... Understand each other with minimal effort/real communication lmao it’s very efficient. both quiet lil darlings who aren’t emotionally That Open but enjoy their own little space together sometimes?? their dynamic is like... they’re weird in different ways but they’re v chill together. u can tell hyungwon is super fond of changkyun like he has this Expression when ck does anything at all.... i think these two rly love each other’s personalities bc they’re both kind/gentle/peaceful types and their overall ?? vibe is just highly compatible... they’re absolute darlings... v soft together... i can’t think of a favourite moment but i rly rly love their birthday messages for each other last year like changkyun’s message for hyungwon was like “ur rly cool bruh ur rly such a great person” and hyungwon’s message for changkyun was rly... just him obviously doting on him n finding him cute jksfdhg i lov them a lot :(
soyou: i know how to make hair pretty :))) knetz: dirty fckn iljin why can't she be out there being being PRODUCTIVE in society by having babies and learning how to be a good wife for her future husband ://// smh how dare she be successful now when i'm stuck doing what society wants me to do but also anonymously attacking ppl i don't personally know on the internet bc THATS respectable the irony of ugly knetz is so transparent
The whole thing about Knetz and wonho's "scandalous" past reminded me of something. As a PSA to those people who are so insistent and pushy that idols aren't allowed to have sex/date/be anything but straight: Fuck all of you. You do not own these people, and if you really cared about them you'd be happy if they were happy. Like tbh, if anyone that famous and busy could also balance out a relationship at the same time, I'd be so happy for them. It really bugs me how all idols are supposed (1/2)(2/2) have this squeaky clean innocent image where they have to look and act a certain way and have these stupid fucking dating bans because once they don't meet up to that image their success suffers. Idols already give up so much privacy, and the last thing they need is millions of people scrutinizing every little thing they do. I don't even know where I started this rant from, but basically, GIVE IDOLS PRIVACY AND DONT JUDGE THEM FOR THEIR PASTS OR FOR BEING IN RELATIONSHIPS OR WHATEVER
yeth ty for highlighting the gross obsession w purity and productivity (like the first anon said -- a very confucian sort of ideal)... i don’t rly have anything else to add here i think. also i would fight for soyou i fact i would fight lmh who said she was his ideal type in no.mercy era... she’s rly one of my faves and the way she was slandered for the hairdressing thing was one of the most ridiculous things knets ever did lmao honestly yuk
u a kihyun stan now👀👀👀
im a @fhiz​ stan it’s the same thing tbh
ahh so i saw your tags on that jh gifset! as one of the few jh stans (or maybe there are way more than i think there are lol) i rly love his "reversal charm." he has a lot of what i lack as a person: a strong presence and a lot of confidence! i respect him so much as a person alth i rag on him a lot LMAO. sorry if this is a bit long winded but i just rly wanted to put this out there ;;
this is rly cute i lov hearing ppl talk abt their faves lovingly it rly... Heals Me. i think it’s strange how underappreciated jooheon is in this fandom especially bc he’s usually the one who catches ur eye first bc he’s so hyped by starship as being a one-in-a-million talented rapper u know? and he rly shines in mvs and no.mercy but............. y does he have the least fansites jkfhdg ?? you’re v right abt the reversal charm thing but i feel like sometimes it’s very overdone like... on lots of shows he’s asked to do aegyo when rly he should be asked to... idk... rap or dance or something?? i actually think jooheon is the most serious member of monsta x sometimes bc he seems to have a sense that he’s.. the pillar of mx if that makes sense? and that’s why he’s always pushing himself and working tirelessly like he feels very Responsible for this group, more than anyone else. idk if that makes sense!!! i love him and i want him to... unwind a bit bc sometimes he looks so stressed and tired but he still feels the need to pretend to be energetic like my heart rly hurts for him :/ this got so emo im sry i do rly love to hear that u respect him sm i love jooheon stans :(
i can see what u mean about jooheon being 1 of the most masculine. (iirc u also talked abt kihyun being that in a post a while ago) like with his face and his physique he really is striking; his body=like that slim,upside-down Y that you'd learn to draw men w/ in Anatomy 101 , but i think.. ,--not that u asked, but,, i think the jury's still out on if he's comfortable w his masculinity with the way he acts feminine lyk misogynistic comedians Can sound like dead ringers for women,? idk & i take +
(not sure if there was a 2nd part to this? there’s nothing else in my inbox so i’m sry if there was and tumblr ate it) yeth i think i meant that his demeanor is the most ~~masculine~~ whereas i think kihyun is still the most... idk... mature-masculine?? if tht makes sense, and i definitely agree w u on that second point! i didn’t think of that at the time but now that i... do... think abt it... ur right and also the way he comes back from it by putting on the >swag demeanor again in an attempt to polarise it is definitely a bit 👀👀👀 he probably doesn’t want to risk his Manly Rapper Image for real u kno? that said it’s ingrained in kpop that behaving cute --> “girly” entails that sort of “comedic” high-pitched voice + compact body language etc.... like i’m not condoning that ofc but i definitely think it’s broader than this particular case! :/ hm
maybe i'd be doing better in school if i could major in kihyunology ;~; i stan him but i def think we still don't know much about him even after all this time after debut. especially when i look at him compared to wonho who wears his heart on his sleeve (bless him i love wonho sm, gotta protect this bun at all costs!!)...but ya it just makes me wanna learn more about him like who is the real kihyun??
i want to write a kihyun meta when i have time... i feel like i Get him a bit more these days but it’s also very hard to put into words bc u kno when u kinda sorta mb get some1 but it’s a feeling rather than anything conveniently expressable gkjdhfjk.... idk if anyone wants to send in some Kihyun Thoughts + Meta feel free! :>> i don’t think he’s actually... as complex as we sometimes make him out to be lol like his behaviour is actually kind of predictable? more on his later
wait is the february comeback actually true? ugh i'm so conflicted cuz on one hand i'm excited if there's really gonna be a full length album, but i also think they need more rest but then there's the matter of getting their first win and idk i'm super psyched but i'm also worried that the boys are being overworked
i still feel like they had a comeback like yesterday lol like looking at their schedules stresses me out bc they do so much..... im glad wonho got to go to his mum’s cafe recently tho! all we can do is have faith in them rn and when it’s time... stream, buy things if ur able to, spread the news and the hype etc. i am definitely Worried abt some things like the competition they’re up against but.... gotta have faith u kno... and i feel like all active idols are kind of... permanently worked very hard but i think currently only jooheon and shownu are a bit Overloaded. also has the date been confirmed yet... it’s february already...
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